Published: 24-May-2013
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By the time Emily came down from the bathroom, Kate and Lissy were already eating half a pizza each. She had her moist hair tucked into a towel on her head, the rest of her body covered in a bathrobe with a long t-shirt tucked under it.
"Man that felt soo good!" Emily said with a little wink in my direction.
She sat down next to me with a big smile on her face. Lissy looked at her and said, "Man you really used hot water, your face is all glowing!"
Emily just sat there, smiling as I took the second pizza out of the oven.
"Anyone thinks they'll want another one?" I asked as I held up a deepfreeze pizza.
"Considering how hard we went at it today, I could eat 10 pizzas!!!" Emily said mockingly.
She was clearly trying to make me uneasy with that statement and the one before, but I decided to humor her and play along.
"You're absolutely right Emily, considering all those new techniques we tried I'm really impressed by how quickly you became comfortable with them."
Emily gave me a friendly poke in the ribs as I sat down next to her with our pizzas and she said, "I want to learn all the techniques you know... hard, fast, slow and all those weird positions I've seen people on the internet do."
"Ok Emily, you win..." I said with a smile and took a big sip from my glass of water.
"I just don't see how you can get so hungry by moving your fingers along a big peace of wood..." Eleven year old Lissy stated in all innocence.
I almost choked on my drink bursting into laughter and while Emily was padding my back I could see Kate also laughing. The look in her eyes told me she had also understood the comment. Lissy just sat at the table looking around trying to figure out what'd just happened.
"You girls always manage to make me laugh." I managed to say in between coughs.
"It's just fun to have you around," Kate said.
Emily nodded happily in agreement as Lissy added, "You like all the things that we like."
"Yeah," Kate shouted, "Not like that stupid babysitter we have on Saturday who makes us sit still and be quiet as she's on the phone talking to her boyfriend."
Emily and I looked at each other realizing the opportunity that presented itself and she started moving the conversation in the desired direction, "Hey! Why can't Ron be our babysitter on Saturday! We could do all kinds of stuff!"
The three sisters started gleaming with excitement as they conveyed ideas back and forth.
"He could play x-box with me!" Lissy said.
"We could all play some tennis!" Kate added.
"We could even go out places! Ron has a driver's license" Emily said in her turn.
The girls had formed a closed circuit sister conversation and in their enthusiasm had forgotten I was still sitting next to them.
Lissy suddenly looked up at me and asked, "Oh Ron would you please be our babysitter on Saturdays?"
The girls came together in a unison pleading, "PLEASE???"
I laughed and said, "How can I say no to such sweet little girls... I'll ask your parents when they come back."
The girls cheered and just as I wanted to thank Emily for creating this opportunity to spend more time with her, the phone rang. I picked up and answered, "Van der Hulst residence. Ron speaking"
"Ah hello Ron, it's me, Karen. How are the girls doing?"
"They are fine ma'am, just finishing up dinner."
"Ah great, listen... me and Peter are having a great time and are actually hoping we could spend a night in a hotel somewhere. I hate to ask this of you, but are you possibly able to watch the girls till early tomorrow morning? I'm sorry I didn't say I was going in the first place but I was expecting to be back by the time you usually leave..."
"I think it's great to see you so committed in your relationship with your husband Karen. I won't have to go to college tomorrow till early in the afternoon so take all the time you need, I can stay here till about 1 pm if need be."
"Oh thank you, THANK YOU!!! We don't have a guest bedroom so you can sleep in the master bedroom and I'll give you 60 Euros when I get back."
"No, no, no... This one's on me. You and Peter have a great time out there. I mean it."
"Thanks again Ron, I don't know what I'd do without you!"
"Oh Karen, one more thing...How would you like it if I took over babysitting duties from your regular babysitter on Saturday? The girls asked me because they didn't like their current sitter at all. Plus I remember hearing she can't stay very long anyway."
"I don't know... Would you really do that for us? Peter and I really want to spend some more time together on Saturday, but won't it intervene with your social life?"
"Nah, I see my friends plenty at school and Friday nights at the pub... Plus I could use a little weekly brake from all those party hungry animals."
"Well if that's what the girls want and you don't mind I guess its okay... We'll talk more about this tomorrow."
"Okay Karen. Enjoy yourself tonight. Have fun."
"I will, and thanks again. Bye"
I hung up the phone and sat back at the table.
"That was mom wasn't it? What'd she say?" Kate asked.
