Published: 28-Jan-2012
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My seven-year-old daughter had a friend over to stay the night one evening. Her name was Tabitha, and she was a year older than my own. I tell you of this particular girl, because she is the one that set me on a course of sexual exploration that I had never before considered.
She came to our house dressed in a short black mini-skirt with a light blue baby tee that had a large sunflower on the front of it. She also wore black pantyhose and a pair of black slip on heels. Her blond hair was up in pig-tails, and she carried a teddy bear back-pack low on her back.
I guess what caught me so off guard was how much she resembled a woman in a magazine layout that I had seen. It was in a leg show magazine. I had always been into pantyhose, and I can remember masturbating to that particular layout on more than a several occasions. the woman in question was wearing tan pantyhose, but she was dressed as a little girl all the same, with short skirt and baby tee. The pictures had her posing every which way. My favorite was of her lying on her back, propped up against a bean bag. Her knees were up and spread, and she was pulling up her skirt. Her pantyhose didn't have the cotton panel, and the seam was perfectly lined up, running down the middle of her shaved pussy. She had a teddy bear tucked under her other arm, and she was sucking her thumb. Her eyes had a 'do you like my pantyhose, daddy?' look. Indeed I did. I never really gave much conscious thought to why I liked the pictures so much, until I met Tabitha.
Now, I personally wouldn't let my daughter dress the way that Tabitha was, and I guess my initial reaction to Tabitha was the reason why. I checked her out. I actually looked at this little girl as one single thought ran through my mind. It was of that layout that I spoke of, but instead of that woman in tan pantyhose, it was Tabitha in her black pantyhose. I shook my head to push the thought away, but it didn't want to go.
All this took place just a short second after the front doorbell rang. I answered the door and Tabitha stood there with her father, smiling as if she was at the gate to Disneyland. Her father introduced himself to me.
"Ken," he said. "Ken Salver."
I shook his hand, feeling slightly guilty, and then introduced myself to Tabitha. She took my hand lightly and I felt my cock lurch at her touch. That was it, I pushed the image of that insanity out of my mind.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Rand," Tabitha said politely.
"Well," I said. "Aren't you just as polite as can be, but you can call me Bruce." Amy was at my side by this time, and I started to make introductions, but she stopped me.
"Daddy," she said, laughing. "I already know them. Tabitha is staying the night with me, remember?"
"Ok...ok." I smiled and looked back at Tabitha's father. He wasn't looking at me, though. He was looking at Amy. I could swear that this man was checking out my daughter's legs. She was dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a Pokemon t-shirt.
I dismissed the thought. No way. I was just seeing that, because of my short interest in his own daughter.
I stuck my hand out to say good-bye to him, and he took it, looking me in the eye.
"You have a very beautiful daughter," he said. "You should be very proud."
"Thank you," I answered, beaming. "I am proud of her." I looked at Tabitha, not being able to help looking at her from head to toe. Leering is more like it. "You should be very proud yourself."
He turned his gaze to his own daughter for a moment.
"You keep an eye on her," he said. "She can be a handful sometimes, but she ain't too old to have her panties down for a spanking."
I liked the man. He was straight to the point, and not shy about who he was.
"Daddy!" Tabitha whined, blushing.
"Don't you daddy me," he said. "You just do as Mr. Rand says. You got that?"
"Yes, daddy." She bowed her head, but she was smiling.
"Yes." I looked up from Tabitha, realizing that I was looking at her again. She was too busy whispering something to Amy to notice.
"Can I talk to you for a second?"
"Sure thing," I said. "You girls go ahead on in. Amy, see if your mother needs help cleaning up the kitchen before you to go off and get too busy to remember."
"Yes, daddy."
The girls ran into the house, and I turned my attention back to Ken. He was walking back toward his car. I caught up with him when he turned and sat on the hood.
"What can I do for you, Ken?" My heart was beating fast.
I knew that he had caught me looking and had seen something on my face. I put my hands in my pockets and waited for him to start talking.
"I'm a psychiatrist, Bruce. Been at it for eleven years, and I specialize in sexual therapy. I talk with singles and couples about sexual issues that they might have. Hang ups or fears, sometimes even fetishes."
I thought that I was going to faint. He had caught on. I was either blushing, or my face had paled, I wasn't sure which, but he must have noticed.
"Bruce, I want you to know that I am talking to you out of curiosity. I am in no way angry at you. You would have just as much right to be angry at me. Are you angry with me?"
I took a deep breath and shook my head. If what he was getting at is what I thought it was, he was right, but I wasn't angry. He WAS looking at Amy.
"So," I said. "What is it that you...uh..."
My head was reeling. Not only had I been caught looking at an eight-year-old girl in a less than innocent way by her father, but now he wanted to talk about it. Not only that, but he had been looking at my daughter in the same manner.
"As I see it, Bruce. You and I took a cue from each other back there. It was on a subconscious level, but it was there." He cleared his throat. "I am just going to lay it on the line, and you see how comfortable you are talking about it, ok?"
I nodded my head again.
"When I saw Amy, a sexual thought went through my mind."
There it was. He had certainly laid it out for me. I didn't really know what to say.
"Can I also assume that you were looking at my daughter in the same manner?"
I looked at him in his eye, waiting to see if this was some sort of a trap. I could tell that it wasn't.
"Yes, Ken," I said a little shakily. I cleared my own throat. "I was."
He nodded this time. We sat there in silence for a moment. It was a touchy subject. We could just let it go at what we had said and move on, but neither one of us wanted to.
"What would you say to a nice cold beer, Ken?" I smiled at him as I broke the ice.
"And I am supposed to be the professional here, knowing how to handle every situation," he said smiling back. "A beer would be just great."
We walked into the kitchen and I introduced my wife Ellen to Ken. She removed the wet gloves that she was wearing while doing dishes, and they shook. Ken leaned forward to kiss her on the hand.
"Oh, my," Ellen said laughing. Her hand went up and she fanned herself in an exaggerated manner. "How brazen of you, sir."
We all laughed at that.
"Only reserved for the closest of freinds," Ken said. "I believe that your husband and I have hit it off famously."
"Yes," I said, smiling conspiratorily. "I think that we have."
Ellen looked from me to Ken and back again.
"Men," she said. "I will never understand you."
I myself didn't truly understand. I thought our discussion was going to turn toward apologies and explanations of our strange behavior. At the moment, I was beginning to think otherwise.
I can't lie and say that I wasn't a little afraid. Did this man intend to further compound the issue, instead of nipping it in the bud?
I knew that was not the case, but something deep down inside of me wanted it to be.
"Where are the girls?" I asked. "I told Amy to stop in here."
"She did, but I told them to go on and play. I can handle it by myself."
"Well, Ken and I will be out on the patio."
I kissed Ellen on the cheek and led Ken out through the sliding glass doors. We took a seat in two of the chairs at the far end of the patio, so that we were away from the door. Whether it was that subconscious thinking that Ken had mentioned or by sheer happenstance, our chairs faced out toward the yard. Both of our daughters were sitting on the swing inside the wooden gazebo that I had built for Ellen last year. They were talking away, probably about boys or some nonsense. I couldn't make out what they were saying. That was good, that meant that they wouldn't be able to hear what we were saying.
Tabitha looked up and saw us sitting there, and jumped off the swing. She ran over to us, with Amy right behind her.
"What are you doing here, daddy," Tabitha asked."
"Just passing the day with Bruce, honey. You don't mind do you?"
"No way. That's great." She leaned in to kiss her father, and I couldn't help but notice the way that the back of her skirt rode up. It came to just below her ass. I could see the skin of her thighs, and knew that she was definitely wearing pantyhose and not tights.
I pulled my eyes from her, telling myself to stop that foolishness. I turned toward Amy, and was surprised to find that she had changed as well. She must have been jealous of Tabitha being all dressed up. She was wearing a white and yellow checkered sundress, that I had not seen in a long time. I noticed that it was a little short, coming to about mid-thigh. I am sure that it was put away, because she had outgrown it. She was also wearing a pair of tan pantyhose with brown sandals. I could tell that she was wearing a full white slip, but it didn't occur to me why with a sundress. I knew because there right strap was hanging out on her shoulder. It was very sexy.
