Published: 27-Jul-2012
Word Count:
I just had to put my story into words, even though I don't think most people would believe me. I am glad though to finally tell someone else what happened that changed my life so... I don't know, wonderfully? Let's just say it made my dreams come true. My biggest concern now is how to keep everybody, particularly Daddy, from getting into trouble. I think too many people tend to stick their nose in other peoples' business that really doesn't concern them, but that's just my opinion. Those are the type of people who would get way too worked up about what has happened in my life. Anyway, I just had to tell my story to someone, and that someone just might as well be you. It's not like YOU could possibly get any of us in trouble.
For starters, this was the most unbelievably amazing thing that could have ever happened to me. The only thing that could possibly make it better were if I could sort of skip the painful parts. I mean the really excruciating, 'Oh my God I think I'd rather die', kind of parts. Well, maybe not quite that bad. Still, it would have been even better if things didn't hurt quite as much at the time. But that part really didn't last all THAT long, and it actually didn't cause anything... permanent. I was only sore for a while afterwards, like when I sprained my wrist, but only for a day or two this time. I'm not sure how to describe it, except as strange as it sounds, even the really painful parts weren't all that bad. I hope that makes sense.
Also, I've seen Dad's version of what happened. Good grief, he left out almost all of the important parts! And he got so many details wrong. He's such a fuddy duddy. Some of what he was thinking really gave me the giggles. I never thought he could be so... naughty. I rather wonder what he'll think when he reads MY version... That's okay. THIS version is much better and really fills in the gaps.
Now, all of the stories I've ever read always have that part at the front where the person telling the story (that would be me) describes the main characters in their story. That would also be me, as well as my Dad and my best friend Becky.
Anyway, my name is Amy Carmichael. I'm twelve years old (birthday was only last month!) and am almost finished with the seventh grade. Yeah, I'm practically the youngest in my school, since I skipped sixth grade when I tested out. Daddy was so proud! I'd tell you the name of my school or where we live, but like I said, I really don't want to get my Dad in trouble so I won't.
Let me see, I'm tall for my age, five foot four inches. Even taller than some of the other girls at school and they're mostly a year older than me. I have light brown hair. Actually its dark brown but the sun and chlorine from the pool make it a lot lighter colored. I keep it at shoulder length so it fits easier under my swim cap for races, and I prefer to keep it out of my face with a pony tail. Oh, and I'm really skinny.
I mean REALLY skinny. I hate it. I still have almost no boobs and no curves. My one friend Traci has been wearing a bra since she was nine and is already a C cup, it's just not fair. Daddy says I'm just a late bloomer, and I shouldn't expect to be 'full-figured' anyway since Mom was rather petite herself, but it's still not fair. If I kept my hair any shorter even more people would think I was a boy. Morons. Anyway, I'm really skinny, just barely 82 pounds. But I'm not anorexic, definitely not. I couldn't do as well at swimming if I were.
I'm really good at school, and take almost all Honors classes. A lot of people tell me how smart I am, but I really don't think so. It's just that Math and Science are so EASY. I'm only glad I don't wear glasses. If I did I just KNOW everyone would call me a nerd.
I have green eyes, they look just like Mom's, and dimples, and at least nice lips. They're not big and puffy like Angelina Jolie's, but they look good. I just wish my nose didn't look so... cute. That's what everyone says when they meet me.
"Oh, aren't you so cute?" It's better than being ugly I guess, but I get tired of hearing it. If Dad would just let me wear makeup, like my friend Lisa does, I'm sure it will make me look more mature and less 'cute', but he says I can't for at least another year. Did I mention he's such a fuddy duddy?
Speaking of Daddy, I still can't decide if I want to describe him the way he was then, or how he is now. I think if I described him NOW, I'd give away too much of the story and I don't want to do THAT, so I'll describe him then. Yeah, I'll do it that way.
Anyway, he's thirty seven, though looks younger, and is six foot two. He's big, not flabby, but muscular, 190 I think. He likes to run. Weirdo. I hate running, I'd rather swim. Did I tell you I'm on the swim team at school? He has very dark hair, darker than mine would be if I left it alone, and he keeps it really short. Not a crew cut like he was in the army or something, just really short. He says it makes it easier to take care of. Whatever.
He has what everyone calls a strong face, kind of like an older Mark Wahlberg, but with a wider chin. His eyes are hazel, but more brownish really, and he has nice eyebrows, not bushy like Staci's dad. Dad's face was made for smiling. I love how his eyes sparkle and one corner of his lip curls up when he's happy. He's been so very sad for so long, since Mom died, but I can tell you he's not sad very often anymore!
I'm glad he doesn't have a beard or mustache. His younger brother, Uncle Steve, has a beard, and even though it's short and he keeps it looking nice, it makes him look OLD! At least forty. I don't want Daddy to look old, so I'm glad he doesn't have facial hair. Dad really is handsome, everyone says so. I just wish he weren't so... old fashioned. He can be such a fuddy duddy sometimes, even now!
I met my best friend Becky right after we moved here when I was eight and we've been best friends ever since. She was actually a grade ahead when we first moved here until I skipped sixth, but that really didn't make a difference. It's kind of funny, SHE used to be the youngest in her class, but now I am. She lives just six streets over and we have four classes together at school. She's seven months older than me, her birthday is in September and mine is in April. We're both on the swim team and share just about everything. Except clothes.
I'm about two whole inches taller and she is almost ten pounds heavier. She's not chunky, she just has a bigger frame. She also has boobs, almost a B cup, and even has hips while I don't. Between our differences in height, weight, hips and boob size, it makes sharing clothes a real hassle. That sucks. It would be fun to trade more things than just accessories.
She has wavy blonde hair, also shoulder length for swim caps, and blue eyes. I'd kill to have blond hair and blue eyes. She also has one of those faces that people describe as 'elegant'. I think I'd prefer elegant over cute. She has longer eyelashes than me, but at least I have bigger lips.
Becky's parents got divorced even before I met her, and she lives with her mom, her stepdad Greg, and her older brother Brian. Brian's cool, but I'll tell you more about HIM later. He's SUCH a perv.
So, back to Dad and me, we live in a really cool house. It's really big with a HUGE backyard. And we have a pool! I can't wait until school is out and I can spend more time in our pool. Just a few more weeks!
Dad has an office downstairs where he works with his computers, he's a software engineer. I bet he's glad he doesn't have to dress up and go to work in the morning anymore. He only has to go to his regular office on the occasional Friday. It's good that he's home when I get home from school, that way I can keep an eye on him and make sure he's doing okay. I wouldn't want him to get depressed. I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to him.
We're the only house on our street, it's almost like we live out in the woods. It's always fun to go exploring when the weather is nice. There's a rabbit burrow near the end of the street with the cutest rabbits, and birds, squirrels, and chipmunks everywhere. I even saw a raccoon once! Dad says that there will be some more houses built on our street eventually, but I hope it's not too soon. It might scare away all of the animals I love to watch.
The only thing that stinks about being the only house on our street is that Becky is six streets over. Did I mention that? And we have to use bikes to visit each other. It's not too bad when the weather's nice, but it really sucks when it's raining. At least we don't have snow here like we did in the old place we lived before Mom died.
Hmmm, Mom's passing, I hate this part, and it hurts. Not physically like later, but emotionally. But it's an important part of the story, so I guess I should include it.
I remember too much about what happened when Mom died, even though it hurts to (remember that is). I was only eight, it was snowing, I remember that, and Mom had gone out somewhere. It wasn't grocery shopping, she normally took me when she did that. Anyway, Daddy and I were at home watching TV when the phone rang. Daddy got up and answered it, and I remember him turning white as a ghost. He said something to the person he was talking to and hung up the phone. Then he turned to me and told me that Mommy had been in an accident, and was at the hospital.
I don't remember what I thought. I don't think I thought anything. I remember crying, and Daddy holding me tightly in a big hug telling me that I needed to stay with Mrs. Evans next door while he went to the hospital to see Mommy. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted to go with him. I wanted to see Mommy. I was so very upset. He told me a hospital wasn't the right place for little girls, and it was very important to him that I stay with Mrs. Evans. I didn't want to, but it was something that Daddy needed me to do, so I got my stuff and stayed with her.
I spent several days at Mrs. Evans house and didn't go to school. I was so scared for Mommy and missed Daddy. He'd stop by, but only told me that Mommy was very sick. He looked so different, sad and really tired all the time. His eyes would be red as if he'd been crying. I could tell he wasn't telling me everything.
One day, I saw Daddy's car in the driveway but he hadn't come to see me at Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Evans was busy in the kitchen, so I went over to our house to look for Daddy. I found him in his and Mommy's room. He was holding Mommy's favorite dress and was crying. Seeing him cry made me cry and I ran over to him. He held me in such a tight hug it was hard to breathe, and I cried even harder when he told me that Mommy was gone and was now in Heaven. As terrible as things were that day, I still remember how having Daddy holding me tight made things... not so bad.
I don't blame Dad for not letting me visit Mom in the hospital, even now. I sort of understand why, she had been hurt very badly after being struck by that damn drunk driver. I only regret not having a chance to say goodbye.
Daddy was so very sad for a long time. I really missed Mommy, but it scared me to see him like that all of the time. I could even here him crying in his room late at night sometimes, when I think he thought I was asleep and couldn't hear him. He tried so hard to comfort me and cheer ME up during those first dreadful months. But there wasn't anyone around who could cheer HIM up, but me. So that's what I set out to do.
I gave him hugs and kisses whenever he looked really depressed, and did my best at school so he didn't have to worry about that. I talked him doing all kinds of things together, and even got him to swim with me at the Y, though he was SOOO slow. I helped out around the house and even cooked a lot more. (Mom had been teaching me to cook for a while now before her accident.) After a few months, Daddy wasn't so sad all of the time, only sometimes, though I still had to keep an eye on him. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him. I had to be sure that nothing ever would.
I remember it was almost springtime when he told me his work was going to move us to a new city. I didn't want to go. All of my friends were here, and this was where Mommy was at the cemetery. But I didn't want to ever be the one to make him upset, so I tried to look on the bright side. At least we would be a lot closer to Grandma and Grandpa. It made things a whole lot better when he told me we were going someplace warm where we could have our very own pool in the backyard. That was going to be SO awesome! I really like it here now, but I do miss my old friends sometimes.
So we found our new house in a new city, and I went to a new school. It was kind of scary at first, but on the first day I met Becky, who like I already said, lives just six streets over. She was really nice, is only seven months older than me, and loves to swim too! We have so many things in common, music, books, movies, TV shows. It was just too cool having someone to do everything fun with. To top it off, she loved to go shopping at the mall!
Just so you know, shopping was the special thing Mom and I used to do together, and going shopping would always remind me of the fun we had together. Those are the memories I prefer to remember. Shopping with Daddy is fun, but he just doesn't understand. I think he'd still make me dress like a little girl if I let him.
At least Dad will sometimes let me go to the mall with just Becky and my friends now. It took a long time to convince him. I mean, it was close enough I could WALK there. It wasn't until I started seventh grade that he let me, go with just my friends I mean. He'd give me the whole fatherly 'don't talk to strangers and if anything doesn't look right, call me on the phone IMMEDIATELY' speech. Then he'd loan me his cell phone so I'd have one to use. He's such a big fuddy duddy, but I love him anyway.
When I'm at the mall with my friends at least, we could look at some of the really sexy clothes that I would just die of embarrassment if Dad were there and saw me checking them out. Or I would have before, now I think that Daddy be the one being embarrassed. Anyway, Becky and I soon became best friends, and she still is.
I mentioned it was sort of Becky's fault how so many things in my life changed recently. You wouldn't believe how that happened.
I was at a sleepover at Becky's house during spring break back in March. Even though she is my best friend, I was SOO jealous of Becky. I think I mentioned she already had boobs and was even growing hair on her cunny. It wasn't fair that I didn't even have the beginnings of boobs. I knew boys who had boobs bigger than mine. They were the kind of chunky boys, but they still had what sure looked like boobs.
Becky would try to make me feel better by saying how she wished her boobs weren't quite so big and how they made getting good times at swim meets harder and how bra straps really weren't all that comfortable. She'd also tell me how she'd trade her boobs for my grades at school.
We were both taking Honors classes, but I had much better grades. I'd only gotten one B last semester, and that was only because I was sick the day of ONE test. I was so mad. Mrs. Reynolds should have allowed me to make that test up. She could be such a bitch. A bitch, that's too funny. Oops, mustn't give anything away.
Still, it was SO easy for Becky to find clothes that fit right and looked good on her. Half the time I had to get my clothes through the Internet just to get stuff in my size. But that didn't mean I still couldn't look for stuff at the mall. Plus it was fun helping Becky find the coolest stuff for her. I mean, she IS my best friend.
So, like I said, we were over at Becky's house by ourselves. Becky's mom and her stepdad Greg were out on a date or whatever married people do, and her brother was staying with his and Becky's dad.
Now Greg is Becky's stepdad. He was also a really nice guy, though tended to treat me like a little girl which was annoying. You know, one of those people who considered me 'cute'. At least they trusted Becky and me enough to leave us home alone while he and Becky's mom went out for the night. Daddy was still a little squirmy about that, he could be such a fuddy duddy.
So, we had already put on our nightshirts and were downstairs by ourselves watching a movie on TV when, during a boring part, Becky looked around as if to see if we were being spied on.
"Hey, Amy, do you want to look at something cool?" she asked as if sharing some big secret.
"Sure, what did you have in mind?"
"My brother Brian is staying with Dad this week, something about a fishing trip. I know the password to the computer in his room. Do you want to go look at some of the stuff he has in there that he's hiding from my Mom and Greg?"
I mentioned earlier that Brian is Becky's older brother. He's sixteen, and is actually quite a bit of fun. He's one of the few people besides my Dad who doesn't treat me completely like a child. (Though Daddy sort of does. I think it's him trying to be 'fatherly'.) I rather like him, Brian I mean, though I don't think he's very cute. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but I just didn't find him very attractive, probably the long hair and his attempt at a beard that just made him look scruffy.
Now, I have my own computer at home, but my dad is computer savvy enough to have filter's up to keep me from looking at some of the more interesting stuff out there. To top it off, he keeps it in the family room despite my constantly asking him to let me move it to my room. He really can be such a fuddy duddy.
So, the suggestion that we might be able to surf the internet without getting caught was too much to resist.
"Sure, Beck, that would be cool. Umm, he won't know we've been sneaking a peek at his stuff, will he?"
"Puh-lease, I know how to put it back so he won't know a thing. Besides, you wouldn't believe what a pervert he is."
That was enough for me. We scampered up to the door to his room, cracked it open and snuck in like we were burglars or something. Becky and I sat down on the chair, even though it was a tight fit. I had to put one arm around her waist to keep from sliding off. For almost a second I was glad I didn't have hips yet. Almost.
I wondered what was on Brian's machine that Becky thought was so perverted. As it booted up, I tried to get her to give me a hint, but all I would get was a sneaky grin along with a "You'll see..." When the login screen appeared, Becky put in the password. She must have fumbled it the first time because it said "Access Denied" which made me worry just a little bit, but the second time brought it right to the desktop.
Before I knew it, Becky had the web browser open and had navigated to this unbelievable web site with all sorts of videos and pictures of people doing all kinds of nasty sex things. Not nasty in a bad or disgusting way, but nasty in a "God, I can't believe they're doing THAT!" way. I had seen pictures of naked people in Sex Ed class, and sometimes in a movie, and I had once seen Daddy naked by accident when he was getting out of the shower, but nothing like this! Daddy has explained love and sex and all that, you know, THE TALK, but that just wasn't the same as SEEING it.
"Oh my God, Becky! You weren't kidding when you said your brother is a perv!" We were only on the menu pages and hadn't even opened any picture folder or movie and I was already getting that warm squishy feeling in the pit of my tummy and my cunny was already starting to itch. I mean, I've been rubbing myself for a while now at night in bed, but this was making me feel the same and I hadn't even touched myself yet. It must have made Becky feel similar, because I could feel her squirming just as much as I was where our thighs and hips were touching. It felt kind of strange getting horny sitting next to Becky like that.
"Amy, look at this! Can you believe how big his dick is? And look at her! Those boobs have got to be fake! Can you believe that his dick would fit in her cunny like that? Oh, wouldn't that be gross? She's licking his penis! Eww, look, he's licking her pussy and sticking his finger in her butt!"
We watched picture after picture and video after video. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. I felt the front of my panties getting damp I was so hot. I carefully brought my free hand down to my lap to carefully rub myself hoping Becky didn't notice. I shouldn't have worried, because right after I began rubbing my little cunny, Becky brought her hand down and rubbed herself too when she wasn't opening another movie.
The next two movies were really over the top though. The first one kind of led me to where I am now, and the second one was just as amazing, but in a different way.
The first movie had an older guy, maybe my dad's age, with a girl wearing a cheerleading outfit. She looked to be about eighteen or nineteen, if that. What changed everything was when I noticed Becky rubbing herself harder as she said in a sort of moaning voice "Oh God, Amy. That guy almost looks like your Dad. Oh, he's such a hunk. I would love to get alone with him and have him do THAT to me sometime. Mmmmm..."
I was so surprised about Becky's comment about my Dad I stopped rubbing my aching cunny and turned to look at her in disbelief. Her eyes were closed and she was dreamily rubbing her cunny and tweaking one of her nipples on her unfairly large boob.
What did she mean? My Dad? Becky thought my Dad was a hunk? Yeah, he was handsome, and smart, and kind, and all that. But, MY Dad? I actually felt a flare of resentment at my best friend. He's MY Dad, you can't have him! The only one allowed to be with him was ME!
My anger shocked me. This was my best friend. It took me a moment to realize that Becky meant the guy in the video, not my Dad. Or I hoped that was the case. It wasn't right that she fantasized about my Dad while she was masturbating.
I felt bad about getting so mad at Becky for what she said, so kind of agreed with her with a "Mmm-hmm, he IS sort of hot..." as I leaned back and began rubbing myself again. Before I knew it, I was closing my eyes and thinking about a big strong guy rubbing me in all the right places, kissing me all over, making love to me. I really didn't know when the guy in my dream changed, but when he turned to kiss me and it was Daddy, I suddenly came so hard I fell off the chair!
"Oh my God! Amy, are you all right?" The startled face of Becky looking down at me lying on her brother's bedroom floor with my hand down my panties where I had been rubbing myself while she was still on the chair with her hand down her own panties and her other hand under her nightshirt squeezing her boobs was just too funny.
I started with a giggle, but soon laughed so hard I had a hard time getting back up on the chair. Becky had to grab my hand and pull me up beside her. Every time we caught each other's eye, we'd giggle again. I noticed that Becky was still holding my hand in hers and had it resting on her thigh. It was kind of nice.
"Amy, do you want to watch another video?" Becky's question was soft, almost shy. It was almost like she was embarrassed. It was so unlike her.
"Sure Becky, what did you have in mind?"
"I kind of like this one, tell me what you think." She reached for the mouse to navigate to a new window, leaving my hand on her thigh, and opened a new video, than brought her hand back as it started, but resting it on my thigh instead.
I was kind of startled when the video started with two girls talking in a kitchen. It wasn't long before the two of them were hugging each other, caressing each other's' back and butts while kissing passionately.
Becky's hand on my thigh had started rubbing gently and she leaned her head against my shoulder as we watched these two girls head toward a bedroom and sexily remove their clothes. Becky turned her head and quietly whispered in my ear "Amy, what do you think? Isn't this sexy?"
I'd heard of girls having sex with each other, I was eleven for God's sake, almost twelve. I'd just never expected to see it like this, or find out that Becky felt like this. I had to admit, it was making me hot, though I wasn't sure why. That memory of cumming to the image of Daddy's face was still strangely strong. I felt kind of weird for doing that, so that may have influenced my reply.
I gave Becky's thigh a gentle rub as well and quietly replied, "I'm not sure, it is sexy though."
Becky sort of sighed, "I think so too", and leaned over and began to kiss my neck. My God, that felt amazing! I closed my eyes at the sensation as Becky drifted her hand up and down my thigh, gently kissing down my neck to my shoulder, then back along my collar bone. It felt incredible. Than my imagination struck again as I imagined it was Daddy kissing my neck and rubbing my thigh, bringing his hand closer and closer to the wet furnace of my little pussy.
When it suddenly stopped, I actually moaned in protest. I opened my eyes to find myself staring into my best friends blue eyes. A smile curved her lip, and she whispered "We can't stay here or we'll get caught, Mom and Greg may get home anytime. Help me put everything back and we can finish in my room."
I was so horny, but confused, I didn't know what to say. My best friend wanted to have sex with me, which was kind of odd, but not, if you know what I mean. But what was weird was every time I closed my eyes I saw my Dad making love to me. THAT was the image that was making me so unbelievably horny.
Still, what Becky was doing felt so good and I was so hot I think I would have agreed to anything. Besides, she was my best friend. So I helped her clean up any traces of our presence in Brian's room and we both hurried across the hall to Becky's room.
We both ended up on Becky's bed on our knees facing each other. Becky's eyes kind of glowed, and she gently raised her hand to cup my face.
"Oh, Amy, you are so beautiful. I am so glad to be your friend." Then she closed her eyes, leaned forward and kissed me on my lips.
My God! It was amazing! I'd never kissed ANYONE on the lips before, even Daddy. (What brought that thought up just then?) I felt Becky's tongue trace the lips of my mouth, before pushing more insistently until I opened my mouth allowing her tongue to enter.
I was becoming so hot that my panties were soaked. I reached up and put my arm behind my best friend's neck and pulled her lips tighter to me, using my own tongue to tease her own as we shared such a passionate kiss.
Before I knew it, we had fallen on our sides, still locked in our kiss, our legs scissored together, both of us grinding our pussies against the other's thighs as we each moaned into the other's mouths. It was the most unbelievable erotic experience I'd ever had so far.
Becky was the first to orgasm. All of the sudden her grinding changed to a sudden lunge as her thighs clamped hard around my own as her fists and eyes clenched tight. I heard her moans and grunts just as the wave of my own orgasm washed over me. I could feel all my muscles lock and my back arch and actually saw fireworks! It felt so powerful it hurt.
We both came to our senses about the same time, lying on our backs breathing deeply. Becky was the first to say anything.
"Wow! That was intense!" Then she rolled onto her side, propped her head on her arm and looked at me.
"Thank you Amy, that was amazing!" Then, I saw mischievous glint in her eye. "I'm kind of disappointed though, you didn't call out my name when you came, and I was right here."
"What do you mean? I didn't call out any name." At least I didn't remember saying anything.
Becky was almost gleeful. "Yes you did, you called out 'Oh, Daddy!'!"
My God! I couldn't possibly have said that! And to have my best friend hear me say that while we were making out? I felt I was going to die of embarrassment. I was mortified. I just wanted to sink down into the ground I felt so humiliated.
Becky must have seen how ashamed I felt as I squirmed in embarrassment. She reached over gently and caught my face, then firmly turned my unwilling gaze toward her.
"I'm sorry Amy. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Your Dad really is special, raising you alone and everything. He really is something and my God, he really is a hunk. If I were you I'd have the hot's for him too."
She managed to duck away from the pillow I managed to throw at her and continued.
"I promise. It's a secret just between us. I'll even pinky swear."
I managed a weak smile, "Promise?"
"Promise. Umm, Amy..." Now this was interesting. Now it was Becky's turn to squirm in embarrassment.
"Umm, Amy... Umm, I hope... Umm... That you don't think... Umm..." I could almost see what she was being so awkward about, but didn't want to let her off the hook just yet for teasing me about Daddy. So I just looked at her questioningly while I waited for her to spit out what she wanted to say.
There were only a few more Umm's and pauses before it all came out in a rush.
"Amy, I hope you really don't think I only like girls. I really do like boys, the ones who aren't jerks anyway, and I don't want you to think I'm some kind of lesbian. I wouldn't have ever tried that with anyone else but you since you are my very best friend and I hope you don't hate me for making out with you." Then, in a more normal tone, "I actually kind of liked it, to be honest... I just wanted to see what it would be like."
I tried not to, but I giggled. I looked at my bestest friend and leaned over to give her a best friends hug.
"It's okay, Becky, I don't mind. It was actually kind of fun."
"That's good." Next thing I knew it, I had a pillow to the side of my head. "That's for throwing my pillow at me first!"
We ended up having a very satisfying pillow fight before we finally collapsed in exhaustion. As we drifted off, I heard Becky ask "Amy that was really nice tonight. Do you think we could do it again sometime?"
My smart-alec response of "I don't know Becky, aren't we getting too old for pillow fights?" earned me a final thump with a pillow.
"Don't be a jerk, Amy, you know what I meant."
I giggled a bit. "You're right, making out was fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again later either."
I barely heard Becky's mumble as she drifted off to sleep. I was really tired as well, but couldn't fall asleep yet. Every time I closed my eyes, I remembered how hot the idea of Daddy kissing and touching me had made me. I squirmed a bit in disappointment that I would never have him touch me like that except in my dreams.
Then a thought struck me so hard it made me sit upright! Why should I only think of Dad like that in my dreams? I could convince him of just about anything if I tried hard enough. I would find a way to have Daddy all for myself where I could make him happy and he could make out with me forever. I remember that thought still bouncing around my head as I lay back down and finally drifted off, and found that thought was still there the next morning.
Determining I was going to find a way to have my way with Daddy, or rather convince him to have his way with ME was a whole lot different than actually finding a way to make it happen. I got home the next day from Becky's with all of these great fantasies of batting my eyelashes and Daddy sweeping me off my feet to carry me upstairs to his room where he would ravish me to my heart's content. Obviously, I had read one too many romance novels.
I got home just in time for chores, then it was my turn to make dinner, and before I knew it Dad and I were curled up on the couch watching a movie. I did try to get a response by being all snugly and affectionate, but all that got me was a hug and an "I missed you too while you were at Becky's last night." What a fuddy duddy.
I know, I could have just stripped naked and jumped HIS bones, but I don't think that would have worked. I'm certain it would have freaked him out, (he's such a fuddy duddy), and ruined our whole relationship forever. I wanted a BETTER relationship, not to destroy the one I already had. I had to find the right path, preferably one that would get him to jump MY bones.
I realized when I got up the next morning things weren't just going to happen. I would have to MAKE them happen. I tried to think of the times that Dad had been focused on me as me and not his daughter. The last time was when I sprained my wrist last fall when I fell off my bike.
That wasn't my fault! I was on my way to Becky's house and the last rain storm had washed some gravel onto the road and I didn't think it would be so slippery and I automatically put my hand down to catch myself when I skidded and fell. At least I didn't break it. Daddy acted like I'd amputated my arm when I walked into the house holding my wrist.
Daddy was so concerned and helpful while it healed, paying close attention to me and all. But again, it was more a matter of fatherly concern. How could I get him to look at me as a woman and not a little girl? Although it would help if I looked like a woman. God, I wished my body would get in gear and give me some curves to impress Dad with.
Though I hope I don't get the acne. Poor Lisa, she has such a bad case. She told me once she'd rather trade my lack of development for her figure and her acne in a heartbeat. I'm not sure I'd make that trade. I didn't tell her that, though. She's my friend and I'm not stupid.
So, back to my story, the next morning while I was brushing my teeth I looked in the mirror and saw myself in my nightshirt. No wonder I didn't get much of a response from Daddy! I was dressing like a little girl. If I wanted for Dad to think of me as sexy, I would have to look sexy!
I was ready to tear into my room to completely redo my entire wardrobe, when Dad called from downstairs. I had completely forgotten it was Sunday and I had to hurry to get ready for church. For a moment I thought God was playing tricks on me, constantly throwing stumbling blocks in my plans to have my way with Daddy, than felt guilty for being so... sacrilegious.
