My Daughter's First Pantyhose

[ MFg, inc, pedo, oral, anal, sex, pantyhose ]

by Lujan


Published: 20-Jan-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
Ok, I am a sick puppy and with me everything goes. I hope that you enjoy the story and get off...I mean out of it...everything that you want. :O) Forgive typos and all that crap. I tend to suck at correcting myself.

Legal crap: Please, do not read this if it is illegal to do so where you live. Do not read this if you are not at least 18. And do not read this if you are offended by consensual sex between adults and children. All others enjoy.

Chapter 1

When I decided to write all this down and share it with others I was in a position that many men wish they were. I was lying on the living room floor in a 69 position with my twelve-year-old daughter. She was on top of me and my arms were on the outside of her legs. We had switched from orally stimulating each others genitals to licking, sucking and finger fucking each others asshole.

But that is now and I want to tell you about how it all started. How I came to be in a position that I am now. The fact that my wife was on the couch masturbating as she watched is a miracle. It was something that I thought would never happen. But here we were and there we once were...

It was five years earlier and life was pretty good. I am a successful writer and quit my job as a software designer when I sold my first book. I could tell you the genre and give you a hint as to my identity, but that would be foolish. All I can say is that Stephen King is a hack.

Anyway, it was breakfast and my wife and daughter were in the middle of an argument that had been going on for several weeks.

"No, Tessah," my wife Sarah said. "I have already told you no and that is that. Besides you are a little girl. They don't even make them for you."

"Yes they do, mommy," Tessah said. "They are called 'Lil Leggs' and they are made by Hanes. They have tan and black and all kinds of colors. They have tights, but I am done with tights...I want pantyhose."

The last three words came out louder than I think my daughter meant, because her hand went to her mouth half a second later.

"Young lady," Sarah said. "I don't know who you think you are, but you are not going to talk to me like that. Yell at me one more time about this situation and you will never wear pantyhose as long as you live. You are seven-years-old and little girls of seven wear tights. I don't know why you are so obsessed. You have been since you were a toddler. Wanting to dress up wherever we went and it was always 'Mommy...tights...'. I guess you take after your father."

"Huh," Tessah said.

"Nothing, just drop the subject of pantyhose all together. Maybe when you are eleven."

"Daddy," my daughter said turning to me in desperation.

"I am sorry, princess," I said. "But your mother is in charge of pantyhose and things like that. You have to listen to her."

My daughter stormed out of the kitchen and I took a sip of my coffee.

"She does take after you, you know," Sarah said.

"It isn't my fault. I guess it is in the genes."

"Or in the nylon."

My wife stood up and carried her coffee cup and plate over to the sink.

"She shouldn't have turned to you when I said no," Sarah said."She shouldn't have yelled at me and she shouldn't have stormed out of here like it was her business to do."

"Come on, Sarah," I said. "She was just a little excited about the situation. You are just too hard on her sometimes. Let this one go. It's a weekend and we need a break from everything."

"What do you mean by a break?" Sarah said turning to me. "What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing," I said, realizing that I had said the wrong thing in the wrong way.

"You think that I punish our daughter too much. That I pick on her."

"I didn't mean that. I meant a break from life. You are just taking it the wrong way."

"If you would take the time to notice our daughter you would realize that she isn't the angel that you think she is. I love her and she is a good kid, but she can be a handful. You never punish her. It is always me."

"I do punish her," I said. "I just...I...well..."

"You just think that it is my job."

"I didn't say that."

"Well, I for one am not going to let her walk all over us in any way. We will see what great grandma has to say about this."

I knew then that I had lost the battle. I couldn't really blame Sarah, but I couldn't help thinking that what happened next wouldn't have happened if she wasn't trying to prove a point.

I followed Sarah out of the kitchen as she made her way toward Tessah's room. There was nothing that I could say. It was inevitable. Tessah was going to be punished.

I stood in the hallway as Sarah walked into our room and returned with a rather large antique hairbrush. It had been passed down through the ages in Sarah's family and each and every one of them had been spanked with it. That was what she meant by great grandma.

She stormed past me without a word and stopped at Tessah's door. She took a deep breath and then walked in. She didn't bother to shut the door and...well, something drew me toward it. I stepped forward and looked from the edge of the door. I could see my wife standing at the end of the bed and Tessah sitting propped up against the headboard.

"You know young lady," Sarah said. "I have just about had it with your attitude. First of all you yell at me and then you go to your father when I had already told you no. You know that you don't do that. You have been punished in the past for it. What really upsets me is that you think you can storm out of a room when I am talking to you without so much as a hello or goodbye."

Tessah could obviously see the handbrush in her mothers hand it immediately had an effect on her.

"I am sorry, mommy," she pleaded. "I didn't mean anything by it. I just thought that I was old enough and you won't even think about it. I am sorry, mommy."

"Sorry is too late little girl," Sarah said moving to the side of the bed. "Stand up."

"Please, mommy," Tessah said. "You don't have to do this. I will be good."

As Tessah stood, Sarah sat on the edge of the bed. She reached under Tessah's skirt and pulled her red tights and panties down to her knees. Tessah was wearing a short red and green plaid skirt with a white blouse. Her red tights and Mary Jane's can only complete the picture if you know what I mean.

"Bend over my knees, Tessah," her mother said.


"Do it now."

Tessah leaned forward and lay over her mother's lap. I was excited. I couldn't help myself. I felt as if I was watching something that I shouldn't.

"I love you, baby girl," Sarah said. "But you will respect me."

I could see the brush descend and hear as it made contact with Tessah's bare ass, but her bare ass was pointing away from me and I couldn't see it strike. I so wanted to see it strike. I wanted to see the back of the brush as it made contact with her bare, little ass.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I thought. I could only contribute it to the fact that I had spanked my own wife more times than I could count with the same hairbrush and more times than not she was wearing pantyhose. It was one of our sex games. She would play daddy's little girl who got into trouble and I would punish her. Now she was spanking our little girl the same way.

It is revelation time and it might or might not come as a surprise to you. It came as a huge surprise to me. The fact was that nine times out of ten it wasn't Sarah that I was punishing or Sarah that I was fucking in pantyhose. It was Tessah. Subconsciously it was my seven-year-old daughter. That was why I was so afraid to punish her. That was why. I was afraid that I would spank her and enjoy it. I only thought about it and realized it at that moment. I knew in my mind that I had a thing for little girls. Especially little girls in pantyhose and tights. I could walk through the mall and acquire a huge erection from all the pretty little girls that I saw. I just never gave it much thought. I just thought that I was appreciating them. The same way that I appreciate a beautiful woman. I didn't masturbate over them later. I saw them...I admired... I moved on.

But this was something different. As I watched my wife spank our daughter I remembered all the times that I had noticed when Tessah's skirt came up and I saw her tights clad thighs...or even her crotch. I was at fault for being sexually attracted to my daughter.

Sarah had only struck Tessah twice when I walked into the room. Something possessed me and I couldn't stop.

"Sarah," I said. "Could I speak to you in the hall for a moment?"

Sarah looked at me strangely, but stood Tessah up and lay the brush on the bed. "You look at that," she said to Tessah. "We aren't done yet."

Sarah shut the door behind her and stood before me. I wasn't sure what I was going to say, but I didn't have to worry about it. I blurted out the necessary words.

"I am sorry," I said. "You were right. I don't punish her like I should and I think that it is my responsibility. I will finish her punishment and you can be there to show moral support."

What I really wanted was mommy there to watch as I spanked our little baby girl.

"I...I don't know what to say," Sarah said. "This is so unexpected, but I think that it is the right thing. You should back me more and handle this yourself."

Sarah turned around and went back into the room. Tessah was standing there rubbing her ass under her skirt.

"Tessah," Sarah said. "Your father and I have talked it over and we have decided that he is going to take a bigger role in your punishment and will give you your spanking now."

My hands were in front of my crotch as I moved into the room. I didn't want either one to realize that I sported an erection. I moved to the bed and sat down. I didn't reach for the handbrush. I didn't need it.

"Bend over my knees," I said to Tessah.

Tessah did as she was told and I had a clear view of my daughter's bare ass. I couldn't help but stare. It was beautiful. It was slightly red from her mother's spanking, but perfect nonetheless.

"Jack," my wife said.

I looked up at her and realized that I had been staring a little too long. I lay my hand on my daughter's ass as I felt her moving around. It was obvious that my erection was uncomfortable for her. I just hoped that she didn't ask about it later.

"I love you, Tessah," I said.

I spanked my daughter for the first time in a long time. I waited to hear her cry out, but she didn't. I spanked a little harder, but not enough to truly hurt her. Nothing. She didn't make a sound. Altogether I gave her eight swats and stopped. I looked up at my wife who was actually smiling. I didn't know why.

"Well," she said. "Punishment is over."

Tessah stood up and reached down to pull up her panties and tights. I sat there wondering what the hell had just happened. I didn't see my wife move toward me and brush my crotch. It wasn't until they had left for the store that I realized it.

"Tessah," my wife said. "Your father would have preferred it if you had cried. He might have actually...well...never mind. Get yourself together and meet me in the car. We are going shopping."

Tessah looked strangely at her mother but still moved to her bathroom. I looked strangely as well, but Sarah just gave me that same smile and left the room.

When they were gone I retreated to my den and decided to finish up the last chapter that I had been working on. I couldn't help but think about what had transpired. I still had a raging hardon, but my wife had acted so weird. When I heard them pull out of the driveway I realized that Sarah had brushed up against me for a reason. She knew. She knew that I had an erection and enjoyed the spanking. I thought that I was going to freak out, but I would simply explain that the situation was so much like the games that she and I had played that I couldn't help myself.

"Shit," I said. "That won't work."

All I could do was try to throw myself into my writing as my erection slowly faded. I could only hope that I was wrong and she noticed nothing. That life would go on as before.

I had given up writing and had moved to the living room to watch a little television when my wife and daughter returned. Tessah came in the door first.

"Hi, daddy," she said and quickly passed me on the way to her room.

My wife came in and I tried to act like nothing had happened.

"Are you going to say hello?" she asked.

"Hi," I said. "Where'd you go."

"We went shopping as mother and daughter should do. You just mind your own business."

My wife left the room and I went back to the old episode of Fear Factor on the television. I went through that show and was into a golf game when my daughter entered the room.

