Rock on!, Part 1

[ Mf, rom, lolita, cons ]

by Manthel

Published: 22-May-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Hello, my name is Ron. I'm 20 years old and I live in a small apartment complex near my college in Amsterdam. I'm doing an education in music. I'm learning how to produce records, to set up PA systems, recording in studio's, to operate video equipment etc.

I'm also the lead guitarist in a heavy metal band called Fury. The gigs are getting me a nice extra income on the side but alone do not cover my living and educational expenses. My main income is teaching other people to play guitar. The hours I don't spend on education, sleep or gigs, I use to teach. (Occasional college parties aside) Wednesday is my favorite day of the week because on Wednesday I teach a little wonder child called Emily.

Emily's an 13 year old girl who lives in a quite neighborhood on the edge of town, in a house which is very nice, but actually a bit too small for her family. The attic of the house has been made into a small humble bedroom in which she can just barely fit her bed, closet, desk, guitar and amp. One floor down there are a bathroom and two bedrooms, one for her parents and one for her two sisters Kate (14) and Lissy (11) who are living even more cramped then Emily. And the ground floor is just a living room, kitchen and hallway.

Emily herself is a little girl who has CUTE screaming of her, no matter what mood she is in. She has a face that just emphasizes every emotion she has. Usually it's expressing joy of life with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Her medium long, light brown hair is always in motion, moving with the grace a ballet dancer would find hard to match. And her green eyes always capture me, no matter where I'm looking.

And above that she's a very talented musician. She's been playing for 2 years now and she's already twice as far as I was at that stage.

I've been her teacher for about 1 year now. We started with a normal schedule, but now we're playing full blocks of 2,5 to 3 hours every week. She's shown she can keep up at that pace and we're even thinking of adding an extra hour every other week. When we began to increase the time we practiced, Emily's parents started to worry about me getting to expensive, but I reassured them I would only charge for 1 hour. I still do, my other students provide me with enough income to make do and Emily really deserves a chance to grow to her full potential.

It was on one of these Wednesdays my life took an interesting turn.

It was 3 in the afternoon on a hot summer day and I was just finishing up some of my homework. I had taken on a project for school to make a video clip for a regional pop/rock band. I was finishing loading in some footage I had shot earlier that afternoon and was also busy packing my stuff for the teaching session with Emily.

I got my guitar bag from the closet and placed my Jackson soloist gently inside. I got a spare set of strings from my desk and put those inside the front pouch of the bag together with a small Jack cord. I also packed a few cd's and tablature, Dream theater, Steve Vai, Metallica, Micheal Schenkner group and Evanesence.

My computer was done loading in the footage so I saved and shut down the pc. I picked up my guitar bag and slung it round my back. On the way out I picked up my training amp and went out the door. Once outside I got my bicycle, strapped the amp on the back and started the short trip to Emily's house.

The sun was shining brightly and a gentle summer breeze made sure no one outside got too warm.

After ten minutes of cycling I arrived at Emily's house and I could see she was already waiting for me in front of the window. After parking my bike I approached the door and saw that Emily had already opened it and was running out.

She was wearing a white skirt which went down to just above her knees. Above that she wore a blue t-shirt, it was maybe half a size too small so it wasn't obvious but her belly was constantly in view and the shirt was stretching a bit round her shoulders and clearly outlining her training bra.

"Ronny!!!" She yelled and jumped into me.

"It's good to see you too Emily." I said while padding the back of her head with my one free hand.

"Come on! I wanna learn the rest of that song we started last time!" She said and pulled me in the house.

I walked toward the stairs but before going up I said to Emily: "Emily? It's very warm today, could you go to the kitchen and grab one or two bottles of water so we got something to drink in your room?"

Emily just smiled and ran off into the kitchen. She returned with a big pitcher of water, ice cubes lined the top.

"I put this into the fridge 2 hours ago, plus a second one should we run out." Emily smiled and walked past me up the stairs.

"You are a smart girl," I said and followed her to her room.

On the way up I saw Emily's mother lying on her bed, taking a little break from her household chores.

"Good afternoon Mrs. van der Hulst, hot day isn't it?" I said politely.

"Tel me about it, I'm dying for a drink but it's too hot to move a muscle." She said while staring at the ceiling. She must have been working pretty hard to have gotten that warm.

"Let me help you with that," I said.

I walked into the bathroom and got a glass from the sink, rinsed it and asked Emily to top it with Ice water. I helped her mother up and gave her the glass.

"There you go," I said with a smile and added, "Where are the other girls? They're usually wreaking havoc round this time, do they not?"

