The Program

[ FFggg, inc, pedo, oral, anal, spank, fist, pantyhose ]

by Lujan


Published: 22-Jan-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

Sharon was a married woman, and the mother of two beautiful children. Her youngest was Michelle. Michelle was just about to turn three (tomorrow, to be precise), and Sharon was trying her hardest to fully potty train the girl. Michelle would use the potty, but there were times when she just seemed to refuse. Two days would go by, and she would use the potty every time. Next thing you know, she is wetting her panties. Sharon's oldest girl, Danielle, was five. Sharon's sister, Abby (Abagail, but you better be someone that she hugs if you are going to call her that) was over for a visit. Abby had brought her own three year old daughter, Mindy.

It was early afternoon, and Danielle was in kindergarten. The two younger children were playing in the other room while Sharon and Abby talked in the living room.

"I just don't get it," Sharon said. "I have tried everything. The time outs don't work. Forget about standing in the corner. I have resorted to spankings. That doesn't seem to be working either."

Just as Sharon was talking with her sister about the problem she was having, Michelle walked into the room. She looked at her mother and instantly began to cry. Sharon knew immediately what the problem was.

"No, Michelle," she said. "Tell mommy that you didn't."

That just caused Michelle to cry even harder. Sharon got up off the couch and stood above her daughter.

"Chelle, why? Why don't you go in the big potty like mommy does?"

Sharon picked her daughter up by grabbing under the little girls armpits, and carried her to the kitchen. She was at her wits end. She placed her daughter on the kitchen counter.

"See what I mean, Abagail. She just won't do it."

Abby came into the kitchen, and stood in the doorway. She wanted to see how her sister would handle the situation.

Michelle was dressed in a little yellow sundress with white bobby sox, and black patent leather sandles.

Sharon lay her daughter down on the counter and lifted the little girls dress, revealing white cotton panties that were soaked with urine. She shook her head, and hooked her fingers into the waistband of her daughter's panties. She pulled them off, and flung them in the sink. It was obvious that she was upset.

Once she had Michelle's panties off, Sharon grabbed the child's ankles in her left hand. The left ankle was between forefinger and thumb. The right, between forefinger and middle. Sharon pulled them straight up so that the scuffed soles of the little girls sandales were pointing at the ceiling. It is amazing to me that Sharon thought to herself that she had to buy the girl some new sandles. Even during this, she remained the ever vigilant mommy. The little girl's ass was exposed to Sharon, and she swatted that little butt twelve times, pausing between some of them to interject her displeasure with the situation.

And now for the play by play:

Spank (1) spank (2)...pause.

"Naughty girl, to pee in your panties."

The next three swats were given quickly, and punctuated with a "Bad!" each time that her hand made contact. A short pause, and the fourth was a little harder, and finished up with "Girl!". That makes 7. Spank (8) spank (9) and spank (10), followed quickly by Spank (11). "Naughty..." Spank (12) ended with a loud, "GIRL!". 11 and 12 were harder than the rest of the swats, but Abby smiled at all of it. The swats were harder than she thought they would be, but not enough to kill the little girl. It was obvious that Sharon was frustrated. Michelle cried as if it was the worst spanking she had ever recieved. It might just have been exactly that.

Sharon brought her hand to her forehead, and began to gently cry herself. Abby came up behind her, and took the little girls ankles in here own hand. She then gently pushed Sharon out of the way.

"Here, go sit down," Abby said. "I will take care of this."

Sharon looked down at her palm. She thought that her palm was wet because she thought she might have been sweating. That wasn't it at all. It was urine. She could feel it on her forehead. Sharon looked down at her little girl's butt, and saw that it was wet. She grabbed a cloth off the counter and used it to clean her hand and forehead. She then handed the cloth to Abby, and walked into the dining room. She sat at the table and put her head in her hands, crying softly.

Abby looked down at the little girl's red butt and smiled. She remembered having the same problem with her own daughter. Abby turned the faucet on, and rinsed out the wash cloth. She then set to work cleaning her little neice. She gently rubbed the little girl's butt with the cloth. She knew it would be tender fromt he spanking and didn't want to hurt it any worse than it was. She let the cloth slide between the two-year-old's ass cheeks, and cleaned what she could.

Abby then pushed the girl's ankles down, and it caused Michelle's knees to spread. Abby looked down at the little girl's pee soaked pussy. It was bald and puffy and wet. Abby pushed her nieces ankles down until the little girls knees were touching the counter. She then pushed the child's ankles down toward her little head. This caused the little girl's ass to stick up in the air, her cheeks spread, and her little asshole exposed. It too was wet, and Abby almost giggled out loud as the little asshole gently flexed. She had to wonder if the toddler's asshole hadn't received at least one stinging slap from her mommy's hand.

Michelle was still crying softly as her aunt cleaned her up. Her mommy was really mad at her. She wanted to go pee, but she was having so much fun playing with her cousin. She didn't want to stop what she was doing. It happened without her even realizing that it was going to.

Michelle felt the warm, wet cloth make contact with her asshole and pussy. Something inside her reacted to it. It felt good. She shivered, and began to pee again. Her Aunt saw it beginning and held the cloth down on the small girl's pussy.

Abby could feel the urine soaking through the wash cloth. It was warm, and Abby couldn't help but wonder how such a small girl could produce such an amount of piss.

Michelle looked like she was getting ready to cry again, but Abby shushed her.

"There is no need for that." Abby said. "You couldn't help yourself, but you could help it the first time. Your mommy doesn't like to spank you, but you have to do as she says, darling."

Abby rinsed out the cloth, and began to clean the girl again.

"You just have to start listening to your mommy, but I think that I can help. I don't know how to approach your mommy, but I am sure that what I did with Mindy to get her to stop peeing her panties, will work for you."

Abby was really talking to herself, and was speaking soft enough that Sharon couldn't hear her from the dining room. Problem with that is that Sharon was no longer in the dining room. She was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"And what might this great resolution be?" Sharon asked.

Abby jumped at the sound of her sister's voice. She turned around with the cloth in her hand.

"Well, I don't know if you are ready for something like this, Sharon."

Abby turned her attention back to her niece.

"What do you mean, Abagail?" Sharon said pointedly. "You think that because you have a degree in philosophy, I can't handle new views and perspectives?"

"No," Abby said, turning around again. She pulled another cloth from a drawer and began to dry her niece. "The problem is that I don't know how you are going to react to it. I was hooked up with this amazing psychologist through a friend at school. She knew that I had an open mind, and that I was having trouble with potty training Mindy. I met the psychologist, and we talked for hours. At first, I was immediately shocked. I couldn't believe that this woman was telling me these things. After awhile, though, it all began to make sense."

Abby turned around, picked Michelle up, and headed for the nursery. Mindy was sitting on the floor amidst a bunch of blocks. Abby smiled at her as she walked in. It was obvious that Mindy was also upset. She must have heard Michelle getting a spanking.

"It's all right, Mindy. Michelle is ok. We just need to get her in a clean dress and panties."

Mindy beamed at this. For some reason, she was ecstatically happy about something. Abby set Michelle down on the floor and knelt in front of her. She turned the girl around and lifted Michelle's dress up over her head. Michelle lifted her arms to allow the dress to come off. The child was now naked, except for her socks and sandles.

"Come on, Abby," Sharon said. She stood just inside the room. "Tell me what is going on.

"This woman," Abby continued. "Came up with a theory that the more you share with your child, the better they will react to you. I met with some other people who follow this woman, and found that it just worked wonders."

"What is it? The more you share...? What is that supposed to mean?" Sharon was completely lost.

"Ok," Abby said, standing up and turning around. "If you really want to know, then I will explain it all to you, but you have to remember that these are very unorthodox views. You are going to be shocked by these things, but I hope that you will keep an open mind."

Abby came forward and took Sharon's hands in her own. "I would never do anything to hurt you or Michelle, what less my own child. If I didn't believe in what I was doing, then I wouldn't be doing it. All I can say is that things have been so much better since I met Kathy."

"Kathy?" Sharon inquired.

"Kathy is the psychologist. Her and her husband Tim run the program. We all try to meet once a week and discuss what is going on. We try new things and help each other out. I don't want to take you to one of the meetings until I know for sure that you can handle something like this."

Sharon got mad. She knew that her sister was suggesting something that most people would frown upon, but she didn't know what it was. All she knew is that her older sister was treating her like she was a child. She hated when Abby did that.

"Listen, Ab," Sharon said. That is what she called her when she got angry. "I can handle anything that you can throw at me. If you can do it, and it worked for you, then I can most certainly do it as well."

This was the reaction that Abby had been hoping for. She knew that it would be easier if Sharon made it a point to accept things. How Sharon would react when confronted with the full details was a different matter.

"Ok, then." Abby quickly removed Michelle's shoes and socks. "Let's get these girls in tights. You have to start somewhere."

Abby dressed her niece in a pair of pink cotton panties, white rhumba tights (the kind with pink ruffles on the bottom), and a pretty white dress.

Sharon watched all this, but didn't say a word. She wasn't going to give into Abby. She would wait it out and see what happened. Sharon could feel her heart beating in her chest; her pulse pounded in her ears. What did putting tights on the girls have to do with what Abby was talking about? What did tights have to do with anything? What did tights... Sharon shook it all off.

If Abby could do it, she could damn well do it better. She watched as her sister pulled a pair of red tights from Michelle's drawer. Abby walked over to her daughter, lay Mindy down on the floor and lifted the hem of her red dress up over her waist, revealing white cotton panties. Abby set about putting the tights on her daughter.

Once the girls were dressed, Abby stood up and faced her sister. Sharon was sure that Abby was going to tell her that this was all a joke. Surely, putting the children in tights didn't mean anything. Pantyhose? Pantyhose? Why had she told her sister about the pantyhose? Is that what this was all about? Pantyhose?

"I think that it would be better if we went into the living room," Abby said. "It will be more comfortable there."

Sharon walked out of her daughter's room and into the living room. Abby followed with the two girls, who were laughing and twirling about in their dresses. Michelle could talk, but was not as articulate as her cousin Mindy, who was six months older. Both of them were insisting that they were a princess.

Michelle was a cute girl. She had shoulder length blond hair with blue eyes. Her skin was fair, and her smile contagious. The dimples in her cheeks gave her a beautiful smile. Mindy on the other hand was completely different. She had short curly brunette hair, and green eyes. Her skin was darker like her father's. The thing about Mindy is that she had a serious face. She had a look that said she might have a little secret that you would really want to know, but wasn't going to tell you. Sharon took a seat on the recliner, and Abby placed both girls on the couch with their legs out in front of them. Mindy was barely an inch taller than Michelle, but they were both small, and their feet barely reached the end of the large couch. Abby made herself and Sharon a drink - Dewar's scotch on ice. She handed Sharon a glass before sitting down in the chair that was to the left of the recliner. Both chairs used by the mommy's were poised in front of the couch. They sat quietly, sipping their drinks for a moment. Sharon was normally adverse to having a drink at eleven in the morning, but if ever there was a time for it, she felt that time was now. She honestly had no idea what was going on, but the word pantyhose was echoing in her head.