"See, daddy," she said. "Mommy and I went shopping."

I looked from the television to my daughter. I was stunned with what I saw.

"Mommy helped me get ready," she said. "And I am wearing pantyhose."

I looked my daughter up and down. She was indeed wearing tan colored pantyhose with actual black pumps. She wore a black pleated skirt and red blouse, but it was her make-up and hair that really pulled it all together. The blush on her cheeks and the pink colored lips were just adorable. She wore her hair in pigtails tied with red ribbon.

"Can I see them...I mean...I can see them," I said.

"Oh, my pantyhose," Tessah said.

What happened next was the beginning of it all. She lifted her skirt in front of me. I stared at my daughter's pantyhose longer than I should. She had such tight little legs.

"What the hell is going on here?"

I turned to see my wife enter the room. Tessah quickly dropped her skirt and backed away.

"I was...I was just showing daddy my pantyhose," she said. "That is all. He said...he said...can I see them. I thought..."

"I don't care what you thought, young lady," Sarah said. "You don't lift your skirt for anyone to show off your pantyhose."

"I am sorry, mommy."

"Twice in one day," Sarah said. "You have really outdone yourself. Now who should give you your spanking for being an indecent little girl in pantyhose?"

Sarah moved to me and bent over in front of me. Her hand slipped between my legs and I felt her grip my erection.

"Well," she said standing up. "I for one am done spanking you. Your father will have to spank you for showing off your little girl pantyhose."

I didn't get what was going on here. I was terrified. My wife had caught me staring at my daughter with her skirt raised and then knew that I had an erection because of it. If I would have thought about things I would have realized that my wife's speech was out of the ordinary. She had used the word pantyhose three times in less than two minutes. Not only that, but she had used the term "little girl pantyhose" twice.

"I...I...really think that you should handle this," I said to Sarah. "I really should get back to my book."

"Oh, no, mister," she said. "You told me that you were going to be taking more responsibility when it came to punishment and I am going to hold you to it. Now spank your daughter in her little girl pantyhose."

It was that last statement that dawned on me. I looked up to my smiling wife and then to my daughter who was sucking on her thumb.

"Ith...sowwy...daddy..." she said around her thumb and walked toward me.

"Is this happening?" I asked Sarah. "Is this really happening?"

"You have no idea what is going to happen," Sarah said with that same smile after I had spanked our daughter in her bedroom. "Right now you need to punish your daughter for showing off her pantyhose. Then we will decide where to go from there."

"I don't...what..."

"She didn't cry," Sarah said. "I spanked her and you spanked her and she didn't cry. That is the sign of a little woman. A little one that deserves to wear pantyhose. You obviously enjoyed yourself before. Most importantly your daughter enjoyed herself. I guess she takes after both of us. Don't you realize that she knows what an erection is. We had the sex talk several months ago. She didn't cry, but now she needs to be spanked in her little girl pantyhose and...well..."

I knew it wasn't a trap that my wife was setting for me. I knew that things were about to get crazy. I didn't know how crazy, but I had the go ahead to spank my daughter in her pantyhose.

"Come here, young lady," I said groughly.

Tessah continued to suck her thumb as she walked toward me. It was so fucking hot to see that.

"Yeth sir," she said.

I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her over my lap.

"No, daddy, no," she wailed. "Please don't spank me. I am sorry for showing my pantyhose."

"Thirteen swats," Sarah said. "Six on her bare ass and seven on her pantyhose covered ass. Just like I like it."

I pulled up my seven-year-old daughter's skirt and looked at her little ass. I could see her Winnie The Pooh panties through them. I gripped the waist of both and pulled them down to her thighs.

"I love you, baby girl," I said.

I began to swat my daughter with my hand as my wife counted off. Tessah cried. She cried like a little baby.


Each swat and she got louder and wriggled around on my lap. My full on erection was caught beneath her and feeling the friction.

"That is six," Sarah said. "Now for her pantyhose spanking."

I first pulled the waist of her little girl panties up and Tessah lifted to allow it. Then I pulled up her little pantyhose.

"Daddy," she said turning a little to look at me. "Please, daddy. Don't spank me in my pantyhose."

This was not a seven-year-old girl. This was beyond her and I could only figure that every spanking that she ever got from my wife was a turn on.

I answered by swatting her little pantyhosed behind. One...two....three...

"Are you going to show off your pantyhose again?" I yelled.

"No, daddy," Tessah screamed and cried. "I won't show off my pantyhose again."


"You naughty little girl," I said.

Seven...and it was harder than the previous and Tessah moved forward from the shock. I let her up and there were tears in her eyes. I immediately felt bad. I shouldn't have spanked her that hard. But her thumb went into her mouth and she began to suck it.

"I sowwy daddy," she sniffed.

She began to rub her ass with the other hand as I stood in amazement at what had just happened. I had cum. On the last swat I had cum in my pants.

"Now that we are through with that," Sarah said. "It is time that you reward your daughter for being the little pantyhose girl that she is. We only spank because we love and now you must show her love."

"Daddy," Tessah said. "May I show you my pantyhose?"

"That is the right way," Sarah said. "You must first ask and only when it is your daddy."

"Yes," I said immediately. "Yes, you may show me your pantyhose."

MY wife and daughter had been at the store for a couple of hours and I knew why now. They had orchestrated everything.

Sarah stepped in front of me and slid her hand between my legs.

"Aww, that is too bad," she said. "But I don't think that you will have a hard time doing it again."

She grabbed my face and kissed me hard. Her toungue flew across mine before she pulled away.

"We are going to do it," she said. "We are going to do it all and your little girl is going to be a part of it. Can you deal with that?"

"Yes," I gasped. "I can."

Chapter 2

Already I was in a dream world. I didn't expect what was to come next, but I will never forget it and think about it often.

"Come with me big boy," My wife said. "Off to the bedroom to put you and I into a pair of pantyhose. We surely can't let our little girl be the only one sporting pantyhose. I am sure that she would love to see your cock behind nylon. Wouldn't you dear?"

"Yes, mommy," Tessah said smiling. "Mommy said that I could say cock. She said that I could say anything that I wanted to and should talk alot about what we do and ask for things and say what is happening. I can even say...fuck."

"Good for you, baby girl," Sarah said clapping her hands. "You say fuck as much as you want. Now come with me."

My wife grabbed my hand and pulled me after her toward the bedroom. Once in the bedroom my wife began to strip. I followed suit and was naked before her.

"Ok," she said. "What color of pantyhose do you want to wear? I thought about it and I think that we should all wear tan. I mean that is the color that you have a fetish for and it is our first time."

"Our first time," I repeated. "What exactly is going to happen here?"

I was hopeful, but then again this could all be quite innocent. Not the norm, but innocent enough.

"Well," Sarah said. "We are going to put on pantyhose and then we are going to go into the living room and meet up with our daughter. From there I will direct things to a point, but you may make moves. Anything goes, Jack. Do you hear me? Annnyyythhing goes."

I couldn't believe my ears, but I was not about to argue. I knew in the back of my mind that this was wrong to so many people, but I didn't care. I did however care about my daughter and I was going to watch her closely. If she showed any little sign of discomfort or shame or whatever...I was going to stop things immediately.

"I know what you are thinking," Sarah said. "She is going to be fine. This is something that she wants to do. You should have seen how excited she was when I even started the subject. She was the one that finished it. Just tell her that you love her. Let her know that and everything will be fine."

"All right," I said. "Let's pantyhose this thing."

MY wife pulled two pair of tan pantyhose out of the top drawer of the dresser. The drawer was filled with pantyhose we used them quite often. I was as good as a woman at putting them on. I had wore them more times during play and fucking than I could even fathom. I sat down on the bed and Sarah sat next to me.

"You came when you spanked your daughter in her little pantyhose," Sarah said. "And you already have a hard-on."

"What can I say," I said. "I am a stallion. If things go right I plan to cum a few times."

"I bet you do."

I was a little embarrassed knowing that I was about to walk into the living room wearing just a pair of pantyhose with my daughter waiting to see me. It took me forever to approach the subject with my wife while we were dating, but this... . It wasn't going to stop me however. Rabid wolves couldn't have stopped me from going in there. There were a million things running through my mind and I wanted to experience them all. Anything goes Sarah had said.

"Here we come, honey," my wife said as we made our way down the hallway.

Sarah stepped into the living room first and I heard an intake of breath from Tessah.

"Mommy, you are beautiful," she said. "I wish I had a body like that."

"No, you don't," Sarah said. "Enjoy being a little girl with a hairless and tight body. You have no idea how many men just love the look of a naked little girl."

"I am one of them," I said stepping into the room.

I thought that my daughter would laugh, but she didn't. She simply gawked at me. She looked me up and down and then at my crotch. The pantyhose were control top, but you could make out where my cock was stretching the material.

"Would you like to see it," I asked. "Would you like to see my cock?"

"Oh, yes, daddy."

"Not yet," Sarah said. "We are going to do this right. Jack sit in the middle of the couch."

I did as I was told stretching my legs out in front of me so that my less than hidden cock was still revealed to my daughter.

"Tessah, go to your father. I want you two to kiss like lovers. Really get into it."

Tessah walked over to me and stood in front of me. I sat up and spread my legs so that I could pull her to me. Once between my legs I put my arms around her.

"I love you, princess," I said. "Everything that we do today is out of love. You know that, right?"

"Yes, daddy," she said smiling. "I love you too, but you don't have to keep telling me...not that you love me, but that...that things will be ok. I want to do this. I want to do everything I have seen and heard about."

I pulled my daughter closer and she bent down to meet my lips. It was a chaste kiss until my tongue pushed past her lips and met hers. I couldn't believe how she got right into it. Her tounge melded with mine as we kissed passionately. At the same time I had my hands behind her and was running them up and down her legs. I was feeling the pantyhose against her little legs and ass. I was in heaven.

I didn't stop there. I picked her up and sat back on the couch as she slid onto my lap. Her legs were on either side of my thighs. My cock was pushing through my pantyhose against her crotch as we continued to kiss. I pulled from her lips and licked her neck. I kissed, sucked and gently bit both sides of her neck and ears. She was moaning...truly moaning was we went on with our foreplay. Not only that, but she was rubbing her childish cunt in pantyhose against my stiff cock. Forward and back until I had to stop her.