She was looking at me as she bit her lip. She knew that I was going to say something about the way that she was dressed, but I didn't. I smiled at her and pointed to my cheek. Her eyes got big and she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.
"You look great, princess," I said.
"Thank you, daddy." She whirled around once, and her dress went up, revealing a lot of thigh. I felt my cock move in the same manner that it had when I had touched Tabitha. What the fuck was wrong with me? This was my own daughter.
The girls skipped off back toward the swing, and we watched them go. They sat down with their legs spread, but their skirt or dress fell between their legs, blocking any chance of seeing further. It was that thought, the one that wanted to see further that caused me to turn to Ken. I had to cut this off right now. He beat me to the punch.
"Bruce," he began. "We can do one of two things right now." He took a long drink of his beer before continuing. "We can stop this, right now, and move on. Go our seperate ways and forget this situation ever happened. Or we can embrace it and explore its possiblities.
"Let me explain a few things to you before you give me your answer. First, you felt something when you saw Tabitha. Second, you felt something just now when your daughter was in front of you. I saw the exchange between you two."
"You don't miss a thing, do you?" I asked.
"That is what I get paid for, Bruce. I watch people and the way that they react to certain things. If I didn't have the ability to do that, I wouldn't be a good shrink."
I had to laugh. That was the first time that I had actually heard a psychiatrist refer to themselves that way.
"Both times that I mentioned, Bruce, are perfectly normal situations. You don't have to think of yourself as a monster. Perfectly natural."
"How can you say that?" I asked. "That is my own daughter, and I..."
"You what, Bruce?"
He waited for me, but I turned my beer up and finished it. He handed me his empty and I went back inside to get us a couple more.
"Listen," he said as I handed him the fresh beer. "I will tell you what I tell all the people that I counsel. Think of me as a doctor, because that is what I am. People expose the most intimate parts of their bodies to a doctor without giving it much of a second thought. What I want you to do is feel the same way with me. Expose your most intimate thoughts to me."
This situation was a little different, but he was right. It made it a little easier for me, but I still was a little apprehensive.
"Just say it, Bruce, and the rest will come easier. You continued to let your daughter stay dressed the way she was, because you liked it, and I feel that you have gone out of your way to cover her up before, because you have had feelings before and you want to suppress them."
"Fine," I said softly, giving in. "I...I wondered what it see my daughter's..." I took a deep breath and finished in a rush. "I wondered what it would be like to see my daughter's pantyhose under her dress."
I waited, expecting him to laugh or shout that I was some kind of a pervert. Anything but what he said next.
"Me too."
I giggled then in relief; it came out sounding more like a hiccup then a laugh. Ken smacked me on the back and began laughing himself. I followed up and we laughed so hard that the girls looked up at us, and my wife looked outside to make sure that we were ok. We assured her that we were just fine, and she stuck her head back inside the door.
Once we settled down, Ken continued.
"Didn't that feel good? You spoke it right out loud. You didn't simply say that you wanted to see up her skirt. You came right out and said that you wanted to see her pantyhose."
I could feel myself blushing, but he was right. It did feel good. I wanted to do it again, but didn't.
"I can go on and on about our subconscious minds picking up clues from each other and all kinds of psychiatric jargon. The point is, we are just two men that found ourselves caught up in a moment of fantasy. The fact that we are sitting here now is proof that we want to explore that fantasy. It is a common issue among humans. Some of us need to share our fantasies."
"So what do we do?" I asked. "I mean, where do we go from here?"
"We talk, Bruce. We share. We began to explore the possibilities."
"And if it leans away from fantasy toward reality?"
"I think it already has, don't you?"
The question lingered in the air for a moment. I looked out at the girls swinging, their pantyhosed legs pumping slowly. I'll be damned if I didn't want to be sitting between them, caressing their pantyhosed thighs, and perhaps...more.
I nodded as I opened my beer.
"I think you're right, my friend." I held my beer out to him and he touched his to mine. "To exploration of the mind and body," I said.
"Hear, hear."
We sat there in silence for a bit, just watching the girls. It was hard for me to let go, but the more I tried to fight it, the more I wanted it. I could feel my cock hardening as I watched the girls. A little fantasy ran through my mind.
"What are you thinking right now," Ken asked.
I was shy about it. I wanted to tell him, but I just couldn't.
"I'll tell you what I was thinking," he said. "I was wondering what their little pussies would look like in their pantyhose without any panties."
I was shocked at the way that he talked, but I loved it.
"Pantyhose?" I asked. "Do you have a thing for pantyhose too?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact. I always have. I guess that when I went to school, I leaned toward sexual therapy because of fetishes that I have. I wanted to understand them, and find out how other people reacted to their own. I can't tell you how great it is. I spend all day talking to people about sex. The only drawback is that I don't have anyone that I can talk to about mine. Until I met you, that is."
"I have always liked pantyhose," I said. "I used to try and sneak peeks at my mother and my sisters every chance I got."
"Let me ask you this, Bruce. When was it that you really started making sure that Amy was dressed properly. Can you think of a situation?"
"Yes I can. I was at home with Amy alone, she was six at the time. She walked into the living room wearing nothing but a pair of white tights and blue panties. I found myself looking at her, and I got hot if you know what I mean."
Ken nodded. "Did it get you hard to see her little ass in her tights?"
"Yes," I said smiling. "It did. She walked into the kitchen to get something to drink and walked back into the living room. She asked me when Ellen would be home. I remember looking at her chest. Her nipples were sticking out, and I couldn't get over how clean and hairless she looked.
"It was when I thought about her pussy being just as hairless, and felt my cock getting harder that I told her that she needed to go to her room. That it wasn't right for her to walk around the house like that."
"And ever since then," Ken said. "You have been making sure that she was covered up, because you felt guilty."
"Seeing her isn't the worst part," I continued. "I went to the bathroom and masturbated. It was just so hard, and I couldn't get the picture of her bald little pussy out of my mind."
"I am sure you didn't know this," Ken said. "But I am a single father. Tabitha's mother left us when she was three. It's a long story, but it was the best thing. I haven't heard from the woman in five years.
"I like that Tabitha dresses as a little woman. She is just so damn cute. Lately, though, I find myself looking at her. I have had a lot of relationships since my ex left, but I've never gotten really close to anyone. I am close with Tabitha, and let me tell you something, she loves to wear pantyhose and tights. Mainly its pantyhose. She does wear jeans, but not very often. She just likes to look pretty I guess."
I began to feel a little ashamed of myself. I had hindered Amy for so long because of me. She used to dress like Tabitha. Always wearing skirts and pantyhose. I remembered the look on her face a little bit ago when I didn't say anything about the way that she was dressed.
"What do you do?" I asked. "When you find yourself looking at her? Do you masturbate?"
"It has only been lately that I have really taken notice of her, but yes. She was lying on the floor, on her stomach the other day, wearing a short red skirt with white pantyhose. Her feet were in the air and she was kicking her feet together. Her skirt came up some, revealing most of her thighs. She was watching cartoons and not paying any attention. I got on my knees behind the couch, pulled my shorts and underwear down, and masturbated right there. I imagined getting down on my knees and touching her pantyhose covered legs, and kissing her butt. I wanted so badly to place kisses all over her pantyhose, but I wanted to badly to plant a million of them on her little ass."
I couldn't believe how dirty we were getting. We weren't really looking at each other. We were paying more attention to the girls. They had decided to play frisbee. Each time that they jumped to catch it, I was hoping for the money shot. To catch a glimpse of their pantyhose that had otherwise remained hidden.
"Any suggestions on how we go about it?" Ken asked.
I turned to him, to ask him what he meant, but I already knew. "I don't know, Ken. It is a touchy subject. We can't just go to them and ask them if we can touch their pantyhose or have sexual relations with them."
"What would you say to doing it together. Get them in a situation where the four of us are alone. We can talk to them and slowly ease them into it. I think that I can come up with something. We just need to let them know that we aren't going to hurt them, and that they don't have to do anything that they don't want to do. We want them to enjoy themselves as well. It can't be just all about us."
"Oh, yes," I agreed. "Most definitely."
"I'll tell you what, Bruce. I really have to get going now, but I will think about it. You do the same. We will keep in touch and compare notes, make sure we do it right."
"Ok," I said. "Sounds good."
I walked Ken around the side of the house and out to his car. He stopped when he opened the door.
