Published: 2-Mar-2013
Word Count:
My daughter was lying peacefully next to me, her bikini top had been quickly refastened after her adorable buds had been exposed to hundreds on the cruise ship, and now she had her eyes closed and was soaking her backside in the sun.
I was lying in the lounger, enjoying day 2 of the cruise poolside while we were at sea, but especially enjoying watching the marine who was walking over. I pretended not to notice his approach until he spoke.
"It's so nice to see two sisters traveling together."
"Why aren't you cute," I answered. Jada stirred, rolled over and looked up.
"I've been blessed with 3 brothers, all of them older," I told him," and this one lovely daughter."
"Well, she's been blessed with a lovely mother."
Jada was startled a bit, turned around to look up, and squinted her eyes in the sun at the man. Her recently fastened top was still clumsily on her breast, one nearly exposed, but she didn't noticed. She turned to sit on the lounger. Her skin was fully dry now, and the tiniest microscopic bits of white hairs stood dry on her soft legs.
I wondered if she felt what I felt. The man was stunning. Nice, thick pecs, a firm jaw and soft eyes and nice smile. His arms had been sculpted, and the hint of his ab muscles could be seen in his belly. A trace of hair run from his belly button down into his swim suit, but otherwise his chest was hairless. Stocky, thick legs carried him.
"And your husband or boyfriend must be blessed as well I gather," the man asked.
"Happily divorced, not long ago." I hated to say I was divorced, but this seemed to make him smile. To call myself divorced always made it seem like there was something wrong with me. Like I was damaged goods. If only I could tell the details.
"Well, he's one unfortunate soul."
"It's not what you think. It came down to something I didn't' have. And, ironically, it is something you do have, I am quite sure of it. We're still friends though, it's all been fine."
"Oh, I see, he's decided to pursue another course, another gender. Well, I hope he is happy."
God, I thought, now I really sound like damaged goods. But my ex husband Joshua was a wonderful man, he really was. He was a gentleman but an adventurous sexual soul, and that is what I loved about him. When he told me he was gay, I still didn't' believe him, and then went on to prove we could be together. I let him have anal sex with me often, as long as I was first wet and throbbing on my front side, did ass to mouth, and I gave him the most aggressive, deep blow-jobs that could rival those any man could give. I even stimulated him anally with my tongue and fingers, as long as he was clean, and offered to invite third parties to our bed. He watched all kinds of porn as we fucked, even some that I am sure was illegal. Still, the marriage only lasted another year. And now he's with Andrew.
Andrew was a great guy, but certainly fully gay. Jada and I actually have become friends with him. At first I wanted to make Andrew straight somehow, and with his flair for style, we took him shopping with us before the cruise. He would slip in the dressing room with us, watched as we tried on bikinis, pulled sun dresses over our heads, and he told us what made us look flattering. No way could any straight man watch me put on a bikini top and then make my nipples hard to see if they perked through the material, and then watch my 11 year old try on skirt after skirt and checking if it covered her tiny ass, without going crazy. We had a blast, and afterwards we all went tanning and then for cappuccino (Jada had a hot cocoa). Jada felt as comfortable and free around him nearly as much as her own dad, which was important. She talked about nights at her dads when she cuddled up between them, spooning with Andrew brought them closer.
"My name is Michael, glad to meet you two," he presented his hand, which I took with an inviting smile. His hand was huge and covered mine. It felt warm and safe.
"And who is this? Is she one of the many cheerleaders that seem to be on his cruise?"
"My daughter Jada. And no, just a gymnast."
The man presented his hand, and jade smiled and grabbed it willingly. Her whole body shook a bit with the power of his shake.
The man gazed down at Jada, and I looked at her through his eyes. A young nubile body with sweet, perfectly smooth skin, firm legs, and a solid, muscular ass with the bottoms of her buns fully exposed. Two nicely round breasts with just the feint outline of young nipples. Her left breast was nearly peeking out her top, her nipple barely covered. Her hair was a mess but the sun had made her body shine. By her smile I could tell she loved to look at him too. He was gorgeous.
Letting go of her hand, he scanned the poolside, looking about him. Woman were everywhere. Teenagers were running up and down the water slide, music was thumping with the occasional girl doing a dance lead by cruise staff, and like me, I'm sure he couldn't look at a bikini without mentally undress the specimen, and was having a busy day.
"It's so perfect out here isn't. It just energizes me. Great to meet you two. I'm sure I'll see you around." He started to take a step to move on.
"Oh no! Jada, you're sun-burnt. You're burning up. She's burning up isn't she," my voice was louder than it should be but at least it stopped him from leaving.
"Jada. Didn't you put sunscreen on? You will end up in the hospital with your skin in this sun."