Still, it was good to see all my friends at church, Becky and Lisa and Staci and Melissa and Tami. I wish I could have asked them for advice on how to get my Dad to jump my bones, but even though Becky knew how I felt, sort of, I wasn't confident enough to ask anyone for help. Besides, I looked at it as a challenge I wanted to solve myself.
At least I finally managed to sort through my clothes after lunch while Dad was cleaning the pool. I was actually surprised that my 'sexy' pile was as large as it was. Sometimes it pays to be a shopaholic fashionable eleven year old. However, my nightclothes were completely unacceptable. I doubted I could get Dad to go anywhere near a mall this afternoon. There was really too much to do before Monday, and I don't like to be rushed when I'm shopping for clothes.
So, a shopping trip to reshape my wardrobe would just have to wait until next weekend. Drat. Then I had an inspiration. Becky's mom! Becky's mom still looked really good for her age. Gee, she was forty one, even older then Dad! (Wait, I didn't mean it like that!) Anyway, Becky's mom would wear some of Greg's old t-shirts with some satiny bikini underwear. I could tell Greg appreciated it whenever I was over for a sleep-over. He always had an eye on her wherever she went. I could try that!
I ran across the hall to Dad's room to riffle through his drawers to find some of his older t-shirts I could... acquire. You wouldn't believe the smell of Dad's clothes when I opened his drawer though. It was a musky man scent, like old leather. I thought my eyes would roll all the way up to the back of my head it smelled so good. I almost wanted to make a nest in the drawer and move in.
Why hadn't I noticed the smell of Dad's clothes before? I mean, it was my job to do laundry ever since Daddy accidentally shrunk my favorite pair of jeans. So it wasn't like I'd never been around his clothes. But this was completely different.
I think I would have spent all afternoon there luxuriating in that male Dad smell if the sound of the door downstairs hadn't brought me to my senses. I had a pretty good idea which shirts I wanted, and quickly found them toward the bottom of the drawer. I doubt he would miss my grabbing them.
I hurried back to my room to examine my prizes. I quickly tried the first one on, and was initially disappointed. The V-neck was perfect, always ready to slide off one shoulder or the other. It was the hem that was the problem. I was tall for my age at five foot four, but Dad was six foot two, the bottom of his shirt hung almost to my knees. I was rather disappointed at this stumbling block in my plan, when another stroke of brilliance hit me. Mom's sewing machine! I could use that to raise the hem to where I could make sure Dad noticed! I'd used the sewing machine before to 'adjust' some of my, shall we say, less flattering outfits, so re-hemming a few t-shirts was easy. Problem solved.
When I was done, the hem fell to barely an inch below the bottom of my panties. Perfect. Anytime I stretched or bent over, Dad would be sure to get an eyeful, now for the panties.
I had already placed my little girl briefs in the non-sexy pile. It left me with enough low-rise and bikini panties to last until next week's shopping trip. It would be even better if I could sneak something even sexier into my wardrobe. Something lacy or better yet satiny! Wouldn't that just drive Daddy wild! I just had to find a way to acquire my latest bait. This was getting better and better!
I was very nervous that night after I'd gotten ready for bed and went downstairs to watch TV with Dad. I took a deep breath at the entrance to the family room to quiet the butterflies, and then nonchalantly went in to sit down next to him like we usually did.
I don't think he noticed me at first, but when he did, WOW! Score! I thought his eyes would pop.
"Um, Amy, what happened to your night shirt? Why are you wearing my old shirt?"
"It was getting too small, Daddy. I thought your old shirt would be roomy enough. Do you like?" I stretched my arms out to emphasize the roominess. I tried not to be too obvious. Daddy was such a fuddy duddy I didn't want to give him a heart attack. I just wanted him to notice I wasn't a little girl anymore. I gave him the big innocent eye and shy grin routine and could almost see him fold. It didn't help him that it was HIS rule that he could veto any of my outfits I wore OUT the front door, but I could wear anything I wanted in and around the house.
"Is it really all that more comfortable? Couldn't we go shopping tomorrow after school and get you something more... appropriate?"
That was a rotten offer I hadn't considered. I at least managed to give him a non-committal 'okay we'll look at something then' and settled in. I remember thinking of what kind of excuse I'd have to create to avoid going out tomorrow. As much as I wanted to get started on my wardrobe update, I didn't want to chance having Dad short circuit my plans by choosing something unreasonably conservative for me. Still, my assault on Mount Daddy had begun. Now it was just a matter of time.
And so my journey to convince my Dad to jump my bones began. I used to feel bad about how lonely he must have been when some of the single women at church didn't catch his interest. Now I was so very pleased. No competition!
I think I devoured every romance novel I could get my hands on describing the art of seduction and tried as many as I could manage. It was hard to be patient, especially when I wasn't sure of my progress. However, I knew some sort of progress was being made, because he became less puritanical about my clothing choices as the weeks went on. It was getting to the point where only the most risqué items would trip his fuddy duddy alarm.
Meanwhile, on one of my visits to Becky's house, she managed to convince me to take my top off while we were fooling around. I then found out how AMAZING it felt for someone to lick and suck on my nipples as well as to do that to someone else, especially when that person already had a rather nicely formed pair of boobs.
Even better was having Becky notice my areolae had grown larger along with my nipples, it was at least a sign that puberty was finally on its way. I was SO happy until Becky joked about having to wait until Christmas for my boobs to actually arrive, which earned her another pillow fight. Still, it was one more sign that I would soon have the figure I hoped would get Dad to notice me as a woman and not a little girl. Every little bit helped. It turned out that I shouldn't have bothered worrying, though. It turned out he actually WAS noticing after all. Too bad it wasn't until I read HIS version of our story to find out, the cad.
Although I could tell I had begun to make a crack in the wall of Daddy's fatherly paternalism, I sometimes felt that my quest was going to just take forever. Still, my preoccupation with seducing Dad made time go very fast, and before I knew it, it was April 22nd. My twelfth birthday!
We had a pool party Saturday afternoon, and ALL my friends were there. The weather was perfect, finally warm. Whoever says that just because it doesn't snow means it doesn't get cold in the winter is full of crap. There was music, and food, and the traditional cake and ice cream. My friends gave me some awesome presents. The latest Justin Bieber upload for my I-Pod, some really nice A&F jeans that actually fit, and Becky got me a really nice necklace. There were two things though that made it particularly memorable.
First was Staci's bikini. Now, I've always preferred bikini swimsuits ever since I could remember and only wore a one piece for the swim team. Now, my earlier bikinis were extremely... conservative. Very much something a little girl would wear. Even at my pool party most of us were wearing variations of that classic designed-for-a-child style bikini. But not Staci, not today.
It was powder blue with high cut bikini bottoms, similar to the bikini panties you'd find at the store. Her top came around her chest and came up covering her boobs to tie around her neck. It really emphasized her cleavage. It wasn't fair. However, it did do something. It made me want my own pair, but sexier. Now I just had to find a way to acquire one of my own. Soon.
Second was Dad's gift. It was the absolute best. My eyes almost popped when I opened his little present. It was the most beautiful pair of diamond earrings I could have imagined. They were HUGE. They were not some gift for a little girl, they were something you gave a grown up! I almost threw myself at him in excitement, before remembering my goal of him seeing me as more mature. Still I managed a heartfelt hug, a kiss on the cheek, and a sincere "Thank you, Daddy." He tried to downplay it as a shame that diamonds were my birthstone, but I could tell he was pleased at my reaction. Score!
Becky stayed the night at my house this time after the party. I hadn't realized I'd somehow forgotten to mention the changes to my nightwear, because I thought her eyes would pop when I slipped Daddy's old t-shirt on.
"Good God, Amy! How long have you been wearing THAT?"
I tried to downplay it, "A few months."
"No you haven't. You weren't wearing it when you stayed the night at my house last month."
I countered with, "Maybe I didn't want to wear them around Brian or Greg."
"Damn straight, you'd have had to beat them off with a stick."
I was enjoying this, "I just might have, maybe why I didn't wear it." I tried to change the subject. "Hey, I smell popcorn. Let's get downstairs for our movie!"
My attempted distraction didn't work. It was as if I hadn't said a thing.
"Are you kidding? If you wore that downstairs your Dad would... Wait..."
I could see the light in her eyes as she added two and two. "Your Dad lets you wear that?" I nodded, and waited, reluctantly realizing I just can't keep a secret from my best friend as she figured things out.
"My God Amy! You are such an outrageous flirt to do that to your Dad! Jeezus, you DO have the hot's for him! I can't believe it! Has he noticed? Have you told him? Has he done anything to you? Have you done anything to him? Tell me! Tell me everything!"
"Shhh, keep it down. I don't want him to hear. If he's noticed, I can't tell. I THINK he has, but I'm not sure. Oh, Becky, what if I can't make him love me? I don't know what else to do?"
"Oh, Amy, you do have it bad. Remember me and Jimmy Riker from the boys swim team last fall? I thought the sun rose and fell with him. Too bad it turned out he was such an immature jerk. But your Dad? That is just too awesome! We'll have to talk about it later. Whoops, you were right, I do smell popcorn, we'd better hurry down. We can talk about it tonight."
I couldn't believe Becky's response. Here I thought she would think I was some sicko freak for lusting after my own father. Instead she thought it was the greatest thing. Here was yet another reason she was my best friend. I'm not sure if she understood, but at least she accepted it. So far.
After the movie when we found ourselves back up in my room, I found myself spilling everything. It felt so good to unload to someone I trusted. She sat there in silence as I talked, only providing a short 'Nuh-uuh' when I blamed her for setting me on my quest.
When I finished, she reached over and gave me a hug.
"Oh, Amy, you've got it bad. I don't know what to tell you." I started to sigh in agreement when a mischievous glint appeared in her eye. "So how can I help?"
We must have talked for an hour, discussing plans and ideas. It was such a relief to find someone who understood. Unfortunately, she didn't have any realistic suggestion that I hadn't already tried. At least she was sympathetic, and that was what I needed most.
Talking about how we might manage to get Daddy into my panties must have made us both horny. We managed one make out session before sleep. Kissing and rubbing and grinding against Becky was great, but I still would have preferred it to be Daddy. On a brighter note, while we were making out, our shirts came off and we ended up kissing and nibbling on each other's boobs again. It was while we were teasing each other's nipples that Becky discovered something fabulous!
"Mmmm, Amy, "she moaned as she drove me crazy by swirling her tongue around my nipple, then she abruptly stopped and leaned back. She managed to stop my discontented complaint though when she said. "Look! Your nipple, it's not lying flat anymore! You have boobs now!"
I had been so despondent over my lack of development I hadn't paid attention to my chest in weeks. Not enough to notice. But Becky was right! My aureole had gotten bigger, and actually capped a pair of budding breasts! I was so excited I jumped over on Becky and gave her a passionate kiss, rubbing my newly sprouted breasts against her much more developed ones. It was wonderful, until a mischievous comment about mosquito bites instigated an epic pillow fight. Still it finally meant I was finally done with being a child, and was on my way to being a woman. Wait until Daddy noticed these!
The next day after that epic night, I was able to finagle an unescorted shopping trip to the mall, only because Dad was busy. There was still quite a mess from yesterday's party, but he wouldn't hear about it when Becky and I offered to help. He almost had us wait until he was done though, but I sort of implied that it wasn't going to just be me and Becky going shopping and that we would be meeting up with more of my friends there.
Fortunately he didn't press for details. I really don't like telling out and out lies to Dad, it's too easy to get caught and his disappointment was worse than getting punished. However, not telling him every last little detail didn't really count, especially when he didn't specifically ask for those minor tidbits of information.
Having Becky along was a huge help in augmenting my 'sexy for Daddy' look. We tried to find some lacy bras and such, but although I was finally getting boobs I could only find training bras that fit, and those just wouldn't do. Except at school, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself now that I was able to show 'headlights' through my shirts. So I did pick up a pair of those.
But what really made that trip memorable was when Becky gleefully dragged me over to the thong section within the intimates department. Oh, my God! I had to get some. I could just imagine how Daddy's eyes would pop when I flashed him a peek of me wearing those. Becky had to rein me in or I may have grabbed every pair in reach.
All in all, it was a great shopping trip, and I was sorry when Becky went back to her house, but I couldn't wait for Daddy to see me in my new undies. It was hard not to race upstairs right after dinner so I could put on my night clothes.
However, it was all worth the wait. After watching our usual shows on TV, I finally went upstairs and got ready for bed. It was great when I put a really nice baby blue thong on and looked at myself in the mirror. It felt a little strange at first, but as soon as I saw how it gave me the appearance of hips, I loved it! I threw on my nightshirt and went downstairs to try it out.
I paused at the entrance to the family room and took a deep breath. I was actually kind of nervous, it was almost worse than the first night I wore my new night shirt. Still, I pulled myself together and rather nonchalantly headed over to the couch. I was sure I'd find the perfect opportunity to give Daddy a good peek at my new assets. No pun intended.
I didn't have to wait long. Daddy asked me to choose the movie we were going to watch, so I got up and went over to the movie rack. I somehow managed to drop the movie I'd picked, and with an "Oops" to get his attention, bent over to get it off the floor, and 'accidentally' gave him a good view of my butt cheeks along with my new underwear.
His reaction was everything I could have hoped for. His eyes popped and were absolutely glued to my butt. It was hard not to giggle. I stood back up, put the movie in the Blue Ray player and headed back to the pouch. Just before I sat down, Daddy finally managed to form a question.
"Amy, how long have you been wearing those?"
I went for the innocent response. "I've been wearing my nightshirt for months"
"Not that, I meant those panties."
"Daddy, were you looking at my underwear?" I had to try hard not to giggle as he blushed. I'd never managed to make him do that before, even when we were having The Talk. Score! I didn't give him any room to recover. "It's not like anyone else is going to see them. Only you ever see me in my panties and I wear clothes when I go out. Besides, they are rather comfortable."
"You really should wear something less revealing. It's practically indecent."
"Don't be such a fuddy duddy, Daddy. Besides, it's more than you wear. Don't you sleep without any clothes at all?"
That caused him to blush even more, but I had him and I knew it. I tried not to smirk as I settled down and heard him grumble under his breath again about how wrong it was for retailers to carry such things and how daughters shouldn't look so sexy.
That little comment didn't let me hear anything else. It was all I could do not to jump up and cheer. Daddy thought I was sexy! Score! Home run! I think I repeated variations of that to myself all the way through the movie. I sure don't remember watching it. I couldn't wait to tell Becky how well her suggestion worked. This was the biggest success I'd had yet. Too bad I would have to wait until tomorrow to tell her, Daddy wouldn't let me call out or take calls after 9pm. The big fuddy duddy, but I loved him anyway, despite his silly rules.
So I chipped yet another chink in the wall of Daddy's antiquated notions of my still being a child. Progress!
Now, after seeing Staci in that bikini at my pool party, my next goal was acquiring a new bikini for myself. That was turning out to be a bit of a challenge. Just about everything available at the mall wasn't really what I was looking for. They were still too conservative, even the stuff at PacSun or American Eagle. It looked like I was going to have to turn to the Internet.
I had to find the perfect time to place my order, though. If Daddy noticed what I was actually getting, it would ruin everything. He needed to be distracted enough that he wouldn't look too closely, but not so busy that he put it off until he did have the time to look it over. It was a tough balancing act. Does it seem like I may have done something sneaky like this before? Well, duh...
I ended up waiting almost three whole weeks for the right moment. I thought it would never come up. Anyway, it was perfect. I found THE perfect bikini, oh, and a little black dress that had possibilities, several pairs of pants, skirts, blouses, a few accessories. The best part was I took it all the way to the summary and the total. The summary just showed the quantity and a description, swim suit, dress, pants, and so forth. I managed to drag Daddy away from work long enough to take care of the credit card details and it was done! The only thing I heard from Daddy as he went back to the office were grumblings about the outrageous cost of teenage clothing. Score!
It was hard waiting for my package to arrive. Every day when I got home from school I was hoping to see it just inside the door. I loved how Daddy respected my privacy by not opening my packages. Besides, he knew I'd be showing him my new things soon enough. Still, I was disappointed every afternoon when it failed to be there. The anticipation was unbelievable. Even Dad noticed my fidgeting. From his comments he figured it was the whole end-of-school-can't-wait-until-summer jitters. How little did he know...
So, after almost a week and a half it FINALLY arrived. It was the Thursday before the weekend before Memorial Day weekend. I wanted to run up and try it on right then and there, but now the weather conspired against me. It was too blah a day to spend by the pool. Dang. At least the weather for tomorrow was supposed to be perfect.
It was SO hard to concentrate at school Friday. All I could think about was Dad's reaction when he saw me in my new bikini. I was so preoccupied in my last class, Math, that Becky had to kick the back of my chair and quietly remind me there was a test on Monday and I really needed to take notes during the review. That reminded me of my irritation with Mrs. Reynolds for having a test on Monday and was enough to bring me back to the present. I mean what kind of teacher schedules a Math test on a Monday? A sadist, that's who!
Friday afternoon was every bit as glorious as I could have hoped. On the bus ride home my friends and I chatted and giggled, talking about summer plans. We were all jealous of Lisa. Her family was taking a Caribbean cruise for a whole week. Lucky stiffs. It sounded so awesome I began wondering what it would take to convince Dad to take one. Mmmm, the possibilities... A romantic cruise, sharing a state room, sleeping in the same bed with Daddy...
I was so caught up in that daydream I almost missed my stop. Fortunately Becky reminded me. With a parting comment about getting together later, I grabbed my stuff and hopped out. I had already placed the cruise idea in the back of my mind for later by the time I reached the front door. From the front porch I could hear Dad mowing the grass in the backyard. Perfect!
I hurried into the house, dropped my backpack on the table and stuck my head out of the patio door. I yelled my usual "Hi Daddy, I'm home!" greeting over the sound of the lawnmower, and without waiting for a response ducked back inside to run up to my room to change. I was almost shaking with excitement.
I quickly stripped off my clothes and put on my new bikini. Good God! It was everything I could have hoped for, Dad was just going to die when he saw this! Um, wrong phrasing. He was going to freak!
My new weapon was a very daring string bikini. It was white, the bottoms started barely above where my labia ended, halfway up the mound of my pudendum. Hey, I've taken Sex Ed, I know the terms. If I'd have had any pubic hair yet, I would have had to shave it off to wear THESE bikini bottoms. They narrowed as the dropped down between my thighs, and widened only slightly as they came up to barely cover my butt before stopping right at the top of the crack of my ass. Little strings came around and tied into little bows right on my hips. I had thong panties that had more coverage. They were SO sexy, and even helped me look like I had hips! Perfect!
The top was just as wonderful. Small triangles of fabric just covered my newly budding breasts, enough to actually define them and draw attention. The bottom string continued around either side of my chest to tie in back. The string holding them up tied just behind my neck. It was a classic, though very small, string bikini. I couldn't wait!
I quickly threw on the clothes I wore over my suit. Daddy always wondered why I did that since I was only going to take them off again as soon as I got down to the patio. I don't know why I did either, call it force of habit. Lately though, it was because it gave me an opportunity to sort of shake my butt at Daddy when I took them off outside. That's a good enough reason in and of itself to wear them.
So, I shimmied into my old jean shorts, ducked into my big beach shirt, grabbed my sunglasses and my book, along with a towel as I passed the linen closet and headed downstairs. While in the kitchen, I grabbed a Coke and some sunscreen before stopping at the patio door to take a deep breath. I mentally asked myself if I was ready. Yes I was. So I stepped out onto the patio thinking to myself, 'Showtime!'
I saw Daddy was almost finished mowing the lawn, so I'd have time to get ready. I put my book, Coke, and sunscreen on the little table next to my lounger before spreading my towel out on it. Then I quickly shucked off my clothes and put them on the patio on the other side. I then quickly settled down and got comfortable with my sunglasses just so and opened my book.
I wasn't actually reading my book, though. I was using it more in the nature of a prop. I was really waiting for Daddy to notice me, keeping an eye on him over the edge of the book I was pretending to read. I could tell the moment that he did though. It was everything I could have hoped for! He almost ran the lawnmower into the big cottonwood tree! Score!
It was really hard not to giggle, but that would have ruined everything. I watched him nonchalantly finish mowing the grass, but knew he had to have been bubbling with curiosity over where I'd acquired such a sexy swim suit. This was too good!
Daddy shut down the mower in the corner of the yard by the garage next to the gate. He casually headed over towards me, appearing to brush stray lawn clippings off his shorts and t-shirt. I quickly pretended to be reading my book and not noticing his approach.
I waited until his shadow fell over me before I looked up and using my sweetest voice said "Hi, Daddy!"
I could see him trying to muster a fatherly tone before he asked "Where did you get that swimsuit young lady?"
It was so hard not to laugh. It felt like he was literally following my planned script. I raised my sunglasses and responded, "YOU got it for me Daddy!" Oh, I wished I had a camera recording this. It would have been hilarious to watch later. Becky would have just died of laughter. I made a mental note of having a camera ready for future occasions.
Daddy interrupted my thoughts with his protest of "I most certainly did not!"
I managed to stay nonchalant, and using my sweet voice again told him "Yes you did. You ordered it online line last week when we couldn't find any pants at the mall that fit me. The package arrived yesterday, remember? It had those pants, a dress, skirts, some accessories, and this swim suit. It's such a nice afternoon I decided to try it on today." I firmly had to suppress the giggles. That would have ruined everything.
I could see his mouth trying to work up a response, so pressed my attack.
"You know I'm not going to wear it anywhere else but here at home on the patio, Daddy. Plus it will really help me get a nicer tan." Then I really moved in for the kill, and stretched as far as I could while arching my back, emphasizing my finally developing figure. "Do you like it Daddy?"
I so wished I had a camera, it was priceless! I had managed to strike my Dad speechless using my body. Score! Double Score!
After a few seconds more, I could tell he conceded defeat, as he mumbled something about how it did look nice and something else about the patio and turned back towards the mower to empty the glass clippings. A giggle really came close to escaping, but I managed to keep it down. I couldn't help but grin though as I lowered my sunglasses and pretended to go back to reading my book.
I still almost blew my performance though when I noticed a bulge in the front of Daddy's shorts as he turned. I almost didn't believe it. I had finally managed to give my Dad an erection! He thought I looked sexy! I came really close to just throwing myself on him right there!
I managed to stifle that impulse, but the knowledge that I'd just given my Dad a hard on excited me to no end. My pussy got so wet so fast I felt like I had sat down on a fire hydrant. I had to squeeze my thighs together tight in order to prevent Daddy from seeing the wet spot on my bikini bottoms should he turn around. Wow!
I was so self-congratulatory over my success that I only peripherally noticed Daddy gathering up the grass clipping and taking them to the bin next to the garage. I noticed him bringing the bagger back and snagging the gate closed with his foot. I could see his mouth moving as he obviously was talking to himself. I would have given a lot to hear what he was saying just then.
He finished cleaning the lawn mower up and got it put away in the shed. He passed by me on the way to the house, saying something about a shower so he could clean up and cool off. I got a better look at the front of his shorts and confirmed what I thought I saw earlier, Dad did have an erection! Score!
I nodded in recognition that I'd heard him, thinking how I was sure he had to cool off. I was so hot myself I wouldn't have minded cooling off either. I came really close to saying the heck with it, jumping up and joining him into the shower myself. I really did.
If I HAD done that, this story would have been a whole lot shorter. But if I had it also wouldn't have been so... interesting. I don't think Dad was QUITE ready yet just then if I had jumped in the shower with him, and things would probably have badly.
But, I didn't jump up and follow him. Instead, by staying I unknowingly found someone just as special to me as my Dad, and I don't think I would give that up for anything. I never believed in love at first sight like in my romance novels before, but I sure do now. I just wish I could have had it without the blood, sweat, and tears. Oh, and the pain. I really would have liked to avoid the pain. It wasn't permanent or anything, I was only sore for a day or two afterwards, but still, I would have REALLY preferred to skip that part.
So, Daddy had just gone inside and I was out on the patio laying on my lounger horny and soaking wet. I had already started rubbing my aching cunny almost before the patio door had closed.
I closed my eyes, flipping back and forth between the look in Daddy's eyes when he first saw me in my bikini and the bulge of his hard on as he passed by on the way into the house. Either way, the images made me hotter and hotter, and the feeling of rubbing me through my soaking wet bikini bottoms wasn't enough. I quickly brought my hand up and slid them back down, but under the bikini bottoms this time. Much better
I gently rubbed my middle finger up and down the narrow cleft between my prominent labia, deliberately avoiding my clitoris. I was so primed I didn't want to go off just yet. I continued down to the narrow notch at the entrance to my vagina, the source of that silky, slippery fluid those images of my dad had generated. My finger circled around the narrow ring at the entrance to my depths, sending shivers down my spine. I smiled to myself at the thought of how that very first day after that sleepover at Becky's I had already decided this was going to be my gift to Daddy, my virginity. I wanted him to be my first. I could feel my orgasm building at the thought, a huge wave waiting to crash down on me.
My finger gathered up some of that silky moisture, and ran back up the cleft between my labia, a little more pressure this time, stopping just short of my aching clit and running back down. I repeated this process, teasing myself more and more, imagining it was Daddy rubbing me, teasing me. The wave was cresting higher and higher. This was going to be a spectacular orgasm.
I had just brought my finger up and was circling it around my engorged clit, just about ready to touch it, knowing it was all I needed for release, when a loud, deep coughing snort "Hrrr-Rumphh!" and something cold and wet on my thigh jerked me out of my fantasy into reality. To say I was rather irate at whoever had just caused my impending orgasm to abruptly crash and burn would have been a MASSIVE understatement.
I expect my eyes were flashing in anger as I sat up quickly and opened my mouth, about to deliver a well-deserved tongue lashing to whoever it was who had just interrupted me. But you can imagine my shock as I realized that instead of some person who had let themselves into our backyard, it was rather a dog, a great BIG dog that had just jerked me away from my anticipated climax.
I was so surprised, my fiery tongue lashing just caught in my throat, and I found myself looking at the most BEAUTIFUL dog I had ever imagined. I completely forgot my hand, still down the front of my bikini bottoms, the right side bow having come undone during my vigorous masturbation session, as I gazed at this huge canine intruder.
The first thing that struck me was his size. He was BIG, probably even bigger than me. He, definitely a he, was greyish-brown, or perhaps brownish-grey, with very short, but rather grungy fur desperately in need of a bath. He had big floppy ears, and the most soulful brown eyes. A long pink tongue hung down and he appeared to be laughing at my reaction of what had been the pressure of his cold wet nose against my thigh. Daddy told me later that he appeared to be a pure-bred Weimaraner, but he'd never heard of one so large.
I was entranced. I'd always loved animals. I know Daddy hoped I'd go to college and become a software engineer like him, but I had always wanted to become a vet and work around animals every day. I'd talked to Daddy about getting a dog before, but wasn't serious enough about it to engage in the effort to convince him. I was dead serious now. I WANTED this dog. He was going to be mine no matter what it took.
Yeah, I know it sounds crazy. I'd read all kinds of stories in my romance novels about love at first sight and all that. I thought it was all just a hokey plot device. Guess what, I was wrong. It had only been a matter of seconds, but in my mind, I was already considering this handsome guy my dog. I didn't question where he had come from, how he got into our yard, even if he already had an owner. All that I knew was that he was now MY dog.
I kind of spun to the side, putting my feet on the ground. I was amazed, with me sitting down on my lounger I was eye to eye with this big brute. Without thinking, I brought my hand up for him to smell and placed it under his nose so he could get my scent and get to know me.
First mistake. Without thinking about it I used the hand that had just been down my bikini bottoms rubbing myself furiously for him to sniff. I can't begin to imagine what that smell must have meant to that big doggy brain of his.
