Playing Ball With Hayley

[ Mg(10), mast ]

by Lowlife

Published: 3-May-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

It was an unusual request, coming from a ten-year-old, over the fence, but I was struggling to empty the mower into the garden waste sack at the time and so I simply called 'Sure - I'll dig one out' to the pair of eyes peeping above the top and I took what she had asked for round the next day - Sunday. By self-admission a hoarder of potentially 'useful' things, I knew I had several old computer mice on my shelf of IT-related junk and was glad to get rid of one, especially if it might be used to fix a problem. And I was quite pleased to think that young Hayley was computer-savvy enough to ask. Nice, polite kid, she is.

The last time she had spoken to me was over a year ago, when she was asking sheepishly to have her football back after it had come over the fence into my back garden, and when she opened the door, I was surprised how much she had grown since then - quite a bit taller now, and even more cute as a button, with her freckles and ribbons in her plaits.

I held up the mouse and for a split-second, she blushed. Or something like that, anyway: certainly something crossed her mind, but she grinned and stepped aside to let me in.

Her house backs on to mine and I've been on chummy terms with the family since they moved to the village a few years back, and nice chap that I am, I've done a few favours for them too, setting up their home wi-fi and helping out with some DIY that needed the sort of more specialised tools that I have ferreted away. I have some sympathy with working couples, having been part of one for a long time before I retired: the last thing you really want to do on precious weekends are domestic chores.

"Having computer problems then, Hayley?" I asked, peering over her shoulder, expecting at least one of her parents to appear.

She shot a look at me.

"Um, not really, but I needed a mouse and I knew you have that amazing shed with loads of stuff so I thought I would ask."

Her cheeks were most definitely glowing. I presumed it was just shyness.

Still no Mum or Dad.

"Haha, you remember the shed!" She had visited my 'man cave' before, helping her father return some garden tools that he had borrowed. "Are your folks in?"

"They had to go round to Aunty Pat's this afternoon," Hayley informed me, cheekily pretending to yawn with boredom. "She's got her new conservatory."

Little minx! An unexpected shiver seemed to zigzag through me. Unfamiliar, but in no way unpleasant, and I found myself staring at her more attentively, thinking that she'll be breaking some hearts in a few years' time, if she stays that lovely and slim and retains her wonderful complexion. With her easy smile and big, twinkling, mischievous eyes, she will be quite a stunner.

There was an awkward pause. Awkward for me, at least, as these days, it is not the 'done thing' for grown men to be alone with young girls. But my shiver had lingered, becoming a hollowness in my guts, though I had yet to understand why. She looked so very small and sweet, standing in the hallway in her tiny shorts and vest, with those slender, soft legs and arms and delicate feathery eyebrows and fabulous long, dark lashes which matched her pigtails. She kept glancing at the mouse and could hardly look me in the face, which was probably a good thing, as I realised that I had been staring at her a tad longer than even a friendly old neighbour should.

Then I broke the rules.

Utterly unlike me to do that, but all of a sudden, I found it so difficult to leave. For inside, I was now longing to spend some more time with the lovely Hayley.

Risky, but I reckoned I could explain it away if needs be. Not as if I was a total stranger. I closed the front door.

"Tell, you what, let me take a quick look, now I'm here. Won't take long. You remember I set it up for you all, so I should spot if anything is wrong."

I did not give her the opportunity to decline, stepping deftly around her and heading quickly to the foot of the stairs.

"Second door on the left?" I pretended to have forgotten.

She bit her lip momentarily, but called 'Yep' and bounded up after me.

Being in her bedroom was ridiculously exciting. What on Earth was I playing at? Had I suddenly come out as a Dirty Old Man?. I was beginning to wonder. The girl's PC was on and I guessed that she had been using it when I called at the door. I was familiar with it - an old Compaq that her father had brought home from work and I had fitted a cheap graphics card for them, so that she could use it to play games. The Taskbar had a highlighted tile: 'Sazza02 (3)' - she had been chatting on her instant messenger and had minimised it.

I pointed to the screen. I had invaded her space enough, without interfering with her online activities.

"Best if you log off and restart it, so that I can run a couple of tests."

"K," she said, quickly sitting down and taking control of the keyboard. I tactfully looked away.

"Sorry - I didn't mean to interrupt."

"S'OK I was only talking to Sarah and we, like, go away and come back all the time."

The machine clunked off and fired back up and she watched me log in as the Admin. Thankfully, the password I had set up when I rebuilt the computer was still accepted.

"Ha!" I announced in triumph. "Adobe update - often makes your computer do funny things. Once that's finished, it will probably be fine."

She hovered behind me, clutching the mouse I had brought.

"This mouse seems OK to me," I said, holding up the original one. "I'll give it a clean while I am waiting for the update."

Again, there was that pause and an imperceptible colouring of her cheeks.

"Um, well it wasn't for me," the girl muttered, avoiding my gaze. She added quickly, "My friend needs one."

"I see, well that's fine by me - always glad to help out."

