Mommy's Pantyhose

[ FFbbg, incest, pedo, ws, spank, oral, anal, pantyhose ]

by Lujan


Published: 24-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
Please, do not read this if it is illegal to do so where you live. Do not read this if you are not at least 18. Do not read this if you are offended by consensual sex between Adults and Children. All others enjoy.

Chapter 1

Ten year old, Benjamin, couldn't wait to get home. He had had an enlightening at school, and wanted to get home and find out if what he heard was true. Benjamin was at that age where he was beginning to notice girls. He wasn't in such a hurry to dismiss them. In fact, it made him feel kind of funny in the pit of his stomach. Today, however, opened up a world of possibilities.

Benjamin attended a private school, and uniforms were required by all students. His uniform consisted of navy blue pants, a white shirt, and a navy blue blazer. There was a crest of the school above the right breast. A black pair of dress shoes and black socks were also required. The girls were required to wear navy blue skirts, a white blouse and pantyhose. They were allowed to wear navy blue, tan or white pantyhose. Black Mary Jane's were their required shoes.

It didn't seem very fair to most of the boys, that the girls got the option to change part of their uniform. It wouldn't do any good to complain, so they just let it be.

Benjamin wasn't ones of those that minded. To be truthful, he had found that he was fascinated with their legs. He loved to look at their pantyhose covered legs that stuck out from under their skirts. The skirts came down to just over the knee; knees that Benjamin would caress with his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to touch one of them. He wanted to feel the soft nylon under his hand. He noticed that at the times he was looking at or fantasizing about their legs, his penis would come to life. It was kind of scarey, but there was no way that he could talk to anybody about it. He thought about telling his mother, but that was really out of the question. Hell, he had to hide it from her on a regular basis.

Jenny, his mother, had taken on a new job at about the time that Benjamin was discovering and cultivating his fetish. Benjamin's father was out of the picture before he was even born. Benjamin had met him once when he was four, but didn't remember it. Jenny just told him that his father wasn't ready to handle the responsibility.

Jenny took night classes at the local college, while she worked first shift at a car factory. When she gratuated, she got a job as a legal secretary, and it required her to be gone all day. It also required that she dress in business attire, and than meant pantyhose. Ah, yes....pantyhose. She wore pantyhose as it was. She often went out dressed in skirts and pantyhose.

What she wore to work was different, and Benjamin noticed it immediately. Her skirts were tighter and shorter than they were before. She had asked Benjamin the first morning what he thought; whether or not it looked ok. She wore a light blue skirt and jacket, with a white blouse. She also wore a pair of tan pantyhose, with black pumps.

Benjamin had the image of her engravened in his mind. The way that the morning light through the kitchen window caught her pantyhose, and gave her legs a slight sparkle. She was ravishing. He was at a loss for words at first, and she took it to meant that it wasn't right. She started to leave to go change clothes, but Benjamin stopped her and did his best to convince her that she looked great. He reminded her that she had looked into what was being worn in business today, and that what she was wearing was appropriate. She had mentioned in passing the way that Benjamin had looked at her legs.

"Is there something wrong with my legs?" she asked. "You can tell me. Are they too fat?"

He told her that they were beautiful and that he was just checking her whole outfit. That was how the two were. She talked to him sometimes as if he were a grownup friend of hers.

Jenny came home one night from work, about six o'clock, and was complaining about how bad her feet hurt. Benjamin was sitting on the couch to her left, and an idea slammed into him immediately.

"I...I could rub 'em for you mommy," he said.

"Yeah? You would do that for me, Benji?" she asked, smiling.

"Sure, why not?" He shrugged and she kicked off her black pumps. She was wearing a simple black skirt and white blouse, with tan pantyhose.

Jenny turned so that she was lying down, and her feet were on the couch. Benjamin knelt down in front of her feet, and looked at them. He was seeing pantyhose up close for the first time. He looked at his mommy's toes, and the soles of her feet. He was enraptured, and he was also scared as hell to touch them. He noticed that his penis was coming to life again, and he didn't want her to know. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew that it was a reaction to his mommy's pantyhosed legs.

"What are you waiting for Bennie," Jenny said laughing lightly. "They won't bite you."

Benjamin looked up at his mothers face. She was 35 and quite pretty. She had long blond that she usually wore down, and it cascaded beautifully over her shoulders. Her breasts were not largish, but commanded attention. Her legs were fabulous. She was quite active, so they stayed shapely. The fact that she was 5'9", and her legs were most of it, helped. All in all, though, it was obvious that she was a mother. She just had that quality that is hard to hide.

Benjamin smiled foolishly, and reached for her left foot. The problem that he had now, was that he didn't know what he was supposed to do. It wasn't like he had done this before.

"Like this, Ben Ben," she said. Her hands were out in front of her, and she was mocking rubbing a foot.

"Use your thumbs. Push up like this."

Benjamin followed her instructions, and got immediate results in the form of a moan from his mother. He worked that foot a little bit, and switched to the right. Jenny cut in with other requests. Soon, Benjamin was moving deftly through a regimen of techniques. He would revolve his mommy's pantyhosed foot, to loosen the ankle. He would push and pull her toes, foward and back, to stretch things out. Then he would go back to using his thumbs.

Benjamin could feel his penis full and erect now. He was lucky that he was wearing a long t-shirt, or his mommy might have caught on. He began to pull up on each of her toes, noticing that the pantyhose pulled away a little bit. He would feel the nylon between his fingers, before letting go and moving on to the next toe.

He wanted this to go on forever, but it didn't. Just as he realized that moving her feet a certain way would allow him to see up her skirt to her inner thighs, Jenny sat up.

"Thanks alot, Benaroo," she said as she stood. "You are a natural." She bent over and kissed him on the top of his head. "I'm going to take a shower, and then I'll get us some dinner."

She walked away leaving Benjamin excited and confused. Excited at what had been happening; confused as to why his penis was throbbing and aching. He sat and watched television until it finally went down. The thing that was bothering him worse about his penis, was that it would act up at the weirdest times. He would just be sitting in class, studying, and his penis would begin to grow.

Well, life went on. The foot rubs became a nightly thing, pretty much. Except for those times that she wasn't wearing pantyhose. Sometimes she would go right up and change when she got home, other times she would crash out on the couch. It was these times that Benjamin would offer his services. It wasn't like the first night though. Now, he would usually sit on the floor with his back to the couch. His mother would be sitting on the couch behind him, and she would put her legs over his shoulders. Her feet would dangle down in front of him. He loved this, because she wouldn't be able to see him examining them so closely. But he wanted more. He wanted to see up her skirt. He wanted to touch something more than her feet. He longed to run his hands up and down her thighs. In his mind, he would touch her. He would touch her feet and then move up. He would caress her calf and lower leg, before moving up to touch her knee. He would imagine reaching behind her knee and gently touching that soft place. He would move up to his mommy's pantyhosed thighs. He would rub and caress them, sometimes slipping his fingers under the hem of her skirt. Eventually he would move to her inner thighs. His hands would actually go under her skirt, but not too high. That was all that he could imagine. He knew barely anything about sex, but he knew there was something up there. Something that was forbidden, and he wanted nothing more than to find out what it was. He knew that men and women were different, but not really how.

He was over to a friends house one time, and saw his friends three year old sister come out of the bathroom with no clothes on. His eyes went immediately to her crotch. Her little pussy was completely hairless, and puffy. He only got a quick glance before her mother was sweeping her up off the floor.

"You shouldn't be out here, you naughty girl. People can see your puddy."

With that, she took the naked little girl into the bathroom. Benjamin assumed that puddy was the name for her private area. That was the only time that he had ever seen a pussy before. All he knew was that he had a penis. He knew there had to be something, because his mother made him turn his head any time that a naked woman came on t.v. Or if there was any sex about to be acted out.

These things all took place within the last few months. It wasn't until today that he got his first real clue to the puzzle. He had English at the end of the day. His teacher Ms. Adele was a pure knockout. She was in her early twenties, and had huge breasts. She always wore her hair up in a bun, and wore a pair of wire rimmed glasses. She was the perfect subject for a school boy fantasy.

She had chosen to wear a dark brown skirt with a beige blouse. Her pumps were the same color as her skirt, and her pantyhose were tan. She was sitting on the end of her desk with her legs crossed -left over right. Benjamin was sitting to her right, and was thankful that she had chosen to cross her legs the way she did. It put the top leg right out in front. He began to feel his penis move, as he looked at her. He wanted so bad to go up there and touch that leg. He was just imaging her slipping of her shoes for him, so that he could give her one of his famous massages, when she spoke to him. He didn't hear her at first.

"Mr. Caswell? Hello? Benjamin."

"Uh, yes...Ms. Adele."

The other kids in the class tittered as he fumbled out his words.

"Good, I am glad that you could join us. I would like for you to come up here and list as many 'being verbs' as you can on the board. Oh, nooooo! He began to scream this over and over in his mind. There was no way that he would be able to get up out of his chair. Everyone would see that his penis had grown. They would all laugh at him. Ms. Adele would see it and she would know that it was because he was looking at her. She would be really mad, and tell his mother.

"I...I...can't. I mean...I haven't really studied them."

He could barely speak. He felt like all eyes were on him, and that they all knew the real reason.

Ms. Adele smiled at him. "Ok, then. You just sit there and relax for a moment. I am sure that they will come back to you."

She moved on to another student, and Benjamin wasn't sure if he should be thankful. Ms. Adele had smiled in a way that made Benjamin think she knew exactly what was going on. Why had she told him to relax? Maybe, she just thought that he wasn't feeling well, or that something was on his mind. Benjamin thought a lot of things as he waited for the bell to ring. Waited to see if she was going to keep him after, so they could have a conference with his mother.

Benjamin couldn't keep his eyes off her legs, though. No matter how he tried. She would get up to write something on the blackboard, or just walk around the room. Then she would sit and cross her legs again.

Eventually the bell rang. Benjamin was finally able to get up without worrying. He grabbed his books and headed for the door.


Benjamin's heart jumped into his throat at the sound of his name. He turned to face Ms. Adele, who was still sitting on the end of the desk. "Yes, Ms. Adele?" he asked quietly.

"You dropped your pencil, Ben." She pointed to the floor in front of her. Ben calmed immediately and smiled. He came over and bent at the knee to grab the pencil. He looked up and realized that her legs were just inches from his nose. He thought he was going to faint. He could see the weave of the material on her leg. He had a sudden urge to kiss her leg, when Ms. Adele moved. He heard the sound of her pantyhosed legs rubbing together as she uncrossed her legs slowly. He was able to see a lot of thigh under her skirt as she did this.

Benjamin jumped up as she put both feet on the floor. He looked at Ms. Adele, and was afraid that he had gone too far this time.

"Mr. Caswell, I think that you have seen enough of my... classroom, today. Go home."

She smiled as she said this, or Benjamin would have run out of the room. He shyly smiled back and walked away. He moved quickly when he hit the hallway. His penis was on the move again, and he didn't want to get caught like this. The hallway was mostly empty, anyway. He held his books in front of his crotch, as he made his way to the boy's room.

Once inside, he set his books on the sink, and looked into the mirror. His face was flushed. " She had to know," he said to his reflection. "She just had too. Why did she uncross her legs like that then? She had to know that I would be able to see up her skirt. Did she do it so I 'could' see?"

Benjamin knew that most likely, she wasn't thinking about it. But he couldn't help it. It was the way that she spoke, and smiled. She knew what he was doing.