Still entranced, I reached up with my other hand and scratched behind those big floppy ears of his. I just felt this big baby melt under my fingers. I could practically hear him sigh. I smiled and said my first words to my new pet, "Who's a good boy? Do you like what Mommy's doing? Oh, aren't you just the most precious thing." Don't laugh. Have you ever listened to other people when they talk to their dogs?
With the one hand I kept scratching behind my dog's ears, while the other he had just been sniffing I used to pet his neck and shoulder. As I stroked and petted my dog, he surprised me again when he bent his head down and with that long pink tongue of his, licked me from my elbow up to my shoulder, over to my neck and up the side of my face just short of my hair line. It tickled so much it made me giggle.
My heart just opened for this dog and he just took up residence. I now had someone else I adored as much as Daddy. Oh my God! Daddy! He has just got to meet my new dog! I just knew he'd love him just as much as I do!
I was about to stand up to lead my new dog into the house so he could meet Daddy. I was already cataloguing things we needed to do. First a bath, than a run to the store for dog food and stuff, and then... And then my dog licked me again and I completely lost any rational thought I might possibly have had.
It wasn't so much that he licked me. He'd already done that once. It was WHERE he licked me. He started at my right knee and licked along my thigh where it met with my lower abdomen. So I'm being clinical, sue me. It continued up my side, and stopped just below where the string from my bikini top encircled my chest. Then it swiped back down, making me giggle the whole time, until it reached the junction of my thigh. But this time he followed the groove between my thigh and my abdomen down until his tongue was directly licking my bare pussy.
You do recall my mentioning the right string had come untied when I was masturbating earlier, like twenty seconds ago? When I spun, the bikini bottoms didn't spin quite as smoothly and was barely holding on by the left hand string leaving my cunny completely exposed. Hey, I was kind of distracted at the time. Anyway, my little twelve year old virgin pussy that had just been pouring with my apparently delectable girl juice was out in front of God and everyone just waiting to be lapped up.
Oh, boy. And that's just what he did. His tongue was AMAZING. Rough yet smooth and warm and wet. And my God! Was it agile! It found places in my cunny I didn't even know were there!
Now, Becky and I had been making out together for several months now. But other than kissing and groping and heavy grinding, we had never actually removed our panties. Everything had always been through the cloth. I mean, it's not like either one of us had gone down on each other yet. The sensation of this big dog's tongue on my pussy actually made me regret not going that far with her yet.
And then that wonderful tongue found my clit. Remember how I was on the verge of a monstrously powerful orgasm before my new dog interrupted me? Guess what, I was not just instantly returned to the precipice of that massive wave, but I found myself in an express elevator going straight up. No, a rocket ship! Before I knew it the monster of all orgasms hit me. My eyes and fists were clenched, my back arched and I may have flung myself backwards off my lounger if I hadn't had a death grip on my dog's head with my thighs.
If my teeth hadn't been locked together I probably would have screamed so loud the neighbors three streets over would have heard. It was incredible... unbelievable... these words just don't describe it. I honestly don't know why my dog didn't bite me from the pressure of my legs clamping around his head. You get the picture.
When I finally came down, I realized I just couldn't take anymore. I was so overstimulated it hurt. I gently pushed my dog's head away from my aching cunny saying "Oh my God, no more. I couldn't possibly do that again." I swear I could tell by those soulful eyes he understood, because he did back away giving me room to stand up on shaky legs, barely holding onto the left string of my bikini bottoms keeping them from falling down around my feet.
I took a step or two forward, heading for the patio. I wasn't thinking clearly yet, something about showing Dad my new dog. Anyway, my beautiful boy was bouncing around like a puppy, and ducked around behind me where he touched my right butt cheek with that cold nose of his. For some reason I distinctly remember the sound when his wagging tail knocked over my Coke can on the table. Anyway, I was so startled by his cold nose on my butt, I stopped completely and accidentally let go of my one bikini bottom strap. And guess what? It immediately fell down around my ankle. What a dummy. Not him, I was the dummy.
I looked back and waved a finger as I told him "That was a naughty boy, look what you made me do!" And then... mistake number two.
Can you possibly guess what happened next? Like a complete moron I started to bend over to pick up the bikini bottoms I had just dropped, providing a wide angle view of my ass and just below that the cleft of my labia enclosing my still heavily aroused and leaking pussy to my new dog. My new, big, MALE dog. Who had just licked me to an amazing orgasm and still had my taste on his tongue. Oops.
So, is anyone here surprised that my new dog immediately jumped on me and started humping my leg? Except once he was on his hind legs, he was almost as tall as me. And very heavy. And my legs were still wobbly from that amazing cum I had just experienced.
I staggered forward several steps, almost managing to stand back up, my new dog's forelegs scrabbling for purchase against my sides. I'm sure he didn't mean to, but his claws scratched the hell out me. That really hurt! Well, sort of, relatively speaking. Right that minute it felt like it hurt a lot. How little did I know what a lot REALLY meant. I remember letting go with the usual automatic stream of complaints.
"Hey, stop that! Get down! Stop scratching me! That hurts!"
Things were happening WAY too fast for the realization of what was actually going on to be processed. I was still stuck on the thought of showing Daddy my new dog, and was more interested in trying to get him off me so he'd quit scratching me. Then along came event number three.
I can't call it a mistake on my part. It was more of an accident. Anyway, between the weight of my dog on my back combined with my wobbly legs, you guessed it, I tripped and fell forward. I managed to catch myself with my hands so I didn't do a face-plant, but I now found myself on my hands and knees in the classic doggy style position, with my big dog still draped over me humping away, with absolutely nothing protecting my bare ass from his attentions. Not good.
My fall hurt my knees and my wrists. The new position changed the grip my dog had on me, his forelegs now wrapped around my skinny hips and scratching the hell out of my thighs now. Then, to top it off, I got jabbed on the butt with something painfully hard. Yes, I was being poked in the ass by a now very randy dog's penis, but I didn't realize it at the time.
Between my knees, wrists, sides, and thighs, the painful poke on my butt was the last straw and I figured I needed some help since I wasn't having any luck getting my dog off me myself. He wasn't listening to any of my commands and complaints. "STOP it you silly dog! Get off me!!" the usual. I actually added "Stupid dog!" in there somewhere. I didn't mean it though. Not really.
He had too tight a grip on me, and wasn't listening at all, so, I hollered for Daddy. I must have startled my dog because he actually growled at me. Growled!
"Stop that you silly boy." Then I called quite a bit louder, "Daddy!" Still no response. Stupid shower. Finally, I screamed as loud as I could, "DADDY!!!!"
Like I mentioned earlier, I've read Daddy's version of what happened. He said I sounded frightened. He should get his hearing checked. I was actually more irritated at the time.
I saw him as he charged out the patio door, wearing only his shorts, his hair still dripping wet. I almost laughed at his appearance. I think he managed about two steps before he stopped as if hitting a brick wall. At least he got that part right. His look took away any humor I may have felt however. In fact it almost scared me. I'd never seen such a panicked look on his face. Even that time I came home with my sprained wrist didn't compare. I'll forgive him for getting the wrong impression though. I mean, there I was on my hands and knees, my dog draped over me holding me around my hips with his forelegs, and him humping air. Meanwhile, I was still trying to order him to get off me with my "Stop! Get off me! Daddy, hurry up!" All the time my dog was still growling at me for startling him with my shouts for Daddy. It gives me the giggles now whenever I think about it.
Fortunately, Daddy's arrival distracted my dog enough that he loosened his grip around my waist, giving me the chance to wiggle forward and get out from under him. Unfortunately, that turned out to be a really BAD IDEA. This is the part where my story becomes no longer funny and becomes that painful part I've been warning you about. It also started to get just a little bit scary.
Before I could crawl more than a couple of inches, my dog's forelegs clamped back tight around me, scratching my thighs even worse. Then he bent his head down and grabbed the back of my neck with his teeth! He BIT me! He really, actually BIT me! He bit me HARD! This was painful enough that I shrieked in pain.
The sound must have broken Daddy from the paralysis of his surprise. I saw him take a step toward the pool net hanging on the wall by the pool. What was he thinking? He'd better not be planning to hit my dog with that! My protest to my Dad for even THINKING about hitting my dog got cut off though, when Daddy's movement caused my dog to bite even harder
The pain from the back of my neck sort of changed my tune from irritation to a bit of fear. This wasn't the least bit funny anymore. I was starting to get worried my dog might accidentally really hurt me. Even I could hear the change of tone in my complaints. "OW!! He's biting harder! Help me, Daddy!"
Daddy froze again before he managed even one step. I could see the fear in his eyes for me, and that actually made me even more scared myself. His attempt at reassuring me didn't help. "Baby, hold on! Anytime I move, he only bites you harder. Give me a minute and I'll think of something! Try not to provoke him!"
I could see Daddy clench and unclench his fists as he tried to figure out some way to solve my problem. At least my dog had quit growling so loud, and he'd actually loosened his hold on my neck. That was a relief. I couldn't see what my dog was doing behind me, but a second later it didn't matter. I could FEEL what he was doing. That was when I abruptly realized that what had been poking me on my butt cheeks was actually my dog's penis, and that I was in a rather compromising position for that to be happening.
I'm a nature nerd, I love animals, and some of the wildlife shows I've seen showed the occasional mating clips. However, I did NOT want to be screwed by my dog just then. I was saving that for Daddy. I think that was what panicked me more than anything.
So, when I felt that hot pointed poker, (that was a really bad pun), slide through the groove between my labia and the pointy tip catch on the tiny opening of my vagina, I freaked. I managed a panicked "Oh, my God!!" before the legs around my hips tightened and I felt the most agonizing pressure yet against the entrance to my poor vagina.
The pressure built, and built and the pain along with it. I actually FELT the ring of muscle at the entrance as it dilated and then with a sudden 'POP', I felt the tip of my dog's penis enter. I don't think I've ever yelled louder in my life. Well not yet, anyway. It wasn't just the sudden pain, the stretching sensation, or the knowledge I was actually getting... raped? by my dog. It was the realization that I'd just lost the most precious gift I was saving for Daddy. It wasn't fair!
That statement of 'It wasn't fair!' really doesn't cut how devastated I felt, and still feel, at losing my precious gift I was saving for Dad by the way. It's just that I still can't think of the words to describe my sense of loss. I'd go further into that, but don't want to ruin my story.
Speaking of my story, before I could process the mental pain of my loss, the PHYSICAL pain managed to eclipse it. It turns out I should have been glad a dog's penis is pointed like it is. It actually managed to make what was coming just a little more manageable. Barely. It was only the very tip so far, but it rapidly widened to where it stretched that ring at the entrance of my vagina to the point I felt like it was going to tear in half.
The pain at the mouth of my pussy actually overrode the stretching sensation from further inside, as the pointy tip of that excruciatingly painful dog cock (it wasn't a penis anymore, this hurt too much, it had become a dog cock), spread the walls of my poor abused pussy allowing the rest of that monstrous intruder further into my body.
On a clinical note, I think I should really be grateful for that monster orgasm from a few minutes ago. I was still soaking wet which was both a good thing and a bad thing. The bad thing was it allowed that huge dog cock an easier... path, means, whatever. It let it slide into me a whole lot easier. I couldn't imagine how much worse it would have been if I'd been dry. Now THAT is a scary thought.
Anyway, I was in serious pain, I was emotionally distraught. I just wanted this to end. I NEEDED Daddy to make it stop hurting so bad. It felt like someone was driving a jackhammer into my pussy. The pushing was so fast and so hard, each thrust even shoved the air out of me in deep grunts.
"Ugh! Daddy! Ugh! Ouch! Ugh! It HURTS! Ugh! Make it stop! Ugh! It's tearing me in two! Ugh!"
I clenched my eyes shut and gritted my teeth against the pain. I swear my dog was somehow trying to shove a telephone pole up my poor little cunny. I was really going to be torn in two, I just knew it! When I looked up again, Daddy had moved! He was leaving me! In a panic I shouted at him.
"Daddy! OWW! Where are you going? OWW! Don't leave me! UGH! It hurts so bad! OWW! He's tearing me in two!"
I was so glad to hear him respond in a calming voice.
"Calm down Sweetie. Daddy's right here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm just moving behind you to see if I can help. If you calm down he shouldn't bite you again."
Thank God! He wasn't leaving me! His reply actually did make me feel calmer.
"Okay Daddy... Oomph! My cunny burns! Ugh! He's splitting me in two!" There were definitely some painful moans and groans mixed in there, and the constant grunts from the air being pushed out of my lungs. But the pain at least had become somewhat manageable. For a few seconds, that is...
That is until I felt a sudden burning poke in the pit of my stomach. By now, the stretching of that ring at the entrance of my poor abused cunny had quit increasing. It hurt like hell, but at least it wasn't continually building like before. I couldn't believe how deep that aching stretching sensation felt in my belly. But that hot poke against what felt like bottom of my cunny hole moved everything else to the back of my mind. That REALLY hurt.
I made a really amazing discovery about pain that day. As long as nothing causes you to focus on it, you know, like an abrupt increase or you actually pay attention to it, it's possible to actually ignore it. It's there, don't get me wrong, and I definitely didn't enjoy it, but I could at least tolerate it. That is until something would come along and reminded me of it. And each time THAT happened, I was going to tell the whole world about it, or at least Daddy, since he was right there.
So anyway, a burning stick was suddenly jabbing at the pit of my stomach. I didn't screech, or yell, it was more of a moan, "Oh, it hurts. Oh, it hurts. Oh, Daddy, there's something in my belly and it hurts!" I may have been crying from the pain before, but this REALLY brought tears to my eyes.
I'd hoped Daddy had been back there long enough to think of something he could do to stop this. It hurt when it started, it hurt when my dog managed to get that huge cock inside me and stole Daddy's gift, it hurt now that he was poking me in the pit of my stomach. I was ready for this to be OVER!
"Umm, Daddy? Ugh!" I think I startled him. He was still quick to reply.
"Yes, Sweetie?"
I was hoping he had figured out a way to stop my big dog, who was still resting on my back while thrusting that massive dick of his into me by the way, from continuing to hurt me like he was. The dog I mean.
"Can you see what he's doing?" Suddenly I was insanely curious what that big cock in my little pussy looked like, despite the pain. I REALLY needed a camera. Focus, girl. "Can you get him... Ouch! Out of me?"
There was something fishy about his response, the tone of Daddy's voice maybe? I know NOW that he was well on his way to becoming a complete perv, though that's all right, so was I. He's my Dad and I love him more because of it. Being a perv I mean. Anyway his reply of, "I don't think so, Baby, not without him biting either one of us. He's in you pretty good.", still sounded just a little off at the time.
Hello! Paging Captain Obvious! Of course my dog was in me pretty good! It was me he was pretty good in, and I could feel every last throbbing millimeter of it. I didn't need anyone telling me THAT, even Daddy!
I think my indignation over such an obvious statement triggered an obvious statement of my own. Or maybe I was being a smart-alec. "Daddy? Is he fucking me?"
That was kind of a stupid thing to say for several reasons, but I was kind of stressed. Get over it. First, I'm bloody twelve years old for God's sake. I do know what fucking is, I've actually known for years. Hell, Becky and I had watched a bunch of it just 3 months ago on her brother's computer during that memorable sleep over.
Second, Daddy didn't approve of swearing. He would get VERY upset with me when I accidentally let a swear word slip out of my mouth. He's such a fuddy duddy. Would you believe that my saying fuck, while I was actually GETTING fucked right in front of him actually set off his 'I-can't-believe-what-I-just-heard-come-out-of your-mouth' mode. God he can be such a fuddy duddy!
"Amy! You know that is a naughty word that you shouldn't be using!" It actually put me into defensive mode. I guess old habits are hard to break.
"Sorry Daddy, but I don't know any other word for what he's doing?"
He must have realized how silly his comment was, because it only took a second for him to back pedal, "It's okay, Princess. You can say fuck, just be careful not to use it outside of the house."
Captain Obvious, are you still here? "Dad, I'm not an idiot." Than to kind of see if he had really rescinded the whole swearing thing said, "So is he? Fucking me, I mean?"
"Yes dear, you are very much getting fucked by that dog."
I don't know why, but his statement just dropped the fact I had just had my virginity taken from me by my dog right in front of me. My special gift I was saving for Daddy. Why hadn't I found a way to give my virginity to my Dad before it was ripped away? By a dog, no less? It wasn't fair!
I felt a huge sob of anguish well up from my broken heart. Why did it have to happen this way? I didn't mean for Daddy to hear what will probably be the greatest regret of my life as I said through my tears, "It's not fair. This isn't the way I wanted my first time to be like." At least he didn't hear the last part. "I wanted it to be you." Despite everything that's happened since, I still regret this most of all.
I probably would have wallowed in misery for some time over my loss, except a sudden reminder of reality jerked me back into the now. Not just a reminder, a sudden unbelievable painful reminder. A 'someone took a burning hot knife, stuck it up my cunny and was ripping my guts out with it' kind of pain. You know, a 'if I wasn't being held so tightly by my waist, I probably would have collapsed into a writhing ball of pain' sort of pain.
I do NOT recommend it to anyone, even that bitch Sarah Jorgensen who broke into my locker while I was taking a shower after swim practice last fall and took everything and hid it in the boys locker room leaving only a note telling me where my stuff was. I had to sneak into the boy's locker room wearing only a towel and get my stuff. I came SOO close to getting caught. Fortunately she got kicked off the team for that stunt when she was found out. Stupid bitch.
Anyway, I was so lost in self-pity I didn't notice my dog had sort of changed the speed and force of his fucking motion. You know what, it's nice being able to say fuck. I also wasn't aware that my dog had started growling in frustration. There wasn't a lot I could have done about it, but I could have at least gotten ready. Ready for what, I didn't know then, but I sure found out.
I mentioned getting my guts ripped out by a burning knife stuck up my pussy? That's what felt like was happening. I think this was what hurt more than absolutely everything. Ever. I didn't even hear myself shriek in pain, it hurt so bad. All I could focus on was the gut wrenching pain in the pit of my stomach, an actual burning, tearing sensation followed by an internal 'POP'.
I managed to find my voice. "Oh my God, it HURTS! It hurts, Daddy, Oh my God! Make it stop, Daddy!" And then, just before I thought I couldn't stand it anymore, it stopped!
It was amazing. One second I was in agonizing 'I wish I would die kind of pain' and the next second it was gone. Well not completely gone. It still ached, and the constant stretching hurt. I felt like a rubber band stretched to the max, right on the verge of snapping. Plus, I could actually FEEL that gargantuan dog cock sliding further into me. How much was there? I could almost imagine it was going to come out of my mouth!
I could hear Daddy trying to soothe me. It gave me something external to focus on, instead of the all-encompassing pain I was enduring.
"It's okay, Angel, it's okay. We don't want to make the big, bad dog angry so he bites you. I think he's almost finished. Then he'll go away and you'll be fine. See, he's already stopped pushing so fast."
What was Daddy thinking? Bad dog? He wasn't bad. If I hadn't teased him like I did he would have been fine. And what do you mean 'go away'? He's MY dog, he isn't going anywhere. Unfortunately I wasn't able to verbalize my thoughts. I wasn't really thinking clearly to be honest. Instead I sniffed and replied to Daddy's question. Focusing on answering his questions was providing a surprisingly effective distraction from my pain.
"It's not as fast, but it's a lot harder. And it hurts so deep in my tummy! Are you sure he's almost done, Daddy?" It's not that I didn't trust Daddy, I did, but I couldn't imagine how this pain could possibly end any time soon. It had literally become my world.
"Yes dear, I'm pretty sure. Just relax and let this big guy finish, then he'll go away and we can go back inside." Relax? Let HIM try and relax with a phone pole shoved up his... Oh, he's a guy. Okay, shoved up his ass and see if he could relax. Besides, what's with these constant references to my dog going away? I was about to let loose with my feelings on the subject when he completely shocked me from out of the blue.
"Maybe I'll take you to Victoria's Secret tomorrow. I'll let you get anything you want."
THAT got my attention. It was like a dream come true! I'd always slowed down as we passed by Victoria's and gazed longingly at all the wonderful things I could see in there. But I'd never had the nerve to actually step inside. If anything would set off Daddy's fuddy duddy mode, the idea of going in there would.
I eagerly jumped at the offer. I had to agree before he changed his mind. "ANYTHING? Whatever I want, and you won't tell me no?"
"That's right Sweetheart, anything."
Oh my God! This was fabulous! I swear, if I weren't on my hands and knees getting fucked (there's that word again) by my dog I'd be dancing around in delight!
I completely forgot everything while my big dog, still panting above me, painfully thrust that huge dog dick into my incredibly sore pussy. All I could dream of was all that sexy lingerie, and what could I possibly get that would inflame Daddy's lust the most. I was so caught up in my planning, that I honestly couldn't tell you when the intensely painful stretching sensation I'd been experiencing... changed. Somewhere, the sharp painful stretching had somehow turned into good, dull aching sensation. Kind of like how my arms and legs felt after winning the 400 meter free style. Only better, MUCH better.
As my dog thrust his cock into me, it felt like my pussy lips were sucked in with it, along with my clit. The bottom of that dog cock as it rubbed against my clit was AMAZING. Then it was repeated on the outstroke as that wonderful cock turned my pussy right side out. Add to that the feeling of that huge, hot, pulsing tube of flesh, (uh-oh, romance novel alert), as it slid back and forth through the depths of my belly. My god, the feeling was making me wet! Getting fucked by my dog was actually making me horny! Can you believe it?
I couldn't help it. My eyes were still closed dreamily as I made a mental list of what I was going to get during tomorrow's shopping trip, but I started pushing back against my wonderful dog's hips as he fucked me. It took a minute to find his rhythm, but once I did, WOW! I could already feel that familiar wave building. I'd had orgasms from rubbing myself, grinding with Becky, getting licked by my dog, but THIS had all the signs of leaving all of those in the dust. I just had to tell Daddy it was coming. I-I-I wanted him t-t-to tell me what I l-l-looked like. Damn c-c-camera!
"Um, Dad? I-I-I'm starting to feel f-f-funny. All t-t-tingly and like I-I-I have b-b-butterflies in my s-s-stomach." That was about as far as I got before that huge wave crashed over me. It wasn't a wave, it was a tsunami! I groaned through gritted teeth, I thrashed, I saw fireworks, the whole nine yards. For a moment there I thought I was going to pass out. It was STUPENDOUS!
I came to my senses to the sound of my dog whining and growling softly above me and the feeling of Daddy rubbing my left calf. I would have liked a chance to catch my breath, but my wonder dog's tempo had picked up again, and I could feel a twinge in the depths of my overstuffed pussy that another orgasm was hiding in there. How many could I take?
I was still matching that increased fucking tempo with my hips. I couldn't help myself, I don't think I could have stopped if I'd wanted to. And I did NOT want to. I still ached that it wasn't Daddy fucking me, but this was awesome just the same.
Anyway, I could feel that seed of another orgasm beginning to grow and to help it along, I was pushing harder and harder against my puppy's powerful thrusts. Only, it started to hurt again. The overstretched mouth of my vagina, that muscular ring wrapping around the shaft of that wonderful prick plundering my depths, (I'm doing it again), was beginning to burn with that stretching tearing feeling. What was going on back there? There SHALT be a camera next time to record this.
"Ouch! Daddy, what's going on back there? It's starting to hurt again." I looked back at Daddy, kneeling at his vantage point. I was so jealous, he could actually SEE what was going on. Once again I wished I had a camera. Maybe I should just get one and wear it around my neck so I can capture moments like these...
It was hurting again, every time my orgasm started to build, that burning pain would force it back down. I wanted the pain stopped. I lusted for that next orgasm. I NEEDED it.
"Sweetie, he's just trying to get the last little bit of his cock into you. There just a little bit of it to go and he'll be done "Ouch! I wish he'd hurry up. This part is rather painful." Then I must have shifted, because my knees suddenly reminded me how torn up they were. Remember what I said about forgetting pain unless you're reminded of it? "Oh, and my knees hurt too!"
"Let me see if this brute will let me get something for your knees, Baby. Then I'll see if I might help this big dog finish fucking you. Wouldn't that be nice?"
"Yes it would Daddy." A particularly painful push against my poor abused pussy had me adding, "Ouch! Please hurry, it really hurts."
Daddy carefully stood up, talking soothingly to my dog as he stepped over to my lounger and grabbed my towel. "It's okay, boy. I don't want to stop you. I want to help you. Let me get something to make it easier for your bitch." I couldn't believe I had just heard my Daddy call me a bitch. Who did he think I was, Sarah Jorgensen?
"I can't believe you just called me a bitch, Daddy! I'm not mean to you at all!" I was so mad. I would probably have hit his arm for calling me names if I could have gotten up and reached him. And then, he had the nerve to laugh at me!
"Oh, Amy! A bitch isn't just a mean person. It's also a female dog, especially when she's being bred!" D'oh! I knew that! It must have been that stupid bitch Sarah's fault. I was just thinking of her and jumped to conclusions without thinking of the OTHER meaning of bitch.
So while I was feeling stupid about being forgetful, Daddy folded up my towel and carefully tried to place it under my poor knees. I moved too quick and fast for the first knee, knocking my doggy off balance. He scrambled with one hind leg and scratched the crap out of my leg.
"Ow! Stop scratching me you stupid dog!" Oops, I didn't mean that, the stupid part. "Daddy, be more careful, that hurt!" The second knee was better, with no more scratches. Daddy's eyes twinkled like he was laughing at me. I was about to hit him when something he had just said came to mind. "Daddy?"
"Yes, Dear?"
I hadn't really thought through to the end result of getting fucked by my dog. Was Daddy right? "If I'm being a bitch right now, does that mean my dog is trying to breed ME?" Daddy completely missed the whole 'my' thing. Good God, I should schedule a hearing exam for him.
His reply kind of unsettled me. "Yes dear, I don't think it will be long now."
What was he saying? My dog breeding me? Ejaculating his doggy sperm inside my body and having them reach one of my eggs... Remember, I had gone through Sex Ed class. I wasn't stupid, but there were several details my education had sort of skipped. Oh, my God! What if? In a scared little voice I asked him, "Daddy? Am I going to have puppies?"
Hey! Don't laugh! It was a legitimate question! I didn't know! Daddy sure didn't help. He laughed so hard he had tears pouring from his eyes. "Ha-ha! No, dear. You won't have any puppies."
I should have been glad about that. Relieved. Instead I was... sad. I couldn't figure out why. I managed a very quiet "Oh."
Then I was reminded I was still getting fucked by my wonderful dog, a rather painful reminder, a particularly hard shove against the mouth of my pussy sort of reminder. What was going on back there? I momentarily considered sending Daddy in for the camera so I could find out right now what was happening, but I really didn't want him to leave me. His presence was comforting. I couldn't imagine how I'd have dealt with the pain if he weren't here.
Anyway, painful reminder. Involving firmer thrusting making me grunt again. I could do without the pushes involving grunting. They reminded me just how deep inside my belly that doggy cock had gone. And every time I was reminded was every time I noticed it still hurt.
"Daddy... Oomph! When you got me the towel... Oomph! You said you'd help him hurry up. Oomph! My belly still hurts way down deep... Oomph! But not as much... Oomph! What really hurts... OUCH! Is where he's pushing against... Oomph! My cunny. I'm getting tired. Oomph! Could you help? OWW! Please? I think I'd like... Oomph! Him to... Oh! Breed me."
I couldn't believe I said that! Not the first part about Daddy promising to help me. I meant the last part about wanting my dog to breed me. I honestly did. I actually liked the idea of having doggy sperm swimming around my insides. The idea of it all woke that little orgasm seed that had been hiding since the painful banging against the entrance to my pussy had started. Hurry Daddy, I was ready!
