Her little butt felt good against my cock and it throbbed under her. She suddenly stopped eating and giggled, and then she said, "I feel your thingy wiggled under my butt." I smiled and hugged her back against my bare chest and said, "I know, like I told you, it's because it likes you." She started eating again and I turned and smiled at him again. Her butt against my cock caused it to get hard and grow and soon it was sticking out between her legs and she suddenly stopped eating again and said in a loud excited voice as she reached down and grasped my cock, "LOOK DADDY, I NOW HAVE A THINGY." I groaned as I felt her finger wrap around the head of my cock and lift it tight against her slit.
After she finished eating I cleaned up the mess, still with my cock hanging out and then I checked his restraints and then I laid down on the bed next to where she was sitting. I told her I was tired and needed to sleep for a little while. I asked her if she wanted to join me and she nodded her head. I laid on my side and she cuddled up next to me with her back to me, her little butt was right against my cock. In a few minutes I felt her move her leg and she reached down and grasped my cock and pulled it between her legs and then dropped her leg down on top of it. I could hear her daddy screaming into his gag as I drifted off to sleep. My last thought was, WOW, this is working out way better than I had hoped for and then there was nothing but darkness.
I awoke some time later and she was sitting Indian style in front of me and she was toying with my cock which was harder than it ever was. It would throb and she would giggle and pre-cum was oozing from the tip. She was so preoccupied with it that she hadn't noticed I was awake. Her daddy had apparently dozed off or passed out from all the torture of seeing me mess with his daughter. I really didn't care. As she played with my cock I slowly started to rock my hips pushing my cock back and forth between her fingers. As more precum oozed out she got curious and leaned down to get a better look, I guess, her face was just inches from the tip and as I worked my hips, it got closer to her face.
Then I pushed my cock and the tip touched her nose, she jerked back suddenly and looked up at my face, I had my eyes closed to just little slits, so she thought I was still asleep. She rose up and touched her nose with her finger, feeling the precum on the tip of her nose. I watched as she touched her finger with her thumb and slid it around in the slick clear goo as she looked at it in awe. Then she looked at my cock again and I guess without thinking, she stuck her finger into her mouth like she had done previously. She quickly pulled her finger out and looked at it and then she smacked her lips and sat there for a minute and then she reached out and touched the tip of my cock to get more precum on her finger which she immediately stuck in her mouth again. This almost caused me to explode right on the spot. Here this little girl was eating my precum and apparently she liked it.
I continued to rock my hips so she would think anything different as she sucked her finger clean of my seed and then she wrapped her finger of both hands around my shaft and squeezed it. With me rocking my hip, she was basically masturbating me which caused my nuts to churn. As she held on to my cock she leaned down and stared at my cock, I was wondering what she was thinking and then she swallowed hard and leaned closer. I was shocked at what she was doing. Then, she leaned in still closer and then I felt her tongue against the tip of my cock, I shuddered as she tasted the precum right from the source. Then she smacked her lips again and then she leaned down again. Just as her tongue touched the type of my cock I exploded with a groan. She squealed as the first blast shot right into her mouth. The next blasted across her cheeks and the third hit her forehead. The next was under her chin and then the rest dribbled from the tip down onto her hands.
She started to cry and her daddy started to scream again. I grabbed the girl and brought her up to my chest and hugged her shushing her and telling her it was OK. She press her cum covered face against my chest and soon she quit crying, when she could speak, she said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break it, I didn't mean to make it spit at me.. I smiled at her daddy as I held her tight and told her it was OK, that she didn't break anything and it spit on her because it liked her and she made it feel really good, she then rose up and looked at me. "Really? She asked. Her face covered in my juice and her tears. I don't think I had ever seen anything any sexier. As I looked away and at her daddy, I said, "No Baby, you did nothing wrong, in fact you did everything right. You made me feel better than I had in a long time," as I took my finger and scooped up my seed and then I pressed my finger to her lips as I watched her daddy seething as he sat there watching and not able to do a damn thing about it.
As she sucked my finger clean she smacked her lips and said, "That tastes funny, but I like it. Can I have some more?" so I scooped up more and fed it to her as I told her, "I'll teach you hold to make more of it come out and other ways to make us both feel really good, if you want me to teach you." She quickly nodded her head as her daddy listened to what I said and was shaking his head NO! I just smiled at him. I got a washcloth and cleaned her up and wiped my chest off and then I asked her if she wanted to take a bath and she said she did.. I got the water ready and stripped off her clothes as her daddy watched and then I set her in the tub. The tub was a huge ting my dad built for my mom back in their younger days and I always loved to bath or shower in it.
I told her I would be right back and went to the kitchen to get the bubble bath from the pantry, on my way I punch her daddy hard, just for good measure. On my way back, I told him, "Now I'm going go wash your baby girl and I'm going to wash every nock and cranny I can find and I might even have to lick parts of her to make sure she is clean. She screamed into his gag again and I punched him right in the nuts. He tried to curl up but he couldn't so I punched them again before going back into the bathroom. She squealed happily as I poured the bubbled in and she swished around making them grow.
Once the bubbles were threatening to take over the bathroom, I asked if I could join her, she giggled and said "Yeah, my mommy used to take baths with me but she stopped." "Well, I'll take a bath with you and if I can find you, I'll play with you too." As I sat down in all the bubbles, she disappeared in the white foam. I changed my voice to a menacing one and growls, "Where'd that cute little girl go, Fee Fie Foe Fum, I smell a girlie and I want to eat some. I splashed and laughed as she giggled and then she said, "OH NO, YOU CAN'T CATCH ME," she squealed. Then, she tried to keep away from my roaming hands in the dense foam.
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