Published: 12-Jun-2012
Word Count:
Millicent North looked embarrassed as she leaned across the front of the car to her daughter-in-law and whispered: "Please can you stop somewhere along here? I need to do something. Pretty urgent."
Carol North glanced at the older woman without taking her eyes off the road too much. She was a little taken aback that her mother-in-law was even suggesting she needed to do some sort of bodily function. Her husband's side of the family were always very up tight about anything to do with bathrooms and restrooms. So this was a first. "You need me to stop?" The younger woman asked.
"Badly," said the older woman, her lips set tight and thin.
"We are nearly there, well, half-an-hour or so away I reckon." Carol wanted to get there as soon as possible. " Can you wait? It isn't far."
"No," the old woman shook her head and looked serious. "My breakfast's has gone straight through me. Must be nerves, you know, what with Alice going and getting married at her age. Three years older than me," the woman in the passenger seat shook her head more as if to say, can you believe she is getting married again --and at 58 too? She was obviously thinking what Carol had thought privately.
"Of course, let me find a place to pull over." Carol not only understand her mother-in-law was always reticent over bodily functions, but it gave her a chance to draw breath. Maybe blow out a fart herself in private. It was always so uncomfortable holding back gas as she drove. Plus, it amused Carol to see her mother-in-law reduced to such basic needs, and so embarrassed with it. In the older woman's aloof world, not using a clean and neat bathroom was tantamount to a betrayal of social standing. As Carol said privately, the old woman had probably never farted in her life.
Mrs North threw a glance at the child in the back, seven year old Willow sat staring happily out of the window. She had been quiet since they set off two hours before on the long drive to Millicent's cousin's wedding but clearly the older woman didn't want the child to hear all this. "I feel embarrassed because it's... you know..." she whispered to Carol.
"Not just letting out some liquid, huh?" Said Carol quietly, adding a nod of understanding. "No problem. Well, I'll find a place with lots of bushes. You can go and do it in there."
"Thank you," the woman responded with an apologetic sigh. She picked her purse by her feet and looked inside, only to let out a groan. "Oh my... I haven't brought any tissues."
"Okay, there'll be some in the glovebox," said Carol. The older woman looked, but the box of tissues was empty.
"Oh Lord, what am I going to do?" The cloud over the older woman's head seemed to grow. "I haven't brought a change of clothes and I really would be embarrassed doing this without being able -"
"Without wiping," said Willow from the back, who'd obviously picked up enough of this conversation to guess the problem.
"Yes, dear," said Millicent, a little stiffly. "I don't suppose you have any tissues do you, Willow?"
"No, but I can help," grinned the child, catching her mother's eye in the mirror. The warning look Carol shot her daughter didn't seem to stop her. "I'm good at helping out like that," she said.
A puzzled look flickered over Millicent's lined face. Although she was 55 she was still a good looking woman, with just a few creases and minimal sagging to her chin. Only her steel grey hair and horn-rimmed glasses gave any real indication of her more advanced years. Just as Carol drew into the side of the road where there were a mass of evergreen bushes the older woman turned to look fully at Willow. "I'm not sure you can help," she said gravely.
"Oh I can," Willow said as she unlocked her seat belt and sat forward, earning a rebuke from her mom as the car hadn't quite come to stop. Willow ignored her mother. "I can help out a lot if it's poo licking."
"What?" Millicent was so astonished she barely got the word out.
"Willow!" Snapped Carol, trying to quieten her daughter before she said too much. "Stop making all this naughty stuff up."
"I'm not," protested the child. "Mommy, you let me clean your bottom when you've done a poo and Grandma is family so it's okay, right?"
Millicent's jaw sagged more as she stared at the child and then at her daughter-in-law.
"Take no notice," said Carol, trying to wave it all off. "Willow's heard kids at school making up rude jokes--"
"I haven't mommy," protested the child, craning forward. "You do let me lick your bottom clean. You said I was good. After you've had a shit you bend over and--"
"Willow! Enough," growled Carol. "This isn't the right place."
Millicent turned her attention to her pretty daughter-in-law sat next to her. "I see. So you and Willow here play some perverted, sick game on the toilet do you?"
"No," said Carol weakly. "It isn't like that."
"Then how, my dear woman, is it?" Millicent frowned at her daughter-in-law. "Go on. Please tell me."
"Look, Millicent," said Carol, blushing fiercely. "This is just some kid's idea of a joke--"
"No, far from a joke," said the older woman grimly. "Little Willow here is convinced she gets her tongue up your back-passage, am I correct?"