The wonders of naivety. It's a rather interesting question if I would have been so enthused about the last step of being bred by a dog if I actually knew what it involved. I know the answer NOW, but the question remains.
I saw Daddy's eyes light up with an idea. "Amy, I think I can help the dog finish, but I'll need your help. When I count to three, push back against his doggy cock as hard as you can. Be careful, it might hurt a little."
I was so eager to be bred, to find and nurture that orgasm hiding around in my belly, to be my big dog's little bitch, to finish so I could get up! This hands and knees thing with my dog draped over my back was getting bloody uncomfortable! It would also be nice to stop the whole grunting thing. "Oomph! Okay Daddy! Oomph! As long as... Oomph! It doesn't hurt too much."
I saw his right arm move up and back behind my dog, and he sort of shifted his position. Then Daddy started counting. "One... Two... Three!" I didn't expect a trick like that from Daddy. I'd never realized he could be so sneaky. Like a dummy, just as he said three, I pushed my pussy back as hard as I could, too late to realize what was waiting for me.
There was a reason the entrance to my pussy was sore from whatever was battering against it. Somebody had managed to hide a bowling ball or something behind my doggie's huge cock, and they were trying to stuff it into my already overfilled cunny.
I felt the mouth of my pussy stretch tighter and tighter, straining to allow passage of whatever brutal instrument of torture was hidden back there. Just as I was sure my pussy was going to ruined forever I felt that muscular ring dilate, like I would think having a baby would feel like, and suddenly surround and envelop whatever that thing was. My scream of pain was matched by the howl from my dog above me.
I ached everywhere. My belly ached where I swear that monster dog cock was lodged against my heart. The bottom of my cunny throbbed from where I could feel it wrapped tightly around that enormous tube of flesh. The area just inside my cunny pulsed against the pressure of the bowling ball just stuffed inside it, and the mouth of my pussy burned from the agony of letting everything now buried inside me pass.
I recovered to the sensation of being wrapped in the biggest hug by Daddy. I vaguely recall him murmuring words into the back of my head. "Beautiful girl... So very proud... Can't believe you did that..." It was comforting, I felt like I was eight again and how he held me after Mommy died. And then, I remembered what he'd said just a moment ago.
I pulled away from him, slipping from his arms. He was looking at me with this goofy look of disbelief. I managed to raise one arm and smacked him on the shoulder as hard as I could. He had the nerve to look surprised.
"Daddy! You told me it wouldn't hurt too much! That hurt a lot!" I couldn't BELIEVE how Dad had tricked me. What a rotten thing to do, not telling me the complete details. How could he have been so sneaky... Um, that sounds familiar. Haven't I done similar, albeit less painful, tricks like that to Daddy? Only I hadn't actually gotten caught? I gulped as I realized perhaps I shouldn't be quite so upset.
He at least had the sense to look properly contrite as he apologized. "I'm sorry, Angel. I really didn't think it would be that bad."
It was contrite, but not quite sincere enough. That had REALLY hurt, though it had graduated down to only a dull ache. Fortunately for him. I let Daddy off the hook with a sniff. "Well, be more careful next time. That really hurt!"
Did I just say next time? Did I really mean that? I'd have to think that one over later.
My big dog had apparently decided he was done with the jackhammer thrusting. He was just resting his weight against my back, with an occasional jerk of his hips creating an almost pleasant tug on his embedded doggy cock. Without the overriding pain and grunt inducing lunges, I finally had the opportunity to try and understand what had just happened and what exactly was buried so deep inside of me.
I could actually FEEL it inside. It was... warm, very warm. And it throbbed, I could imagine I could feel my dogs heartbeat through his cock. I could feel every inch where I achingly stretched to envelop this massive intruder.
My Dad's quiet question broke me free of my curious introspection. "What are you thinking about, Sweetie?"
"I'm feeling him inside me. He's so deep, and feel's so hot. And it hurts, a lot. But... it's a... GOOD hurt." I suddenly found the perfect comparison. "It's like how my muscles ache after I've won a swim meet. Only better."
He felt so deep. I wondered if I could actually feel him in my belly. I carefully brought one hand and gently rubbed my tummy. I was kind of disappointed, "I feel like I should be able to feel him, but I can't."
Gradually, I began to notice an odd sensation. I'd actually managed to get used to the deep stretching, almost a low throbbing deep in my belly. I'd even adjusted to the large bulge just inside my vagina, actually pushing from the inside out whenever my dog gently tugged on his embedded cock. But now everything from the deepest pit, but especially that lump at the base barely enveloped by the entrance to my vagina was... swelling. It felt like someone had managed to get a balloon all the way into me and was inflating it. It started out kind of pleasant, but rather quickly became uncomfortable and in some places, such as the lump at my vaginal entrance, even painful.
"Uh... Oh, boy... Uh... Oh, my!" I was starting to groan from the sensation.
Daddy, still sitting beside me immediately questioned my outburst. "What is it Princess? What's the matter?"
"Oh my God! He's getting bigger! God, it's really starting to hurt!" I could see the concerned look on Daddy's face as he leaned back to look at the junction where I was now joined with my... doggy lover? I guess that was true, he had fucked me good. I wondered when he would breed me or if I would even feel... Then suddenly, another "Oh, my God!" I could feel something deep in my belly. It was warm, really warm, and I could feel it... sloshing around. It felt like... Ewww! I looked up at Daddy in disgust and said, "Daddy, he's PEEING in me! I can feel it in my belly." The idea of it was SO disgusting!
I couldn't believe it when Daddy laughed. It wasn't funny. This was nasty! "Oh, Amy! No, it isn't pee, it's called cum. It's the stuff boys make that contains the sperm that help make babies. It means this big guy here is finally breeding you."
Oh really? That's okay then. But why does it feel so runny, and why does it keep coming? In the videos Becky and I had watched, the men had covered the girls' face and boobs with that white goop. But it was sticky and looked like hand lotion, and there couldn't have been all that much, several tablespoons maybe. This felt... different, and already more than just a few tablespoons.
"I don't know Daddy. It still feels like he's peeing. How much do you think he'll put in me? I'm already starting to feel full." I was feeling full. Like a sitting down at Thanksgiving dinner and eating until I couldn't take another bite full. And the spurting in my belly hadn't even slowed down!
Daddy reached up and rubbed behind my dogs' ears. Good, he liked my new dog too. That will make it easier when the time came to convince him to let me keep him. His next words though kind of killed my pleasure in that thought though. "I'm really not sure, Sweetheart. It may be quite a bit."
Quite a bit? What did he mean by 'Quite a bit'? I sure know what he meant by 'just a little' the sneak. But quite a bit? Where would it go? Why was I worrying, it wasn't like I could stop anything now. Besides, I'd just found that sneaky little seed of an orgasm again. That spurting pressure must have found it. Hooo, boy!
Still, I'd best reassure Daddy I was okay. Just in case. "Um, Daddy? It's okay. It kind of hurts, but not too much. It's making it feel like my belly's stretching, but its feeling kind of... Ohhhh, Daddy." That orgasm seed must have loved all that dog sperm pumping into my belly, because all of the sudden it erupted into a giant tree, no, a MOUNTAIN! I barely managed a "It feels REALLY good!" before a big wave suddenly washed me off that mountain top and roared like an avalanche down its side, carrying me along for the ride!
I remember grunting and moaning through gritted teeth. Beating clenched fists against the patio tiles. Muscles were rippling, especially the ones in my belly enveloping that... that... fire hose pouring into my belly. I could hear my doggy lover howl in victory and I would have joined him if I could. I moaned and shook, and even think I blacked out for a brief period. How I didn't fall over I'll never know.
When I finally quit shaking and caught my breath. I was so exhausted I just wanted to curl up into a ball and go to sleep. Still, I wanted to try and explain to Daddy how I felt.
"Oh, Daddy! Oh, Daddy! That was amazing! I can't believe how awesome that felt. I'm really tired though, is he done yet?" Hey, my description I just gave you was much more accurate than the silly comment I gave to Daddy. I've had time to actually think about how it felt since then. Don't complain.
It must have been enough. His reply came close to setting me off again if I'd had the energy. Still, it managed to give me the giggles. "I don't know Sweetie. If it were me, I would have been done and passed out a long time ago."
My God! He had been actually thinking of making love to me enough to make that comparison? Score! I started wondering how making love to Daddy would be different from getting fucked by my dog. The first thought was I that I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been QUITE so painful.
I was just getting really going with that chain of thought when my dog interrupted me. I wish he would quit that. Anyway, he released my hips with his forelegs and dropped down fully on my back. It was like I was suddenly wearing a fur coat. A HEAVY fur coat. I hoped this meant he was almost finished breeding me.
I remembered what Daddy had just said and giggled again. Then said, "That would have been nice..." It WOULD have been nice if Daddy had been my first instead. I don't think I would have minded quite so much if my dog had actually been second. Say what? What did I mean second ? Save that thought for later...
Anyway, I continued. "I wish he'd hurry up. He's heavy." Plus my tummy was still feeling awfully full. I reached back to rub it, maybe that would help. "Hey, I can still feel him squirting in my belly. It's really warm."
Then just as the rubbing started to make things better, my dog began tugging on my poor abused pussy making it hurt again! What was up with that? "Hey! Stop that! Ouch!" That last part was when his foreleg began jerking along my hip and he started scratching me again! Didn't we already have enough of that?
Daddy sort of leaped forward, grabbing that annoyingly painful leg, and ended up helping my dog get his front off of where it had been so heavy on my back and over to my right side. What a relief! But it didn't last. His rear paw began scrabbling against my thigh, scratching me up again. Daddy helped with the hind leg too, but whatever my dog was trying to do felt really funky, but a little painful. I really wish that whole painful part would be done.
Anyway, I complained the whole time about how that bowling ball in my pussy was tugging so hard and I was getting scratched up even more, until I suddenly experienced the most amazing sensation. I could feel that wonderful thing, that fabulous doggy cock that was filling me so completely, TURN inside me. It's indescribable. I don't know how it didn't trigger another orgasm. Unfortunately it didn't last long. I could actually have enjoyed that all day.
At least when my dog was done and had turned around, it was SO much more comfortable. No heavy fur coat on my back. No more scratching legs around my waist. Even the pressure pulling against my aching pussy was more tolerable. The only thing was that something was tickling my back and shoulders. It took me a moment to realize it was my puppy's tail, too funny.
I think I breathed a sigh of relief as I informed Daddy, "Oh, that's much better. He really was getting heavy."
I had moved my hand back to support myself while my dog shifted off my back. I brought it back to rub my sore tummy again. The new position must have changed something. I could better feel the jets of doggy cum squirting into my tummy. Dad just had to feel this!
"Daddy, he's still squirting! It's really filling me up. He's so deep! You have just got to feel this!" I grabbed Daddy's arm, almost causing him to fall over. That would have been funny! Anyway, I placed his hand over my belly so he could feel.
It felt like... a spark, a gentle heat, something marvelous when Daddy touched my belly. He'd touched me before, but not like this. This was... different... erotic, sexy, not like I was a little girl at all. I sighed at the sensation.
He gently rubbed me tummy, then paused. I could see the look of wonder in his eyes as he could feel what I had. That gentle throbbing as a result of my wonderful dog's still spurting cock as he continued to fill me with his puppy juice.
"Oh, Amy, that is... I can't think of the word. It's beyond amazing. I'm so proud of you." Then he enveloped me in a very loving hug. I melted into it. I wish it could have lasted forever. Unfortunately my wobbly arms reminded me how long I'd been kneeling on my hands and knees and how tired I was from my three orgasms. I looked over and longingly gazed at my lounge chair. Perfect!
"Thanks Dad, but my arms are getting tired. Could you drag my chair over here? I think that will help."
He laughed as he got up, dragged my lounger over to me and got me comfortably settled with my upper torso and arms resting on the lower seat area. What a relief. My weight was off my arms and I could fold them and rest my head on them. I was so tired I might have even fallen asleep despite my pussy still being attached to my doggy's enormous dick.
He sort of startled me with his question, "Can I get you anything else while I'm up?"
I would have replied more firmly if I was less drowsy. Daddy couldn't go anywhere yet. He had to stay and keep me safe. Instead I managed a "No thanks. I'd rather you stay here with me. Could you rub my tummy some more, please? It's feeling sore from being so full."
Now, my tummy WAS sore from being so full. I was stuffed with a massive dog cock, and it was trying to empty a bathtub into my belly. I felt enormously bloated, but in a good way. Even more than that though, I wanted Daddy to keep rubbing me. It was very comforting and distracted me from all my aches and pains.
Daddy gently rubbed my tummy again, and I closed my eyes in dreamy contentment. I could feel his hand drift lower, over the gentle mound above my pussy. Hmm, don't stop, I remember thinking. He must have heard my thoughts because his hand drifted lower. As gentle as he was though, it still hurt when he brushed the lips of my labia. I hissed involuntarily and his hand jerked back to my belly.
Damn! Why did it have to hurt so bad just now? Daddy was about to feel me up! It wasn't fair!
At least the rubbing helped. My tummy was really becoming uncomfortably full. Being bred by my dog was amazing, but I wish it could have been finished sooner, and definitely less painfully.
Daddy's hand had quit rubbing, and I let out a sound of complaint. At least he had the kindness to ask, "Does that help you feel better?"
I closed my eyes again, enjoying the sensation. I dreamily answered with a "Yeah, it does. I am so sore, both my tummy and my cunny, but the rubbing make it feel much better." I turned to look at him, and sincerely continued, "I'm really glad you're here Daddy. Thanks." I was SO glad he was here. I couldn't imagine how I would have survived this ordeal without his help. I think it would have been... a devastating experience instead of such an amazing one.
Meanwhile, Daddy smiled back at me and gently replied. "Anything for my little girl." I could hear the love, the acceptance of what had just happened. It filled my heart. I don't remember ever being so close together. I would definitely have to thank my dog... Why was I still just calling him dog? I should use his name. What was his name?
"Daddy? He really needs a name." I think my question interrupted some thought Dad was following. I could see how it startled him. He only managed to answer with a confused "What?"
I'm sorry, it made me giggle. "Don't be silly Daddy. My dog, he needs a name. We have to call him something. We just can't call him Dog."
"Well, do you have something in mind? I think under the circumstances you should pick the name."
That made me giggle even harder, "Daddy, that's too funny. 'Under the circumstances...'" Here I was still stuck to my dog by my pussy and he thought I shouldn't be the one to name my own dog? Get serious.
I looked back at my doggy lover, imagining different names to see if they fit. It had to be a strong name, definitely. He looked back at me, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, looking at me with that silly grin of his. His name had to invoke that mischievous look of his. It had to be unusual. It had to be...
Ah-ha! The perfect name popped into my head. We had just finished studying the Vikings in history class, so that may have influenced my choice, but it was just perfect! I tried it out in my mind as I looked at him, and it fit perfectly!
I couldn't wait to tell Daddy our new dog's name! Unfortunately, in my enthusiasm, I must have tugged a little too hard against my newly named dog's cock where it was embedded inside me. It apparently hurt both of us, because I winced and he whined. It didn't matter, "Sorry boy, but I've figured out your name. Your name is Loki!"
I could see the surprise Loki's name initially caused Daddy. I saw him look appraisingly at my doggy lover for a few seconds before nodding. He reached over to scratch Loki behind his ears and officially greeted my new dog. "Hello there Loki, it's nice to meet you."
I was ecstatic. Daddy accepted Loki! There was no way he wouldn't let me keep my dog now! Another mildly painful tug on my pussy brought the fact that Daddy was patting Loki with the hand that was supposed to be rubbing my tummy.
"Daddy, don't stop rubbing my belly!" He at least had the nerve to look like he'd been caught like he had his hands in the cookie jar.
It was rather pleasant, the three of us on the patio. Daddy rubbing my tummy, so full I could tell it was swelling without even looking. Loki with his doggie cock buried inside me, still breeding me. At least those spurts had finally subsided.
It was Daddy's turn to break the silence of just enjoying each other's company.
"Amy, don't you have a math test on Monday? Are you ready for it?"
Where did THAT come from? Did he somehow know I was daydreaming about what I expected his reaction to my new bikini would be through most of today's review? (The fact that what actually had happened was so far beyond my bland daydream was almost funny.) Besides, it was only Friday. I had the whole weekend to prepare! Still, habit prompted an obedient, "Yes, Daddy, but I have the whole weekend to study for it."
"Just so long as you don't wait until the last minute, I'll be checking on you." God, Daddy could be SUCH a fuddy duddy.
My reply of "Yes, Daddy," led to the best time I think I've ever shared with Daddy. I've read Daddy's description. I won't waste your time with additional details. I just enjoyed our conversation, as each of us took turns petting Loki (though it was VERY awkward for me to reach him), who I thought would just melt from the attention. He was such a good dog, and not just because he was an amazing fuck. Ha, snuck another fuck in there!
I think Daddy kept better track of time than I did, but 40 minutes sounds about right. I think I was on the verge of dozing, when Loki suddenly started tugging hard against my poor pussy. I had become so used to the stretching sensation of Loki's cock so deep in my belly, that I didn't notice as it began... shrinking.
As the tugging grew firmer, I could FEEL as my belly... pushed... the steadily deflating intruder out of my womb, the ring of my cervix squeezing along its length as it tightened back down to... normal I guess. Whatever was happening, it still left my belly uncomfortably full, but now with a sloshing sensation. Really funky.
Then, with a final painful tug, and an audible 'POP', not like a balloon or soda can, much softer, my poor aching pussy finally released that amazing dog cock. Dad said it slithered out, which sounds gross, but it matches the sensation. Plus a whole bunch of Loki's doggy cum poured out of my vagina. I was so relieved to be released from that stuffed feeling, but also sad that I now had this... empty feeling... in my cunny and belly. Very strange.
I collapsed in relief against my lounger. I was EXHAUSTED. I felt Loki briefly licking my butt and thigh, where some of our juices must have run. I suddenly worried that he might begin licking my aching pussy. Oh, please don't! I was SO sore! That would only hurt worse. I breathed a sigh of relief when he stopped.
It was the sound of Loki's nails on the patio deck that caught my attention. What was he doing? I drowsily looked up and back, and saw him heading for the open gate. Where was he going? Did I just do something wrong? What was happening? Loki couldn't just leave? He'd just gotten here! In a panic, I shouted "Loki, don't go!" But it was too late, he was gone.
I couldn't believe it! I must have done something bad to make him leave. I heard someone sniffling, and realized it was me. If I'd had any more energy, I'd have thrown myself at Daddy and bawled my eyes out. Or more likely run naked after Loki to bring him back.
As it was, I barely managed to say, "It's not fair. He's gone and I didn't even get a chance to say good bye." My heart was broken, and was never going to be the same again. My doggy lover, who I... loved... who had... stolen... the gift of my virginity I was saving for Daddy, was gone. Oh God, what had I done to deserve this?
It was Dad who provided a ray of light in the darkness of my anguish. Uh, oh, romance novel again. Still, when he said, "It's okay, baby. I'm sure he'll be back. We'll just have to keep an eye out for him," it did manage to quell the anguished wail building in my chest. I leapt at the idea!
"You think so? Really? Thanks, Daddy!" I was overjoyed, Dad was always right! Loki would be home before we knew it, and between Daddy and him, my life would be complete.
His next comment reminded me how sore I was from my experience. "I think it's time to take you inside and get you cleaned up. Loki accidentally scratched the hell out of you and your neck is still bleeding. I imagine you're pretty sore from his being so deep inside you."
Oh, was Dad right about that. I don't think I could have taken more than three steps. I don't remember rubbing my neck, but I was surprised I had blood on my fingertips. Oh, to be clean! What a marvelous idea! I held my hands out to Daddy and asked, "Carry me, Daddy!" Then I noticed my bikini bottoms in a lonely puddle of cloth where they had fallen. "Oh, and don't forget my new bikini, I don't want to lose it."
I saw the twinkle in his eyes before he turned and stepped over, grabbing my new bikini bottoms. My bikini top had come un-tied behind my back sometime in the last hour, and was just hanging from my neck. I went ahead and took it off entirely just as Daddy turned to come back. Why keep it on now? I didn't feel the least bit self-conscious being naked for Daddy anymore after what had just happened.
I loved Dad's gentle smile as he gently lifted me into his arms, holding me under my shoulders and knees, letting me rest my head on his shoulders. Even though I could still feel Loki's dog cum leaking from my pussy, the feeling of Daddy's arms holding me was very comforting. I snuggled in as we headed into the house.
It was chilly in the house. As we passed from the tile in the kitchen to the carpet, Daddy had the nerve to warn me about leaking on the carpet. It wasn't my fault I was dripping everywhere. Still, he had a point, I could feel the sloshing in my belly. I started to giggle.
"I'll try not to leak Daddy, but don't think I can. There's a lot of Loki's stuff still in me."
I thought Dad was going to drop me when he suddenly shifted me, almost turning me upside down. I actually squealed in laughter over that. Before I knew it, we were in his bathroom and he had set me back down on my feet.
He turned to the shower, got it started and adjusted the temperature. I stood there, not willing to move yet. When he was satisfied with the temperature, he turned back towards me and... froze. I must have looked dreadful. I felt absolutely dreadful. I saw his eyes darken in concern as he looked over my body. He winced several times. I saw his lips straighten as he made some sort of decision as he turned away.
Where was he going? Didn't he realize how much I still needed him? Had he figured out I was saving myself for him and was upset that I had... had... let Loki take my gift meant for him instead? Didn't he realize I had been trying to get him to notice me as a woman for months? Did he notice, but something about me kept him from being interested in me? Was he jealous of Loki? Was he unwilling to share me with my dog? What was the matter?
I barely managed to say "Daddy?"
He turned back towards me, with a "Yes, dear?" His eyes were very dark. I couldn't see anything behind them. The not knowing what I had done that made him want to leave scared me.
I almost couldn't ask. I dreaded his response, but I had to know. In a very quiet voice, I asked the question that covered so much, the answer which would let me know whether I would ever have a chance to share that special place in his heart beside Mom. That place I so wanted him to share with Loki now in my own heart. To know if I'd ever realize my dream of making love with the most sexy man I ever knew. Just to... know. I felt completely lost.
"Daddy, do you think I'm ugly?"
I found myself swept into a hug so tight, it almost hurt. I was so exhausted, and sore, and dirty, I don't think I know what I felt. Still, I heard Daddy's voice as he tried to comfort me. "No, Sweetheart, I think you are the most beautiful young lady I know. Why do you ask?"
Couldn't he see? I almost sobbed as I started. "Because of what happened. Because I let a dog f-f-fuck me. Because... because I think I LIKED it. Not at first, I was so scared and it hurt so much. But then you were there, and it was good INSTEAD of bad. You made me feel safe in spite of everything, even though it hurt so much! And the part where he bred me felt so GOOD! What's wrong with me? Why do you leave me? I already miss him!" I was sobbing hysterically by then.
I don't recall what Dad was saying as he gently rocked me, only that it was what I needed to hear. I eventually managed to get my emotions under control. It took me a second to process his last comment. Something about having my cuts and scratches looked at before dinner.
THAT caught my attention. Get them looked at by WHOM? "Oh my God! No! What if they figure out what really happened? I would just die!" Could a doctor look at me and figure out I was a dog fucker? They would send me to a mental hospital. There's no way I could go!
Fortunately, Dad's sensible, fuddy duddy tone, actually managed to calm me. I just wanted to get off this emotional roller coaster. "Amy, these really should be looked at. We can tell the doctor you were attacked by a dog. It wouldn't be far from the truth. If we only show the scratches and bite marks it will be okay."
I was still scared a doctor would just KNOW what really happened. But I guess Daddy had a point. I looked at my feet and muttered some sound of agreement. I felt Daddy step back, and begin to turn away again. My eyes snapped up. He was leaving me!
"Daddy?" He stopped, and turned back!
"Yes Baby?"
"Please stay. I don't want you to go." I didn't want him to leave me, ever.
"You really do need to get cleaned up."
God, sometimes Dad could be so dense. But this was my chance, my big chance. I needed Daddy with me. To keep me safe. To accept me. To love me. This was my opportunity to make my dreams of Daddy come true. I could tell the moment was NOW!
"I know I do, but I want you to stay... To help me... In the shower... Please?"
I held my breath. I could see the indecision in his eyes. I saw a glint of... desire? Desire for me? After everything? I was beginning to feel light headed from anticipation. What would Daddy do? Then I saw his jaw set. It was like he was preparing to put his hand into a fire. What? What? What was he going to do?
Despite everything, all my planning, all my dreams, all my desires, I was still surprised at how... simple... such a huge shift in our lives could be. He smiled the most loving smile imaginable, loosened his shorts and let them fall around his ankles leaving him as naked as myself, took my hand, and led me into the shower. Grand slam, it's out of here! Game over! I think if I hadn't been so tired, I would have cheered.
It was like a dream come true. Only my poor aching body was telling me this was real. He stood behind me, and started with my hair. All of the sudden I realized why so many movie and novel sex scenes involved showers. It was so erotic. The feel of his hands as he rubbed my scalp, lathered up my hair, and gently rinsed it almost made me purr.
Then, he began to soap up and rub my back. This was nothing like when Becky rubbed me, and not just because we were in the shower. This was Daddy rubbing me. I so needed more. I reached back and grabbed his hands. I needed his arms around me, like in so many of my dreams as I lay awake at night, imagining it was Daddy as I found myself rubbing my cunny furiously. But this was so different, not what I had imagined, so much better. I leaned back against him, and brought his hands up and placed them over my newly sprouted breasts. I could feel the nipples harden and poke into his palms.
Oh, why didn't I follow Dad up when he took his shower earlier? I so regretted losing his gift of my virginity. I ached for my loss, his loss. I couldn't blame Loki, what the three of us had just shared was... immeasurable. It was just...
I didn't mean for Daddy to hear me. I uttered a very regretful sigh. "This, THIS, was how I had hoped it would it be." I only knew he had heard me when he briefly paused, then continued cleaning me, even more gently than before. I was glad the shower helped disguise my tears of regret and heartache.
His hands continued down from my new breasts down past my ribs, to gently rub my belly. I looked down and wasn't really surprised to see the slight swell from the pressure of all of Loki's cum still trapped in my belly.
His hands continued further, gently, I so wanted him to rub my pussy, to trace the labia, gently rub my clit, even now aching for his touch. But I was too sore, too stimulated, it would only have hurt dreadfully, ruining everything. Instead, I placed his hand beneath mine and held it gently over the gentle swelling of my pubic mound. It wasn't fair. I wanted so much more, but couldn't have it.
He left his hand there for forever, or maybe just a minute, before kneeling and gently continuing down my legs, cleaning as he went. I winced occasionally where soap burned in some of the deeper scratches, but it was no matter. I was regretful when he finally reached my feet until the realization struck me that it was now my turn.
We both turned around until I was facing Dad's back, him still on his knees. I copied his approach, minus the reaching around to rub his chest. My arms just wouldn't reach. I washed his hair, his back and prompted him to stand. I loved to touch Daddy's back, trace the muscles. He was slender, wiry, a runner's build. My hands drifted to his buttocks, a nervous tick as I first touched his right butt cheek almost made me giggle.
I started to reach between his thighs. I burned to touch his penis, but made myself wait. Soon enough I reminded myself. Instead I dragged my fingers back through the crevice between his firm buttocks, delicately tracing the muscles and reveling in the naughtiness of it all. I hadn't realized I had rubbed my finger across his anus until I both saw and felt the shiver run through Daddy's body. How interesting, Daddy likes having his ass played with. I cataloged that for later.
I continued down his muscular legs to his feet, and still kneeling while facing his feet, prompted him to turn and face me. I so wanted to look up and see his penis, but this sense of... anticipation, was too enjoyable. I continued rubbing the front of his legs, no sense in even pretending to be washing. This was just too erotic, and despite all the soreness, made me gooey in the pit of my stomach, and not all of it from Loki's puppy seed.