"Yes they usually do, but because of this beautiful weather they went to tennis practice a little early so they could play a few games in advance. Thank you for the water by the way, you really are a nice boy," She said and smiled back at me.

I nodded and walked back to Emily to follow her up the final flight of stairs.

"That was really nice what you did for my mom," she said when we reached her room. I put my stuff down and turned back to face her.

"In this heat we gotta look out for each other. And by the way, no good deed goes unpunished. You'll see, if you give a little nice, you get a little nice in return."

Emily thought for a moment and then asked "You mean like this?"

She walked towards me, pulled me down a bit and gave me a little peck on the cheek.

I started laughing and said "Thank you, I think that indeed covers it."

She started laughing as well and we both began setting up for the lesson.

I placed my amp next to hers and sat down at her desk, placing my cd's and tablature on the desk. I then got my guitar out of the bag and plugged it in.

Emily picked up her Ibanez and sat on her bed. That guitar was her most proud possession, given to her by her parents on her 12th birthday, they got a good deal from a local music store that had one standing second hand. I even kicked in a bit to lessen the burden on her parents' wallet.

I flipped both amps on and started some warm up exercises. Emily knew most of 'em so she followed me while I was doing simple ladders up and down the neck of my guitar.

At one point I was doing a little lick repeatedly and I noticed Emily was looking at me while she too was playing the lick. I smiled and started to play it a bit faster. She kept looking at me and gave me a little smile back as she followed the new pace. I kept looking into her eyes as I played the part faster and faster. She just kept her eyes on mine and followed in speed.

I stopped increasing the speed when we reached the level on which I play it in one of the songs in my band. And all this time she's still looking me straight in the eyes. We held the tempo twenty second longer and then stopped.

"That's very nice," I said approvingly.

"Thanks, I've been listening to your cd almost non stop these past few weeks. I wanted to surprise you when I managed to play some of the stuff you do on it." Emily started to blush a little bit.

"Well you sure did surprise me, what else can you play?"

Emily picked up my cd from her bedside cabinet and started pointing at the songs on the back.

"I can play the rhythm guitar on all the tracks but this one and this one and I can play a few solos on the first and second song."

"That's very good," I said quite surprised, "I want to hear you play some of it later today okay?"

Emily nodded and suddenly reached for another cd on her bedside cabinet.

"I really love playing 'Nemo' with you, could we do that as one last warm up exercise?" She looked at me searching for permission.

"Off course we can, anything you want." I said and tuned my guitar for the song.

Emily put the Nightwish cd in her cd player and selected the appropriate track.

"Ready?" She looked at me with her finger on the play button.

"I'm ready, do you want to do the solo?" I asked.

"Can I really!? I'd love to!" She made a few small hops on her bed and then started the song.

We heard the piano start the song and waited for the guitars to fall in. The part came on and we started playing. I looked over and I could see Emily playing with conviction, her eyes mostly on her guitar but sometimes she looked up and smiled at me.

Halfway in the song the solo came up. Emily first looked at me, smiled and then when the solo began she closed her eyes and played perfectly along with the cd, she was listening to herself and me playing together. I mean really listening... The only things on the world were the instruments around her, she didn't see black, she saw nothing, she smelled nothing, the only thing she felt were her hands playing, and all she heard was the music we were making. I could see it on her face, she loved it.

The song changed to a rhythmic section and Emily looked my way again. I just smiled and together we kept playing till the epic conclusion of the song where the orchestra on the cd really came into picture. Emily and I accompanied the cd till at last the song ended and the room went silent once more.

Emily pressed stop on the cd player and after a few seconds of sitting still she said, "I really love that song."

"I could tell, you closed your eyes again."

Emily started blushing and said, "You do it too sometimes, I like seeing you do it, I like to pretend it's my playing that makes you close your eyes and enjoy the music."

"Emily, you're a much better musician than you give yourself credit for. There are times that you play with such expression and conviction, that you honestly do entrance my ears."

Emily really turned red now and looked down a bit.

At this moment I became suddenly aware of how hot it had become because I saw sweat on just about all of Emily's exposed skin. I noticed that I too had begun sweating pretty badly and it was mostly because of the heat.

I got two glasses from Emily's desk and filled them with water from the pitcher. I offered a glass to Emily who gladly accepted. She pitched the whole content down in one go, gasping for air when she was done.

"Thanks, I needed that." She said and gave me back the glass.

I chucked down the remainder that was in my glass and put both glasses back behind me on the desk.

"Are you ready to go on?" I asked while striking a power chord on the guitar.

