Published: 15-Mar-2013
Word Count:
We were shiny clean, looked wonderful, but were completely naked when Michael knocked at the door. The idea of just letting him in ran through my head and excited me, but instead I yelled "just a minute" loud enough I hoped he heard.
I gave Jada a hug, my breasts pressing up against hers, and sprayed a dab of perfume on both of us. "No bra or panties, too sun burnt honey," I told her, and we both put on our matching dresses trying to move fast and excited. Mine was a tight, strapless number, her's was a yellow, spaghetti strapped summer dress that went to her mid thigh. I put on my shoes fast, yelled "almost ready" again very loud, and opened the door.
Michael was there with a smile and a sportcoat.
"Marines. We always come on time. I'm sorry."
"It's fine, come on in."
He took a step in, gave me a long hug, told me I looked gorgeous, and then looked beyond me.
"And she looks gorgeous as well."
"I can't put get these shoes on," Jada was complaining.
Jada was trying to put on the black high-heels we had picked out, which had very tricky straps, and her dress hung down as she was bent over and fully revealed her two braless breasts. The mounds were beautifully white, with a line from her bikini that stretched down her neck and followed to her buds, rounded and completely exposed. Her nipples pointed downwards, almost grazing the fabric. One strap had already fallen over her shoulder. Each time she grunted trying to fix the strap, it fell down her shoulder a bit more. With her sunkissed cheeks, her done up hair, and the tiniest touch of lipstick, she looked gorgeous.
"Michael can help you."
"Sure can." He got down on a knee to help, his fingers dangling with the shoes straps and his face just inches from her breasts. I don't know how he didn't' reach in and cup her tits in the palm of his hand. They looked better revealed in her dress than they had lathered up in the shower or in the bathroom mirror.
She stood up, gave a smile and a thanks, and she did look gorgeous. The dress hugged her body just enough. The tiny puffs of her nipples could be seen in the dress, and with no underwear it hung smooth and tight over the back of her body. The heels had jacked her ass up into an even higher shelf, and Michael and I followed her down the ship's hallway to dinner.
Dinner was great. Michael ordered a steak, I got pasta, and Jada had chicken nuggets and french fries with loads of ketchup. We talked all about Michaels' military background, his family, and how he was actually on this cruise with a male friend of his who's date backed out. He could have joined us, I suggested.
Jada got bored and started playing with Angry Birds on her cell phone. Her chest pressed against the silk of her dress, and straps often slipped down her arm, which she picked up from time to time.
"Lucky girl to have a cell phone," Michael commented.
"Yes, we were going to wait until she was 12, but took a chance a few months early. But she already got in trouble with it and I took it away for a week. You know girls and their phones."
"What happened?"
"Mom!' she complained, finally piping in to prove she was listening to us, but then immediately went back to burying her head in her game.
"Pictures," I mouthed in the tiniest whisper to Michael.
I reached for my own cell phone and flipped through. It was only a month after Jada had her phone that I found the pictures in a series of text messages with her friend Isabel. I deleted them from her phone, but only after sending each and every one of them to my own. I leaned over to Michael, putting a 'shhh' motion to my lips, and extended the phone so he could see. Jada had her face buried into her game and didn't notice.
The slideshow went by fast, and Michaels' eyes went from the pictures to the little girl next to him sunk into her chair.
Jada was taking pictures of herself in the bathroom mirror. The first one she wore just her bra and panties. The next one was with no bra but her fingers crossed over her chest covering herself. Finally, she flashed her tiny breasts, and the grin on her face in the picture was both embarrassed and proud at her flowering buds, but the picture slide moved too fast, and next up was a shot from behind showing her full, muscular ass. The last one was the money shot. She had held the camera below her legs, and shot up into her little slit. It was so fresh, not a hair in sight, and certainly looked like the lips had never been opened. The mounds of her breast and her giggling face were present higher up but out of focus
Michael placed his hand on my kneecap as we viewed them. Pictures of Isabel were next.
Jada had simply been mimicking and obeying each of Isabel's text pictures, and had even said as much. The first picture of Isabel was with a bra that showed a bigger mound of breast than Jada had, the second picture showed she had her fingers over her tits but with the nipples protruding through her fingers. When her full breast was revealed you could see the tiniest, areola with darker, pointy nipples. She did not have as fine an ass as Jada, but upon the shot of her pussy you could see she had spread her legs enough to crack the lips open just a bit.