Finally, I reached his thigh and then Daddy's waist, before looking up and gazing at Daddy's beautiful penis, right in front of me. It looked nothing like I would have expected, bigger than any of the pictures from health class, nothing like the cocks in those sex videos Becky and I had watched on her brother's computer.
It was... limp, kind of wrinkled, with a purplish tip with a small indent in the tip, undoubtedly where he peed from. The base was surrounded by a mat of short curly hair, pubic hair. I could make out his balls beneath, looking like a pair of large marbles inside a sack. I was amazed, I was curious, I... couldn't believe it made that large bulge I saw earlier when Daddy saw me in my bikini.
I reached up, and gently poke it with my finger, almost giggling at how it sort of flopped. Then I froze in astonishment as it began to grow, almost like a balloon. Within seconds it was huge! So stiff it rose in a 45 degree angle. I touched it again, and felt its firmness, how it sort of wobbled back and forth. It was longer than the palm of hand, and bigger around then my hand could grasp. It looked bigger then how Loki's cock had felt when he had just fucked me. I wondered what it would feel like having Daddy's penis inside me, to fill that empty space in my belly. I cursed fate that I was so sore I couldn't find out right this minute how it would feel inside me.
There is a huge difference between what something feels like where you can see it and where you can't. Although I was amazed at the size of Dad's erection, it turns out having it in front of me made it appear a lot bigger than what Loki had just put me through. Not. However, Daddy is a much more considerate lover. Oops.
I proceeded to gently wash Daddy's balls, intrigued by the feeling. The idea that I was holding the... source that created ME, was unbelievably erotic. I released him, and continued up his torso, tracing the muscles in his stomach and chest. The water was beginning to get cold when I reached his neck. I could see the love in Daddy's eyes, the desire, the acceptance, the EVERYTHING. I think that was what prompted me to reach around his neck and pull him down to where his head was at my level, than lean forward and give him a loving kiss on his lips. They were everything I'd ever dreamed, so very different then Becky's. I loved them, I loved everything about him.
As I released him, still looking in his eyes, I felt like telling him everything I felt in my heart, but just couldn't find the words. I had to settle for, "Thank you Daddy!" I think he understood by the look of love that filled his eyes at my words. I hugged him tightly and then stepped out of the rapidly chilling shower, with Daddy following closely.
I gingerly dried myself off, I was still very sore, while Daddy dried himself off right next to me. I was already getting chilled, so hurried to my room to get dressed. Daddy was right, of course Dad was right, getting cleaned up made me feel a LOT better. I wasn't even exhausted anymore, rather I was feeling... hungry. My stomach chose that moment to grumble and burble, voicing its displeasure. Didn't Daddy say something about dinner? I think so.
"Dad, where are we going for dinner? What should I wear?" It better be something quick, with lots of food, I discovered I was starving. Maybe a buffet, how about...? The suggestion I was about to make was completely forgotten at Daddy's response.
"We're going to Oliver's!"
Oliver's? I'd been begging Daddy for AGES to take me to Oliver's. It was high-class, it was swanky, it was... romantic! It was perfect! Now, what was I going to wear... Duh, I know exactly what I want. However, Daddy's suggestion distracted me from that important decision.
"How about you wear that nice blue dress, the one you wore to your school dance last month?"
God, Daddy was such a fuddy duddy. My blue dress was fine, for a school dance. Oliver's was romantic. I needed something less... boring. Besides, I had the perfect selection. It was almost like I could see into the future when I ordered my NEW dress. Oh, won't Daddy be surprised!
"Thanks Daddy, but I have a better idea." I stood in front of the mirror, holding up my new dress, and noticed the nasty marks on my sides and neck. Drat, we were going to stop at that damned clinic first. "Um, Dad? I really can't wear THIS to the clinic, it would really not look right.
Daddy's suggestion to wear my shorts and shirt and bring my outfit with me was okay, but he really didn't understand everything that went into getting ready. For the look I wanted, I would almost have to bring a duffel bag. Still, I could make it work... except for...
"Dad, that will work but I have a problem, I'm still leaking!" How embarrassing. For that matter, how long would I have to put up with this? How much did Loki pump into me? I liked the sensation, but the leaking was becoming awkward.
I was still pondering that question when Dad stuck his head in my door, thank God I'd already put my dress up in the garment bag to take with us, that would have completely ruined my surprise. Anyway, he threw a box at me along with a quick, "These should do the trick.", before ducking back out, leaving me with a box of tampons. He WOULD have a stash in the event puberty finally claimed me. He's such a loveable fuddy duddy.
Although, as I tried to insert one, I think I would have preferred a pad. I was still rather raw and painful, and those 'smooth applicators' just weren't quite smooth enough. Still Daddy was right, again, and once I got it in place, it seemed to solve the problem.
Getting panties on wasn't too difficult, though the thongs were definitely out. Low cut bikinis would just have to do. My shorts were a different story though. All my shorts were just a little too tight, particularly in the crotch area. I was in for a rather uncomfortable episode. I gathered up everything else I thought I'd need, and put them in my purse. The rest I managed to fit in the garment bag with my dress. I was not looking forward to changing somewhere on the way.
Daddy looked VERY nice, distinguished, and handsome. If I wasn't starting to stiffen up or so thrilled to have him take me to Oliver's I think I would have dragged him upstairs and ravished him. Or maybe have him ravish me. Hmm... Meanwhile, walking around wasn't TOO awfully bad, but sitting down in the car was an exercise in caution. It wasn't until Daddy had already backed out of the driveway that the idea of why I didn't just wear a pair of sweat pants hit me. I felt like such a dumbass. Too late now.
We went to the same clinic where we had gone last year when I had sprained my wrist. I was so nervous the doc would take one look at me and just KNOW I had fucked my dog, that I really don't remember the details. He 'tsk-tsk'd' over my scratches and bites, provided some antibiotic cream, told me to keep them clean, you know, the usual. He really made me mad though when he mentioned the idea of reporting a violent dog to animal control for them to keep an eye out for. Report MY dog? I don't think so!
I think I was still simmering as we were getting up to leave, since I don't even remember him mentioning the rabies shot, though I sure did when he stuck me with it. That just gave me one more thing to seethe over. Loki with rabies? Not a chance! What a dumbass, him, the doctor this time, not me..
I was still seething over the insults that stupid doctor had directed at my Loki as we got into the car. It was sitting down again that distracted me from that train of thought. I glanced at the clock in the car as we were pulling out of the parking lot, and noticed we had over an hour before our dinner reservation.
"Daddy, we've got almost an hour, could we run back to the house so I can get ready? It would really be much more convenient."
I was rather pleased when he agreed. I had this great idea that would blow his socks off but it wouldn't have been possible if I had to change 'on the road'. As we stepped back into the house, I told Daddy that I wanted to surprise him and wait until I was done. I almost skipped upstairs over the thought of what I was going to do.
I had a picture of Mom shortly after her and Dad had just met. I don't know where she was going, but she was dressed beautifully. The dress I had gotten online with my swim suit was almost identical. THAT was the look I wanted to surprise Daddy with.
It was a bit of a trick getting that look just right, though. I knew how to put my hair up, and that wasn't too hard while the dress and shoes were also easy. I had ordered some makeup along with the dress. Daddy wouldn't let me wear makeup yet, but I thought it would be nice to have on hand when he did. Besides, I figured he would approve of this exception. The makeup actually took longer than I thought it would, it was really hard to match Mom's appearance from the photo.
The only thing left was it took me a bit to figure out what to do about the scratches and bites on my legs and neck, but antibiotic cream and concealer did a surprisingly good job in hiding those. I made sure to keep one more surprise for Dad before getting the last part of my ensemble, Mom's necklace. I knew Dad was saving those for me when I was older, but I knew where he kept them. Mom's necklace and my earrings Daddy gave me for my birthday completed the picture. It was perfect!
I reminded Daddy to keep his eyes closed as I came downstairs to show him my look. He looked so handsome, yet funny with his eyes clenched shut. I stood before him, nervous for some reason, and took a deep breath. Then told him, "Okay Daddy, tell me what you think."
I was NOT expecting the reaction I got when he looked at me. His face turned white as a ghost, almost like during that phone call from the hospital after Mom's accident. That was bad enough, but when the tears welled up and began to fall, I felt absolutely dreadful. What had I done?
"Daddy, Daddy, are you okay? Why are you crying? What's wrong?" I was getting worried.
His reply... I don't know how to describe it. I thought my heart would just explode with joy. It was more than I could have dreamed possible. "Oh, Amy, you have no idea of how much you look like your mother right now. For a moment I thought I'd seen a ghost. I can't believe how absolutely beautiful you look right now."
I will treasure that moment forever.
I don't remember running over to him, I only remember being enveloped in a powerful, loving hug. "Oh, thank you Daddy, do you really think so? I'm sorry I made you cry." I was almost crying myself, only managing not to through sheer will. I didn't want my mascara to run. I almost didn't care.
"It's okay, you just startled me. I can't believe how grown-up you look. Your mother would have been proud."
That statement bounced around my head. It made me so desperately miss Mom while at the same time having Daddy tell me how grown-up I looked made my heart sing. I wouldn't have been surprised if my heart had burst right there for the love I had for Daddy just then.
I tried to regain control. I had to remind myself to act more mature, more like a grown-up, not like a silly girl, but it was so hard. I finally managed to say, "Oh Daddy, I do wish she were here, but don't make me cry. I don't want my makeup to run. I did this especially for you."
"Thank you Amy, you have no idea how happy you just made me and how beautiful you look." This was almost like a moment from one of my romance novels, the emotion, the passion, the overwhelming love. Too bad it had to end. Daddy looked at his watch, and exclaimed "Oh no, we really should be going or we'll be late!"
He then stood up, and offered me the crook of his arm like I chivalrous knight escorting me to our evening out. I lightly took it, and we went out to the car to leave for dinner.
Our night out at Oliver's was everything I had dreamed about. It was wonderful, it was delicious, it was SO romantic. I loved how Daddy focused on me the entire time, treating me like a young lady instead of a child. I wish I hadn't been so exhausted so I could have remembered the details, but it was still another memory to treasure.
I almost fell asleep on the drive home, but managed not to doze. It was late by the time we got to the house, and I almost asked Daddy to carry me upstairs. I was tempted to ask him to carry me to HIS room, but I was so tired and still so sore and had to get undressed so the idea never got past the 'wouldn't it be nice if...' stage.
He did manage to focus my attention when he thanked me for an enjoyable evening and that he looked forward to our next date. Next date! He considered this a date!
I was so happy! "A date? Oh, Daddy, I had a nice date with you as well." Then I remembered my second surprise for Daddy tonight. I took the hem of my skirt and quickly lifted it up. The look on his face was so funny as he realized I had gone to Oliver's of all places without any panties, just a lacy garter belt holding my stockings up.
I didn't give him too much of a look, or maybe I did. I could already see the bulge of his erection form in his pants before I dropped my dress, and scampered into my room with a giggle. It was the perfect ending to a... perfect day? I remember thinking that, and wondering how I could say that. The shower and dinner with Daddy were perfect, but how could getting fucked by a dog qualify.
I was still mulling the strange idea around my head is I got ready for bed, remembering to clean out my bites and scratches and apply new ointment. I also removed the tampon without really thinking about it. I didn't bother with a nightshirt when I collapsed into bed, I fell asleep completely naked. My last thoughts as I drifted off were, "Maybe Daddy will peek in and see me like this. Wouldn't that be nice?"
I woke up rather early Saturday morning. I remember having had the most bizarre dream. It involved Daddy being a werewolf. We had dinner, and walked through the woods, and he made love to me in a clearing, than changed into an adorable Loki. I knew where it had come from, but it was still strange. I think what had woken me up was the fact that my sheets were absolutely soaked, and I don't think it was all from where I had leaked the rest of Loki's cum all night. My dream had been incredibly erotic.
Still, I wasn't going back to sleep now, so I got up and put on a light sundress. Shorts just weren't an option, I was still sore, though much better. I decided to skip panties again too. I wondered how long it would take Daddy to notice. I stripped my sheets off, and placed them in the laundry room for later. Then like a lightning bolt, I remembered. Daddy's promise of Victoria's Secret! Mmmm, the possibilities.
I was still dreamily thinking about what I was going to get while I made breakfast. The smell of bacon must have drawn Daddy down. He still looked half asleep, almost pensive. I know now he was feeling guilty about what had happened yesterday for some reason. Maybe that was part of being a fuddy duddy. Why should he feel guilty? I actually had a fabulous day yesterday, despite how bizarre that sounded. Even the soreness was beginning to wear off and I'd almost finished leaking. That was kind of a bummer, I liked the sensation though didn't care for the mess it left.
I had Dad help me get breakfast ready and then we sat down to eat. I was surprisingly hungry, and knew better then to try and talk to Dad before he finished his first cup of coffee. I kind of impatiently bounced until he was almost finished before popping my question.
"So, when are we going shopping? You promised yesterday I could get anything I wanted at Victoria's Secret today." Then, since we were on the subject of shopping anyway, I continued with something I had filed away in my mind yesterday regarding Loki. "We should get a dog bowl and food for Loki when he comes back too, while we're out. I imagine he's quite hungry. What do you think?"
Dad must have swallowed something wrong, because he began to cough and choke. It was so bad I had to run over and pound him on his back to help him. "Are you okay, Daddy?"
He said something about the coffee going down the wrong pipe before he answered my question about shopping. Would you believe he asked whether I wanted to go to the mall AFTER lunch? I don't think so! He even agreed stopping at the pet store while we were out would be a good idea. Of course it was a good idea, it was MY idea.
I left Dad to clean up from breakfast while I headed up to do some laundry. I was almost at the door when I realized that Daddy hadn't appeared to notice I wasn't wearing panties this morning. I'd have to fix that. I turned around and got his attention, then raised my skirt and flashed him again, just like last night. You wouldn't believe how much he blushed, it was too funny. Then I dropped it and skipped upstairs. Maybe Daddy WASN'T quite the fuddy duddy he pretended to be.
Anyway, the morning went surprisingly quickly considering how antsy I was for the mall to open. Even his ruling that I must wear panties when we went out did not bother me, though I tried to argue just for the sake of appearances. I got him back though, when I put on one of my lacy blue thong panties that I got on my shopping trip with Becky. I thought Daddy would trip over his tongue he was panting so hard when I showed it to him. Score!
I would tell you about that memorable shopping trip, but I think I'd like to keep this story under a thousand pages. Just let it be said, I had a ball and I thought Daddy would just die of embarrassment. Daddy must have been under a spell, he let me drag him everywhere in the mall and get just about anything I wanted. I wonder if I could have gotten him to buy me a car that day.
We had lunch at the food court and stopped at the pet store on the way home. We picked up everything Loki could possibly have needed. Daddy tried to make a joke about getting a doggy bed for Loki. NOT funny. I rather firmly told him Loki was sleeping with me. Then I thought of how there was plenty of room in Daddy's bed for the three of us. Now where did THAT idea come from? Who cares? Now, how to make it happen... Oh, back to my story.
So I had an unusually enjoyable trip to the mall with Daddy, and eagerly hauled my spoils to my room. Then, since it was such a nice day, decided it was a good time to go swimming. I threw on my still new bikini, though it sure didn't feel 'new' and headed for the patio. I decided to forego covering up since Daddy had already seen the goods. Oh, my. That almost gave me the giggles.
So I convinced Daddy to join me, and while he was getting ready went out onto the patio. I was hoping Loki had already returned, and was rather disappointed when he wasn't there. Then I noticed the gate was closed. Daddy! What were you THINKING? How was Loki supposed to come back with the gate locked?
I stalked over to the gate, mumbling about Alzheimer's and other reason's parents just lose their minds before flinging open the gate. I did look around and made several loud whistles, hoping Loki was close enough to hear, but with no response. Sigh. Still, I latched the gate open and headed back to the pool. I saw Dad there at the door to the house holding two Cokes, and was about to tell him what I thought about him leaving the gate closed, when the goofy grin on his face almost gave me a case of the giggles. Not fair, he cheated!
It was quite pleasant enjoying the sun on the patio with Daddy. I don't think either one of us were reading our books though. I noticed Dad couldn't keep his eyes off me. The thought he found me that sexy just gave me warm gooey feelings in my belly and made my little pussy drool. I figured I would give him more of a show, kind of a payback for closing the gate and leaving Loki outside.
I started with a little squirming. Just enough to make sure he was paying close attention, before I went to the next step. I turned and looked at him, and asked, "Daddy, my cunny is still sore from yesterday and sort of itches." It sure itched all right, but not because it was sore. "My swim suit is bothering it. Do you mind if I take it off?"
I could already see the lump in his swimsuit which completely contradicted his casual response. "Well, since it IS uncomfortable, I don't see any reason to let it irritate you. Go right ahead."
I almost laughed. Where was my fuddy duddy Daddy hiding? Where did this wonderfully lecherous man come from? I loved it! To be honest, there really isn't all that much to my bikini, but I still think I set a record removing it revealing my body to Daddy. For some reason, I really enjoyed being naked around him, and not because he'd been there yesterday while Loki fucked me. I still had to tease him some more though, so stretched as far as I could while saying, "Thank you Daddy, that's much better." I almost giggled at his groan.
Too bad he didn't just jump me right then and there. I would have been more than willing. I was still a little sore deep in my belly, but Daddy was so gentle, it would have been okay.
As the afternoon wore on, I found myself completely ignoring my book. I was watching the gate, hoping Loki would show, or watching that bulge in Daddy's trunks. I was wondering if I would have to hire a band and raise banners to convince him to carry me away to his bed when he abruptly sat up. Yes! He was going to do it! However, his very concerned voice sort of dashed that fantasy.
"Amy! Did you forget your sunscreen?" I tried to tell him that of course I didn't, I put it on as soon as I sat down... Oops. I looked at myself, and was rather surprised at the rather alarming shade of pink my no longer covered breasts and hairless pubic mound had become.
"Oh, no!" I was so embarrassed. I quickly grabbed my things and hurried inside. God, I hoped I hadn't gotten sunburnt. That would be unbelievably uncomfortable. I was in the kitchen slathering aloe on myself when Daddy came back in. I was really depressed. Not because I had let myself get burnt, but because Loki hadn't come home. Where was he?
I looked at Daddy and voiced my unhappiness, "He didn't come back..."
He tried to cheer me with his response. "It's only been one day, Sweetie. Give him a chance. I'm sure he'll show. I'll put some food out for him and make sure the gate stays open this time. I'm sure that will bring him back."
I couldn't help but leap at the idea, the alternative was too terrible. I gave Daddy a big hug, leaning my head into his shoulder. "I hope so Daddy. Thank you for understanding."
It was pleasant hugging Daddy, his short chest hairs lightly tickling my new breasts, his leg between my thighs where I could gently press my pussy against it generating flashes of pleasure in my tummy. The feel of...
I couldn't help it, I giggled. I still owed Daddy for closing the gate. "You have a woody! You have a woody!"
"Enough of that you wench! You'd better learn to behave or I will tickle you into submission!" Then the cad made good on his threat and began tickling me! I managed to squirm out of his grasp and make a dash for my room, but not before he gave me a swat on my butt. I hadn't had so much fun with Daddy in ages. Well goofy fun I mean, last night had been fun too, but a more serious fun.
For the rest of the afternoon, I was still rather depressed that Loki hadn't come home yet. Most of the soreness had vanished, and the thought of how that huge doggy cock had made me feel so completely full just made me wet. I began to wonder what was wrong with me. I was getting just as excited thinking about my dog as I was when thinking about Daddy. I'd never heard of girls having sex with animals though there were some jokes I'd heard about boys and sheep. Which reminds me, have you heard the one about... Focus, Amy... I'll have to tell that joke another time.
Anyway, I was starting to feel... like a worse perv then Brian. He was only watching naughty things, I was actually DOING it, and with my dog no less. It was bothering me. I mean I liked it and everything. Um, when had I decided I liked it? I was even looking forward to Loki's return so I could be his little doggy bitch and he could breed me again. No, so he could FUCK me again. But I really wanted Daddy to make love to me too! I couldn't figure out what I wanted. I spent most of the afternoon kind of squirming over how what kind of girl that must make me.
I was still squirming over my conflicting thoughts during dinner. Daddy must have noticed something was up. He was unbelievably dense about my desire to have him take me to his bed and ravish me, but he was rather astute when something was bothering me. Still, his question gave me the opening I think I needed.
"What's the matter, Sweetie? You look troubled."
Having an opening doesn't mean it's easy to take it. My thoughts and concerns had sort of combined into something I would really like to do, but was too embarrassed to ask for. Me, embarrassed after everything that had happened since yesterday.
"Umm, well... um..." At least Daddy had the patience to sit attentively until I could get it out. "Daddy, I want to find out more about girls who fuck dogs. I know there's stuff about it on the Internet..." EVERYTHING is on the Internet, "could you help me look it up. I really want to know. Please?" I so wanted to know, to find out I wasn't some twisted freak. I could only look at my toes while waiting for Daddy's decision.
His reply wasn't at all long in coming. "Sure Amy, we'll go ahead and see what we can find." I was so glad I almost jumped to me feet to make a beeline to my computer before the rest of Dad's reply stopped me. "But not until you cleanup from dinner, finish your homework for Monday, and we're both ready for bed. It might take a while to find what we want, so don't get your hopes up."
I couldn't decide if I wanted to jump for joy or sigh in frustration. The important thing was that Daddy agreed with my request! I couldn't wait! I tore through the kitchen getting everything cleaned up and put away. I even mopped the floor so Daddy wouldn't have an excuse to renege on his offer. I swear when I was done, the kitchen could have made the cover of Better Homes & Gardens.
With the kitchen out of the way, I jumped into my homework. Math was a bit of trouble, I really should have taken better notes during the review. I ended up having to pull out quite a few old assignments to get everything squared away.
The best part while I was doing my homework though was when Daddy broke out Loki's new food and water bowl and set them up on the patio right by the door. Did I ever mention how much I love my Dad?
Still, I finished up my homework just after seven and was heading up to get ready for bed. Dad put a brake on that idea though, the big fuddy duddy. Said it was too soon. Instead, he announced we would watch a movie first. He had me make some popcorn while he got things ready.
Everything was set by the time we sat down, my leaning up against Daddy while the Blue Ray loaded. I briefly wondered why Daddy had a smirk, until the menu screen came up. He had chosen Thor! "Daddy, that's not funny!" I thumped him on the arm at his little laugh at my expense. Thor, indeed...
Still, it was an enjoyable movie, especially considering how pleasant it was snuggling with Daddy while his hand rested on my hip. I had changed into my blue sun dress after getting a tad sunburnt, and Daddy's hand rubbing on my hip felt nice, more than nice actually. I didn't realize either I had been squirming or Daddy's hand had been... drifting, but about half-way through the movie I realized he was now rubbing my bare bottom. It seems somehow I had ::snicker:: neglected to put panties on again. The feeling of his hand on my bare ass definitely gave me a warm squishy feeling deep in my belly.
Daddy's hand on my bottom was nice, but I found myself wanting more. I squirmed my hips even more, as if to get comfortable, until his hand was cupping the cheek of my ass with his fingers drifting back and forth through my butt crack.
Mmmm, now I know why that felt so good to Daddy in the shower last night. I recalled how he had shuddered when I touched his butt hole, and wondered how it would feel to me. I squirmed a bit more, and almost bit my arm that I was using to rest my head on as I snuggled against Daddy's side when he finally touched it with his fingertips. Oh, my God! I almost came just from that! I could never have imagined having someone you love touch your ass like that could be so erotic.
It felt so amazing that without shifting those wonderful fingers rubbing my ass, I gave Daddy a hug and told him thanks. I'm sure he didn't mind one bit either, the glint in his eyes and that smile on his face would have melted stone. We both settled down and finished our movie, though I shivered occasionally when he rubbed me just right.
I was actually disappointed when the movie ended and Daddy stopped rubbing my ass, disappointed until I remembered Daddy's promise, that is. I think Daddy didn't want to stop either, because he had a sort of regretful look. I couldn't have that, so I jumped, leaned over and gave him a kiss. I had been dreaming of kissing Daddy like I had been kissing Becky and the feeling of his lips against mine were everything I could have imagined. I would have liked to do a more serious kiss, but really wanted to surf the Net with Daddy, and I think I would have kissed him all night if I weren't careful.
I broke the kiss to the sound of a groan of disappointment from Daddy, which almost convinced me to kiss him again. Almost. I saw another erection tenting his jeans, and a wicked idea popped into my mind. Just as I turned away to head upstairs to change, I gave Dad's dick a quick grope and a squeeze, leading to yet another groan. Score! I giggled as I ran upstairs. My romance books were right, teasing like this was fun, and I hadn't come close to finishing teasing Daddy tonight.
Instead of wearing my usual comfortable t-shirt tonight, I decided to try one of my new purchases from Victoria's Secret I'd picked up at this morning's trip. It was a lacy blue baby-doll nighty that was see-through from just the right angle. Ooooh, wait until Daddy saw me in this! It came with a matching g-string panty, but I decided to forego that option. Not because my pussy was sore, it didn't bother me at all anymore, but because I was already getting wet in anticipation and figured it'd be coming off soon enough anyway.
Daddy seeing me in my new nighty was everything I imagined, his eyes popped again when I finally came down and a lustful look filled his face. It was about time he looked at me like that! I did a brief twirl to tease even more before realizing HE wasn't ready yet. Men! I had to grab his arm and pull him to his room, complaining at his slowness, "Come ON, Dad. Hurry up and get ready, you PROMISED!"
I pulled out his sweatpants that he wore before bed, and turned around to find he STILL hadn't gotten his clothes off. He wore a lop-sided grin as I threw his sweats at him, and tapped my foot impatiently as he stripped down. Watching him strip like that was rather arousing, and made me even damper. If I weren't so worried about being a freak for enjoying fucking my dog, I would probably have jumped Daddy right there.
Still, Daddy FINALLY finished getting ready, and I dragged him back downstairs to my computer. I waited until he got settled, then plopped myself down on his lap straddling his legs. My anticipation was so high I'm surprised Dad didn't feel the wet spot I was already making on his sweat pants. Once we got started though, all worries about my pussy drooling all over Daddy's leg ceased.
I was amazed at how quickly Dad found animal porn sites. It was just like watching the porn with Becky on her brother's computer, but that was tame by comparison. This was... UNBELIEVABLE! I don't remember my sigh of relief as I realized I wasn't such a freak, so MANY girls loved their dogs. Physically I mean. Like the porn sites I had seen with Becky, some sites were better than others but it didn't matter.
Daddy must have found it erotic as well, I could feel his cock swell between my thighs, and I found by wiggling just right, I could work Daddy's sweatpants down until his penis was released. I mischievously wiggled until it was comfortably pressed between the lips of my labia, almost at the opening to my vagina. I giggled at his groan at the sensation. I was surprised he didn't just push his penis into me, or rather disappointed. I know he found me sexy and desirable, why wouldn't he make love to me?
Regardless, I was VERY disappointed when Daddy called it a night, though I do admit I was very tired. I was pleasantly surprised when he swept me up and carried me to my room, though bummed he didn't feel me up while he did. He tucked me in and I told him good night, then I thought of one last tease before sleep. I held my hands up like I used to when I was little in a silent gesture for a hug and a kiss. When Daddy obliged though, I pulled his head close and gave him a much better kiss. I loved the feel of his lips on my, and the taste of his lips as I traced them with my tongue, but I wanted more. I pushed my tongue against his lips until he parted them, and then slipped my tongue inside until I teasingly touched his own tongue.
