My Sisters Keeper Part 2

[ bro/sis, inc, 1st, pedo, preg, baby, M/F/g, cumswap, creampie ]


Published: 24-Nov-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Sarah and I had many wonderful years together since our "talk" as children. I love my sister more than ANYTHING in the world. As we grew together, as siblings and as lovers, our partnership became stronger.

When Sarah went off to college however, something changed. Although we talked every day, I was still 9 yrs older and working a full time job, so we weren't able to see each other as much as wed liked to.

When she was a sophomore in college, she called me one day, I could tell she needed her big brother.

" What's wrong Sarah?" I asked.

"Well, Danny...." she teared up "I don't know how to tell you this."

"Baby, please you can tell me everything" I quickly told her.

"Danny, Ive met a guy, I don't know where its going but I didn't wanna upset you, your the ONLY man I've EVER loved."

"Sarah, its ok baby, I love you with all my heart, but we knew eventually this might happen, Ive only ever wanted you to be happy." I told her.

"Thanks Danny, your the best thing that ever happened to me, I love you SOO much!"

We talked the rest of the semester every day as we always did. She was really liking this guy, but he has recently joined the Marine Corps and his unit was up for deployment.

"I don't know Danny, I REALLY like him, but I'm afraid he's gonna go and never come back."

I could tell it was really upsetting her.

"Listen, Sar, go out tonight, have a good time with him and just pretend he's me" I quickly joked, hoping to lighten her mood.

"Danny, he could never compare to what are have" she said " But I'll give it a shot".

A couple of weeks went by and Sarah called on her daily call with tears in her voice again.

"Danny, ....I'm" she choked out "Please don't hate me, I did what you said and I couldn't stop, it was just like when we were kids I WANTED to feel YOUR cum inside me, even if it was his".

"So what's the problem Sarah, that's a wonderful thing, youd be an amazing mommy, I just know it!"

"Well Danny, that's the thing, I know I'll be but when I told him...." she began to sob, " He said he can't have a baby when he's going to the sand box for 18 months, he doesn't want me to keep it".

I was FURIOUS, although not with my baby sister, buy the man her had wounded her so deeply. "Sweetie, why don't you come home, we'll take care of this together".

" I'll get a ticket back tonight Danny, I love you" I could tell she was smiling through her tears.

The next several months were tough, sure, buy I remembered watching dad take care of mom when she was pregnant with Sarah and I already loved and knew EVERYTHING about her. How hard could it really be. Although I never would have expected her libido would triple in her third trimester. She wanted my cock almost every time I came in the door. She was hornier than even when we were kids.

After my beautiful niece was born, I had two wonderful ladies in my life. My sweet sister Sarah, and baby Alicia. I fell naturally back into my "protector" role and treated Alicia as much my own as I had Sarah as we grew up.

Sarah came home from work one day to find me trying to feed Alicia but she wasn't having the bottle as I had hoped she would. She laughed as she saw my struggles with the tiny, naked tot on my lap. "Danny, she doesn't want the bottle, can you blame her when she has the real thing" With that Sarah unbuttoned her shirt and gave Alicia what she really wanted, mommys swollen and succulent teat.

"Well I suppose not" I chuckled. I got up to go do the housework but was stopped in my tracks.

"And just where do you think your going NEW daddy?" She declared.

Sarah had never referred to me as Alicias father up to this point, but truth be told I kinda liked the idea anyway, it gave me more purpose in life to love both of my girls with all my heart.


She motioned to me to come lay with her on the bed as she fed Alicia. She could tell I was stressed by the long day.

"I need you Danny, its been a long day and momma needs her brothers touch".

"But, what about the baby?" I hesitantly asked.

"What about her, she loves her daddy to, its only natural that she can fees while we share our love".

She undid her button on her tight jeans exposing her pink panties below the rim. I helped her shimmy off her clothes and laid her down gently as to not disturb Alicia. Sarah took my flaccid cock in her mouth as I ran my fingers along her beautiful body. My mind wandered as my fingers ran up her stomach and over Alicia's tiny feet and up her thigh.

"I thought you might like that" Sarah smiled.

I was shocked, I hadn't even realized what I had done. " I... uhhh I didn't realize babe, sorr....."

"I don't care Danny, both of your girls love you" as she quickly nodded her head in approval and returned to deepthroating my now swollen member.

My hands continued to feel my sisters body and my recently declared daughters tiny 8 month old frames. Alicia cooed as my fingers ran over her buttocks and gently brushed her slit.

Sarah, now finishing up her feeding, took Alicia in her arms and brought her up to face my cock.

" Um... Sarah, babe,....what are you doing? I was confused.

" Shut up Dan and relax, I have an idea" she quickly said.