"She's fine with me taking over babysitting duties on Saturdays. I'll talk to her tomorrow about the details..."
Lissy looked surprised and asked, "Why can't you discuss it with her tonight?"
"Because," I said, "Your mom and dad won't be back till tomorrow. They're having a nice romantic evening."
"They're just going to leave us here alone?!" Lissy gasped in shock.
I laughed and said, "of course not! Your regular Saturday babysitter is going to stay over and look after you..."
"Not Sandra! I don't want her to come over!" Lissy stated firmly.
Emily laughed at her little sister and stated, "I think Ron is referring to himself, aren't you Ron?"
"Yep," I said with a smile.
"Thank god!!!" Kate exclaimed with a deep sigh and Lissy added a bit mockingly, "That was not funny!"
I just laughed and said, "Yes it was!"
We finished eating the pizzas and when all plates were empty I asked: "Who's up for dessert?"
"I am!" The girls shouted in unison.
I prepared four bowls of ice cream, handed them out to the girls and as I watched them devour the content I asked, "So, when's bedtime for you girls? And be honest, I'm going to check with your mother tomorrow if you've been telling the truth."
"I need to go to bed at eight thirty," Lissy started. I looked at Emily.
"Ten," She said.
"I can decide for myself when I go," Kate stated, "But I usually go to bed around eleven."
"Okay noted," I said, "And what are you girls planning to do until then?"
Kate gulped down the last bits of molten ice cream and said: "I'll finish up my homework and then go downstairs to chat a little on the pc..."
I looked at Lissy, "and you?"
"I want to play Super smash brothers with you Ron, is that ok?"
"Looking for a challenge?" I asked a bit mockingly.
Lissy laughed and said playfully "I'm going to kick your ass!"
"Ok Liss, I'm up for a game but first I want to talk to Emily a bit."
The girls were finished with their ice cream and I went to put the plates and the bowls into the dish washer.
Emily knew all too well what I wanted to talk to her about and came up with an excuse for us to talk in private, "Ron can we talk while we clean up our stuff in my room, I'd rather do it now then right before bed..."
"Sure thing Emily," I said as I started the dish washer and then turned to Lissy: "You'd better prepare, I'm not going to go easy on you." I smiled and added a little wink in her direction.
"Let's go." I said to Emily and we moved upstairs.
After entering her room I turned to close the door and when I turned back Emily lunged at me, hugging me tightly and kissed me with passion. I embraced her and returned the kiss, occasionally caressing the inside of her pout little lips and encircling her tongue with mine while my hands slid down and gave her firm buttocks a little squeeze through here robe.
After a few minutes I broke free and said, "I love you."
Emily's sparkling green eyes sank into mine and she replied, "I love you too."
She started to let her robe slip down her shoulder but I quickly pulled it back up explaining, "There's nothing in the whole world I would rather do then that... But we have to be careful, if your sisters catch us we're toast!"
Emily just nodded a bit disappointed.
"I can slip upstairs after your sisters have gone to bed. To be honest, that was my original plan anyway." That remark caused both of us to laugh a bit.
"I actually really did want to talk to you about something, about how we should continue."
"I know we have to be careful, if that's what you mean?" Emily said softly.
"I know you do sweetie," I said holding her hand, caressing her palm softly. "It's a bit hard to say this, but I mean we can't just use every Wednesday afternoon to have sex instead of training...Hell I don't even know how often you want to do it!"
Emily started caressing my hand as well and moved her face so close to mine I could feel her breath on every exhale.
"If it were up to me," she said, "I would pull you into this bed, and make love to you till the end of time." Even though the room was dimly lid I could see her face run red, she was not used to talk dirty however I could see she liked getting in touch with her naughty side.
Emily then showed me her responsible side, "I know we shouldn't do it during practice. And I promise I won't try either... But how are we going to act as girl and boyfriend if no one is allowed to know?"
I smiled and patted her head, "Don't worry Emily, I've got a few ideas brewing to help us along but I'm not telling yet because I have to work out a few details..."
Emily looked down at the ground and whispered, "I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable at the table, I know it was a bit dangerous to hint so obviously at what we have done..."
I held her chin and encouraged her to look up into my eyes, "You did nothing wrong," I said reassuringly, "we've always acted like we're in our own little world around each other. It's nothing new if we hint to events in front of your sisters, we've always done it. You did fine!"