"As I was saying," Abby began. "I learned some things that I had never even considered. I dressed the two girls in tights, because I think that will be the easiest way for me to get across to you."

"What do tights have to do with anything?" Sharon asked. She was perplexed for a moment, but the meaning of it hit her at the same moment that Abby spoke it.

"Fetish, Sharon. You have told me about your husband's fetish for pantyhose and such. I also know that you are caught up in it. I mean, look at you. You are wearing pantyhose right now. We both are." Abby was right. Sharon was dressed in a light blue sun dress with tan pantyhose -no shoes.

"I approached Andrew with pantyhose after talking to you. He is totally into it. Why do you think that I wear pantyhose more often now?"

Andrew was Abby's husband, and she herself was dressed in a black skirt with a white blouse and black pantyhose. Again, no shoes. Sharon looked at Abby's black pantyhosed legs. Abby 'had' been wearing them more often. She shook her head. She looked as if she was completely lost, but Abby knew that her sister was just in denial. Sharon knew what Abby was getting at. There was only one thing for Abby to do. She had to charge right in. She got up off her chair, and knelt down in front of the couch. She was at Mindy's left knee. Michelle was sitting to the right of Mindy.

"What do you see here?" Abby asked Sharon. She gestured toward the girls.

"Our daughters," Sharon replied.

She took a quick swallow of her drink. She got up and made herself another.

"No, Sharon. Outside of that. What do you see? What are they?"

Sharon turned around and took a stiff pull on her drink.

"I see two little girls. A two year old, and a three year old."

"Am I right in calling them females?" Abby asked. "little or not, they are female, right?"

"Yeah," Sharon said. She filled her half empty drink, and found her seat. "They are female."

Sharon was never much of a drinker, and she could feel the alcohol already starting to take effect. It wasn't that she was drunk, by any means. I guess that the word calm would best describe it. Her nerves were settling some, and she could no longer hear her hearbeat cadence in her ears.

"What's your point?" Sharon asked.

"This," Abby answered. She reached forward and whispered something in Mindy's ear. Mindy looked to her mommy, silently questioning what she had heard. Abby nodded. Mindy grbbed the hem of her dress, and lifted it to her chin. Sharon watched as her niece revealed herself. The little girl spread her knees apart. Sharon looked at the little girl's reavealed crotch, noticing the white panties showing through the three-year-old's red tights. Mindy's face was flushed, but she was smiling broadly, as well.

"Now what do you see, Sharon?" Abby looked to her sister.

She couldn't read Sharon's face. It was empty. Abby began to think that she had gone too far. Sharon was just not ready for this.

"I see a little girl lifting her dress," Sharon said. She spoke calmly. "She is showing off her tights."

Abby was surprised at Sharon's answer. It was more than she expected. It was more than just the observation of the girl holding up her dress. It was the reason behind it. The child was doing it to show off her tights.

"Yes," Abby said. "Now, tell me something. If Mindy were a woman sitting in the mall, and your husband saw her doing something like this, do you think that it would turn him on? If a woman were lifting her skirt and showing him her pantyhose, would it do anything for him?"

"Yes, of course," Sharon said. "But..."

"But, nothing." Abby cut Sharon off. "His cock would get hard."

Sharon's mouth opened at the cock word being spoken out loud in front of the children.

"Just relax, Sharon. It is all part of the program. It is best to be open and frank." Abby gestured to Mindy again. "Now, what do you think would happen if your husband saw Mindy doing this?"

Sharon shook her head to break from the shock of the 'c' word.

"Nothing...nothing," she said slowly. She looked at the little girl again. "Adam has seen Michelle's and Mindy's tights more times than I can count. Girls their age aren't to concerned about modesty."

"Ok," Abby agreed. "He sees them lifting their skirts, or sitting with their legs opened - their tights all out in front of him. He has probably even seen yourk older daughter Danielle in her tights. It doesn't really do anything for him." Abby cocked her head. "Or maybe it does."

Abby let that hang in the air for a moment.

"Regardless, they are just being little girls, but what if he were to see her doing it with the intention of revealing herself - trying to illicit some sort of sexual response. What do you think his reaction would be then?" She didn't even give Sharon time to answer. "It would be hard to say, but I have a feeling that it would stir something in him. He might not act on it, but it would do something to him - seeing his niece lift her skirt, to show him her tights."

Abby moved next to Michelle, telling her daughter to let her dress down. Abby lifted the hem of her nieces dress. The little girl's legs were already spread, and Abby looked at the girl's crotch. She loved the way the pink panties showed through the little girl's white tights. Both of the little girls were giggling through all of this.

"What do you think he would say about this?" Abby asked. "His own daughter. What if he were to see her lifted skirt as more than a child unconcerned with modesty? I personally think that he would get turned on."

She looked at Sharon. "The bigger question here is what do 'you' think about it?"

Sharon finished off her drink, and set her glass on the table next to her. That was all that she was going to drink.

"I don't know what to say here, Abagail. I mean, I like pantyhose and leg wear. You know that I totally support Adam's fetish, but this is my daughter. Am I supposed to find her arousing?"

"That is the point, Sharon." Abby lowered her neice's dress. "The point is that you have to question it. Your feelings toward your daughter lifting her dress is a part of it. No, she isn't going to do something like that, but what if she did? You would have to look at things completely different. You would have to see it from her point of view as well.

"You have noticed that Michelle goes around touching herself a lot, right?" Sharon nodded her head. "Why do you think she does that? Because it feels good, that's why. She is beginning to notice her pussy."

Sharon wasn't as shocked at pussy being used. It seemed to fit, really. Her thoughts were all jumbled. Abby grabbed Michelle's ankles, smiled at the little girl, and then lifted them into the air. She spread her nieces legs apart.

"Behind those white tights, and those pink pair of panties, is a pussy, Sharon. A real live bonafide, pussy. She knows it - you know it. You shouldn't be afraid to admit it. It is more than her vagina. It is her pussy."

Sharon looked from her daughter's crotch to Abby. She wanted to be sure there was no smile on her sister's face. She wanted to know if this was all for real.

"A pussy, Sharon. The question is why should she have to stop touching it? Sure, it is inappropriate in public, but why not let her have at it at home?

"We both masturbate. We have talked many times about it. Why would you want to deny your daughter the same privilege? Because she is only two?

Abby looked between her nieces legs. She looked at the little mound hidden by the little girl's panties. She wondered what the little girl's pussy would look like with the crotch of the tights pulled snug against it, sans panties.

"I think that if she is old enough to want to play with it, then let her," Abby said. "Go so far as to encourage her. There is nothing wrong with her knowing her body."

Abby set Michelle's legs down. It was time to cross the line. She was afraid of her sister's reaction, but she had come this far. She felt that she couldn't go back if she really wanted to. She didn't want to.

"Sharon," Abby said as she took her seat again. "This program is all about rewards. You do much better when you offer rewards for doing something good, instead of threatening punishment if they don't. And you already said that the spankings aren't working.

"That is half of the program. Love is the other half. You love your child, and she loves you. That is a given. Why not share that love? Not just some of it, Sharon. All of it."

Abby looked in her sister's eyes. It was apparent to her that Sharon was mulling this over, but wasn't sure if her sister was getting the whole gist of it. She decided to lunge on.

"You and Peter love each other," Abby said. "And you show that love in many ways. Kissing. Hugging. Pretty much the same thing that you do with Michelle, just more passionately with your husband. You carry it beyond that with Adam, though. You make love."

Abby picked up her drink from the floor, finished it off, and got up to make another. She belted the liquor, and poured another. She brought it back to her seat and took a small sip. Abby could see that Sharon's face was a little pale. If she didn't think that Sharon understood before, it was quite obvious that she did now. Abby took a deep breath.

"Why not share that same passion with your daughter? Why not be as close as you can be? When you do, you can offer her something a hell of a lot better than a spanking, to pee in the potty."

Sharon looked to her daughter, then to Abby. "What are you suggesting here?" She asked softly. "You want me to molest my daughter?"

"No," Abby said, shaking her head vigorously. "I am not talking about anything even close to that."

"Than what 'do' you mean?" Sharon stood up and started to head over to the bar. She thought better of it, and sat back down. "I just heard you tell me that I should make love with my two-year-old."

She got louder. Not quite shouting.

"I mean, for Pete's sake, Abagail. What? You want me lick her...her," Sharon waved her hand out toward Michelle. "Her pussy?" she blurted out.

The girls on the couch were looking quietly at their mothers. They weren't sure if they should be upset, but it was obvious that something had just happened.

The word 'pussy' seemed to linger in the silence that followed. Sharon face went blank for a moment. She sat down and closed her hands in her lap. It was not in Sharon's nature to talk that way. She was by no means a prude. She was very open with sex, and enjoyed all kinds of different things. She had been fucked more times by her husband when she was wearing pantyhose, then she could count. Often times, he would also be wearing a pair.

She enjoyed straight sex, as well as, oral and anal. Just lately she had discovered rimming. She had never even thought about putting her tongue in her husband's asshole, or vice versa. They were pretty busy into a bout of the ole' 69 one night, when Peter slid his tongue up to her asshole. Sharon had jumped, and Peter asked her if it was ok. It was something that he just wanted to try. She said that it just tickled, and didn't quite expect it.

Peter had Sharon lie on her back. She brought her pantyhosed legs back behind her elbows, as Peter suggested. Her ripped pantyhose pulled hard against her ass cheeks as she brought them up, leaving her ass open and exposed. Peter sat down on the bed facing Sharon's ass, his legs straight out on either side of her. He had to rip the crotch of her pantyhose a little more to get full access to her ass. He then leaned forward and gently licked her asshole with the tip of his tongue. He slid it across her hole, looking up into her eyes as he did it. She didn't jump this time. She felt his warm tongue caress her rectum, and it made her flex her sphincter muscle. Peter felt that and sat up. He asked her to do that again. She did it a few times for him, a little emberassed about it, but liking the feeling of doing something so dirty.

As I was saying before, Sharon isn't that explicit with her language, but Peter is. He likes to talk dirty.

"Yeah, flex that asshole, baby," he said. He stroked his cock as he watched. "Grab your ass cheeks and pull them apart for me. I want to see that asshole good."

Sharon did as she was told. She pulled them as far apart as she could. The tension on her asshole caused it to stick out, and she began to work the muscle again. Peter was stroking his cock furiously, but stopped long enough to bend over and cover her asshole with his mouth. He began to lick and suck it. When he pushed his tongue into her asshole, Sharon moaned loudly. This caused him to work even harder at it. Sharon reached down and slid the middle finger of her right hand into her pussy. She finger fucked her wet hole as fast as she could. It was only moments before she was having an orgasm that racked her whole body. They quickly changed places, and Peter was stroking his cock, as Sharon fucked his asshole with her tongue.

No, she was no prude.

Sharon looked to her sister. She needed help. She was feeling something that wasn't setting right with her. It was one thing to hear the word come from her sister's mouth, but it was another to hear herself speak it. Could it be that she was actually a little turned on? She wanted to say it again, right out loud - right in front of the children. She didn't care. She wanted to say pussy with all the force that she could muster.

