In This Space, Part 6

[ Mg, rom, cons, unc, inc, niece, finger, handj ]


Published: 29-May-2013

Word Count: 2484

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

It was both our first times on the plane. I had gotten her a window seat and she was very excited. I was fearful, personally, but looking at her in her small cherry-print complete outfit with the little red satchel and pale straw hat, I couldn't help it but feel better. The Gravol helped too.

"Look! We can see the colours of the fields!" She told me. I nodded and whispered to her:

"Pipe down a bit, okay."


So obedient. It was really a shame that her parents could not see how well-mannered she had turned out to be. She was ever so cute, nice, and polite too. She had said hi to the man seated next to me. He did not ask any questions, because we did sort of look like each other and I did maybe look thirty instead of twenty-five, making me a possible candidate to be her father.

It was a long flight and luckily enough, she did not squirm or touch herself, or seem to be in any need for sexual fulfilment. I was doing great as well. She watched a kid's movie on her little television screen and I slept most of the way. I had told my work that I would be away from my computer for a little while, but that I would be able to resume when hitting ground.

We transferred in England, which took a bit of waiting time, where I got to witness Bee's impatience and creativity when it came to having fun. We bought some fast food, which I was totally against, but it made her happy. She played with the toy that came with her meal, but also attempted origami with the wrappings, created a fort for her action figure toy, and then pretended her failed origami was a toy car which she 'rolled' along every surface in the ten-foot radius around me.

After many hours of Beatrice needing to pee, being hungry, being bored, we were in Amsterdam. I would have kissed the ground, but instead, I took Bee's hand and led her to the airport. We went straight to the hotel that had come with the flight package, but I soon checked out the ads for an apartment. Something sublet would do us fine. Bee was in the shower when I found us a small apartment for pretty cheap. I called up the guy, who spoke good English. I mentioned I was from Canada and wanted to work here for three months and he was very understanding and accepting. I told him I would pay for three months and he said it was better than nothing. I told him I had a daughter. I would have to play it safe. He wouldn't be visiting me anyway.

It smelled good in the hotel room, that clean, fresh-linen smell. In was day and I would have closed the blinds, but there was a small still opaque but white sheeting that still let in the light. We both had jetlag, but I was going to fight it. She could sleep wherever, as long as it was with me, or near me, or on me. Bee came out naked and I looked at her as she went to her clothes.

"Hey..." I told her. She looked at me and smiled. "Don't dress just yet."

"You want to play Candyland?" she asked, giggling.

I frowned. "You brought the game?"

"No... I meant..." She blushed furiously.

Amazing. She was writing my guide for me! I nodded and she came over to my bed and sat on it. She leaned back and I crouched over her. I looked at her small nipples and I kissed them, and then licked them, one after the other. She giggled and pushed my face away.

"Hold on, two seconds."

I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and wiped down my dick. I returned to her and I removed my clothes down to my boxers. I kept those on for now. I lay down next to her on the soft pillows and I placed my arm under her shoulders.

"I'm going to make you feel good in another way, okay?"


"Tell me if you don't like it, but give it a chance..."

She nodded and I caressed her like I usually did, but then delved my index into her small, burning vagina. The tip of my finger went in fine, and so I pushed it in a bit deeper. She wasn't too small. I had been rather worried. In the end, my whole index was inside of her and I asked her: "What does it feel like?"

She shrugged.

I moved my finger within her. She shifted and I started moving in and out, slowly. I had honestly never really done this, and so I didn't know what to expect. Would she have a G-spot? Could she feel any vaginal satisfaction at this age? My questions were answered, when I pushed up on one of her walls and she gasped.


I touched her again, and she moaned.

"Now do you like it?" I went faster and she cried out in pleasure.


"Yeah..." I whispered back as I fingered her carefully, strategically.

Tears welled in her eyes and fell down her cheeks. She was drenching my index and crying out desperately. Her hands tried to hold on to mine, but she was weakened by my touch and she fell back and breathed all the air she could find. Each time I pushed she squealed, her hips moving to my hand.

I was so extremely hard, but pleasuring her was pleasuring me at this moment, and as soon as she would come, I would probably soon after.

I could feel her muscle pulsate around my finger. I wasn't hurting her, but she was still tight. I didn't yet want to imagine what it would feel like to fuck her, fuck her like this. I caressed her thighs and pressed my thumb onto her anus, touching an undefiled area. I would go there, one day.

"Cole..." she whimpered, tears streaming from her eyes. "It feels so... ahh!"

I bent over her and licked her small nipples and sucked them, rolling the sensitive skin in between my lips and tongue. She was still so small, half of my body, a small angel with bright, white, happiness within her that I extracted with my towering, black, darkness.

I took her hand and placed it on my penis. Although she was whimpering, convulsing in pleasure, she still took the time to jack me, albeit it wasn't her best. It didn't matter to me. The simple act of her hand pressing on my rock-hard erection, the thought of her giving me sexual satisfaction was enough to have me voice out my own breath, and sweat.

My hand was cramping, and despite the minutes of me fingering her, she never came. I had expected so much from a ten-year-old. After she had breathed her lungs out, I stopped, and removed my finger slowly from her vagina. I brought it to my mouth and tasted her. It was sweet, oddly sweet, like maple syrup. I lowered my boxers just enough to free my dick and reached over to take some of her cream and put it on me. I was kneeling, and my legs were shaking now. I grabbed her hand and made her sit up. She winced a bit as her sex shifted; it had never been this excited.