Emily started to smile and it immediately felt if the temperature in the room raised a few degrees.
"And as for the boy and girlfriend thing," I added, "We can do almost all the things that normal boy and girlfriends do. Even go out! People would just think I'm a nice brother spending time with his incredibly cute little sister."
Emily giggled and blushed by me calling her cute.
"And whatever we do when we're alone is none of their business." I finally added and pulled Emily closer for a big hug. She swung her arms around me a squeezed tightly as we enjoyed each others warmth.
We stayed like that for a few moments after which I gently pushed loose and gave her a peck on her forehead.
"I'm going downstairs to play with Lissy before she starts to wonder what's keeping us." I moved in to kiss her one more time, letting our tongues caress and pressing our bodies together tightly.
"Okay let's go," I said and we walked back downstairs.
On the way down I saw Kate, Emily's Fourteen your old sister walking into her room.
"Good luck with the homework," I said, "Just yell if you need a hand."
"Yeah, sure," Kate replied seeming quite distracted and in deep thought. It was a big change from how she was acting before so I made a mental note to ask her if anything was wrong later.
Once down in the living room I saw Lissy sitting ready behind the TV, smash brothers already booted up and controllers laying in wait.
"What took you guys so long?" Lissy asked.
"Sorry, musician talk." I explained while picking up a controller and sitting on the couch. Emily sat next to me, her legs sideways on the couch while she leaned against me.
In the hour that followed Lissy and I played franticly, beating up Nintendo characters like there was no tomorrow. I noticed we were actually pretty even matched, with most of the games won or lost by only a few points difference. Emily even kicked in a few games but she mostly just snuggled up against me and watched the hilarity unfold on screen.
When it was finally eight thirty, Lissy and I finished up our last game and I send her upstairs to go to bed.
Just as she went upstairs, Kate came down and plunged herself down behind the computer. She booted up and started chatting with her friends. She still seemed pretty shook-up so I decided I would talk to her after Emily had gone to bed to try and find out what was troubling her.
Emily and I just sat on the couch, watching various television shows till at last also her time to go to bed had come. She moved her head close to mine and whispered as softly as she could, "Don't be too long..."
I watched Emily move up the stairs. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen, as I passed Kate I asked, "I'm going to get some milk, would you like some?"
Kate turned her chair towards me and looked at me. She quickly looked at the stairs where Emily was still moving up and then looked back at me. "Sure," was all she said.
I moved into the kitchen, poured two glasses of milk and walked back to Kate offering her a glass.
As she grabbed the glass from my hand I asked, "Kate, I noticed you're a bit distracted this..."
"Shhh!!! Please not now, I'm in the middle of a conversation." She hissed at me.
A bit startled I replied, "Sorry, didn't mean to be rude,"
Kate finished typing the last sentence and after posting it she said, "Yeah, I'm sorry too but this is kind of important, could you wait a few minutes?"
"Sure thing," I said and sat back on the couch, watching a documentary about cruise ships getting started on Discovery.
I looked to my left at Kate behind the computer and I suddenly noticed she was wearing different clothes then the ones she was wearing at the dinner table. I must have been quite distracted with Emily to not have noticed it before because the changes were quite significant.
At the dinner table she had been wearing blue jeans, white sneakers and a red t-shirt that fit loosely around her body. Now she was wearing a tight fitting white blouse, her just developing lemon sized breasts were pressing out begging to be noticed. The blouse was slightly transparent and I could see the motive of her white bra through the fabric. She was also wearing a white skirt that covered only half of her upper legs and in her sitting position at the computer it had actually risen up to her upper thighs. If she had been sitting more in my direction I probably would've been able to see her panties as well.
Her legs from her thighs all the way down to her bare feet were nicely tanned and looked as smooth as a baby's butt.
Her blouse was pretty low cut and didn't cover her neck whatsoever. This with her short brown hair reaching no further than her jaw line made her neck look very long and also added to the total amount of bare skin on display.
"Beauty really runs deep in this family," I thought to myself and continued watching the TV.
It was about ten minutes later that I saw Kate stand up from behind the computer. She pressed the power button and stood still, facing the black screen for about twenty seconds.
She then suddenly walked towards me and sat next to me on the couch in much the same way Emily had only fifteen minutes ago. Her legs sideways on the couch, lying against me with her head resting on my shoulder.
It seemed to me she wanted to feel comforted, whatever it was that was troubling her she would talk about it when she felt ready.