Abby was looking at Sharon. She saw all her sister's color coming back into her face. It was more than that. Sharon's face turned red. Abby wasn't sure if she was going to explode or what.

"Pussy!" Sharon said loudly. She brought her hands to her face and laughed.

Abby and the girls all began to laugh with her.

"Pussy," Michelle said, giggling.

"Pussy," Mindy added.

Chapter 2

"That's right, girls," Abby said. "Pussy. Pussy. Pussy."

The girls chanted this word with her as she got up from her chair, and sat on the couch next to her daughter.

"Come sit with us Sharon." She held her hand out to her sister. Sharon dropped her hands into her lap and tried to compose herself. She couldn't say for sure why, but she felt good. She wanted to hear what Abby had to say. More than that. She wanted to share. Her fear was gone. She got up and sat on the couch next to her daughter. Both mother's looked at their little girls, and the giggling began anew. They laughed and hugged for a good minute. I don't think that the girls realized exactly what was going on, but they were happy that things were ok. Besides that, laughter is contagious.

Abby caught Sharon's eyes, and they shared a moment without ever speaking a word. It was ok, Abby thought. She is ready.

"Look at your little girl, Sharon. There is someone there that loves you, and you can give her back that love and so much more. All you have to do is be open and ready." Abby smiled at her sister. "Are you ready?"

The emphasis on 'are' made it clear that she was asking to take the next step. Sharon looked down at her little girl. Michelle was looking up at mommy with a bright smiling face.

"Pussy," Michelle said softly. "Pussy, mommy."

This caused Sharon to smile widely.

"I am sorry that I spanked you, honey," she said to her daughter. "Aunt Abagail is going to teach me a better way to help you pee in the potty. Would you like that?"

Michelle nodded her head quickly, and Sharon looked up at Abby. "I really am ready, sis. I don't know how to begin, but I feel it is the right thing. Please help me."

Abby stood up and held her arms out to Sharon. Sharon stood up and came to her sister. They embraced each other with a tight, hard hug. It was Abby that broke the hug. She looked into her sister's face, her arms linked loosely behind Sharon's back. Abby moved her head forward and touched her lips to Sharon's. It was a kiss that poems could be written about. It was gentle and passionate. There tongues met in a dance of utter knowledge of what the other needed. Neither of them wanted to break it. When they finally did, they looked into each other's eyes.

"Trust me, Sharon," Abby said softly. "You are my little sister. I would never steer you wrong."

Sharon's face changed and Abby thought that things just suddenly turned queer. She looked where Sharon was looking. It was at the clock on the wall.

"Oh, no," Sharon said. "I am late to pick Danielle up."

Abby smiled. "It's ok. We will take the girls, and go pick her up."

Sharon caught the look in her sister's eyes, and smiled back. The afternoon was going to be quite an experience. Both women looked at the girls and saw that they were both nodding off. It wouldn't do to take them. It was a half hour drive both ways to the school.

" I'll tell you what," Abby said. "Why don't you go pick up Danielle. I will put these two in bed. When you get back, we will pick up where we left off."

It was Sharon that instigated the kiss this time. She pushed her lips against her sisters, and took her time pulling away.

"Thank you, Abagail. You are the best."

Sharon left the house, and Abby looked at the two girls on the couch. Both of them were fast asleep. She went to the master bedroom and pulled the sheet and blanket down, before returning to pick up her niece. She carried Michelle into the room and laid her down, returning to the living room for her daughter. She laid Mindy down as well, and got on the bed between the little girls, pulling them close to her - Michelle on her right, and her daughter on her left. Her hands held the small, tights covered butt of each little girl, and she herself drifted off to sleep.

Sharon pulled up in front of the school and turned the engine off. For the past half hour of the drive, she had been thinking about everything that had happened today. You might think that it would have given her time to change her mind, but it wasn't that way. She was more excited than she had been when she left the house. The prospect of doing something so naughty was even more attractive to her. She was not a lesbian by any means, but she had always been curious what it would be like. Here was her chance.

Sharon had to go into the school to get her daughter. It was the way that they operated. Each child had to be signed in and out. It prevented the children from going with anyone that they weren't supposed to. It was an expensive school, but Sharon would only have the best for her daughters.

Danielle was sitting in a chair just inside the school office. She was playing with her Gameboy. She looked up when her mommy walked in, and her face brightened up.

"You didn't forget," she said jubilantly. "I knew that you didn't."

"Of course not," Sharon said. She held her hands out, and Danielle raced into them. "What would make you think that I could forget my favorite schoolgirl?"

"Oh," Danielle said, making an ugly face - her top lip pulled up, and her eyes narrow. "That mean ole' Angela said that you didn't want me anymore. That I would have to stay here forever."

Sharon hugged her daughter tight. "You forget what Angela says. She doesn't know poop. I just ran into a little traffic on the way, that is all."

Danielle laughed at that. It was her favorite swear word. "Yeah, she don't know poop."

Sharon signed her daughter out and took her to the car. She put Danielle in the passenger seat and set about securing the seat belt. It was while she was doing this that she looked at what her daughter was wearing. It was the uniform that was required by the school for kindergarteners: a blue pleated skirt with a white blouse, and blue ribbon tie. They were also required to wear white or blue tights, and black Mary Jane's. Danielle was wearing white that day. The school was an elite private school that was pre-school through 12th grade, and each grade had their own color uniform. Pantyhose were required starting in the fifth grade. She intended for both of her daughters to

start and end their education here.

Danielle's skirt was pulled up slightly, and Sharon couldn't help but take notice of her daughters legs. She was staring at them, actually. She was bent over, part way in the car. She reached out and took the hem of her daughter's skirt, and pulled it down. Her knuckles dragged against the little girls tights covered legs. She felt goose bumps rise up on her body. She smiled at Danielle. "We will be home in a jiffy," she said.

Danielle was looking at her weird. The child must have noticed a change in her mother's demeanor.

"It's ok." Sharon reached and brushed her daughter's bangs back. "Mommy is fine. I do want to talk to about something on the way home, but don't you worry about being in trouble. That is the farthest thing from my mind."

"Ok, mommy," Danielle said. She was smiling now.

Sharon closed the car door, and took a deep breath before heading around to the drivers side. She wondered for just a moment if it wouldn't be a good idea to drop Danielle off at her mother's. Things would be easier with the younger girls. Danielle was at that stage of wanting to know the workings of everything. No, she wanted Danielle there. She wanted to experience things with both of her daughters. It was ok if Danielle wanted to know the why and how of it all. Sharon herself was at that stage. She would just have to catch Danielle up a little.

Once on the road, Sharon took a few more deep breaths. Danielle was just slightly older than the other two. She would have to choose her words a little more carefully.

"Honey," Sharon said. "I need your help. You know that I am having a hard time with potty training Michelle. Well, before I came to pick you up, Aunt Abby was telling me about a new program that just might help. I don't know too much about it, but I would really like to try it."

Sharon broke off as she pulled onto the exit leading to the highway. She set cruise control and made herself comfortable.

"Mommy," Danielle said. "I'll help you. I like to help out with Chelle. She's my baby sister, right?"

Sharon laughed lightly. She was always amused when Danielle said that. The girl was barely two years older than her sister, but Michelle was still Danielle's baby sister.

"Yes, Danielle, she is your baby sister, and I really appreciate the way that you help me out. But this is not all just about Michelle, though. It is also about you. Doing what Aunt Abagail teaches us will bring us all closer together."

Sharon smiled as the next few words entered her mind.

"She is going to show us a new way to love each other. Would you like that?"

"Oh, yes mommy." Danielle looked out the window for a second, then turned back to her mommy. "It's grown-up stuff isn't it?"

Sharon was not surprised by her daughter's question. Danielle had always been very intuitive, and must have noticed something in the way that she was talking and acting.

"What do you mean, baby?"

"Well, I was just thinking. Are you scared, mommy?"

"No, honey. Mommy is just a little nervous. I don't want you to be scared either. You just need to remember that you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do. If you aren't having fun, and want to stop, you just tell mommy."

"It's ok, mommy. I don't understand a lot of grown-up stuff, but I am getting bigger."

"Yes, you are, honey."

Sharon's eyes drifted down to her daughter's legs again. "Yes, you are.

Sharon reached down and pulled her own dress up to mid-thigh. She saw her daughter look down toward her legs.

"I wish I had pretty legs like you, mommy," she said. "Your pantyhose are sure nice."

It was then that she decided to take a detour. Once in town, Sharon stopped off at a department store.

Danielle followed her mommy to the underwear section of the little girl's department. They stopped in front of hosiery, and Sharon grabbed a pair of tan colored 'Little Leggs' pantyhose from the rack. She read the back of the package to see if they would fit her daughter.

Danielle saw what her mommy had, and her eyes got big. Was her mommy getting ready to buy her some pantyhose? She wasn't supposed to wear those until she got into the fifth grade.

"Yes," Sharon said when she saw her daughter's face. "These pantyhose are for you."

"Yeah," Danielle cheered.

She jumped up and down, and clapped her hands. Sharon thought about getting a pair for the other two girls, but there weren't any for girls that young. That was ok, with them wearing tights, and Danielle wearing pantyhose, she would have the best of both worlds.

Danielle insisted that she carry the pantyhose up to the register. The man behind the counter smiled when Danielle announced that she was getting her first pair of 'big girl pantyhose'.

"And I'll bet they will look just great on you," he said.

He winked at Sharon and she couldn't help but wonder what the man was really thinking. Would he be at all interested in seeing her five-year-old in her first pair of big girl pantyhose?

Sharon paid for the pantyhose and ushered Danielle out to the car. She could hardly wait to get home.

Danielle was out of the car before Sharon even had a chance to turn off the ignition.

"Can I try them on now, mommy? Can I?"

"In a little bit. Let's go in and talk to Aunt Abby first."

Danielle ran into the house, and Sharon quickly followed. They found Aunt Abby asleep with the girls in the master bedroom, and Sharon couldn't help but notice that each of her sister's hands were filled with the tights covered butts of the toddlers.

She went over to the bed and gently shook Abby.

"Time to get up, sleepyhead."

Abby opened her eyes and smiled. "Glad your back. Still up for a lesson?"

Sharon moved her eyes down to Michelle's ass, and raised her eyebrows as she moved them back up to her sister's face.

"I'll take that as a yes," Abby said. She sat up and scooted forward to the end of the bed. As she stood up, Danielle brought her hands out from behind her back.

"Look, Aunt Abby," she said proudly. "Pantyhose. Mommy just bought them for me."

Abby looked from her niece to her sister. She smiled widely. "I see. What a big girl you are, Danielle," she said, turning back to the little girl.

Danielle looked to her mother. "Can I try my pantyhose on now, mommy? Please?"

Abby decided to step in. "I'll tell you what, Danielle. You can try them on, but I want you to try them on in a special way, ok?"

"Ok, Aunt Abby. Is this part of helping Michelle?"

Abby looked to her sister and raised her own eyebrows.

"We had a little talk in the car on the way here," Sharon said. "I told Danielle that we needed her help to work with Michelle, and that you were going to show us a new way to love each other."

"Yep," Danielle said. "It's grown-up stuff."