Benjamin heard the door to the bathroom start to open, and the voices of two boys. He hid in one of the stalls, as they walked in. He stood up on the toilet, so as to not be seen. His paranoia was brought on by his situation.

He heard the boys talking and immediately knew who they were. One was his own cousin, Derek. The other boy was John Kubric. Both were 6th graders, but were cool with Benjamin, even though he was only in 5th. Benjamin started slowly getting down from the toilet, and the two other boys were close enough so that he could make out their conversation.

"So, what do you say? My house?" John asked. "The fort in the woods maybe?"

"Yeah," Derek said laughing. "You said your house last time too. What are we going to do? Beat off on your living room floor? And no, John, your mother will not join in. Although, that would be totally awesome."

"Well, you got a good looking mom, yourself," John added.

"True. Hey, my aunt is pretty hot, too. Man, would I love to see her naked."

Benjamin still had his foot on the toilet when Derek said that. He started to slip, and almost put his foot in the toilet. He couldn't believe what his cousin just said. Benjamin decided to stay where he was for the moment. He wanted to hear what else they would say.

"I walked in on my mom in the bathroom last night," John said. "She was supposed to be taking a bath, and I waited outside the door until I heard the water moving. Then I just walked in like I was going to use the bathroom. Would you believe that she was wrapped in a towel. She must have been checking to see if the water was too hot. She screamed at me to get out, and locked the door."

"That sucks," Derek said laughing. "I wouldn't try that again if I were you. Odds are she is going to be locking the door from now on."

"Yeah, she said that I knew better than to enter without knocking when the door was closed."

"Hey, I thought that we should do something different this time. Instead of everybody putting in money or something. I thought that everybody should bring a piece of their mother's underwear."

"Great idea," John yelled. "But how are we going to get away with that? I mean, they would know if something was missing."

"I guess everybody will have to just work it out. I am going to bring a pair of my mom's pantyhose. She has tons of those. She won't miss just one pair. She wears pantyhose all the time, and will just think that they got a run or something, and threw them out."

"Ok, I am sure that everyone can work it out. I will bring pantyhose too. I can't wait to get a hold of your mom's pantyhose, Derek."

"Yeah, right. I am going to win this time. I got a new technique that is going to smoke you guys. I can cum real quick."

"Well, you better be able to," John added. "Steve won the past two 'circle jerks'."

Benjamin couldn't believe what he was hearing. What were they talking about, and what did pantyhose have to do with it? And what is a circle jerk?

Benjamin lost his footing, as those questions raced through his mind. He fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"What was that?" John asked.

"Someone's in here," Derek said looking under the stalls. He moved to the last one and knocked. "Open up, Ben. I know you are in there. I saw you."

What could he do? Benjamin stood up and unlocked the door. Derek opened it up.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "You shouldn't spy on people like that. Did you hear what we were talking about."

Benjamin nodded his head, and walked out of the stall. "Don't worry, Derek," he said. "I won't tell anyone what you guys were saying. You know I won't."

"You better not, or I will kick your ass."

Derek moved closer to Benjamin and hit him on the shoulder. It wasn't hard, and Derek was smiling.

Derek had just recently come back to live with his mother two weeks ago. He had been living with his father for almost two years after the divorce.

Benjamin was glad that he was back. They spent a lot of time together before he left, but hadn't had much time to get together after he left. He was sure that they were going to have a lot more fun, now that he knew his cousin loved pantyhose as much as he did.

"So, what were you guys talking about anyway?" he asked shyly.

"What do you mean?" Derek asked. "You just said that you heard us talking."

"I mean..." Benjamin stopped.

He knew that they were talking about something naughty. He didn't want them to laugh at him, because he didn't know what it was all about. "Nothing. Forget it."

Benjamin started to walk away and John stopped him with a hand on his chest. "Wait a sec, Ben. You don't know do you?"

Derek looked at John questioningly.

"Ben here doesn't know what a circle jerk is," John said, answering Derek's look. "I would go so far as to say that he doesn't know what beating off is, period. Do you, Ben?"

Benjamin stood there with his head down, saying nothing.

"That true, Ben?" Derek asked. "You really don't know."

Ben nodded his head, and John started to laugh. It was a cold stare from Derek that caused John to hold it in.

"Why don't you go on ahead, John. I will catch up with you later." John started to walk away. "And John," he added. "Don't say anything to anyone about this if you know what's good for you."

John nodded and then left. He knew better than to mess with Derek. Derek might have been only eleven, but he was bigger than most. He also took karate lessons for four years. None of the kids messed with him.

Ben looked up at Derek when John was gone. Derek smiled at him, and told him to get his books. They went outside and sat on the school steps for a bit, so that Derek could fill him in.

"See, Ben," he started. "It's like this. Beating off is something that guys do when their cocks gets hard. And don't tell me that hasn't happened to you." Benjamin smiled and flushed. "Yeah, thought so. Anyway, if you play with it when it gets hard, it feels really good. You will have to figure it out, but I think you will get the hang of it pretty quick. Eventually, you will cum and sperm will come out the end of it. Don't worry about it either. It is perfectly natural, and it feels great. Sperm is the stuff that baby's are made from. I don't have time to tell you everything, but at least you know what it is.

"Now, as far as a circle jerk goes...that is something that you do with other guys. We all put something of ours together. Then we all beat off at the same time. The first person to cum wins, and gets all the stuff."

Benjamin's mind was racing with the information that he just received. Beating off. Circle jerk.

"So, what about the pantyhose. What are you guys going to do with them if you win?"

"Whatever we want to. I for one plan to put them on. I like the way that they feel. It gets me hard, and I play with myself. But if you ever tell anyone I said that..."

Derek didn't have to finish the sentence.

"I bet they feel great," Benjamin said. "I like the way that pantyhose feel on my mom."

"What? You feel your mom?"

"Yeah, I give her foot rubs all the time."

"Damn, why didn't I think of that?" Derek stood up and stretched. "Anyway, I have to get going. I would invite you to come with me, but you don't know what you are doing yet. Maybe some other time. I will talk to you tomorrow, though. Hey, maybe I could stay over this weekend, and we can talk about stuff."

"Yeah," Benjamin said. "I will ask my mom when she gets home tonight."

"Cool. See ya later, cuz."

Benjamin made it home finally. He ran up to his room, and quickly changed into a pair of red shorts and a white t-shirt. His mother wouldn't be home for at least two hours.

Benjamin sat on the bed for a minute. How was he going to do this? He wasn't allowed in his mother's room. The last time that he had gone in there, he had gotten his butt beat.

He started thinking about all that Derek had told him, though. And he couldn't help but think about Ms. Adele. He had to do it. He left his room and headed to his mother's room. Once outside the door, he stood there, and steeled himself.

"Come on, Benji," he said to himself. "You can do this. Just open the door and walk in. She won't be home for a while."

Benjamin reached out and grabbed the door handle. The metal was cold on his palm. He turned the knob and pushed the door open. He stood outside for a second, and took it all in. The sun was shining through the window and shone on the bed. Thousands of dust motes pranced about in the beam. Her large dresser, with five drawers, was to the right. It sat against the wall, facing the foot of her large bed. The bed was a four post bed, with a white canopy. The posts were a dark wood, and looked strong enough to withstand anything.

He stepped into the room and gently closed the door behind him. When he turned around, he stepped back so that his back was against the door. For some reason, he got a woozy feeling, and felt as if his legs might give out. He didn't know if it was because of what he was about to do or what? He couldn't help but feel that it was the room itself. It was mommy's room, and it was a forbidden place. Sure, he had been in there plenty of times. That is where all spankings took place, and she had called him in there on many occasions - to bring her something or just to talk.

Now was different. He was in here alone. He was about to go through her things. He was about to feel her pantyhose on his skin. Not from the outside this time, but from the inside. He was going to wear them. He didn't know why the thought didn't occur to him before. It really didn't matter. Now was the time.

The euphoric feeling passed soon enough, and Benjamin walked over to her dresser. He surveyed the drawers. Which one would hold what he was looking for? Which one sheltered the ultimate prize? Mommy's pantyhose.

He started with the bottom drawer, sliding it open slowly. Inside was several photo albums. Benjamin wasn't interested in looking at pictures of himself as a baby. The next drawer held several pairs of jeans. The third one up was filled with t-shirts, but the fourth drawer...

Empty? He pulled it out a little more, and saw something at the back. It appeared to be a polaroid, the back facing him. He picked it up and saw some writing along one side. It said: Bennie age 4. He turned it over and had to sit down.

It was a picture of him in a pair of tan pantyhose. They were extremely large on him, and he was pulling the waistband up to his neck with one hand, while trying to hold a rather large wicker sun-hat on his head, with his other hand.

Benjamin looked at the feet of the pantyhose that were bunched up on the floor in front of him, wondering even now how big her pantyhose would be on him. Benjamin could see his mother's dresser behind him in the photo. There was a chair pulled up to it, and the top drawer was open. There was another pair of pantyhose hanging out of the drawer, as well as, a few pairs of panties.

His crotch in the picture caught his eye, and he could just make out that he was naked inside her pantyhose. It was then that the memory came to him in flashes.

Opening her drawer. His mother laughing and clapping her hands. The flash of a camera. A kiss. A hug. Her hand...

There was something else. Her hand... Had she touched him? Had she fondled his little penis through her pantyhose? Why was that image so prevelent? It was six years ago; he was only four. The memory was of her taking his cock into her hand, balls and all, and gently rubbing, but for only a moment. Then she took her pantyhose off of him. She ushered him out of her room, and into his own, where she dressed him in his own clothes.

Chapter 2

It had to be his imagination. It just had to be. Maybe that was just part of her undressing him. He finally convinced himself of that, and chalked it up to all that had happened today.

He had imagined that Ms. Adele had purposely allowed him to see part way up her skirt. He had heard a conversation in the bathroom, where his cousin was talking about wanting to see his own mother, and Benji's, naked. He had learned about a masturbatory game, where boys race to cum, the victor claiming their mommy's pantyhose. Now he was in his own mommy's room, about to put her pantyhose on, and intended to play his own game: solitaire.

It was just too much. He thought for a second about just putting the picture back, closing the drawers, and walking away. He didn't. He couldn't turn back now.

Benjamin set the picture on the bed next to him, and got up. He grabbed the chair from in front of the vanity, and brought it over to the dresser. Once he was on the chair, he slowly opened the top drawer. Finally, lingerie. He looked down at all the silk and lace. He got a slight touch of that euphoric feeling from earlier as he reached into the drawer.

It was beyond the feeling of touching something that was so soft, it was mommy. It was the woman that he loved, and the closest to him, so it was her that was his main interest. It was her who raised him without a father. It was her that he had seen in a bikini. It was her that he hugs and gets kisses from. It was her that really turned him on.

He picked up a pair of white nylon panties, and held them up in front of him. His cock began to harden. It had to be wrong for his private area to react to her panties. Not only that, but at just the thought of his mothers body. He didn't care.

There was so much more. It was more than a leg thing, now. He picked up a red lacy bra, and held it out in front of him. He imagined her dressed up for work, and concentrated on her tits. Yes, there was more to her than just her legs. He wanted to see all of her.

He reached down and gently pushed on his thing, through his shorts, and instintively flexed. What had Derek called it? A cock. That was it. He hadn't heard that word before, but he knew it was bad.