"Ok," I said. "I am about to cum so we have to stop."

"Why, daddy," Tessah whined. "I liked that."

"We can do that and more, baby girl. But there is just so much to do and I don't want to cum too soon."

"Ok, daddy," she said and sat on my thighs. I ran my hands up and down her legs under her skirt.

"Do you know how good your legs feel in these pantyhose?" I asked her. "They feel almost as good as your mothers."

"Aww," Sarah said. "We'll say that they just both feel good. Anyway, switch. It is my turn."

Tessah got off me and I stood up to let Sarah sit down on the couch. She spread her legs and slowly moved her hands up her thighs to meet in her crotch.

"Mommy so can't wait to feel your baby tongue licking my pussy," she said to Tessah.

Tessah giggled and stuck her tongue out at her mother.

"I'm going to lick your pussy good, mommy," she said. "But you have to promise to lick my little girl pussy too.

I could tell that the girl had been prompted to talk about herself and everything that went on. It just only added to what had and what would happen.

"Well, first climb up here like you were on your daddy. I want to taste your tongue in my mouth. I can already feel your tender little lips on mine. Don't make mommy wait."

My daughter moved to the couch and climbed upon her mothers lap. I just couldn't help myself. I had to touch my cock through my pantyhose as my wife began to lick the little girls eyes. She covered her face with little licks before finding her mouth. Gently they kissed as my wifes hands moved over the little girls legs to end up underneath her ass where she squeezed and kneaded. My wife soon unbuttoned the back of our daughters skirt and slid it over her ass. She couldn't completely remove it from there, but she did move to the blouse and begin to unbutton it. At the same time my daughter kicked off her pumps. Things were getting good now.

"You are by far the best little girl I have ever kissed," my wife said. "I bet no other seven-year-old could kiss half as good."

"I practice in my room," Tessah said. "My hand puppet George is a good kisser too."

"What else have you done with George?" I asked. "You can say. There is not trouble here."

"Sometimes..." Tessah paused. "I lay back on my bed and use George on my...on my pussy. He is a hand puppet so he likes to kiss and bite it. Usually I am wearing a pair of tights, but sometimes just my panties. Never on my bare pussy. I thought that would be wrong."

"Well," I said. "Now you know that it isn't wrong. George is the luckies puppet in the world."

Tessah laughed and got off of her mother. She let her skirt drop and then finished removing her blouse. She turned to me and stood there with her arms out.

"What do you think, daddy," she asked. "Do you like me in my pantyhose. I am sorry that I don't have boobs like mommy."

"I don't want you to have boobs," I said. "Not right now anyway. I like you just the way you are. Besides you have perfect nipples. They will look good on a pair of tits someday."

I approached my daughter as my wife got up from the couch. I picked Tessah up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. We began to kiss as I carried her to the couch, and she slowly moved her little girl pussy in pantyhose against my pantyhose covered cock. When I got to the couch I lay her down and looked at my little girl lying there wondering what daddy was going to do next.

The thing that is neat about our couch is that it is long. I mean that the back sits farther back then most couches. My feet barely touch the ground when I sit down and I have to move a little forward to do that. It is very comfortable and for what was about to happen...convenient.

I reached forward and let my hands wander over my daughter's chest and stomach. She was taut and so hairless. I loved her belly button outie. I reached forward and gently kissed it before licking and gently sucking on it. I then moved my mouth forward across her stomach and up to her chest. I gently licked her right nipple and then blew on it. It immediately came to attention. They were longer than I thought they were going to be. I licked again and then sucked her girlish chest. I moved to her left nipple and did the same. When I blew on her little nipples her legs, that were still wrapped around me, tightened. I wanted all of her. I lifted her arms and ran my tongue under her arm pits. I sucked them into my mouth. I then turned her over and began to lick and kiss her back. When I reached her ass I didn't stop there. I licked her through her pantyhose and bit her ever so gently. Then a little harder...harder... I got excited and pulled away before spanking each of her ass cheeks three times. She cried for the moment, but I knew that it was all a game.

She was still wearing white cotton panties and I wanted to see her ass behind just the pantyhose, but not yet. I wanted things just the way they should be. I wanted all of her. I grabbed the waist of her pantyhose and pulled them down to the top of her thighs. There was her little ass in white cotton panties. I don't think as exciting as the pantyhose, but always a dream of mine. I leaned forward and once again went to work on her ass with my mouth. I bit and sucked her little ass through the panties for a bit and then turned her over. I pulled her pantyhose down to her knees and pulled her legs back toward either side of her chest.

"Hold your legs for daddy," I said. "I have waited to taste a little girls pussy through her panties and now I get a chance. She grabbed her legs and I leaned forward again. I stuck my nose to the puffiness of my daughter's cotton covered pussy. There was a musk there. Something that I had not smelled before, but that was going to drive me wild. She was already wet when I gently licked between her legs. I pushed with my tongue on her little slit and tasted just a small bit of her tiny juices. I then put my whole mouth over her little girl pussy and sucked her as I pushed into her with my tongue.

Tessah was gently moaning and pulled her legs back even further. I moved my mouth away to use my right thumb to push against her little pussy as I moved it forward and back against her little panty covered pussy. Tessah liked this and begged me not to stop.

"Oh, daddy," she moaned. "That feels so good on my pussy."

"Wait, baby girl," I said and pulled my hand away. "There are so many better things to come.

I did something then that surprised even me. I began to spank her pussy. Not tiny little smacks, but good, multiple whacks. Then she did something that surprised both of us: she began to piss. I don't know if it was the spanking or the surprise of it or what, but once started she couldn't stop.

"I'm sorry, daddy," she cried. "I am so sorry, but don't stop." With that she spread her legs wider and hiked up her ass.

I caught on quick and began to spank her pussy again as she flooded her panties. I knew that this was my little girl's first orgasm in the way of pissing herself.

When she was done she dropped her legs and was breathing a little heavy.

"I am sorry," she said still crying. "I didn't mean to pee, but I couldn't help it. And when I started it felt so good that I couldn't stop."

I pulled her legs back and she grabbed them again. I moved forward and slowly began to lick the piss from her thighs where it had moved under the legs of her panties. I was never into water sports, but I had just found out that I could very well be now.

I then closed my mouth over my daughter's pussy and began to suck her hard. I tasted her piss and I loved it.

When I had had enough I stood up and helped Tessah to her feet. I then took her place on the couch and pushed my cock so that it was facing out, pushing against my pantyhose. I grabbed my legs and pulled them back toward me like my daughter had done.

"Spank my balls, baby girl," I said. "Gently, but spank them."

Tessah got on her knees and gently began to smack my balls. I then let it come. The piss just didn't pool inside the pantyhose. No, it flew out and hit my daughter on the shoulder.

"Spank harder," I said as I grabbed the tip of my dick and moved it so that the stream was hitting my daughter on top of the head. She was surprising me at every turn today (this girl was made for perversity) as she lifted her face and opened her mouth. She was dead on spanking my balls, though and I urged her to spank harder. She drank my piss and moved her head around so that it covered her face. I was too soon spent and dropped my legs. It was Tessah that knew what to do next. I didn't want this to happen yet, but she crawled to the couch and quickly took the tip of my dick in her mouth. She sucked the piss off my cock through my pantyhose and I found that there was a little squirt left and I let it hit the back of her throat. I didn't let her go for long. I barely felt the warmth of her mouth from the piss that had already flooded my pantyhose.

"Stop it now," I said and moved her head away.

As it went back it didn't stop. Her head went all the way to the ground as she ended up on her back. It was my wife. She had taken her and layed her back. Tessah smiled as she wondered what was going on, but it was soon clear to both of us.

My wife squatted over our little girl's chest and Tessah quickly grabbed her mommy's knees and pushed them outward.

"Let me see you piss, mommy," Tessah said. "Piss on me good, mommy. All over me."

I know what you are saying and I have alluded to it time and time again, but you must be doubting the age of this girl. You must also think that I am trying to convince you. No, what I am trying to get you to do is realize that this is a real seven-year-old girl talking and acting as though she had been doing these things her whole life, and to try to get you to imagine and get the real feel of this story. If I don't get you to masturbate then I haven't done my job.

Sarah let go of her bladder and piss began to flow from between her legs. It splashed against my daughters chest before my wife moved up and squatted over Tessah's face. She pissed hard and Tessah drank and washed the piss on her face with her hands. She then reached up between her mother's legs and began to rub her pussy through her pantyhose. This caused the last of my wife's piss to dribble down her legs and over my daughter's arms.

As you can imagine I was not sitting on the couch while this was going on. I was walking around them. I was on my knees getting as close to the action as I could. I didn't miss a moment. Would you if you were in my position?

My wife dropped to her knees over her daughter's waist and leaned forward so that her tits moved across her stomach and chest. She rubbed the little girls body and face with her B cup sized breasts.

"Suck mommy's tits," Sarah said to the seven-year-old. "Suck the piss off mommy's tits."

Tessah reached up and began to play with her mother's tits as she drew the right one toward her mouth and placed her lips over the nipple. She sucked hard and the harder she sucked the harder Sarah prodded her.

"Now the other one, you little piss slut," she said. "Clean the piss off mommy's tits good.

Tessah licked every inch of her mother's right breast before moving to the left and doing the same thing, then taking the nipple into her mouth and sucking as hard as she could.

"" Sarah gasped.

I took the initiative to step behind my wife and swat her ass several times as her young daughter administered to her tits.

"Enough...enough," Sarah finally said.

She then leaned forward and kissed her daughter on the mouth before rolling off her and getting up to go sit in the Laz-y-boy. She grabbed her pack of cigarettes from the table and I joined her.

"Come," I said to Tessah. "How about a smoke?"

We sat on the floor with our legs crossed around Sarah in the chair and she lit each of us a smoke.

"Don't..." I started as Tessah began to cough and choke. "...inhale."

Me and my wife laughed as Tessah gathered herself together and smiled at us.

"Just suck and then blow it out," I said. "If you want you can take little breaths with it, but you don't want that happening again."

We sat there in silence as we smoked for a moment when Sarah spoke up, "What we need with this smoke is a little drink. Would you, Jack? Scotch I think. Just a little for the girl."

