The Unmarked Path, Part 1

[ Fg, inc ]


Published: 22-May-2013

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Standard Disclaimer. This is fantasy, and it is owned by the auther.

The wind picked up, and a gust blew the paper out of my hand, across the street and into the park. I crossed the street quickly and ran after it. It wasn't like it was something I couldn't lose. It was just the phone number of a possible babysitter from someone at work. I could always ask again, and I really didn't use babysitters that much anyway.

But that was a hassle, and so, without really thinking about it, I chased after the paper. I caught up to it just at the edge of the woods, and grabbed it. I fell down, but I got it. I sat on the grass, laughing at myself, thinking how silly I looked, all over a phone number I most likely would never call.

Here I was, a divorced 35 year old mother of two, sitting on my butt on the wet grass, out of breath from running, my pants covered with grass stains. I leaned against a tree and looked up at the sky. As long as I was wet and dirty, I might as well relax for a few minutes before I got up and headed home. I had gotten off early, so I could relax and still get home before the girls.

That is when I heard it. It was far off. At first, I thought it was the wind in the trees. I listened closer. Yes, it was giggles. The type of giggling only young girls can do. It peaked my interest. I got up to investigate. I walked down the path, into the thickest part of the wood. I got to a large area of underbrush. The giggles, which I heard off and on, were coming from the other side. I am still not sure why I was so curious, but I quietly went around to the other side, and looked around the bushes.

As I expected, there where two girls in the small clearing. The older girl looked to be about 12. She had long, light brown hair, and was wearing jeans, and a red and white blouse, which was open. She had a training bra, which was pushed up to expose the cutest little breasts. The other girl, maybe 8 or 9, had short blond hair. She was cute as a button. She was wearing jeans also, but she had no shirt on. A blue t-shirt was balled up at her feet. Her chest was completely flat, with no signs of maturity. She had the cutest little rosebud nipples, about the size of dimes. They were kissing and rubbing each others chest, and then giggling.

I cannot explain, nor do I understand the feeling I had, as I watched the younger's girls hand gentling caress the budding breast of the older girl, as they French kissed. I was getting weak, as the older girl, while still kissing, unbuttoned the younger girls blue jeans. The younger girl pushed her away, breaking the kiss, and I saw worry and concern on the other girls face.

The worry left quickly, as the little blond pulled down her pants and panties to her knees. The older girl quickly did the same. They returned to kissing, as I saw two beautiful young pussies being lightly stroked. One was completely bare, with no sign of inner lips, while the other had a small tuff sparse brown hair, and as she spread her knees as much as her pulled down pants would allow, I saw that she was starting to mature there also. The inner lips were just barely visible, and from my distant observation, it may have just been my imagination, but I was sure that her lips were wet.

Both young women were breathing harder, getting more excited. The older girl was moaning quietly, almost humming. Her puffy nipples were getting harder, and she was moving her fingers faster against the lips of her friend. The blond by this point had kicked her pants completely off. He legs were spread wide, and I could clearly see the other girl's fingers rubbing her little lips, from the top, where her little clitoris peeked out, down to her anus. The young girl was shaking all over, on the verge of an orgasm. The older girl used her other hand to push the hand that was at her pussy harder into her. She was excited and needed to cum. She moved down to the younger girl's chest and started to bite her flat nipples. The girl started to wither in pleasure and a bit of pain. The younger girl took her wet fingers from her friend's pussy, and brought them to her small lips. She stuck out her tongue, and licked off a bit of the juices. She smiled, and put her fingers in her mouth, and sucked all the juices off. She then returned them and continued rubbing. They were like two feral kittens, wildly thrashing, not caring about anything but their needs. My hand was down the front of my pants, rubbing. I was with the girls, touching them, kissing them. I wanted to feel their hands and mouths on me.

I suddenly heard voices on the path behind me. Male voices. The girls heard them soon after I did, and as I turned to leave the area I saw the girls scrambling to quickly dress. I headed back to the path and almost ran into two men, about 40, talking to each other about the weekend football game. They nodded to me and walked on.