"Cock," he said softly, barely above a whisper. "Cock...cock." He said it a little louder. "This is my cock."

The last time was right out loud, and he listened for the sound of footsteps. Nothing.

"What are you worried about, Benny? Mommy won't be home for awhile yet."

He pushed on his cock again and it pushed back. He had never felt anything like that, and wanted more. He stopped himself.

"Not yet," he whispered.

He began to search through her drawer, picking up a pair of panties or a slip here and there, and exam them. He would rub them on his face or smell them; the subtle scent of softener on them.

He was sure that he had looked over the whole drawer, but he didn't see any pantyhose. He looked again. Nothing. He finally begin to pull everything out of the drawer, one by one. Nothing.

She must have been wearing her last pair today. He was disappointed. Sure, there were plenty of other articles of clothing, but they weren't pantyhose.

Something caught Benjamin out of the corner of his eye. He turned to his right, and saw into her bathroom. Her hamper was in there.

Benjamin jumped off the chair as he hoped against hope that he wouldn't be dissapointed. He went into the bathroom and opened the hamper. It was almost full, and he began to pull the clothes out. He didn't stop for anything until he got to the bottom, or found pantyhose. He reached the bottom. No pantyhose.

Benjamin found himself getting angry. Why couldn't she have bought more, he thought. Why did she have to be wearing....?

Benjamin noticed something on the floor, next to the tub. He walked over and reached down. As he lifted a skirt, the leg of a pair of pantyhose fell out. He actually jumped for joy. The pantyhose were inside the skirt that she was wearing yesterday. That meant that she had been wearing those pantyhose yesterday, and Benjamin thought that was just perfect. All together, he found a white, half-slip, a tan pair of full support pantyhose (with white cotton crotch), and blue nylon panties. The panties were inside the pantyhose.

He grabbed the matching blue bra, and carried the clothes over to her bed. After laying them out on the bed, he removed his shirt.

It was at exactly the same moment that Benjamin was getting undressed, that his cousin and John Kubric were in the woods. It was the woods that faced Jenny's window. It was also the same woods that held their fort. The people that owned the place before Jenny and Benjamin, had built it. Benjamin and Derek had played out there a lot, but Benjamin had been out there once since Derek left with his father.

Derek noticed Benjamin's home out past the treeline. It sat across an open field.

"Hey," Derek said. "Let me see those binoculars, will ya?"

John handed them over, and Derek brought them to his face. He knew that was the window of his aunt's room. He was hoping to catch her naked. She wasn't there, but Benjamin was. He almost dropped them and walked off, but stayed with it. He wanted to know what Benjamin was up to.

Benjamin looked up at the window, across the other side of the bed. He wondered for a moment if he shouldn't close the blind, but he figured there wouldn't be anyone out there. Besides, it would be too closed up.

He stripped out of his shorts, and looked down at his hairless cock. It stuck out away from him. It was a healthy three and a half inches when it was erect, and thicker than most boys his age.

He then picked up her pantyhose. He held them out for a second, and then rubbed them on his face. What was this? He held them close to his nose and sniffed. His head filled with an aroma that was intoxicating. It was her.

He pulled her panties out, and moved between sniffing them, and her pantyhose. It was a smell that he immediately fell in love with, but time was wasting. There was more to do. He moved to the end of the bed and sat down. Holding the waist of his mommy's pantyhose, he slid his right foot in. He had to really work at getting it in. He wasn't schooled on the proper way of putting them on. Soon enough, his toes met the end, though. He then worked on his left foot.

Benjamin was breathing heavy, and he felt as if his cock was going to explode. He pulled the waist up to just over his knees, and held his feet out in front of him. He wiggled his toes, and smiled at the feeling of it.

After a moment, he put his feet down, and spread his knees. It was time. Benjamin took his cock in his hand, and began to move it around. He closed his eyes, as his body shivered with sexual excitement. He remembered that Derek told him to move it up and down. So he grabbed his cock with his right hand, and began move it up and down. Only, not in the right direction. He succeeded only in waving it.

He wanted to experiment more, but he wanted to have mommy's pantyhose all the way up. He stood up and pulled the waist all the way up. He couldn't resist rubbing his cock through the pantyhose.

Benjamin didn't hear her come in the house. He didn't hear the door open. What he did hear was a gasp coming from his right. He looked and saw his mommy standing just inside the door. Her left hand was still on the knob; her righ hand was in front of her mouth. Benjamin felt his heart stop. His head began to thud, and he felt tears come to his eyes.

Jenny walked in with her hand still over her mouth, and looked about the room. She saw the chair pulled up to the dresser. All the drawers were open, and most of her lingerie was either on top of the dresser or on the floor. Her clothes were all over the floor of the bathroom as well.

Then she looked to Benjamin. Her son was in her bedroom, naked except for a pair of her pantyhose. He had just gotten them past his waist when she walked in. Was he touching himself? Jenny could swear that he was.

Neither of them could speak. Jenny was looking out the window, and Benjamin was looking to her. He began to softly cry. Jenny walked over to the window and shut the blind. Then she walked over to the bed, and sat to the left of Benjamin. She pulled him quickly over her lap, and began to spank him. Her swats were hard and quick. Benjamin began to cry harder as the stinging blows struck him on his pantyhose covered ass, legs and upper thighs. He thought it was the most ferocious spanking he had ever received, and it was not only at his ass that she spanked. It was as if she was attacking the pantyhose.

"No,," he cried. P...Please. I'm sooorry!"

As quickly as it came, the spanking stopped. Jenny had seen the picture that was lying on the bed to her left. That was what caused her hand to freeze in mid-strike. She spanked him a few more times anyway, furious that he had gone through her drawers. Something grabbed a hold of her, and she stopped.

She picked it up, with Benjamin still lying over her lap. She felt her own tears at the sight of the picture. She lifted Benjamin off her, and held the picture in her lap. She looked it as Benjamin whimpered softly, standing in front of her.

She finally looked up at Benjamin, as both of them cried softly. "I knew this day would come," Jenny said softly. "I had no doubt in my mind." She looked at the picture again. "You were always attracted to my legs. When you were younger, you would come up and hug my legs all the time. I couldn't get you to stop. You would sit at my legs when I was brushing my hair, or getting ready. I would sit at the vanity, and you would hold onto my legs, with your chubby little hands, and rub your hands on my pantyhose.

"I could give you a pair of my pantyhose, and you would play with them for hours. It was what I used to keep you occupied, when I was really busy. Nothing else ever worked as well."

"Then one day, when you were four - this day," she said, holding up the picture. "I found you in my room dressed like this. It was the cutest thing that I ever saw. I had to have a picture."

She grabbed Benjamin by his arms, and pulled him closer to her.

"You remember, don't you?" she asked. Benjamin nodded his and she nodded with him. "I thought that you would." She looked into his blue eyes. "I don't know what came over me Benny. I was on my knees in front of you, and I gave you a hug. Then I looked down. I saw your...your penis. It was hard, and I just did it. I touched it at first, because it looked different, but then I noticed that it was hard. I don't know what possessed me to do it. I really don't. Can you ever forgive mommy, Benny?"

Benjamin nodded again. There wasn't really much to forgive. He wasn't upset by what she had done.

Jenny was looking down at her hands as Benjamin realized that most of his thighs were between her knees. He had moved a bit, and heard the sound of her pantyhose rub against the ones that he was wearing.

He looked at her legs, her thighs were mostly uncovered. Her skirt had ridden up because of the spanking. Jenny was supposed to have coffee with a girlfriend, so had changed at work. She was wearing a red flowing skirt, that came to the top of her knees, and a black blouse. She was also wearing black pantyhose this time, with black pumps. Her plans got canceled, and she left work early. That is why she was home.

Benjamin's eyes lingered on her legs for a moment, before he really payed any attention to how he was dressed. Why hadn't she told him to get out of her pantyhose? She was just sitting there.

He had to say something.

"It's all right, mommy. I really didn't mind."

Jenny looked up at him, and Benjamin wondered what made him say that. Didn't mind?

Jenny smiled at him and reached to hug him. That brought him between her thighs. Her skirt had ridden up so that his cock was up against her crotch.

He felt his cock flinch, but just continued to hug her back. The feeling of his cock inside pantyhose, pushed up against his mommy's own pantyhosed puddy, was too much to contain. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, his cock became hard again.

Jenny felt him against her, but still hugged him for a moment. She was trying to decide what to do about this. Her sons cock was quickly becoming erect, and she felt a tingle in her pussy. Her mind was made up when she grabbed his arms, and held him out. She dropped her eyes to his crotch, and they lingered there for a moment. The panty was control top, so she couldn't really see it, but the form of it was there.

Jenny looked up at her ten-year-old son. He was flushed and obviously emberrassed, so smiled at him.

"It's ok, Benner," she said to him. Her smile faltered quickly when she made up her mind what she was going to do. "Is it ok?"

He didn't have to think about what she just said. It was ok that his penis was hard, but why was she asking 'him' if it was ok?

Benjamin nodded, and he watched his mother's face pale slightly. She was really fighting with herself. She had the biggest urge to touch him, but didn't know if she really should.

"I love you, Benjamin," she said in a soft whisper, leaning slightly forward, and reaching out with her right hand. "I promise I won't hurt you."

She placed her hand on his waist so that the palm sat against his cock. He had no idea that was what she was asking him. His cock flexed and moved in her hand. She drew in a quick breath and moved her hand away. That's it, stupid, he thought. You just ruined it. But he couldn't help it. His cock seemed to have a mind of its own.

Her hand returned to his cock, and he cheered inside. She began to slowly rub her hand up and down, and Benjamin was in heaven. His mommy was rubbing his cock through a pair of her pantyhose. He didn't know what this really meant or where this was going, but he knew that it felt good.

"Oh, Benny," Jenny said softly. "I shouldn't be doing this. Mommy shouldn't be touching your penis like this. Rubbing your little cock while you wear mommy's pantyhose."

Jenny stopped her hand and pulled away. She realized what it was that she just said. Not only had she used the word cock, but the whole last sentence was laced with lust.

She had to stop this right now, before it went any further. This was her son - her little boy. He was only ten years old. She couldn't take advantage of him. She had to get him out of her pantyhose, and get him dressed. She would end it the same way that she did six years ago.

She looked at Benjamin from head to toe, trying to make up her mind. She had given birth to him, and raised him all alone. He was hers. It was him that had come in here, to put on her pantyhose, she told herself. It was him that got erect when they were hugging. It was obvious that Benjamin was feeling something, because his cock was still hard. Her body was reacting to all this, as well. She couldn't help but be turned on. She wanted more than anything to experience at least some sort of sexual contact with her son. She decided that she would leave it up to him. She would ask him, and if she saw any doubt, she would stop it immediately.

Jenny wasn't really sexually active. She was too busy working and taking care of Benjamin to think about a love life. She did have a vibrator that she kept in the drawer of the her night stand, and used it often.

"Benjamin," she said, getting up. "Let's get up on the bed. I think that we need to have a little talk."

She kicked off her pumps, and got on the bed. She sat indian style, and put a pillow in her lap. Jenny knew that her dress might ride up, and wanted to have his full concentration. Benjamin got up on the bed, reminding himself again of how he was dressed. He grabbed the other pillow, and sat across from her, his back facing the dresser.