I was back in no time with a double for me and the wife and a short single for our daughter. I handed Tessah her drink.

"Don't just drink it," I said. "Take a little into your mouth and then swallow it or you will be hacking your guts out again."

Tessah tested the drink and made a noise much like an owl as the top of her shook gently.

"Hot," she said.

As a seven-year-old girl I would have described it the same way.

I downed my drink and finished my smoke. Sarah was right behind me and Tessah took the last of her drink like a trooper. She put out the other half of her cigarette and we sat there for a moment. We didn't know what to do next. We were all into it and then we stopped. How were we to begin again? Sarah smiled and then laughed first before Tessah and I followed. We had a good laugh and then I got up and stood behind Tessah. I leaned over her and grabbed her under the arms. I picked her up and turned her around.

"You know," I said. "You are the hottest little seven-year-old girl I have ever seen."

"Thank you daddy," she said smiling and kissed my nose.

"Now with that said. We have to get you out of those panties so that I can see your ass and pussy inside your little girl pantyhose."

"Oh, daddy," Tessah said.

"I guess you should take off your pantyhose and get rid of the panties."

"Come on," Sarah said. "You can do better than that. Find another way."

Scissors immediately came to mind. I could pull her pantyhose down and use the scissors to cut the panties away. But that isn't what I did, because my next though called for something even better. I carried my daughter over to the couch and lay her down again. I then pulled the waist of her pantyhose down to her knees. I told her to pull her legs back again. Her panties were still soaking wet as I took another quick suck before grabbing the leg cuff of her panties on the right side and bit into them. I used my teeth to get it started and then I used both hands to rip the white cotton panties from the little girl. I tore through the waistband and then tossed the ripped panties over my shoulder. I didn't look down. I looked up toward the ceiling.

"Pull up your pantyhose, baby girl," I said. "Pull up all the slack and make sure that the crotch of your pantyhose is right against your litte pussy."

I reached and grabbed her ankles as she began to do as she was told. I brought them together so that it would be easier for her.

"Ok, daddy," she said. "My pantyhose are nice and tight for you."

I felt her legs push against my hand and knew that she was going into the same position as before. That was exactly where I wanted her. Before looking at her little pussy I began with her left leg and fondled her little foot. I gave it kisses and then ran my tongue all over it. First her big toe I began to suck through her pantyhose. Toe after toe until all of them were in my mouth and I was eagerly sucking them along with half her foot. I took her other foot and placed it against my pantyhose covered cock. I used her toes to fondle my balls before placing the sole against the shaft and began jerking myself off. I didn't have to guide her as her foot began to move on its own. Up and down the length of my cock. I used my hands to run them up and down her left leg as I began to move from toes to arch licking, sucking and biting every inch of her foot. I only allowed myself a moment with her foot fucking me before I switched feet. I gave her little foot the same care that I gave the first one as she jacked me off with her little foot. Remembering how I had used her toes to massage my balls, she did the same.

Next, I kissed, sucked, licked and bit from foot to inner thigh of each leg. Eating and fondling as much of her pantyhose as I could before I came face to face with the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. It was her tight, bald, puffy, little girl pussy encased in pantyhose right before my eyes. This was now, truly a dream come true.

Chapter 3

Now let's see...where was I? Oh, yeah...I had just found the sweet spot. My little girl's pussy wrapped in pantyhose. It was the prettiest sight I had ever seen.

I reached forward and gently lay my hand on it. She had done well and her pantyhose were pulled taught against her little pussy. I pushed gently with my fingers. I pushed down and then up toward the top. I then used my thumb and pushed a little harder. I slowly moved my thumb up and down that tiny pussy as I pushed into her.

"I like that, Daddy," she said. "You do it better than George."

"I'm glad, baby girl. Do you want to know what feels better than this?"

"Oh, yes, daddy."

I leaned forward and slowly licked my daughter's pussy. I savored it. I licked each pussy lip and then down the middle. Once at the bottom I placed my mouth over it and began to suck as I ran my tongue all over her bald, little girl pussy. The excitement of what I was doing made my cock ache. I wanted relief, but not yet. There was so much to do. I just wish that pantyhose were more forgiving. They had to be manipulated if you wanted to truly get to the meat of things. But right now I was enjoying gnawing on my seven-year-olds pussy through the pantyhose. I was using my teeth to close from top to bottom grazing her lips. I tried to stick my tongue in her little pussy hole. Because her legs were spread as wide as they were her pussy was exposed. I couldn't break the barrier of the pantyhose, but that didn't stop me from trying. I next paid attention to her clit. It was ultra sensitive under the pantyhose and I had to be careful after Tessah made this known. But with gently licking, sucking I was able to cause her to begin a slow girlish moan that began again when her breath ran out.

"Oh, daddy," she softly said. "You lick my pussy in pantyhose so good. Don't stop, daddy."

I took my middle finger and placed it at her pussy hole. I gently pushed so that my finger tip was doing its best to invade her. That wasn't enough. I wanted more. I loved the pantyhose, but because of experience in the matter of nylon fucking, the pantyhose didn't have to go away for us to continue. I just had to make an entrance. Just like I did with her panties I tore a hole in the middle of her crotch and ripped so that her pussy and asshole...I couldn't forget the asshole...was revealed. And what a cute little asshole she had. It was puckered and pink, much like her mothers.

"Sarah," I gasped. "You have to see this."

Sarah was behind me kissing my neck and she came to the side of me to see what I was talking about.

"How cute," Sarah said.

Just like a woman to say something like that about a swollen, little girl pussy, but I did have to admit that it was cute.

"I want you to watch me," I said to Sarah. "I want you to watch me eat our daughter's pussy. Then it is your turn. You always said that you wondered what it would be like to go down on another girl. Well, here is your chance."

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious," Sarah smiled. "I plan to go down on her in a most beautiful way."

I leaned forward and gently licked each of those baby pussy lips before sliding my tongue from asshole to clit.

"Oh, daddy," Tessah moaned. "That feels so good, daddy. MOre, daddy. More!"

I couldn't say no to my little girl now could I? I brought her legs together a little bit so that her pussy closed most of the way. Then I put my mouth over her and began to lick and suck. My tongue invaded between her pussy lips as I slid it back and forth, stopping at the bottom to let my tongue, just a little, slide into her tight little pussy hole. Then I had a great idea. Something that I thought was going to drive me wild. I sat back and took Tessah's hands away from her legs. I then place her hands between them and against her pussy.

"I want you to pull your pussy lips apart, baby girl," I said. "I want to see inside of you."

She did as she was told and I saw the heart of her sex. I flicked her clit with my tongue and then pushed up on each side of it to pull back the clitoral hood. Only for a moment did I stimulate her in this way. I was determined to make my daughter cum, but in my own time. I moved my tongue down and slowly licked her open pussy hole. Then I moved into her. I went as deep as I could and began to tongue fuck our little one.

Tessah was still beside me on her knees watching all of this while she jerked my cock in my pantyhose. I tongue fucked my daughter for a short time while I massaged her little clit with one hand and fondling her pantyhosed covered legs with the other. It was all about the pantyhose.

I loved the taste of her. It was pure ambrosia. Not long, though, I pulled away and took her hands from between her legs and placed them along side her against each of her ass cheeks.

"Pull your legs back," I said. "And I want you to pull your ass cheeks apart. Pull them as far apart as you can. Daddy needs it."

Tessah did as she was told and giggled for a moment when I first slid my tongue over her asshole, but when I began to slather her with my tongue and gently suck her little hole she began to moan again. Just as when I was tongue fucking her bald pussy.

"Tell me if this hurts," I said. "Daddy wants to taste the inside of you."

"Ok, daddy," she said. "But only if it hurts alot. I like hurt sometimes."

This was good. This was very good, because I had decided on how I was going to make my little girl cum.

I gently prodded my daughter's asshole with my tongue and gently worked the tip in and out of it. As I worked at it her asshole began to cooperate and open for me. I tongue fucked her hard and soft.

"Stick it in my asshole, daddy," Tessah said. "Yeah, stick your tongue in my ass."

That was all that I needed to go for the gold. I placed my left arm around my daughter's left leg so that I could get to her clit from the top. As I rubbed her clit I began to spit on her asshole. I stuck my middle finger in my mouth and then slid my finger up and down her pussy getting it nice and wet. I then began to insert my middle finger into her sphincter.

"Oh, daddy," Tessah said. "Is that your tongue?"

"No, baby girl," I said. "It is my middle finger. Daddy wants to finger fuck your asshole and make you cum."

I moved forward and slid my tongue into my daughter's pussy hole and began to move it around and slide it in and out. At the same time I was rubbing her clit and slowly moving my finger in and out of her asshole.

"Yes, daddy, yes. Finger fuck my asshole. Fuck it, daddy. Make me cum."

Tessah was breathing hard and letting out little girl sounds like harsh squeaks. Then she changed to a chant of unn...unn...unn.

"I think that I am going to pee again, daddy," she cried. "Oh, it feels so good."

I knew that she wasn't going to pee. She was going to orgasm for the first time in her young life.

"Just let it go, baby girl. Just cum for daddy."

"Ohhh...ohhh..." Tessah cried and I felt her whole body shiver. That was when Sarah pushed me away and placed her mouth over the little girl's pussy. She wanted to taste her daughter as she came.

"That's it," I said. "Cum in your mommy's mouth."

Tessah slowly let her legs down and Sarah gave her pussy one last lick before pulling away. Tessah was smiling and trying to catch her breath.

"So, that...that is is like," she said. "I love it."

My wife and I laughed and went to either side of our little girl. We hugged her and kissed her on the lips for a few moments. It was a great beginning.

"Are you ready for more," Sarah asked the girl. "There are still things to come. Pardon my pun."

Tessah didn't catch on to it, but I did.

"I think that after that your daddy deserves a little reward don't you think?"

"Can I suck his cock?" Tessah asked.

"Uh," I blurted. "Where did you hear something like that."

"Mommy told me all about sex," Tessah said. "She told me everything that there was to know and I asked a lot of questions."

"Sucking my cock would be good," I shrugged.

"Oh, yeah, mister," Sarah said. "Play it off as if you didn't care. But I guess that if you don't we can skip it."

"No, mommy," Tessah said. "Please. I want to see it and touch it and taste it."