"Just one second," Emily replied. "It's to darn hot in here."

To my utter amazement she suddenly reached under the hem of her shirt and pulled the whole thing off over her head, leaving the top of her body covered only in a training bra.

"E-Emily," I said a bit shaken. "Are you sure you wanna be doing that?"

I couldn't help but let my eyes trail down her body, her breasts were just beginning to develop and were making her training bra stick out just a little bit. Her exposed skin looked like satin, flawless, smooth and shining with a light layer of transpiration. She was beautiful.

"I'm just really warm, please say you're ok with me being like this, I'd die if I had to wear that hot t-shirt again... Just don't tell my mother, she'd go mental if she found out I took my shirt off in front of you." Emily gave me the full puppy dog treatment, eyes open wide, hands folded, pleading. "Please?"

I could tell she wasn't completely honest with me, but that wasn't the core of my dilemma.

The responsible side of me wanted her to get dressed to prevent any incidents. But I also had another side, one that had fantasized of this very scenario unfolding.

My greatest secret is that for quite some time now I've been attracted to young girls, but I also don't ever want to see one get hurt. That's why at home my 'stash' consists only out of fictional writing and artwork called lolicon. I've seen the real work a few times but I got rid of it all very quickly, it just didn't feel right to look at...

Anyway, I reached an internal compromise regarding my current situation, I would condone Emily's state as long as she didn't try getting even more comfortable.

"Well ok, since it's so hot I'll let you stay like that."

Just as I had said it I noticed another inconvenience, the view Emily gave me was making me very hot, literally. Together with my badly chosen dark clothing I was one cooking young man.

"Thank you very much," Emily said thankfully and before I could suggest continuing the lesson, she asked "Could we play Outlaw Torn? I think I know how to play it completely now."

I was glad she suggested an action that could get my mind off of her half naked upper body. I gave her the 'Metallica Load' cd and she popped it into the cd-player.

When we were done retuning our guitars Emily started the cd and we began playing. She played through the song very nicely but at the end things got... interesting.

The whole outro of the song is very entrancing and open for improvisation. Every time I play it I get a little lost in the music and experience what Emily had experienced the song before. I closed my eyes as I was enjoying the music we were making. I kept to the main flow of the outro but improvised where it felt natural, overall I was pretty lost in the song.

That is, until I felt warmth covering my face accompanied with wetness over my lips.

I opened my eyes and all I saw was Emily. I lost my rhythm and stopped playing. As her warm moist lips were kissing mine, I realized how much I had been denying that I loved her. All I had said myself I wouldn't allow to happen was swept away in a tsunami of love for this child.

I slowly tilted my head and let my tongue caress her lips which caused Emily to realize I wasn't going to reject her. She threw her arms round the back of my head and pressed me tighter against her. She opened her mouth a bit to let my tongue enter and even used her own tongue to play around with mine, sometimes going into my mouth and caress my inner lips.

I wanted to throw my arms around her and pull her close to me but we both still had guitars in the way so I pulled her away from me gently. Emily looked at me with big question full eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you mad at me?" Her eyes started to water a bit and her lip was shaking.

"God no! It's not that. You just now made me truly realize how much I actually love you! You are the most special girl I have ever met!" I put away my guitar and continued,

"Never have I met anyone who could illuminate a room with only a smile. You're smarter then most adults I know and if I dare say, drop dead gorgeous!"

Emily had put away her guitar and approached me once again, but I stopped her for a few seconds longer.

"Emily, I've just been completely honest with you... Please, do me the same favor and tell me what you're feeling and how far you plan on taking this."

Emily stood in front of me while she answered, "I'm in love with you! You've given me so much! Thanks to you I can express myself through music, you're sacrificing so much to help me advance. When I'm down you've always managed to make me laugh again. I can trust you with anything, but there's one more thing. For a long time I didn't know how to put this in words but you just helped me with an analogy. You said I can illuminate a room with a smile, well you are the glow that makes that room warm and pleasant to be in."

She took one step closer to me, "And to answer your final question," her skirt suddenly fell to the ground, "All the way."

I took hold of her hands and looked into her eyes, "Emily, are you sure? What of your mother?"

Emily illuminated my face with a big smile and said, "She's taking daddy out for a surprise dinner today and won't be back till late this evening. She had told me she would leave round the time you arrived and she's left pizza for us in the fridge."

I started laughing a bit, "You little fox, you've been planning all this for some time haven't you?"

Before she could respond I slung my arms around her and pulled her body against me. She placed her legs on either side of mine and sat down on my lap, getting her face level with mine.