"You have a good time tonight," he said smiling. "Look at Tabitha all you want, and don't worry about offending me. If all goes well, you'll be seeing more of her than you ever imagined. I'm looking forward to seeing her as well. And Amy. She sure looked good in those tan pantyhose."
"Yeah," I said. "She did didn't she? I liked that she was wearing a slip. Slips feel so good up against a pair of pantyhose."
"Mmmmm... I know what you mean. You don't mind if I think of her when..."
Just then, the girls came around the corner. Tabitha wanted to say goodbye.
"Look at them," I said softly. "They look so good in their pantyhose."
Tabitha held her hands out to her father and he picked her up in a hug. I saw his hand go to her butt, and I envied him. He winked at me, and set the little girl down. He kissed her, reminded her to be a good girl, and got in the car.
The girls ran back around the house, and I went inside. I knew that I could watch them from the bathroom window on the bottom floor, so I went there. It took about two seconds to get my cock in my hand. I beat off as I watched those little girls play frisbee. At one point, Amy fell as she extended herself to catch the frisbee. She was on her hands and knees with her ass pointed toward me. I came as I imagined me on my knees behind her, rubbing my cock all over her pantyhose covered ass.
The phone rang a couple hours later and my wife yelled for me. She said it was Tabitha's father. When I got to the phone, Tabitha was on there. She handed it to me when I walked over. I looked at her ass wiggle and her pantyhosed legs as she sauntered way, taking notice that she had removed her shoes.
"This is Bruce."
"Bruce...Ken. How are things going?"
"Pretty damn good. Your Tabby sure is a sweet little thing."
Ken laughed. "Yes, she is. Anyway, I had an idea. I have a cabin that I like to go to every once in a while. It is on a very nice lake, and I have plenty of room. How would you like to bring your kid up to stay for a weekend?"
"What about the wife?"
"Tell her that it is a daddy daughter bonding thing. I am sure that she wouldn't mind a little time to herself. If she insists on coming, just bring her. We'll just have to think of something else."
"Damn, Ken. That sounds like a great idea. I will bring it up to her tonight and see what she thinks, then I will give you a call tomorrow."
"Great, Bruce. Talk to you then."
I hung up the phone with my mind reeling from all the possiblities. They were endless. I had to decide on how I was going to approach my wife. I didn't want to look guilty while I did it. She always had a way of seeing through me. I just wasn't a very good liar.
I decided to watch a little televsion. The girls were in the living room and were watching some japanimation movie. Something about a Sailor girl. Anyway, I found that quite interesting. The characters all looked like little girls and they all wore short skirts.
No sooned did I sit down, then my wife walked in and told the girls that it was time for bed. I can't tell you that I was a little upset about that. Both of the girls were lying on the floor on their stomachs, watching the televsion. I had a perfect view of their legs.
There was a little complaining from the girls about going to bed, but not much. Ellen told them that they could hang out in Amy's room, because she knew they were going to do that anyway. That settled it. Amy came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and a small hug. I was surprised when Tabby did the same thing.
"Thank you for allowing me to stay with Amy tonight," she said.
"You're welcome, Tabby," I said hugging her back.
Both girls walked out of the room and Ellen turned of the movie and the television. She sat down on the couch with me and picked up a magazine. I figured that this was as good a time as any.
"Hon," I began. "I was just talking to Ken on the phone, and he mentioned that he had a cabin."
"Really?" she asked. "That's nice."
"Well, he was kind of wondering me and..."
"If you and Amy could come up this weekend?"
I was startled, and a little afraid. I had a right to be. Ellen set her magazine back on the table and turned to face me.
"I was on the phone when you were talking to Ken," she said. "And I don't want to see that shocked look on your face, either. I had a right to listen."
I thought that I was going to die. She knew. I didn't know how she knew to listen to the call, but she knew.
"The bathroom," she said. "The window was right over you two, and I went in there to clean up. I didn't mean to overhear, but I did."
I didn't know what to say. I figured that I would just sit there and let her tell me what her course of action would be. I suspected that it was going to be along the lines of leaving me and taking our daughter with her.
Ellen sat there for a moment before she spoke.
"Have you ever touched her, Bruce. Have you ever had sexual relations with our daughter?"
There must have been a guilty look on my face.
"And tell me the truth."
"No," I said.
I resigned myself to the situation. I should never have even begin to think that I would do something like that with my daughter. It may have cost me everything that I held dear. My family.
"I never touched her. I swear it."
"That is a good thing." Ellen got up and left the room. I sighed deeply and looked at the blank television set. She came back a moment later with two beers. She opened them both and handed me one of the bottles. We sat there for a few minutes. Both of us not saying anything as we took small sips from our bottles.
"Well, I guess this was bound to happen," she finally said. "Your little girl is growing up. I know that she is only seven, but she is a female that is around the house all the time."
I didn't know where she was going with this, so I just kept my mouth shut.
"The thing that I guess I am upset about most..." She paused for a moment. "No, I guess 'hurt' would be the proper word here. I am hurt that you didn't come to me about it."
"How could I?" I said. "What was I supposed to say?"
"You could have told me the same thing that you told Ken. You could have said that you wanted to see your daughter's pantyhose under her dress. You could have even told me that there was more to it."
"It isn't like that," I said. "It isn't that I have been thinking about this for a long time. It was Tabitha that set it off. I don't know, Ellen. She woke something inside me. Something that I have been hiding from since your daughter walked out in just her white tights and blue panties. I pushed the feeling away for so long and denied her from even remotely looking sexy. I am such a bastard."
"I know that you have been into pantyhose, Bruce. I have even endulged you in it, and I have come to love them as well. You can't turn off a fetish, just because it may attach itself to a child."
I was stunned. It seemed to me that she was practically giving me permission. I had to know. "So what you are saying here, Ellen, is that you aren't mad at me."
"No, Bruce. I guess that I am not. I wish that you would have come to me with the truth, instead of hiding it from me. If I hadn't heard what was going on, you two would have gone off for the weekend with our daughter under the pretense of engaging in sexual activity."
"Ellen," I said. "I don't know if..."
"I really don't care, Bruce. If something like that is going to happen, I want to know about it. It's just that simple."
I sat there for a moment, and took a large hit from my beer.
"So," I said. "I mean, what should I say to Ken."
"Call him and tell him that we would be delighted to come up for the weekend."
Was she going to allow it?
"Besides," she said, smiling. "I think that I may want to do a little exploring myself. Would you have a problem with that?" I was speechless.
"I'll take that as a yes," she said, laughing.
Ellen and I have talked about a threesome before, but had never really gone to any lengths to make it happen. It looked like this weekend was going to be it,and the possibilities were endless.
We made love that night, and it was animalistic. It was the best bout of love-making that I think we have ever had. Neither of us said anything, but those little girls in pantyhose were running through my mind. I noticed that I couldn't help but hope that they were in Ellens as well. It came to me then that I would love to see Ellen with those girls. I knew it wasn't going to happen, but a man can hope can't he?
I called Ken after we were done and Ellen had dozed off. I thought that he might have been asleep, but he said that he had been too wired for that. He was elated about us coming to the cabin, but was as sceptical as I was about it. Anyway, it was set for the weekend. We would all leave Friday morning for the cabin, and tomorrow was Thursday. That was longer than I wanted to wait.
Tabitha stayed through the day on Thursday, but I didn't get to see much of either of the girls. I had to work most of the day, and they were gone shopping, so the note in the fridge said, by the time that I got home.
That night at dinner, there was not much talk about the shopping, but I couldn't help but notice a conspiratorial tone between the girls. Amy would whisper something into Tabitha's ear then both girls would begin to giggle. Ellen would just smile at me and wink. I didn't know what was going on, but I was sure that something had happened that afternoon that I wasn't supposed to know about. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help but feel as if I was being set up.
I got Ellen alone later that night to talk to her. She was reading a book in the den.
"I'm not real sure about this weekend," I told her as I took a seat across from her.
She looked at me as if she was surprised.
"Well, why not? What has changed your mind?"
"I guess I don't know what is going to happen. I know what it was that Ken and I were thinking, but we hadn't discussed any game plan."
"A game plan for what, Bruce. For the two of you to have sex with your daughters?"