It was Carol's turn to gape. She colored even brighter red and turned away, unable to look at her mother-in-law.
"Well," continued the older woman. "Let's see if I'm right. Come with me, Willow," the woman said firmly and opened the door. Willow scooted across the back seat and clambered out too, ignoring her mother's protests to come back into the car at once. Taking Willow's hand the older woman steered the child over to a mass of bushes and eased her through them.
In the car, Carol didn't know what to do. She felt wretched, but was unsure whether to leap out and retrieve her child or stay put and hope that Willow wouldn't do anything. Carol opted for the latter, gripping the steering wheel and staring ahead, almost frozen to the spot. After a minute though she was unable to contain her curiosity and anxiety. The mother jumped out of the car and rushed round to the bushes, pushing them aside in order to find her daughter and mother-in-law.
She saw them in a small clearing in the middle of the bushes, and it was all too obvious by the view (and the strong, pungent smell) what was going on. Little Willow was stood watching in fascination as her grandmother was squatting, skirt rolled up to her waist, her panties round her ankles and there -- emerging from her round ass poking from under her tight black girdle -- a long brown turd was rolling out slowly to join another one coiled on the grass beneath her.
Willow grinned at her mother. "Grandma's pooing -- an' she's wearing garters," she said, indicating the fact the older woman still wore stockings and needed the garter attachments on her girdle to hold them up. For her part, Carol didn't care about stockings as such but was mesmerized by the sight of her own mother-in-law -- a woman she always knew as aloof and prim -- dropping her shit in the open air.
The old woman was pissing too and a fierce stream of bright yellow piss was splashing on the ground between her legs.
Millicent gave a small fart as a third rope of shit slowly descended to join the other turds and shot a glance over her shoulder at her daughter-in-law. "You look as if -- uh (she grunted as she let another fart go) -- you have never seen a grown woman take a shit before."
Perhaps more astonishing to Carol was hearing the old woman speak this way. It seemed to her Millicent was always tutting about bad language (usually the word "damn" was enough to set her glaring) and frowned at the slightest suggestion of sex. Bodily functions were a complete no-no. Yet here Carol was, watching her straight-laced mother-in-law taking a dump in front of her and her daughter with the real prospect that in a moment Willow would be licking the woman's anus clean.
Just, in fact, what the child did for her. The woman had finished dropping her turds and straightened her legs, but remained bent over. The girdle she wore was still hauled up by her bending position by the older woman flipped the two back garters open to allow the black elasticized material to ride up more.
Willow grinned at her mother and positioned herself behind her grandmother, bending so she could get a good angle herself. Her small, pink tongue shot out and her face nestled in to the woman's rear. She began to make loud slurping noises in the crease between the old woman's ass cheeks.
"Oh God," said Millicent, closing her eyes. "That's so good... You never told me she was adept at this." The old woman groaned. "The little bitch can lick!"
Carol gulped, and not just at what the woman was doing and saying. She had known her daughter was good at cleaning assholes for some time; she had carefully trained the girl herself. But only on the strict understanding the child never, ever said a word about what she and her mom did in the bathroom. But telling her straightlaced, uptight, disapproving mother-in-law would have been the last thing Carol would have done. Carol didn't know what to say. She had fantasized that maybe one of her friends -- June Kerr, probably -- who wasn't averse to a little lesbian play, might be told one day. Something along the lines of: 'Come and see how clever my girl is with her talented tongue.'
But Carol hadn't the faintest idea how you would introduce the subject to a woman like Millicent. Anyway, now there was no need to worry. Little Willow was diving in the way she always did, getting her tongue in that tight hole and fastidiously cleaning it out. The girl even pulled away for a moment and said to her mom: "This tastes different to you, mommy," and then resumed before her Grandmother could object to an interruption.
Carol may have been surprised at the turn of events but she was human, and she needed to shit too. In fact, her need announced itself with a ripping, rolling fart. Whereas once she might have literally sat on it, her relaxed, astonished state simply allowed her to blow out one of her "specials" as Willow called it. If it hadn't been for the pile of her mother-in-law's shit already on the ground, there would have been no mistaking the smell.
"You too?" Remarked Millicent, with a sly grin. "I suppose you will need Willow soon as well."
"I suppose so," said Carol distantly, still watching her child lick and clean the bending woman's rear. She let another fart go, and Willow heard that one.