"Hand me that picture behind you, Ben," she said. Benjamin retrieved the picture and handed it to her. "I knew that from the day I took this picture, that there was a special bond between you and I. I don't want to say that it is just pantyhose. I think that pantyhose is one of the many ways that we connect.

"I knew what was going on when you asked me about foot rubs. I also paid attention. You never offered them unless I was wearing pantyhose."

Benjamin flushed, and looked down.

"It is ok, Benji," she said, lifting his chin with her finger. "I knew that you were doing it so you could touch my pantyhose. I guess that I enjoyed knowing your real reason for touching me, more than the foot rubs themselves. It felt good to have you show so much interest. I loved the attention. See, eventually, you lost interest in my legs. Your fetish lay dormant until now. I just thought that you were too young to be getting an erection."

Jenny could tell that he wasn't following her. It dawned on her that he was a ten year old kid, and might not know what sex is. He probably didn't even know why he had an erection.

"Benji, do you know what sex is?" That was blunt enough. "Do you know why your penis grows?" Benji shook his head, and Jenny took a deep breath. Here goes, she thought. "I'll tell you what," she said. "I can teach you about sex, and I think that it is time for you to know." She paused a moment, and then went right into it. "Sex is something that a couple do to make babies or just to enjoy themselves. When I touched your penis earlier, that was a part of sex. Would you like me to do that to you some more?"

"Yes...mommy," he stammered.

"We could do other things too, but that would require me to be naked. Would you like to play sex with mommy?"

Benjamin nodded his head. He couldn't have spoken if he wanted to. He was going to see her naked. Not only that, but he was finally going to see her pantyhose without the skirt in the way. If she undressed in front of him, that is. He could only hope.

"Ok," Jenny said. She removed her pillow, and took Benjamin's from him. She put them behind her and took Benjamin's hands. "I love you, Benny."

"I love you too, mommy."

Jenny couldn't help but see that his eyes kept dropping down. She looked down at herself. Her skirt was hiked up her thighs. If the skirt hadn't been loose, he would be able to see all the way up. As it was, her skirt lay between her legs.

That finished any doubt in Jenny's mind. She scooted back, and slid her feet out from under her. She pulled her skirt down, and pointed her toes at Benjamin.

"Go ahead, Benny. Touch mommy." Benjamin reached forward and touched her feet, as Jenny lay back on her elbows. She decided that she better come right out in the open. She had always been very verbal during sex. Filthy mouthed. Sounded like something her mother would say. She wouldn't be able to help herself. She heard the undertone her voice took on when she told her son to touch her.

"I am going to say some naughty things, Benny. During sex things it is ok to say them, but only when you are with me. You can say whatever you want."

"Ok, mommy," he said. "I don't really know any naughty things to say, 'cept maybe one word."

"What word is that you think is bad, honey?"


"It's ok, BenBen," she reassured. "Go ahead."

"Fuck," he blurted.

It did shock her to hear that word come from his mouth, and it would take her a little bit to get used to, but it stirred something inside her.

"Very good, honey. That is the best one of them all." She tasted the word on her tongue, getting ready to commit herself. "Fuck," she said.

Benjamin giggled, and Jenny laughed with him. This was good, she thought. He was relaxing. "Now, touch mommy, honey. Touch my feet, and mommy will let you touch plenty more. Just follow my lead, Ben. If I ask you to do something, I really mean it. You don't have to be afraid. Just have fun."

Benjamin took the toes of both feet in either hand. He began to bend them, but Jenny stopped him.

"No, honey," she said, shaking her head. "This is for you. Touch. Feel. Explore."

Benjamin was still sitting in front of her with his legs crossed, and her feet were a few inches in front of him. He reached out with both hands, and placed them on both sides of her right foot. He let his fingers slide over the top of her foot. He looked at the toes, studying them. He looked at how her pantyhose lay above the top of her toes. It was there that he concentrated next. He used his hands to pull her toes apart. Starting with the big toe on down, and back up - he studied each one. He probably would have gone on forever if Jenny hadn't spoke.

"Do you know what feels really good when you are wearing pantyhose, Benny?" she asked. Benjamin shook his head. "To have your toes sucked on. Would you do that for mommmy?" Benjamin looked at her for a moment, looking for some sign that she was kidding. "Go ahead, baby. Remember what mommy said. It's ok."

Benjamin wanted her toes in his mouth, more than anything. He leaned forward and took her big toe into his mouth. He began to suck, and Jenny let out a soft moan. His warm tongue against her pantyhose covered toe was really getting to her.

"That's good, baby. Just like that."

He moved to her other toes - down and back. Sucking as many at a time as he could, while his hands roamed over the rest of her foot and ankle. He moved to her left foot, and did the same.

"That's...that's enough, honey," Jenny finally said.

She sat up and scooted back until she was against the headboard. The pillows were bunched up under her lower back, and this caused her to lay back a little.

"Touch my legs, baby. You want to feel mommy's pantyhose on her legs, don't you?

Benjamin moved to the right side of her, and put his hands down on her leg - right hand just below the knee, left hand just above her ankle. He slowly slid his hands together, and out again. He did this several times, his eyes wide.

Jenny lifted her knee about three inches from the bed, so that Benji could get under her leg. His fingers slid under her knee, and he began to rub. He could feel the pantyhose moving with him. His other hand was moving slowly up and down the underside of her calf.

He was doing it. He was really touching her. Better yet, she was letting him.

Jenny noticed that he was paying so much attention to the back of her knee. This gave her an idea. She rolled away from Ben, and got on her back. She looked to the right, at her little boy.

"Go ahead, son," she said smiling. She reached back and lifted her skirt, so that it was mostly up her thighs, but not showing him her ass.

Benjamin looked at her black pantyhosed thighs. They were spectacular. Benji's cock lurched as he reached forward and placed his hands on her thigh. He got up on his knees, and sat against the backs of his feet. His knees were slightly spread, and his mommy could look down and see the bulge of his cock under the pantyhose. Jenny yearned to touch it. When Benjamin began to run his hands all over her thighs, she reached forward and touched his cock. She used her first two fingers to trace the outline of his cock. Then she reached down and cupped the area

Benjamin looked over at her, and she smiled at him. She began to gently rub and play with his little balls. She did it without really thinking about it. It just seemed to be the most natural thing in the world. What else was she supposed to do? She had to touch him. She wanted to touch him. She had wanted this for so long. She couldn't explain it to herself.

Benjamin was exploring her legs, but could not ignore the feeling of her hand on his balls. He could feel his legs tighten in response to her touch. He was in a state of confusion, mixed with pure sexual desire.

It came upon him in a rush. He was cumming, but didn't know what it was. All of a sudden there was this tremendous rush. His legs flexed, and a delerious pleasure rose up in his crotch. His cock responded by cumming for the first time in his life. His cum oozed out on his stomach, and began to stain the pantyhose that he was wearing.

Jenny felt it happening. She knew that he was going to cum. His legs buckled, and she saw her little boys cum began to show through the pantyhose that she had worn yesterday.

Benjamin looked down at himself, and just about freaked. He had no idea what just happened. It took only a second to remember his cousin telling him about cumming. He had just done that in front of his mother. This emberassed him to no end. He quickly brought his hands to his crotch and covered up.

Jenny rolled to her left and sat up as Benjamin lowered his head. She grabbed his chin and lifted his head.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of, Benny. What just happened is natural." She smiled broadly at him. "It felt good, didn't it?"

Benjamin nodded, smiling shyly. It did feel good. If felt better than anything that had ever happened to him.

"I'll tell you what," Jenny said. "Why don't you go on and get cleaned up. Just leave my pantyhose in the sink."

When those words came from him mommy's mouth, Benjamin's heart sank. He didn't want this to end.

"Get dressed. You and I are going to take a trip to the mall. There are a couple of things that I want to get. And maybe later, you and I can finish our little "talk" about sex."

Benjamin noticed his mommy's expression when she said talk. It caused his sprits to rise. Maybe it wasn't over after all.

Jenny leaned forward, and gently kissed her son on the lips. It lasted just long enough to be more than a normal motherly kiss. With that, she got off the bed

"Go on now," she said. "Get ready to go. I will be out in a few minutes after I get changed."

Benjamin removed his mommy's pantyhose, and put them in the bathroom sink. He looked down at himself. His cum was still wet on his hairless lower stomach. His cock was wet and shiny with it as well. He reached down and touched his stomach. The cum was wet and slippery to the touch. He brought his fingers back and looked at them. It was weird to him that this came out of his penis. No. Cock is the word.

He tasted that word on his tongue again. Cock. He said it out loud, but in a whisper. He wasn't with his mommy, and she had told him not to say naughty things unless he was with her.

Chapter 3

He whispered it again as he rubbed the thumb and first finger of his right hand over the tip of his cock. He loved the way that his fingers slipped across the head. His, now flaccid cock, started to come to life at this.

Benjamin turned the faucet on and watched the water splatter down on his mommy's pantyhose. He reached forward, and took a wash cloth from the shelf next to the sink. He put it under the warm water, before adding some soap to it, then rubbed the cloth over his stomach to wash away the cum. It was when he began to clean his cock, that it began to act up. The more he rubbed it, the bigger it got. It felt really good, but he had to stop himself. His mommy was waiting on him. He rinsed the soap off the cloth, and used it to wipe away the soap that was on him. His legs, and the floor, were drenched by the time that he finished.

He noticed the soap that was on mommy's pantyhose. He figured that it was a good idea. Be easier to wash that way.

Benjamin began to feel something in his crotch. This wasn't pleasure, though. This was something completely different. This was pure pain. It felt like his cock was on fire. He quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. He then began to yell for his mommy.

Jenny came running into the bathroom. She was dressed in a pair of jeans, and had been putting on a white blouse. None of the buttons were done up. She wasn't worried about Benjamin being able to see her bra. She just knew that something was wrong with Benjamin.

"It hurts," he moaned. He was bent over and holding his crotch. "It burns, mommy."

Jenny looked at the sink. She noticed the wet soapy pantyhose, and the wet cloth. She knew right away what had happened. The soap wasn't hypoallergenic. Her son had a case of soap burn.

"Oh," she said, coming toward him. "It's ok, honey. You just got a little soap in your pee-hole. That is all."

She turned him toward the toilet, and lifted the outer lid.

"Here, get rid of that towel, and sit down, Benny. I know it is going to burn, but you have to pee. The sooner you wash it out of there, the sooner the burning will quit."

Benjamin opened the back of the towel and sat down. The towel was draped over his lap, but Jenny got down on her knees in front of him and pulled it away. She placed her hands on the outside of his knees.

"Just pee, baby," she coached.

"I can't, mommy," Benji all but cried back.

"Yes, you can."

Jenny pushed his chest so that he was sitting up. She then spread his knees apart, so that she could see his penis. It was the first time in several years, since she had actually seen it. It had grown, but was still the penis of a little boy. It was virtually hairless. His little balls were tight inside his sac. It was considerabally smaller than when it was erect. Jenny was just about to say 'awwwww', because she thought it was so incredibely adorable. This was her little boys cock, and it couldn't be more perfect. She felt her excitement begin to build. It was more than just him being her son. It was that he was a ten-year-old boy as well. It was so taboo. She brought herself back to the matter at hand. Benjamin was obviously in pain. His legs were spread and his little cock was in full light. She wanted to explore it and fondle it. She wanted to taste it. Yes, she wanted to put her baby boys cock in her mouth.