"I want it...I want it, ok?" I said. "I want it more than a new Mercedes."

"Get up on that couch then," Sarah said. "Tessah trade places with your father."

As I sat on the couch I thought I was going to cum just thinking about what was going to happen.

There was a moment when I thought that all of this was a dream. It was when I had propped up pillows behind me so that i could see everything that was going on and looked down to see my little girl and her mother each at one of my knees that confirmed that this was all real. I mean, come on, I had just made my seven-year-old daughter cum by finger fucking her asshole and licking her pussy...not only that, but she was wearing her first pair of pantyhose. Now why would I think that was a dream?

"Now," my wife said. "We talked about this and I am sure that you know the difference between his cock and his testicles, so I won't even go there. But how do we treat testicles?"

"Gently," Tessah said. "Only as badly as he wants you too."

I guess that my wife had really schooled our daughter on how sex works. I had to wonder if their little talk about it was leading up to this? I mean, we had played the little girl and daddy game in pantyhose many times, but to think that Sarah was manipulating this situation was amazing.

"Go ahead and touch it," Sarah said to Tessah. "Don't be afraid of it."

My little daughter reached out and placed her right hand against my tan pantyhose covered cock. She slid her fingers up and down the shaft and then fingered my balls. I was in heaven feeling her tiny fingers touch me. To look down and see her pretty smiling face in pigtails.

Tessah grabbed the middle of my cock pushed it against me so that she could get her hand around it. NOw, I must admit something about myself. I am your average Joe when it comes to cock length and thickness. There is nothing special about it. It is a generous five and half inches long and thick enough to push against the walls of my wife's vagina for optimum pleasure. So, she could almost wrap her fingers around it, but not quite. She slid her hand up and gently squeezed the head of my cock. I flinched. Not because it hurt, but because it felt so damn good.

"Here," I said moving my hands down to my crotch.

I moved my hands under the pantyhose and pushed my cock straight out. I then folded the waist over the top of it so that it was out there for her, but still covered in nylon. It was important for me that my daughter feel and taste me for the first time in pantyhose. I guess it was for my own pleasure, but it was also because I knew that she took after me in the nylon fetish. I spoke of that earlier in the story.

Anyway, she reached forward and grabbed a hold of my cock. She had to work the pantyhose so that it folded to the sides, but she made short work of it. It was then that she began to move her hand slowly up and down my cock. Her other hand gently massaged my balls.

"You taught her this?" I asked Sarah.

"I taught her everything," she said smiling. "But just a reminder."

Sarah took her daughter's left hand and stuck the girl's thumb in her mouth. She slowly began to suck on the little girl's digit.

"Like this, remember," Sarah said. "Watch for the teeth. ONly if he asks for it. It could be very painful for him."

"I know, mommy," Tessah said. "I have been practicing doing it and I am going to suck daddy's cock good."

Tessah leaned forward and took the head of my cock in her mouth. The feel of her tongue against the pantyhose that was against the head and the warmth of her mouth almost drove me over the edge. I looked down and took it all in. Her little lips were wrapped around me and she was actually sucking my cock. Her tongue was rolling around the head and she began to move her hand up and down my shaft. She began to take more of my cock in her mouth. I love to have my balls massaged while my cock is being sucked and she knew it. She gently squeezed and rolled them around.

"I want it out," she said pulling away. "I want to taste it in my mouth for real."

"Use your teeth, baby girl," I said. "Rip a hole in daddy's pantyhose."

Tessah did as she was told and soon had my cock exposed, but she didn't stop there. She continued down to rip them a little further.

"I want to do to daddy what he did to me," she said. "I want to make him cum just the way he did me."

I didn't understand what she meant at first and then she stuck her middle finger in her mouth, pulled it out and then lifted my balls and stuck her finger between my ass cheeks and I felt her wiggle it against my asshole. It was clear then what she meant and I wasn't going to complain. But it got better.

"First I am going to tongue fuck your asshole," she said softly. "Then I am going to finger fuck your asshole...then...I have a surprise. Did I say that right?"

I nodded slowly. No seven-year-old could have said it better. I couldn't figure out what could be better than having my young daughter's tongue and finger in my ass, but I guess it would have to wait.

My daughter got on her knees and roughly grabbed my cock. She put her mouth over the tip of it and did what I didn't expect her to. She bit me. She bit me hard and I loved it. I jerked and let out a little yelp, but sat back and let her have her fun. She then pulled off her mouth and went down to my balls. She slowly licked each one taking them into her mouth and sucking on them while she jerked me off. It felt like heaven and I just lay back so that I could watch her little mouth take control. She then moved up to my cock and smiled.

"I heard about this," she said. "It is called pre-cum. You let just a little out because you are excited. Now I get to taste what all the other little girls don't."

She grabbed a hold of my cock and leaned forward. With her tongue she started at the base of my cock and moved to the tip where she swiped it across the piss hole. She moved back, still holding my cock, and closed her mouth. She tasted what she had just done and smiled.

"I like it," she said. "I want more."

"Keep doing what you are doing," I said. "And you will have all that you want."

She closed her mouth over my cock and quickly moved her head up and down while she jerked me off and played with my balls. I myself was letting out little moans of pleasure. I was like a woman that way you could say. I was very vocal. Not only did I like to talk dirty, but the sensation drove the voice out of me.

"Suck it, baby girl," I said. "Suck my cock good. I want to cum in your mouth and watch you swallow it."

"No," Tessah said pulling away. "Grab behind your knees and pull your legs back toward your shoulders."

Again, I don't know why, but I was a little emberassed. I would be totally exposed looking like a fool with my legs pulled back like that, but it had to be done. I needed her tongue in my hole.

I moved the pillows that were behind me and lay back before pulling my legs up toward me. I grabbed behind my knees and pulled them back and out so that my ass was exposed.

"You have a very sexy asshole, daddy," Tessah said. "I can't wait to taste it, but you have to make it easier for me. Mommy can you help?"

"What do you want me to do, baby?" Sarah asked our daughter.

"Stand behind daddy and pull his legs back. I need his hands for something else. I am a lot younger than him and it was easy for me, but I don't think he handle it all by himself. Besides, I don't want him moving."

Sarah climbed up on the couch and crouched over my face before grabbing my ankles and pulling them back. Tessah grabbed my hands and placed them on either asscheek.

"Now, pull daddy," she said. "Pull your pantyhose covered asscheeks apart, daddy. I want to see your asshole stretch wide for me. Make it easy for my tongue to fuck you."

All this from a seven-year-old and I complied. I stretched my asshole until it hurt and then some. At the same time my wife was teasing me with her pantyhose covered crotch. Because she wasn't wearing any panties I could see her pussy and how wet she was. She would get close to my mouth and then pull away. Finally, she settled down and I began to lick and suck her crotch as a warm sensation slowly drew across my asshole. My daughter was really doing it. She was licking my asshole. I soon felt her mouth close over it and she began to suck as she swirled her tongue around it. Then she invaded me. She slid her little tongue in as far as it would go then slowly withdrew it before sliding it in again. She was tongue fucking me like no other had. My wife was good at it, but this little girl rocked my world. Tessah reached up between my legs and grabbed my cock with both hands. She began to jerk it off while she fucked me, and as I hungrily ate at my wife's crotch and spread my ass even wider, my little girl's tongue explored the inside of my asshole. It didn't last as long as I wanted, but then there was another sensation as of stinging. My daughter was spanking my asshole. They weren't little taps either. They were full-on smacks and I loved it. That was something that I had never experienced and I loved it. She must have smacked me twenty times before closing her mouth over it again. The stinging was barely slighted by her oral ministration. Her tongue invaded me again and deeper. There was something about the spanking that had opened me up. Then there was a different piercing sensation...and I do mean piercing. Without hesitation my daughter slid the middle finger of her right hand into my asshole. I should have been prepared for it when her hand left my cock, but she was doing such a good job tongue fucking me and jerking me off with the other.

My little girl moved up between my legs and grabbed my cock with her left hand before closing her mouth over it. She jerked and sucked my cock as she finger fucked my asshole.

"Yesss, baby girl," I said. "Fuck daddy's asshole. Fuck it good in my pantyhose. Fuck me and suck me good in daddy's pantyhose."

Tessah turned her hand over so that her palm was facing up and would slam her finger into me and then curl her finger and rub the inside of me.

It was only a matter of seconds before I finally let go and gave my little girl the first mouthful of cum that she would receive.

"Here it comes, princess," I yelled. "Daddy is going to cum."

Tessah hurried her actions. She slammed her finger in and out of my asshole as she jerked me faster and sucked harder. I came without hesitation. My wife stepped off my face and I looked up to see my daughter take my cum. She gagged for a moment, but managed to keep it all in.

When she had sucked every drop she looked up at me and smiled. I had never been so proud of her as I was at that moment.

"Thank you, baby girl," I said. "Now come up here and give daddy a kiss. I bet my cum tastes awful sweet in that little mouth."

She slid between my legs and climbed up to me. I kissed her deeply and tasted myself on her tongue and in her mouth. Her mother also shared a kiss and then we rested for a moment. My wife then suggested that we have another drink. I was game, because I needed time to rest for what was going to come next. What was to come next? I could only dream.

Chapter 4

There WAS a moment when I thought that all of this was a dream. It was when I had propped up pillows behind me so that i could see everything that was going on and looked down to see my little girl and her mother each at one of my knees that confirmed that this was all real. I mean, come on, I had just made my seven-year-old daughter cum by finger fucking her asshole and licking her pussy...not only that, but she was wearing her first pair of pantyhose. Now why would I think that was a dream?

"Now," my wife said. "We talked about this and I am sure that you know the difference between his cock and his testicles, so I won't even go there. But how do we treat testicles?"

"Gently," Tessah said. "Only as badly as he wants you too."

I guess that my wife had really schooled our daughter on how sex works. I had to wonder if their little talk about it was leading up to this? I mean, we had played the little girl and daddy game in pantyhose many times, but to think that Sarah was manipulating this situation was amazing.

"Go ahead and touch it," Sarah said to Tessah. "Don't be afraid of it."

My little daughter reached out and placed her right hand against my tan pantyhose covered cock. She slid her fingers up and down the shaft and then fingered my balls. I was in heaven feeling her tiny fingers touch me. To look down and see her pretty smiling face in pigtails.