I always considered myself a fairly normal woman. While I was divorced for 5 years, my ex-husband and I were on amicable terms. It helped that he now lived almost across the country, and was remarried. I dated occasionally, nothing serious, and held down a good job. At night I would take care of my girls and the house, watch a bit of TV or read, and go to bed. Sexually, outside of a little high school experimentation, I was fairly straight. I had not been with anyone since my divorce, and I masturbated about once a week.

But now, this all had changed. I could not get the experience of the two girls in the woods out of my head. No matter what I was doing the images would flash before my eyes. I would see those young bodies as I was grocery shopping, or as I was brushing my teeth before bed. Every day it seemed to get worse. And yes, I was now touching myself at least once a day, occasionally more.

I would be sitting on the couch, after the girls were in bed, and I would try to read. My mind would wander, and the two girls from the woods were playing in front of me. My fantasies had evolved. The older girl was sitting on the blond girl's face, playing with her own nipples, and looking at me. She would beg me to suck her nipples to help her cum as her friend licked her. Without realizing it my hands were in my pants and I was rubbing and moaning. I pushed my pants and panties down to my knees, and reached my other hand into my blouse and under my bra to reach my breasts. The girls got up, and they both were naked. They walked towards me, pulling me into their lovemaking. I looked at their faces. I suddenly realized that I was no longer dreaming of the two girls in the woods. These were the faces, and bodies, of my two daughters. I came like I have never cum before.

I woke up a few minutes later. The orgasm was so powerful that I had passed out. My pants were still down, I had ripped open my blouse so I had lost three buttons, and my breasts where spilling over the top of my bra. The cushion I was sitting on was completely soaked with my juices. I did not move. I remained sitting back on the wet couch, and thought of my two daughters.

Amy was 11, the older of the two. She had long blond hair, which had started to get darker as she grew older. It was more of a dirty blond now. She was tall for her age, and thin. She was never walking, always running. She seemed always in a hurry to get everywhere. As far as her maturity, she was just coming into the shy stage of development. She would no longer run around the house in just panties. She always made sure she had on at least a pair of shorts and a t shirt. Her puffy little nipples were just starting to show through her shirt. Just a few weeks ago she had gotten her first bra, not that she really needed one, but she felt very mature as a result. It was during the purchase of her bra that I was able to see that her nipples were starting, just barely, to puff out.

Kori was stockier, and at the age of 8, was a much calmer and more thoughtful child. She was always reading and spent much less of her time outside or with friend then her sister did. She was shorter, and still had a bit of her baby fat. She was not at all shy, but seemed to be following her sister in being more modest in what she wore around the home. She had long brown hair, which she did not brush nearly enough, but I still made sure she kept it clean and kept most of the tangles in check. He body was that of an 8 yr old, much like a boy of that age, except for the cute little slit between her legs. I must admit I had not seen her naked in over a year. But she also had the cutest butt, which could be seen whenever she wore her cute little jeans. It was something I had always noticed. Amy's butt was almost nonexistent, while Kori's was like a cute little bubble.

The girls shared a bedroom, and while Amy was messier than Kori, they got along very well. It was not rare for them to talk with each other long after the lights went out. They were very close considering the difference in their ages. They really seemed to be best friends.

I got up to get ready for bed, but my mind was still thinking of my girls, my orgasm, and how my life had changed. I was going down an unexplored path. I had no idea where it would lead, but I was not scared. I was eager to see where this path would take me. I went to sleep, thinking of all the places I might go.

By morning, my mind was made up. I needed to follow this path, and take the next step. I needed to see them naked, and to see if they were involved in play as I had seen in the woods. On the way home from work I bought two nanny cams. I got home before the girls, and installed one camera in their bedroom, and the other camera in the bathroom. They were wireless, so they would send the live link directly to my computer to be watched or recorded. They arrived home about 15 minutes after I finished. I set the computer to record and went to make dinner.

After the girls were asleep in bed, I sat down at the computer. The file to which I had saved the recording I had purposely buried in some of my work files. I opened it up. I paused. This was the big step. I felt as if I was standing on the edge of a cliff. I could erase it, and go back to the mom and woman I was, or I could open it, and nothing would be the same again. My life before the scene in the woods had been comfortable and safe. Now, I was on the verge of a path which was exciting and scary. I knew it would lead to me changing forever my relationship with my daughters, my view of myself as a mother, and permanently change my sexuality forever.