At that point, I was on the verge of just telling her that it was off. We would stay home for the weekend and forget everything about it. I figured that she had changed her mind, besides, I wasn't sure on what she had decided in the first place. She said that she might want to join but that could have just been talk about maybe having a threesome with Ken. I didn't know if it extended to the girls.
"Bruce," she said. "What is it that you want? Do you want me to come right out and say that I give you permission to fool around with your seven-year-old daughter and her eight-year-old friend?"
Yes, that is exactly what I wanted, but I couldn't just say that.
"No, Ellen," I said softly. "I just need to know what is going on."
"Well, until you are ready to tell me what it is that you want, then I guess I have better things to do."
With that, she walked away. We didn't say anything more that night to each other outside of goodnight, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't come right out and ask her like she wanted me too. What if the answer was a slap in the face and a divorce.
Friday morning finally came, and Ellen helped the girls finish packing and got them in the car. It took some doing, because they were so excited about the trip. I wanted to be as excited, but I was still unsure as to what was going to happen. I even walked up to Ellen once and almost told her what it was I wanted, but I backed off.
When Ken pulled up, the two girls bounced around between the two cars parked in the driveway, as Ellen finished packing everything that we would need. It was mainly clothes and games. Ken said that the cabin was fully stocked with food and had a full kitchen.
Ken and I stood off to the side in the yard, having a beer, and watching the girls. Amy was dressed in a very short pair of blue jean cutoffs, and a white baby-tee. While Tabitha was her twin only wearing white cutoffs with a red baby-tee. Both of the girls were wearing pig tails and were bare foot. I guessed that Amy had gotten the shirt from Tabitha, because I wouldn't have allowed her to own such a thing. How stupid I had been.
I told Ken about the conversations that Ellen and I had, and asked him what he thought I should do.
"That is a tough call there, Bruce, but if you want my expert opinion, you should just give Ellen what she wants. It sounds to me like she might be open to a little exploration, but is hurt that you weren't going to tell her about it. She knew what we were planning, but she is still here, right?"
Damn, I knew he was going to say that. I guess that I didn't have any choice. I steeled myself, then pulled Ellen aside.
"Listen," I said. "I am sorry that I didn't come to you with the truth. That was wrong of me. I should have been open and honest back on that day when I first lusted after our daughter. So, I am going to be open and honest with you now." I took a deep breath and rushed on in. "I would like to see Amy in nothing but her pantyhose, and I would like us to be the ones that give her her first sexual experience. Not just for her, but for me as well. And all of it done in a loving manner without making her do something that she doesn't want to do."
I was impressed with myself. I thought that I was going to stammer on and not get out what it is that I wanted to say, but it didn't happen that way. Ellen looked at me for a few tense moments.
"Thank you, Bruce. I appreciate you being honest with me. I don't know how things are going to go this weekend, but I do think that we are going to have one hell of a time."
"Does that mean...?"
"Yes," she said, smiling. "That means that I am willing to join in with the girls, if that is ok with you. I have always wondered what it would be like to be with another girl, and here is my chance to find out."
"What about Ken? Would you be willing to be with him in anyway."
Ellen looked over at Ken, and Ken raised his beer to her. She turned back to me, blushing.
"If it is ok with you, I guess that I wouldn't mind. I just think that we should take things slow and let what happens happen."
I left Ellen and sauntered on over to Ken.
"Well?" he asked. "Did you do it?"
"Yes," I said. "She says that we should take things slow, and just let things happen. A question for you, though?" Ken raised his eyebrows, waiting. "What do you think of Ellen?"
"She's a good looking woman. You are one lucky man."
"Yeah, you could be too."
Ken looked at me and he didn't get it at first. Then his eyes lit up.
"You're kidding me," he said. "You have to be."
"No, Ken. I am not. I don't know if she will go through with it, but there is definitely a possibility."
"I'll be damned. What about you? Would you be ok with it."
I just couldn't resist. "If ever I wouldn't mind a cock in my wife's pussy that wasn't mine, I would want it to be the man whom may allow me to touch the bald pussy of his little girl."
"You got it," he said.
I helped Ellen with the last of the things, and asked her what it was that they went shopping for last night. She would only say that it was just a few things for the trip, and that I would find out before long. I was guessing that it was swimwear and the like, so I didn't push it. I know that she had bought me a new pair, but they weren't shorts. They were a bikini. I had never wore them, but I would give it a try. I did wonder if it was going to be too revealing around the girls, but Ellen asked, "Do you think that is really a concern?"
It seemed to me that Ellen was really getting into it. I began to think that things would turn out just great. We would know soon enough.
The ride was about four hours long, but we played I-Spy and a couple of games to keep the girls busy. I couldn't help but keep looking back into the rear-view mirror as I drove. The girls were just so damn cute.
"Keep your eyes on the road, mister," my wife said. "There will be plenty of oogling later."
We finally made it to the cabin, and it wasn't at all what I expected. For one thing, the place was huge. It had three stories, and I could almost guess Ken's yearly income by looking at it. The fact that it was right on a private lake, was even more staggering. I liked the idea that there were so many trees and the next house was a mile away on either side. Ken said that you could run around naked out there if you wanted to. I had an urge to jump out of my clothes right then, but I didn't.
After we got everything inside, Bruce took us on a tour of the place. It had four bedrooms - all of them upstairs. The living room was on the first floor and it was huge. There was a large fireplace with an actual bear rug lying before it. I walked around it in my stocking feet, Ken insisted no shoes when in the house, and loved the way that my feet sunk into the carpet. The kitchen and library were also on the main floor, with a full bath. There was a full bath for every room upstairs.
Ken showed us the basement, and it was fully furnished. There was a large pool table, a dart board and a few arcade games that he had bought from a local retailer. There was also a bar, but Ken said that it wasn't as stocked as the one upstairs. He suggested that we move up there to relax.
Ken and I chose to have a scotch and Ellen stuck with her normal bloody mary. It was only two o'clock in the afternoon, but what the hell. The girls decided that they wanted to go swimming, but I told Amy that we weren't going to go down to the beach just yet. Ken said that they didn't have to. He hit a button on his remote and the blinds that were covering the back wall slid open. It was all glass led out to a large underground swimming pool. I smiled and told that Amy that it was ok, as long as Ken didn't mind. Ken didn't. He did suggest that we change into our own suits and head outside with our drinks.
I went upstairs to our room and changed into my bikini shorts, and Ellen changed into the new swimsuit that she had bought. It was a pink thong bikini with a top that was a little more revealing than I would normally like, but I didn't say a word. If anything, it turned me on that she was going to show herself off like that. I couldn't hide my erection in my small trunks.
"You better take a towel with you," my wife said, smiling. "You should keep that monster covered, at least for a while. I am sure that it will be acting up a couple of times while we are out there."
I didn't know what that meant until we got outside.
I grabbed two towels from the bathroom and handed one to Ellen, but she didn't wrap it around her like she normally did. Instead, she just carried it out with her. I myself wrapped it around me and told myself to calm down. It helped a little.
When I walked outside, I saw what Ellen meant. The girls were dressed in bikinis much like Ellen was wearing. Amy's bikini was black and Tabitha's was white. It was obvious that the thong was new to them, because they kept playing with it as they ran their fingers underneath to pull the material out and away from their little butts. They would successfully pull it out, but every time they began to walk, it would move back in. They would look at the back of each other as they worked to keep it out. Ellen went over to them and said something. They smiled at her and both of them jumped into the pool.
"What did you say," I asked when she came back to the table.
"I just told them that it was supposed to do that, and to not worry about showing their butts off. They had cute little butts and shouldn't be ashamed of them."
"Good thinking," I said.
I knew what Ellen was trying to do. She was going to bring them in slowly. Once I realized that, I was happy that she was here. Ken and I might have messed things up.
Ken walked out onto the patio in time to see Amy on the diving board. That end of the pool was facing where we were sitting. Amy had her legs slightly spread and was leaning over, getting ready to dive. The site of her bare little butt stopped him in his tracks.
Once she dived, he was able to pull his eyes away and look at us. His face turned a little red, and I couldn't help but notice that he moved his towel in front of his crotch. I was right there with him.
"Come on, Ken," my wife said. "Come have a seat. Your drink is getting watered down."
Ken came over and sat on the other side of Ellen, and neither I nor she missed the short glance he gave to her breasts. I had to see how Ellen would react to it.
