I think him going to his grave knowing that he caused her to be that way is enough torture. I took his gag off and then I asked him how it felt to know that he had caused his own daughter to be turned into a slut. he started crying and pleading saying he was sorry and that he was sick. I almost pulled the trigger right then, but I stopped myself, I slapped him hard 3 times and he sucked up snot and stopped crying. "Your not sick you sorry piece of shit. Your just a worthless piece of human flesh with NO good qualities at all, your not even worth the gun powder in the bullet that is going to snuff out your miserable fucking life. Now I asked you a question, answer me and if you start blubbering again, I'm going to just blow a hole through your FUCKING head."
He sucked in more snot and said, I didn't make my daughter into a slu… I slapped him so hard his head bounced of the wall of the cave. "YOU DID CAUSE IT, YOU SORRY BASTAND, DO YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE DONE IT IF YOU HAD BEEN AN UPSTANDING CITIZEN, A RESPOSIBLE ADULT," I yelled at him. I took a breath and calmed down again and said, "The only reason I did that to your daughter is because you are not responsible enough to even have a child. You have maimed a woman who will never walk again and you murdered another woman and 2 little boys. You caused you own little girl to be turned into a slut, now she will spend her whole life in prostitution or she will get killed some horrible death by some john or by AIDs or by her pimp, all because of you. You made me do it, you made me fuck her in the ass, you made me fuck her throat." And then I paused.
"And you know, she was the best piece of ass, literally, that I have ever had and you even got off on me fucking your little girl in the ass, what the fuck kind of parent does that make you? You fucking shot your wad at least 3 times. Didn't you? HUH? DIDN'T YOU , YOU PIECE OF SHIT." I slapped him again, just for good measure. "How does it feel to know that you got off watched me molest your little girl? Knowing that she is addicted to cum and having orgasms? You better answer me or I'm just going to keep beating on you until you do."
He finally said, OK, I'm the cause she will be a whore for the rest of her life. I'm sorry I killed your family and I hurt that other woman." Then he fell quiet. "OH NO buddy boy you ain't getting off that fucking easy, how does it make you feel?" "It makes me feel like shit. Watching you touch my daughter that first day, when she went to the bathroom, tore my heart out, knowing I had caused it to happen to her. And then in the bathtub, I could hear every word and I just knew you were molesting her and I couldn't do anything about it, but I thought, its ok I didn't see it. And then you… you… you ate her little pussy and then you fucked her with that big cock of yours… I died right them knowing I caused it and then I couldn't help myself I shot my rocks off 4 different times while you fucked my baby in the ass. But, but what really tore me up was when she asked for you to shot off in her mouth and then she wanted you to fuck her ass again. I just know I'm going to hell because I caused this to happen to my baby daughter." And then he started crying again.
I stepped back and said, "Yeah, your right," and I pulled the trigger. He was dead before he hit the ground. I felt no remorse, no sadness for him or his daughter, I had probably saved her life. My ears rang for 2 days, but I figured it was a small price to pay to get that piece of shit off the streets. I went back to the cabin and sat and watched Chelsea sleep for a long time. I dozed off and on until she woke up and then we had a long talk. She asked about her daddy and I told her he had gotten loose and ran off leaving her all alone. She didn't cry or anything, she just said, "OH… OK." She asked for more stuff but I refused, it was hard to do but I had to get her to control her wants and needs. We stayed at the cabin for 5 more days talking and playing games and just walking in the woods. But the fifth day she seemed to have a good handle on it and that night I drove back into the city. I had gotten their address from her daddy's wallet and I drove the car right up in the driveway and got out and left Chelsea sleeping in the front seat. I found a nice culvert not far away and I laid there waiting for daybreak. Around 8:00 AM her mother came outside to get the paper and she saw the car, she ran up to it and flung open the door and yanked Chelsea up and hugged her tightly to her chest. She was crying and Chelsea was squealing about happy to be home.
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