I sat.

I thought.

I struggled.

After about 20 minutes, I calmed down. Things cleared in my brain. Right or wrong, I made a decision. I was sure it was the right decision for me. I knew the path I must take.

I opened the bedroom file.

I fast forwarded through the periods where the room was empty. I watched many of the other scenes. They were in and out of the room, or lying on their beds doing their homework, or talking on the phone. It was like watching normal home movies. But then they came in to get ready for bed.

Kori came first and quickly pulled off her clothes. She left her panties on, but was naked otherwise. I saw her cute little body, walking around the room, looking for her pajamas, walking around the room, getting distracted by one item or another. I paused the video, and got up and went to my own room. I took off all of my clothes, and put on my robe. I knew I would need better access to my body as I watched. I was already damp.

I returned to the movie. Kori had just put on her top as Amy came into the room. She pulled off her panties and then put on her bottoms. Amy glanced over as Kori bent over to pull up her pajama pants. Kori got into bed and Amy grabbed her pajamas and left the room, turning out the light. Five minutes later Amy came back into the room, and without turning on the lights, went to bed.

I quickly switched to the bathroom video.

Throughout the evening, Kori peed twice, and so did Amy. As expected, I could not see much during their quick pee, but I did find it erotic to watch. I also watched myself, and that too was somehow arousing, wondering what the men I knew would do if they could see me peeing and wiping. The girls then came in together and brushed their teeth. Kori splashed Amy with water and in response Amy slapped Kori in the butt. Then they both left. Amy then came in with her pajamas. I was ready. I pulled open my robe as my eyes fixed on my computer screen. As she started to undress, I was rubbing my nipples.

Amy took off her sweat shirt, and then the t shirt below it. She then unbuttoned and pull down her jeans. She was standing in just her training bra and panties. She was wearing a thong. They were black, with little red hearts. I did not buy them for her. I wondered where she got them. She looked at herself in the mirror. Turning first one way, then the other, to see how she looked from different sides. I had a flashback to myself at that age. I remember always looking in the mirror, wondering if I was pretty enough, or sexy enough. I would wonder what boys would think if they saw my budding breasts, or my naked butt.

Amy shook her head, and gave herself a shy smile into the mirror. She lowered the straps of her bra, and pushed her bra down. She removed it, and again stared at herself in the mirror. Her hands moved up, and lightly, ever so lightly, caressed her puffy nipples. She continued to play with her breasts, as she turned her butt to the mirror. She wiggles it, looking over her shoulder and smiled. She then slowly, ever so slowly, started to pull down her thong. She was putting on a show. She was, I was sure, imagining someone watching her undress. I wondered who it was. Did she have a special boy who she hoped to undress for? Was it someone in her class? Or maybe someone older? I did not know, but my hands were matching her hands, and I hoped she would start touching herself, and I would do the same.

She turned to face the mirror again. Her hair was hanging over her little buds, hiding her nipples. Her hands were covering her mound. She mouthed something to the mirror. I paused, and went back, wondering what she said. I watch again. It wasn't until the third time I could make out what she said.

"I need you to make me feel good with your fingers."

She then shook her head, so her hair moved away from her breast, revealing those sexy little nipples. She then slowly moved her hands from her mound, and for the first time I saw the little patch of light brown hair above her sexy pussy. She lightly tickled the top of her pussy, fluffing the few hairs that were there. She then threw a kiss to the mirror, said good bye, and got her pajamas on. She then left the bathroom, shutting off the light.

I sat back in my seat, one hand on my breast, pinching my nipple, the other between my legs, rubbing. My little girl, barely starting puberty, only in 5th grade, was imagining someone touching her body. She wanted someone to play with her sexually. Or maybe someone already had. Maybe a teacher at school, or someone in the neighborhood had already touched her breasts, or inserted a finger in her little pussy. Maybe when she helped out at church, the pastor pulled out his cock, and had her touch it. Oh yes, I see her touching an adult woman, or man, as they push their finger in her, causing her to squirm in pain and pleasure. I see her naked, and he is pushing her face down to his cock, making her put it in her mouth. Her small, soft mouth being penetrated by a cock for the first time. Her red lips covering the head, and her tasting the precum, wondering if she liked the taste. I see one of her friend's moms, having her over for a sleepover, and making her daughter and my daughter taste a hairy adult pussy. They take turns putting their tongue on her lips and clitoris. I see Amy, wanting it so bad she invites Kori into her bed, eager to feel another hand on her pussy.