Still, the pictures didn't do justice to how really gorgeous Isabel was, and I was so excited to see her develop through the years. She had slept over more than once, and I had seen her topless and changing. I braided her hair and all of us wore skimpy tank tops for pajamas around the house as we had pancakes for breakfast. One night we watched the movie Paranormal Activity under a blanket, with the girls on either side of me.
I rubber Isabel's back softly, first over her shirt then under her shirt on her back. Eventually my hand wandered down and cupped her ass. When she got scared and wrapped her hand around my waist, I laughed, took her hand in mine, and resettled her tiny fingers back on my breast. Either her attention was so focused on the movie or she just liked the tenderness, because she didn't flinch but loved it. Her soft fingers stayed on my breast for the next 45 minutes while my hand worked its way under her ass. I softly put pressure on her pussy in front, ever so gently and conspicuously, and she just as secretly gyrated her hips under the covers.
Since this time, we've been very affectionate. I give her long hugs, pull her tight into my tits, and we skype with her many times a week.
Jada had ice cream after dinner while we finished our bottle of wine and had a shot of Jaggermeister. Then we walked the deck of the ship. Michael held my hand, and we followed Jada as she wandered. It was windy, with a chill when the wind hit us, and Jada's dress fluttered in the air, threatening to reveal her baldness underneath.
People dressed in nighttime diner wear were scuttling about, mixed in with swimsuits of those who were still taking late night dips. Music pumped in from different areas, bad drunk karaoke, and we bought a bottle of duty free wine planning to drink it straight out of the bottle. Stars blinked in the sky, below us the dark sea threatened, and Michael's first kiss happened at that moment and lasted longer than either of us expected.
We strolled and came upon a hot tub that was right on the edge of the ship. Water bubbled fiercely and you could feel the heat.
"Put your feet in Jada."
Jada took off her shoes and hiked up her skirt to just below her waist, and stood in the ankle deep water of the first step.
"Just go all the way in."
"You're crazy mom."
"If you go in, I'll go in," Michael said, "We'll all go in."
"Come on in!" said a man who was sitting in the hot tub with his wife. Their little boy was bouncing in and out of the tub wearing a mask.
It was a great idea. Would the dress survive? Who cares, I was all for it.
Jada let go of her yellow dress, watched it fall into the water, took a few steps and let out some screams. She slid into the hot tub with an eerie smile. Her dress floated and rose up her body and she finally went all the way under. She started hopping around, treating the tub like a little pool, and each time her chest came out of the water, it was clear the wet fabric is completely see through.
Her brown nipples protruded into the yellow material, and it hugged her buds tight. I get ready to warn her not to bother the other people, but he little boy in the pool is swimming over, also treated it like a pool and going under with his mask on.
Michael has his jacket off and then his shirt. He looks incredible shirtless, and soon strips down to just his boxers which show off an incredible bulge. He slips into the water and goes next to Jada.
They look adorable, and I ask them to put their arms around each other while I take pictures, first with my cell, then with Michaels. Jada's nipples seem as bare as his, and her smile even bigger.
I slide in to join them. The water was scorching hot and took moments to get used to until I melted in and found a bubbly spot near a jet. Michael got in right next to me, put an arm around me, and it felt wonderful. A quick glance down and I see my breasts are revealed as well. The material clung tight to them. All of us were drawing attention from passer-bys.
The little boy keeps swimming around Jada, like a shark, going into the water with his mask and then coming up and smiling. She smiles back, he splashes her faces, and she splashes back. Her little buds are shining through her yellow dress and the little boy can't take her eyes off of them except to look at my own tits which glisten with bubbles.
I feel Michael put his hand on my leg, and I put mine on his. I feel the muscle of his thigh, so strong, and rub just a bit. We watch Jada play, and I know she is loving hot-tubbing like this.
"Jada, honey, can you get us our wine?"
Jada walks up the steps and the dress has clung tight and bunched on her body such that it has risen up and exposed the bottom her bare ass cheeks. It is an amazing sight, and I move my hand up Michaels thigh, testing him with each inch, until I finally feel the raging erection building in his boxers.
Jada bends down to grab the drinks, her pussy lips momentarily in full view. The tiny boy watches from the hot tub, Michael's hard-on is raging, and the whole scene is wild.
She rushes to bring the wine over.
"Wait, honey, get the towels from the towel rack and bring them closer to us while you're out there."
"Its freezing!" she giggles.
"I know, I know, hurry!" I giggle back.