I was a little shocked at Ken. He wasn't the cool gator that I took him for. Not in the presence of half naked women anyway.
"Ken," my wife said. "You need to stop being so nervous. We are here to enjoy ourselves. And that means that there is nothing wrong with looking at each other. Ok?"
"Yes," he said, softly. "You are right. And let me say that I find that bikini you are wearing extremely sexy."
"Why thank you," she said, smiling. "I picked it out just for this occasion."
We watched the girls swim for a little while, and I noticed that Ellen couldn't seem to keep her eyes off them either. Ken - on the other hand - went between the girls and my wife's breasts.
I eventually talked the other two into getting into the pool, and the girls wanted to play chicken. I took Amy on my shoulders, and Ken took Tabitha. I loved the feel of my daughters wet legs hanging around my shoulders, and the idea that her little pussy was on my neck. My cock was so hard that it hurt. At one point, I had to reach down and adjust it so that it was standing straight up.
Amy was good at knocking Tabitha off her father's shoulders, but we quickly became bored with it and decided to sit down. Both of us stood in the water by the side, talking for a moment so that we could relax and get out of the pool without our erections causing a scene. Ellen stayed in the pool and played with the girls. She would have one of them step into her laced fingers, and she would through the girl up in the air.
The day wore on toward evening, and Ellen said that it was almost time to eat dinner. She also said that everyone should dress for dinner, and that didn't mean jeans and a t-shirt. Ken and I went up and changed, while the girls were busy in the kitchen. After we were ready, we were told to wait in the living room while the women got ready. We hung out in there and had a couple of drinks while we waited. I was wearing a pair of black cotton dress pants with a black turtleneck and jacket. Ken wore khaki pants with a white shirt and a red tie. I am just not a tie man, myself.
"They sure are taking their time," I said.
"You know how they are."
I smiled. "You know what? I bet they are going to be all dressed up. Maybe they will be wearing pantyhose."
"I didn't think of that," Ken said excitedly. "You think?"
"I don't know, but I know that Ellen is the one that is going to have initiate everything. She has always been a take charge kind of person. Always wants everything to be perfect. She knows that the talk was about pantyhose, so maybe."
"I am glad that she came along," Ken said as he poured himself some more scotch. "I have a feeling that we might have screwed everything all up. I lost sight of that in my excitement. It will be good to have a grown woman here to show that everything is all right."
"I just hope that Ellen hasn't changed her mind," I said glumly.
Ellen finally made her way downstairs, holding the hands of the little girls. Tabitha was on her left and Amy on her right. Both of our mouths fell open when we saw them. It was better than I thought it was going to be. Ellen was dressed in a stunning red evening dress that came down to about mid-thigh; with a strand of pearls about her neck, and sitting prettily against her exposed cleavage. Her hair was pulled up beautifully. She also wore sheer, suntan pantyhose and red pumps. I had never seen the dress or the large red hand bag that she had. I had never seen her look better. It wasn't just the way that she was dressed. She was glowing somehow. There was a natural red blush on her cheeks and I knew that it was happening. She had committed herself.
Tabitha was wearing a short, white sailor suit, with light blue trim. A small sailor hat was perched on her head between her pigtails. She was also wearing light blue, sheer pantyhose and slip on heels - the same color as the blue on her outfit. She was wearing just a dusting of light blue eyeshadow and lip gloss that accentuated her lovely blonde hair. She couldn't have been more perfect.
Amy on the other hand was dressed up like a catholic schoolgirl. She wore a white blouse with a short skirt that was checkered brown and green. She also wore light green, sheer pantyhose and black Mary Janes. Her long brunette hair was put up in pigtails as well, and she wore green eyeshadow with lip gloss.
The girls stood at the end of the stairs and Ken and I looked them up and down. The girls began to giggle and Ken and I both noticed the bulge in our pants. We put our hands in front of us.
"Mommy said that was going to happen," Amy said, giggling.
I was completely emberrassed, but Ellen stepped in.
"Now girls, don't tease your fathers. Let's all go into the dining room and enjoy our dinner."
I loved the fact that Ellen had dressed the little girls up as little girls. I think that it just added to the mix. They were -after all - little girls.
Ken and I sat down and the girls served the dinner. It was chicken with all the trimmings, but none of us could really eat. Ellen kept the conversation going, and I loved her for that. It kept the girls from becoming uneasy and helped us to remain calm; although, the girls seemed to be excited themselves. I remembered what my daughter had said earlier when my erection was so noticeable, and I wondered how much Ellen had told the girls.
After everyone had eaten all they could eat, Ellen suggested that us guys go back into the living room and they would clear the table. Ken made us two more scotch's, and he set about getting the fire going - it was a little chilly inside.
The scotch was starting to get to me and I set my glass down. I didn't want to be drunk, but I didn't mind a little buzz. Just enough to calm me down and take the edge off. Ken had the fire going pretty good and he sat down on the couch next to me.
"What do you think is going to happen," he asked quietly.
"Did you see how they were dressed? I mean...I almost came right there on the spot. And your wife...holy shit, Bruce. She is gorgeous."
"Thanks, Ken," I said, smiling. "She is, isn't she. And yes, I did see the girls. I can't help but think that they are up to something, and I have a feeling that we are going to enjoy what it is."
"To whatever," He said, hoisting his glass.
I picked mine up from the table, hoping that I wasn't wrong, and touched his before finishing it off. That was it for me. No more scotch.
Eventually, the girls came into the living room and we stood up, allowing them to take the couch, while we took the other two chairs that were facing them. All three girls crossed their legs -right over left - and looked at us. We sat there feeling awkward.
"You three ladies look lovely this evening," I said.
"Thank you," they said in unison.
"Yes," Ken said. "Mighty fine."
There was a short pause and then Ellen began to speak.
"I have talked with the two girls and told them a little bit about what it is that we would like to do. Not much, though, because I think it is better to explain things as we go along.
"What I did explain to them is that we wanted to share our love with them in the way that grownups do. They know that it entails using our bodies. Right girls?"
"Right," they said.
"Good, now let's begin. I want you girls to do as I say. Can you do that?"
"Yes, mommy," Amy said. "We know. We're supposed to show off our pantyhose."
We all laughed and I was sure that Ken was cheering inside like I was.
"Yes," Ellen said. "But first things first." She reached into her handbag and pulled out two pair of pantyhose. I don't know if Ken had any idea what it was about, but I sure did.
My fetish ran along the lines of actually wearing pantyhose sometimes when I was making love to my wife, or if I was just lounging our room. It was not something that my daughter knew about, but she was about to.
"Gentlemen," she said. "We have a little something that we would like you to do. We took a vote and it was unanimous. If you want to see our pantyhose, we get to see yours."
Bruce looked at me, and I shrugged as I raised my eyebrows.
"I don't think that we have a choice here," I said. "Besides, it isn't so bad."
I couldn't read the look on Ken's face, but he got up when I did. We walked over and got the pantyhose from my wife and went into the dining room with them. Luckily, there was a door, because I probably would have been a little emberrassed with them watching me.
I started undressing, but Ken just stood there holding his pair of pantyhose.
"What are they trying to do here," he asked. "Surely they don't expect us to walk back in there with pantyhose on."
"Yeah," I said. "I think they do. I have worn them before, Ken, and I can tell you that I thoroughly enjoy it. I can show you how to put them on."
"I can't believe this," he muttered as he started to undress.
I did catch a hint of a smile, though. For me, just the thought of going back in there with pantyhose on made me giddy.
Once we were both undressed to our underwear, Ken reached for his pantyhose on the table.
"Umm, Ken," I said. "I don't think that we are supposed to wear the underwear."
"No underwear," I heard Ellen say. "Come out here in just the pantyhose."
I chuckled at the look on Ken's face, but that didn't stop him from removing his underwear. I followed suit and we stood there for a moment, both of our cocks as hard as a rock. I couldn't help but notice Ken's. It was around the same size as mine, six inches give or take a centimeter, but his stood out, while mine leaned to the left a little. I couldn't help but notice a drop of pre-cum on mine, and used the first two fingers of my right hand to rub it on the head of my cock. Ken turned away while I did it.
"Give it up," I said. "We might be doing a lot of things out there, so you should get used to it."
"You mean with each other?"