I could feel her firm buttocks press gently on my legs, her torso rubbed against my chest every time she took a breath. I looked into her eyes and felt her breath on my face.

We kissed... long and furious our tongues engaged in an act of unbridled passion as our hands explored each other's bodies.

As Emily was stroking my back under my shirt I let my hand trail down. I rubbed her lower back in slow massaging motions and continued lower until I reached her white cotton panties.

Instead of slipping my hands inside I grabbed her firm ass with both my hands and squeezed gently. She hummed a sigh of approval and pushed her butt back a bit to meet my hands. I let my right hand go a bit deeper between her legs and gently gave her slit a quick rub which caused her to moan softly, before letting my hands go down her legs.

I massaged her thighs and caressed her knee. I felt down her legs till I came across her socks. I pulled them off one by one and started feeling my way back up her legs.

Emily suddenly pulled away from my lips, reached under the hem of my shirt and started to pull it off over my head. I helped along and threw the shirt on the floor.

We continued kissing as I reached for her training bra. I placed my fingers under the lower elastic and broke the kiss to pull it over her head. Both our upper bodies were now naked.

I hugged her once more, kissing her with passion as I felt her warm belly against mine, her protruding mounds pressing against my chest.

I released my grip on Emily a bit and started kissing my way down her body. I playfully bit her earlobe and went down kissing her neck, leaving a little hickey as I went down to her shoulder. I kissed her left shoulder as I rubbed her right with my hand. I went down even further till I met her left breast. I kissed above her nipple, then below it, then next to it and just as I let my tongue touch her, I put my left hand over her right breast and squeezed slightly.

Emily moaned softly as I felt her starting to rub her pussy against my jean covered groin.

I started sucking her breast and squeezing her nipple with my fingers. I felt her increasing the pressure on my groin and moaning even louder. I let my mouth leave Emily's breast and went back up to kiss her.

I gave both her breasts a final squeeze before making Emily stand up. I stood in front of her and then kneeled.

I locked my eyes on hers as I let my fingers trail under the elastic of her panties and pulled them down her legs. She lifted her feet one by one and there she finally was, naked in front of me. I stood back up and motioned her to lie down on her bed.

She did as I requested while I took a step back to marvel once more at her beauty. Emily lay in front of me, her little nipples hard, her body coated in a layer of sweat and her hands softly rubbing her hairless slit, waiting for me.

I decided to tease her a little bit more before I would do what we both wanted.

I turned around and fished an ice cube from the pitcher of water and walked over to Emily.

I placed the ice cube on her lips, tracing the outline of her mouth before moving it down over her chin past her neck. Emily loved the coolness travelling over her body as I made little circles over her upper torso till at last I ventured close to her breasts. I made circles over her mounds as I leaned in to kiss her once more. Every now and then I rubbed the ice cube directly over her nipple which caused her to inhale sharply, effectively sucking my tongue into her mouth.

I did this a few times and finally broke the kiss, moving my body down along with the ice cube. I trailed down the centre of her belly a bit like a snake, zigzagging. I made a little circle round her belly button but because I started to run out of ice I moved down in a straight line to her beautiful hairless pussy.

I lifted the ice cube from her belly and gently made a slow but soft stroke past her entire slit. Emily's legs spasmed wildly and she inhaled sharply cause of this cold tease. I made one more stroke past her privates, another little shock up her body and the ice cube was gone.

I bend down between her legs and placed my mouth directly over her slit, my tongue licking up the sweet juices already pouring out of this 13 year old beauty.

Emily, shocked by this weird new experience, looked down her body to see me between her legs.

I looked up and looked into her eyes as I gently sucked her slit into my mouth.

"YESSSS!!!" Emily screamed and her head fell back into her pillow.

I went to licking her pussy in long strokes and Emily started to moan loudly. Her juices were really starting to flow and I kept licking them up, the taste of heaven flowed over my tongue.

I wanted to give Emily even more pleasure so I used my fingers to part her pussy lips and used my tongue to give her clitoris a quick pass. Another loud moan escaped Emily's lips.

I then started licking and sucking her clit like there was no tomorrow. Emily moaned and screamed in short bursts as I had to hold on to her hips to stay on target. She was bucking up and down, screaming for more.

"Oh god YES!"

Suddenly her legs went rigid and her back arched while she experienced the first orgasm of her young life.

I kept licking till her orgasm subdued, after which I moved up her body and kissed her. After a few seconds I lifted my head and asked, "How was that sweetie?"