He grabbed the back of my head and neck, pulling me tight against him as we shared a passionate French kiss. It was nothing like I had done with Becky. It was better! I was disappointed again when it ended. I wanted to pull him down into my bed with me, but really was too tired to do more than think about it. I don't remember him leaving, though vaguely recall telling him thank you.
I woke up sometime around 2:30, having to pee. As I shuffled back from the bathroom, I noticed Daddy sleeping on his side on his bed. I decided his bed looked more comfortable than mine. Besides, I'd just had a wicked thought of how I could tease him one more time. I shimmied out of my nighty, and snuck into Daddy's room and crawled into his bed, naked as he was. He mumbled something about what was I doing? Hello! Wasn't it obvious? Instead I said something about a bad dream, snuggled my back up against him and pulled his arm around me. Yes, this was MUCH better. I fell asleep with a great sense of being loved and protected. It was quite pleasant.
Sunday morning came way too early after the physical and emotional roller coaster I had been riding the last two days. I remember a peck on the cheek from Daddy, and something about having to get up. Nope, that wasn't going to happen. Maybe I could find a way to convince him to come back into bed with me, perhaps to finally ravish me instead? Now there was an idea with possibilities...
However, it was not to be. It was his improbable statement about having to get up and get ready for church that yanked me into complete wakefulness. "Church? How could we possibly go to church again after... You know." I'd forgotten how Dad had become much more... religious after Mom died. I'm sure it contributed greatly to his fuddy duddy-ness and may have been getting in the way of my convincing him to ravish me.
I thought my question had a certain validity. I couldn't imagine going to church knowing I loved to fuck my dog and that I desperately wanted to fuck my Dad. Wasn't there a saying about a whore in church? Although I was certainly no whore. So far I'd only been with my dog and planned to be with my Dad. What about making out with Becky? Did that count? WAS I a slut? That would be bad. Regardless, there was no way I could go to church ever again!
I was really getting worked up into a panic, but fortunately Dad calmed me down with his question. "Are you still the same person you were before Friday?" I had to agree with that. I WAS the same person, only... More experienced? He continued, "So how is today any different from any other Sunday?" I hate it when he's right. Still, it would be nice to see my friends. Maybe he had a point.
So, we got ready for church, Daddy teasing me about dressing appropriately as if I didn't have everything else making me uncomfortable. I found a rather nice outfit to wear, and headed down for breakfast. Daddy was too concerned with time, and I was too worried about, I don't know, being struck by lightning or something when we got to church, to talk much. I was still trying to come up with an excuse not to go.
What suddenly dragged me out of my gloom at the guilt I felt going to church after my unbelievable naughtiness was after breakfast and I took a look at Loki's dog bowl. It was empty! I frantically searched the yard, hoping he was somewhere I could see him. "Daddy! Loki's bowl is empty! He must have been here last night!" I ran over and gave him a huge hug. I was so relieved that nothing had happened to my dog and he was still close by.
I was still bubbling over from that sign of his presence all the way to church and through the service. I even forgot to be paranoid. It was better when I saw all my friends. I made all of them jealous when I told them of my shopping trip with Daddy yesterday and all the stuff he'd let me get, though didn't mention Victoria's Secret, not even to Becky. I wasn't prepared to answer questions about why Daddy would have let me go THERE. Lisa talked about her latest boyfriend and enthusiastically about her upcoming cruise. Again. But that's okay, she's my friend. All in all, it actually turned out to be fun.
I was still bubbling after church when Dad and I joined the families of some of our friends for lunch. I was sitting between Becky and Melissa. I almost kicked myself when I told them that Daddy was letting me have a dog. At least I hadn't told them who he was or his name either. I felt kind of bad for misleading Becky. Perhaps she wouldn't be quite so freaked out if I told her. I mean she was really cool about me and my Dad.
After lunch, we spent the afternoon in back around our pool. I didn't even bother with my bikini, and just came outside naked. Considering what Daddy paid for that bikini ::snicker:: it was a shame not to wear it, but having Daddy ogle me was worth it. I tried to get him to ditch his trunks as well, but I think having gone to church re-filled his fuddy duddy reservoir.
Daddy cooked steaks on the grill while I get the rest of dinner ready. Afterwards, we watched another movie while I enjoyed Daddy playing with my ass again. I was wearing panties this time, and the feel of him slipping his hand down the waistband was almost as erotic as not having panties on at all. Who knew?
After dinner, we got ready for bed again. I wore my nightshirt this time, but skipped the panties again. Then, we went back down to my computer, and we looked at some more porn. I think Becky would have freaked if she saw me sitting in Daddy's lap as we surfed for porn. Actually, she probably wouldn't, I think she'd probably plop herself down on MY lap.
Anyway, we started out with more animal porn. There are only so many GOOD sites. I preferred the ones where the girls loved their dogs, not used them if you know what I mean. I also saw women getting screwed by horses. That made me hurt just to watch. Loki was painful enough, but a horse cock? Some of the story sites were good too, though we ended up saving most of those to read later. We gradually drifted into various other sites. Quite a few of them were rather nasty, as in verging on gross and we didn't stay there very long. Other's really caught my eye, anal sex in particular.
I already knew how much I liked having my ass played with, what would Daddy's penis feel like? Daddy's erection had already escaped his sweat pants, so just to sort of test the feeling, I reached down and grasped his penis with my hand. Oh, my! You should have heard Daddy moan. But when I placed it up against my asshole, oh my God! I think we both groaned. It was fabulous, but huge! I decided right then that since I had lost the gift of my virginity to Loki I was going to give my virgin ass to Daddy. Only now I had to figure out how he would fit, my ass was so very tiny. Maybe some of these videos would help...
As nice as the idea of anal sex was, some of the video's involving oral sex made me just as wet. I already knew how good it felt for Loki to lick my little cunny but I couldn't wait for Daddy to do it to me. Then there were the blow jobs. I'm twelve, I know what a blow job is, but always thought it kind of gross. I mean guys PEE out of their dicks. But watching some of those girl's go down on those guys left me so wet that I desperately wanted to try. What really blew me away was the one video where I could tell the girl tried to swallow her man's penis. I could SEE it in her throat. What would that feel like?
I grumbled when Daddy called it a night. He reminded me tomorrow was a school day and I had a math test. Gee, Dad, thanks for reminding me. I thought about joining him in his bed again like last night, but he was watching the news. Boring! Instead I thought about all the videos we watched and the feel of Daddy's dick against my ass. I love that phrase, it sounds so naughty. I ended up rubbing myself as I imagined first Daddy then Loki, then somehow both kissing my mouth, my boobs, my pussy, and my ass. Then when I inserted my finger in my ass, it set off a tremendous orgasm. Wow!
I woke up before Daddy on Monday. I had to hurry if I didn't want to miss my bus, and I sure managed to wake Daddy up with my shouts of glee when I noticed Loki's food bowl was empty again. The phrase Daddy used, that I bubbled during the morning, carried me through the day. Lunch was fun with my friends, and I wasn't even annoyed over my math test. I wasn't even annoyed when I got my test back and found that I had missed one question that I KNEW the answer to, but missed because I accidentally had my graph reversed.
It was cloudy and rainy on the way home. I was so hoping Loki had come home while I was at school. The weather looked like it was going to be dreadful, and I didn't want to think of Loki stuck out in it. Dad was still working in his office when I got home, but that didn't stop me from sticking my head inside to ask, "Did you see him? Did he come home while I was gone?" I could tell by the look in his eye that Loki still hadn't come back. Where was he? I worried about him for the rest of the afternoon.
I did have one thing that sort of brightened my day though. I'd given some thought about how good having Dad rubbing my ass felt, and that fabulous orgasm from last night when I stuck my finger in there. How much better would it be if HE had his finger in me? I'd put my sundress on after school without panties again, and decided to try something when he rubbed my ass again. Heck, it was so crappy outside now was as good as any. I got myself ready, and then went over to the family room where he was watching some science show about the universe.
So, I snuggled up to him as had become our routine with Daddy's hand on my ass as a commercial ended. He was rubbing my cheeks nicely, but I was impatient for him to discover my surprise. I wiggled my hips until his finger drifted down to my butt hole to discover what I'd done. I'd taken olive oil and spread it around and just inside my ass. I wanted to enjoy this, not be rubbed raw. I grinned at the look on Daddy's face when he discovered what I'd done. It didn't take him long to take advantage of my offer.
I felt him press his finger against the muscular ring and just LEAVE it there. No! No teasing! I actually plunged my hips backward to compel that finger inside me. Oh my God! It was amazing! His finger was so much bigger than mine, and the best part was that it didn't hurt a bit! I was kind of worried about that. The feeling as he sort of... twirled his finger around inside me was fabulous, I leaned back against him and practically purred.
I don't think either one of us paid too much attention to the show, but I was VERY disappointed when the end came and he carefully removed his finger. I'll admit the oil was pretty much gone, and his finger was starting to burn, but even that felt good. I didn't want him to stop. "Daddy, why'd you stop?"
The excuse he gave about making dinner was not any consolation for his having stopped fingering me, but I figured I'd let it slide. Still, I figured getting dinner out of the way would just make the chance to sit down with Daddy on the couch again later so he'd feel me up some more come that much sooner.
Unfortunately, being in the kitchen let me see just how hard it was raining outside along with the thunder and lightning. I felt so bad for Loki, outside in all that nasty weather. "Daddy? How do you think Loki's doing out in such nasty weather?"
His reply didn't make me feel any better, not worse at least, just not better. "He's a smart dog, I'm sure he has a hiding spot where he'll be warm and dry."
I sighed at the thought, thinking how cold and wet Loki must be. "I just wish he were warm and dry here."
The sincerity of his response, "So do I Sweetie. So do I." at least helped a little. I was so glad he understood how bad I felt over Loki being out in such terrible weather.
After cleaning up from dinner, we watched some more TV. 'America's Got Talent' was on tonight, and I never missed an episode. I knew Daddy wasn't a fan, but appreciated that he watched it with me anyway. I found myself bouncing on the edge of the couch in excitement over several of the performances.
After my show, I decided it was some more internet fun time. We had started too late last night, and I wanted some more time. Besides, I had plans and couldn't wait to get them started. So I told Daddy to hurry up and get ready for bed. I could tell that I'd confused him when he told him to skip a shower, but that was just part of the fun.
While he got himself ready, I hurried and got myself ready. Still, it took me longer than him, and Daddy was already waiting downstairs in my computer chair when I arrived.
I recalled how erotic our shower Friday had been with no words, and thought this would be a nice occasion to repeat it. My anticipation already had me damp, and I couldn't wait for when Daddy figured out what I had in mind. I had to be careful to control the giggles so I didn't ruin things. I wanted this to be special.
So, wearing my now favorite night shirt, I entered the family room carrying a towel and a small jar. I could see the puzzled look on Daddy's face from my unusual accessories. I waved for him to stand, to which he bemusedly followed, whereupon I placed the towel on the seat of the chair underneath him. Then, I stepped around in front of him and grabbed his sweat pants and jerked them down around his ankles. I'm sure he wasn't sure exactly what I had in mind, but his dick didn't care, rapidly swelling into an impressive erection. I briefly shivered at the thought of what I had planned, mostly in excitement.
Now that he was only wearing his t-shirt, I waved for him to take his seat. I was really getting horny from the process myself. I used my shoulder to move his knees to either side and shuffled forward until my chin was only inches away from his straining penis. Daddy must have been excited too, because I could already see a drop of precum on the tip of his beautiful cock. I picked up and opened the bottle I had brought with me, and was about to pour it in my hand, then changed my mind. I wanted to do something else first.
I leaned forward, and I could hear the catch in Dad's breath as I gently kissed the very tip of his penis. Wow! I couldn't believe I'd just done that! I sat back about to pour the contents of my jar in my hand, then decided to tease Daddy again. I leaned forward and kissed the tip of his penis again, parting my lips slightly. I wanted to taste it, him, my Daddy. I gently extended my tongue, just touching that droplet on the crown, barely enough to taste. I heard Daddy stop breathing completely. I can only imagine what it must have looked like. Damn it! I should have brought the camera! Oh, well, I wasn't about to stop and go get it now!
I couldn't decide quite what that taste was, kind of salty. Sort of like sweat but without the bitterness. A tang I couldn't identify, very strange. I did know that I LIKED it. I wanted more, but not right now, I still had my plan to satisfy that burning itch in the pit of my tummy.
I reluctantly released me lips from Daddy's wonderful penis before I changed my mind, and poured the contents of my bottle into my hand. Daddy almost ruined the whole moment when he cautiously asked, "Um, Amy, what are you using?"
I almost told him Tabasco sauce, but instead I told him the truth. "It's olive oil, Daddy, now hush." I then gently began to cover Daddy's perfect cock in a glistening coat of oil. I could see the muscles in his legs quiver as I gently stroked his throbbing erection, the oil making the entire shaft deliciously slippery.
Once I was satisfied, I took some more oil and carefully reached between my legs and spread it around my ass. Tonight was the night. I desperately needed Daddy inside me finally. I wanted to give him the only gift I had left. I was going to let him be the first to have my ass.
When I was ready for Dad, I stood up and leaned forward, pressing my lips to his. Not a peck like before, or even that wonderful French kiss like the other night. I was already too excited for that, I pulled his head tightly against me, my tongue already extended out into an already open mouth as Daddy's hand reached up to my own head and pulled me tight against him. I was lost in the sensation, the passion, the love, the LUST. I WANTED Daddy in the worst way and I was bound and determined to have him.
I broke the kiss, panting heavily as I stared into Daddy's eyes. I saw the smiling twinkle, the desire, the protectiveness, everything. I saw into his heart, and nearly cried as I saw that I had finally found a place next to Mom as not just a daughter but as a lover. It was incredible. The aching need in my belly forced me to look away. I couldn't wait anymore. I spun around and straddled Daddy's thighs forcing them together. I was almost panting in need as I reached between my legs to grasp Daddy's wonderful cock and lined up with my desperate rosebud. (I think I've let my romance novels influence me again.)
Regardless, the feeling of his slippery penis against my virgin ass made me gasp in delight. I took a deep breath, than began lowering myself onto that steel pole that was Daddy's throbbing cock. I could feel the pressure build. I gasped and groaned in frustration, trying desperately to relax until, Sweet Jesus! the muscle at the entrance abruptly surrendered and that warm, throbbing shaft just slid into me.
I froze, but not in pain. This didn't hurt at all unlike my now seemingly silly concerns. It wouldn't have mattered if it had hurt or not though, I needed Daddy's cock in me even if it would have split me in two! I slowly dropped lower, relishing the feeling as my body enveloped that incredible penis. I shuddered in ecstasy and longing when my buttocks finally stopped at Daddy's hips. Ecstasy at having all of him inside me, longing that there wasn't more.
Now, I'm not complaining about Daddy's penis. It is actually quite a handful, no pun intended, and I doubt I could have taken any more than his eight inches (really), if I think I could have, which I don't. Still it took a bit of adjusting to get used to, I hadn't really considered the WIDTH, just the length.
I relished in my triumph, my success, my achievement, my love for my Daddy. After a minute or so, my body managed to adjust to the welcome intruder inside me. Daddy wrapped his hands around me and held me tight as he whispered in my ear, "Thank you for this gift, Amy. I will treasure it forever."
I almost broke down and bawled right there. Daddy UNDERSTOOD! He recognized my regret that I had lost my gift of my virginity for him, but it didn't matter! I don't know what else I thought other than how I thought my heart would burst with my love for my father, for my Daddy, for my lover. Though words couldn't possibly describe how I felt, I had to tell Daddy somehow how I felt.
"Oh, Daddy, I love you, I'm just sorry this is the only gift I have left to give you."
I thought my heart would burst just a second ago? That feeling was nothing at Daddy's reply.
"Every day with you is a gift and a treasure. Don't ever forget." Yet another moment I will treasure forever.
Daddy's version is rather eloquent and surprisingly accurate, for a fuddy duddy. Giggle. He even got it right that I recovered first and started moving. I had an aching itch in my belly, and only Daddy's beautiful cock could possibly scratch it. I found rocking back and forth most effective at first, but it rapidly wasn't enough. I tried to lift myself and drop back down, but my legs weren't long enough. I discovered another seed to an orgasm hiding in me, only I needed Daddy's help.
"Daddy, help me!" I implored, and was grateful as his hands grabbed my narrow hips, helping me rise and fall, harder and harder, faster and faster upon the glorious length of his masculinity. What is it about romance novels that keep intruding on my descriptions?
Suffice it to say, the steady rise and fall as Daddy plumbed the depths of my ass found that orgasm seed, and made it grow. And grow. And GROW! Until suddenly, with a groan of his own, Daddy gripped my hips almost painfully tight, and pulled me down hard against him. I could feel his cock embedded inside me throb and swell as I felt it explode inside my belly, seeming to spray my insides with his cum.
That was all I needed for the wave of my own orgasm to crash down on me. I moaned, I groaned, my arms and legs shuddered, I saw stars. It was AMAZING. It was all I could have dreamed to have my Daddy orgasm inside me.
We both lay back, Daddy against the chair, me against Dad, quietly panting, enjoying the complete relaxation following such an amazing experience. I could have sat there together forever. However, I could feel Daddy's erection soften, and though I tried hard to squeeze my sphincter muscle to keep it inside, it soon fell out. Still, we continued snuggling, enjoying that warm glow of togetherness. However, way too soon I heard nature calling me. Reluctantly, I stood up, and then with an increasing sense of urgency made a dash for the bathroom.
I heard the shower running as I left the downstairs bathroom. I still felt a little sticky from the oil and despite finally having sex with Daddy, was still more than a little horny. For some reason I decided to sneak upstairs. I don't know why I tried to be quiet, Dad wasn't about to hear me over the sound of the shower.
I could see Daddy's outline dimly through the shower curtain as I quickly removed my night shirt and slipped inside. The warm smile he gave me really made my tummy tickle. I was so glad he finally realized how much I really loved him.
Our shower together was very similar to Friday's, he washed me and I washed him. I was surprised my ass wasn't the least bit sore after having just had his cock in there. That was so different from when Loki bred me, I was so sore afterwards for almost two days. I was really looking forward to letting Daddy make love to me... conventionally. I would have done that tonight, I think, if I hadn't wanted to give Daddy my gift. Besides, having him inside my ass felt really fabulous, so it just gave me one more thing to look forward to.
While the two of us were drying off, a question that had been buzzing around in the back of my mind popped into focus. Why had everything Daddy and I had done together, our first shower, our first passionate kiss, our first sleeping together, his first rubbing then fingering my ass, the first time he made love to me, our shower just now, why had I always been the one to, shall we say, get the ball rolling?
Without really thinking about it, the question sort of popped out of my mouth. "Dad? Why don't YOU start anything when we're being naughty? So far I'm the one starting everything. Am I doing something wrong?"
He stepped over, giving me a big hug, "No, nothing wrong at all." Then with a lopsided grin, "Unless other people find out, I doubt they'd approve."
That gave me the giggles, "I won't tell if you don't, but you didn't answer my question. Why?"
I could tell he was thinking about his answer. What was there to think about? I was starting to get worried that there WAS something wrong, when he finally replied.
"It seemed the right thing to do. You've grown up quite a bit the last few days. I think I didn't want to rush you past the point where you felt comfortable. I rather like how things are happening. I don't think I've been so happy since your mother died."
Oh my God! I couldn't believe his answer. DADDY loved me so much he was scared of pushing things? The big fuddy duddy. Perhaps I should have just jumped his bones that first morning after the sleep over at Becky's. Then the next part hit me, because how much I'd grown up? What did he mean? I was still skinny with no hips and barely any boobs. I didn't FEEL grown up, not really. Sexy maybe, but not grown up. But DADDY thought I was. I'd have to think about that later. Then finally the last part about Mom, that almost made me cry with joy. My emotions were bouncing all over the place and all I could manage in response for that wonderful explanation was an inadequate "Thank you Daddy."
I was still feeling a warm glow at Daddy's comment as I headed to my room for bed. My night shirt I had been wearing while Daddy finally ravished me had gotten all wet on the bathroom floor, and I had to get a new one before going to sleep. I had only taken a step, when Daddy reached out and took my hand. I looked back, and he nodded towards his room. Gee, what a fast learner! I was so eager to share his bed that I almost jerked him off his feet. I snuggled in, and sighed as Daddy snuggled against my back, putting his arm around me. I felt completely loved and safe being held like that.
The only way it could have been any better would be if Loki were asleep at the foot of the bed. My last thought as I drifted off to sleep was how much I wished he would hurry up and come home!
Waking up in Daddy's arms was wonderful. I felt his arm tighten around me briefly before releasing as he got up to start the day. I grumbled a bit while getting ready for school, I now wished more than ever for summer break to get here so I could enjoy the feel of Daddy's arms that much longer.
I heard Daddy gathering up the trash as I managed a quick breakfast before heading for the bus. It was still pouring rain, and I was really worrying about Loki. I should have been joyful, happy, and ecstatic! I had finally broken through the shell of Daddy's fuddy duddy-ness and made him mine! Being around him made my heart sing!
But as soon as I stepped out into the rain, my worry about my dog overwhelmed me. My depression must have been obvious, Becky and Tami tried their best to cheer me up but I just wasn't in the mood. I was actually enjoying wallowing in my depression, if that makes sense.
Tuesday dragged unbelievably slowly. Even the weather finally starting to clear up on the bus ride home didn't raise my spirits. Becky and Tami respectfully gave me my space, which I appreciated, but it wasn't enough to help my worry. Where was Loki? What if something had happened to him? What if it wasn't him eating the food we set out every day? What if I never saw him again?
I was so depressed when I got home, even seeing Daddy didn't raise my spirits, which sounds really dreadful considering last night was so wonderful. I could see the concern in his eyes, but like Becky and Tami he also gave me my space. His acceptance and sympathy for my feelings just added guilt to my feelings of worry and depression. It wasn't fair! How could knowing how much someone cared about you only make you feel WORSE?
I hid up in my room all afternoon. Daddy insisted I come down for dinner, but I really wasn't hungry. At least he didn't try and cheer me up, and made no comment when I excused myself and escaped back into my room. He did come up later on his way to bed. I wanted so much to join him, to have him cuddle me, to be comforted by him, but my guilt over how I treated him today got in the way. Yes, I was being absolutely silly I realize, but hey, what do you expect? Despite everything, I'm still only twelve.
I was huddled into a ball facing the wall, consumed with worry and guilt. I could feel Daddy's love and concern as he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek before leaving for his bedroom. I almost didn't say anything, but that would have been really unfair to Daddy.
"Daddy, what if he DOESN'T come home? What if he's gone forever?" That was the question that had been eating away at me making me miserable all day.
His hug in response was powerful, kind, understanding. "Someone must have been eating the food we've been leaving out. I rather doubt Loki's gone far. Just give him time. He may have been on his own for a while. It may be that he has to get used to being around people again."
His response was both soothing and silly. Getting used to being around people again? He sure was used to being around me. I just wanted him around me right now. I just wanted to hold both of my lovers, my Daddy lover and my doggy lover, right now!
"Thanks Daddy, I just hope it doesn't take too much longer." He gave me another quick kiss and left for his room. I was still debating joining him in between my worries for Loki when I finally drifted off.
I had miserable dreams all night. I couldn't remember details, only a sense of loss, of searching, of finding happiness only to discover it wasn't enough. Understandable, but miserable just the same. The fact that the weather outside was so glorious felt like a personal affront to my mood. Daddy tried hard to cheer me up over breakfast, and I could see the love and caring in his eyes, but that only made me feel even guiltier. I had finally realized my dream of earning Daddy's unconditional and physical love, and I wasn't following up on it. What was wrong with me?
To top it off, I normally liked Wednesdays. I had PE and always enjoyed activities with my friends. Today was supposed to be gymnastics, which I loved almost as much as swimming, though I was already too tall to be very good at it. But even that wasn't enough to make me happy this morning. I continued moping through the day, practically luxuriating in it the blue funk I was in. At least it didn't feel like the day hadn't dragged like Tuesday, but that may have just been because I was too bummed to notice it.
Before I knew it, school was over and I was home again. Daddy must have heard me, because he stuck his head out of his office and offered a cheery hello. I mumbled some reply, and because I didn't want to hear another negative response, didn't even ask if Daddy had seen Loki. I dragged myself to my room, and prepared for another afternoon of abject misery.
Looking back now, I don't know how Daddy managed to maintain his cheerfulness in the face of my admittedly excessive drama. I should have realized that was more of a sign of his love than the actual sex. Though the sex is a good thing...
I heard the sound of the lawnmower in the backyard, but that just reminded me of Friday and dumped me further into the pit of my depression. God I was being absolutely ridiculous. I don't recall exactly when the mower stopped, but shortly after I heard Daddy calling me from downstairs saying, "Amy, you need to come down here!"
I really didn't want to. It was too much effort and I was too depressed to muster the energy to go anywhere, even downstairs. Hopefully Daddy wouldn't be too insistent. He'd understood so far and had been leaving me to my solitude. Still, a reply was in order, if only to keep him from coming up and bothering me. "I really don't want to."
No such luck being left alone, it seems Daddy was going to insist. "No, you need to come down here. You have company."
Company? I didn't want company. Besides whom could it be? Probably Becky. She had been rather concerned over my moodiness, and probably came over to join Daddy in trying to cheer me up. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Dad who invited her over. I love Becky, but I'm sure she'd understand if I didn't want to see her. "I'd really rather not. Couldn't you ask them to come back some other time?"
"Amy, I'm not going to be so rude. You really shouldn't hide in your room all day. You might as well come downstairs and say hello." Damn, he WAS going to be like this. I didn't want to be sociable, but since Daddy wasn't going to give up, and if I didn't come down I'm sure Becky and him would just come up here, I'd better follow his request. Perhaps I could quickly convince Becky that now wasn't a good time and send her home with promises of getting together later. Yeah, that might work.
I rather enjoyed stomping downstairs, broadcasting my mood to anyone within hearing distance. Daddy was in the kitchen holding the door for me. I thought it odd that he hadn't invited Becky in to sit down. And he had called me rude? Maybe Becky was going to try to get me to swim with her and was waiting outside. Drat, this might take more than I thought...
I was still following that train of thought as I stepped past Daddy onto the patio. If I'd been paying attention, I might have noticed his impish smile and the twinkle in his eye. I had taken about two steps, looking around for Becky, already mustering excuses for why I didn't want to swim today when I felt like I'd hit a brick wall. I actually thought my heart had stopped in shock. There, not five feet away was Loki. My dog. My other lover.
I wasn't sure if I may have been dreaming. If it were, it sure was a rather vivid dream. I don't remember first saying his name. "Loki?" But if it were a dream, than why had Daddy called me down?. If he was seeing him than that must mean he's really here. Oh my God! "Loki! It IS you! Where have you been? I've missed you!" My worry, my guilt, my railing at the unfairness of the world, it just... vanished, to be replaced with overwhelming joy.
Loki's head snapped up and I found myself gazing once again into his soulful brown eyes and his impish grin. I couldn't believe he had returned home! I think I threw myself at him, hugging him while petting him and sobbing in relief that he was okay and safely home.
Suddenly, that big wet tongue swiped up my neck and across my face, transforming my sobs of happiness into a sudden attack of the giggles. He must have been glad to see me too! He must have liked the salt of my tears, because he concentrated on my cheeks and I barely had time to close my eyes as he licked over my eyelids and across my nose. It was wonderful! It was unbelievable! I could only laugh in delight.
It was his tongue swiping back down my nose across my lips and into my mouth that suddenly lit a fire in my belly. My doggy lover had returned! I pulled his head closer, and found myself sucking on that wonderful tongue. I tried to keep up with it using my own tongue, but it was everywhere in my mouth. It even felt fabulous as it touched the entrance of my throat, and if I'd had time to think about it I might actually have tried to swallow it. That thought still makes me wet just thinking about it.