I tinkered about on the computer, still strangely pleased to be sitting at her desk, surrounded by her private world. Even enjoying the scent of young girl pervading the room. I stole some glances at her too, at her smooth legs and short shorts and when she had been sitting at the PC, had angled to take a peek down the front of her vest. It was just naughtiness, nothing more sinister. Tiny bumps, and couldn't quite see any nipple. Serves me right!

Having done all the usual maintenance, I rebooted. Of course, I now needed her to log on, so I turned to speak to her and was surprised that she was no longer there. I had just stuck my head out on to the landing when I heard a small thump and exasperated cry. The bathroom door opposite was not fully closed and I hurried in.

Hayley was on her hands and knees, her head beneath the wash basin. Her knickers were rolled half-way down her bottom, which was an unexpected pleasure! Beside her on the floor lay her shorts and the mouse. I hardly knew whether to exercise discretion and step out, or stay and enjoy a few moments more of her firm young bum. She was scrabbling around and had not immediately realised I was there, but when she glimpsed my feet, she squeaked and quickly sat upright, tugging the waistband of her briefs up and the hem of her vest down. Her face had drained of colour, yet her cheeks burned bright.

"Please don't tell them!" she pleaded. "I was only having a go because everybody else had tried it!"

Hayley's sweet young face crumpled and the tears flowed.

To be honest, I had no idea what was going on. I noticed that she had removed the cover from beneath the mouse and she was holding the small grey rubber ball in her fingers. She must have dropped it and been trying to find it when I came in. But I still had no clue.

"Sarah told me to try. Please, please don't say nothing!" she blubbed.

Whatever it was she had been doing, she must have assumed that I had seen. I squatted beside her and put my arm around her shoulder, though I suspected it was not the cleverest thing to do in such circumstances. Her skin was so warm and smooth.

"Hey, it's OK," I cooed. And gentled her to her feet and back to her room, guiding her to sit on her bed. I eased myself down on the floor in front of her, mischievously hoping to enjoy her legs and more perhaps, as her shorts were left on the bathroom floor. "Take your time and tell me."

"I won't do it again, I promise," she sobbed, "just don't tell. Please!"

I have to admit that I was getting a distinct thrill from her predicament. Not every day that I am sitting at the feet of a partially-dressed little girl in tears. I knelt up and held her upper arms gently until she looked up at me, then I brushed the hair from her face and gave her my most reassuring smile. Brimming with tears, her beautiful blue-green eyes were even more beguiling.

"Shhh. Hayley, come on, it's not that bad. Don't worry, I don't have to say anything to anyone. But you do need to tell me what's going on."

And so she did, with several pauses as she summoned the courage to continue, some more tears, and plenty of subtle coaxing from me.

They are a heck of lot more 'knowing', kids these days, but she still managed to shock me and I in turn managed not to show it.

"A girl in Year 7 said she did her orgasm on the bus home from school," Hayley confided once the barriers were down and she had decided that confessing to me was a lot easier than having her parents find out. I made no comment or judgement, just prompted and listened to everything she told me and kept it light-hearted and enthusiastic. Two new friends, sharing a big secret. This afternoon was becoming more bizarre and enjoyable by the minute. She had dried her tears and I was still crouched on the floor next to her, craftily ensuring we were at the same level, but my hand now held hers lightly, as a mark of trust.

That said, what the fuck do you say to a throwaway line like that, coming from a half-naked ten-year old?

"Wow, I bet that was fun," I muttered, unable to come up with anything else. Year 7 meant a year older than Hayley. Surely girls that age have no idea what an orgasm actually is, let alone be able to enjoy one?

I was happy to let her tell me as much as she wanted. Watching her sweet lips and large, white teeth and listening to her faint, unknowingly cockteasing lisp.

"Yep, if you sit on the back row downstairs you are right over the engine and it jiggles a lot."

"And when you have the mouseball in your pants, all that jiggling it makes you feel rather nice in rather naughty little places," I replied quietly, concealing my mounting amusement and fascination behind a grin and conspiratorial wink. She nodded, with an embarrassed smirk.

That was what she had been trying to do in the bathroom, and of course why she needed an old mouse. Apparently it was the latest craze among her clique at school: placing a mouseball strategically inside the tightest pants you have, then secretly benefiting from any pleasant sensations that followed as you went about your normal day. Nobody would know you were doing it, not teachers or mums and dads! Sarah, her online friend and best mate at school, had told her it makes you get all tingly inside and makes your vagina hole get sticky as well, she told me. So you had to keep a spare pair of pants handy, just in case, haha! Guiltily, Hayley said that leaning up against a washing machine was supposed to be extra nice as well, the other girls had said. I had nodded. Once she had opened up, she talked with disarming candour. Yes, they definitely grew up early these days.

Now I had to decide. I had already been pervy simply by inviting myself in. But now - my newly-devious mind made a risk assessment - I could take it further, couldn't I? After all, there would never be another opportunity like this! And I had the mother of all hard-ons.

"Show me how it works," I said, astonished at my own forwardness. She looked at me blankly. "The ball: can you show me?"