I came and kept cumming. I continued to rub, and for the first time, squirting. I finally collapsed in the chair. The chair was wet, and even the floor in front of my chair was wet. My fingers were soaked. I got up to go to bed, sucking my fingers dry as I went.

The following week, I was able to see them both naked each day, and one other time Amy again played to the mirror. But as I watched, I knew I had to see more. I needed to get them more active, or if one or both were active, I needed to get them to do it in their room.

It was at dinner a few nights later, that I, without preplanning, decided to bring it all a bit more into the open. We were eating ice cream (Cookie Dough, my children's favorite), and I asked Kori if she noticed that her sister was starting to go through puberty. Amy blushed as Kori turned and looked right at her chest.

"Yeah", she said, "her boobies are getting to be bumps".

"That is the way it starts". "The nipples will grow and get puffy, and then the rest of the breast will begin to grow. She also should be getting hair on her pubic area soon. Amy, do you have any pubic hair yet?"

Amy turned even redder, and dropped her eyes, looking at her bowl of ice Cream.

"No", she whispered.

"Well, it should happen soon. At first it will just be a few, but slowly the hair will get thicker, and you will also be getting your period."

"I know mom, you told me all that."

"It is a big day for a mom when her daughter turns into a woman. I am so proud that I have such beautiful daughters."

"She won't get dressed in front of me anymore", Kori Complained.

"That is too bad", I replied. "It would really be helpful, Amy for Kori to be able to see the changes you are going through, so she will be more prepared when she reaches puberty. That is one of the wonderful things about being a big sister."

I turned towards Amy, looking her right in the eye.

"Have you started to have sexual feelings yet?"

Amy did not know what to say, and just looked down. Kori was looking back and forth at me and Amy, eager to hear more. I continued.

"When I was your age, maybe a bit younger, I discovered how much fun touching myself could be. And then when my breasts started to grow, wow, I was always touching and rubbing them. Do you masturbate, Amy?"

Again, I got no answer.

"What about you, Kori?"

Kori shook her head, indicating she didn't, and mumbled under her breath "I wouldn't know how."

"See, another chance for you, Amy, to be a good big sister. That is why I was so happy to get have 2 daughters. Having a boy would have been fun too, though. They have such cute little penis' when they are little."

Both girls were squirming in their chairs. I had planted the seeds in their brains, and they were sprouting and growing quickly.

"Well", I said, "I will leave that to you too, but you should both know that we do not need to be shy about sex. It is wonderful, and a blessing. Enjoy it, and if there is anything I can do to help, please, just ask." I got up and took my dishes to the sink, and reminded Kori it was her turn to do dishes.

When I turned on the tape that evening, and fast forwarded to when they entered the room, I watched as they both sat down facing each other. I keep wanting to yell at the computer "Faster, please, do it, please, faster", but for a long while they just talked. I wondered how much more for a recorder and camera that would also record the sound.

After 15 minutes of talking, suddenly they both pulled off their tops, and Amy took off her training bra. Kori went over to look closer, and her hand slowly raised to touch her sister nipples. Amy stiffened at the touch. She reached up and started to rub Kori's flat chest. I was mad with desire, my clothes on the floor next to the computer chair, my fingers pulling at my nipples. The girls then removed their pants and panties, facing each other, spread their legs. They sat like that, looking at each other and talking. This went on for about 5 minutes, when they both put on their pajamas, and Amy went to bed. Kori went to the bathroom.

I switched to the bathroom recording. Both girls had peed a few times, but when Amy went to pee after dinner, she spread her legs and looked closely at her cute little pussy. She rubbed a little, and even tried to insert her finger in herself, which made her grimace in pain. Well, I knew that nothing had entered her yet. No man had left his seed in her, that was for sure.