Tessah grabbed the middle of my cock pushed it against me so that she could get her hand around it. NOw, I must admit something about myself. I am your average Joe when it comes to cock length and thickness. There is nothing special about it. It is a generous five and half inches long and thick enough to push against the walls of my wife's vagina for optimum pleasure. So, she could almost wrap her fingers around it, but not quite. She slid her hand up and gently squeezed the head of my cock. I flinched. Not because it hurt, but because it felt so damn good.

"Here," I said moving my hands down to my crotch.

I moved my hands under the pantyhose and pushed my cock straight out. I then folded the waist over the top of it so that it was out there for her, but still covered in nylon. It was important for me that my daughter feel and taste me for the first time in pantyhose. I guess it was for my own pleasure, but it was also because I knew that she took after me in the nylon fetish. I spoke of that earlier in the story.

Anyway, she reached forward and grabbed a hold of my cock. She had to work the pantyhose so that it folded to the sides, but she made short work of it. It was then that she began to move her hand slowly up and down my cock. Her other hand gently massaged my balls.

"You taught her this?" I asked Sarah.

"I taught her everything," she said smiling. "But just a reminder."

Sarah took her daughter's left hand and stuck the girl's thumb in her mouth. She slowly began to suck on the little girl's digit.

"Like this, remember," Sarah said. "Watch for the teeth. ONly if he asks for it. It could be very painful for him."

"I know, mommy," Tessah said. "I have been practicing doing it and I am going to suck daddy's cock good."

Tessah leaned forward and took the head of my cock in her mouth. The feel of her tongue against the pantyhose that was against the head and the warmth of her mouth almost drove me over the edge. I looked down and took it all in. Her little lips were wrapped around me and she was actually sucking my cock. Her tongue was rolling around the head and she began to move her hand up and down my shaft. She began to take more of my cock in her mouth. I love to have my balls massaged while my cock is being sucked and she knew it. She gently squeezed and rolled them around.

"I want it out," she said pulling away. "I want to taste it in my mouth for real."

"Use your teeth, baby girl," I said. "Rip a hole in daddy's pantyhose."

Tessah did as she was told and soon had my cock exposed, but she didn't stop there. She continued down to rip them a little further.

"I want to do to daddy what he did to me," she said. "I want to make him cum just the way he did me."

I didn't understand what she meant at first and then she stuck her middle finger in her mouth, pulled it out and then lifted my balls and stuck her finger between my ass cheeks and I felt her wiggle it against my asshole. It was clear then what she meant and I wasn't going to complain. But it got better.

"First I am going to tongue fuck your asshole," she said softly. "Then I am going to finger fuck your asshole...then...I have a surprise. Did I say that right?"

I nodded slowly. No seven-year-old could have said it better. I couldn't figure out what could be better than having my young daughter's tongue and finger in my ass, but I guess it would have to wait.

My daughter got on her knees and roughly grabbed my cock. She put her mouth over the tip of it and did what I didn't expect her to. She bit me. She bit me hard and I loved it. I jerked and let out a little yelp, but sat back and let her have her fun. She then pulled off her mouth and went down to my balls. She slowly licked each one taking them into her mouth and sucking on them while she jerked me off. It felt like heaven and I just lay back so that I could watch her little mouth take control. She then moved up to my cock and smiled.

"I heard about this," she said. "It is called pre-cum. You let just a little out because you are excited. Now I get to taste what all the other little girls don't."

She grabbed a hold of my cock and leaned forward. With her tongue she started at the base of my cock and moved to the tip where she swiped it across the piss hole. She moved back, still holding my cock, and closed her mouth. She tasted what she had just done and smiled.

"I like it," she said. "I want more."

"Keep doing what you are doing," I said. "And you will have all that you want."

She closed her mouth over my cock and quickly moved her head up and down while she jerked me off and played with my balls. I myself was letting out little moans of pleasure. I was like a woman that way you could say. I was very vocal. Not only did I like to talk dirty, but the sensation drove the voice out of me.

"Suck it, baby girl," I said. "Suck my cock good. I want to cum in your mouth and watch you swallow it."

"No," Tessah said pulling away. "Grab behind your knees and pull your legs back toward your shoulders."

Again, I don't know why, but I was a little emberassed. I would be totally exposed looking like a fool with my legs pulled back like that, but it had to be done. I needed her tongue in my hole.

I moved the pillows that were behind me and lay back before pulling my legs up toward me. I grabbed behind my knees and pulled them back and out so that my ass was exposed.

"You have a very sexy asshole, daddy," Tessah said. "I can't wait to taste it, but you have to make it easier for me. Mommy can you help?"

"What do you want me to do, baby?" Sarah asked our daughter.

"Stand behind daddy and pull his legs back. I need his hands for something else. I am a lot younger than him and it was easy for me, but I don't think he handle it all by himself. Besides, I don't want him moving."

Sarah climbed up on the couch and crouched over my face before grabbing my ankles and pulling them back. Tessah grabbed my hands and placed them on either asscheek.

"Now, pull daddy," she said. "Pull your pantyhose covered asscheeks apart, daddy. I want to see your asshole stretch wide for me. Make it easy for my tongue to fuck you."

All this from a seven-year-old and I complied. I stretched my asshole until it hurt and then some. At the same time my wife was teasing me with her pantyhose covered crotch. Because she wasn't wearing any panties I could see her pussy and how wet she was. She would get close to my mouth and then pull away. Finally, she settled down and I began to lick and suck her crotch as a warm sensation slowly drew across my asshole. My daughter was really doing it. She was licking my asshole. I soon felt her mouth close over it and she began to suck as she swirled her tongue around it. Then she invaded me. She slid her little tongue in as far as it would go then slowly withdrew it before sliding it in again. She was tongue fucking me like no other had. My wife was good at it, but this little girl rocked my world. Tessah reached up between my legs and grabbed my cock with both hands. She began to jerk it off while she fucked me, and as I hungrily ate at my wife's crotch and spread my ass even wider, my little girl's tongue explored the inside of my asshole. It didn't last as long as I wanted, but then there was another sensation as of stinging. My daughter was spanking my asshole. They weren't little taps either. They were full-on smacks and I loved it. That was something that I had never experienced and I loved it. She must have smacked me twenty times before closing her mouth over it again. The stinging was barely slighted by her oral ministration. Her tongue invaded me again and deeper. There was something about the spanking that had opened me up. Then there was a different piercing sensation...and I do mean piercing. Without hesitation my daughter slid the middle finger of her right hand into my asshole. I should have been prepared for it when her hand left my cock, but she was doing such a good job tongue fucking me and jerking me off with the other.

My little girl moved up between my legs and grabbed my cock with her left hand before closing her mouth over it. She jerked and sucked my cock as she finger fucked my asshole.

"Yesss, baby girl," I said. "Fuck daddy's asshole. Fuck it good in my pantyhose. Fuck me and suck me good in daddy's pantyhose."

Tessah turned her hand over so that her palm was facing up and would slam her finger into me and then curl her finger and rub the inside of me.

It was only a matter of seconds before I finally let go and gave my little girl the first mouthful of cum that she would receive.

"Here it comes, princess," I yelled. "Daddy is going to cum."

Tessah hurried her actions. She slammed her finger in and out of my asshole as she jerked me faster and sucked harder. I came without hesitation. My wife stepped off my face and I looked up to see my daughter take my cum. She gagged for a moment, but managed to keep it all in.

When she had sucked every drop she looked up at me and smiled. I had never been so proud of her as I was at that moment.

"Thank you, baby girl," I said. "Now come up here and give daddy a kiss. I bet my cum tastes awful sweet in that little mouth."

She slid between my legs and climbed up to me. I kissed her deeply and tasted myself on her tongue and in her mouth. Her mother also shared a kiss and then we rested for a moment. My wife then suggested that we have another drink. I was game, because I needed time to rest for what was going to come next.

Chapter 5

"OK," My wife said. "Time for a drink. Scotch, Jack and make it snappy."

"Yes, maam," I said getting up.

Sarah moved over to the Laz-y-boy and sat down. Tessah sat on the floor next to her. Sarah reached under the table and brought out a box that my daughter had never seen before.

"What is that, mommy?" She asked.

"This is something a little special. Daddy and I use this box sometimes, but I think that you should try it. Daddy, short drink for baby girl. I have the box out."

"You aren't really thinking about..." I started. "I mean..."

"Just a little," Sarah said smiling. "I think that things are going to progress and it might make it a little easier."

"Ok, it is your call, but just a little bit."

Sarah opened the box and pulled out a little tray. She then began to set about rolling a joint.

"I know what that is," Tessah said wide eyed. "That is weed."

"Your father and I smoke a little grass now and then and you can have some, but you have to promise to never do it without us until we say you are old enough."

"I promise," Tessah said taking her drink from me.

She took a small sip of her scotch and then a toke on the cigarette. I was proud to see her actually inhale a little bit of it.

"Good job," I said. "You are getting the hang of it, but you should only smoke when we say so. Smoking will kill you if you make it a habit."

"Daddy," Tessah said. "If we can keep playing fuck games like this...I will always do what you say."

"Good girl," I said and finished off my drink.

I know that I had had only two drinks, but I had somewhat of a buzz. The marijuana was only going to intensify. I wasn't going to allow myself to get blitzed, but to have this much fun high was going to be a blast.

Sarah handed me the finished joint and the lighter. I lit up and took a long drag. I then got up on my knees and Sarah bent forward to give me a kiss. I blew the smoke into her mouth as she inhaled.

"I want to do that, daddy," she said.

I took another hit and handed the joint to Sarah.

"'ere," I said closing my lungs.

Sarah took a hit and leaned toward Tessah.

"Inhale it all," I said. "Don't take it into your mouth like a cigarette. Pull it straight into your lungs."

"I couldn't believe that I was getting my seven-year-old daughter high, but after the things we just did what did it matter. It would only make things better, and if I knew what my wife had meant by that, which I thought I did, than I agreed.

Tessah coughed out the smoke and Sarah and I each took a couple more hits.

"One more for baby girl," I said. "Then that is it."

I even took the drink from my daughter as I figured she had had enough. Sarah handed her the joint and instructed her on how to hold it and use it. Tessah was a trooper as the next hit took and I encouraged her to hold it in as long as she could. She did and slowly expelled the smoke from her lungs.