She walks back over, her ass exposed out the bottom of her dress, and with each step the muscle flexes. She bends over for the towels and her glistening slit is there before us, and I have my hands rubbing on Michael's erection. (I have good cock instinct, and I knew he would be large.) I rub it from base to tip, his eyes fully on Jada, and his hand slips under my ass and starts to play with my pussy under the bubbling water. His fingers go into my lips and we look at hers, peeking out from under her dress, and I hope mine feels to him like hers would.
By the time she gets back, her nipples are so rock hard from the cold I think the buds will bust through the dress, and I feel Michaels hard on about to bust too. I want to sit on it, to have it go up in me and bounce and splash, to feel its power in my pussy, in my mouth and my hands, but instead I just rub it with one thumb, just at the base under the head of his cock, and feel his hands. I wonder if anyone else could see under the bubbling water.
Jada plays in the water in front of us, and I finally take my free hand and grab her leg and pull her through the water. I drag her into us, her body flowing smooth through the water, and take her little body and place it right onto Michaels lap
She sits there for a minute and the smile leaves her face and turns to alarm. I am sure she feels the huge presence of the cock under her and she's shocked. Her yellow dress is flowing in the water all around us, and I'm sure her ass cheeks have nestled right on his erection. Michael has a perplexed look of ecstasy on his face, and Jada looks around, like me wondering if anyone sees besides the little boy in and out of the water. 'Nobody knows he's hard besides us,' I wanted to tell her, but instead she moves over to sit by Michael's side, and seems terrified.
"Michael, can you hand me that towel?" I ask.
"Sure thing."
Michael stands up to reach over the edge of the hot tub, and his shorts are filled with the clear outline of his cock. Like a good sized sausage it is an incredible site, and it is just inches from Jada's face. Her eyes light up amazed. She looks around, looks at me, makes a semi-laughing noise but can't take her eyes off of it. Michael hands me the towel which I use to wipe my eyes and he sits back down, covered once again by the water.
I know Jada's seen dick before. She's seen her father naked, she's seen Andrew with a hard on, and she's even surfed some internet porn. Some of the things she's googled include "blow job" and "how much sperm."
Still, a girl's first experience with a cock in her face is one she will never forget. I remember my own first experience. My older brothers were having a party and everyone was drinking, and me and my friend were staying in my room. I was Jada's age, maybe already 12, and we were listening to music, calling boys, and trying on clothes, when a man stumbled into my room. I could smell liquor on his breath. It was Jarrod. Jarrod was older, nearly 30 years old, who for some reason came to college-aged parties, I think because they said he had marijuana. He had tattoos all over him and darker skin.
"You girls too young to party?"
"No, we're having our own party right in here," my friend Alyssa said in her snarky voice.
"Oh you are," he laughed, "well, you girls ever seen dick before?"
"Yes, what do you think?" Alyssa said. I think she was lying.
"Ah ha! Well, you know what to do with one?"
"We're not kids," she said, and I noticed her stick her chest out.
"We'll see about that," and I couldn't believe it but he took down his pants showing his floppy penis.
"Come here you two."
I wasn't going to move, but I didn't' know what to do, so just followed Alyssa.
He had Alyssa get on her knees and open her mouth, and when he put his dick inside, I couldn't believe it, but both of us took turns trying. At one point, he asked us to take a break and kiss. We had done that before, so that was easy, but she tasted like salty cream.
It went on from her to me, from me to her, and each time I tried to learn how to suck. Finally, he grabbed Alyssa's hair real hard and held it in each hand like a pigtail and started really ramming her mouth super hard and fast. I don't know how she did it, but she just stood still while he put it in her again and again.
The last time he told us to kiss, the warm gooey stuff shot onto our face.
The three of us got together a few times after that, it was our little secret, until he was finally arrested for selling marijuana.
But on this cruise it looked like Jada wouldn't see Michaels cock beyond in his soaking wet boxers. We got out of the hot-tub to towel off and walked back to our rooms wrapped up in towels. It was awkward when we stood outside our cabin door. I wondrered if I should invite him in, when Jada yawned, "I'm tired" and her head droops. Michael took it as a queue and gave me a kiss, bent down and kissed Jada on the cheek, and thanked us for a wonderful evening.
In our room and alone, we undress from our wet clothes. I hang the dresses up in the shower, and I towel her off. "You're exhausted honey, let's lay down," and we both lay on the cabins queen bed. She nestled into me, her flesh feeling so warm and nice, and she fell asleep in my arms.
