Published: 21-Sep-2011
Word Count:
I hope you all understand that what is depicted in my story is not my own personal beliefs about child pornography and that it is just about fantasy and improving my own writing skills.
And as we often say in the disclaimers: Don't try this at home.
Tina looked nervously at her sister as they walked down the sidewalk.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Mary nodded. "Yeah. I want to know who's been teaching you sex."
"Well," said Tina. "Just remember what I said. You and I could get in a lot of trouble if Mom and Dad found out about this."
They finally reached the alley and the garage that Tina and David had used just a few weeks earlier.
Tina pulled her sister by the hand and they ran to the back door of Jim Phillips' house.
Tina was about to knock on the screen door when Jim opened the door.
"Hi, Tina, how are you today?" Jim asked with a bright smile on his face.
"Hi, Mr. Phillips. This is my sister Mary. The one I told you about. She wanted to come over and see you."
"Well, hello to you, Mary. My name is Jim Phillips. What a pretty girl you are!"
Like all little girls, Mary liked to be told how pretty she is. She looked at her shoes with a shy smile.
"Remember me, Mary? We met a couple of weeks ago when I brought Tina home from Jennifer's birthday party. Did you like the cake Tina brought you?"
"Yeah. It was nice."
"Well, please come in. We'll have some milk and cookies and get to know each other."
Jim quickly glanced around to see whether anyone was watching as he brought the two little girls into his home.
"So, Mary" Jim asked. "How old are you? Do you go to the same school as your sister? Do you like it."
"Yeah" said Mary. "Tina's a grade ahead of me."
The girls nibbled at their cookies as Jim tried to make them comfortable.
After a while, Jim asked "Mary, do you know why Tina brought you over here?"
"Ummmm," Mary said, trying to think of what to say to the friendly adult that wouldn't sound weird.
"Tell Mr. Phillips the truth, Mary" prompted Tina.
"Ah, well, Tina and I have been playing and stuff. And we did some things and I asked Tina where she learned those things and she said it was a secret. And then I got mad. And yesterday, Tina said she wanted me to meet somebody but I had to keep it a secret or Mom and Dad would get mad at us."
"What kind of games were you and Tina playing, Mary?"
Mary blushed. Jim put his hand on the 9 year old's knee and repeated his question.
Mary finally blurted out, "sex games."
Jim smiled and patted Mary's knee. "Did you have fun?"
"I guess but it was strange."
"Do you love your sister, Mary?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Then, you don't have to worry. Nothing's 'strange' when you are having fun with someone you love."
Mary sipped her milk and trembled but she felt some relief inside.
"Now, Mary. I'm going to tell you about me and Tina. But these things are very serious and I want you to listen carefully. My friends and I help little girls like you and Tina learn about sex when their parents and teachers won't talk with them. But Tina and I can get in trouble if certain people find out about what we've been talking about. Do you understand?"
Mary nodded her head, remembering how Tina had said the same things and how worried her big sister was.
"Would you like to learn what I've been teaching Tina?"
"Well then, do you promise that you won't tell anyone...anyone at all about what we do and talk about inside this house?"
"But remember, Mary, your sister and I could get in trouble unless we're sure that you're gonna keep your promise. So, I want you to come with us to my bedroom, where we can all get comfortable and learn more about one another. OK?"
Mary nodded as Jim stood up and took her hand. The two pre-teen girls then walked towards Jim's "bedroom" which was really a fully-equipped video studio as Tina had learned a few weeks ago.
Once inside the room, Jim sat Mary on a chair by the king-sized bed.
Jim pulled out two more chairs and he directed Tina to sit down while he pulled out a video camera and set it on a tripod.
"Mary. Tina and I need to know that you want us to teach you. Remember what your sister said about doing everything I tell you to do. If you want to continue, you're going to have to let me take some pictures of you, answer some questions and do exactly what I tell you to do. OK?"
A little nervously, Mary shook her head and looked at the camera.
"OK now, Mary. I want you to say your name....tell how old you are and say that you want to learn about sex."
Mary said, "My name is Mary West. I'm 9 years old and I want to um, learn about sex."
Tina shivered, remembering that she said those same words.
"Now, Mary. I want you to stand up and turn around." The little girl complied, her school skirt swishing around as she turned around for the camera.
"Now, Mary. I want you to take off your clothes, starting with you shoes and socks."