"Whooo!" she shouted. "I can see why? I can see..."

"Oh, yeah, she's high," I said.

"Just a little, daddy," she said. "Things are a little more... more real if you know what I mean."

I was pretty high myself and knew exactly what she meant.

"I get you, baby girl," I said. "Do daddy a little favor, will you. This is one of my favorite things to do and to do it to you would be awesome."

"Anything, daddy," she said. "As long as we get to keep playing."

"I want you to turn around and spread your legs," I said as my cock grew just from what I was about to suggest. "Then bend over as far as you can and spread your asscheeks for daddy."

"Ok, daddy," she said happily. "Anything for my daddy."

Tessah turned around and did as she was told. I got down on my knees behind her and watched as her little rosebud flexed. Then as I slid my hands up and down her tan pantyhose covered legs I licked her little asshole again and then slid it inside.

"Oh, no," Sarah said. "You have had enough for now. It is my turn."

I got up and Sarah took my place. She lavishly licked our little girl's asshole.

"That's it, mommy," Tessah said. "Lick my ass. Lick and suck and fuck it good."

"Yeah, mommy," I said. "Get your daughter's asshole."

I moved around to the front of Tessah and lifted her head so that it was even with my waist. I held out my cock to her and she immediately took it into her mouth and began to suck me with vigor.

"Mmm," Sarah said. "I can't believe how sweet this asshole is."

Sarah then pulled Tessah backward and her mouth slipped from my cock.

"Kneel over my face, baby girl," Sarah said. "I will show you the sixty-nine position we talked about."

"Oh, yeah," I said. "This I have to see."

Tessah did as she was told and lowered her pussy to her mother's face. She then leaned forward and got a good look at her mother's pantyhose covered pussy.

"Lick mommy's pantyhose," I said. "Lick mommy's pantyhose pussy."

I walked around them as Sarah went to work on the little girl's pussy...licking and sucking. Using her tongue to flick the clit and slide into her little pussy hole. Tessah was sucking on her mother's pussy through the pantyhose, but finally tore a hole so that she could get to it. I couldn't believe the way the little girl threw herself into eating out her mommy's pussy.

"Eat it, baby girl," I said. "Eat your mommy's pussy."

"Mmm," Tessah moaned. "You taste good, mommy. Your pussy is nice and wet and it tastes so good in your tan pantyhose, mommy."

Sarah would move from the little girl's pussy to her asshole. Each time sliding her tongue into either hole. Once Tessah felt her mother's tongue on her asshole she slid her arms on the outside of her legs and Sarah obliged by pulling her legs back giving the girl a full view of her mother's asshole. She went right to work sucking and tongue fucking.

"That's it," I said kneeling next to my daughter's head as I jerked my cock. "Tongue fuck mommy, baby girl. Tongue fuck her asshole."

I felt like I was going to cum so I stopped stroking my cock and moved from my wife to my daughter watching the woman on little girl action, but only for a bit. I had to have it. I lifted Tessah up so that she was sitting on her mother's face and I crawled between Sarah's legs.

"Yeah, fuck me, daddy," Sarah yelled. "Fuck me in my pantyhose."

I slid my cock into my wife's waiting pussy and pulled her pantyhose clad legs up against my chest so that I could fondle them while I fucked her. I slammed my cock into my wife's pussy.

"Yeah, tongue fuck that baby girl's asshole," I yelled. "Fuck her while I fuck you in pantyhose."

"Stop," Sarah said and pushed Tessah away and pulled herself from my cock. "Tessah go get the surprise you told daddy about earlier."

Tessah ran from the room and Sarah lay down on the floor.

"Put your cock in my mouth," she said.

I moved so that I was kneeling over my wife and leaned forward so that she could get at my cock and I could get at her pussy. As much as I love my daughter sucking my cock, she just doesn't have the skill that Sarah does. There is humming and rolling of the tongue and slight teeth use when Sarah sucks my cock. There is just something about the way that she does it. She is a true pro, which with practice and good instruction my daughter will be too.

I felt something bump the top of my head. I looked up and there was a cock staring me in the face. Yes, you heard it...a cock. I looked up and realized that it was my seven-year-old daughter wearing a strap on. The large cock attatched to it was life-like.

"Mommy says you have to suck my cock, daddy," Tessah said. "Suck my cock, daddy."

I obliged in a second. It had always been a little fantasy of mine to go down on another guy. I just wanted to know what it would be like. Anyway, I sucked that plastic cock for all it was worth.

"Yeah, daddy," Sarah said. "Suck your baby girl's cock."

I reached up and jerked the shaft of the cock and was surprised to find that it actually reacted. This was the most realistic dildo I had ever seen. And the fact that it was strapped to my daughter's waist made it even more awesome.

"Lean forward and put your face between my pantyhose covered thighs," Sarah said. "Do it now."

There were a few smacks on my asshole from my wife. I did as she said. I leaned forward and put my head between her thighs. I knew what was coming and I had never wanted anything more in my life. I had the feel of pantyhose against my face and the smell of pussy. And then I had pressure against my asshole.

"Arch your back and stick out your ass," Sarah said. "Let your little baby girl stick her cock in your ass."

My daughter's cock slowly began to enter my asshole. She worked it in a little bit at a time. I didn't know where the strap on came from, but I had had a vibrator in my ass many times.

"That's it, baby girl," Sarah said. "Fuck daddy in the ass with your cock."

Tessah began to rock her hips and fuck my asshole with the dildo. She also began to spank me at the same time that Sarah took my cock back into her mouth. I couldn't believe that I was being butt fucked by my seven-year-old daughter; my seven-year-old daughter in her first pair of pantyhose.

"Fuck me in my pantyhose, princess," I yelled. "Fuck daddy's asshole with your big cock."

"You like it, daddy?" Tessah asked. "Do you like me to fuck you in your ass?"

"Oh, yes, baby girl. Fuck daddy harder. Fuck my asshole harder."

Tessah slammed the cock in and out of my ass while my wife worked my cock in her mouth. I just couldn't take it.

"I'm going to cum," I said. "Fuck me daughter!"

Sarah pulled me out of her mouth and jerked me off onto her tits. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had, and it was all do to my daughter's big, fat cock. Tessah pulled out of me and I did something that I had never done before and don't know if I will do again. I turned and stuck the plastic cock in my mouth. My daughter began to fuck my face, and Sarah smacked my ass several times. It was then time to clean mommy. She lay on the floor and Tessah and I each took a tit and licked and sucked all the cum from it. When she was clean...

"Now it is my turn," Sarah said. "Daddy on the floor."

"I don't know if I can do this right now," I said. "I have just cum two times."

"I bet you can," Sarah said smiling. "Watch this. Tessah lay on the floor."

Tessah did as she was told with her cock sticking up in the air. Sarah crawled over and knelt over her daughter's face.

"Now lick me while I suck your cock," Sarah demanded.

She leaned forward and began to suck the dildo as she jerked it off. She worked it the same way that she would me. At the same time Tessah was licking and sucking her mother's pussy. I couldn't get enough of watching this, and it almost did it for me. I sure got excited. But it was when Sarah flipped over onto her hands and knees and then bent so her tits touched the floor that I felt a flinch.

"Fuck my pussy, honey," Sarah said. "Fuck mommy's pussy with your little girl cock."

Tessah came behind her mommy and pointed the head of the cock against her pussy. She started to push.

"A little higher, baby," Sarah said. "Spread my pussy lips to see where the hole is...then fuck mommy."

Tessah reached forward and pulled her mother's pussy lips apart so that she could see where to stick the cock. She then began to slowly push the cock into Sarah's pussy. Sarah moaned as the cock slid into her, and became very vocal when Tessah started fucking her.

"Fuck me, baby girl," she cried. "Fuck my pussy with your big little girl cock. Come on, girlie, fuck mommy. Harder now."

I moved over to Tessah and positioned her so that her legs were spread and she was somewhat bent.

"Fuck your mommy in her pantyhose," I said and began to spank the little girl's ass.

Each time that I swatted her she would slam the cock into her mother's pussy. Tessah began to cry out loud as I spanked her.

"Yes, m...mommy," she cried. "I'm f...fucking your pussy. Daddy is sp...spanking my ass in pantyhose."

Sarah pulled forward so that the cock slid out of her and I bent Tessah at the waist. I lay my left hand against her ass and invaded her asshole. I then continued to spank her as I fucked her ass.

"Oh, daddy," Tessah cried. "Please don't finger fuck my asshole and spank me. P...please, daddy."

I had to stop or I was going to cum with the sheer exhilaration of it all.

"Lay down on the floor, daddy," Sarah said. "I want to ride your cock while your daughter fucks me in the ass."

Sarah bent over my waist and grabbed my cock so that she could guide it into her pussy. Her pussy was totally we and open for me. She leaned forward and then reached back and spread her asshole.

"Get it wet first, baby," Sarah said. "You know how mommy likes her asshole licked."

Tessah knelt down and reamed her mother's asshole. She licked and spit and sucked and tongue fucked and finger fucked her mommy's ass until she thought it was ready. Then the fucking began. Tessah worked the cock into her mother's asshole.

"That's it, baby girl," Sarah cried. "Fuck mommy's asshole. Fuck mommy's asshole with your little girl cock."

I began to slam my cock into my wife's pussy as our little girl fucked her in the ass.

"Fuck yeah," Sarah screamed. "Fuck me, daddy. Fuck me baby girl. Fuck my pussy in my pantyhose. Fuck my ass in my pantyhose."

My hands roamed my wife's legs as I fucked her and in moments she was cumming hard. I had kept right at the verge so that when I saw her start to cum I would be right there. I rolled Sarah off me and stood before my daughter. I pushed my cock against her cock and came all over it. I jerked myself hard and fast so that I was cumming good on her big cock.

Then she did this on her own. No prompting at all. Because our baby girl was in gymnastics she could do things that others could not. She lay on her back and pulled her legs up over her head. I watched as she took the plastic cock in her mouth and began to clean my cum off it. You won't believe this, but I felt my cock flinch. I had to have her. What she just did was dirty and naughty and I wanted to fuck my little girl.

Chapter 6

I don't know what came over me, but I had to fuck her. I had to fuck my seven-year-old daughter in her pantyhose.