"Mom!" The young girl remonstrated as she broke off her duties. "You should save them for me. You promised."
"Promised?" Asked Millicent, finally deciding she was clean enough. She straightened up but made no effort to pull up her pants or hitch her stockings or straighten her skirt. Carol could see a thick bush of gray and black hair at the older woman's crotch, where her girdle angled up at the front.
"Mommy says any farts go in my face," said the child, hinting that no one liked gas going to waste. "I have to breathe them in at home."
"Of course," said Millicent. "No point in letting good smells go unappreciated." The woman still hadn't tidied herself up, but she indicated that her daughter-in-law should step nearer to her. "Honey," (Carol was shocked; Millicent had never called her that before - another new side to the older woman, apparently) "I want you to come here and shit on my shit. Make a nice neat pile."
Carol stared at the little mound of faintly steaming shit between the woman and the child. Already one or two flies were trying to settle on it. The idea of shitting in front of her mom-in-law here and now was just so erotic that she felt her cunt moisten.
"Please mommy," grinned Willow. "Go on. And then I can clean you up, too."
Carol got into position. She had no girdle or stockings on, so it was easy to push her panties down, lift her skirt and squat. With a minimal grunt and attendant fart, the thick logs rolled out, right on top of what her mother-in-law had done.
Willow was clapping, enjoying the sight. She loved seeing her mother shit at home, and this was fun.
Carol felt hot and aroused. She always did when her daughter was watching her shit, and even more so now with two pairs of eyes on her. The older woman was standing right in front of her, her pubic hair only inches from Carol's face.
"While you're there, you may as well clean me up from my piss," Millicent said. Without any warning she took hold of Carol's hair and pulled her face into her groin as she shifted her hips forward. Carol's face was at once in the tangle of hair, and she could smell her mother-in-law's perfume as well as the aroma of pee.
"I can't," Carol began to say but the way Millicent was gripping her hair there was no doubt she could and would. Behind the crouching, shitting woman her daughter was laughing and clapping in glee.
"Go on mom, clean her!" Willow chuckled.
Carol duly cleaned the old woman's sex. Her tongue found its way through the forest of gray and black hairs to the woman's wet cunt lips and lapped at it. The slightly acrid taste of the urine on the woman's sex, the humiliation and the force of the woman's grip made her bowels open up. There was a wet fart under her and more shit tumbled out of the mother.
"Oh God," moaned Carol into her mother-in-law's cunt. This was better than anything she had ever known. It was filthy and disgusting and she loved it all. Her lovely daughter too, it seemed, judging by the way she was cheering every brown, smelly turd that fell.
"Now my tits," said Millicent. She hauled Carol up by her hair. Carol straightened a little, hoping the last of her shit had fallen, but her ass was still pushed out at the back. She brought her hands up and began fumbling at Millicent's blouse buttons, opening them up. Revealing a mature woman's bra with large, plain cups. The bra though fastened between the mother-in-law's tits and in a moment Carol had it free. At the same moment the mother felt her daughter in place behind her. The little girl was licking and probing with her little tongue at her mother's asshole, tasting the woman's shit and beginning the loving task of cleaning her mother's back passage.
Carol moaned something about her daughter's tongue already had shit on it, but the older woman's tits were free of the bra cups. Millicent guided Carol to one of her long hard nipples and told her to get sucking. "Make it good," she breathed from above Carol.
Carol made it good. She sucked and nibbled at one nipple until a wrench in her hair guided her to the other one. Beneath her, Willow was licking as well as she ever had, her small tongue invading the slicked, messy anus of her mother. Licking away the shit. The smell was overpowering, and among it Carol was sure she could catch the aroma of her own arousal among it. Unless it was her mother-in-law's, of course. She put one hand down and into the forest of wiry pubic hair between the older woman's legs and found Millicent's cunt lips. Found her prominent, hard clit and began rubbing it and teasing it.
"Bitch!" Gasped the older woman above Carol, but didn't stop her.
Yes, thought Carol, that's just what I am. Bitch mother of a bitch child. She fingered her mother-in-law, sucked at her hard nipple like her life depended on it. Was lost in the excitement of simultaneously having her shithole cleaned and servicing her mom-in-law's wet cunt.
All too soon Millicent came with a shout, and clutched Carol's hair hard, making the woman's eyes begin to water. The older woman held her in place as she was consumed by tremors and waves of pleasure, and then unceremoniously dragged Carol's head from her tit and looked down at her.