I lay her back and watch her sleep so peaceful and innocent. I was going to be touched tonight, but now I sit her lonely. I imagine Michael somewhere, frustrated and ready to have his cock taken care of, either by himself or some other lucky woman on the ship. I look down at my chest and caress my nipples with the palm of my hand, look at Jada's body, and think about her tiny fingers and how soft they would feel on me.
Then there's a knock at the door.
I'm up and looking through the peephole quickly, and there's Michael, wearing the white robe provided in all the cabins. I open the door with one arm clumsily placed across my breasts.
"I'm sorry to but..." he says, but I shush him right away, pull him into the room, and into my arms. We kiss, ferociously and with energy. I breathe hard, and it's on. I taste his tongue and want to taste his whole body.
I walked back wards into the bed. He glances at Jada who is lying there fully nude with her arms to her side, her legs slightly open. He looks at me with a question on his face, and I whisper, "she's asleep, it's okay, just try to be quiet." And then he's on me, pushes me onto the bed, and starts to lick.
With one hand I squeeze my nipple, and I put another hand on his cheek, feeling his tongue move. My hips grind into him, and I move my hand onto the back of his neck and pull his face into my pussy. Jada's sleeping soundly next to us and hasn't moved. I want to groan loudly this is such relief. It's been weeks since I've been eaten like this, so I make noises as quiet as I can and she rustles just a bit.
I feel him lick harder, lapping away like an eager dog on peanut butter, and I see his eyes on Jada. My pussy is just as bald as hers and right now is soaking wet. Finally, I pull him up onto my body and want him to know I have what she doesn't. I stick his cock on my breast, slap it onto my tits a couple of times so that it makes a 'thwacking' noise, and then give him a quick titty fuck, before I open my mouth and he plunges in.
He's hot in my mouth and I engulf him with one hand of mine on his ass, pushing him into me and down my throat. I open wide and tongue the whole base of his cock. He starts to groan, too loud, louder than he should, but there's no stopping our energy.
Then he gets down to fuck me. My breathe exhales loudly into the room when he first enters and slides in my soaking pussy. I see him eyeing the tiny buds of Jada next to me, watching her tight body, the little exposed slit, and I know he's imagining I'm her, so I imagine I'm her too, being split open, scared but exhilarated with every nerve on fire, begging for mercy but begging for more.
She rustles again, her body moves, and she rolls over to sleep on her stomach. The smooth, round cheeks of her little bare ass are in full view.
I roll over as well and quickly get on my knees so he can fuck me doggy style. Michael is thrusting with his hips, and we get into a great motion, me pushing back just as his long shaft slides so sweetly into my pussy. I wonder what he's thinking with my little girl's ass under his eyes, and my own ass in his hands.
My face turns sideways and I stare straight into the eyes of my sleeping child as I get fucked. I close them and feel the amazing rush of an orgasm go over me and Michael cums at the same time and sprays my ass. I float and revel in ecstasy, eyes rolled in the back of my head. When I open them, I see Jada's eyes. They are open too.
"How long have you been awake?"
"For a while."
"Oh honey, are you okay?"
"Yes," she says, "I think so." She has taken a pillow and balled it up between her legs and is gently rocking herself on it. She has a look of uncertain discomfort on her face.
"Oh sweety. Honey. I know what you are doing. Do you want Michael to help? He can touch you. I'll make sure he's gentle."
"Stay just like that, just like you are."
I slide down the bed, take the pillow and move it aside, and slightly raise Jada's two sweet ass cheeks.
."One second sweety."
Her clean, tiny asshole is in front of our faces, and her pussy lips are slightly parted, completely bare, fresh as if changing a baby's diaper, and I grab Michael's hand. His face looks confused but he's completely agreeable, and I take his finger and lightly rub it up and down Jada's slit. I feel her release, her body responds, and his finger keeps gently rubbing up and down. Finally I push it in, insert it just a bit, and she groans. I push his finger a bit farther each time.
"Is that okay sweety? Tell me if it isn't."
"It's okay," she struggles for breath, "it's good, it's good."
"Push back a little and rock," I tell her, but this isn't necessary since it comes natural to her as she moves her hips to meet his finger.
I take Michael's finger out, insert it into my mouth and twist it around to taste, before putting it back into Jada. Her pussy is so clean, so pure, and he's fully following my command. His cock is back at attention.
I grab Michaels other hand and place it on her ass and then lean down to suck him again. I can still taste my own juices, and with his finger in my daughters slit, I am sure he would shoot his load right now if he hadn't just had an orgasm.