"Touch me, Bee," I ordered her. She wasn't distracted now, and she pulled back my foreskin, her small, moist hand caressing my ultra-sensitive tip almost perfectly. Although...

"Bee, I'm too dry. You're going to have to spit on my penis."

It was in these moments, where she didn't question me. She had faith in me because I knew how to make her feel otherworldly, extraordinary. She bent down over me and let her saliva fall right on the top. It oozed down my shaft.

"Rub it in..." I told her.

She did, working her small hands that magnified the size of my throbbing erection when they were on it. She continued to jerk me and pressure built rather quickly.

"I'm going to come."

I pushed her down softly and aimed at her pubis. I ejaculated, and sweet ecstasy washed me as my semen surged on her sex, and oozed in her puffed red lips. I was exhausted, even more now, but she was awake. She was still panting and tears were still falling uselessly from her eyes. Did my pleasure turn her on?

As I calmed down myself, I reached down and parted her lips so I could see my fluid on her. It slowly leaked from her clitoral hood down to her vagina. I bent over and kissed her belly.

"Did you like that?"

"It was the best feeling ever," she told me.

I caressed her cheek; she leaned her head into my hand. I would have liked her to come, and realized that I would need help. This was Amsterdam, and I was sure I could find some. I got tired too easily, because I was so satisfied.

"It really was," I whispered, before grabbing her and laying her on my chest.

She pulled the sheets on top of us and even though she wasn't tired, our hearts beat as one, as her chest was pressed against mine. I kissed the top of her head and pretty much passed out.

I woke up abruptly, to the sound of our hotel door knob moving. My heart thrashed and my mind reeled. Every single horrible possibility of discovery ran into my head. What to do? I sat up and she clung to me in fear. I walked to the door and checked the keyhole. It was the maid.

"Yeah, it's not a good time," I told her.

"Oh! I knocked numerous times and didn't hear an answer. I was sure you were out! I'll come back later!"


I checked the time. We had slept to fix our jetlag, long hours all through the evening and the night. I sighed and made sure the lock was on before returning to Bee. She was dressing.

"I was scared," she told me.

"So was I. I don't know what I would do if anyone else saw you naked. You're mine, Bee. You know that."

"Are you mine too?"

"Yeah, I'm all yours." She smiled and I stretched and dressed as well. "You must be starving."

"Yes," she giggled, jumping on the other bed up and down. I watched her in awe. "I'm starving! I'm starving! I'm starving!"

"Come on, let's go eat."

We stopped in a bakery; they had these all over the place. I had her order whatever she wanted. I had been working for years, and blowing it on nothing special except maybe a few illegal tapes I had gotten from my online Brethren. These tapes were very well hidden. I would have to pay for both places in Canada and in the Netherlands for three months, but that didn't bother me. Nothing could bother me at the moment, as I watched her drink her hot chocolate with whipped cream. A small white mustache stayed on her upper lip and I longed to lick it off. I calmed myself; we were in public after all. She knew she had it there and she laughed and then licked it off as she stared at me, as if she knew I liked it.

"You're beautiful, Bee," I told her.

She blushed and giggled under her breath. She shifted on her seat and I leaned in to whisper to her: "You feeling a bit hot down there?"

"Yeah..." she whispered, still red like a tomato.

I finished my coffee and we went back to the hotel to pick up our things. We would move into our apartment. We took a few busses, got lost, took another bus and finally, we walked down a long, beautiful street completely decked with tulips of all colours. She was amazed and she skipped and jumped and smelled the flowers. The sun was shining and my heart was swelling. I wish we could have had this day over and over again, this moment, of pure and delicate magnificence.

We arrived at a building and I knocked on the door. There was no answer, because that was the empty apartment. I knocked on the other door and presented myself to the landlord, an older man in his sixties or maybe seventies. While Bee played, I told him that she was my daughter, and that I was here to work and change her scenery, since her mother had died. I was good at lying. When you're a pedophile, everything becomes a puzzle and you have to be the perfect strategist. I guess that was why I had her, why everything went smoothly, because I was good at what I did, good at what I was.

He led us upstairs and found that there was mostly everything we needed. I would have to go shop, but I didn't want to bring Bee. We unpacked and I put on some music on my laptop. She liked my random indie playlists the best and danced and sung 'along' with the song as she unpacked the little she had. There were two bedrooms and a larger open space divided into kitchen space and lounge space. I thought very hard. My room was the bigger one and it was nice and had a large bed. The other room was smaller, more like a haven. I would buy a lamp for her to enlarge the look of her space, right, she had no windows. Mine had a window.



"I'm hungry."

"I know. We're eating a bit erratically. I want to go out and do some groceries, but... I think it would be better if you stay here. Can you stay here alone? You have to be careful with yourself, though, okay? I can give you my laptop and you can play on Neopets, okay?"

"Yes! Neopets!"

Kids at her school would play that nowadays. I knew. They also listened to LMFAO for some random reason. Maybe that was why kids were so sexualized these days. They looked at bouncing dicks in the videos.

I installed her at the table and gave her some water in a bottle so she wouldn't spill it on my laptop. "I'll be back very soon. Oh!" I reached in my pocket for a granola bar I had saved for her. I gave it to her and she kissed my cheek and I left, locking the door behind me. I was a bit worried, but at once, I trusted her. She wasn't a deviant girl... well... I grinned and bit my lower lip before arriving outside and breathing in the purifying air.

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