She got up and turned the faucet on. She remembered that the sound of it helped her to pee when she went for the drug tests that her new job required of her. She wet the cloth in hot water. Not hot enought to scald, but enough to hopefully get a reaction. She knelt back in front of Benjamin and looked down at his cock.

"Ok, mommy is going to try to help you pee, baby. You just keep tryin, ok?"

"Yes, mommy," Benji said.

She looked her son in the eyes, and reached down between his legs. Benjamin looked down as her right hand gently cupped his balls. "Just concentrate now. Close your eyes, and just do it. It will sting a bit, but you will feel so much better."

Benjamin closed his eyes. Jenny watched his face squinch up as he pushed. She began to gently massage his little hairless balls.

"That's it, baby. Pee for mommy. I know you can do it. Come on. Pee for mommy." She was really enjoying saying that to him. "Pee for mommy, honey."

She took the wash cloth in her other hand, and held it close to his stomach - right above his cock. He flinched at the touch of heat, but she told him to close his eyes and relax. She gently squeezed the wash cloth, and the water moved down his stomach and reached his cock.

Jenny heard his intake of breath, but knew she wasn't hurting him. He would have cried out if it was too hot.

"Just let it go, Benny. Let mommy see you piss."

She didn't know how that last sentence came out, but it was the truth. She wanted to watch it. She wanted to see her little boy piss. "Piss for mommy."

Jenny felt the stream of piss hit her arm. She looked down and watched the urine stream from her sons cock. It was hot. It splattered on her arm and got his inner thighs wet, but most of it ran down her hand. Soon enough her hand, and her sons balls, were drenched in piss. She continued to massage his balls as she watched him piss on her arm. Benjamin was moaning as he pissed. His hands were gripping his knees tight. As he finished, he looked down and saw what he had done.

"Oh, mommy," he said desperately. "I pee'd on you. I didn't mean to, mommy. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, baby," she said. "I would have moved my hand when you started if I had a problem with it."

She handed him the cloth and stood up.

"Do you feel better?" Jenny asked.

"It is starting to," Benji said.

He had closed his legs, but Jenny was done. For now, that is.

She walked out of the bathroom and her fingers went into her mouth. There wasn't a whole lot to taste, but it brought back a memory of something like this she had done before. Except, that she thought that her son's piss tasted sweeter. As she walked out of the bathroom, cleaning her hand with her tongue, she heard the phone ring. She went into the living room, buttoning her blouse, and plopped down on the couch. She snagged the cordless phone from the end table.


"Hi, Jenny."

It was Jenny's sister, Robin. Robin was Derek's mother. She felt an immediate guilt at hearing her sister's voice, but quickly pushed it away.

"Hi, sis. What's up?" Jenny asked brightly.

"I was wondering if you could stop over to the house. There is something that I want to talk to you about. Are you busy."

"No," Jenny said. "I was just on my way to the mall with Benji, but I could stop by and pick you up. He can hang out with Derek while we are gone."

Jenny's tone changed. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know, Jenny. It has to do with Derek, but I don't want to talk about it on the phone. I'll see you in a few minutes, ok?"

When they hung up, Jenny looked at the phone for a minute. What the heck was that all about? She had given plenty of advice to her little sister - by two years - but Robin really sounded as if she was at a total loss.

Benjamin walked into the living room as she set the phone in it's base. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, and a simple black t-shirt.

"Looks like there is a change of plans, Benny," she said to him. "Aunt Robin is going to go to the mall with me. You can hang out with Derek while we are gone. I am going to bring you back a couple of surprises."

Derek liked this idea much better. He would be able to talk to Derek about things. He wouldn't dare mention anything about what happened between him and his mommy.

They made their way up to the house, and walked right in. There was no knocking in this family. Robin met them at the door, and told Benjamin that Derek wasn't home right now, but would be shortly.

Meanwhile, back at the fort. There were four boys stripped from the waist down. They all were kneeling on pillows, with their butts resting against the backs of their heels. They were in a circle, and in the middle of the circle was a blue pair of women's panties, and three pair of pantyhose. Derek had brought the tan pair of pantyhose. John had brought the black pair of pantyhose. The white pair was brought by Danny Oberick, and Sam Ackins brought the panties. Each piece of clothing belonged to their respective mothers. Danny said that he was going to bring a pair of panties, but it was too risky. He found the pantyhose in the trash of the bathroom. They had a long run in the right leg.

All of the boys were looking down at the clothes spread in front of them as they stroked their cocks. Four adolescent boys jerking their hairless cocks, vieing for the other's mother's panties and pantyhose. Each of them was beating furiously. Sometimes there would be chatter, but not much.

"Damn, I love pantyhose," Derek said. "He wanted to reach out and touch them while he jerked himself, but that was against the rules.

"I can't wait to take your mom's pantyhose back with me," John retorted.

"Yeah?" Derek asked as he came. "Guess again." He made sure to angle his cock down toward the paper towel at his knees so that he wasn't cumming on the clothes. It was mere seconds before John came and the others right behind him.

Derek was the winner. He grabbed a towel from his gym bag behind him and used it to clean himself. After everyone was cleaned up and the paper towels were thrown away (they didn't want cum all over the floor), they all smoked a cigarette and talked about what they would do next time.

"I think that I will try to get a pair of my sister's pantyhose for next time," Derek said.

"Damn, dude," John said. "She's only six-years-old. What would we want with her pantyhose?"

"They will fit better, moron," Derek said. He didn't want to tell them the real reason. They would all laugh at him. The truth was that he had a thing for his little sister. Sure she was only eight and he was eleven, but he thought she was the cutest little thing there was.

"I don't know," Jack said. "Sally isn't like the other third graders. She's actually kind of cool. Acts more grown up. I wouldn't mind having her pantyhose."

Derek waited for them all to start ragging Jack, but they didn't. They all just looked as if they were considering what he said.

"I did notice that she has a nice pair of legs," John said. "I saw her last summer out in the park doing the splits. I bet she could pull her feet back behind her head like that woman in the hustler mag." John had lifted the magazine from a party store and had almost been caught. They used the pictures sometimes when they had their games.

"Well, she's my sister," Derek said, now boasting. "I get first dibs."

There was laughter from everyone at that.

"Besides, what would be the big deal. She is only five years younger. Hell, that ain't so bad."

"I'd do her," he said.

This got him another laugh and a playful punch from Derek.

"You horndogs just steer clear of my little sis," he said.

It was a sort flinch in his smile that let everyone know that he wasn't kidding. He looked at his watch.

"Shit, I gotta' get out of here. My mother is probably having a shit fit."

Derek grabbed the panties and pantyhose and shoved them deep in his gym bag before walking out of the fort. John followed him outside. "Are you going to tell me what you saw through that window," John asked.

"No," Derek said. "I don't think so. It doesn't concern you."

"Come on, man. Did you see her naked or what?"

"My aunt wasn't in there. Nobody was, so there isn't anything to tell."

"Whatever," John said. "Check you later."

With that, John walked back into the clubhouse and Derek made his way home.

Benjamin was watching telelvision when Sally came into the front room. She was wearing a pair of cut-offs and a red t-shirt that said Raleigh Beach on the front of it.

"Whatcha' doin'?" Sally asked.

"Just watching t.v. until Derek gets here. Do you know where he is at."

"He's probably out with John somewhere. At the fort maybe."

Sally sat down on the couch and folded her legs under her. Benjamin couldn't help but take notice of the girl. He thought that she was the most beautiful little girl there was, and would do anything to get just a kiss from her.

He wondered what she would think if he told her about him and his mom, but there was no way that he was going to say anything to anyone. That might cause his mom to back out.

Derek walked-ran in the front door and quickly made his way to his room. He stopped when he saw Benjamin.

"What are you doing here, Benny?"

"Mom and Aunt Robin went to the mall. I am supposed to hang out here until they get back."

"Sweet," Derek said smiling. "Come on. I have something that I want to show you."

Benjamin got up the same time that Sally did.

"I want to see too," she said.

"No way, brat," Derek said. "This is guy stuff."

"Come on, Derek, you never let me do anything with you."

"Sorry, sis," he said. "You wouldn't understand."

Both of the boys started to walk away.

"It's about mommy's pantyhose, isn't it?" Sally asked.

Derek froze and Benjamin stopped as well. He saw the look on his cousin's face and knew that Sally had hit it on the spot.

"What did you just say," Derek asked.

He moved a little closer to Sally, who got off the couch and backed up.

"I said that what you want to show Ben has something to do with mommy's pantyhose."

"What do you know? You are just a little girl."

"Well, I am a little girl that knows you took mommy's pantyhose when you left earlier. I saw you."

Derek grabbed the girl by the shirt and pulled her toward him so that they were face to face.

"Don't even think about telling," he said angrily. "I will get you back so bad if you do."

"I already did," Sally said smartly. "That is why mom is with Aunt Jenny right now. She wanted to talk to her about it."

"How could you do that?" he screamed. "What did I ever do to you."

"You got me grounded for two weeks, because I stole that stupid candy bar from the store. I am just getting you back."

"This is different. You don't know what kind of trouble you have gotten me into."

"Come on, Derek," Benjamin said. "Lets go to your room and leave miss tattletale by her self."

The boys made it to the room and Derek threw his gymbag on the bed.

"What am I going to do, Benny?," he asked. "What am I going to say when she asks me what I was doing with her pantyhose?"

"Just say you were using it for a project or something."

Benjamin wanted to tell Derek that he thought things were going to be ok. If Aunt Robin was talking to his mom about it, surely things would turn out all right. His mom couldn't really suggest any punishment for Derek, after what had happened earlier.

"That isn't going to work," Derek said. "I am so busted. She will see right through anything that I tell her. If I tell the truth, she will think that I am some kind of pervert and there is no telling what she will do. Probably whoop me good."

Benjamin couldn't stand to see Derek like that. He had to tell him; let him know that things would be ok.

"I am going to tell you something, Derek, but you have to promise that you won't tell anyone else. Even if you are tortured."

"Yeah," Derek said strangely. "I promise."

"I went into my mothers room when I got home today and-"

"I know," Derek cut in. "I was on my way to the fort in the woods and I saw you through the window with binoculars. You were messing with your mommy's pantyhose."

Benjamin was completely emberrassed. It was one thing to talk about it, but it was another thing to have someone see him.

"I saw your mom come in and close the blind. She must have been really pissed."

Benjamin took a deep breath and told Derek everything, leaving out the incident in the bathroom. Derek listened and his eyes grew increasingly wider as Benjamin spoke. Derek shook his head several times, and Benjamin had to swear that it was all true.

"See," Benjamin said. "If you mom is talking to mine, then you won't get into any trouble at all. I am not sure that my mom will tell Aunt Robin about what we did, but she might."

Meanwhile, the two mothers were sitting in the car in the mall parking lot.

"Well, you want to tell me what is going on?" Jenny asked.

"I really don't know," Robin said. "I came home from work and my daughter told me something that...well...that I don't know how to handle."

"What did she tell you?" Jenny felt a little guilty, but she knew that Sally couldn't have known anything about what had happened between her and Benjamin earlier. " She told me that Derek took a pair of my pantyhose with him when he left the house after school. She said that he put it in his gymbag and just left with them. What would my son want with my pantyhose?"

Jenny didn't know what to say to that. Could it be that both of the boys had the same fetish.

"Well, that is a little different," Jenny said. "What do you think?"