Kori came into the bathroom in her Pajamas, and pulled down her bottoms and peed. She then stood in front of the mirror, her legs spread, and pulled her little lips apart. She was working so hard to see herself, she fell over. She got up, embarrassed, and pulled up her pants, leaving the bathroom. I fast forwarded up to the present, and was about to turn it off when Amy entered the bathroom. It matched the sound I heard of the bathroom door closing. Yes, she was in there now. She had the cordless house phone in her hand. She sat down on the toilet, without pulling down her pants, and dialed.

She began talking to someone. As she did, she pulled up her top and started playing with her little nipples. She was having phone sex. Right now. 20 feet from me. She stood up, took off her pants, and sat back down, her legs spread. She started rubbing as she talked. Her little fingers were rubbing on her little pussy. The little pussy I washed as I changed her as a baby. The little pussy I have been dreaming about for weeks now. She was breathing harder. I had to make a decision. It was 11:30 PM, way past her bedtime. I made my decision.

I got up and went to the bathroom door. I heard her talking.

"Oh yes, I am rubbing. I am thinking of you rubbing me. Oh yes, I want you too. Please, I need you so bad."

I pushed open the door. Amy froze. Her hand was between her spread legs, the phone at her ear. I took a step towards her and she hung up the phone and closed her legs. I took the phone from her, and took her hand. I walked her out of the bathroom, her pajama pants left on the floor. I took her to my room, hanging up the phone as we walked, and had her lay on my bed. She laid flat, her legs tight together, her hands trying to cover her nakedness. It was then she realized I was nude. She looked at me. She stared at my breasts, and then looked down, at my trimmed pubic area. I spread my legs slightly so she could see better. She looked me in the eye.

"You know you are not to be on the phone this late", I said.

"I am sorry", she said, not sure what would happen next.

"I told you at dinner, we need to be more open about our sexuality. I know you have urges right now, but that does not allow you to break our house rules."

"I know. I won't. I am sorry."

I went to the bed, sat her up and took off her shirt. I decided enough had been said, but now I wanted, no needed, to satisfy my lust. I laid her naked body back down, and laid down next to her. I let my hand trace lightly over her. I started at her lovely face, the face of my little girl. My fingers moved over her cheek, her jaw, her chin. I moved down her neck, and lightly caressed her shoulders. She was looking at me, questioning how far I would go. She was barely breathing, holding back her breath in anticipation. I did not make her wait long. My fingers reached her lovely budding nipples. I played with them, touched them. Rubbed them. She was breathing deeper, her eyes half closed. I leaned in, and licked her nipples, first one, then the other. Her hand, which had been covering her little pussy in shyness, was now starting to move, lightly playing with herself. I firmly moved her hand away.

I licked her lovely nipples a bit longer, feeling my wet pussy get even wetter. I started to lick down her chest, and her belly, licking in and around her belly button. I looked up in her eyes at this point, and asked her, "Has anyone ever licked you?" She shook her head no. I moved around and spread her legs so I was looking right at her beautiful womanhood. Actually, girlhood was a better term. She was still very small, with no hair. Her inner lips, with her legs spread, were just beginning to show. It would be a while yet before she would look like a grown woman there. I leaned forward, and breathed on her. My mouth then slowly moved forward. I was about to taste my little girl. The child I breastfeed and changed. Even before I put my tongue on her, before my first taste, I came. It was a huge orgasm, and half way through it I moved my mouth onto her. I tasted my little girl, and started licking up and down her lips, occasionally licking her hidden clitoris.

As I licked, my orgasm subsided, and Amy's excitement grew. She started rocking her hips as I reached up and rubbed her small puffy nipples, while still licking her small pussy lips. She was close to cumming, and I increased my licking, giving a bit more attention to her clit.

Amy stiffened, and screamed. And collapsed. I looked up at her, my lips cover with her juice, and she looked down at me, breathing very heavy. I went up next to her, and kissed her deeply, making sure she could taste herself on my lips. I covered us both, and laid her head so she could once again, after all these years, suckle me as we fell asleep.

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Beautifully and elegantly done. Excellent work.

Marquise Masquerade

Oof... beautiful! Loved it!


Quality story, lets hope you let it develop naturally. keep this up


Very lovely and eciting story! -most well written!!


That was an outstanding story. I hope you plan more. I actually came twice while reading it.


Great story but I hope you don't let any nasty menfolk creep into it, Nothing ruins a good story more than having a man come in and take over all the action.

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