"Good job, sis." Abby winked at her sister and turned to sit on the bed.

Abby told Sharon and Danielle to take a seat as well.

"Ok," Abby said. "Like your mommy told you, I am going to teach you a new way to love each other. I also think that this will help Michelle to stop peeing her panties. Are you ready to begin."

"Yep," Danielle said.

"Good. First off, I think that you should get those new pantyhose on, honey."

Abby put her hand to her chin. "Hmmm. I think that she is a big enough girl to wear them the special way. Don't you think so, Sharon?"

Sharon had no idea what her sister was talking about, but played along with her. "Yes, I think she is big enough."

"Well, I don't know." Abby said this hoping to illicit a response from Danielle.

" I am big enough, Aunt Abby. I can wear pantyhose the special way. I promise." Danielle was nodding her head as she spoke.

"Oh, all right. I suppose that you are. Are you going to need any help putting those pantyhose on?"

"I put my own tights on this morning," Danielle said.

"Yes, but did you put them on correctly? Pantyhose are different than tights. To wear them properly, you must make sure that you put them on perfectly. Why don't you show your mommy and me if you put your tights on right. That way we can see if you will need help with your pantyhose."

Sharon couldn't help but get a little excited. She smiled at Abby. Sharon knew that her sister was doing this so they could get a look at the little girl in her tights.

Sharon watched her daughter closely as the child got off the bed. She didn't want to miss a thing. Danielle unzipped the back of her skirt, and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of the skirt and stood smiling.

"See," she said. "Just like mommy showed me."

Both women looked at the little girl standing there. Her blouse hung down to just over her crotch.

"Honey," Sharon said. She had to clear her throat to continue. "Why don't you pull your blouse up away from your tights?"

Abby was encouraged by this move. It told her that her sister was really getting into it. Danielle was a cute five-year-old. She had blond hair like her sister, but it came down to the middle of her back. She had it up in a pony-tail, tied with a blue ribbon. Danielle had big beautiful brown eyes, and long dark lashes. Danielle was still wearing her Mary Jane's, and Sharon ran her eyes from the little shoes, up to her daughter's crotch, and back down again. The tights, as well as, a pair of white flowered panties hid the child's pussy.

Yes, Sharon thought. It is a whole different story when I look at her this way. When I see her sexy, tight's covered legs.

"I guess that you did do a good job on those tights, honey," Abby said.

Abby reached out and took the package of pantyhose from the little girl. She opened the package and pulled out the pantyhose. She held them up at the waist and looked at the shriveled legs of the unworn pantyhose. Abby tugged on each of the pantyhose legs, so that they hung a little straighter. Sharon watched what her sister was doing with her daughter's pantyhose. She wanted them. She wanted to feel them in her own hands. Abby cannot read minds anymore than I can, but she held them out to Sharon. Sharon reached out and took the little pantyhose in her hands. She rubbed her fingers together, and admired the way the nylon felt between them.

"I think that you can put your pantyhose on by yourself," Abby said to Danielle. "Like I said earlier, thought, you should wear them the special way. That means that you should put your pantyhose on without any panties."

"You don't wear pantyhose without panties," Danielle said. She giggled at the thought of it.

"Yes, baby," Sharon says. "You can wear pantyhose without panties. I do it all the time. The nylon feels good against your body. You will love the way that they hug your bare ass."

The words were out before she knew that she was speaking them.

"Awwwwww, mommmyyyy. You said a naughty word."

Yes, it was a naughty word, and Sharon was just getting started.

"It's ok, Danielle. Naughty words are ok while we are doing this. You can say whatever you want. Aunt Abby and I will teach you all kinds of new words."

Sharon held the pantyhose out in front of her. Her thumbs were hooked inside the waist, and she pulled them outward - stretching the material. It hit Sharon then that the pantyhose she had chosen for her daughter were the same kind as she was wearing. Albeit they were much smaller, but they were tan. They were sheer to waist, as all little girl's pantyhose were made. They were a perfect replica of her own. Had she done that on purpose? Had she picked out her daughter's pantyhose to match her own on purpose? Sharon thought that was exactly what she had done. Even though she was trusting her sister to help her through all this, she needed something else. She wanted her daughter to see mommy in the same way that mommy saw her. A kinship of sorts. A way to break the ice. I hope that you are following me here. I don't know how else to explain it. Maybe you are feeling the same sort of confusion that Sharon was haunted by.

"Ok," Sharon continued. "Mommy needs you go on in to the bathroom and take of your tights and panties. You can just throw them into the hamper. Then put your little girl pantyhose on. Make sure that they are pulled up tight on you. I don't want to see any wrinkles in your pantyhose. Also, make sure that your pantyhose are pulled up tight against your crotch, and the seam should be running right down the middle of your pussy, and the crack of your ass. The seam of your toes should also be lined up."

Sharon felt intoxicated, but not because of the liquor. She had crossed the line, and there was no turning back. She noticed the tilt of her daughter's head, and the look on her face. It was one of bemusement, mixed with shock.

"Pussy," Sharon said. "Is just another word that you are going to learn. It is a grown-up word for your vagina."

Sharon had never given genitalia pet names like some families do. It was penis and vagina.

"Pussy is one word for it, cunt is another. Then you have cunny, slit and even beaver."

Danielle laughed at the last word, her hands going to mouth to cover her giggle.

"Yes, there are some funny words, but we will have a blast with them. Right?"

"Right," Danielle said.

"Now, go on and be a big girl for Mommy and Aunt Abby. We will be waiting out here for you."

Danielle took the pantyhose from her mother and started to walk away. Sharon called her back.

"Don't forget your skirt, baby."

Danielle turned around and walked back to retrieve her skirt. She was near the bed, and Sharon reached out and took the child's chin in her hand. Sharon lifted her daughter's face up to her own. She looked deep into the child's big brown eyes.

"Mommy loves you, baby," Sharon said. "I am very proud of you."

"I love you too, mommy."

Danielle gave her a quick hug and turned toward the bathroom door of the master bedroom. Sharon watched her daughter open the door, and then turned to Abby.

"I am proud of you," Abby said.

Both women scooted toward each other on the bed, and hugged deeply. They didn't notice that Danielle didn't enter the bathroom. They did notice, however, the child's words.

"What about daddy, mommy?" she said. "Doesn't he want to learn the new way to love too?"

Sharon froze. Abby froze.

The sisters slowly pulled away from each other. Each of them having different thoughts.

Oh, fuck, Sharon thought.

Damn, that blows it, Abby thought.

Sharon had totally pushed Adam out of her mind. She was so caught up in all this, that she didn't think about how her husband might react. A terrible image of him divorcing her and taking the kids away from her forever came into her mind. She couldn't let that happen. That was the end of all this.

"Danielle, honey," Abby said. "Go on ahead and get into your pantyhose. Your daddy will join us another time. We need to concentrate on us girls right now."

That was enough for Danielle. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. Sharon on the other hand was not as satisfied. Had she completely lost her mind? Had she really been ready to go through with something like this?

"Sharon," Abby said. "Look at me." Sharon looked to Abby. "Everything is going to be fine. You need to think this through. I haven't told Andrew about any of this either. The nights that I go to the meetings, he thinks that I am taking a class at the college. If you take the initial steps with me today, you and I can go to our husbands together." Abby searched for all the right words, and they came to her. "Think about it, Sharon. Our husbands are men. They have always dreamed about seeing two females together."

Abby had almost said 'women', but thought better of it. These were little girls they were talking about. It didn't matter. It would still work. She was sure of it.

"We will be offering them their lesbian fantasy. Not only that, but they get to satisfy their fantasy about having sex with more than one female. And us as well. Do you think that we are not going to explore each other too? There is no way that they are going to pass it up."

Abby stopped there and waited for her sister to speak. She didn't.

"I'll tell you what," Abby continued. "Why don't you go into the living room and have a drink."

Abby looked behind her to the younger girls. They were fast asleep. "I will tend these two." She tossed her thumb back behind here. I will wake them up. They are never going to sleep tonight, by the way. I will get them out of their panties, and back into their tights. You take a little time, and get yourself oriented. If you feel confident enough, get out of those pantyhose and panties. Throw your panties away from you as hard as you can, then put your pantyhose back on. Your two daughters, your niece, and your big sister will be waiting for you to return."

"No," Sharon said as she stood up. "Don't worry about the sleeping beauties. Leave them as they are."

Abby felt her heart sink. It really was over.

Sharon stood up and started to walk away. She stopped just outside the doorway and turned around.

"Leave their panties be. If I return, I want to help with that." Sharon grabbed the hem of her skirt, and pulled her dress up over her head, and off. She looked down at her pantyhose. "And as far as them not being able to sleep, I have a feeling that they will have no problem at all."

Abby watched her half naked sister leave the room. She couldn't help watching Sharon's pantyhosed ass saunter out.

Please, come back, she thought. I need you.

Chapter 3

Danielle dropped her skirt on the floor, but folded her nice new pantyhose and placed them on the back of the toilet. She stood before the full-length mirror for a moment, as she looked down at her tights covered legs. Why were her mommy and aunt looking at her legs like they were? She knew that they wanted to see if she did a good enough job to put her pantyhose on by herself, but there was more than that. It was as if they were excited by it. Why? She just couldn't figure it out.

Danielle pulled her tights and panties down to just above her knees. She sat on the open toilet and let her bladder go. She sighed as she looked down at her little girl underthings staring back at her - white, sunflowered panties against blue tights. Why? She wore them all the time. They weren't special.

She thought about her act of peeing and wondered if that was really what this was all about: little sissy's potty training. Her mommy had mentioned that she needed help with Michelle. Was that all there was to it? She didn't think so. Her mommy had also mentioned something about a new way to love. Her tights had something to do with it, but her new pantyhose were the real key. Well, she was going to do her best to be a big girl and do what mommy said. She loved her mommy. She bunched up a few pieces of toilet paper and wiped herself. She then pulled her tights down to her ankles and off her feet. She tossed them toward the hamper, but the fluttered softly to the floor, a good foot before the hamper. Her panties were still wrapped around her thighs as she stood up. She grabbed the waistband of her little girl panties, and pushed them down to her ankles. She then stepped out of her panties with the left leg, and used the toes of her right foot to toss her panties up in the air. She caught them with both hands. She walked over to the hamper, picking her wrinkled tights up on the way, and deposited both items into the hamper.

Now for the pantyhose. She picked them up from the back of the toilet and closed the lid, flushing it as an afterthought. She sat back down on the toilet. She held her first pair of pantyhose out in front of her and smiled. She was going to put them on, and she was going to wear them the special way. She bunched up the left leg like here mommy had shown her how to do with her tights, and slid her little foot in. She stopped to make sure that the seam of the toe was lined up straight across the tips of her toes. She then pulled the pantyhose up past her knee, before starting on the right leg.