I turned off the TV to let her know that she had my full attention. I really wanted to help her and did my best to make her feel comfortable, not saying anything to make it clear to her she was in full control of what was going to happen.
About twenty seconds later she suddenly started to giggle. I wasn't looking at her at the time, but I felt her squirm a little and all of a sudden I felt teeth sink into my earlobe.
Startled I turned to face her and while doing so I accidentally fell a bit backwards on the couch. That was terrain I wasn't going to get back as she quickly climbed on top of me pinning me down with her arms stretched. She hovered above me looking at me with a devilish grin on her face.
I was too surprised to move a muscle and she took advantage of this by using one hand to slowly unbutton her blouse, revealing her white lacy bra and her smooth belly to my gaze. Kate moved her right hand to caress my chest and seductively squeezed one of her own tits with the other.
I was still too dazed to move or say a single word.
When she moved her right hand down towards my crotch and started to pull my zipper down something snapped and I finally managed to move again. I placed both my hands on her shoulders and gently but firmly pushed her off of me.
"I can't do this," I said while pushing us back upright.
"What's wrong? Don't these turn you on?" Kate said mischievously while squeezing her tits together.
"Kate, you're a beautiful young woman but I can't do this..."
"Why?" She said, calmer then I had expected.
"I can't... because..."
"Yes?" Again that calm.
"There's... There's someone else." I finally said.
"She won't ever need to know," Kate offered moving her hand to my face.
"I can't betray her... I'm sorry." I said as I took her hand and gently pushed it back.
"Are you sure?" Kate said squeezing her breasts with both her hands.
"Yeah I'm sure. I'm sorry but I can't betray the girl I love so much."
Kate smiled as she started to redo the buttons of her blouse, "You really are a good man, Emily is very fortunate to have you..."
"WHAT!!!" I almost screamed.
Kate avoided looking into my eyes while she explained, "Yeah... I had a few suspicions during dinner... There was something different in the way you two were acting. But I wasn't sure so I... Eavesdropped on you and Emily while you were upstairs. First I was angry, but then when I heard the two of you talking I could hear the emotions you two conveyed. But I needed to be sure, for Emily's sake, that you weren't taking advantage of her... That you weren't lying. So I erm... decided to test you."
It took me a few seconds to digest what Kate had just told me, but eventually I did manage to ask, "So erm... did I pass?"
Kate looked up into my eyes with a smile, "With flying colors!" She said and while moving her hand across her body from top to bottom she added, "Considering this here stunning physique, I probably still would've passed you even if you had done a little groping before coming to your senses."
That comment released some emotional tension that had build up in the conversation and we both started laughing.
"You must love your sister very much to be willing to do what you just did." I said approvingly.
"I do," Kate replied. "Knowing what I know now, how much you love Emily... I can say only one thing: You have my blessing, make my sister happy... GO!"
As I stood up from the couch I gave Kate a thankful peck on her forehead and moved towards the stairs.
A few steps before I reached them though I tuned around, "Kate, one thing: What would you have done if I had taken you up on your offer?"
Kate looked at me, grinned and answered mischievously, "I would've kicked you in the nuts and screamed bloody murder..."
I laughed and added, "You know Kate, sometimes I wonder if Lissy is the only kid left in this family."
"Just go!!!" Kate said laughing, waving her hand at me to leave.
I did as she ordered and moved up the two flights of stairs to see my love.
I opened the door to her room and saw Emily sitting upright in her bed, reading a book while her nightlight illuminated her frame from behind.
"Is it exciting?" I asked when she looked up at me.
"Very! I wouldn't be able to put this book away for anything!" She said with a sly grin.
"Wow, anything?" I asked while bending over, placing my head closer to hers.
Emily closed the book and moved her head to intercept mine, "Well, maybe there's one thing..."
We both ended the slow approach we had started and lunged at each other, kissing with fury and holding each other tightly.
Emily suddenly broke free and asked, "Wait, what about Kate?"
I smiled and said, "The really, really short version? She knows and is okay with it... Just talk with her tomorrow and it'll become crystal clear..."
Emily stared forward a bit, contemplating until suddenly a smile appeared on her face and she looked up at me, "Well, in that case..."
She kicked the covers off her body and pulled her T-shirt over her head. She hadn't been wearing panties and so sat completely naked in front of me.