Loki's puppy kisses were already turning me on something fierce. I was already thinking about stripping my clothes off, getting down and being his little bitch so he could breed me again right there when Daddy interrupted that chain of thought. What a fuddy duddy. "Amy, Loki, you'll have plenty of time for that later. However, you appear to be a rather dirty boy. Before we get any further, I think a bath is in order."
Any further? I knew Daddy loved me and that he knew I loved him, but he also understood how I also loved Loki? And he didn't mind? That he actually approved? That he was willing to share my body and heart with my dog? If it were at all possible, I think I would have loved Daddy even more and jumped him right there. If only I weren't already aching to be filled by my doggy lover. There were those videos where girls were getting it in both their ass and their pussy at the same time, could I...? Another thought for later.
I pulled my brain back and remembered how erotic the anticipation of having sex with Daddy had been, I wondered if it would feel the same with Loki. Besides, Daddy was right, Loki WAS a very dirty boy. My clothes and I were already filthy. I joyfully agreed with Daddy, "That's the most perfect idea, Daddy!"
Then I thought a moment, Loki was a big dog and I didn't want to wait TOO long before he fucked me, maybe some help might be in order. Besides, I needed Daddy nearby so I wouldn't get nervous. "Um, he's kind of a big dog, could you help me? Please?"
Daddy laughed and agreed, and I herded Loki up to the bathroom while Daddy got the bath supplies together. I was delighted as Loki bounded around like a puppy. He would go, sniff a corner here or there, and come back with a lick on my cheek as if he were signaling his approval to me. He couldn't lick my face after I bent over the tub to get the water running, but the big trickster solved THAT by shoving his nose up the back of my shirt to lick my lower back. That sent shivers up and down my spine, but it was the nips at the seat of my pants that gave me the giggles.
Daddy had just stepped into the bathroom as a scolded my dog with a "Not yet you naughty boy! There will be time for that AFTER your bath!"
With Daddy's help, we got Loki into the tub. I could tell he loved it, though was amazed at the amount of dirt that washed off of him. We had to change the water out TWICE before he was finally clean. It was actually rather sensuous rubbing my lover all over like that in much the way I had with Daddy on Monday. The only difference was Loki wouldn't be able to rub me... Still, that was just another thing that made Daddy special. Besides, I doubted Dad could lick me like Loki could. Though that would be an interesting experiment...
I was curious about the difference between Loki's 'equipment' and Daddy's as I moved down to Loki's underbelly. His balls were sort of similar, but MUCH larger. They would have had to be to fill me up as much as he had last time. His penis was still hidden inside his sheath. I remembered that from the different videos we had watched.
Something had already started getting him worked up though, a little red tip was already peeking out. I wondered how much of if it was my rubbing and how much was the scent of me just aching to be bred. I saw Daddy smiling at me and noticed I had been stroking Loki's sheath. For some reason, I felt embarrassed and reluctantly let go.
After finally getting my dear Loki clean and dried, Daddy and I both stepped back to admire him. I thought he was beautiful before, but all clean and brushed he looked absolutely gorgeous! I crouched down, hugging and petting him, just enjoying the nice clean scent of him. Loki had begun sniffing my crotch again, and I noticed his penis had extended about two inches from his sheath. Suddenly, I not only remembered how GOOD it had felt being bred, but how much it had HURT. Could I stand letting Loki hurt me again like last time? I looked up at Daddy and tried to explain.
"I want him Daddy, right now more than anything. But I'm scared."
I could see the love and concern in Daddy's eyes as he told me "It's okay to be scared, Sweetheart. If you'd like, I'll be there to help you."
I laughed. I think he meant to do that, make me laugh I mean. It actually did help.
"I wasn't about to do this without you there, Daddy. I'm just worried how much it will hurt." I'm sure I would have been terrified to do this without Daddy there to support and help me. Plus, as strange as sounds, I couldn't imagine sharing my body with one lover without the other being present. Is that twisted? I don't really think so.
Daddy looked thoughtful for a second, than responded. "Amy, he's so big I think it WILL hurt, probably more than a little. Are you sure you want to do this?"
That was another reason I loved Daddy so, he was always truthful in the things that matter. Well, maybe not completely, I remembered that 'maybe just a little bit'. I was scared at this confirmation of my worries, but I ached for Loki, my insides felt so empty without him.
I remembered how wonderful I felt afterwards and how Loki was the catalyst that had made all my dreams come true. I looked inward and asked myself.
"Is this worth it?" I was amazed how quickly my heart answered with a resounding shout, "YES!!!!" My decision made, I looked up at Daddy and nodded yes. I didn't trust my voice just then.
I sort of wondered if Loki could read my mind or perhaps my heart, because just then Loki, who had been sitting quietly the whole time Dad and I had been talking, bounded over to me and licked my face. It felt like he too was trying to convince me I didn't need to worry and that everything was okay. Or maybe just that he was horny and wanted me to hurry up. Heaven knows I was horny as hell.
In any case, it was time. I was ready. I stood up, took a deep breath and announced "I guess it's time to go downstairs to the patio." Then I decided to tease Dad just a little, after all HE didn't look at all as apprehensive as I felt by adding, "And don't forget to close the gate this time." I wasn't about to chance my dear Loki wandering away again.
That triggered a laugh from both Dad and I. It even looked like Loki laughed with us as well, with his tongue hanging to one side like it was. We were still laughing as we headed downstairs. Loki continued bounding around, much as he had been in the bathroom, sniffing corners or anything else that called attention to exploration, than returning as if to confirm my approval. It was also fun to watch him beg for the occasional scratch from Dad. I couldn't believe my fortune that Daddy understood and approved. I still can't believe it. I hope that when Daddy reads MY version it helps explain things where he had just taken so much on faith, the big fuddy duddy.
I briefly stopped at the door to the patio. I realized I didn't quite want to repeat the experience from Friday. Quite a few of the videos we had watched had given me several ideas. Mostly, this time I wanted to SEE what was happening. I turned to Daddy before stepping out and asked him "Daddy, could you get the things you'll think I need?" For a second, I thought I was done until it hit me. What had I desperately wished for last Friday? "Oh, and bring the camera from the closet. I want to be able to watch this later."
The thought of sitting on the couch with Daddy and Loki watching the tape of my being a... what was Daddy's phrase? Oh yeah, a little twelve year old human bitch for my dog almost made me cum right there.
I almost giggled at Daddy as he rushed around gathering up the things he thought we'd need. I completely trusted him to not forget a thing. He was my Daddy.
Meanwhile Loki had moved behind me and was pushing me towards my lounge chair, the big goof. "Soon, soon baby", I soothed. I had already stripped off my shirt by the time I'd gotten to my lounger and dropped it on it, then started on my shorts and panties. I couldn't believe that I had already soaked all the way through leaving a surprisingly large wet spot on my shorts. It almost looked like I had peed myself!
Once I had removed all the obstructions preventing Loki's access to my absolutely available body, I decided to play a little while we waited for Daddy. The delay absolutely ramped up my anticipation, my desire. I was actually eager for Dad to return so we could begin. I could tell Loki sensed it too, but he seemed to enjoy following my lead, much the way Daddy had when he first made love to me. I could already tell this was going to be better than Friday.
We played out on the freshly mown grass, Loki bouncing around in front of me before crouching down as if he were going to leap at me. Meanwhile I shifted side to side, trying to trick him over which way I was going to run. But the big sneak would constantly dart forward and sneeze, right into my pussy, sending massive shivers up and down my spine and causing me to giggle even louder. It was glorious!
I didn't notice Daddy until I saw him heading for the gate to close it. I felt kind of guilty for not doing it myself already. I didn't really mean it when I teased Daddy about it. Still, I was having too much fun romping with Loki to worry about it.
Now that Daddy was here, I decided it was time. I was more than ready. I didn't even have to calm Loki down. As soon as I stopped teasing him he came right up next to me and sedately followed me over to the patio. I guess even HIS impatience must have gotten to him because he dropped back, pushing me faster towards our destination. I giggled at his pushing, and half-heartedly scolded him, "Stop that you silly boy. I know what you want, and I'll let you have it in a moment." Then in a lower voice, almost to myself I added, "Oh Loki, I want it too."
Loki and I made it to my patio lounger before Daddy. I looked at the pile of stuff Daddy had brought, trying to figure out just what he expected to use if for. I could understand the towels and stuff, but the foam mattress?
Loki once more lived up to his name, when he began teasing me by licking me up and down my face and neck. He must have liked the taste of my mouth because he quickly snuck his tongue inside... okay, it wasn't very sneaky, I kind of chased it down... but then he would just swirl it around my own tongue before withdrawing it just as I was enjoying it. I couldn't believe he was such a tease!
That was marvelous, but it got better. With my clothes out of the way, he had unrestricted access to me. His tongue slithered... I think I like that term... down my neck and across my chest before suddenly swirling around my nipples. Oh my God! It was like I was zapped with a lightning rod. The feeling was so intense I gasped in surprise and felt my nipples draw achingly tight, only making them more sensitive. I just wish he could have sucked them like Becky did.
I didn't really have time to follow that thought, I was too horny. I held Loki's head as it drifted lower. I remembered the feel of his tongue licking my pussy Friday, and I ached again for the sensation. I was not disappointed, he only perfunctorily licked my belly and hip before diving between my thighs and lapping at the torrent of Amy juice, I like that term too, that felt like it was just pouring out of me.
Oh! The sensation was everything I remembered and more. I had such a grip on the frame of the lounger my hands ached, and to top it off he started... Daddy says chuffing, it felt more like a dry sneeze... INTO my pussy while at the same time he burrowed his tongue into me!
"Oh my God! Oh, Daddy! Oh, Daddy!" I couldn't wait to see the look on my face when we watched this tonight... "Daddy! I thought I asked you to bring it!" Daddy at least had the sense to look embarrassed at his forgetfulness. And I think just earlier I said I trusted Daddy not to be forgetful, I take it back. I'll give him credit for getting the camera set up on the tripod in record time just as Loki started swirling that amazing tongue around the little nub of my clit. Then, Daddy had the nerve to ask me where I wanted it! Couldn't he see I was sort of busy at the moment?
I almost didn't manage to make it before Daddy finally had the camera turned on and recording, it didn't help that Loki had delved his tongue back into the depths of my pussy where he abruptly found a waiting orgasm seed that promptly grew into a massive tree. I remember shouting something to Daddy about Loki's tongue in me, but my orgasm crashed over me with a vengeance. I shuddered, I groaned, I swear I almost ripped Loki's ears off when I grabbed them. It was his pained whine that abruptly brought me out of an amazing cum.
Poor Loki's ears! I quickly released them, and gently pushed his head away from my throbbing pussy. "Oh my God! I can't take anymore! Please Loki, please stop!"
Loki whined in protest, but stepped back looking at me reproachfully as if I'd taken away a favorite toy. Now that I think about, that's pretty much what I did. I looked over to Daddy and the camera, making sure he had gotten that on tape. Why do they still call it tape? It's a fricken memory chip, there's no tape involved anymore. Whatever. Anyway, I could see that he had, and turned my attention back to my wonderful Loki.
Oh my God! With Loki standing in front of me at an angle panting, I could finally get a good luck at his cock! It was a dark red, with several pale patches and dark purple veins. It looked like sort of like a skinny Coke bottle, with the pointy tip flaring wide before tapering just slightly before widening out again. It was about... a little longer than Daddy's but narrower. Call it nine inches. It sure felt a whole lot bigger on Friday! I was actually relieved. I thought Loki might have been hiding a phone pole in his sheath!
I kind of shifted down until I was on my side facing Loki's hindquarters. I reached over and gently guided his rear leg closer, until he stood with that wonderful cock maybe two inches from my face. I then dropped my hand down, until I was able to gently touch it. I wasn't sure what it would feel like, Loki whined a bit as I rubbed it, and I watched it sort of jiggle around at my touch. I looked back up at Daddy. "It's so hot, and feels so... strange. It's not like yours at all, Daddy."
He gave me the silliest grin, and the movement of his hand drew my attention where he had his hand under the waistband of his shorts, obviously adjusting the massive erection he was sporting. I grinned at the thought that he found my actions with Loki so... stimulating. I decided I would REALLY give him a show.
I leaned my head forward, and carefully enveloped Loki's amazing cock in my mouth. I grinned around Loki's tool at the sound of Dad's gasp of disbelief, before concentrating on the sensation of my first real blow job. I sort of rationalized not doing Daddy first with the excuse I wanted to practice first, but the feeling of a cock in my mouth was unbelievable. I felt the tip squirting a little, and was almost disappointed that Loki was coming too soon until I remembered from some of the video's this was only his precum lubricant, similar to what Daddy had when I tasted his on Monday.
I was curious about whether the taste would be different, and drew my head back until I managed one of those squirts on my tongue. It was salty, bitter, almost metallic. It was similar yet different. I kind of liked it. I moved my head forward, taking more of Loki into my mouth as I swirled my tongue around his penis. A girl could really get to like this... I moved further down, then back, down and back, my lips closed tightly around Loki's shaft. I kept going a little further each stroke until that pointy tip brushed the back of my throat. The unexpected sensation almost made me gag. I'm just glad I didn't accidentally touch Loki's cock with my teeth.
I had been amazed by one of the video's Daddy and I had watched, and although I wasn't sure I could do it, I just had to try it. I took a deep breath and moved forward again down Loki's cock. I felt it against the entrance to my throat again, and managed to suppress the gag reflex before it... slid past and down my throat! I could hear Daddy groan as I swallowed more and more until I felt my nose actually bump against his sheath. My jaws ached and my throat burned, but I felt victorious! I had managed to take a nine inch cock in my mouth all the way to the base! Too bad it wasn't really something I could brag about at school without being labeled a slut. I certainly was NOT a slut. I only fuck my Dad and my dog, so there!
I wish I could have held Loki in my throat longer, but it burned and I couldn't breathe. I regretfully brought my head back until that wonderful dog cock escaped from my lips. I hope Daddy enjoyed the show. I looked up at him, and was surprised at the hoarseness of my voice. "What do you think? I wasn't sure I could do it."
I could see the stunned look on Daddy's face. "That was amazing, Baby! Where did you learn to do that?"
I honestly replied, "I've never done that before, this was the first time. I saw it on one of the porn videos we watched and thought I'd try it." I rubbed my sore throat, trying to figure out just how far down I'd taken Loki. I couldn't tell, maybe when we watched the video later tonight?
I continued, "It wasn't what I expected. I'll have to try again later. Did you get it on camera?" He'd better have! He glanced down, and confirmed he'd gotten it all. I looked over at Loki who was giving me a dirty look. He must have loved my first blow job as much as I enjoyed giving it.
I looked back down at Loki's cock, no wonder my throat hurt! It was actually larger than when I first starting sucking him! Maybe he did have a phone pole hidden in there! I could see that the tip was squirting a little harder now, I pointed it out to Daddy, suggesting Loki was ready for the main course, ME! I was certainly ready to serve myself up to him. "I think I'm ready for him Daddy. Can you help me get ready? I want to be on my back so I can touch him." I also wanted to be on my back so I could SEE better!
Daddy had me put some socks on Loki's front paws to keep him from scratching me. I was glad for that, the scratches from before were mostly closed up, and I didn't want to gain any more. Dad made me get off the lounger and kneel down while I put an old pair of his socks on Loki's front paws. I was kind of disappointed when it fell back down as soon as I let go. My complaint to Daddy only got me the directive to use the duct tape I hadn't even looked for. D'oh!
Meanwhile, I had been listening to several odd sounds behind me as Dad did whatever it was that he was doing. It appeared we both finished at the same time, because I turned around as he spread a towel over the folded over foam mattress I think he'd gotten from the closet. He had me sit on the end, which surprisingly placed my hips just below the level of Loki's hips, it was perfect! The only problem was when I leaned back I was a little too uncomfortably low, but Daddy adjusted something that made it just right. I almost felt like I was laid back in a very comfortable dentist's chair.
I felt bad for Loki, he whined the whole time we were getting things ready. I imagine it's because I had gotten him all worked up and then we just stopped. I actually understood, because the break had caused me to dry up a little. I tried to rub Loki and comfort him as we finished getting ready. He wouldn't be depressed for much longer!
Dad was so helpful getting me comfortable. I don't think I could have possibly managed it by myself. He still seemed rather concerned, probably because he had a better idea of what was going to happen having gotten a much better view last time. Then he had to go and give me second thoughts when he asked, "I think we're set. Are you ready? I don't think we'll be able to stop after this." I appreciated the sense of fatherly concern. I just felt it was a little... misplaced, at the moment.
Still, it did cause me to sort of confirm my readiness, asking myself if I were ready, and firmly answering in the affirmative. I almost felt like I was an astronaut preparing for lift-off. T-minus one minute and counting... I probably would have giggled again, but didn't want Daddy to think I was nervous. He just might call the whole thing off if he thought I was the least bit hesitant. I answered his question with a definite nod, my little pussy already starting to get wet again in anticipation.
I gave Loki one last caress before Dad led him around and between my thighs. The scent of my pussy must have been something, because as soon as he got close enough his tongue made a bee-line to where my pussy was already noticeably leaking down the crack of my ass. I was so primed I jumped at the touch of that marvelous tongue. Daddy said I flinched, I most certainly did not 'flinch', I think his concern may have biased his description.
Loki didn't get much of a chance to do more than a quick lick, because Daddy continued guiding him forward. I could see the puzzled look on Loki's face for a moment, before he figured out he had to put his paws on either side of my chest in order to get himself in position. As soon as he sort of hopped up and straddled me, I got another unobstructed view of the tool Loki was about to use to plunder my depths. Oops, romance novel again. I was mesmerized. It was not possible this was the same penis I had been sucking on just a few minutes ago. This was noticeably longer and thicker. Loki definitely had a phone pole stashed inside that sheath of his!
I was beginning to worry, not for myself but for Loki, that this position would be too awkward for him. That he would have problems entering me without his paws around my skinny waist giving him leverage. I really shouldn't have worried though, as soon as the tip of his wonderful cock touched the skin of my inner thigh, any sign of confusion on his part vanished along with my concerns on whether this would work.
Dad said it was fear on my part in his version. Nope, it was more my apprehension that this position wouldn't work. Loki immediately began jabbing blindly, which actually is as mildly uncomfortable as it sounds. The discomfort caused a flurry of complaints on my part, "Ouch! Not there! Loki, be careful!"
I tried to reach between my legs to grab that dancing dog cock and guide it into my achingly empty pussy, but the angle was just too awkward. Where was Dad's help when I needed it? "Daddy, you're supposed to be helping me!" I couldn't believe he was sitting there like a bump on a log while I kept getting jabbed on my inner thighs by the stick that was Loki's penis.
Daddy quickly grasped Loki's doggy cock, eliciting a whine of frustration. I wasn't sure if the whine came from Loki or me. I watched in rapt fascination as he guided that throbbing shaft between the lips of my labia, sliding it delicately up and down along the groove until he found the notch at the entrance to my vagina. Finally, it was time! Finally, I was going to be bred! Finally, I was going to be my darling doggy lovers little human bitch again!
Dad had barely moved his hand out of the way before Loki suddenly lunged his hips, desperately trying to bury his cock inside me. Despite my excitement and eagerness to have that wonderful cock inside me, filling the dreadful emptiness in my belly, the abrupt pressure against the muscle guarding the entrance to my vagina HURT. I had forgotten just how much pain I was going to have to endure, but I didn't care just now.
I groaned through gritted teeth and desperately grabbed the side frame of my lounger against the splitting pain. I breathed deeply, trying as hard as I could to relax, to push my hips forward despite my instinct to pull away from the steadily mounting pressure. I concentrated on relaxing, and was amazed as I FELT the ring at the mouth of my pussy dilating once again against the insistent pressure of Loki's doggy cock. I could feel the watery spurts from Loki's penis tip making the area around the entrance so very slippery in an attempt to assist his mounting his mate. That would be me, in case you've been asleep.
Still, I was surprised when my pussy abruptly yielded to my doggy lover and enveloped Loki's massive intruder. I winced at the incredible stretching sensation and yet was amazed it hadn't hurt more. This was nowhere as painful as it had been Friday! Did being on my back make this much of a difference? Was I already 'stretched out' from last time?
I gasped out the air I hadn't even realized I was holding and look down where Loki was now joined with me. I already felt so full, I was rather surprised to find only the tip was in, and there was still at least ten inches left to bury inside me! I almost couldn't believe I had room in me for that whole thing!
I reached up with one hand and gently petted my wonderful Loki as I watched him, his hips frantically hammering back and forth as he gradually worked that wonderful cock further into me. I could FEEL the muscles of my vagina separating, wrapping around the tip of Loki's doggy cock as it led the way for the rest of his massive intruder, allowing it to steadily penetrate inch by wonderful inch, filling that aching emptiness inside me. I was so wet with excitement that I wondered why that marvelous doggy cock didn't just slide in with one push until it came out of my mouth. A silly image, but considering how much I could see waiting to enter me it sure looked possible.
It wasn't just the fabulous length that was filling me so wonderful, it was the throbbing width. It was amazing how each time it pulsed, that marvelous cock grew just a little bit more. I wished I knew just HOW big it was going to get, Dad had never really given me a good description. I only knew when breeding time came it would be MUCH bigger around. I almost shuddered in anticipation at the thought.
So far I had been reveling in the sensation of being filled so completely, the knowledge I was finally getting fucked by my doggy lover again and having Daddy next to me sharing the experience and keeping me safe. Even the occasional discomfort, as a muscle didn't stretch quite enough or where Loki accidentally jabbed my insides causing me to wince didn't take away my enjoyment of this experience. It was so unlike Friday's almost... traumatic experience. This was actually very enjoyable! Even better, I wasn't getting pounded to point where the air in my lungs was getting pushed out in those annoying grunts. These feelings truly ramped up my already high level of horniness.
Anyway, it was hard to judge Loki's depth. I'd guess the distance from the tip of my thumb to the tip of my pinky with my hand outstretched, maybe four inches, when Loki suddenly bottomed out at the end of my vagina with a VERY painful jab deep in my belly. Actually, painful doesn't quite describe it. This was probably the only time I regretted that tapered point on Loki's cock, since it felt like he was trying to punch a hole in my gut. Maybe I had started enjoying things a LITTLE too soon.
I instinctively grabbed the rails of the lounger frame and emitted a painful groan. I could feel Daddy's hand rubbing my leg, and the feel of his hand really helped by reminding me of his presence. Each jabbing thrust HURT now. I knew it would go further, hell, I wasn't even half way! I tried to ask Daddy what he thought the holdup was. Hey, I was a little distracted at the moment! "Daa... Ow! Daa! Ow!" That just wasn't going to do. I focused on talking clearly despite the pounding in my belly. "Daddy, I think he's stuck in me. He's so deep and it hurts. Why won't it keep going?"
Daddy's reply almost made me slap my palm on my forehead over my 'd'oh!' moment, I should have realized that myself. "I think he's reached the end of your vagina baby. The only way he'll get further is when he finds your cervix and passes through it into your womb."
I was still calling myself all sorts of names for forgetting such a rather obvious detail, when a sudden lunge of Loki's hips didn't just cause a throbbing stab, but a suddenly familiar hot burning poker shoved up my pussy kind of jolting pain.
The stretching when Loki's doggy dick first stretched the mouth of my cunny open letting him slide inside me was mildly uncomfortable, but surprisingly pleasurable to be honest. Even the steady jabbing against the back wall of my pussy wasn't too awfully bad, just reasonably annoying. This however was excruciatingly painful. I grabbed the side rails of my lounger and gritted my eyes in teeth in pain as I moaned in agony to Daddy.
"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh, God Daddy, I think he just found it!"
I didn't think Daddy could actually do something about it short of grabbing Loki and pulling him out of me, though I couldn't see how he could do it without getting bit. I mean, if Loki didn't bite him, I just might have. Well, maybe not... I'd have to think about it. Ha-ha!
I was actually glad though that Loki had stopped thrusting into me, and instead was just pushing really hard. If that tip had become dislodged and I ended up getting jabbed repeatedly at my cervix, I think that WOULD have been more than I could stand. Still, the pain of that steady pressure was excruciating and I thought it would just go on and on and on, when suddenly I felt an internal pop and felt Loki's monstrous cock slide further into me.
I remember a red haze and arching my back, I remember that, and I think I screamed but Daddy says I didn't. I felt like I imagined getting shot would feel like, an abrupt agonizing pain followed by a much lesser aching throbbing. I collapsed back on my lounger, only then realizing I had a death grip on Daddy's forearm.
My painful response must have upset Loki since he licked my face and shoulders, as if to convince himself that I was actually all right. I petted and soothed him, where after only a brief time, he must have felt I was okay and proceeded with those hammering thrusts. Have I mentioned that he's an amazingly smart dog?
I could feel Loki now deep in my belly, and looked down where we were joined as my hungry pussy continued to swallow that massive doggy cock. And massive it was, I was amazed at how much was in me, there were only about three finger widths left before the noticeable bulge of his knot.
Although I was amazed at the length I had absorbed, I was appalled at the width of it now. It was easily as wide as my wrist, and I couldn't see any sign of my labial lips at all. The only way I could tell Loki's penis wasn't just some weird growth sticking out of me was the little triangular indentation surrounded my clit, and even that was being rolled in on each of Loki's in-strokes and back out when he pulled back. The stimulation to my clit was amazing, and I could feel that little orgasm seed hiding around inside my belly somewhere again.
I was concentrating on trying to hunt down that seed and making it grow, when Dad managed to get my attention, pointing at my belly. What I saw drove the thought of that little orgasm seed out of my mind as I saw and, now that I was paying attention, (that comment I made much earlier about pain applies to other sensations as well, anyway), could FEEL a... lump moving back and forth in my stomach just below my belly button. I was amazed! I grasped what it was much quicker than Daddy. After all I could actually feel it. I was looking at the tip of Loki's beautiful doggy dick as it pressed against my tummy from the inside!
I rushed my hand to my stomach and felt it moving from both the INSIDE and the OUTSIDE. It was unbelievably amazing! "Daddy, I can... I can FEEL him. Oh, Daddy! I can actually FEEL him in my belly!" I couldn't believe it! I just had to have Dad feel it too! I grabbed his wrist, and pulled it to me, placing his palm over that moving lump. I could see the look of amazement in his eyes as well, and was so happy once again that it was Dad sharing this experience with me. I even regretted that Mom wasn't here as well, though I have no idea how she might have reacted. I think NOT GOOD would be an incredible understatement for starters...
Daddy removed his hand from my belly, and gently replaced it with my own. I reveled in the sensation. I reached up and petted Loki some more with my other hand. I just had to convey some sense of how much I loved and appreciated him, and how much I enjoyed being his lover, his mate. You can imagine my irritation when Daddy broke into my thankfulness of the love I had for my dog with an unbelievably silly question.
"Amy, do you want to be Loki's little human bitch?"
WHAT? Where did THAT come from? Hello! Wasn't that just a little obvious? Has my poor father just completely lost his mind?
"Good God, Dad, you know I do! Duh!" Maybe Daddy was a little right that my 'duh' came out more as a groan, but I prefer not to think so. Maybe a moan might be better, I was really enjoying the stretching sensation of that wonderful cock filling me so deeply as well the sensation of the bulge defining the tip of Loki's cock inside me. Meanwhile, his question was absolutely retarded.
"You didn't answer me, Angel. Do you want to be Loki's little human bitch?"
Couldn't Daddy just leave me alone to enjoy my doggy fuck? Hey, I loved him so very much but was irritated with him at the same time, understandably so. But if giving him what he wanted would keep him from bothering me, than that was easy enough. "If it's that important, than yes I want to be Loki's little human bitch!"
