The "LG Orgamism Machine"

[ bd, g, mast, toys, pedo ]

by Luvpres


Published: 4-Aug-2012

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Jeff was a 62 y/o, retired Engineer. He was told by many friends at the Senior's Club he needed a hobby so as not to be so borred after retirement.

He had a 9 y/o neighbor girl, Jen, who he babysat quite often. She was a mature 9 and they would discuss almost anything. There were about 40 LG's in his building. The halls were full of LG's every night, with backpacks, sleeping bags, etc. It seemed like sleep-overs were the thing to do for these 8-11 y/o's

While babysitting one night Jeff asked Jen what they do at all those sleep overs. She replied, "We mostly have organisms."

Shocked Jeff replied, "Organisms?"

Jen replied, "Yes. You know we pleasure ourselves. Play with our love nests. Like boys jack-off in bed at night."

"Hmm", said Jeff.

"And what do you kids use?"

"Anything we can find. A candle. The end of a marker. The end of a soda bottle. Mom's dildo. The end of a hair brush. A banana. Our finger. Or should I say fingers," she laughted.

"Hmm", though Jeff.

"And you all do it at the same time?"

"Sometimes. Then sometimes one does it first, then someone else, then the next. Sometimes we have a contest to see who can Organism first," she laughted.

"And all the LG do it? None are shy or don't want to?"

"Hell no," replied Jen. "You have to organism or nobody would want you at their sleep-over."

Jeff began to think to himself. His conclusion was if these LG had a "Orgamism machine" they would have much nicer Organisms and there would be more variety then just the old-fasioned "Lets stick my finger in it and see how I feel 20 minutes later.

So he decided to build one. Jen would be his first user. She sounded like whe liked her nightly Organism more then food, a video game or some new clothes.

He pulled out a note pad and got his pen and began to design it. Like things he did while working as an Engineer, he wanted it to be perfect. He figured it would be about four months before it was finally done and ready for Jen to try out.

But there was a problem. He needed to know a lot more about a LG love nest, her clit, her rectum and her nipples to build this thing.

Lucily, there was a Pediatrian in his building. His name was Mike. Mike just recently opened his practice. He was about 30. He quite often complain that he had the least number of patients in his Medical Building. All the other Doctors were older.

One night Jeff invited Mike over for dinner and a beer.

After dinner they began to talk seriously.

"You know, Mike you need to have a freebe. Like Mac Donalds does. You know they give away toys and junk to the kids. Why dont you do this. When a child/mother comes in you tell them on their next visit you are going to give their LG a free rectum and vaginal exam. Then you can go on and on about how important it is. Then you can also tell the mom when the LG has her first period it is very important she bring her LG so you can sit down and talk to her about it. What her options are in terms of using a tampon, the regular pad. The correct size etc. And to top if off all give each LG a couple free pair of panties. I found this company in China, on the Internet, where you can buy them for less then 25 cents each."

Jeff then began to discuss the "LG Orgamism Machine". Mike though it was an excellent idea. Being a Doctor, he already knew a good Organism every night (and when they wake up, also) is very important to LG's 9-13,

Jeff asked a favor. When you give these LG's that free rectum and vaginal exam. Is there any way you can take some pictures? I need to know more their that subject to build this thing.

Mike said, "Sure. When I do the exam, my nurse can take the pictures. I will put them down with their head lowered below their legs so they cant see what we are up to." Mike Laughted.

Mike told Jeff he was going to open a second file in addition to his normal patient file. It would be a red folder and he would keep all the pictures in there. He would bring them all over each and every Sunday. And each file would include at least one picturs of him spreading their nest lips & bum cheeks to peform the exam.

"Excellent," replied Jeff.

He set out to build it.

He drew plan after plan. Each one an inprovement over the previous one.

Every Sunday Mike would show up with 20-30 blue files. He would study each picture. Measurements were very imporant.

The size of their love nest hole. Size, shape, color, etc of their clit. And the same for their bum hole. He was really excited. One night, while drunk as a Main Street Wino, he yelled out his apt. window, "THIS WILL BE THE GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE DISCOVERY OF THE WHEEL !!"

He built it in his spare bedroom. He was single and it was a two bedroom apt.

Exactly 73 days after his first idea it was done.

Now he needed a customer.

"OMG", he though, "I am babysitting Jen tonight. She will me my first customer". Man. Was he excited.

About 7:30 she came over. He let he watch TV for a while before she had to take her bath.

At 8:00 Jeff gets her water ready. He told her to go into the bottom drawer of his dresser and get some fresh panties to wear after. Jeff got about 20 pair from Mike. They were cute, Boy-cuts with a low front. Most were pink but there were also white, yellow, sky-blue and a few black ones.

About 15 mintues later he want in to check on Jen and scrub her back. She was looking squeeky clean.

He asked, "Darling did you clean your love nest. You know how important that is."

She replied, "Yes." Jen wished he would stop asking her that. He did it every time she took a bath. And she was not a dirty, housing-project, LG. She knew the importance of a clean love nest and bum role.