"That's got to be some kind of a record," I said smiling and looked down. Emily's whole body was covered in a light layer of sweat which reflected the light of the nightlight behind her, adorning her silhouette with an aura of white. Her small hairless pussy was covered in additional moisture, showing she was as much in anticipation to do this as I was.
She sat on a large towel, preventing her bed sheets from getting stained again. "It's not as comfortable as the sheets," Emily said smiling, "But it beats having to explain to my parents why I have two sets of 'em in the laundry."
Emily stood up from the bed and leaned against me, pressing her naked body against mine and seductively roamed her hands under the hem of my shirt, lifting it up as she squeezed and massaged my chest higher and higher.
I leaned down and kissed her, letting my tongue caress the inside of her mouth while she happily returned the kiss.
She softly moaned into my mouth as I used one hand to squeeze her small and firm buttocks and ran my other through her waving light brown hair. Her hair flowed through my hand as smooth as a gentle stream of water running down a hill, my fingers the rocks that caused ripples along the surface.
After squeezing her small bum one last time I pulled myself free and helped her to pull my shirt off over my head. It fell on the ground and I looked down into her eyes.
"Lay back on the bed." I said in a soft and soothing voice as she happily complied and rested her juvenile body on the bed, spreading her legs a bit for me once she laid comfortable.
I quickly shed myself from the last clothes I still had on, tossing my jeans and boxers on top of my shirt. Emily could now clearly see what effect she had on me as my boner sprang free from its prison, poking upwards in her general direction.
I moved my head between her legs and after a little wink in her direction I turned my attention to the luscious treat in front of me. Emily's smooth pussy was dripping wet, surrounding me with the aroma of her sex.
When I looked a little lower I could see the skin of her pussy showing a little red, a reminder of our lovemaking just a few hours ago.
I couldn't wait anymore and licked her entire slit in one big motion, the sweet taste of heaven filled my mouth and a loud moan from Emily echoed through the room. After my initial pass I started sucking on her slit, flipping it with my tongue and occasionally sucking it into my mouth.
Emily thrashed left and right as I stimulated her pussy with my tongue, her moans getting louder by the second as she held her hands in my hair and pushed me tighter against her slit.
She must have been pretty hot from anticipation because only after a few minutes her orgasm was already upon her.
"Ohh, I'm going to cum!" She moaned out load and wrapped her legs around my head, pushing me against her pussy so hard I had trouble breathing. But hey, there were worse ways to go so I just kept on sucking till I heard a muffled scream fill the room and her body went rigid before me.
Emily's hands were covering her mouth as she screamed out her pleasure, not being able to contain her volume by willpower alone. She remained quiet enough not to wake anybody up, Kate wouldn't be a huge problem but waking Lissy would be bad! Not to mention the neighbors...
I glanced a look upwards and saw Emily's chest move up and down in rapid succession, her small breast buds shook every now and then when her body tensed with a little aftershock from her orgasm.
It took her a full minute to recover but when she did she immediately sat upright on the bed, motioning me to rise with her.
"Time for me to return the favor..." She said with a grin and pushed me back on the bed.
I laid down and Emily positioned herself between my legs, grasping my cock with both her hands and slowly moved them up and down.
"Wow Emily," I said surprised, "How do you know how to do this?"
Emily laughed at me for being surprised and answered, "Just because I didn't have sex before today doesn't mean I can't watch videos of it on the internet. Just tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. Okay?"
"Sure sweetie," I replied as her warm soft hands ran along my cock. If I wasn't fully erect before I sure as hell was now! I just leaned back and enjoyed every sensation Emily wanted to give me.
Her hands went up and down my shaft a few more times before she put in a little pause. I only wondered why for just a few seconds when I suddenly felt her wet tongue sample the tip of my cock and move back again.
She must have decided she liked the taste because only a few seconds later she came back, this time licking in a longer stroke beginning about halfway down my shaft and moving up. She began repeating this motion as I felt the incredible pleasure course through my body.
"Ohh Emily, that's so good honey! Could you try putting it in your mouth?"
I heard Emily giggle and she licked my dick once again from bottom to top. When she reached the head she tipped her face forward and encircled my shaft with her pout little lips. I felt her lips slide down my dick as she lowered herself on my member, all the way until my head reached the back of her throat.
This gave her a guideline on how far she could take me in her mouth and she started moving her head up and down in a slow sensual motion.
Soft slurping sounds emanated from her mouth as she looked up to throw me a seductive look and probably also to check how she was doing.