Have you ever thought you knew what something meant and then abruptly realized that you really didn't? I had just been hit by that realization. Maybe Daddy wasn't being such a dummy after all. I knew I enjoyed having sex with my doggy lover, I mean I was on the verge of getting off before Daddy so rudely interrupted me. But I had been sort of looking at things all wrong. I hadn't cared for those videos where the women were using their dogs, and I was on the verge of doing that. As weird as it was, Daddy making me answer that question reminded me it wasn't all about me. To share with Loki what I was experiencing, I WOULD have to be his little twelve year old human bitch, and I liked that thought. That thought alone felt like a ray of sunshine on my little orgasm seed, because I suddenly felt it start to grow.
Then Daddy went and blocked out the sun shining on that seed again with another question. This one wasn't at all stupid. I almost hauled off and hit him when he popped it on me. "Amy, are you ready for Loki to breed you, to fill you with his puppy seed? Do you want to have his puppies?"
I couldn't believe the sense of anguish this question gave me. I mean, I'd had my Sex-Ed classes, I knew what the purpose of sex was. I just had never thought it through. I mean, I hadn't even thought of having a baby with Dad yet, that was a responsibility I was SO not ready for. Hmm, maybe after I finished High School... But puppies would have been different, wouldn't they? I loved Loki, as much as I loved Daddy, and the thought of not having anything come of my love for him broke my heart.
I suddenly realized I desperately wished it were possible. I barely remembering answering him it hurt so much.
"Oh, Daddy, I so want to be bred by Loki! For him to fill my belly with puppy seed until it explodes!" Then in a very little voice, I managed, "Oh God! Oh, Daddy! If only I COULD have his puppies."
I was still sobbing in anguish over Daddy's questions. I wasn't even aware when my sobs changed over from the heartache of Loki not being able to fully breed me since I was only a little HUMAN bitch to the physical pain located at the mouth of my cunny where the pressure against it was causing it to burn with the strain of stretching so grotesquely far.
I could hear Daddy's apology and warning. "It's okay Amy, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry like that. But I need you to look, Loki's almost finished fucking you. I need you to get ready."
I had been wallowing in abject misery so much that I hadn't even realized that Loki had sunk his entire doggy cock into me up to his knot, and that brutal lump was now banging into the mouth of my pussy, causing that painful stretching I was already experiencing. I was still upset with him for asking those questions of his, and annoyed at distracting me from enjoying more of the sensation as Loki pistoned his dick inside my belly, filling that aching need. Now reminded, (remember my comment about that?) I saw that huge bulge battering against my poor cunny. Now noticed, that pain jumped out and reminded me it was there.
"Oh God, Daddy, it hurts! He's so deep. I don't think I can!"
I listened to poor Loki whine in frustration at his failure to seat his whole cock inside his willing mate. That would be me. I really was willing. I was just worried about how that huge lump was ever going to get past my already massively distended ring leading into my pussy without tearing me apart.
I felt Daddy put his hand over my own, still rubbing that lump in my belly, not moving anymore, just bulging right above and to the left of my belly button. Daddy's voice caught my attention again. "Sweetie, this is the last stretch before he can breed you. He needs to knot with you. I can help him to make it faster, but I need you to be ready. Are you ready? Remember, this is really going to hurt."
At least he got it right this time. I still couldn't believe he told me 'might hurt just a little' on Friday. Fortunately, I WAS ready. I had been ready for some time now, at least since Saturday. I tried not to think about what was coming. Instead I got a firm grip on the lounger frame and closed my eyes.
This I just couldn't watch, I'd have to wait to catch the video later tonight. I took a deep breath and nodded rapidly. I wanted this last painful part over so I could get to the wonderful part lying just beyond. That was what I was telling myself, the best part soon, the best part soon. I sort of remember nodding to Daddy that I was ready.
I could hear Daddy's hand as he rubbed Loki's back with it. I heard Loki's whine change pitch back and forth between frustration at his lack of progress and pleasure at being rubbed. Then I heard a surprised yelp from Loki before I heard... absolutely nothing. Time just froze leaving me in utter agony. I imagined a gorilla had grabbed me by my ankles and just torn me in two. The burning stretching sensation was devastating. I think I may have passed out for a moment.
It was the abrupt... not lack of pain, that was still there, but rather the excruciating agony just... ending, that brought me back to my senses. It was almost like flipping a light switch. One second I was being tortured, the next I was relatively fine. Relatively as in it was like the difference between burning yourself with a candle and with a blow torch. Both hurt, just one hurts that much more.
I was still sore, aching, uncomfortably stretched, and the mouth of my pussy burned like fire, but that was surprisingly tolerable. Actually the pressure itself, both deep in my belly and just inside my pussy was quite... pleasant. Yeah, I'm babbling, so would you if you'd just gone through what I just had experienced. Most of all, I felt triumphant. I had done it! Again!
I collapsed in relief to the feel of Daddy's hand stroking my cheek, murmuring congratulations at my success at taking all of Loki's doggy cock. I felt proud of myself as well, and was already looking forward to the sensation of Loki pumping his puppy seed into my belly, despite still groaning from the residual pain and immense stretching sensation. Hey, just because I loved it didn't mean it wasn't rather uncomfortable. I imagine having a baby will be like that when I get older. Hmm, I'll be seventeen when I graduate high school, maybe I could convince Daddy then...
I was so glad Daddy was there, it made the wonderful experience of being Loki's little human bitch that much more amazing. Even through the pain, the knowledge of his presence made things just that much more tolerable. I tried to explain to him, "Thank you, Daddy. It hurts Daddy, it hurts so bad. It hurts all the way into my belly. He's so deep and it hurts. But I want it Daddy. It wouldn't feel right if it didn't hurt."
It was true, it wouldn't feel right, but this sort of pain was... special. Now, I'm not a masochist by any means, I'd seen of some bizarre ways people would... mutilate themselves or even do things that would leave permanent marks. Nuh-uh, that is not for me. I'm not even comfortable with the idea of bondage. This sort of discomfort was... good because it was from me giving something special to the two boys I loved most. Even Daddy fucking my ass on Monday had a few rather uncomfortable moments, but it was SO worth it.
Anyway, back to the present. Since I was now feeling a WHOLE lot better, I just had to explore where Loki was buried inside me. With my eyes still shut, I reached down between my legs, surprised I could feel my labial lips again. I was rather surprised I didn't feel the stickiness of blood where Loki's gigantic knot had almost stretched me to the breaking point.
It was a lot easier now that Loki was no longer thrusting, or even pumping. He would occasionally move his hips which actually felt AWESOME, or gently tug against me which did NOT. I avoided my throbbing clit, I had found that little orgasm seed again, but didn't want to go off yet. I knew Loki would begin breeding me momentarily and I wanted to wait for that before cumming myself.
I wrapped my thumb and index fingers around the base of Loki's cock, enjoying the throbbing sensation as the pulses against my hand matched the pulses deep in my belly. I could even feel my pussy bulging outward from the pressure of Loki's knot, still expanding inside me. I knew I was close, whether I wanted to delay it or not, my little orgasm seed was growing.
I tried to keep a sort of running commentary. I wanted to try and explain to Dad what I was feeling, and I wanted something for the camera that had better still be recording this.
"Daddy, I can feel his knot inside me. I can feel it... getting bigger." I had mentioned my sensation of that earlier, but there is a difference between describing it and vocalizing it. Pardon me for not keeping things neatly organized, after all this is MY story.
I was also beginning to voice my displeasure at Loki for the occasional tug against me. I mean, get on with it and let the breeding begin! My mounting orgasm was on a plateau and I really didn't want to make it wait much longer. At least the painful tugging was keeping it sort of in check.
"No Loki! Don't pull! Easy, boy!"
Despite everything though, I couldn't delay my orgasm any longer. It mounted and crested until it finally crashed down on me. I remember babbling something at Loki, and wrapping my legs around his lower back as I ground my throbbing pussy against him. I could feel the muscles in my pussy and belly milking Loki's wonderful doggy cock, and it must have been effective because with one final swell it suddenly began to just explode inside my belly as I could feel hot jets of his cum fire hosing inside me.
"Oh God, oh Daddy! Oh my God! I can feel him cumming! Oh Daddy! He's breeding me!" I was ecstatic, this was what I had been waiting for, this was why I had endured such tremendous pain. The orgasm I was already starting to come down from abruptly took me back up, higher than before!
I heard Loki howl as I twisted and thrashed. I beat my fists against the frame of my lounger and groaned through gritted teeth. I don't know how I managed to avoid passing out from over-stimulation. It was intense, it was the most amazing orgasm imaginable. It was the best!
Actually, how would someone judge what was the best? I mean, when you're having an orgasm it's kind of hard to compare. Yeah, there are several that barely qualify as satisfying. I mean I doubt I could come close to what I received with Loki or Daddy through straight masturbation, but comparing the really powerful ones? Not possible.
Regardless, it was absolutely stupendous. I remember finally coming to my senses to the sound of Loki panting above me, and a warm wet sensation on the left side of my chest, right above the nipple capping the beginning swell of my finally developing breasts. I wearily opened my eyes, to see a drooling line of dog slobber dripping down from Loki's marvelous panting tongue, to collect on my chest.
I imagine some of you are thinking, "Ewww, dog slobber!" However, I didn't think so at all. If I'd had more energy, I might have reached up and rubbed it into my skin. I mean, my body was still enveloped around Loki's massive dog cock as he pumped what felt like gallons of puppy juice into my immature twelve year old womb. I was being his little human doggy bitch, heck, just earlier I had been sucking on that fabulous tongue, so what was wrong with a little doggy slobber?
I was enjoying the pulsing sensation as Loki came inside my belly, when Daddy surprised me by reaching over and scratching Loki behind his ears. I instantly felt completely guilty!
"Oh, Loki, I've been neglecting you! You wonderful dog, you!" I didn't even think about it, and reached up around Loki's neck and hugged him close, lifting myself right off my lounger to hang under Loki's belly. I loved the sensation of his belly fur rubbing against my own chest and belly. The short bristly hairs teasing my nipples were intensely erotic.
I wanted to show Loki my gratitude for his letting me be his mate, his bitch. I reached out my tongue and touched it against Loki's still panting tongue before following it up to his muzzle. At the touch of my tongue against his, Loki immediately followed it back down into my mouth, where I reveled in the sensation as it probed every corner as I gently sucked on it. I was in absolute heaven.
Unfortunately, my arms were too tired to hold myself up against my darling doggy lover, and I was forced to fall back to my couch, though still continued to pet and stroke my wonderful dog. I lay there enjoying the sensation of Loki injecting even more of his cum inside me, where the sense of fullness was already bringing that swelling sensation deep in my tummy I recalled from last time.
I was also enjoying the occasional puppy kisses, as Loki periodically licked my chest and face, though too quickly to allow me to enjoy his tongue inside my mouth again, the big tease. However, Loki soon began to fidget. Dad was the first to realize Loki was ready to dismount and turn away from me. I was rather disappointed that I wouldn't be able to kiss and pet him anymore, though it did sort of give me an idea to think about...
Daddy helped Loki get his legs up and over me while I had my hand between my legs to both keep Loki's tugging from being too painful and at the same time feel that utterly wild sensation of his doggy cock spinning inside of me. That feeling alone was almost enough to trigger another orgasm. Hmm, maybe next time.
Still, Dad quickly managed to get Loki turned around, and other than having his tail wagging in my face to the point where I had to grab it and hold it against my side. Loki's relocation didn't stop his balls from continuing to pump doggy cum into my belly. The pulses were still going strong it was just that the spurts were noticeably growing weaker.
Daddy and I began gently rubbing my belly, and I was... pleased I could already feel my tummy swelling from the pressure of all that doggy cum inside me. I hoped that being on my back this time wouldn't affect how much it would eventually expand to, and that I might find a way to keep it inside me when Loki finally pulled out.
The thought of walking around looking pregnant from the pressure of Loki's cum sent shiver's up and down my spine, and was definitely another possible source for yet another orgasm should I pursue it, better yet, the thought of BEING pregnant with his puppies. I had to stop that idea or I would have gone off, and like I said, I had other ideas...
Daddy's kiss on my forehead reminded me again how much I loved him too and appreciated his sharing my mating with my dog. I didn't deserve such an understanding and amazing father. I understand some of what he was thinking after reading his version, but that only makes him even more special to me.
Speaking of being so special to me, I had to do something to sort of reward Dad for being so special. I remembered some of the things from various video's we had watched, and decided to try some of those out on Daddy. If I'd thought about it, I should have done them much sooner, but hey, I had gone through a particularly emotionally overwrought week, and even I agree my head wasn't exactly screwed on straight.
The pressure inside my belly was actually becoming a bit uncomfortable, maybe trapping enough inside to look and feel pregnant WASN'T such a good idea. I wanted something to distract me from the discomfort plus... reward (am I using that word too much?) Daddy for being there with me. I started with just telling him, "Daddy? Thank you, for everything, for being here, for helping me." Now for the fun part, "I want to do something for you. Take off your shorts and come here."
I could see the silly grin on Daddy's lips and the questioning in his eyes. Good.
"Okay, step over and straddle me right here." Daddy stepped over me on my lounger, just above my shoulders, but was... "No, not that way! Turn around! You need to be able to keep rubbing my tummy!" I could tell it was a rather awkward position for Dad since my lounger was just a little too wide, plus allowing him to still be able to continue rubbing my tummy. I'm sure he wouldn't mind once he realized what I had planned for him. ::Snicker::.
"Okay, that's almost it, scoot back a little... perfect!" I had arranged Daddy so he was straddling me with his balls almost brushing my nose and his iron hard dick, still drooling a combination of clear precum and cum from its tip. I briefly wondered just how many times Dad had cum as a result of watching Loki fucking me, Daddy's twelve year old dog cock loving little human bitch. Hmm, I like that phrase, 'Daddy's twelve year old dog cock loving little human bitch'. It has a certain flair.
Anyway, I briefly wondered how many time's he'd cum already, and whether I could make him cum again when... I opened my mouth wide and used my tongue to guide Daddy's cock into my already watering mouth.
I almost giggled when I heard Daddy's groan of pleasure, but had to be careful not to touch him with my teeth. I swirled my tongue around the head, savoring his taste. It was a little stronger than from Monday, probably as a result of the actual semen still present. Still, it was wonderful. I swirled my tongue around his shaft before pulling my head back while sucking firmly before releasing his cock from my mouth with an audible pop.
I guess Daddy having his dick in his daughter's mouth must have distracted him from the rather important task of rubbing my increasingly sore tummy. I grinned as I gave him a light slap to remind him of his responsibilities.
I smiled as Daddy went back to gently rubbing my belly, and then moved my head forward again, this time licking back and forth along the length of his cock. This was so much different from the blow job I gave Loki earlier. Not better, just different. Daddy's responses added just that much more to the experience.
When I reached the base of his shaft, I gently teased the sack containing his balls, those wonderful things that just twelve years ago had helped make me. I was going to have to be careful with those kinds of images, or I would definitely go off on another orgasm, and I still had other plans right this minute.
I continued swirling my tongue around his scrotum, before drawing first one, then the other testicle contained within into my mouth where I gently sucked as I rubbed it with my tongue. The strangled moan Daddy made at that was even more arousing. I had to tell that flutter in my belly firmly to settle down.
I released his balls from my mouth, and still using my tongue traced the crevice between his thighs until I reached the pinkish round muscle of his rosebud. I remembered how he had shivered that first time I had washed him in the shower on Friday, when I had touched him there and wondered what he'd do if I did... this!
I still had a grip on his butt when I had slapped him just a moment before and that helped spread his ass cheeks far enough apart that I had easy access to actually swirl my tongue around his asshole. I know what you're thinking, 'Ewww'. It wasn't like that at all. I'd seen videos of rim jobs, and considering how much I enjoyed my own ass being fingered and fucked, didn't see any problem with repaying the favor. I could smell it, musky, but not unpleasant. There wasn't really any noticeable taste, maybe a hint of sweat.
Daddy's surprised gasp was everything I could have hoped for. I was glad the camera was recording this because I couldn't wait to see the look on Daddy's face when I had just swirled my tongue around his asshole. Then, to make it even better, I stiffened my tongue as much as I could, and pushed against Daddy's anus, trying desperately to get my tongue inside him. The low moan from Daddy excited me to where I redoubled my efforts, but all too soon my tongue became too tired and I pulled back, still swirling around his wonderful rosebud.
I gave Daddy a juicy wet kiss on his ass and then had a wicked thought. I seem to have recalled Dad's rather profound questions earlier just before Loki had knotted me. Now it was time for some teasing of my own. I was only hoping he was smart enough to realize my game and play along.
"Daddy, are you ready to let me keep Loki, knowing I'm going to be his little human bitch and that I'll let him fuck me every chance he gets?"
His response was everything I could have hoped. He was going to play along! "Gee, Amy, you know I will!"
I used my foot to gently pet Loki as I continued my game with Daddy. I gently nipped his butt cheek before continuing, "You didn't answer me Daddy. Are you ready to let me keep Loki, knowing your daughter is going to be his little human bitch who lets him fuck her every chance he gets?"
I almost ruined the game with laughing along with him at my prodding question. "If it's that important, then yes, I will let you keep Loki, especially knowing you're going to be his little human bitch and that he's going to fuck you every chance he gets. But only under a few conditions."
What did he mean a few conditions? That wasn't part of the game!
"Daaaady, that's not how you were supposed to respond."
Then, in a very profound way similar to his question about being Loki's bitch and wanting his puppies, I realized what Daddy was really saying.
He really, truly approved of my relationship with my doggy lover. He was willing to share me with him. I mean, he'd shown by his actions that he approved but he'd never quite come out and said it. Not that I remembered, not like this. I almost cried in joy over Daddy's approval.
"Oh, thank you Daddy! Thank you! Um, what conditions?" I tried to restrain my joy, just because Daddy approved of Loki, didn't mean Daddy couldn't make things awkward just to tease me.
Maybe if I made some suggestions of what I'd be willing to do, that might ensure his suggestions wouldn't be quite so... stringent. Now, I will admit, a lot of this was a combination of both my joy and my lust talking. Remember, I was still joined to my darling Loki who was STILL pumping cum into my belly. I had just finished giving Daddy a fabulous rim job. I'd been having some SERIOUSLY erotic fantasies. I'm telling you there was an awful lot of lust involved in my suggestions. Besides, it's not like I was asking Daddy for anything I wasn't already planning on doing to him anyway...
"Dad, what conditions? You know I'll do anything! You can have me anyway you want! Well, maybe not my pussy, I'm not sure yet if Loki would share." I stuck that in as a tease of my own. There was no way I wasn't going to let Daddy finally fuck my pussy. "But you could fuck my ass anytime, and I'll suck your dick and your ass. I'll let you do anything! Well, almost anything." Daddy was naughtier than I could have imagined, but I don't think he was quite as naughty as me yet. So I added that last little bit, just in case.
As to Daddy's version of what has happened, I was definitely winning our little game. Although his response to my declaration meant he hadn't rolled over and given up yet.
"Amy, you naughty girl, I wasn't going to ask for anything like that. However, since you've offered them I most certainly accept." If Dad kept this up, using such a pompous dignified tone, there was no way I would be able to avoid laughing. Still, this was part of the game and I was really enjoying playing it with Daddy.
"Daddy! Don't be so mean, or you won't get anything from me!" I couldn't help it, I let a giggle through. I could see the corner of his mouth twitch as he tried not to smile either. I count this game tied! Then, I could see a more serious look in his eye and the almost-smile in his mouth disappear. Uh, oh, fuddy duddy alert. What level of fatherly rules were about to be put forth?
"Okay, okay! Condition one. He's officially your dog. You're responsible for his care. Feeding, exercising, and not just in the bedroom..." I almost lost it there with that comment. Daddy continued, "Plus cleaning up after him in the yard. Next, he seems a rather smart dog. You really need to teach him when he can and can't have his way with you. Quickly."
Oh my God! I hadn't thought about that. I could just imagine what would happen if Loki tried to jump me when I had friends over. Daddy must have been reading my mind because he went on. "I can't imagine how bad it would be if he tried to jump the bones of either you or one of your friends next time they're over."
I actually had a twinge of jealousy at the thought of Loki fucking one of my friends. He was MY dog. It was almost like catching one of my friends fucking Daddy. I don't think I would even want to see Becky... Wait a minute, why wasn't I upset like before? That was weird. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind while trying to catch back up with what Daddy was saying.
"Also, I do not want him fucking you when I'm not here until you both get more familiar with it. I don't want either of you accidentally hurting each other. Finally, and most importantly I want you to enjoy each other, having a dog of your own is something special." Of course it was special. I don't think there were any other dogs out there like my Loki.
I was so relieved that Daddy hadn't made his conditions so difficult, though I think my suggestions were much more fun. In fact, just thinking about them and which one I'd do first was really starting to make holding that pending orgasm I had been keeping a leash on in check. I gave Daddy an affirmative response to his conditions while imagining letting him fuck me right after dinner, assuming I wasn't too sore. I didn't FEEL too sore, not compared to Friday...
I didn't care. Even if I was sore as hell, I was definitely going to fuck Daddy right after dinner tonight. I imagined how wonderful it would be, his wonderful cock in me, shooting into me, injecting his cum into my already full womb to mix with Loki's... Uh, oh...
That image was too much. That seed exploded into another orgasm, though admittedly not as powerful as the last one. It was fabulous, but I at least managed to retain a certain level of control as it washed through me.
I wanted to reward Daddy again for everything, even in the throes of this orgasm, for playing my game, for understanding, for being there, for loving me, for just being my Dad. I leaned my head up, and still groaning in pleasure, engulfed his penis in my mouth. It had actually started to deflate, but it was rock hard before the head had passed my lips. I sucked hard against it as I drew it further into my mouth.
I heard Daddy gasp as I kept going, passing the back of my throat without even a hint of a gag. I felt him as he continued down my throat until my chin bumped into his pubic bone and my nose was nestled against his balls. I was actually disappointed, I wanted more. Still, I could feel my throat muscles rippling along the length of Daddy's cock as it tried to expand. I must have completely drained Daddy's poor balls completely. He wasn't able to produce more than a few half-hearted spurts. It wasn't his fault. It just meant I would have to do this again after he'd had time to recover.
I think I would have held Daddy in my throat forever if I could, but the need to breath combined with the lethargy from coming down from yet another orgasm... was that the fourth? Anyway, I had to release that wonderful dick from my mouth with a final suck as I fell back onto my lounger.
Daddy must have been uncomfortable in his position as well, though he had long ceased rubbing my belly, the cad. He moved off of me and over, until he was squatting at my side, and he hadn't even given me a chance for one last lick. Definitely a cad.
I almost giggled as Loki's tail hit Daddy in the face. He gently grabbed it with one hand, while patting Loki's hindquarters with the other, as he turned a serious look at me and asked, "So Amy, do you agree to ALL of the conditions?"
I almost replied with an automatic 'yes Daddy' when I saw the twinkle in his eyes. So, our game wasn't over yet? Maybe another tease was in order.
"Yes, Daddy, even MY suggestions." Heh, let him think about THAT!
His next words made me wonder about our game. "Well, in that case, I think a little planning is in order. First thing is we need to get him licensed and registered. That way if you somehow manage to let him get away, it will be much easier to get him back."
What did he mean 'I manage?' He was the one who left the gate open in the first place and let Loki out to begin with. I started out with an affronted tone, "I manage? I don't think so. You're the one home all day." Then I saw the twinkle still in his eye. Ohhh, maybe Daddy was a better player in my game than I suspected. He really was sneaky. I thumped him on the shoulder, hard. "Daaaad..."
He continued as if I hadn't thumped him or said anything at all. "Next, I'll see about getting an appointment for the vet Friday afternoon after my staff meeting. Get him checked out, make sure he's healthy, get his shots, you know the usual." He paused for a minute, and that twinkle shifted to something much more mischievous. "Perhaps we should have him neutered."
That was NOT the least bit funny, even as a joke. "Don't you dare!" I thumped Daddy's arm quite a few times for that one. Then I was struck with an appropriate response of my own. I couldn't help but giggle as I suggested, "You'd better not, or I'll have to schedule one for you too!"
He raised his hands in surrender at my gruesome threat and rose to his feet.
"When you put it that way, I'll think we'll skip that part."
He paused to look lovingly at me, "Are you okay with me leaving you and Loki here while I head inside and get dinner ready? I know it's your turn to cook, but I think I'll take care of it tonight."
I looked up, and returned his look, my heart overfilled with happiness.
"Thank you Daddy. Thank you for understanding, thank you for being here with me." I looked at my other boy, my doggy lover still attached to me with that wonderful doggy cock. "Thank you for letting me have Loki, thank you for letting me be his little human bitch, thank you for letting him breed me, and finally, thank you for being my Dad." I looked down where Loki's dog cock was still attached to my pussy, reaching down with my hand and circling his marvelous cock with my thumb and forefinger while resting my palm on my pussy lips. "Yes, I'm fine now. You can go get dinner started. I think it will be a little while before we're done here. I'll call if I need anything."
"Okay Sweetie." Daddy turned to head inside to make dinner. I hoped it was something good, though didn't really care. I would probably have eaten anything, I was absolutely starving. Daddy paused at the patio door and looked back at me. "Amy? I do love you."
I once again basked in the joy of being so lucky for having such a wonder father. I quickly smiled back at him, and replied with, "Thank you Daddy, I love you to. Go get dinner started, I'm starving, and I think Loki will be hungry too." Daddy laughed again as he stepped into the house while I leaned back in my lounger enjoying the utter relaxation after an amazing series of orgasms while still petting Loki with my foot. Life was SOO good.
I relaxed in the sensation of sharing such a marvelous experience with my two lovers. I was really hoping that I wouldn't be as sore as last time so I could have Daddy love me after dinner, though the thought of possibly having to wait until tomorrow for him to recover caused me to pout just a little bit. Just how different would it feel to have Daddy make love to me and inject his seed into me to join with Loki's? I dreamily thought about the idea, giggling over the imagery as I imagined two species of sperm introducing themselves inside my womb.
I was just thinking about what they might say to each other. Maybe along the lines of, "Hello there, come here often?", which just made my giggles even worse. It was Loki suddenly looking up and towards the gate, followed by the sound of the latch rattling that suddenly caused me to freeze in panic. Oh my God! Someone was there! Someone was about to see me, naked, my dog's cock still buried in my pussy! And there was nothing I could do in time to stop them! Someone, anyone, just shoot me now!
As the gate swung open, I heard Becky's voice as she entered our backyard pushing her bicycle.
"Hey, Amy! I stopped by to see if you would tell me why you've been down so bad lately. I was going to ring the front, but heard you giggling out back so decided to..." She had just finished leaning her bike against the fence and turned in my direction. I could see the look of utter shock on her face as she took in my unbelievably compromising position. I cringed in shame as I waited for the look of disgust, of revulsion, of...
The look that appeared on Becky's face was SO not what I was expecting. It was... Wonder? Awe? Glee? Envy? She didn't say a word as she turned back to carefully close the gate, then turned back towards me with her hands on her hips as she walked towards me shaking her head.
"Oh, Amy. This is going to be one awesome story. I want you to tell me EVERYTHING!"
I just don't understand what I've done in my life to deserve my Daddy and Loki for my lovers, or Becky as my absolute best friend, and I don't care. I am just unbelievably thankful that she is. But enough of that, I have quite a bit to talk about with my best friend Becky just now, so this will just have to do. Good bye!
The End?
Too bad Amy and her Dad didn't have a camera to capture the action, but you have drawn perfect word pictures.
I had only one disappointment, and it occured at the very end, where Amy finally admitted that she would allow her Dad into her pussy - I thought it added to the delicious perversity of the whole story, that she reserved that for Loki.
Sure looking forward to your next offering.
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