I stop to rub Jada's back as he fingers her.
"Turn over sweety, lay on your back."
I hear a 'pop' noise as his finger slides out of her and she turns around. I see her face with a never seen expression on it.
"You okay dear?"
"Michael is going to use his tongue right now, but real gentle."
Jada shook her head yes, and I point to the spot for Michael to lick. His tongue flickers, like a snake, the tip just grazing her lips, then licking up and down.
Oh god how I would love to be her at that moment with my first lick. I want it to be special. I grab one of her hands and place it over one of her own breasts, both our hands slightly caressing her nipple, and then I take one of Michael's hands, and do the same with her other bud. "Soft Michael, soft." He obeys and his fingertips lightly caress her nipple which rises to meet him.
I watch as he laps at her pussy, glistening now from his saliva and her juices, and I take his other hand and slide it under her ass. Some day honey, I think, you'll love a finger teasing at your asshole, but not today.
I take a finger and rub my own clit, drastically back and forth. This moment is tremendous and I am so excited I think I'll have a heart attack. Jada's eyes are barely open, her head is turned to the side, her fingers on her own nipples. I want to remember this so grab my cell phone and take pictures, and then I have to touch something so I reach and put Michaels cock in my hands.
Jada's breathing gets harder, I can see her melting. He pulls up on her skin, exposing her clit, and I see him treating it with care the way he has with mine. You won't' orgasm for years, I want to tell her, but trying to get there will be some of the best excitement of your life.
"Is that okay dear? Do you want him to stop?"
She's watching me stroke Michael, and I wonder if I should stop. I want to suck him as well, to taste him, but don't want to scare her. Her eyes trace my hand, rolling back and forth in her head, Her cheeks look so sweet with this new look on her face.
"You want to do this sweety?"
Michaels on all fours, so his cock isn't easy to see, but she shakes her head yes.
I motion Michael to lie down on the bed.
"You okay?"
She whispered yes.
Michael lay back on the bed, his lizard of a cock sticking upright, thick, smooth, trimmed and long. I take one of her little hands, open up the fingers, and wrap it around the base of his cock and then put my hand on top of hers. I move her hand up and down with the tiniest of tugs, and his cock throbs with heat. The whites of her eyes widen so large.
"The veins. See how it responds to you, they think it belongs to them, but it's really yours."
A few more tugs, and I feared he may blow right there. Her fingers were so soft and delicate.
"The skin is smooth, especially at the head. See, rub it on your cheek,"
I move the cock to her face, and it extends from her chin to her eye, and I lightly rub it on her cheeks. It's such a wonderful sight, and I reach over to the cell phone, push it up to Michael. "He'll take pictures for us," and he responds with groans.
"You want to try on your own?"
She shakes her head yes, and I let go of my hand. His cock flops to the side, and she reaches for a better grip. She strokes up and down, and then actually takes it and slaps it against her breasts just like I had done. Oh my gosh, she saw me. How long was she awake?
"If you want. Only if you want, you can do this." I open my mouth wide, wrap it around his cock, and take it down to the base, looking at my little girl to see if she's scared. I can still taste myself on his cock, and she will taste me too if she tries.
"Okay," she says. I place the cock near her mouth, rub the head on her lips, and she struggles to wrap her mouth around it but is trying to imitate what she saw me do.
"Look him in the eyes sweety, see how happy you are making him."
She looks up at him, he snaps pictures back and groans, words of "yes, yes!" encouraging her. His cock fills her mouth and her sunburnt cheeks make her eyes look so gorgeous.
"Try to relax your throat, put your tongue on it."
With each time she sucks down she can take it a bit deeper. I massaged her back a bit, caressing her smooth skin, lightly putting my hands around the front at times and running my hands over her erect titties.
Michael's groans are getting louder and he's about to blow. I remember my first cock experience, so I pull the cock out of Jada's mouth, give her a soft kiss on the lips, and jerk Michael just right so he blows on both our faces. She's giggling as it happens, and that memory of the last picture of her with the post blow job smile is tremendous. We didn't say much after that, but all of us fell asleep with limbs wrapped around each other.
I woke up in the middle of the night wondering what I had done. I would say I regretted it, but we had 5 more days of this cruise, and there was plenty of time to do more things I might regret later.
The End?, or perhaps more to come
I hope you continue with this story, and allow Jada to experience one or two more things on this cruise. You can take pride with your efforts to date. Thank you.
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