Alicias tiny mouth latched to the tip of my swollen head and she began exerting the most pressure I had ever felt from two lips. I closed my eyes and thought back to when me and Sarah were kids and she used to try her hardest to fit me into her mouth to please me. Sarah pulled Alicia away when she realized I was getting close.

What I saw next took my breath away. Sarah rolled Alicia onto her tiny back and began kissing her. The tiny tot began to giggle and coo. Sarah continued down her body until her lips found the tiniest slit and she began to gently use her tongue to explore. I couldn't believe I was watching my little sister going down on her own newborn daughter, my cock became hard as a rock. Alicia giggled and smile, she was actually enjoying it!

"She soo sweet Danny, I bet shed like her NEW daddy's tongue better" Sarah pushed me on my back and gently lowered Alicia to my face.

She was right, the little girl was like fucking candy on my tongue. I grunted as I felt my swollen member disappear in one swift swoop into my sisters now soaked pussy. Sarah rode me fast, grinding her clit into my pubic bone, and attempting not to squeeze little Alicia to hard as she held her over my mouth.

I new Sarah was cumming as she squeezed my throbbing cock and bit her lip. I felt my balls swell, I was getting close too. Sarah finished and QUICKLY dismounted my shaft, leaving my swollen balls begging for more. She lifted baby Alicia up off my mouth, leaving the tot dripping with my saliva.

Sarah motioned for me to stand up to the edge of the bed. She met my stance with a deep passionate kiss.

Sarah lifted Alicia in the air several times in quick secession. Alicia giggled from all the excitement as Sarah nuzzled her tiny nose and gave her little pecks on her lips.

"I bet daddy wants to feel good now Alicia, what do you?" she said to her daughter as they both smiled to me.

I was confused as to why Sarah would leave my cock hanging, only to tease me about getting off, it wasn't her style at all.

Sarah laid Alicia on her back on the bed, her tiny legs wriggling as she touched the soft sheets. Sarah grabbed my cock with the gentlest of ease and pulled me closer.

"But...I,...I won't fit Sar" I said.

"Not all the way Danny, just enough to show her your love" Sarah said.

She gently opened Alicia's tiny legs with her other hand, exposing the little 8 month old slit. Sarah gently placed the tip of my cock at her tiny little flower and pushed it in slowly. I couldn't believe how wet I had gotten her with my tongue. Sarah had gotten my entire head inside her by the time she started squirming around and looking for comfort. Sarah leaned over and placed her nipple in Alicias mouth, quieting the tiny tot.

My baby sister, she knew all the tricks to get me off, since she had been practicing all her life. She wrapped her fingers around my shaft, being careful as to not push my cock ANY further into our little girls tight slit. She began stroking and rubbing my sack with her off hand. I looked down and saw Alicia smiling back at me through her suckling on Sarah's tits. I felt my balls swell yet again, but this time Sarah didn't stop. I felt my cock explode its seed with force. I was afraid the hot jets and my throbbing cock would hurt Alicia but she kept smiling with little dribbles of breast milk coming from her lips. Sarah milked my cock with her hands as jet after jet splashed inside the tiny womb below me, until it began spilling out of her. I had filled every bit of her tiny inch and a half flower, I felt like I came so much, that I was probably filling her cervix and small fellopian tubes as well.

As my shaking declined and Sarah milked my balls for the last drops, Alicia squirmed making my copious amounts of cum leak from her little flower. Sarah picked her up as if she was a goblet and drank ALL of the seed dripping from her daughters pussy. She brought Alicia back to even with her eyes and nuzzled her tiny nose again, eliciting a big smile. She kissed the tot, this time placing her tongue in Alicia's mouth allowing her to suckle the remaining cum off of Sarah's tongue.

Sarah looked at me and smiled as she coddled Alicia in her arms.

" I hope we pleased NEW daddy?"

I met my sister with a deep, passionate french kiss, even getting a little of my juices as well.

"I love my girls, just as I LOVE my little sister" I said, as I held the both of their bodies tightly in embrace.

It was bound to be a beautiful relationship just as it had been for me and Sarah as we grew up. I will forever be my sisters keeper, as well as my new "daughter".

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Excelent. Please do more.


I'm glad some people liked part 1 of 2 so as promised here is part 2 of my first attempt here at lollywood :) enjoy.


wow, loved it! Throbbing for part 3!!


I enjoyed! Even more than part one. I hope there is a part 3 with the baby. I love it, thanks.


Holy shit! The best story I have ever read. You're amazing:)


Really good story. I wish it was longer. There will be more chapters? I sure hope so.


OMG!!! You r amazing I hope there will be more chps. With the baby!!!!!!!


I agree. This is very erotic. Especially the last part after the baby was born and became a fuck toy. Please give us more.

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