Emily replied with dreamy eyes, "I've never felt anything like that. It was the best feeling... EVER!!!"

I gave her a kiss on her forehead, "Do you want feel even better?"

She nodded and still a bit dreamy replied, "Yes... please make love to me."

I stood up and unzipped my pants. It, together with my shorts went down in one smooth motion, releasing my erect penis from captivity at last. Emily looked at me with a big smile and parted her legs widely for me to come between.

I climbed on top of her and gave my lover a kiss while I placed my penis at the entrance of her vagina.

I looked Emily in the eyes, "This is going to hurt a bit sweetie," I said.

"I know, just do it quickly," Emily said while placing her arms around me.

I gently pushed my dick into her tight vagina until I reached a barrier. I closed my mouth over hers as I pushed hard and broke through her hymen, my dick coming to a stop a few inches inside her.

Emily moaned in pain when her hymen broke and her arms were clamped tight around me.

I lifted my head and said, "Emily, tell me when I can move again ok?"

She nodded and laid still, letting herself get used to this new feeling inside her.

After a few seconds she said softly, "The pain is less now, I want you to do it, please."

"I love you," I said as I withdrew a bit and gently pushed back in.

I started sliding my dick in and out, getting about half my length inside her. As Emily got more comfortable with the feeling she started moving with the rhythm and softly moaning my name.

With each stroke I managed to get a little more of my dick inside her.

Emily's legs wrapped around me and started pushing my pelvis into her, encouraging me to go even deeper. I gladly accepted and put more force in my thrusts.

"More... more..." She started moaning.

I pushed even harder and at last my full length was sliding in and out of her tight, pink canal.

Her vagina was squeezing every inch of my dick and I could see her small breasts shaking every time I slammed into her.

Emily used her hips to meet my thrusts harder and harder while I felt my orgasm approaching.

"Emily, you know what happens when a man comes?" I asked without stopping our lovemaking.

"Yes... don't worry... I don't have periods yet..." She replied in between gasps.

I knew I couldn't hold out much longer.

"Honey I'm going to come soon!" I said and started thrusting in and out of her pussy as fast as I could.

"Me too!!!" Emily screamed as her hips rammed into mine, her legs pushing me in on every thrust!

"Emily!!!" I screamed as I started to shoot my load into her womb.

The sudden spasms of my dick tilted Emily over the edge and she went rigid under me, arching her back and screamed.

I kept my dick into her as I came more then I've ever cum before, feeling her pussy walls milking every drop as she orgasmed.

After what looked like an eternity my dick finally stopped spurting and started shrinking.

I gave Emily another kiss after which I got up, a squishy pop sounded as my dick came out of her still glowing pussy.

I sat up straight at the feet of Emily's bed and she sat up next to me, hugging me as I hugged her back. We didn't say a word, we just enjoyed the afterglow of our lovemaking and the feeling of our bodies pressing against each other.

After what could have easily been thirty minutes I finally spoke up, "I love you."

Emily squeezed her arms around me tighter and replied, "I love you too."

I smiled and said, "What do you say if we clean ourselves up, we made quite a mess..."

Emily nodded softly and we stood up. I looked at the bed and saw a big stain in the sheets, a mixture of our love juices and a little blood.

"Ok Emily, this is what we're going to do. You're going to take a shower while I clean myself up quickly with a washcloth. After which I'll throw your dirty sheets in the washer and heat up the oven for the pizza's..."

"Why can't you just take a shower with me?" Emily asked with a naughty smile. I laughed and said, "I'd love to, but your sisters might find it weird to hear I took a shower in this house."

"OH MY GOD!!!" Emily suddenly screamed.

"What is it?" I asked alarmed.

"I just remembered Lissy and Kate are going to be back from tennis class in fifteen minutes!"

"Then we'd better hurry," I said and we ran down the stairs into the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later as Emily's sisters came home I was just popping the first pizza in the oven.

"Hello ladies," I said with a smile as I set the table.

"Hey Ron," The girls replied in unison. They were used to having me over for dinner, but this was the first time I was cooking.

"You girls know why I'm cooking right?"

"Yeah, mom wouldn't shut up about it this morning." Lissy said laughing.

Kate looked round and asked, "Hey, where's Emily?"

As I set the plates round the dinner table I said, "She's taking a shower before coming down, it got really warm in the attic today."

To be continued...

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best story ever cant wait for part 2


An obliging young lady AND Nightwish? Too much pleasure in one go!!


realy very great story lot of sex over all very beautiful work by the authors, its very well writen,love the sex mo0re than any thing,,

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