The five-year-old girl stood up and grabbed the waistband of her pantyhose. She pulled them up so that they were a couple inches abover her belly button, which happened to be an outie. Danielle looked at her belly button, as it stuck out from underneath her new pantyhose. She reached down and gently took it between her forefinger and thumb of her right hand. She gently squeezed, and it slid out from between her fingers. She smiled and did this a few more times. She loved the way that her pantyhose felt on her. It was different from tights. They felt soft and silky, and most of all, they were grown-up. Danielle sat down on the toilet, and began to set about pulling up any slack in her pantyhose. It was slow going, but she took extra care to make sure that she didn't get a run in them. She stood up when the excess she had pulled up was bunched about her thighs. She stood in front of the mirror as she pulled on her pantyhose. She pulled and straightened so that all the wrinkles dissappeared. It might have taken a woman a few seconds, but she was five, after all. She then set about making sure that the seam of her pantyhose crotch was lined up in the middle and that it was pulled tight against her pussy.

She felt a new sensation as she did this, down in her crotch and lower stomach. It wasn't an all together bad feeling, it was just different. It felt good, yet it worried her. It was something completely new and seemed somehow...forbidden. She had probably never heard that word before, and wouldn't attatch any meaning to it if she had. For you and I, I will use the word forbidden, for we can attatch meaning to what she felt. For that five-year-old who you just imagined as she put on her new, big girl pantyhose, we will use the word 'naughty'. Don't you just love that word? Say it with me out loud. NAUGHTY! NAUGHTY! NAUGHTY GIRL!

Thing is, and you can go ahead and call me crazy if you want, Danielle loved that it felt naughty. It was just as much the feeling of being naughty, as it was the physical rush of nylon on pussy. What made things even better was that she knew she was being naughty, and she was being allowed, no, encouraged to do it. Danielle turned around so that she could see her butt in the mirror. Perfect, right down the middle.

Her mother had been right. The pantyhose felt awesome against her. Every time that she moved, she felt a shiver down below, as her pantyhosed shifted gently. NAUGHTY!

Danielle looked herself over in the mirror for a few more seconds. She couldn't believe that she was wearing big girl pantyhose, and they were just like the ones her mommy was wearing. Her mommy was wearing pantyhose just like hers. Danielle smiled. She liked that idea. It somehow made things ok. She wondered if mommy was also wearing them the special way. Was her mommy also being naughty? Yes, naughty. NAUGHTY! She wanted more. She wanted to be as naughty as she could. She didn't know what was going to happen, but every nerve in her body screamed that she was about to be a very naughty girl. Problem was that she had always been told to watch her mouth, and be a good girl. A sliver of guilt rose up in her, but then she remembered all that her mommy had said.

Conflict. Hmmmmm... If she only knew that her mommy was suffering the same fate. Both exploring the naughty and the forbidden; both turned on to it, but yet afraid to enjoy it.

Danielle tweaked her outie and pulled her pantyhose up extra hard, as she watched herself in the mirror. She wanted to be naughty. She was 'going' to be naughty.

"Pussy," she said to her reflection and giggled. She found her skirt and put it on. One last glance in the mirror. She twirled around and watched her skirt settle around her pantyhosed legs, as she stopped, facing the mirror.

"Pussy and pantyhose," she said smiling. "Pussy and my mommy and me's pantyhose."

Abby had decided to wake the younger girls. She would leave them dressed as they are, because Sharon had made it clear to do so. She just wanted to make sure that they were prepared. Once they were awake and coherent, she began to fix their tights. Sharon's words rang in her ears as she did this, and she made sure the seam ran straight across their little pussy and butt cracks.

Once that was done, Abby stood up and removed her own skirt. She peeled off her pantyhose, and noticed the toddler's watching her. Abby had a nasty thought. She grabbed the chair that was sitting against the wall, and brought it closer to the bed. She got out of her panties and sat down. Abby slowly opened her legs toward the little girls, showing her pussy. Showing 'them' her pussy. She then lifted either leg over the arm of the chair, keeping an eye on the doorway in case Sharon were to return. Abby reached down with both of her hands, and pulled her pussy lips apart.

Both girls were looking at what she was doing, but it was Mindy that spoke up.

"Mommy's pussy," she said, pointing. "See, Chelle, mommy's pussy."

The girls giggled and Abby gently began to rub her clit. Revealing herself like this to the toddlers was driving her crazy. Her gaping pussy hole pointed toward the children, and she didn't want to stop. She wanted them both to shove as many...

She had to stop, Sharon or Danielle could be back any moment. She stood up and found her pantyhose. She slowly put them on, doing a private show for her little daughter and niece. Slowly, one foot and then the other. Turning around so that she was facing away from the toddlers and bending over. She pulled her ass cheeks apart to give them a look at her asshole. She then stood up and pulled the pantyhose up past her naked waist.

Sharon walked into the living room, dropped her dress on the floor, and made herself another small drink. She didn't think it would help, but after the first sip she felt a little calmer.

She sat down and crossed her pantyhosed legs, right over left. She pointed the toes of her right foot out in front of her, lifting her leg slightly. She admired the way that her feet looked in pantyhose. She always considered herself to have beautiful feet, and Adam was always the first one to agree.

What was happening in the bedroom, though, was something that she wasn't so sure he would agree upon. Could he actually look at the pantyhose covered feet of his little girls and feel the same way? Could he actually be turned on by seeing them spread their little pantyhosed legs - their little bald pussy's shining behind their little seams.

Why not, she thought. I am.

It was true. She really was turned on by it all. She began to go over all the things that Abby had said to her a few minutes ago. Sure, men were turned on by seeing two women together, but what about a woman with a little girl? Would it be the same for him to see his wife licking the pussies of their young daughters? Or seeing his daughters licking their mommy's pussy?

She stopped her progressive thinking for a moment. Licking mommy's pussy? She hadn't even ventured upon that avenue, as of yet. Could she allow that to happen? To have those pretty little faces between her thighs, as she looked down at them servicing her pussy with their baby girl tongues?

"Yes," she said out loud. "I can."

What about Adam? Would he want to put his own tongue inside their little pussy holes? Certainly he wouldn't want to fuck them, but would he want to touch their pussies with his cock? Would he want to slide his tongue in their little assholes, the way that he had done to her so many times? Would he want to feel their little mouths around his cock or on his balls? Would he want to cum on them when...

Sharon realized that she had uncrossed her legs, and her right hand was resting between her legs. It wasn't an unconscious realization. She knew what she was doing all along. The length of her middle finger was pushing into the crease of her pussy. She had asked herself all those questions in the dirtiest way possible, and knew the answers would be the same for him as they were for her: yes.

She slid her finger up and down her pantyhose covered pussy a few more times, before finishing off her drink and standing up. She slid her pantyhose and panties off at the same time. Once she extracted her panties from the pantyhose, she held them up in front of her. The crotch was wet and musky. She enhaled deeply before she flung them across the room like Abby had told her.

She set about putting her pantyhose back on as quickly as she could. Spending a little more time than usual to make sure that they were tight and correct. Her obsession with the perfection of pantyhose worn, was something new to her. Sure, Adam loved them put on correctly. It hit her then. Yes, Adam adored it. She accepted and fell in love with his fetish. Pantyhose. If he were here, he would be contemplating the same thing. She knew what he would do. She was sure. He would hesitate like she was, but he would give she was.

That was something that she planned to see for herself later, but right now, she had to make sure of her ownself. She retrieved her dress from the floor. There was no more time for conjecture. Now was the time for action. She pulled the dress on, and finished the last of her drink.

"Pussy," she said out loud. "Little girl pussy in pantyhose."

Sharon and Danielle walked into the bedroom at the same time. Abby was sitting on the bed, now fully dressed in her pantyhose and skirt. She was singing 'Pop Goes the Weasel' with the younger girls. Abby looked up at Sharon and smiled as she finished the song. She was happy to see her sister had come back. She really needed that.

"Ok?" Abby asked. "Ok?"

"Ok," Sharon agreed. "Ok."

There was a moment of silence, but Danielle broke it.

"I got my new pantyhose on, mommy. The big girl special way."

"Good for you, pumpkin," Sharon said, turning toward her daughter. "How do those pantyhose feel?"

"They feel great, mommy." Danielle whirled around and her skirt came up to reveal her tan pantyhosed thighs.


Abby stood up and helped the toddlers off the bed. Enough time had been wasted.

"I think that we should all go into the living room now. Danielle, why don't you help the little ladies."

Danielle took the younger girls by the hand and led them to the living room, while Abby took Sharon's hand.

"Can you feel it?" Abby asked Sharon quietly, before they stepped into the living room.

Sharon didn't have to ask her sister what she meant.

"Yes, Abagail. I can feel it. I just hope that what I am feeling is how I can make those little girls feel."

"Don't you worry about that," Abby said, squeezing Sharon's hand. "They are going to have a blast. You stated so in a way of your own earlier. You have just finally realized that you really believe it. Haven't you?"

"Yes," Sharon said. "I really have."

Once they were all in the living room, Abby seated the girls on the couch, with Mindy on the right and Michelle on the left, Danielle between them. Abby and Sharon took their seats adjacent to the couch. They all sat quietly for a moment. No one saying a word, until....

"Pussy!" Michelle blurted out.

That broke the tension in the room. Everyone began to laugh and Michelle, prompted by the laughter, said it a few more times. It was funny how the little girls seemed to rip a hole in the tension everytime it started to build.

"Ok," Abby said. "Good. It's fun to laugh, isn't it?" Everyone agreed. That is what all of this is about. It is about having fun."

Abby stood up and walked over to her daughter. She knelt down in front of Mindy.

"Come on, Sharon. Get down here with me."

Sharon stood up and knelt down in front of Michelle. Her oldest sat between the two mommys. Danielle's little ankles were hanging off the couch. Sharon placed her left hand on Michelle's pantyhose covered knee as she looked at Danielle's pantyhose covered toes. She absorbed the feel of one, and drank in the sight of another. She then looked up at Abby.

This is it, Sharon thought. This is really it.

Abby smiled back at her sister and nodded as if she had just read her sister's mind. That nod said it all: yes, this is really it. No turning back. Pussy and pantyhose, mommy.

"Pussy and pantyhose, mommy," Abby said out loud.

"Pussy and pantyhose," Sharon said. She smiled at her sister and was finally calm. It had to be.

Abby plunged straight ahead.

"Danielle, your mommy told you that she needed your help. That is true. We need you to set an example for your little sister and cousin. Can you do that?"

"Yes, Aunt Abby," Danielle said. "I will help you."

"Good," Abby said. "I want you to realize a few things before we begin. First of all, we asked you to wear pantyhose the special way for a reason. We don't want your panties getting in the way. We want to be able to get to your pussy."

Danielle blushed at this. She knew that her aunt was talking about her vagina, but what did she mean by 'getting to it'?

" You see," Abby said, "We are going to learn a new way to love, and it includes a lot of adult stuff. If you don't want any part of that..."

"Oh," Danielle cut in. "I do want it. I am wearing my pantyhose the special way. I can be grown up."

Both women realized this was the way to get to Danielle. She had announced her acceptance of grown up stuff earlier.

"Well, you have to realize that what we are going to do involves taking off our clothes," Abby said. "It involves showing each other our bodies. We will bring you into it slowly. Why don't you get out of your blouse, and see how you feel."