I started digging through our beach back. "Let's put something all over you right away."
"Your mother's right on, Jada," Michael agreed.
"Can you help me out?" I asked him, shaking a bottle of SPF 15 sunscreen in my hand.
"Sure, he said, we don't want this precious girl to get baked like a piece of meat."
I flipped open the lid, and a ton of sunscreen plopped onto the man's large hands, making a gooey white mess. I put a few drops on mine.
'Stand up Jada. Help him out'
She was happy to oblige, and hoped out of the chair. She put her hands straight out, like a scarecrow, and slightly spread her legs and closed her eyes. The tiniest trace of her slit was present in her bikini bottoms and was right in front of my face.
His hands were lather, and his large palm covered her back.
"That's cold" she squirmed.
"One second, it will be fine." The sunscreen was all over her fresh skin and he massaged it in slowly. I imagined a hard on growing in his swimsuit. How could it not with the soft skin he was touching. First he covered her back, rubbed her shoulders, and she made a laughing groan.
I loved watching his hands cover her, and soon he worked his way to the front, to places she could surely get herself, but none of us wanted that. The palms of his hands rubbed the top of her chest, and then his long index finger traced along her bikini top line, slow and delicate, like a painter cutting an edge. The fingers traced just barely over the emerging humps, but certainly covering them. I wondered if she liked this.
Then his hands went to work on her tight belly.
"That tickles"
"Well, how about this then," He dug his fingers into her and tickled her abs. She crunched and she giggled. "Stop it, stop it."
I held the bottle up in the air, motioning that he should continue and squirted more onto his hands. He rubbed them together and began to make long motions down her legs, over her thighs, massaging her like he was a physical therapist and she was an athlete. "You are a strong one," he said. She stood perfectly still, probably perfectly content. At the top of her thighs, his fingers made sure to cover the exposed flesh of her ass just under her bikini bottoms, and one inch more and his finer would have rubbed her clit. Damn she had a sweet ass, and he deserved to enjoy this moment longer, but seemed to be a gentleman and moved on.
"The slide!" Jada said, pointing up to the huge water slide next to us. "There's barely any line at the slide. Can I go? Can I go?"
"Of course you can go, why don't you bring Michael with you?"
"Well, here I was hoping it was your turn for sunscreen," he said. "But I love a good water slide. You think you can handle it Jada"
And they were off.
They climbed the chairs quickly, and I had missed the chance for the man to have his hands on my body, but Jada was so happy she was nearly skipping. I watched her little body followed by the handsome hulk behind her. They stopped from way up high once to wave at me, and I waved back with enthusiasm. They looked great up there, and Jada needed a man in her life. As great as her dad was, he wasn't over every day.
I grabbed my camera and went to greet them at the bottom of the slide.
The end of the slide caused a huge splash as riders crashed into the water. Each one of the riders got up with a big smile on their face. Exhilarated kids of all ages took a few steps getting up from the slide to regain their balance, and then had to shift their suits which always became jammed up all over their bodies.
I took pictures of all of them. I didn't want to miss Jada.
Then I saw her.
They were riding double. Jada was sitting in front of Michael and his hands were wrapped around her tummy. I see her smile, circling down the slides, and just as she's reaching the bottom she starts screaming with giggles and Michael's screaming right along. There's a big splashy explosion. She gets up out of the water, dripping with wetness and smiles and laughter, and I keep taking pictures and I see Jada needs some fixing too.
One side of her bottom has fully wedged itself in her ass crack, and the whole smooth, muscular mound of her butt cheek is shining in the sun. Her left breast is exposed enough to show almost all her nipple. It would just take one twist to line it back up, but the sweet mound of breast flesh is out there. Next to me, another parent is taking pictures of her eagerly.
"Let's go again. Come with us Mom!"
"That was pretty cool, said Michael, smiling almost as big as Jada.
"Okay, just one."
We walk up the stars, Jada first, Michael second, ten me. The incline of the stair meant Jada's ass is right in front of Michaels face. With each step her butt cheek flexes in front of him, and I'm sure it is one of the greatest sites he's ever had that close to him. I keep waiting for her to slip a finger in her crack and fix it but she doesn't.
God she is lovely, surrounded by a mix of teenage and tween girls on the slide all barely dressed like her concubine. Glances go back and forth from those all around to her breast and her ass, but she is so happy and oblivious to the nipple pert and shiny in the sun.
She sits in the slide, and gives Michael and I one last glance over her shoulder before going back down.
I sit down at the top of the slide and Michael sits right behind me, either of his legs to my side. He puts his hands around my waist and pulls me into him. Butterflies flutter through my stomach and I feel my ass crack nestled up against his huge erection. He's hard as a rock, and I don't' resist, but in fact, say "oh, this is nice." And it was nice. My own juices were flowing with the water from the slide, and his hands felt so full of possibilities around my tummy. I pictured what his cock may look like, so clean from the water, so beautiful and erect waiting to be worshipped.