"Honestly?" Robin asked. "I guess that he likes them or something. I know he masturbates. I have found cum on his sheets and wadded up paper towel in his room that is all stuck together. I am not so stupid that I can't recognize that."

"So, you think he is taking your pantyhose somewhere to...what? Masturbate with them?"

"I don't know, but I can't think of any other reason. What else would a boy want with pantyhose. My ex has told me that he did something like that when he was a boy. He said it was something that a lot of boys did. They are curious about women's underwear and their mother's stuff is readily accessable."

"You are right there," Jenny said. She couldn't believe that she was going to do it, but she decided to confide in her sister. "I came home from work today and found Benjamin in my room."

"What was he doing in there," Robin asked, but she thought she already knew the answer.

"He was naked and was trying on a pair of my pantyhose. The same pair that I had worn the day before."

"Oh, my. What did you do. I bet you freaked out."

"At first, I did. I spanked him good, but something told me that was wrong. Sure, he shouldn't have been in there, because he knows that it is off-limits, but can I really blame him?"

Robin didn't say anything. She had no idea that her son could possibly have taken her pantyhose to wear.

"Do you remember when Benji was little?" Jenny asked her sister.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Remember the way that he was always hanging around my feet, and constantly touching my legs. I could give him a pair of pantyhose and he would be content to play with them."

"What are you saying, that he has developed some sort of fetish for pantyhose?"

"That is exactly what I am saying," Jenny said strongly. "And there is nothing wrong with that. There are millions of people across this world who have all types of fetishes. Pantyhose isn't even close to being the worst one."

Jenny thought about helping Benji pee earlier and pushed it out of her mind. She wasn't into water sports, was she? But she did get a little tingle when she thought about it.

"I just don't know what to say," Robin said. "They are just boys. What could they possibly know about having a fetish. I mean, that is something that is sexual. Surely, they aren't old enough to experience something like that."

"The proof is right in front of you," Jenny said. "You just want to ignore it because you don't understand it. They are growing up and they are learning new things about themselves. I for one do not intend on ignoring it. I will help him discover himself and be there if he has any questions about sex. I don't want to be like mom and dad, where the word sex was a swear word. I don't want my boy to go through the things that we did."

Robin shook her head as she contimplated what Jenny was saying.

"Yeah, she said. "It was pretty awful. Mom told me that you got pregnant by eating trout."

"See what I mean," Jenny said. "By letting Benny touch my legs, and explore my pantyhose..." Jenny stopped and realized what she had just said. "I...I...mean."

"Did you really," Robin asked. "What happened today? Did you touch him? Did you, Jenny?"

Jenny lowered her head and Robin got her answer.

"Well, I wasn't expecting all that," she said. "What came over you that you would do something like that?"

"You know that I love my son," Jenny said. "There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for him, and who better could teach him about sex? And that there is nothing wrong with liking the feel of pantyhose?"

"But showing him?"

"Why not?" Jenny asked, lifting her head. "I have raised him by myself from day one. If I feel the need to be close with my son, then why shouldn't I?"

Robin was surprised at her sisters words and tone. It was a side of Jenny that she had never seen before.

"I don't know what to say," Robin said. "I guess that is up to you. I mean, I can't judge you, but I don't know if I could do something like that. Are you talking about making love with him?"

"I don't know," Jenny said, blushing. "I just might."

Jenny went on to tell Robin all that had happened that day, and Robin listened closely, shaking her head in much the same manner that her son had when Benjamin was telling the story. Jenny even put in the part about the bathroom.

When she was all finished, she looked out through the front window and waited on Robin to say something.

"Well, you certainly have shocked the hell out of me today," Robin said. "The only question now is whether or not I should follow your lead."

Jenny looked at Robin and smiled.

"We could do it together."

"I don't know about all that," Robin said, raising her hands. "We are sisters after all. I don't know if I would be comfortable having sexual relations with my son in front of anyone."

"Come on," Jenny said. "We could help each other out, besides we know...swap if we wanted."

Robin gasped and shook her head.

"You are very naughty, Jenny. You are like this whole other person that I am meeting for the first time. Are you really serious about all this?"

"Yes," Jenny said, shaking her head. "I think that I am. I was coming out to the mall to buy some pantyhose for Benjamin that would fit a little better. We could get some for Derek while we are at it."

"You do realize that what you are suggesting here is incest," Robin said.

"Ever hear that term: the family that plays together stays together?"

Robin smiled.

"I can't believe we are going to do this."

She opened her door, but waited for a moment, giving Jenny one last chance to change her mind. Jenny answered back by getting out of the car.

Chapter 4

Once inside the mall, the lady's made their way to Hudson's. Robin said that they had a huge selection for girl's tights and pantyhose. The looked through the section trying to decide on the color and size that they should get, when Robin had another thought.

"What about Sally," she asked. "I completely forgot that I also have a daughter. What are we supposed to do with her?"

"You know her size," Jenny said. "Pick her up a pair too."

"You aren't suggesting that we include Sally in this are you? I thought we could send her to a friends house."

"So we just leave her out? That isn't fair. Derek gets to learn and experience sex for the first time with the woman that he is closest too, and Sally gets to spend the night at a friends house?"

Jenny hadn't thought of the little girl earlier, but she knew that she couldn't just leave her out. Yes, it was unfair, but there was something else to. She wanted the little girl to be involved. It just added to the taboo feeling that was turning her on so.

Robin looked around to see if anyone was near, then moved closer to Jenny.

"You want Sally to participate in it?" she asked.

"Why not? She has just as much of a right."

"You mean that we would..."

"Touch her?" Jenny asked. "If that is what you decide you want to do. Have you ever been with another girl?"

"NO! Of course not."

"Aren't you even a little bit curious? I know that I am."

Robin thought about it for a moment. She and her ex had talked about having a threesome with another woman, but it was only talk. They never actually did it, but Robin had been turned on when they talked about it. Her ex would whisper dirty things about it in her ear when they were having sex. He would describe how Robin would go down on the girl or vice versa. This could be her chance to really experience it instead of just talk about it.

"I just hope that we keep in mind that these are children, Jenny," Robin said. "What about that?"

"Yes, they are children that are going to discover sex no matter what happens. Why not let it be us that they learn it from?"

Robin knew it was a flimsy excuse, but it was one that she was willing to accept.

"Ok," she said. "Let's do it. What color for Sally you think?"

The two women made their purchases. They had chosen a white pair for Sally, a navy blue pair for Derek and a red pair for Benjamin. Jenny got a tan pair for herself and Robin opted for black.

They made their way back to the house as they talked about when it should happen. They decided that Benjamin and Jenny would stay for dinner and that they would do it that very evening.

The boys were still in their room when the women got back and Sally was in the front room watching television. Robin took the bag that had the pantyhose to her room and Jenny followed her.

"I don't know," Robin said. I just don't think that I can wait through dinner. I have never been so nervous."

"Well, why wait?" Jenny asked. "Leave it up to me."

Jenny opened the bag and pulled out two pairs of the pantyhose before leaving the room.

She walked toward Derek's room and stood outside the door for a second. She couldn't hear anything so she just opened the door. Both of the boys scrambled to shove something inside Derek's gymbag. Jenny saw a flash of pantyhose, but she didn't smile.

"Here," she said, tossing a pair of pantyhose to Benjamin, then the other to Derek. "Put these on and meet in the front room. Wrap up in a towel if you need to." She started to close the door, then opened it again. "No arguments,boys. You want to play with pantyhose, well then that is what you are going to do. Oh, and one more thing...just the pantyhose. No underwear, no pants and no shirt."

With that she closed the door and headed toward the front room.

"Come on, Sally," Jenny said. "Your mother needs you in her room."

Sally jumped up and followed her aunt.

I knew it," Derek said. "I am so busted."

Benjamin didn't think so. He didn't quite know what was going on, but he couldn't see his mother getting mad at him now. Unless she had changed her mind and wanted to teach them a lesson.

"I don't know, Derek. Maybe they just want to talk to us."

"Or maybe we will get a spanking wearing pantyhose. Do you know how emberrassing that is going to be?"

Benjamin shook his head slowly.

"I know my mommy, and she had a look that said we should do as we are told, so..."

He picked up the red pair of pantyhose and pulled them from the package.

"Come on, Derek."

Derek followed suit.

"What do you need, mommy?" Sally asked her mother as she walked into the room.

Jenny closed the door behind them and dumped the last three pair of pantyhose out on the bed.

"We," she said to the little girl. "The three of us, are going to have some fun with the boys. Your brother took your mommmy's pantyhose today, because he likes pantyhose. He likes to touch them and put them on."

Sally laughed.

"Right," she said. "Really?"

"Really," Robin said. "They are in there right now putting on pantyhose and we are going to do the same."

"Why, mommy?"


"Sally," Jenny said. "Your mother had a talk with you about sex didn't she?"

"Yes. Is that what this is all about?"

"To be honest with you..." Jenny looked to Robin who nodded her head. "Yes, it is about sex. We want to teach you three about sex by showing you what it is."

"This is so cool," Sally said. "Wait. What does that mean?"

"It means," Robin said. "That we are all going to get dressed in pantyhose and meet out in the front room."

"You mean in just our pantyhose? Nothing else?" Sally's eyes got wide.

"Won't the boys see us?"

"Yes," Jenny said. "They will. That is the point, and we get to see them too. Aren't you curious what a penis looks like?"

"I get to see their penises?"

Jenny didn't know if the girls eyes could get any wider.

"Yes, hon, you get to see their penises, but you have to be willing to show them your vagina."

"Pussy," Robin said, and the other two turned to the woman. "I like pussy better."

"I know that word," Sally said. "That is naughty for vagina."

Jenny was surprised at her sister, but pleased.

"I like cock," she said.

"That is naughty for penis."

Sally giggled and pointed at her aunt.

"Can I say co...that word?"

"You can say whatever you want," Robin said.

"Cock," Sally said. "I think I like it."

"All right girls," Robin said. "Let's get into our pantyhose and meet the boys in the living room. This is going to be some good pantyhose fun."

"Cock and pussy," Sally said. "Cock and pussy in pantyhose."

"Man," Derek said. "I really like to wear pantyhose, but I am afraid this time. Your mommy is going to see me in them. My cock will show right through the pantyhose."

"Yeah," Ben said. "My mommy is going to see your cock in pantyhose."

Ben let that hang in the air. It was said as if to bring Derek to realization.

"Oh, man," Derek said getting it. "Your pantyhose. I don't care if I get a spanking or not."

Benjamin watched his friend strip and was a little afraid to do the same. He was ashamed of the size of his own cock. He didn't know why. He had never been around naked boys to compare. When Derek stripped off his underwear Benjamin looked fully at his cousin's cock. It was obviously hard, but still smaller than his own. Ben quickly undressed and walked over to the bed. In truth the boy had a sizeable cock. About an inch and a half bigger than Derek's, standing at four and a half inches. For a boy of ten that was pretty good. Some say that little boys can't have large cocks, well I saw my nephews the day he was born and I was jealous as to what he was going to come into. It was huge.

"Wow," Derek said. "That is some...cock you got there. I can't believe that you are bigger than me. I am older than you."

Benjamin laughed. "Just get your pantyhose on. I can't wait for your mommy to see my cock in my pantyhose either. Can you show me how to put them on."

Derek sat on the bed next to Benjamin and showed him how to roll up the leg to put them on. When asked how he knew how to do that, he said that he had seen it on a commercial. It was Benjamin that lead the way, however, to pull up any slack and make sure that seams were correct. He pulled his hard cock straight up behind the pantyhose and Derek followed suit. They both took a deep breath and headed out the door.