Danielle immediately began to unbutton her blouse. Sharon didn't understand why Abby was dragging things out. Danielle wouldn't have any problem with taking her shirt off. She runs around the house in just her panties a lot of times. Why was her sister approaching things so slowly?

Sharon got her answer when Danielle finished unbottoning her blouse. Danielle didn't immediately pull off the blouse. Danielle sat blushing as she looked from her aunt to her mommy. Danielle knew that being undressed now, was a little different. Being undressed in front of people now was something naughty. Yes. Something naughty. Danielle was as emberrased as could be, but still loved what was going on.

Sharon smiled at this. Her daughter was worried about modesty. That was something that a five-year-old shouldn't be worried about. Until she was wearing big girl pantyhose the special way, that is.

"It's ok, princess," Sharon said. "Take it off. You don't have anything to be emberrassed about."

Danielle slipped her shirt off and handed it to her mommy. Sharon took the shirt as she noticed the child's nipples. They were hard and sticking out. Danielle was completely flat chested of course, but Sharon was impressed with her little girl's nipples. Sharon herself was only a 'B' cup, but had nipples that were at least an inch long. Her daughter was on her way to developing the same trait.

There was something else that caught Sharon's eye. Danielle's pantyhose came up out of her skirt and just past her belly button. The fleshy tone of it through the child's tan pantyhose was amazing to her. "You see these right here," Aunt Abby said, pointing at one of her niece's nipples, and then to the other, "These are called nipples. They are hard and erect for a couple of reasons. Girl's nipples get that way when they are cold, or when they are turned on."

Sharon jumped right in. She wasn't going to let Abby steal the show. "

Aunt Abby is right, baby. Your nipples are reacting to what is going on, but you aren't cold are you?" Danielle shook her head. "No, I didn't thinks so. I think that you are feeling something different. You have a funny feeling in your stomach, don't you? You were emberrassed to take your shirt off, but you like the feeling it gives you, right?"

Sharon's intuitiveness was amazing to Abby. Her sister had just hit on a perfect way to start things out. If Danielle answered to the affirmative, things would move much more quickly.

Danielle slowly nodded her head. She remembered the feeling that she had in the bathroom earlier.

Sharon caught something in the way that her daughter's facial expression changed. Danielle did know what her mommy was talking about.

"Did you feel anything when you were putting your pantyhose on?" Sharon asked her daughter. "When you pulled your pantyhose crotch against your little pussy, did you feel something new?"

Sharon began to breath a little heavier as she spoke those words. She could feel her own pussy beginning to juice up against her pantyhosed crotch. The thought of going back now was ridiculous. Sharon was committed. She was turned on. She wanted to be with those little girls in the worst way. It was beyond just her daughters. She looked at her niece and desired to bury her face between the toddler's little thighs. She figured that she could close her mouth completely over each of the little girl's bald pussies. She had never been so turned on as she was right now. Even her husband had never been able to give her what she was feeling now.

"I felt something, mommy," Danielle said. "I was putting my pantyhose on like you told me to - right up against"

Sharon looked into the eyes of her oldest daughter and made herself relax. She could tell that the kid was watching her intently.

"Yes," Sharon said. "That is why your nipples are hard now. It is one of the indications of sexual pleasure."

"Sexual pleasure," Abby jumped in, "Is what you get from having sex. Sex is the act that we want to share with you kids here. That is the word that is used for the new kind of love that we talked about earlier. Your body is reacting to sex, and that is completely normal." Abby stuck her middle finger in her mouth. She sucked it gently, using her tongue to lather her finger with saliva. She then pulled her finger out and pointed it toward Danielle. Abby touched her finger to the little girls erect, right nipple. She began to gently rub the slick nipple and aereola of her niece.

Abby turned her head to Sharon. "Go ahead sis."

Sharon stuck the middle finger of her own right hand into her mouth before reaching for Danielle's left nipple. She felt slightly dizzy when her finger made contact. She felt the little girls hard nipple yield to her touch and slide along her finger.

Abby removed her finger and leaned forward. She gently blew on the child's nipple, that she had just stimulated. Sharon saw this and did the same to the other one. Danielle laughed as they did this.

"That's cold," she giggled.

Both women watched the youngsters pink nipples harden to capacity. It was almost comical to see such long and perky nipples on a little girl.

"Let's kiss them," Abby said. "Yes."

Abby leaned her head forward first, but Sharon beat her to the punch. She was rolling the five-year-old's left nipple with her tongue before Abby even made contact. Both women licked and sucked the child's nipples, but it didn't stop there. Aunt Abby's tongue moved from her nieces nipple, toward her right armpit. Sharon's tongue moved down Danielle's stomach, toward the belly button. Sharon took her time sliding her tongue over the little girls torso, as she made her way down. She stopped just short of the waistband of her daughter's pantyhose.

Sharon gazed at the nylon covered knob positioned in the middle of Danielle's stomach. She looked up to see Abby holding Danielle's arm, and engulfing the little girl's armpit.

Sharon stuck out her tongue and licked Danielle's pantyhose covered belly button. She then leaned forward and closed her lips over it. Using her tongue to roll it around. Sharon was turned on even more at the touch of her daughters pantyhose against her lips - against her tongue.

Abby stopped what she was doing and pulled up on the waistband of her nieces pantyhose. The crotch pulled against the child's bald little pussy. Danielle uttered a short moan as her pantyhose were pulled up toward her nipples. Abby pulled the pantyhose just past the little girls nipples, and let go of them. She watched her nieces pantyhose move back down, the little girl's nipples being pulled down against the her pantyhose, before popping back up once the waistband cleared them. She then looked at Danielle's face. It was completely flushed. Her eyes were a little glassy.

Abby laid a hand on Sharon's shoulder. Sharon pulled away and sat back on her heels. She used her finger to clean excess saliva from her lips, as she looked at her daughter. The pantyhose covering the little girls 'outie' was soaked with saliva. The childs torso was covered as well.

"Let's slow down, Sharon. Take our time. We have to remember that they are fragile."

"Yes," Sharon said. "You are right. What now?"

Abby smiled and turned toward her own daughter.

"Mindy. Are you ready to love?"

"Yes, mommy," Mindy said as she lifted her dress.

Her red opaque tights were revealed to them all. Sharon was jealous that Mindy had already been instructed in at least some of the love making. Michelle, though, was paying attention and mocked her cousin. She pulled up her dress as well, smiling as wide as she could. Sharon realized this and it was her that took the next step. She grabbed her youngest daughters legs and pulled them toward her. Michelle slid down on her back. She was still holding her dress up.

Sharon grabbed the waistband of her toddler's tights, then pulled them down and off. She gazed at her daughter's panty covered crotch, as Abby pulled her own daughter's tights off.

Sharon continued to stare at her daughter's panty covered pussy. Sharon didn't notice Abby grabbing her arm, and pushing it between her two-year-old's daughter's thighs. Sharon wasn't aware of it at all, and could easily assume that it was of her own doing. All she realized was when her fingers made contact.

Sharon touched her little girl's pussy, by just laying her fingers across it. She pushed gently and met a puffy resistance. She gently moved her fingers up and down the crotch of Michelle's panties. She concentrated on the feel of those cotton panties sliding against her daughter's small pussy.

Abby was using her thumb to push against her own daughter's pussy. The three-year-old reacted by pushing her hips up. Abby shook her head at her daughter and mouthed the word 'no'. Mindy pouted and relaxed her hips. Abby didn't want to jump right into things. She needed Mindy to slow down and let mommy take control. That was going to be the best way to bring her sister up to date.

Sharon reached forward and pulled her daughter's panties off. She looked for only a second at the child's bald pussy. Not yet, she thought. Sharon began to put the white tights back on her daughter. Abby had removed Mindy's panties, but gave her daughter's bare pussy a quick brush with her thumb before replacing the toddler's tights.

Once both women had the tights on their daughters, there was another moment of no action, and silence.

"I think that the dresses should go," Sharon said. "I think that would probably be best, don't you?"

"Yes, most definitely," Abby agreed.

They removed the dresses from their little girls and tossed them away. Sharon looked at Abby. Abby answered back silently be reaching for the hem of her own dress. She pulled it up and over her head, tossing it in the same direction that she threw her daughter's dress.

Abby quickly removed her blouse, and had to stand up to remove her skirt. That was ok. A child's nakedness should be mocked by their mommy's. Sharon quickly followed suit and removed her own dress. She wasn't wearing a bra like Abby was.

Sharon looked her sister up and down, now that her blouse and skirt was removed. Abby was a slender young woman. Her long brunette hair was full and curly. She had a trim figure, but the most important feature about her were her breasts.

Abby noticed her sister's attention to her tits and removed her bra. Sharon gawked even more. She had not her older sis's tits in a long time, and they were huge.

Abby's breasts were 'D' cup, but they didn't have the nipples like her sister. Hers didn't stick out as far, but were much bigger. Fat, was the word that came to Sharon's mind. Abby's nipples were fat.

Sharon looked down at her own breasts and thought that her nipples had never stuck out so far. She turned to her oldest daughters and compared their nipples. Yes, her daughter was coming a long just fine. She could only hope that Danielle's nipples would grow to be as sensitive as her own. The child would get much pleasure from them.

Sharon could admit something now that she had never admitted to herself or anyone before. She spoke the admission out loud.

"When both of my baby's were born," she said to Abby. "I would often become sexually aroused when I breast fed them. There were many occasions where I would furiously masturbate after a feeding session. I never thought that it was because my nipples were being given so much attention. I guess I just blocked out the fact that I was aroused by the stimulation I was receiving from my baby girls. I never really gave it much thought. Until now."

Sharon reached up and took both of her nipples between her fingers. She gently squeezed them. She looked at her oldest daughter while she did this, and Danielle was watching her intently.

Sharon realized that Danielle was the only one that was not naked down to her pantyhose. She slid over in front of Danielle and helped the little girl stand up. She reached behind her daughter and undid the little pleated skirt. It fell to the floor and Danielle stepped out of it as Sharon pulled it away.

Sharon's sensitive nipples were all but forgotten for the moment. She couldn't help but pull her little girl to her. She hugged the child, wrapping her long arms around her little, pantyhosed covered legs. She looked up into Danielle's face.

"I love you, baby," she said softly. "Let mommy love you in every way that she can."

Sharon took the back of her daughters head and pulled it toward her. Their lips met in a gentle kiss. She let her tongue slide from her mouth and part her daughters lips.

Danielle offered no resistance as her mommy's tongue moved inside her mouth. In fact, she began to move her own tongue against her mommys, as it filled her mouth.

Sharon's hands found the child's pantyhose covered butt as she probed each baby tooth with her tongue. She gently massaged that butt while she pulled her tongue out long enough to suck on the girl's lower lip, before sliding it back in and running it back and forward across the roof the the child's mouth. Her baby girl's tongue responding by pushing up against the bottom of her mommy's.

Sharon had to break the kiss. If she didn't, she was going to cum by this act alone. And there was more to do. Oh, so much more to do. Ideas flew through her mind in intervals of nanoseconds.

She looked to her right and saw that Abby was engaged in a similar act. Abby was leaning forward, her three-year-old's, red tights covered legs wrapped around as much of mommy as she could. They were sharing a kiss that Sharon desired with her own youngest child.