"Now," she said, her voice cracking a little with her orgasm. "Now we have some real fun."
"Oh, yes," said Carol, not sure how much more fun they should have. How much more fun anyone could have. Willow had just stopped licking, and Carol thought she would collapse with pleasure. She hadn't cum herself, but was on the verge.
"In your car -- in the trunk, bitch -- I saw some rope. Go and fetch it," said Millicent tersely. She let go of Carol's hair and the woman stumbled off, her pants round her knees, and as she did so the woman dragged them up untidily so she could move quicker. behind her, she heard Willow asking what the rope was for and the grandmother saying the girl would soon find out.
Carol found it among the few things in the trunk and hurried back. As she arrived she saw her daughter kneeling so she was facing the pile of shit. She looked slightly worried.
"Give me the rope," said Millicent. She hadn't tidied herself at all and her large, somewhat floppy tits hung out of her bra.
The older woman took the rope and told the child to put her hands in back of her, and then proceeded to tie the girl's hands and elbows. Tightly too, from what Carol could see. Willow gasped as the ropes were knotted.
"What are you doing?" Asked Carol as she stared at her girl being tied up.
"What does it look like?" Asked Millicent. "I am tying up the little bitch, to help her."
"Help her do what?" Carol felt a fresh sure in her cunt. Whatever it was, it would be revolting. She looked from her child to the pile of shit and she understood. "She's... she's going to eat it, isn't she?" The mother gulped.
"We aren't leaving a mess in the countryside," said the older woman as she checked the last knot with a sharp tug, making the child squeal. "No point in it feeding flies and spoiling the place for anyone else." She grinned. "too good to waste, really."
Without another word she guided the little girl's head down towards the stinking pile. Two sorts of shit; Carol's pile on top and lighter than her mother-in-law's darker turds underneath.
Willow was objecting a little but her grandmother told her to be quiet. Willow fell quite, obeyed and opened wide as her face met the pile.
"Eat as much as you can," said Millicent, pushing Willow's face right into it. "You left some of your breakfast this morning so you are bound to be hungry," she laughed.
Carol was moaning, playing with her cunt as she watched he daughter being made to eat shit. It was revolting but so arousing. She couldn't help herself; she was going to cum and she had never felt so excited in her life.
Willow was eating, her pretty young face screwed up, her arms tied behind her. But she was eating the shit, chewing the paste and swallowing. She was digesting her mother's shit and then her grandmother's shit. she wasn't struggling but clearly Millicent wasn't going to let the child up until it was all gone.
Carol came with a loud moan but no one looked at her. All the older woman's attention was on the little, bound shit eater.
Mouthful by mouthful the revolting pile disappeared. Only when Millicent could see that there was none on the grass and leaves did she let the child up. She pulled the girl to her feet and told her she had done very well. "Lick your lips and clean them," Grandma told the girl, and Willow did as she was told, running her tongue round her brown stained lips.
"It was..." the child began. For a moment it looked as if she might be complaining, but she braved a smile. "Thank you, Grandma," she said.
"You're welcome," said the woman.
Most of the shit from the child's face had gone, but there were still smears on her cheeks and chin and on the tip of her pretty nose. Millicent beckoned Carol over.
"Here, bitch, you need to clean your daughter's face," she said. "Then we need to get on to the wedding. Can't waste time here."
Carol hesitated for all of a second, and then stepped forward. She bent her head to her child's upturned face and offered her tongue. She lapped and licked and cleaned the foul tasting mess off her daughter's face, leaving the little smudge of brown on the child's nose till last. She cleaned that with a loving kiss.
Things weren't ever going to be the same again for Carol and her daughter Willow. Nor too, she suspected, for her grinning, nasty and and oh-so-desirable mother-in-law.
Carol, as instructed, dressed her mother-in-law, while her still tied (but clean faced) daughter stood and watched. The younger woman made sure those wonderfully heavy tits of Millicent's were back in the bra cups, the stockings fastened to the garters (Carol allowed herself a little kiss on them as a proper mark of respect), pulled up the woman's panties (having made sure with her tongue there was no piss splash on the crotch) and then buttoned up the woman's blouse and straightened her skirt.
Only then did Carol dare to adjust her own clothes, once Millicent had given permission.
They left the quiet place, put Willow in the back of the car with her arms still tied and set off for the wedding. It was, Carol was sure, going to be a very memorable day with more delights and surprises to come.
Providing of course Carol asked permission to fart as she drove.
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