"Oh Emily you're doing great! It probably won't be long before I cum if you keep this up!"
Emily seemed to smile, although it was hard to tell while she was sucking on my cock, and moved her head up and down in an increasing speed.
As I felt the tensions in my loins begin to rise I started to thrust my hips up at Emily. She responded by moaning on my cock and slipping a finger in her own little vagina to rub herself as I was getting close to orgasm.
"Emily honey, I'm almost there! If you don't want me to cum in your mouth you have to stop now."
"Mmmm mmm." Was all that emanated from Emily's mouth and although I had no idea what she tried to say, the fact that she kept on happily sucking my cock made it pretty clear to me that she wanted to try and take my cum in her mouth.
"Here it comes!" I grunted and fired my first shot of semen down her throat.
I pulled my dick out so that only the tip was left in her mouth and I kept on cumming. Glob after glob of semen filled Emily's mouth until at last my orgasm subdued and Emily was left with a big mouthful of cum.
She moved her head up from my dick and I could see her rolling the sperm around in her mouth, familiarizing herself with the taste.
"Well honey, do you like it?" I asked as I enjoyed the spectacle.
"Mmmm." Emily moaned as she closed her eyes and started to swallow the load in small portions, trying to make most of what she was given.
When she had swallowed all my cum she finally said: "Wow that actually tasted pretty good! I'm glad I tried this on the first go!"
She moved herself over on top of my body and kissed me, I could still taste a small remnant of my cum in her mouth but coming from this pre teen goddess I really didn't mind.
Emily suddenly looked down as she felt something against her thigh and said surprised: "Wow, look! Your penis is still hard!"
I looked down with her and was pretty surprised as well but I managed to just laugh it off and say, "Well that's never happened to me before. This really proves you're the sexiest girl I've ever met!"
Emily started blushing as I looked into her eyes and said, "Well it would be a waste not to take advantage of this here opportunity, don't you think?"
Emily smiled and said, "What do you have in mind?"
"You're already in the perfect position, just raise your body a little bit and lower yourself on my dick, you'll love this position I'm sure! You'll have all the control."
"Oh I see!" Emily said as she raised her body and placed my cock at the entrance of her pussy. With a loud moan she lowered herself slowly on my dick till she finally had my full length up into her pussy and I felt her fine ass rest on my legs.
"It feels even better then it did this afternoon!" Emily sighed and started to move her hips up a bit and lowered herself down again.
"That's it honey, just move your hips up and down and enjoy the ride!" I said as I met her next downwards thrust with my own thrust upwards.
Emily moved her hips in a steady rhythm up and down while she started massaging her small breasts with her hands to increase her pleasure.
I reached behind her and massaged her firm butt cheeks while meeting her downward strokes with my own hips.
Emily sighed a moan of approval as she felt numerous parts of her body being stimulated and slid her pussy down on my cock with increased force.
"Ohh, we're going to do this one a lot!" She said half moaning as she felt her second orgasm of the night fast approaching. Her right hand moving down to her pussy and rubbed her little slit.
I decided to add even more stimuli to Emily's young body and moved a finger down her butt crack and started to softly massage her small anal opening.
Emily looked surprised for a second but didn't object in any way to the new sensations in her nether regions. A loud moan and increasing speed of her thrusts gave me the hint that she liked my finger caressing her small sphincter so I applied a little pressure and slowly eased my finger inside up to the first knuckle.
"OH MY GOD!!!" Emily screamed, her orgasm taking her fully by surprise as she slammed her pussy down on my cock and stayed fully buried while she threw her hands up to her mouth to muffle her screams.
I marveled at the ecstatic view in front of me, Emily's rigid body trembling with orgasmic shocks, her breasts reverberating every shock for a few seconds longer. Her whole body glistered with bright sparkles as the sweat on her body refracted the light of her night lamp. Combining with this sight was her muffled scream of pure pleasure echoing through the room.
I suddenly saw a tear run down her cheeks and startled I asked, "Emily are you alright? Did I hurt you?"
Emily shook her head, trying to control the intense emotions that coursed through her body and replied, "No, I'm just soo happy! I love you so much and I've never thought anything could feel this good!"
"I love you too!" I said and moved myself upright to give her a big hug and a big kiss.
Emily wrapped her arms around me and returned my kiss, caressing my tongue with hers.