Sharond moved to Michelle. She pulled the toddler's legs open and around her. She reached behind the girls head and leaned forward. She gently began to kiss the little girls face, before using her tongue to open those tiny lips. Once the tip of her tongue began to lick her two-year-old's lips, she felt something wet and warm on her ear. She tilted her head and saw Abby directing Danielle to use her tongue on mommy.

Sharon turned back to the toddler. Her tongue slid into her youngest daughter's mouth, at the same time that her oldest daughter's tongue began to probe inside her ear.

It was more than she could really stand. She had to pull away. She had to get out from under this right now. More. So much more. Sharon stood up and looked down at the three little girls dressed only in their pantyhose and tights. Their little mouths were red and covered in saliva. Her sister was on the floor in black pantyhose of her own. It was all to much.

She really didn't know where to begin next. She would stand there until the end of time if Abby didn't do something to help her. Abby did do something. Actually, she spoke.

"Danielle," she said, "This is where we need your help. Your mommy needs to make a connection with your sister. She needs to work on getting your sister to pee in the big potty. I don't want you to think that Michelle is more important than you. That is not it at all. I think that you realize your sister is smaller and needs a little more attention to help her right now. Can you help your mommy and sissy?" They all knew the answer to that, and Danielle's nod to the affirmative was not a surprise.

"Yes, Aunt Abagail," she said. "I am a big girl now. I have the pantyhose to prove it."

"Good," Abby said. "Why don't you sit right here?"

Abby set about placing Danielle upright in the middle of the couch, so that her legs were spread out. Sharon couldn't help but notice how her sister's hands lingered on the little girls legs.

"Her pantyhose feel nice on her," Abby said to Sharon. "Good job."

Abby then lay Michelle down on her back between Danielle's legs so that the back of the toddler's head was against Danielle's tummy. Michelle's legs were pointed out the same way that Danielles were. Abby lifted the two-year-old's legs and placed each of her ankles in Danielle's hands. She had Danielle pull the toddler's legs open and out.

It was quite in the room. The only sound coming from the tick-tock of the grandfather clock (poet-didn't -know-it...yeah, whatever) behind them, and the heavy breathing of all involved.

Sharon didn't have to be told where to go. She moved in front of her children. Her five-year-old in tan pantyhose, spreading the white, tights covered legs of her two-year-old. Neither one of those children wearing panties under their legwear at the insistence of their mommy.

Sharon looked once to her sister, for reassurance, before taking the plunge.

Chapter 4

Sharon looked down at the tights covered crotch of her two-year-old. She could see the bald pussy hidden behind the white opaque tights of the little girl.

"Teach her," Abby said. "You know that you have to put your mouth on that little girls pussy that is hidden behind her tights. You know that you want to feel the silkiness of it against your tongue. Yes, you do, but you must teach her. You must teach her, Sharon"

Sharon knew what her sister meant. She looked into the eyes of that toddler for a moment.

Abby said, "Her pussy awaits your kiss, but your satisfaction must also be. Explore her. Enjoy her. She is yours. Do what you will."

Sharon heard these words and it pushed her forward. It was about them both and she understood.

"You are a big girl, baby," Sharon said to her youngest daughter. "You must pee in the potty like a big girl. I will help you without a spanking."

Sharon had a hard concentrating on even the simplest of sentences, with her two-year-old's legs spread apart by her five-year-old daughter. It was on.

"Mommy is going to love you in a new way, baby," Sharon said. "If you pee in the potty like a big girl, I will love you in the same way again. It is all up to you."

Sharon looked at the little tights covered feet of the toddler. She leaned forward and slowly licked the child's right sole from heel to toe. Once she reached those precious little toes, she took them into her mouth and began to gently suck on the toddler's tights covered digits. She then moved to her baby girl's left foot and did the same, rolling the child's little toes around with her tongue.

That was enough. That was as much of a slow start as she could pretend. She had to do more.

"Mommy is going to kiss your little pussy," she said loudly. "I am going to make you feel good. If you pee in the potty like a big girl, I will do this more often."

There was no way that Michelle was going to understand what her mommy meant, and Sharon didn't care. She wanted only one thing. She leaned forward so that her face was an inch or two away from her baby girl's crotch. She looked at her toddler's bald, puffy pussy behind her white tights. The time was now. She moved her mouth forward and engulfed the child's tights covered pussy. She allowed her tongue to move around.

Michelle could only giggle as her tights were pushed against her little pussy by her mommy's tongue. It tickled. Sharon attempted to push her tongue between the girls pussy lips. She reached to invade the child's pussy hole. The little tights, as well as, the tight little pussy (umm..pun intended), would only allow so much, but Sharon pushed her tongue in and out of what it could reach.

Sharon's mouth then completely covered the toddler's pussy and she began to suck up as much of that little pussy as she could through the little girl's tights. She reached down to Danielle's pantyhose covered legs and began to knead and caress them as she orally serviced Michelle.

It was almost more than Sharon could deal with. Her lust for it would not go away. Sharon moved her mouth away from her youngest daughter's pussy. She looked at the toddler's tights covered crotch. It was now covered in saliva, but that only made Sharon's decision easier. She wanted to go beyond that little girl's tights.

Sharon looked to her right, trying to find Abby. She wanted to see what her sister thought of what was going on. Sharon got her answer through stark reality. Abby was trying to pull apart Mindy's tiny pussy lips through her tights, using both or her thumbs. She then moved forward and tried to push her tongue between the child's lips. She made more progress than Sharon had, but not much. The toddler's red tights just wouldn't allow it.

Sharon looked back at Mindy. The little girl's face was flushed. She looked for any sign of fear, but found Mindy showing nothing that would indicate that the girl was upset by any of this.

Sharon lifted her daughter up in her arms, and Mindy's legs went around her waist. She couldn't help but draw the girls head to her right breast.

"Suck mommy's nipple, honey. Just like you were a baby." Sharon felt her nipple being taken into the little girls mouth and sucked a breath through her teeth. Mindy was being none too gentle with her teeth. Sharon didn't correct her. She actually was enjoying the slight pain that accompanied her daughter's assault on her nipple.

"Danielle, honey," Sharon said, "Why don't you come suck mommy's tit too."

Danielle leaned toward her mommy's breast and took the nipple in her mouth. toward her breasts.

"Suck mommy's tit," she said to Danielle. "Let me feel your little mouth suck my nipple."

Danielle leaned forward and did as she was told. The little girl was sucking fast and hard. Sharon was in heaven and at the first suck from her oldest daughter she experienced a small orgasm.

"Suck mommy's titties," she cried. "Suck my nipples."

Abby was watching all this. She had yet to touch the now exposed pussy of her own daughter. Abby let this go on for a few minutes before breaking them apart. She put Michelle back on the couch and helped Danielle back to her seat. Michelle was to the right of Danielle and Mindy was too the left. Sharon took the left foot of Michelle and handed it to Danielle. Danielle took the little girls ankle in her hand. Sharon then grabbed the other ankle and pulled it back toward Michelle. This spread the little girls legs fully for mommy.

Abby did the same thing with Mindy, so that Danielle was holding a tight's covered ankle in each hand. Abby got up and left the room. Sharon felt for a second that something was wrong, but there was no way. She could tell that Abby and Mindy were enjoying it as much she and her own girls were. When Abby came back, she told Sharon to stand up for a minute. Abby had a polaroid camera and obviously wanted to take a picture of the girls. Abby took two of them, apparently one for each of the women. The girls smiling widely and giggled for the picture.

It was then that any and all reservations Sharon held, any that might have still lingered, disappeared. They were enjoying it fully. She didn't know what Abby was going to do with her picture, but Sharon had an idea for her own. She would frame it and keep it forever.

Abby placed the camera on the floor, leaving the pictures to develop on the mantle. She then got back down on the floor in front of her daughter. Sharon took her previous position as well.

Abby reached forward and began to tear the crotch of her daughter's tights. She tore them wide enough to give her full access to the toddler's pussy. Sharon followed suit, tearing Michelle's tights.

Sharon was in awe at the sight of her little girl's bald puffy pussy. She had seen it thousands of times, but never like this. Not with her legs spread in such a seductive manner. Not with the intention of orally servicing her daughter.

"Such a pretty pussy, baby," Sharon said to her daughter.

She leaned forward and gently kissed the right pussy lip and then the left. Then she gently licked each one in turn. She loved the feel of the toddler's pudgy pussy on her tongue.

Abby had gone past the newness that Sharon was dealing with. She had Mindy's little pussy lips spread and was gently licking her tiny clit. Mindy responded with little moans of pleasure.

Sharon reached down and spread Michelle's pussy open with her thumbs. This was the first time that she had actually gone out of her way to look inside. She looked at her little girl's clit and the tiny pussy hole. She started on the clit, slowly licking it. Michelle responded as well.

Sharon ran her tongue down to the little girl's hole and back up to her clit. The next time she came down, she allowed her tongue to gently prod the toddler's tiny hole. She then engulfed that fat pussy, closing her mouth around it. She sucked it as she used her tongue to move from clit to hole. Danielle could hear the sounds of her mommy and aunt as they hungrily went to work on her sister and cousin's pussies, and both the little girls were making sounds of their own. She wanted to make those noises. She wanted to know how it felt to have her mommy's mouth on her pussy. She would look from side to side and watch as the women licked and suck the toddler's pussies. She was getting excited and that feeling that she had in her stomach began to intensify.

Sharon stopped working on her daughter's pussy. A thought hit her and she didn't even stop to consider doing anything else. She pushed Michelle's legs back even further before ripping her tights a little more. Because of the way that little girl's legs were spread, Sharon didn't have to pull the child's butt cheeks apart to see her asshole, but she did it anyway. She opened them as far as they would go without hurting her. She wanted to see her little asshole fully.

Sharon leaned forward and touched her tongue to the toddler's tiny little asshole, feeling it move in response. Sharon ran her tongue all over between her little girl's ass cheeks before closing her mouth over her asshole. She began to suck the toddler's asshole as well as she could, and used the tip of her tongue to gently probe it.

Meanwhile, Abby was sliding the tip of her tongue fully into Mindy's little pussy. She had worked on it several times. She was not able to get more than just the tip inside, but that was enough for now. She used her right thumb to rub the girl's clit as she did; her left thumb was rubbing and pushing on the little girl's asshole. Abby had already used her tongue to fully explore the child's anus.

Sharon had begun using her own thumb to rub Michelle's clit as she poked the child's behind her her tongue. Her left hand, though, was down inside her own pantyhose. She was about to slide a finger into her wet pussy when Abby spoke up, "No, Sharon, not yet."

Sharon didn't argue. She pulled her hand out of her pantyhose. Sharon moved her tongue up to her daughter's pussy hole. She gently began to fuck that hole with the tip of her tongue as she continued to rub her little clit.

"Enough for now," Abby finally said. "We must move on. You musn't forget that you have another daughter that I am sure would love to know what her sister is experiencing."

When Sharon pulled her mouth away and Michelle realized that her mommy was going to stop what she was doing, she began to cry.