"No, but come on. How can you not touch yourself when you look at those girls. If you can't do it in front of me, do you think that you can do that in front of them?"
Ken reached down and grabbed his cock. After pumping it a couple of times, he looked at me. I knew that he was looking for a laugh or something, but I didn't. I just reached for my pantyhose. He stopped what he was doing and got his own. Mine were black and his were white; both of ours were control top pantyhose, but didn't have the cotton crotch. I supposed that Ellen had chosen these to hide our cocks until she was ready for the girls to see them.
I showed Ken how to bunch up one leg and slide it on, demonstrating as I put my own on. Once that was done, we both took a seat and I showed him how to put them on the rest of the way. I had to help him with pulling up all the slack, but eventually we were both set.
"Ok," I said. "We are ready in here."
"Let's see," Ellen said. "We are waiting."
I went out first and blushed when the girls started giggling.
"Daddy's wearing pantyhose," Amy pointed out.
"Yes, dear," Ellen said. "Daddy has worn them before, but you just didn't know it."
She looked toward the door where Ken had yet to come through, and then whispered something to Tabitha.
"Come on, daddy," she said. "I want to see you in your pantyhose."
She covered her mouth and giggled some more after she said it, but Ken came out of the dining room.
We both took a seat in our chairs and Ken followed suit when I crossed my legs.
"There now, how does that feel?" Ellen asked Ken.
"Actually," he answered. "It feels so good. I like the way that it feels on my skin. Very nice. I wonder why you women don't wear them all the time."
"It is a little different when you have to wear them all day, but I still wear them quite oftrn. I guess that I just don't mind as much as most women. Your daughter tells me that she wears them all the time."
"Yes, she does," Ken said, looking at his daughter.
"Ok, now that we all are wearing our pantyhose, I think that we should get started." Ellen put both of her feet on the floor and pulled up the hem of her dress a little bit before re-crossing her legs. The girls did exactly as she did.
"Don't be shy boys," she said. "You can touch your cocks through your pantyhose, but if you make yourself cum, what fun will that be?"
"What's cum, mommy?" Tabitha asked.
Bruce had a questioning look on his face at the word mommy.
"Do you mind," Ellen asked. "She is the one that insisted on it, but if it..."
"No," Bruce said quickly. "That is fine honey. You can call her mommy."
"Ok, daddy."
"You see girls," Ellen said. "Remember how I explained that men's cocks get hard when they get excited?" The girls nodded. "Well, when they get excited enough, and their cocks have been touched enough, they will cum, but I'll explain things as we go along."
"Cock," Amy said, giggling. "That is a naughty word."
"I told the girls upstairs that they were going to hear a lot of naughty words, so don't worry about your language. We want to be able to express ourselves fully, don't we?" Ken and I nodded.
I can't tell you what it was doing to me to hear that word come out of my seven-year-old's mouth. Just her saying that made me reach for my own. I kneaded it genlty through my pantyhose.
"I think that I am going to do things a little different than I thought," Ellen said.
She reached into her handbag and pulled out a little pair of scissors. She had brought her sewing kit and I knew they were from there.
"Come with me girls."
Ellen led the girls over to us, putting Amy in front of me and Tabitha in front of Ken, both on their knees. She got down on her knees next to Amy.
"Go ahead and touch your daddy's cocks in their pantyhose," she said.
Both girls reached out and placed their hands on their daddy's cocks. They gently rubbed them in the their pantyhose.
"Oh, man...this is so cool," Amy said.
"I know, huh?" Tabitha said.
The girls played with the men's cocks for several minutes before Ellen stopped them. The men were sad until she spoke.
"We are going to let these cocks loose.
What do you say girls? Would you like to see your daddy's cocks?"
"I do," Tabitha said.
"Me too," Amy said and clapped her hands excitedly.
Ellen reached forward and pinched the panty of my pantyhose and pulled it away from my cock. She pushed the scissors into my pantyhose about an inch over my balls - right on the seam - then cut downward. The panty pulled away from the seam there and Amy squealed.
"I see it. I can see part of it."
Tabitha couldn't help but walk over on her knees next to Ellen. She wanted to see as well. Ellen then cut across the seam and down the other side. Soon enought there was a hole just big enough so that my cock and balls were comfortably free.
Neither of the girls had seen a cock since they were little, and they were fascinated with it. My cock was leaning to the left on my stomach, because I had to scoot down so that Ellen could open the pantyhose up. When I flexed it, both of the girls jumped and giggled, so I did it again.
"Ok," Ellen said. "Now for the other one." All three of them moved over in front of Ken and Ellen went to work. He flexed it for them a few times as well. "That is enough for now," Ellen said.
She stood up and moved the coffee table so that the floor was free in front of the couch, then sat down. The girls followed suit, and all three sat there with their feet on the floor.
"Why don't you two come over here and get on your knees in front of your daughters. Mommy wants to show you something."
Ken and I got up and did as we were told. I didn't try to hide my cock as I walked over and Ken pulled his hands away from his when he noticed me. The little girls couldn't keep their eyes off of them.
Ellen slipped off her pumps and tossed them away.
"I want you to remove the girls shoes. Ken's task was pretty easy, he grabbed the left ankle of his daughter and slipped the shoe off; then the right. I didn't have much trouble with the buckles of Amy's Mary Janes, but I took my time. Just being this close to her with me wearing nothing but an erection and a pair of pantyhose was heaven.
Once the shoes were off Ellen stood up and unzipped the back of her dress. She pulled it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She then quickly removed her bra. I couldn't help but notice that her pantyhose were sheer to waist and that she wasn't wearing any panties. Another thing that hit me was that she was completely shaven. I liked that.
I looked at Bruce's face, and almost laughed. He was mesmerized by her. She reached down and touched Bruce's cheek with the back of her fingers.
"You like what you see."
"Y...yes," He stammered.
"It gets better." She walked between us and turned around. "Your daughters are waiting gentlemen. Be careful and loving."
I reached down and took Amy's right foot, and lifted it to my face. I pushed my lips against the bottom of her tiny, green pantyhosed foot, and her toes curled.
"That tickles, daddy," she said.
I smiled and heard Tabitha giggling as well. Ken had both of his daughters feet and was going from one to the other, sucking her little toes. That got me going, and soon, we were both licking and sucking our little girls feet.
After a moment, Ellen grabbed the hair on the back of both our heads and pushed us forward. We slowly made our way down the children's pantyhose covered legs, licking and rubbing and lightly biting. As we spread their legs, their skirts opened and we saw the prize: two bald, puffy, little girl pussies hid behind a wall of nylon. I turned and looked to Ellen.
"Don't you want to fuck their feet, gentelmen?" she said smiling. "Don't you want to feel your cock between their little pantyhose covered feet?
I took my daughter's feet and brought them together. I rubbed them slowly before sliding my cock between the soles of her pantyhose covered feet. I held them against my cock and slowly began to fuck her tiny feet. I was in heaven. My little girl took the initiative and began to move her feet up and down the length of my cock without me having to instruct her. She would pull one foot over the tip of my cock and pinch it with her toes before once again fucking me with her peds.
I looked over and Tabitha was fucking her own father's cock with her blue pantyhose covered feet. He was sliding his hands up and down her legs as she fucked him.
"That is enough for a moment," Ellen said.
We didn't want to back off, but we really didn't have a choice. She was in charge.
"Girls," Ellen said. "Do you remember what I showed you upstairs? The way to spread your legs?"
They both nodded. They were a little flushed and I couldn't help but noticed that their breathing was a little heavier too. Both sat forward, reached down and grabbed their legs just under their knees, as Ellen reached out and took both my cock and Ken's in either hand. She began to slowly stroke them as the girls laid back, pulling their knees back so that they touched the back of the couch.
I couldn't believe this was happening. Even when I had tried to imagine what was going to happen out here, this was not what I expected. I looked from Amy to Tabitha and drank in the site of their little asses in pantyhose. It was perfect. I could see their puffy little pussies and their puckered assholes through the light colored material.
"Continue by yourself," Ellen said as she let go of us.
She didn't have to tell me twice. I quickly wet my hand with saliva and began to stroke my cock. I looked at Ellen, and she could read my pleading look easily. "Just for a moment," she said.
Ken didn't know what was going on, but he followed suit when I got down on my knees in front of Amy.