Then I realize this is the same position Jada was just in. This erection was for her. I thought about his hard cock pressed against her tiny ass when they went down the slide. What kind of thoughts were in her head? She maybe giggled, probably felt flattered, probably felt nice, and Michael must have been in heaven. I hated to think about this beast of a cock inside little Jada, but it also excited me. I could see the whole thing happening, first the look on my daughter's face at the sight and power of a pulsating cock. The whites of her eyes would be huge at making it grow, feeling its heat in her hand, maybe in her mouth. But inside her slit, it would make her howl.
That's not going to happen, I realized, because I was going to have it in me.
"Ready, set, go," Michael said, and pushed us off.
Jets of water shot all over us, his hands grasped at me to hang on. We laughed and circled and I scooted to stay as close to his body as I could. I wanted his hands on me, to touch my breasts, to slide a finger down to my slit. Round and round we went, and as we are about to hit the bottom I put a hand bra over my bikini top yet still, the force of the water shoots my bottom up into my crack as well. I get up, exposing parts to Michael, laughing, both of us giggling.
And there is Jada, waiting for us, giggling and smiling, and her suit also in disarray, tiny ass cheeks and smiles and tiny breasts shining in the sun and barely hidden by a mangled top, the same man from last time snapping pictures of her.
All of this earned us a dinner invitation. Michael was to meet us at our cabin for dinner that evening. 6 pm
Our cabin was tiny, and with only two of us in there, it was hard to get around, and even after only two days of the cruise, clothes were strewn everywhere. Still, the shower pressure was incredible. I had the head shooting water hard onto all areas of my body. I felt a burning sting on my sunburn that actually felt nice, and I looked at my gleaming soaking breasts. My dress would show them off well tonight. I lowered the spray and shot into my pussy, lightly, tingling the flesh that all day long had been burning to be touched. I needed to be clean. I had a date with an incredible man.
"We don't have much time," said Jada.
Jada had been in the shower with me, but jumped out way before me after conditioning her hair, and was now using the blow dryer.
I towel off and then stand behind her, first brushing my hair, then taking the brush to her long locks. Both of us clean and fresh in front of the mirror.
My breasts are just over the height of her shoulder. Mine are rounded and full, not sagging to my belly from the six months she had been feeding at them, and my nipples are surrounded by a larger, less circular areola than hers. I can't help but admire her little buds, tiny little children themselves with so much life ahead of them. The rest of her body was red from the sun, with some white lines from her bikini. A triangle of white was on her ass and near her slit.
She's used to being naked with me, yet still I feel her eyes wandering. I assured her she would have my breasts someday, that she would grow and fill out, but even so, she was beautiful as she was. I wonder what she thinks about me shaving my pussy to look bald like her. The few strands of hair she has are only enough to be seen up close. Those pussy lips of hers were so precious. They could sink ships, and would be cherished by those who first touched them, and would take Jada to new places. For now, we were just getting ready for dinner.
"You need some aloe for your burns." I told her.
I grabbed the green gu Aloe and began to rub it on her, feeling how it would sooth her skin, and I am sure also make her shine in her dress tonight. She melted into my touch, always wanting to feel the warmth of her mother
I rubbed on her shoulders, the small of her back, and then even though they were untouched by sun, I let my hands brushed up and down her tits, feeling the smooth rise of the bump and the firm nipple. She is going to look gorgeous tonight.
"Mommy, I got a question."
"Oh oh, this always means something."
"If daddy decided to like boys, or you going to decide to like girls someday?"
"Oh honey, it's all very confusing, even for me. But all people are beautiful, but sometimes things change, but what won't ever change is I will never leave you."
"All people are beautiful?"
"Sure, beautiful people are beautiful no matter. You know your friend Isabel? She is completely gorgeous; you and I both know that. And Daddy is gorgeous. Andrew is gorgeous."
"And Michael is gorgeous!" Jada smiled, and I smirked right back at her.
I continued to aloe her legs, the thighs red as raw meat, and squirt plenty of green aloe on my hands. Her legs are so firm and strong, and I go from top to bottom, rubbing the last bit on her bare ass which makes her smile.
We put on make up, her just a touch of lipstick, me some blush and eyeliner. Each time she leans forward to look closer in the mirror and I see her shapely little bum. I hope the dresses Andrew picked out for us work and show us off as they should
Out of the bathroom to get dressed. And then we heard it. A knock on the door. 5:54 the clock said. He was early, and both of us were naked.
Stay tuned for part 3.
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