"Oh, it's ok," Sharon said. "Mommy will do more to you in a bit, but it isn't fair for Danielle to not get her pussy licked is it?" Michelle shook her head with a pouty lip.

"That's mommy's big girl. Now sit up and you can watch mommy lick Danielle's pussy."

Both women set their girls up and moved in front of Danielle, who was blushing a bright red. She knew what was going to happen, and not that it was, she was a little emberassed.

"It's ok, Danielle," Sharon said. "It is just us girls."

"Besides," Abby added, "If we get to see your pussy, that means that you get to see ours. Isn't that fair?"

"Yes, Aunt Abagail," Danielle said smiling. "I guess you can see my pussy. oes that mean that you are going to lick it like mommy?"

Abby turned to Sharon.

"Well, I guess that is up to your mommy, but I would love to, baby. What do you say, mommy. Will you share your little girl's pussy with me?"

"Mmmm," Sharon answered. "I think that would be a perfect idea."

Both women took one of the five-year-old's legs, pulling them straight out. The began to rub the little girl's tan pantyhosed legs, both of them loving the feel of the nylon on the little girl's legs. They each spent a little time licking and sucking the little girl's toes, knees, thighs. Danielle would laugh one minute and then sigh the next as they would hit a ticklish spot or one that was vulnerable to sexual stimuli.

It was Sharon that got the honors of ripping a hole in her little girl's pantyhose crotch. She ripped it big enough to give access to her bald pussy, as well as, her little puckered asshole.

Abby and Sharon stared at her little pussy and smiled. It was a little more developed than the other two, but it still had that puffy immaturness about it.

Sharon pushed the little girls knees back and out so that her pussy and asshole were completely revealed. The two toddlers were stood up and hugged the older girls pantyhosed legs to their little chests. Michelle began to mock her cousin and would kiss and lick her sister's leg as Mindy was doing.

Both women moved in and licked either pussy lip, allowing their tongues to meet in the middle. They allowed their tongues to roam over each other as they licked the child's pussy. Their wet tongues slid across her puffy baldness. Danielle started making small mewling noises. The women used one of their thumbs to pull open her little pussy. Sharon went to work on her clit, while Abby began to probe her pussy hole. Then they would switch. Sometimes their tongues would meet down between the child's ass cheeks and they would both go to work on her little asshole. Sharon found that she could actually slide a little of her tongue inside and moved it in and out, while Abby did the same thing to the child's pussy hole.

Danielle began to make an 'unhh' sound. It grew faster as they worked.

"Tongue fuck your little girl's asshole," Abby said. "Yeah, fuck good while I tongue fuck her pussy."

The words drove Sharon on. She didn't want to hurt the child, so she contained her excitement, but Danielle would let her know if it was hurting her. All she heard from the child was sounds of pleasure.

"Mmmm, do you like the way your neice's pussy tastes, Abagail?" Sharon asked. "Do you like her virgin pussy?" Then to Danielle, "Do you like the way that mommy puts her tongue in your asshole, baby? Do you like Aunt Abagail licking your little pussy in your pantyhose?"

"Y...y..eess, mommy," she moaned.

"Pussy," Said Michelle.

"Fuck pussy," Mindy said. "Fuck pussy good, mommy."

"I'm going to pee, mommy," Danielle said. "You better stop!"

"No, honey, you aren't going to pee. Just relax and let it happen."

Sharon began to rub her daughter's clit as her tongue slid between her little pussy lips, finding her tight hole. Abby was now tonguing her neices asshole.

"That's it, baby," Sharon said. "Cum for mommy. Cum on your mommy's tongue."

She furiously rubbed the child's nub as she continued probing her little hole.

"Unngghhhhh!!!" Danielle's legs began to shake and she lifted her hips up as this sound emmitted from her. "MOOOMMMYYY!!!"

Sharon felt her tongue slip a little deeper into the child's pussy as she came hard on her tongue.

Danielle's hips dropped and she lay there breathing heavily with her eyes closed, a smile on her face.

There was no time to explain to her what she had just experienced. "Now, Abby," Sharon demanded, "I need it right now."

Both women stood up and set the toddler's down on the floor. They sat on the couch and ripped a hole in their pantyhose. They planted their feet on the couch and spread their knees, reaching down underneath them and spreading their pussy lips. They directed both of the little girls to come forward and lick them the way mommy had done to them. They showed the girls the way to their clits and before long they both felt their daughter's warm tongues between their legs.

"That's it, lick mommy's clit, baby," Sharon said. "You're such a good little cunt licker."

"Yes, that's it, honey," Abby said. "Make mommy cum."

Danielle was moving between both women, watching the action. Every once in awhile she would pull one of the girls away and slid her own tongue against either her mommy's pussy or her aunt's.

"I can't believe toddler's are licking my pussy," Sharon said as she held the back of Mindy's head against her pussy. "Suck my clit, my little niece. Suck Auntie's clit."

Mindy did as she was told. She covered her Aunt's pussy with her mouth and began to suck it. She even took the initiative to flick the woman's clit with her tongue.

Abby admitted that this was the first time that she had let Mindy do this.

Danielle was currently sliding her tongue into her Aunt's pussy hole as she used her thumb to massage her clit.

"Oh, baby girl," Abby said. "Tongue fuck your aunt in her pantyhose. I love your little tongue in my pussy."

"Wait," Sharon said. "I have an idea. I want my sister's pussy in my mouth. Here Mindy, let go of my pussy for a bit."

The little girl walked away looking so adorable in her ripped tights that Sharon wanted to pick her up, hang her by her ankles and that is exactly what she did.

"Oh, my," Abby said grabbing the camera. "That is so fucking hot."

Sharon penetrated the little girl's pussy with her tongue and probed the hole. She was surprised when so much of her tongue slid into the little girl. She shouldn't have, because Abby had been working on her daughter's pussy for months now.

Sharon set the girl on the couch and then lay down on the floor and spread her tan pantyhosed legs.

"Sit on my face, sister," Sharon said. "I want to taste your pussy."

Abby settled down with her pussy over Sharon's mouth. Her own black pantyhosed ass pointing out. They went to work on each others pussy. They began to lick and suck each other's sopping wet pussies.

"Come here, Danielle," Sharon said.

Danielle got down on her knees by her mommy's head, while Sharon spread Abby's ass.

"Lick Aunt Abagail's asshole like she did to you. Lick it all around, and then try to stick as much of your tongue in it as you can."

Danielle leaned forward and began to do as her mommy said, while Sharon took her sisters clit between her lips and pulled outward until it slipped. Then she grabbed it again. Abby was moaning loudly. "Now, honey," Abby said. "Stick your tongue in my asshole. That's it, push it in their."

Sharon felt her sister slide a finger into her pussy. Abby began to finger fuck Sharon's pussy as she sucked her clit. She then moved her finger down between Sharon's ass cheeks and slowly slid that finger inside. Sharon never wanted this to end, but...

"Abby, stop for a minute."

"Why, what's wrong?" Abby continued to finger fuck her. "You don't want to stop now.

"Yes, I have something better."

Abby got off of Sharon and they noticed what the smaller girls were doing. Michelle was on her back on the floor and Mindy was sitting over her cousin's face. They were hungrily licking each other's pussy like their mommy's were. Abby and Sharon watched them for a moment and rubbed their pussies, while Danielle walked over and knelt down so that she could work Mindy's little asshole.

To see the two and three-year-old girls, naked except for their red and white tights, in a sixty-nine position was just...just... You fill the word in there. I am honestly at a loss for what an image that would be. Eventually, the woman pulled the girls apart. There was other work to be done. Neither girl wanted to and made it known by crying out, but stopped when promised that they could do something better.

Sharon got on the couch on her knees facing the back of it. She then leaned forward and pushed her ass up and out. Abby did the same.

"Come here, Michelle," Sharon said. "Come over here to mommy." Michelle stood behind her mommy. Sharon reached back and spread her pussy lips. "You see mommy's pussy, baby? Can you see that hole right there in mommy's pussy?"

"Yes, mommy," Michelle said. "I see you hole."

"Good girl. Now I want you to take your hand and put as many of your fingers in that hole as you can. Do it nice and slow, though, for mommy. OK?"

"Ok, mommy."

"Mindy, you do the same for your mommy."

Sharon felt the pressure of her little girls tiny fingers at the same time that Abby did.

"I not hurt you mommy," Michelle said as four fingers slid into her mommy's pussy.

"No, baby. You're not hurting me. Now close your thumb and keep going."

Michelle did as she was told and she soon had her whole hand, past the wrist and upper forearm, inside her mommy's pussy.

"Mmmmm, yes," Sharon moaned. "Mindy, is your hand in your mommy's pussy?"

"Oh, yeah," Abby answered for her. "It's in there."

"Good, now both of you girls move your arm back and forth, but don't let your hand slide out of mommy's pussy."

"Oh..oh..fuck yes," Abby moaned. "Fuck my pussy baby girl."

"Move your fingers around, girls," Sharon managed to say. She was rubbing her clit as her two-year-old was fist fucking her. "Wiggle your fingers while you fist fuck your mommy in pantyhose."

"Yes! My pantyhose," Abby screamed. Fist fuck me in my pantyhose, baby girl."

Danielle got on her mommy's back facing her ass. She wanted to get a good look at what was going on.

"Spread mommy's ass cheeks, Danielle. Do to my asshole what you did to Aunt Abby's and Mindy's."

Danielle pulled on her mommy's pantyhose a little to rip them some more, stretched her mommy's already spread ass cheeks and easily slid her tongue inside her mommy's asshole.

"I...I can't believe this is happening," Sharon said. "I'm getting fist fucked by my naked two-year-old daughter in white tights, while my naked five-year-old in tan pantyhose is tongue fucking my asshole IN MY PANTYHOSE!!!"

It was on that last word that Sharon came like she had never came before. Michelle squealed as her mommy came.

"Mommy is peeing on me!" she laughed excitedly.

Sharon's body was wracked with an orgasm that caused her to all but slip off the couch. She instructed Michelle to remove her hand and for Danielle to climb up on her aunt. Sharon stood up behind her sister and spread the woman's black pantyhosed ass cheeks. She inserted her own tongue into her sister's asshole.

"Yeah, sis. Mmmmm, your tongue feels so good in my ass. That's it. Fuck it."

Sharon did this for a moment before moving back. She let Danielle take her place. Sharon watched her neice's little arm slide in and out of her mommy's pussy. Sharon slapped her sisters ass cheek. Her pantyhose not muting the slap one bit.

"You naughty girl in pantyhose," Sharon growled.

"Naughty...PANTYHOSE!!!" Abby screamed as she came. "P...PANTYHOSE!!!"

Abby and Sharon settled down and took some time hugging and kissing the little girls, not forgetting that the toddler's deserved more attention. We will close with the following image of this loving family: two very young girls, a two-year-old in white tights and a three-year-old in red tights, both of them face down on the couch with their little tights covered behind's in the air; a woman in tan pantyhose and another in black pantyhose (and just because I am feeling generous) and a five-year-old in tan pantyhose, all taking turns licking, sucking and tongue fucking those toddler's bald, puffy little pussies and tight pink assholes.

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Liked the story.......wish I were the Dad there.

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