"Take your panties off before you put your pantyhose on, Sally," Jenny said. "We all want to see your pussy in your pretty white pantyhose."

Both women were naked and Sally was moving her eyes from one to the other. She hadn't showered with her mother in a couple of years and really hadn't seen a naked woman that she was conscious of. She looked at their breasts. Jenny had large full breasts, while Robin was a mere a-cup. She was glad that her mother's tits weren't as big as her aunts. She looked down at her own chest and frowned.

"What's the matter, baby girl," Robin asked.

"I don't have boobies," she said sadly. "I want to be able to show off boobies."

"Aww," Jenny said. "You don't worry about that. Enjoy being a little girl while you can, and I have to tell you that there are plenty of men that like little girl's flat chests. They don't want any boobies at all. Now how could you excite them if you had boobies?"

"Really, Aunt Jenny?"

"Really, now get your pantyhose on so we can get started. And make sure that they are pulled tight against your pussy."

"Yes, maam."

"Shall we, sister," Jenny asked. "Our pantyhose and then our sons await."

"I await too," Sally said. "Don't forget me. I want to play."

"Don't worry, child," Jenny said. "You will."

The two women started putting on their pantyhose and Sally with them. She mocked the women putting them on and then straightening.

"You know," Jenny said. "We should fully dress and play this slow. Make the boys think that they are in trouble."

"Well one of them is right off the bat for taking my pantyhose without permission," Robin said. "I don't know about you, but...I don't know...I think he needs a spanking."

"Right there in front of everyone," Jenny said. "How wonderful. And do you know what would truly intensify the situation? Tell him that I am going to give the spanking to make it more humiliating in his pantyhose."

"Perfect," Robin said and then did something that she couldn't have guessed she had the nerve to ever do: she kissed her sister. The each brought their hands down and roamed over the pantyhose covered ass of the other while their tongues met and shared a sisterly kiss you only read about.

"Ok," Jenny said pulling away. "Let's get dressed, but I need a dress instead of this skirt and blouse. Make it easier."

Robin allowed Jenny to borrow a red sundress and Robin took to a white one. (ever notice that I use sundresses a lot? Something about them are sexy to me...Lujan) Robin gave Sally one of her full slips in place of what she was wearing.

When they were satisfied that they were ready, they each took a hand of Sally and walked out of the room.

Sally, her mother and her aunt made it to the living room first and all three sat on the couch. When the boys walked in they did so with their hands in front of their crotches.

"Oh, no, boys," Robin said. "You will drop those hands and face us as you are. You boys are in your pantyhose for a reason and you will do as I say."

Very slowly the boys moved their hands away, clearly wanting to put them back. Regardless of all their talk about each other's mommy seeing their cock in pantyhose, when it came right down to it they were outright emberrassed.

"That's better," Robin said. "You boys are in trouble for reasons that you know. First, Derek, you stole mommy's pantyhose without asking and that was wrong. Second, Ben, you went into your mother's room, which you know is wrong, and tried on her pantyhose, which you also know is wrong, because you didn't have permission.

"Therefore, there is going to be punishment. Derek, Aunt Jenny is going to spank you for what you did. You should be ashamed sitting there in pantyhose and in trouble. I can find no fitting punishment than to have you get a spanking from her in front of everyone in your pantyhose. After that, Benjamin, I will give you a spanking in your pantyhose. I know that your mother spanked you earlier, but something got in the way of your punishment. Regardless of what happened after you still did wrong."

Jenny looked over at Robin with a question on her face, but Robin just smiled and winked. It was obvious now to Jenny that her sister was going to get off on spanking her son. Surely, this would be punishment and the fun could come afterward, but they each would enjoy spanking the other boy.

There was a twang of guilt for a moment in Jenny. Hurting these kids as a way of foreplay seemed a little wrong.

"Robin," Jenny said. "Can I talk to you in the other room?"

"Sure," Robin said and stood up.

"Boys," Jenny said. "Come over and stand in front of the couch. I want you facing Sally with your hands down while we talk in the other room. Do it now, please."

The boys did as they were told and walked over to the couch while the two women left the room. They turned around and admired the scene of those two little boys in their pantyhose standing before the six-year-old girl who was giggling, but still leaning forward to get a better look. At this point neither boy had an erection. That was out of the question. They were going to get a spanking. They were horrified.

"What is it," Robin asked turning in the kitchen to face her sister. "Don't tell me that you are getting hung up on the spankings?"

"I don't know," Jenny said. "It just seems wrong to hurt them when we would enjoy doing it. I mean...I have fantasies about spanking and being spanked, but should we be doing this?"

"Of course," Robin said. "They are our children and they did wrong. They should be punished. The fact that we would enjoy it in a sexual way is outside of it. I have the same fantasies and might have you spank me later." Robin said this with a wry smile. "Don't let yourself think too much. Just go in there and spank my son."

Jenny took a deep breath.

"Ok," she said. "Let's do it."

They marched back into the room and Jenny grabbed Derek by the arm. She took him toward the left side of the couch and sat down. It occurred to her then that she could have a little more fun.

"Benjamin," she said. "Bring yourself over here and kneel so that you can see Derek get spanked in his blue pantyhose."

"Yes, maam," Benjamin said.

He walked over and knelt down as Jenny pulled up her skirt so that Derek could lie across her pantyhose covered thighs. That is what she wanted for the spanking. For Derek to be across her pantyhose. She rubbed Derek's little behind for a moment before giving it a good smack.

"Ouch," he cried. "Please, Aunt Jenny...please, don't spank me."

Three more swats and Jenny grabbed and manhandled each ass cheek she squeezed hard and then got into a slight rhythm of attacking the boys ass between squeezes and swats.

"You naughty little boy in your pantyhose," Jenny yelled. "How dare you be so naughty in your pantyhose. I have to spank your little ass in your pantyhose."

"Spank him," Robin said. "Spank that naughty little boy good."

Derek was crying and begging for the spanking to end, but what he didn't know was that Benjamin was enjoying seeing him get the spanking. Something about it turned him on and his cock rose in response.

"So you like that, do you," Jenny said to Benjamin. He didn't notice, because his eyes were on his cousin's ass. "You like seeing your cousin get spanked?"

Ben looked up at his mother with a look that said that he had just been caught.

"Will you look at this, Aunt Robin," Jenny said. "Your little nephew has an erection watching his cousin get spanked."

"Well," Robin said. "Let's see how much of an erection he has when I do the same to him. Get over here and lay across my lap, Benjamin. Derek kneel down in front of me."

Both boys did as they were told, and Robin could feel the little boy's erection against her legs. She was surprised at how big it was. She had also lifted her skirt so that her nephew rested against her pantyhose.

"You naughty, dirty, little boy," Robin said as she smacked the little boy on his ass. "How dare you have an erection while you lay across your aunt's lap."

Robin gave her nephew a flurry of swats, but not just on his ass. They landed on his thighs as well. Not only that, but she spanked harder than Jenny had even. She was really getting into the spanking. Benjamin was crying, but there was something about the cry that Jenny noticed. There was sort of a moan to it. It was as if he was adding the cry to something else. She noticed that each time Robin swatted the boy, he would move forward across her lap. Jenny smiled as she figured out what was going on. The boy was getting off on the spanking. He was not only enjoying the spanking, but he was jerking off on his aunt's pantyhose covered lap.

"That's enough," Jenny said to Robin. "If you keep it up he is going to jizz on your lap."

Robin stood the boy up and looked at his cock. The pantyhose at the tip were wet with pre-cum.

"You dirty boy," Robin said. "You were jerking off on my lap and getting off on the spanking."

"I am sorry, Aunt Robin," Benjamin said. "It is just that your pantyhose are so sexy and the feel of it..."

Benjamin knew what he was doing. All of this...the punishment, the pantyhose...all of it was a farce. He knew by the way his mother had spanked his cousin. She was grabbing his ass and loving it. And then the way that they were talking. This was all a game. He wondered where it was going to go.

"Am I done with my punishment?" Ben asked.

"I don't think so," Jenny said. "Turn around toward your cousin."

Ben did as he was told, while Derek was still on his knees sitting back against his heels.

"Lick his cock and balls," Jenny said. "I want to see you lick your cousins cock in his pantyhose. I have heard about his little games out in the fort. Where they jerk off in front of each other. I bet you suck each other off too, don't you?"

"No, maam," Derek said. "We just...just..."

"Say it," Robin demanded.

"We just jerk our cocks for a prize."

"Well, now you will have the experience to go back there and maybe expand the game," Robin said. "I didn't know you did that, Derek, but I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with it. I know that we punished you for what you did wrong, but there is nothing wrong with the things that we are going to do and with masturbating by yourself or with others."

"Yes, maam," Derek said. "Can I lick his cock now?"

"Yes, you may," Robin said.

Derek leaned forward and began to lick his cousin's balls and then up the shaft of his cock. He did what he had dreamed of several times, but had always kept to himself. He grabbed the ten-year-old's cock and pulled it toward him through the pantyhose and closed his mouth over it. He tasted the boys pre-cum and thought to himself that this was the day he ate another guy's cum. He would always remember it.

"That's it," Jenny said. "Suck my son's cock in his red pantyhose. Suck it."

Meanwhile Sally was up off the couch on her knees as well watching the action.

"Yeah," she said. "Suck his cock, brother."

"Here," Robin said. "Derek lay down on the floor and Bennie you squat over his face. That way you can lick and suck each other at the same time."

"I want to do something," Sally said as the boys got on the floor.

"You can come with me," Jenny said. "I have something special for you to do."

Sally followed her aunt over to the boys on the floor. Each of them were eagerly sucking the head of each other's cock through their pantyhose.

"Robin," Jenny said. "I need you to come over here and lie on the floor behind your son...head to head."

"Like this," Robin asked lying on the floor with her head almost touching Derek's. "That is it. Now, Sally stand over your mother's head. I think that you can figure out the next part, Robin."

"Yes," she said excitedly. "I can. Baby girl, kneel down and put your pussy in my mouth. I want to taste it through your pantyhose."

Sally knelt down over her mothers face and Robin engulfed the little girl's white pantyhose covered pussy. Sally instantly took to it and wiggled her hips as he mommy sucked her pussy.

"Oh, mommy," Sally said. "I like that."

"What do you like," Jenny asked the little girl. "Tell me in a naughty way. I want all of you to talk naughty and dirty."

"I like mommy sucking my pussy through my pantyhose."

"Good girl," Jenny said then moved over and knelt next to Sally. She reached forward and took the pantyhose in the middle of Benjamin's ass and ripped a hole.

"Now spread your cousin's ass cheeks," Jenny told the little girl. "Then lean forward and lick it. I want to see you tongue fuck it. PUsh your tongue deep into his little asshole."

"Yes, maam," Sally said.

Sally spread the little boy's ass cheeks wide and leaned forward giving his asshole a lick. She licked it up and down and sideways.

"Suck his asshole, baby girl," Jenny said.

Jenny noticed that the boys had made rips in their pantyhose and were sucking each other's bald little cocks. I didn't want them to cum so I broke it all off.

"We are going to wait a minute and do something else," Jenny said to the four on the floor. "Do you want to see your mommy's pantyhose, boys?"

"Yes," they both chimed in raising their hands.

