We ate and she told me about her school and about her mommy, she sounded like a good woman, how she ever got hooked up with this drunken jerk, I'll never know but I aimed to fix that problem. When we finished eating and I was cleaning up, Chelsea asked if she could have some more stuff and I told her she would have to wait for a while. She stuck her bottom lip out and sat down on the bed and then I got an idea.
Chelsea, I tell you what, if you want some more stuff, why don't you get some from your daddy, I'm sure he won't mind giving you some. Her eyes flashed and she jumped off the bed. She looked at him and said, "Really Daddy, will you give me some stuff?" He was shaking his head now venomously, but she walked right up between his legs and reached for his zipper. He tried his damnedest to stop her but there was no way he could, the way he was tied up. When she got his pants undone and his zipper down she started to reach in and suddenly she squealed "UUUHHHH!!! Its all stick and yucky." I came around and looked, and I looked at him and said, "Well it looks like you liked watching your daughter do all those things HUH? Little boy." I call him a little boy because his cock was a little boy size, only maybe 4 inches long and an inch in diameter.
That pissed him off again and he screamed profanities into th gag and tried to cover his cum soaked little cock. I couldn't let go so I asked, "How the hell did you ever fuck Chelsea's mother and get her pregnant for her to have such a beautiful daughter?" I looked over at Chelsea and she was beaming at hearing me call her beautiful. "Hell I wonder if she is even yours. I bet if truth be known, she had somebody else to get her pregnant and only told you she was your, she probably has some guy that can really fuck her with a man sized cock, not a little boy dick." I could see him seething as my word stung his ego. The fire in his eyes, I'm sure he would try to kill me with his bare hand.
I just laughed at him and went back to cleaning up. Chelsea went back to the bed and then she said, "I don't want none of Daddy's stuff, his thingy is too yucky. Can I just wait on you?" I laughed out loud and then I told her, "Yes Baby, you can wait on me, I don't blame you, I would want to touch that either." As she sat and waited I looked over at her and she was rubbing her pussy with her finger.
Softly I asked her, "Chelsea? You like touching yourself?" she nodded her head and said, "It feels good when I touch my 'Kitty'." I smiled and said, "Well, why don't you just lay down and rub yourself while you wait. She said, "OK." And she laid down spread her legs and started rubbing her little pussy. Watching her caused my cock to throb and get hard. When I finish cleaning up I walked by her daddy and saw that his little dick was all hard too. I stopped and leaned down and whispered, "Yeah it's a shame she don't want nothing to do with your little dick, I bet you want to fuck her don't you? I bet you want her to suck your little dick too? I bet you could fuck her 10 times and never even break her cherry." And then I slapped him hard on the back and laughed. Then I stood and stroked my cock and asked Chelsea if she was ready for some more cock. She giggled and nodded her head.
I climbed on the bed beside Chelsea and asked her what she wanted to do. She looked at my cock pointing straight up at the ceiling and bit her bottom lip. "What baby? What do you want to do?" I asked her as she stared at my cock. Then, she looked up at me and said, "I want to taste some more stuff, but I want to feel the way I did last night too."
I smiled again at her and said, "OK, you can have both if you want, but you have to decide which you want first. She looked at my cock and finally got up on her knees and then reached out and squeezed it with both hands as she looked at it.
Then to my surprise she reached over with one hand and grabbed the conditioner and said, "I want to feel like I did last night first. Will he jump around in my poopy hole again?" I hugged her and as I smiled yet again I said, "Baby, I'm sure you will make him jump around in there again. Do you want me to lick and kiss your 'Kitty" again?' "You can if you want to but I want to feel him jump around and make me fee like it did last night."
I turned her over and put the pillow under her belly like I did last night and then I squeezed the conditioner inside her butt. She again squealed saying it was cold again and then she giggled. I popped her butt check and then I greased up my cock, making sure it was completely covered with the slick liquid. Then, I aimed it towards her butt and press against it. At first othing happened and then she pushed back hard and the head popped through the sphincter muscle and she squealed again. I was sure glad I had just empted my load a bit earlier, because I would have surely coated her colon just by pushing the head of my cock inside.
She groaned and shivered as I pushed deeper into her colon and her tiny fists had the sheets balled up in them as she pushed back against me. Her knuckles were white with the tightness she was squeezing them. I stopped pushing because I thought I was hurting her. When I did she asked why I stopped and I told her I was afraid I was hurting her. She shook her head no and pushed back against my cock. It throbbed at the thought of her wanting it all the way inside her and she squealed, "I feel it jumping around again." I pushed one more time and she was again impaled on my cock. I could feel her almost vibrating as I held her little hips and I said, "Chelsea, it is buried all the way now, how does it feel."
About that time I heard her daddy groan and I looked over and saw his little dick spurting cum out the top. Chelsea wiggled her butt causing my cock to throb some more and she giggled, "It's jumping around!" Then I grasp her hips and pulled my cock out to the crown and then pushed it back in quickly, I felt her shudder and then I felt her muscles tighten up, "OH GOSH, I,I,I,I!" Then, she rose up quickly and slammed her back against me. She was shuddering hard and gasping for breath. "That's it Baby, cum for me… Let it go and feel all the glorious feeling you can. Fuck me Baby with you little ass." I said as I held her tight. Then, she went limp and I knew she had passed out again. I laid her down on the bed and then I started hammering her little ass for all I was worth, a few minutes later I exploded deep in her bowels. I coated her colon with more of my juices and I collapsed on the bed beside her. My cock slipped out of her butt with a pop.
I dozed off and then woke up a bit later, Chelsea was still asleep and I got up and washed my cock off and peed. Then I got her daddy up and I walked him outside after I untied his legs. I grabbed my old man's pistol and I guided him back to an old cave I used to play in when I was a kid. He knew what was coming and he tried to beg, but I had no pity for him. You see when he hit my family, it was his 5th DUI, he had already lost his license from another accident he caused where the women he hit was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. The law just kept setting him free because of his illness and his family had money that seemed to find it way to the coffers. Illness Hell, he was a fucking drunk and is only illness was the fact that he was just a weak human being and then he was going to get in the car with his own daughter and probably kill her too if I hadn't stepped in and stopped him. For the past 2 days, he has got to watch me turn his 5 year old daughter into a cum bucket slut and he was able to see that she wanted to eat cum and have her butt fucked.
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