Mary hesitated, so Jim added, "remember Mary, if you don't do this I'm just going to send you and Tina home."
Mary picked up one foot and then the other. Untied shoes and socks dropped to the floor.
"Now, Mary. Let's take off your shirt and skirt."
Mary removed her clothing....standing in her panties and undershirt and shivering.
Jim leaned over and whispered to Tina "why don't you take off your clothes too and help Mary."
Tina walked towards her sister....a tug on her waist from Jim's hand keeping her out of the camera shot...and took off her own shirt and undershirt.
Mary looked up and was surprised to see her sister. Of course, Mary had seen her sister nude but always in darkness, only lit by the streetlight outside their bedroom window.
"C'mon, Mary," said Tina. "Take off the rest of your clothes."
Seeing how calm Tina was, Mary pulled off her undershirt and, with a little hesitation, skinned out of her panties. She had forgotten all about the man with the video camera.
Jim looked at Tina's slender back and over at Mary. Mary was a little shorter than her sister but had the same facial features. A little baby fat on her tummy but not enough to obscure the little slit and closed labia between her legs. Her nipples were small and pink but they were popping out. Jim hoped it was excitement about what they were doing.
"Ohhhh, Mary. You are such a beautiful girl." Jim sighed. "Now, I want you to turn around so we can see every bit of your beautiful body."
Mary obeyed, slowly turning for the older man and to show off for her sister.
When Mary was facing the wall, Jim told her to stop.
"Now, Mary. I want you to touch your toes so we can see how flexible you are."
"But it'll show my butt," Mary protested. "And it's a beautiful butt" said Jim. "That's why I want to see it."
Mary slowly bent over and touched her toes as Jim told her to hold that pose. Jim looked over at Tina and smiled, noticing the 11 year old year old checking out her sister's slightly chubby bottom and the little brown hole between her cheeks.
"OK, Mary," Jim said. "Look over at us and smile for the camera."
Mary put her hands on her hips as she turned and gave a little smile.
"Now, Mary. I want you to lie down on the bed. Tina says you're a big girl and told me about the games you play but I want to give you a quick examination to see if you're ready to have sex lessons."
Mary laid down, getting comfortable on the pillow and the soft blue bedspread.
Jim moved the tripod, making sure that it would get a good image of the little girl and still keep him out of the shot.
"Mary. I want you to say something to the camera. I want you to say 'I want you to look at me and see what a pretty girl I am."
Mary smiled and said what Mr. Phillips asked her to say.
"Now, Mary. I want to see what you look like between your legs. Grab behind your knees and pull them to your chest."
Mary looked over to her sister and then did as Jim asked.
For Jim Phillips, there is nothing like the first look at a little girl's secret spots. He noticed the moisture on Mary's inner lips as they opened up, and how they were turning a pinker with her excitement.
"Mary. I know that Tina has been teaching you about playing with yourself. I want you to rub yourself so I can see if you are doing it right."
Mary looked again to her sister and Tina told her "c'mon Mary. Ya gotta do it."
So, Mary let go of her legs and began slowly fingering the top of her slit as Tina had taught her last week. She rubbed and rubbed....and that good feeling she loved came back...even though she knew her sister and Mr. Phillips were watching her.
Soon, Mary began puffing short breaths and shook...putting a hand over her mouth so nobody could here her cries. Then, she slumped back on the pillow....forgetting about her audience and just bathing in her orgasm.
Jim looked one last time through the viewfinder of his camera and then kissed Tina on her forehead. This was going so much better than he hoped.
"Tina," he whispered, "take off the rest of your clothes and lie on the bed with Mary."
Tina nodded and pulled down her skirt and panties...quickly kicking off her shoes so she could quickly join her sister.
Tina hopped on the bed and hugged her sister. The little girls spooned and Tina kissed Mary on her neck.
"OK, kids, that was great. You rest a little and then we'll take a look at some movies." Jim moved the camera over to the side and adjusted his groin....hoping that he wouldn't shoot off in his pants before introducing Mary to a man's cum.
Rufus Fugit
Maybe you're not aware that there is a final chapter, published separately from the bulk of the story, that covers more or less the same events you've touched on here - Tina introducing her little sister to Jim Phillips. The file was posted as 'TYO_06' and titled 'Chapter 6 - Mary is taught Tina's Secret'.
And thanks for undertaking this project.
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