Because I had cum only a short while ago I was still hard as a rock inside her and without breaking our kiss I moved both our bodies back onto the bed, Emily's head slowly coming to rest on her pillows.
While continuing our kiss I slowly moved my dick in and out her pussy once again.
My right arm was supporting my frame on her bed, preventing Emily to have too much weight on her chest and with my left hand I was caressing her head.
Soft moans trembling in my mouth told me Emily was ready for one more round as she started to move her hips up to meet my thrusts.
I increased my speed, moving my full member completely in her pussy and pulling out again till just the head was left inside her.
Emily's moans became grunts as I was fucking her pussy with a quick and steady pace.
All the time we never stopped kissing and by now I was even moaning in Emily's mouth as I felt my second orgasm finally starting to approach.
The warm velvet walls of Emily's tight little pussy were massaging my cock with increasing force, telling me she was also on the road to another orgasm.
Her legs wrapped around me and started to push me in with greater force, just like she had done this afternoon.
I noticed that Emily liked to fuck harder when she was approaching her orgasm and I wasn't one about to disappoint.
As I slammed my dick in her faster and faster Emily started to scream in small bursts in my mouth, telling me her third orgasm was only seconds away.
Then it happened, her body went rigid under me, her arms hugged me tightly to her frame and she uttered a loud scream in my mouth, we never stopped kissing not even as she was trembling below me.
The incredible vibrations from her pussy walls combined with her scream that reverberated through my chest tipped me over the edge and I came deep inside her.
Although I didn't have much sperm left in my balls, my orgasm lasted longer then any other I had before in my life. Nothing could compare to the incredible pleasure and love I got from making love to my beloved Emily.
It must have been two minutes before our orgasms subdued and we stopped shaking. We mustered together enough strength and willpower to let go and lay next to each other on our sides. My face level with hers while I looked into her eyes.
We didn't speak for what could easily have been fifteen minutes, we just looked at each other, smiling and caressing each other's bodies.
"Thank you." Emily finally said in a soft voice.
"No, thank you!" I replied hugging her body to mine.
Emily smiled and said "That was very naughty, what you did with my butt. I liked it though, I just never thought that touching there could feel good."
"Well, in the proper context that hole can feel wonderful when stimulated." I answered.
"Proper context? You probably mean when you're really horny don't you?" Emily said jokingly.
"Yeah, that's what I mean," I said laughing and gave her butt a little squeeze.
"I love you so much," Emily suddenly said, "And I love doing it with you! Promise me you'll teach me everything you know about sex!"
"I love you too Emily and I promise I'll teach you all kinds of ways to make love, have sex and fuck."
"Wait, there's a difference?" Emily said a bit surprised.
"Well, technically no," I answered, "But I like to look at sex in three different categories: First there's making love. A very passionate act where the pleasure of the other comes first and everything has a very sensual and seductive vibe to it."
"Ok," Emily just said.
"Then there's fucking: An act of pure lust where people are trying to get off as fast and hard as possible and where it doesn't matter if you get a little dirty or let the animal inside get out for a little while."
"Ohhh," Emily said a bit intrigued by the visual picture she conjured up in her mind.
"And finally there's having sex: A mix of both lovemaking and fucking where there's still a great deal of care for the one you're doing it with but there's also an eagerness to get off."
"If I see it correctly, we've been making love today which moved to having sex when we had our orgasms?" Emily asked, seeing if she had this sex philosophy figured out.
"Spot on!" I said smiling and kissed her again.
"That's a really fun way to look at it," Emily said when we broke our kiss, "I love making love to you!"
"I love making love to you too!" I answered and started to move my body off her bed, preparing to go to my own 'guestroom'.
Before I could stand up though Emily pulled me close to her and whispered, "However I don't think I'd mind if we fucked every now and then as well..."
I felt my dick twitch at that comment and hurried getting myself decent to leave her room. We simply couldn't afford to go at it another round.
I gave Emily one last kiss and moved to leave her room, taking the towel that had been spread on the bed with me.
I stopped when I reached the door though, it was opened just a little bit. I found it weird because I was sure I had closed it when I entered Emily's room.
I decided it was just my mind playing tricks with me and thought nothing more of it. Exhausted I simply threw the dirty towel in the laundry and dropped myself on the bed in the master bedroom.
Sleep came fast and was filled with vivid wet dreams of Emily and her delicious sweet little pussy.
To be continued?
Cleanly written and loving the tension that Kate is bringing to the plot.
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