I knelt down in front of my daughter so that the bottom of her back was against my chest. She was still cleaning my cum off the dildo. She let her legs come open and out. I then set about removing the strap on. I tossed it behind me and didn't see my wife putting it on. I then bent my head into her pussy. I sucked on it hard for a moment and then invaded her pussy hole. She flinched when most of my tongue slid into her pussy. I knew that I had stunned her more than I hurt her. I pulled away after tongue fucking her a few times. I looked down at her face.

"Daddy wants to fuck you, baby girl," I said. "I want to feel my cock inside of you so bad."

I didn't say where I wanted to feel it, because I didn't want to scare her right off and I did want to fuck her little girl asshole, as well as, her pussy.

"Mommy," I said. "Can I fuck our little girl in her pantyhose?"

"Yes, daddy," Sarah said. "You can fuck her if she wants you to."

"Oh, daddy," Tessah said smiling. "I would be such a big girl then. I would be the only one in my class that wasn't a virgin. You can fuck me daddy."

It was the happiest day of my life. I picked up my little girl and carried her over to the couch. I lay her down and then thought better of it. Where to fuck a little girl than her own bed. The thought of made my cock even harder. Tessah had such the little girl room with pink curtains everything. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms as I carried her to her room. The door was open and I stepped in and carried her over to the bed. I had to remove a few stuffed animals, but one that I didn't remove was George. I thought that he would be a comfort to my daughter.

"I am still high, daddy," Tessah said. "I think that will help when you first fuck me. Oh, hi, George."

Tessah picked up the puppet and put it on her right hand. She opened and closed the mouth a few times.

"Are you going to fuck your daughter?" she asked with George in a gruff voice.

"Yes, George," I said. " Would you like to help?"

"Oh, yes," George said. "I love Tessah's pussy, but I only get to suck it through her panties and tights."

"Well, now you have my permission to suck her pussy without panties or tights," I said smiling. "Go ahead and taste the little princess."

Tessah spread her pantyhose covered legs and brought George to her little pussy. George closed his mouth over her pussy and gently moved his lips back and forth.

"Oh, George," Tessah said. "I love the way you eat my pussy."

This went on for a few minutes as my wife and I watched what was happening. Then Tessah moved George and kissed him deeply. Tasting her juice on his mouth. Then she turned George to me.

"Ok, daddy," he said. "You can fuck her now."

This couldn't be more perfect. I was loving the whole situation and the show.

"Ok," I said. "Thank you George."

I lifted Tessah up and lay down on the bed. I helped her position herself over my cock.

"I am going to let you do it," I said to Tessah. "You can fuck me as fast and hard as you want. Don't go any deeper than you think you can. Mommy, will you help her get it in?"

"No, mommy," Tessah said grabbing my cock. "I can do it myself."

She had no problem as she moved my cock head around her pussy until she felt the tip give. She slowly settled down and I felt the head of my cock pop into her pussy hole. She was tight. She was so sweetly tight on my cock, but that didn't stop her. She moved up a little and my head popped out. She took my cock and guided it back into her pussy. She slowly slid down and then did the thing I wanted her to do...she stopped, braced herself and then pushed down hard. My cock was fully buried in my daughter's seven-year-old pussy.

"That's it baby girl," I said reaching up and wiping away a tear from her face. "Fuck daddy in your pantyhose. Your little tan pantyhose. Fuck daddy."

Tessah slowly moved up and down on my cock and her breathing and moaning quickly started as she started to fuck me.

"You're fucking your daddy, baby girl," Sarah said. "Bend forward and then slam down hard on daddy. Fuck daddy good."

Tessah bent forward and Sarah slid between my legs. She began to suck my balls as my daughter fucked me. I love to have my balls sucked. She took each one into her mouth and gently used her tongue to move in a circular motion around them. She then started licking the shaft of my cock when she could and then moved up to Tessah's asshole. I saw where my wife was headed and I pulled Tessah down to my chest and hugged her as she continued to ride my cock. Sarah began to tongue fuck the little girl as she spread her ass cheeks apart. I couldn't believe how Sarah was able to do this with the girl's ass moving.

"I know you want it, daddy," Sarah said. "You want to fuck more than her pussy."

Sarah got on her knees and I saw right off that she had changed the dildo on the strap on. This one was much smaller and skinnier. She spit on her hand and wet the cock. She even reached to where Tessah and I's sex was going on and used some of the juices to wet the dildo.

"Here it goes, baby girl," Sarah said. "Mommy is going to fuck your asshole with her cock to make it ready for daddy. Are you ready?"

"Yes, mommy," Tessah panted. "Fuck my asshole with your cock, mommy."

Sarah began to slowly work the cock into the little girl's ass. Then she began to move with Tessah. Each time Tessah came down on my cock, Sarah would move forward and fuck the little girl's ass with her cock.

"You like mommy fucking your ass, honey?" Sarah asked. "You like to fuck daddy while mommy fucks your ass?"

"UH Hu.."

That was all that Tessah got out of her mouth. She began to slam down hard on my cock fast and Sarah picked up the momentum as she began to spank the little girl's pantyhose covered ass and thighs. Tessah shuddered. Her body shook and she collapsed on top of me. Sarah pulled out of the little girl and I held her against me.

"You had your first orgasm," I said. "You should be proud. Didn't it feel good when you came."

"It felt so good," she cooed.

"Well, take a few minutes and daddy will see if he can do it again," Sarah said. "I think that he wants to fuck you in a different way."

"Mmm," Tessah said softly. "Fucking is nice."

I think that Sarah didn't want Tessah to lose the mood, as well as, make her ass ready for me, because while she lay on top of me she pulled open the little girl's ass cheeks and tongue fucked her before sliding her middle finger in and began to move it around.

"That feels nice, mommy," Tessah said. "Keep finger fucking my asshole mommy."

In a few minutes Tessah lifted up and pushed her lips against mine. We shared a long wet kiss before I rolled her over on her back.

"You know how to do your legs, princess," I said.

Tessah pulled her legs back so that her knees were near her ears. I was in the mood for a little something violent. No, I am not going to damage her. I just began to spank her ass and thighs. I even dropped a few smacks on her pussy and asshole unti both of them were bright red.

"Daddy spanks you in your pantyhose," I said. "You are a naughty girl who needs to be spanked and fucked. Spanked on your pussy and asshole. You naughty pantyhose girl."

On cue Tessah began to cry. She sobbed but still reached down and pulled her pussy lips apart for me.

"mommy," I said. "Sit on your daughter's face and let her tongue fuck your asshole while I fuck her."

Sarah did as she was told and knelt over the little girl's face and then she gave me a good idea. Sarah began to piss on her daughter's face. She moved back and forth as Tessah opened her mouth and happily drank her mother's piss.

"Spread the naughty girl's ass cheeks," I yelled. "Spread it wide so her asshole opens."

Sarah reached down as she continued to piss on her daughter. She spread the girl's ass hard until Tessah cried out. I stood up on the bed and grabbed my cock. I directed it straight at her pussy and began to piss. Tessah was still spreading her pussy lips and I pissed straight at her pussy hole.

"Spread your pussy wider," I yelled. "Let me piss in your little cunt hole."

Tessah spread her pussy until I could see where I wanted my piss to go. I went from pissing in her cunt to pissing in her asshole. I couldn't believe that I was doing this to a seven-year-old girl what less my daughter, but it was awesome.

When my piss was spent I knelt down and pushed my cock against my daughter's little pussy whole. It quickly slid in and I buried it in her bald, puffy pussy. I began to fuck her as I slid my hands up and down her legs. I pulled her foot to my mouth and took as much of it in as I could. I licked and sucked her pantyhose as I fucked the little girl. Her pussy was so tight and I started to really work it. I was fucking her with a good rhythm when I felt my balls begin to boil.

"Grab your legs back," I said to Tessah. "Daddy is going to ass fuck you now."

"Ok, daddy," Tessah said. "Fuck my ass in my pantyhose."

My cock was wet with her pussy juice and I put the head of it against her tight little puckered hole. I gently pushed forward and the head popped in easily. I had to see that again, so I pulled my cock out and stuck the head in again. I then proceeded to push slowly. Tessah grunted, but didn't complain. I had my cock fully buried in her little asshole with my balls against her lower back when she cried out.

"Fuck my asshole, daddy. Fuck me good and hard in my ass."

Sarah was furiously finger fucking and rubbing the little girls clit as I began to fuck her ass. I fucked fast and hard. It was tighter than her pussy and her sphincter muscles contracted with each thrust. I couldn't help but spank her ass again and thighs again as I fucked her.

"You like that?" I asked. "You like daddy to fuck your naughty little asshole in your pantyhose?"

"Oh, yes, daddy," she cried.

Real tears were running down her face as she stuck her tongue as far up her mother's ass as it would go. She closed her mouth over her asshole and I heard her sobbing.

It was then that I knew I was going to cum. There was nothing that was going to stop it. I had to. I pumped one last time and started to cum. First in her ass. I pulled out and jerked myself against her pussy and then Sarah quickly grabbed the little girl behind the head and lifted her up and then down so that she was face against my cock. My daughter took my cock into her mouth and began to jerk and suck my cock as I continued to cum.

"Yeah," I said. "Suck daddy's cock. Can you taste the inside of your asshole on my cock?"

"Mmmhmm," she said around my cock.

I pulled backward and sat on the bed. I looked at my little girl and smiled. I had never came so hard or had so much fun as I had had that day.

Years go by and I experience thousands of sexual trysts with my daughter. Sometimes with my wife and sometimes not. You can believe all this or you can chalk it up to fantasy. All that I can say is that some things are unfuckingbelievable...and some are just fucking.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


I just want you to know Ive been reading these stories for YEARS and this was the absolute BEST Ive ever read!.If only you knew just how many fantasies you have touched that Ive had for years.
I hope to read MANY more like this and thanks again!

ps.Feel free to say hello at any time via my email address

Philip Spencer

Like most normal guys, I enjoy seeing babes in pantyhose (although I a search of the Web didn't produce the brand mentioned in the story). If you're really turned on by pantyhose and spanking fetishes, you'll enjoy this. If that isn't your cup of tea... take a pass.

Better proof reading would be appreciated.


congratulations very good stories

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