Published: 10-Dec-2011
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The nice thing about swimming pools for a perv like me is that all the little girls are already half undressed. The bad thing is that I am half undressed also and it is can be difficult to hide my growing erection. I would go to the swimming pool in the winter in preference to the park, and in the summertime when it was raining. I liked this particular pool for a variety of reasons; first it had a slide with a lot of steps up to the top. This gave me ample opportunity to climb up behind a particularly fine looking ass, occasionally accidentally bumping into it, or stumbling against it. My preference was for firm little 9 to 11 year old ass, but I was not immune to the delights offered by a swim suite clinging tightly to a 5 year olds cunny so that I could clearly see the outline of her slit. The second reason I liked the pool was the waterfall in the middle of the play pool, the one with the wave machine. I loved to stand behind it and watch for the water pushing off a bikini top exposing sweet undeveloped or just developing buds to my lustful gaze, the added advantage of my erection being hidden from view was an important bonus. The third thing I liked about this pool was the communal changing room with the booths for disrobing. These booths were of varying sizes to accommodate individuals or families. The final thing that made this place heaven for me was the presence of other pervs, male and female, who gravitated to the pool with their little treasures in order to share them with like minded souls such as me. Me, I am what I am, I love all kinds of sex, men, women, boys and girls, but involve a cute little girl and the pleasure for me is increased exponentially.
I had been cruising the pool for an hour or so, and had glimpsed many wonderful sights during that hour. A cute naked 5 year old running around the changing area being chased by her equally cute mother whose towel had done little to conceal her shaved slick cunny as she bent to scoop up her little princess. Under the waterfall I had been treated to some delightful unintentional undressings and one very intentional one as a father stroked his chubby teen daughters breasts in full view of me as she stroked his cock beneath the waterline. I had had the pleasure of both his cock and her cunny in the past, but I enjoyed the show just he same.
However, on that day my appetite had been whetted by a particularly delicious young lady who had the most voluptuous lips I had ever seen on a child, they were full, ripe and complimented her slightly oriental features perfectly. Her hair was jet black and her eyes were hazel, she was very arresting. Her figure was at that point between child and girl, she had small jutting cones, and quite prominent nipples, and the shiny swimsuit she wore was cut in a V to her navel, and had very high cut thighs showing off her long adolescent legs to perfection. The suit, for all it exposed was beautiful in one more way, it was a good 2 sizes too small for her so clung like a second skin leaving nothing to the imagination. I was in the process of paying close attention to the way it clung to her tight little ass and her vulva as I climbed the stairs behind her up to the top of the slide when I felt a touch on my thigh from behind, I turned guiltily, knowing I had been 'caught' and looked down on another young girl who must have been the older sister of the one above me, her lips had that same ripeness and sensuality, but her oriental features were even more pronounced, noticing all this in a flash, I realised this was not her sister, but her mother, 'shit' I thought, totally busted. Then I noticed her smile and her hardening nipples and my sense of panic subsided a little.
'You like Mei's little ass, huh', she whispered to me, standing right behind me one step below. I remained mute, and then she leaned forward and touched my hardness through my shorts, I jumped, 'I guess that's a yes then' she grinned at me. 'I'm Sui Lin, Mei's mum, I think you better move' she said, pointing to the empty stairs behind me. I looked up to find that Mei was several steps ahead of me no, getting near to the top, I quickly moved up so I was behind her once more, as I stopped I felt Sui Lin pressing against my back, I swear her nipples must have left dents in my shoulders. She called over my shoulder, 'Mei, lets do a train, us three' she said pointing at me, I smiled at her slightly embarrassed. She bit her lip and looked at her mum, who gave a small nod. So a few seconds later I found myself flying down the chute with my arms wrapped around a sexy 10 year old waif whilst her mum squeezed my cock all the way down, at around half way Mei moved my hand up to her pert little breasts and I gently squeezed her nipple for the last few meters before me plunged into the pool at the bottom of the chute.
The problem with splashing into a plunge pool with your fingers massaging a small girls nipples whilst her mother massages your erect cock is that sooner or later you are going to have to get out of the pool and it had better be sooner unless you want the next person down the slide to do you a serious injury. Mom helped out by going up the steps first, I followed close behind and quickly dropped into the swimming pool. But not before I had sufficient time to see that mommy had a delicious little ass that was the equal of her daughters, but which had a very exiting little wiggle that her little girl Mei had not yet mastered.
She leaned close to me, her hand sliding into my trunks and grasping my erect cock, mmmmm, she whispered, I guess my little Mei's tiny body is having a serious effect on you, her own nipples were rock hard and pressing into my chest. I ran a hand over her tight ass, and whispered back, 'and her arousing me seems to have had a similar effect on you'. I looked down as Mei squeezed between us. 'Mommy, are we going to fuck' she asked matter-of-factly. She smiled down at her little princess, 'well since Daddy is all tied up at home I think we had better don't you?' Mei clapped her hands, 'goody goody goody'. We retired to the changing rooms where I had my first close up look at the smooth cunnies of my two attackers, and the chance for a quick taste before they disappeared into tight fitting panties. My own cock felt the hot lips of first mommy and then daughter before it too was enveloped in cotton. I followed there Range Rover in my smaller BMW Z4 and was soon travelling up the driveway of quite a large house set well back from the road in a rather exclusive part of town.
Mei skipped up to the front door and let herself in, Julie, her mother took my hand as I stepped from the car and we followed her into the hallway, and then on up the stairs and straight into a room at the back of the house. Mei was standing in a spotlighted area of the room with a movie camera on a tripod between us, she was swinging something in the middle of the room and chanting, 'we are going fuck we are going to fuck ee i daddy oh, we are going to fuck!'
Julie led me towards the light and I saw that a small man, dangling from a chain in the ceiling was the swinging object. He was, a middle aged, white and had a weight tied around his tiny cock and balls and a large black dildo protruding from his ass. As his daughter spun him around his little cock got harder, although not much bigger. Julie ran her hand over my ass, 'see, I told you he was tied up at home'.
Julie then walked over to a bar at the side of the room and fixed us some drinks, we sat on a comfortable sofa several feet from her dangling husband and Mei clambered up beside us; I nonchalantly let my hand slide into her blouse so I could fondle her little breast. Julie sipped her drink. watching me for a while, then proceeded to undo my pants then releasing my hardening cock from the confines of my underwear. Next she used a remote to adjust the focus and zoom on the camera until the monitor on the floor in front of us showed the sofa was the center of the shot; finally she leaned in and asked, 'ready to make a movie?'
In any case I would love to see both naughty Mommy and bad little daughter get punished for tieing up their Husband/Daddy and leaving him just hanging about the house.
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