Revenge, Part 1

[ Mg, voy, ws ]

by Mtn Dew


Published: 15-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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These works are totally a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Times were tuff, I lost my job, my house and my family and I was just waiting to die. The economy took my job, of course the bank took my house when I couldn't pay the mortgage and a drunk driver took my family. I was angry, really pissed, how could God be so cruel. I was mad at the world. Not wanting to bother my family, really i was just so ashamed, I was living under the 7th St. bridge in a refrigerator box, like I said before, just waiting to die.

I was in my box one day when a guy stopped and posted a sign on a street sign directing the carnival to county fairgrounds and I thought, well at least there will be some food there and I might even find some work. So, I started heading that way. Sure enough, I found work and they fed the workers so everything was going OK, I even slept under one of the trailers, so I didn't have far to go. The county fair was always a big to do around here and it lasted for 2 weeks.

I helped set up most of the food and refreshment stands, that owned by the same person. I was tempted to tap into the beer stand, but they made sure that they were secure when no one was around, Damn it. So then the fair opened on Monday and I was pretty much left to my own devises while the people flooded in. I just watched the people and waited until they all left and then I was basically on cleanup detail. The pay sucked, but at least I was given some money and fed all I wanted, so it wasn't that bad.

On Tuesday, I was walking around, like I said just watching the thongs of people when I saw him. The guy that had killed my whole family and it really pissed me off that he had taken my wife and boys from me and here he was out and about with his little girl at the fair having a good time. She was about 3½ feet tall and looked to weigh maybe 40 pounds and she had blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She was dress in a pretty little summer dress of blue that seemed to match her eyes. He put her on several kiddy rides as he stood and drank beer.

I followed him around watching him. He was stopping at just about every beer stand and getting a cup of beer. As the night wore on, I could tell he was again too drunk to drive and he had his little girl with him that pissed me off even more. He was going to get behind a wheel again and maybe kill another family and maybe his own little girl too. I decided to teach him a lesson.

By 11:30 he was stumbling around drunk on his ass, I didn't understand why the cops hadn't stopped him, but then I saw that they were busy at the Burlesque Show and that again pissed me off. They were probably busy the night he took my wife and boys away too. I had positioned myself ahead of him and was ready to toss him between a couple of tents when I heard his daughter tell him she had to pee and I thought better of it. I'd wait until she went into the bathroom and then I would beat the hell out of him so I followed them again. Sure enough, he took her to the bathroom which were towards the back. The fairgrounds had pretty much cleared out by then and only a few stragglers were left.

I had gone around and was standing beside the bathroom when he and his daughter came up to it. He told her to go on in and pee so they could leave. I thought this was going to be my chance, but she stopped and then told him she was scared to go in by herself. I was standing close enough to hear him tell her, "Take your fucking little ass in and piss so we can leave, your fucking mother is going to raise hell anyways because I have kept you out so late." Then under his breath, I heard him say, "Fucking cunt." The little girl started to cry and he grabbed her and slapped her really hard knocking her to the ground.

When she fell her little dress came up around her little butt and I could see her white cotton panties and for some reason they caused my cock to throb. She laid there with her panties exposed for a while until he bent over and grabbed her arm and yanked her up almost falling in his drunken state.

I had, had about all I could stand and I stepped out and slugged him hard right on the chin, he spun and dropped like a rock. The girl just stood there and watched. I looked around quickly and didn't see a soul. They were all headed for the exit, so I grabbed him and drug him behind the building that housed the bathrooms. Then the little girl started crying pretty hard, but she didn't scream or fight me and she followed me as I drug her drunk assed daddy. When I got him behind the building I turned to the girl and said, "He shouldn't have hit you like that. I'm sorry he did." She almost stopped crying and had stuck her finger in her mouth and suddenly my cock throbbed again. I guess because she was sucking on her fingers. I looked around and found some rope left over from putting the tents up and I tied the bastard up. I pulled my old bandana out of my pocket and gagged him too.

I was squatted down next to him trying to figure out what I was going to do when the little girl said, "Hey Mister, I gotta pee," as she started to do the pee-pee dance that all kids do. I looked down at her drunken father and saw that he was out and even if he wasn't, the way I had him tied up, he wasn't going anywhere. I stood and grasped the little girl's hand and walked her around to the front of the bathrooms and told her to go on in and pee. She squeezed my hand and said, "I'm scared to go in there by myself." The thought of watching her pee suddenly turned me on to no end and I pulled her into the bathroom and then into a stall. As soon as I closed the stall door, I knelt down and reached under her dress and slipped my fingers in the elastic waistband of her panties and pushed them down. She stood there quietly as I slid them down her legs to her ankles and then she lifted one leg to free her foot from the restrictive garment.

She stood there sucking her finger as I lifted the hem of her dress revealing her sexy little slit that disappeared between her legs. She never made a sound except the sucking noise from her finger. My mouth watered as I knelt there staring at her naked lower body. I tucked the hem of her dress under the cloth belt she had around her waist. I did the front and then I twisted her around looking at her cute little butt and did the back as well and then turned her back around. She still never made a sound as I stood up and reached down under her arms and lifted her to the commode. She quickly dropped her hands to support her body so she wouldn't fall through the hole and then she spread her legs allowing me to see her whole slit.

As she released her bladder, I thought about what I was doing and the realization that watching her was really turning me on. I never knew I was attracted to such a little girl. I never realized I was a pedophile. My cock throbbed and it became very uncomfortable in my jeans as it pressed against my zipper. Without thinking, I reached down and adjusted it so it wasn't as cramped as it was. Then I saw the little girl watching my hand as I moved my cock around. She was staring at my crotch. She must have had really been holding her bladder for a while because it seemed that she peed forever. I could see her urine escaping from her little slit and suddenly I wanted to find out where it was coming from.

I knelt back down in front of her and reached my hand between her legs and slowly slid my finger down her slit. She inhaled and stopped peeing for a moment until I said, "Its OK, you can still pee, I just want to feel where it is coming from. She looked into my eyes and suddenly her flow started again washing over my finger as I rubbed between the fold of her slit. She just watched my eyes as I touched her and then she cooed softly as I slipped my finger deeper into her little slit and slid it up touching her little nubbin.

She finally emptied her bladder and the flow stopped. I continued touching her for a few minutes and then she said, "I'm done peeing Mister." I saw that her arms were shaking as she still held herself up. I think if her arms hadn't started hurting, she would have let me keep on touching her, but I quickly got some toilet paper and wiped her slit dry and then I lifted her off the commode and knelt back in front of her as she just stood there in front of me. I wanted to do more, but I did have her daddy tied up out back.

Reluctantly, I had her step back into her panties and then I slid them back up her little legs and made sure they were straight before I grasped her dress and pulled it free and let it fall down naturally. I took her hand and led her to the sink and told her she needed to wash her hands. I lifted her up and sat her on my leg that I propped up on an old plastic bucket that was under the sink. She straddled my leg wrapping her feet around it and leaned over when I turned the water on. I could feel her leg muscles against my leg as she washed her hands. Her leg muscles working against my leg caused my cock to throb and get harder. God... I was such a pervert.

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Philip Spencer

You had to feel her up to figure out where her urine came from? I've got news for you buddy--those children that guy killed weren't yours. You might try reading a good biology book before you write another story.


Hey Phillip Spencer. Maybe the author was 'pretending' he didn't know where the pee came from. Seems like that to me. And the little girl bought it and let him check her out to feel where it came from.


Hey Philip: he only had sons. So the DETAILS of this part of female anatomy may well still be largely a mystery to him.

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