Half hour later he want in. Lifted her out of the tub (she weighed about 75 lbs), toweled her off and put on her fresh panties on. They proceeded to the living room. While on Jeff's lap he dried and brushed her hair out.

Jeff commented, "You know how you usually have your little friends over - for a sleep-over - and you all take turns having an organism. Well it's just you and me. But I have a surprise for you - since you enjoy your organism so much." He smiled.

Jen replied "What do you mean?"

He took her by the hand and they both went to take a look.

From the expression on her first, she looked both happy and curious.

She seen the dildo-like part at the end. It had a head well...quite large for the shaft. And as you went from the head to the balls...the shaft got larger and larger. It was also ribbed. First time she seen a ribbed one.

She walked closer to the table and noticed a hole in it. She looked down the hole and seen a similiar dildo thing.

"And what is this one for?"

"That is for you little bum hole"

"Wow, Cool. I know I will enjoy this." Then she went over to the control panel (Which Jeff would operate). There were knobs and dials on it. They were marked Anus, Clit clamp, water, move around, move up and down, move sideways, water hose. She laughted.

"Can we get started?"

"Sure." Jen took down her panties and lifted her up on it. He tied down her hands on the top. Legs on the bottom. Put a strap over her tummie and tied that down.

He did not gag her. The room was lined with that material they use to test planes. Not one sound could get out. Why gag a LG when she is having her organism. That is part of the fun. To hear them moan and groan.

He inserted the love nest dildo into her - about 1/2 inch. Then he went to the clit clamp to snap it on her.It was located just above the dildo.

"What the hell is THAT thing?", she questioned.

"Don't worry," replied Jeff.

"It isn't going to pull my clit off is it?"

"Nope, sweeheart. Its just to pull on it. Would I be so mean as to have you leave here clitless?"

The clit clamp was not flat on the end. It was teeth-like. As Jeff attached it to her clit. She scramed a tad bit. That was to be expected.

He then lifted her up and inserted the anus dildo into her bum hole. About 1".

Then he sat down at the controls. He was able to have a clear view of her love-nest and the control panel at the same time.

"Ok, darling. Are we ready?"

"Yep," She replied. She knew this machine-thing would lead her to a super-dooper Organism. Wait til all the other LG in the apartment building heard about it. She was going to tell everyone.

He began to manipulate the controls. He made the love-nest dildo go fast then slow. Then out. Then deeper. Then move in a circular fasion. Then up and down. Then sidwaways.

He did the same with the bum hole dildo. Sidways. Slow. Very Fast. In. Out. In. Out. Around and Around.

This thing is working just as I planned, though Jeff. From the expression on her face, Jen was enjoying every minute of it.

Then both Dildo' stopped. He hit the "clit clamp" bottom. And BAM ! It yanked her little clit back - 1/4 of an inch. This is now much he figured it could pull on it. Without doing any harm to her and based on the pictures of LG's clit that Mike had given her.

Yank. Yank. Yank. 3 times. Then the dildo's went back to work.

After 15 mintues, Jen began to moan and twist around. "Great. He though." She was ready to have the organism of her life.

Her eyes began to roll and then she screamed, I AM GOING TO COM.... IM CUMMING.... IM CUMMING... JEFF LOOK... IM CUMMING

He turned off the dildo. Little did she know there was a small plastic tube inside. For water.

As she was having the organism of her little 9 y/o live, he hit the "water" Button. There was only one speed. Fast, hehe It hit her hard.

"OMG what was that. Stop, Stop, Please Stop! That hurts!!" Jeff walked over to the side of the table and gave her a kiss on her mouth and a tug on her puffy little hard, nipples.

"Ok you can rest for 15 minutes." He cleaned her up a tad bit with some baby-wipes he bought for the occasion.

He look at the clock on the wall. At 9:20 we will begin "set 2".

"Set 2?"

"Yes. There are 6 sets. It will take about 3-4 hours. He opened the drawer and showed her Dildo #2, #3 up to #6. Each was larger then the prior. The one she just had inside her little nest and bum hole was the 1" diameter one. #6 was the 3" diameter one.

At 10:00 it was all over. She could hardly walk she was so exhausted from the ordeal. But she did have the time of her life. And she would be back for more.

Everyday, thereafter, his phone would ring at about 3:30. School was over at 3:10. Many parents did not get home til 5:00 or so.

They all wanted to come over to see, use his LG Organism machine. Sometimes 2,3 would come. One would be on the table they others would watch. Often their friends would stand and clap with joy at the point their friend came

He even had a little 4 y/o up on it once. He knew she would not have an organism until about 9. But she was such a brat and keep pestering. She went up to the #6 dildo. It was funny. He did not think her love nest and bum hole could take the #6. But it did.

And he was truly grateful to his Pedeatrician friend.

At the time of the completion of the LG Organism Machine. He had hundreds of files of LG and thousands of pictures of their love nests, clits,rectums and puffy little baby nipples.

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I think you need to use spell check a little more often... and take the time to spell out 'little girls', instead of just LG. ;) We're not all relying on iPhones and Androids here...

The reviewing period for this story has ended.