"Hi, baby," I said. "Daddy sure loves the way that you look in your pantyhose. Do you mind if I touch them?"
"No, daddy," she said, smiling.
I reached forward and put my hands on her little butt, and gently rubbed her cheeks. The feel of the nylon on her soft little butt was second only to the feel of them on her little pussy, which I moved to touch next. I gently laid the fingers of my right hand on her pussy and gently rubbed and prodded her puffy lips.
Ken was the first to lean forward and use his mouth. He gently kissed his daughter's little pussy, then gently licked it. I can swear to you that I can still hear the sound of my own tongue as I leaned forward between my own daughters legs. I closed my mouth over her little pussy and slowly kneaded it with my tongue as I sucked. Her pantyhose wouldn't really permit me to put my tongue in her little hole, but that didn't stop me from trying.
"Ok, boys," Ellen said, sooner than I wanted. We backed off as she moved forward with the scissors again. As she went to work on the little girls pantyhose - cutting a hole from asshole to clit - I slowly slid my hand between Ellens legs. I was still on my knees, and right beside her. Ellen slapped my hand away and finished what she was doing.
When the children were exposed, I thought I was going to cum. Their legs were spread wide and I could see the little pussy holes that I wanted to stick my tongue inside.
Once Ellen finished up, she told the girls to stand up and she sat down. She cut the same type of hole in her pantyhose, and spread her legs like the girls did, only she spread her pussy open. Bruce moved in to get a better look and I followed suit. The girls pushed in front of us and looked down at Ellen's pussy.
"Do you like Mommy's pussy," I asked Amy as I pulled her against me and rubbed her chest.
"Yes, daddy," she said. "She's got a bigger hole then I got and a bigger thing up top." She pointed.
"That is called a clit," Ellen said. "That is the part of a girls pussy that really makes her feel good. Especially if you touch it like this." Ellen began to rub her clit slowly as the rest of us watched. "You can also do this." Ellen slid the middle finger of her right hand into her pussy and finger fucked herself slowly while she rubbed her clit with her other hand.
"This is called masturbating," she said. "It is something that girls can do when they want to have sex with themselves, and it feels really nice." She let out a moan and stopped what she was doing. She took a deep breath. "Don't want to go to far," she said, sitting up on the end of the couch.
"Men masturbate a little differently," she said to the girls. "You have seen your daddy's touching their cocks and that is how they masturbate - mostly. The very tip of it is like a clit for a girl. It is what makes them feel good."
Both the children turned and to watch us, and were so close that the heads of our cocks bumped them in the face. Their was pre-cum smeared on both their right cheeks. When they reached up to touch it, Ellen stopped them. "Don't touch it, babys," She said. "Let mommy get it for you."
The little girls turned around and Ellen grabbed them both by the back of the head. She stuck out her tongue and lightly licked Amy's cheek, then Tabitha's. Smiling wide, she brought our mingled cum into her mouth.
"Open your mouth," she said to Amy. "Mommy will show you how big girls kiss. That's it, now stick out your tongue."
Ellen moved her tongue around the child's, and then gently sucked the tip of it before closing her mouth over Amy's. She kissed her daughter for a moment, then pulled away and kissed Tabitha.
"Now it is your turn," She said to them, as she turned them to face each other. Both girls giggled nervously - as they had all along- and stuck out their tongues. We watched as they moved their tongues together, then their lips met. What a site to see your seven-year-old daughter french kissing her eight-year-old friend.
They stopped after a bit, both of them blushing to the point that I thought they were going to break out in hives.
"Now," Ellen said. "Let's try something different." She got up from the couch. "I want you guys to sit down." We sat about a cushion apart, but Ellen told us to move in shoulder to shoulder. I had to get over the idea of my naked body pushed against another man's, but it wasn't too difficult.
Ellen had the girls get between our legs, positioned right in front of our cocks. I looked at my daughters little face as I stroked my cock. I wanted her to touch it so bad, and I was hoping that was what Ellen had in mind.
"What I am going to show you here might seem a little icky, but believe me it can be fun, and men just love it. It is called oral sex."
"I know what you are going to do," Tabitha said. "You are going to put their cock in your mouth, huh?"
"Very good," Ellen said. "Where did you learn that?"
"A girl at school said that she saw her mommy doing it to her daddy."
"Well, I am going to show you how it is done." Ellen moved to the right of Ken and looked at me. I knew that she was asking for final permission, and I gave it to her with a smile.
"You have to be careful, girls. You don't want to bite or use your teeth at all. You can start by simply licking it."
Ellen took Ken's cock in her hand and slowly slid her tongue up the base of it.
"She's actually doing it," Amy said. "Does it taste gross?"
"Uh, uh," Ellen said. "Tabitha, why don't you have a taste."
Tabitha didn't move right away.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, honey," Ken said. "It is all up to you."
"I'm going to do it," Amy said.
She reached forward and grabbed the back of my cock with her fingers - just like Ellen had done to Ken - and ran her tongue up my cock. It was soft and gentle, either. It was like she was licking a lollipop; from the base to the tip. She didn't stop there. She did it a few more times then smiled up at me with a string of saliva going from the head of my cock to her bottom lip.
"Like that, daddy?" she asked. "Am I doing it right."
"Perfect, baby," I moaned. "Oh, so perfect."
She smiled widely and went back at it. Tabitha had apparently decided that she was going to do it too, because when I looked over, she was happily licking Ken's cock. "That isn't bad at all," she said. "Kind of salty."
"That's good girls," Ellen said. "You are getting it. Now is the best part." Ellen took Ken's cock and closed her mouth over it. The girls watched as she did this with fascination. She slowly devoured Ken's cock as he watched her mouth work. "Ok, remember what I said," Ellen said after removing her mouth. "No teeth. Use your lips to cover your teeth, like this." Ellen demonstrated and then went back to Ken's cock for a moment.
"Can I, daddy," Amy said.
"Me too, daddy," Tabitha echoed.
Ellen knelt between Ken and I girls as they closed their mouth over the head of our cocks. Amy gagged a little as she went down.
"Don't try to take in too much just yet," Ellen said. "That will come with practice. Just try to relax your throat and do what you can."
"That's good, baby girl," I said. "You are doing such a good job at sucking daddy's cock."
"Mmmhmmm," Ken agreed. "My girl is such a good little cock sucker."
The language that went with all this was as appealing as their little outfits. I could only begin to imagine all the fun that would come later down the road.
"That's enough for the moment girls," Ellen said. "It's payback time."
We pushed the girls gently away, and I had to laugh as Amy struggled to stay attatched to my cock. She eventually let go with a loud slurp as my cock popped out of her closed lips.
I was really proud of her. I would have expected Tabitha to be the one that jumped right in, but it wasn't. She was taking a cue from Amy and both girls were loving every minute of it.
"What do you think girls? Is it time for payback?" Ellen asked The girls didn't quite know what she meant, but I did. "It feels just as good for a girl to get her pussy licked as for a man to get his cock sucked."
I looked at Ken and we shared a smile, while the girls giggled and said pussy a couple of times. Ellen told the girls that it was time to get out of their clothes, but I didn't know as if I wanted them to. Then I figured that their skirts would just be in the way, besides, it isn't like we couldn't do this again. I hoped.
Once they were in just their pantyhose, Ellen had them lay down on the bear rug. She sat between them facing us.
"What are you two waiting for?"
We both jumped up and got down on the rug between the legs of our respective daughters. As I put my daughter's legs over my shoulders and Ellen laid down and started sucking on the little girls nipples. I looked at the puffy pussy that was just inches from my mouth for a moment. I couldn't believe that this was happening, but then again, I couldn't believe anything that had transpired over the past few days.
I slowly kissed the child's bald pussy lips, then ran my tongue from bottom to top several times on each side, slowly working my way toward the middle. Once there, I gently slid my tongue between her closed lips, and ran it from her pussy hole to her little clit. Next, I put my whole mouth over it and gently sucked as I allowed my tongue to explore inside. I would flick her clit a few times, then I would move it down and wiggle it in her tight hole. Amy squirmed while I did this, and I loved the feel of her pantyhosed thighs sliding across my face.