"Let's have a seat, Robin," Jenny said. "Our boys our about to explode."

"I don't know," Robin said getting up. "Do you think that we should get undressed and show the boys are pantyhose. I mean, they wouldn't want to see our tits AND our pantyhose would they."

"Yes, yes," the boys yelled.

"Please, mommy?" Benjamin asked.

"Yes, mommy, please," chimed Derek.

"All right boys," Jenny said. "I guess that we could take off our clothes for you, but you have to do everything that we say."

"Yes, maam," they said.

The two women didn't waste any time getting undressed. Once stripped down to their pantyhose, with 'awesomes' and 'cools' from the boys, they sat down on the couch.

"On my lap," Jenny said to Ben. "I want you to suck mommy's tits. Come on now. You will have plenty of time to touch my pantyhose."

"Sally, on each thigh," she said. I want to feel your little mouths on my tits too."

Ben got up on his mother's lap and she took his cock and pushed it down between her tan pantyhose covered thighs, before pulling him forward to her left tit.

"Suck it for mommy," she said.

"That's right, babies," Robin moaned. "Suck my tits. Both of you put a hand between my legs and rub my pussy in my pantyhose."

They began to rub their mother's pussy as each of them sucked on her tits. Sally was really into it and rolling the nipple around with her tongue. Derek was to into rubbing her pussy and touching her pantyhose. Ben was pumping his hips as he sucked his mother's large breast, and massaging her legs on either side. Jenny was rolling the nipple of her left breast between her fingers, pinching and pulling on it.

"Down," Jenny eventually said. "Get down on your knees between mommy's legs. I want to feel your mouth on my pussy."

"Your pantyhose pussy, mommy?" Ben asked.

"Yes, baby," Jenny said. "My pantyhose pussy."

Ben got down on the floor like he was told and Jenny scooted forward a little. Ben went right to work licking his mother's pantyhose crotch and sucking her pussy through the nylon. He loved the taste and smell of her and didn't want this to end.

Robin, on the other hand, was lying on the floor. She had ripped a hole in Sally's pantyhose and was now feasting on the girl's little pussy, who was sitting on her face. Her son was lying on the floor between her legs and visciously attacking her pussy with his mouth while his hands roamed over her thighs.

Ben was also touching his mommy's pantyhose as he licked her pussy.

"You like mommy's pantyhose?" Jenny asked. "Do you like to touch mommy in her pantyhose?"

"Oh, yes, mommy," Ben said. "I love your pantyhose and want to touch them all the time."

Jenny reached down and used her nails to rip a hole in the crotch of her pantyhose and slid a little more forward. She spread her pussy lips open for the boy.

"That is mommy's clit," she said. "I want you to lick and suck it while you stick a finger in mommy's pussy hole. Ok?"

"Yes, mommy," Benjamin said.

Meanwhile, Robin had her pantyhose ripped down to her ass and had her legs pulled back. Sally was holding them for her as her son went between her wet pussy and asshole. He would suck one and then the other before slamming his tongue inside it...all directed by his mommy between mouthfuls of her daughter's pussy.

"I have to have it," Jenny said. "Fuck time sister."

"Ok, Derek," Robin said pushing Sally off of her. "I want you to do the same thing that you were doing with your tongue, but this time with your cock. Stand up and guide your cock down into my pussy."

Jenny turned over on the couch and climbed up on it so that she was on her knees and her tits were hanging over the back.

"Fuck mommy," Jenny said. "Stick your big cock inside my pussy."

Ben moved forward and pointed his cock at his mother's cunt. It slid easily in and he began to fuck her quickly. It only took a couple of pumps before he was about ready to cum.

"It's happening again, mommy," Ben said. "I can feel it."

"PUll out, baby and jerk your cock on mommy's asshole," she said. "Come on my asshole baby."

Ben did as he was told and grunted as he came for the second time in his life.

Derek didn't have much luck either and was directed to cum on his mommy's asshole as well.

"Don't move, sister," Jenny said. "Kids, all three of you, get down and lick her asshole. I want every bit of cum cleaned off of her."

The kids got down by Robin's ass and all three began to lick the cum from her asshole and cheeks. Sally even stuck her tongue inside to make sure that she wasn't missing anything.

Jenny hadn't moved from her spot, because she wasn't going to miss out on something like that. She arched her back and stuck her ass out.

"Ok, kids," she said. "Come over here. I can't believe I am going to do this, but after the bathroom incident with you, honey, I want this."

She turned over and lay on her back. She pulled her legs back as far as they could go revealing her cum covered asshole.

"Sally," she said. "I want you to get up on the couch and stand over my face. And boys, when I tell you to, I want you to piss on my pussy, my asshole and my pantyhose."

"Oh, my gosh," Robin said. "You truly are a freak."

But she got up and helped Sally onto the couch and over her aunt's face. Then did something different than what Jenny had attended. She lay Sally face down so that her pussy and asshole were pointed at Jenny's face, but yet the little girl's face was hovering over her aunt's pussy.

"DOn't forget to piss on this little gir's face, boys," Robin said. "I want you to piss on her face and all over Aunt Jenny and your mommy, ok?"

"Now, I want you to start pissing, baby girl," Jenny said to Sally and smacked the little girl's ass. "Piss on my face. I want to see that bald, puffy little girl pussy spray me with piss."

A small flow came from the little girl's pussy and then a jet that hit Jenny direclty on the right cheek.

"Now, boys," Robin said. "Piss on them."

The boys did as they were told. Ben went straight to pissing on his mommy's asshole, where Derek pissed on his six-year-old sister's face.

"That's right kids," Robin yelled. "Piss on her."

Both boys moved to Jenny's pantyhose and began to piss all over her legs and feet. Jenny was spanking Sally none to softly on her ass like a drum as the little girl continued to piss.

Too quick for Jenny the kids were spent and she was drenched in piss.

"Now all of you get to licking the cum and piss from her asshole and pussy," Robin said.

All three children began licking and drinking up the cum and piss that was on the woman. Robin even took her turn sucking the woman's asshole.

"I want that cock in my mouth," Jenny said. "Bennie lie on the floor for mommy."

Ben lay down and Jenny got down on the floor on her knees and elbows.

"Sally," she said. "Come lick auntie's asshole while I suck my son's cock in his pantyhose."

"Yes, maam," Sally said and knelt down behind her aunt to go to work on her asshole.

"That's nice, mommy," Ben said. "You suck my cock in my pantyhose so good, mommy."

"I don't want you to cum, Bennie," Jenny said pulling her mouth away. "Let me know if you think that you are going to."

"Yes, maam."

Robin had Derek on the couch on his back. He was holding his legs back and out and she was tongue fucking his asshole as she jerked him off. She would come up and suck his balls for a moment or suck his cock. It was quickly to the point where both boys were going to cum and the women stopped what they were doing.

"Well," Jenny said. "I think it is time that little Sally got a little attention. What do you say, Robin. A nice cock in her little girl pussy?"

That took Robin aback for a moment. She hadn't thought about that, but the thought now of a bald little cock fucking her bald little pussy was quite a turn on.

"Seeing that Derek is her brother...I think that he should fuck her first, don't you?" Robin asked.

"Yes," Jenny said. "What do you think, Sally? Would you like your brother to put his cock in your pussy?"

"Will it hurt?" she asked. "Only for a moment baby girl and then you will love it."

"Ok, Aunt Jenny," Sally said smiling. "I'll let him put his cock in my pussy."

"Lie down on the floor, Sally," Robin said. "Derek, I will help you fuck your little sister. You just get down there and kneel between her legs. I will tell you what to do."

Derek and Sally did as they were told, and Robin helped the boy lean forward on his forearms. She reached back between his legs and took his little cock. She massaged it for a moment and then placed it at the entrance to the six-year-old's pussy.

"Now," she said. "Derek, I want you to slowly push your cock into your sisters pussy. Gently push it in and out and go as deep as you can. I don't think that you can hurt her."

Derek began to push into his little sister and slowly made progress. He gently pushed in and out of her as Sally let out a little yelp, but continued to lie there.

"Yeah," Jenny said when Derek was all the way in. "Fuck your little sister, Derek. Fuck her good."

Derek began to rock and Sally's yelp changed to panting and gentle moaning.

"Tell your brother how it feels," Robin said. "How does it feel to have him fuck you in your white pantyhose?"

"Yes, brother," she moaned. "Fuck me in my pantyhose."

Jenny began to finger fuck her pussy as the little girl cried out. It was the hottest thing that she had ever seen. Bennie took the initiative to squat over his cousin's face, facing the top of her head and leaned forward on his hands and knees so that the little girl could suck his cock.

"Put it in your mouth, Sally," he said. "Suck my cock."

Sally took a young boy's cock, or any cock, for the first time in her mouth. She sucked it, but it was Bennie rocking his hips into her face that taught her how to truly suck a cock. She was moaning around his cock as her older brother slammed into her pussy. He had picked up the pace, but slowed when he thought he was going to cum.

"Your turn, Ben," Derek said getting up. "You want to fuck her?"

"Yeah," Ben said pulling out of her mouth and rolling over.

"Stay right there," Bennie his mommy said. "Sally, squat over his cock and take it into your pussy. I want to see you ride that cock."

"Even better," Robin said. "Two cocks are better than one."

Robin helped Sally onto Bennie's cock and leaned her forward so that her asshole was revealed. She sucked and licked the little rosebud, spitting to get it nice and wet.

"Squat down behind your sister," Robin told Derek. "Yeah, like that. Now gently...ever so gently begin to put your cock in her asshole. I want you to fuck your little sister in the ass, while she rides her cousin's cock."

Derek pushed a little too hard and Sally pulled away, but she pushed her ass back out for a second try, because she truly wanted to be a big girl and fuck like a grown-up. Bennie was busy pushing his cock up into the little girl. He was a little bigger so it was hard going at first, but he soon was completely inside of her.

Derek in the meantime was content to stick his cock in his sister's ass. He was halfway in when Jenny came over and slid a finger into his asshole as well. As he began to ass fuck his sister, his aunt began to ass fuck him. Robin was on the floor watching it all and furiously finger fucking both her pussy and asshole. All of it was surreal and if you could picture all that is going on then...well...I have done my job.

Derek had a great idea and pulled out of his sister. He pulled Ben's legs back revealing his ass. He pushed the head of his cock against the other boy's virgin asshole and it easily slid inside.

"Oh, my fuck," Bennie cried. "Yeah, fuck my ass, Derek."

Jenny was still finger fucking Derek's ass and used her other hand to shove her middle finger into Sally's. It was a little too much for Derek and he pulled out and jerked himself off until he came on his cousin's cock, balls and asshole.

Jenny pushed him away and went to work lapping up the spunk that the little boy had just expelled.

"I am going to cum," Ben announced.

He pulled out of the little girl and placed the head of his cock against her asshole. He slid in quickly and ass fucked her a few times before pulling out. He jerked himself onto her little asshole and it was Robin's turn to taste of the junk that was on her daughter's asshole.

Sally was spent and lying on top of her cousin. She had cum several times and that is something that is traumatic for a six-year-old. She rolled off him and lie on the floor smiling and hugging herself.

"Well," Jenny said. "I guess that will do for the moment. I think that we should get cleaned up, have some lunch and then see about more pantyhose play with the Sparks family."

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Nice story, I really liked it.


I'm a long time fan and love your stories.


wow very very hot


What a nice story, love mum/son stories

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