Ken had Tabitha's pussy spread open and he was going to work on her little clit. I didn't pay much attention to them, because I was a little busy myself. I got up on my knees and took a hold of Amy's ankles, and kissed her little feet again before asking her to grab the ankles. I instructed her to pull her legs back as far as they would go, and she went so far that her knees were actually touching the rug. This gave me a perfect view of her little asshole. I loved the way that her little ass looked in her green pantyhose. Her asshole was perfect, and I couldn't help but lean forward and put my mouth over it. I licked around it in slow circles before slowly pushing the tip of my tongue into her little asshole. I felt her flinch and push my tongue out.
"Just relax, baby girl," I said. "You will like what daddy is doing if you just relax."
I saw that Ellen had moved. Ken was on his knees, leaning forward to lick his daughter's pussy, and Ellen was on her back between his knees. I watched as Ken slowly face fucked my wife, while she played with his balls.
"How you doing over there, Ken." He looked at me with a guilty look, but I just smiled. "She's good isn't she?"
"Damn," he was all he said before putting his head back between his daughter's legs. I put my mouth b ack on Amy's asshole and began to put the tip of my tongue back in her pussy as I rubbed her pantyhose covered butt. That didn't go on for too long before Ellen was pushing me out of the way.
I watched as my wife stuck her tongue out and quickly flicked the tip of her tongue against our daughter's asshole, before sliding it up and inserting it in her pussy. Ellen slowly tongue fucked the little girl, and I moved so that my balls were over Amy's face.
"Lick daddy's balls, baby," I said. "Not hard, just move it around."
I began to masturbate as Amy's little tongue made contact with my balls. Ken was sitting back on his heels between his daughter's legs and was slowly sliding his cock up and down the little girls bald pussy. I wanted to do that, and was upset that I hadn't thought of that earlier, but what could I do. Ellen was to busy going back and forth between our seven-year-old's pussy and asshole with her tongue.
I got a chance when Ellen moved away and positioned Tabitha the same way that Amy was. She then told Ken to fuck her while she went to work on the girls pussy.
"Fuck me good, Ken," she said. "Show me what you can do with that cock. fuck me in my pantyhose."
I knew that Ellen said that for my benefit. She knew that I loved it when she said things like that.
"Fuck," the girls both said.
"That's it, Tabitha," my wife said. "Tell your daddy to fuck mommy."
"Fuck mommy in her pantyhose, Daddy." Tabitha turned her head and looked at Amy and the girls said fuck one more time.
"See," I said to them as I knelt down so that my knees were on either side of Amy's butt. "This is like what fucking is."
I took my cock in my right and put it against Amy's little pussy hole. I didn't push hard, I simply moved it back and forth, showing them the action. "The cock goes inside the pussy," I said.
Amy was smiling at me as I pushed the tip of my cock against her asshole, then spanked it with my cock. Ken was slowly fucking my wife as she was now using her pinky finger to slide into Tabitha's pussy. Why hadn't I thought of that? I needed to get more creative.
I took my left hand and spread Amy's pussy as wide as it would go, then sucked on my right pinky to wet it. My finger slid in easily up to the first knuckle and I slowly moved it in and out, as I used the thumb of my left hand to massage her asshole. Amy reacted to this by closing her eyes and making little moans.
Ellen was so into the fucking that she forgot about Tabitha, so I took it on myself to help the little girl out. I slid her over closer to me and Amy. Then I went to work on her pussy, but she stopped me after a moment.
"Do what you did to Amy?" she said. "Fuck me in my pantyhose."
That just blew my mind. This little eight-year-old girl had asked me to fuck her and I had a mind to do it. I had her grab her ankles, and I slid my hands all over her pantyhose covered legs and ass like I wanted to do ever since I first met her.
I then knelt over her like I did Amy and looked at Ken. He smiled and started fucking Ellen quicker. Now I had gotten my permission. I slowly moved my cock around the child's pussy and asshole for a moment. I then pushed the tip of my cock against her pussy hole and moved it around for a bit. I knew that I could come at any moment, but I held it off. There was something else that I wanted to see.
I had Tabitha put her legs back down and helped Amy on top of her in a sixty-nine position.
"Just do to each other's pussy what you had done to you. Lick it and suck on it. You can even put your tongue in each other's hole if you want."
Ken and Ellen decided to postpone what they were doing to get a better look at the girls. I showed Amy how to spread Tabitha's pussy lips, and pointed out the little girl's clit. Amy went right at it. She licked Tabitha's little clit for all it was worth.
We adults crawled around on the floor, watching the little girls lick each other's pussies. I can't tell you how beautiful of a sight it was to see these two pantyhose clad nymphs licking each other. We all gave them different instructions on what to do. Ellen had them finger fuck each other for a moment, and I noticed that they were able to bury their middle finger into each other. I on the other hand wanted to see them lick each other's asshole, which they both did beautifully. At one point, Amy was doing her best to fit as much or her tongue into Tabitha's asshole as she could.
We allowed the girls to be with themselves for a bit, and Ellen rolled Ken on the floor. She then kenlt over his cock, facing his head and lowered herself down. When she leaned over, I wet my cock and slowly slid it into her asshole.
"That's it," Ellen said. "Fuck me, boys. Fuck my good while I watch these little girls in pantyhose. Hmmmm...mommy loves the way you fuck."
Her words only made me go faster, and I couldn't help but speak up myself.
"You like that, mommy? You like to be fucked by the both of us."
"Yes," she screamed. "Fuck me in my pantyhose."
Ken was slamming into her as fast as I was, and I was a little afraid that we were going to hurt her. She didn't seem to think so, because she kept calling for us to go faster.
Once I felt I was about to cum, I pulled out. I just wasn't done yet. Ken did the same and we pulled the girls apart.
"My turn," Ellen said. She rolled over onto her back and spread her legs wide and pulled her ass up. Ken and I directed the girls to her pussy. Tabitha sat on Ellen's chest and started to lick her pussy, while we had Amy do Ellen's asshole. It was stretched out from the fucking she had just gotten, so Amy was able to slide her tongue in and out rather easily. Ken and I jerked off while we watched this and I didn't know how much more I could take.
I pulled Amy away and put her on her hands and knees, so that her chest was touching the floor and her ass was in the air. With her legs spread wide, I could see her pussy hole. With my left hand, I began to rub her pantyhose covered butt, while I used my right hand to place the tip of my cock against her hole. I began to jerk the shaft of my cock as I pushed forward a little. I wanted to come on her little pussy.
Ken had Tabitha in the same position now and was doing the same thing. Ellen was kneeling between the girls and had a hand for both of them so that she could spread their little butt cheeks.
I didn't mean for it to happen, but I guess that I just got a little excited. I pushed forward with my cock and felt the tip slide into Amy's pussy. She flinched, but didn't yell out. I took this to mean that it was ok.
"I am in," I said. "I am actually fucking my daughter." I moved forward a little and then back. I was only able to work in about a third of my cock, but that was enough. I slowly fucked my seven-year-old.
Ken obviously was not going to be undone, and I heard him yell out when he had his cock inside Tabitha.
"That's it Daddy's. Fuck your little girls in their pantyhose. Fuck them good," Ellen said.
I reached down and gripped both of Amy's pantyhose covered butt cheeks and spread them wide, and Ellen wet both of her middle fingers and inserted the tip of them finger into each of the little girls assholes. I fucked my daughter while I watched my wife finger fuck her asshole. This also gave me a view of my cock with bald, puffy pussy lips wrapped around it.
I couldn't stand it anymore. I pulled my cock from my daughter's tight pussy and Ellen pulled her finger out. She then, once again, spread the girl's butt cheeks. I stroked the shaft of my cock as I pointed it at the little spot right between my daughter's pussy and asshole. It was then that I came, and I made sure that both holes were bathed in it.
Ken was still going and Ellen moved to lick the cum from our daughter, but she quickly moved to Tabitha when Ken came. She didn't miss a drop, and had the girls roll over so that she could kiss them and share with them their daddy's come.
We all lay on the floor with arms and legs entangled and tried to catch our breath. Nobody said a word as we did this, but there were tender kisses and soft moans.
We spent that whole weekend exploring each other and spending a lot of time nude on Ken's private beach, but the exploration didn't stop there. There were many nights when Amy, and sometimes Tabitha and Ken went to bed with us. I will leave some of it to your imagination. The rest I will write in another episode of "The Cabin".
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