She pulled her hand from mine. And there was a slight curl to her lip. Shit! I had blown it - pushed too far, too quickly, but I was conscious of the diminishing 'safe' time before her folks returned and had decided I needed to be assertive. Wrongly, it seemed.

Quickly, I spoke with a stage whisper to deflect the doubt. "I'll tell you my secret shall I? Then we both have something we won't ever tell anyone else, ever, ever, ever?"

It worked. She wore her cheeky grin again, and I leaned close and whispered in her ear.

"Sometimes in my shed, I look at naughty pictures of naked ladies and I touch myself a bit like that as well! Most people do it but only naughty ones like us dare tell each other."

Hayley giggled. We again shared common ground. I held my breath. Would that work? Trying to make us on the same naughtiness level, as well as the physical one? Equally naughty friends.

"If you promise never to tell anyone about me being bad in my shed, I'll promise never to say anything about keeping naughty tickly mice inside your knickers! How about it - deal?"

She laughed and nodded. She had made her pact with the devil. And now that devil was more determined than ever to exploit the situation.

"I do naughty touches a lot," I continued. "I bet you do as well don't you? When you are on your own? It's just so brilliant, isn't it?"

She flickered her eyes away, shyly. Keep your nerve, you dirty old git, keep up the pressure!

"What's the best - in the bath, in bed, what?"

"Bed," she answered, very quietly, her face lowered and her cheeks glowing once more. It was beginning to turn me on big time, when that happened.

"So can I see how the ball works? We're both being so naughty already, just telling each other secrets, so it won't matter. Just between the two of us."

She sighed. And then showed me.

I had been quite prepared for her nerve to fail - this was all far too good to be true. But she shuffled back until she was propped against the bed-head. To be honest, I think her own curiosity was proving too great to bear, having failed in the bathroom, and having me witness it was the lesser price to pay, now that we were co-conspirators. As if I weren't there, she pushed her pants down her legs. And I was blatant, leaning against the bed with my head propped on my hand, to get a grandstand view. Unbelievable: right on her bed, surrounded by a wall of stuffed toys, staring between the legs of this shameless little girl! She parted her knees and her fingers prodded her slit open.

This was all so utterly wrong. But frankly, that firm, smooth bulge between her legs, blushing as pink as her cheeks, and now opening to my appreciative gaze, made any lingering qualms evaporate. My throat was dry, yet I was unable to swallow, lest I broke the spell.

"You mustn't tell even Sarah about this. Seriously, Hayley. We could both get in a lot of trouble," I told her, marvelling at the tiny white nub of clitoris twinkling back at me, just a couple of feet away.

"OK, whatever" she grunted, concentrating on shifting her fingers to get a better grip of her firm young labia. "I think you have to put it just there."

She placed the tiny rubber ball just below the small fold of flesh over her clit and held it here with the tip of her finger, so that when she released her lips and moved her thighs together, it too protruded from within her crack. Awkwardly, she tried to pull up her pants.

"It fell out when I did it before!" she chuckled.

I was entranced. "That's why you need very tight pants, then," I suggested, unable to take my eyes away from her crotch, "to keep it just there when you move around."

Helping her off the bed, I watched her gingerly circle the room, as if trying on new shoes.

"How does it feel?" I asked, genuinely curious.

With a tinge of disappointment, she replied that she could not tell the difference yet.

"Hmm. Come here a sec." I was still sat on the floor and she stood before me. Probably just as well, given that the swelling in my trousers would have been impossible to conceal. I reached up and turned her by her hips until she was side-on. Then I did it. My hand moved down and my fingers flitted over the front of her panties. To my relief and delight, she kept still.

"It's still there, but you really can't tell unless you look very close," I observed. "Can you feel this?"

My moved my fingertip gently, over the hard shape of the ball beneath the cotton. Her knees squeezed together and she wobbled.

"Oh my God, that tickles!" she exclaimed with a giggle. But was happy enough when I put my hand behind her, on the fabulous curve of her slim young butt, and steadied her so that I could gentle the ball again.

"Try to keep still. I'll pretend to be a bus," I chuckled, and stroked away rapidly, keeping her buttock in my other palm. To touch her was good enough, but to be pushing the little ball pressed in her little pussy like that? I could feel my own underwear, soaking with pre-cum, pressing into my own crotch, and this was one of the most exciting things I had ever done.

"Mmmmm, oh that's amazing!" she breathed after a long delay whilst she absorbed the vibrations and decided that they were rather pleasing. Great result - she was prepared to let me touch, so what else might she permit? So what if she was only ten, she was driving me fucking crazy!

"Are you going to try it at school tomorrow?" I asked, delighted by the way her little tongue peeked out of the side of her lips when she nodded. I winked back. "You are so bad!"

Having been convinced that Hayley's nerve would give, it was ironical that I should be the one to bottle it. I mistakenly thought that I heard the sound of car doors being slammed outside, but when I carefully peered through the net curtain, it was a false alarm. And the ruddy girl had slipped from my evil clutches! She returned, wearing her shorts and I had blown my big chance to try a bit of proper kiddy-fiddling.

I should have cut my losses and treated this as a one-off. A silly, dangerous, wonderful episode that was fun while it lasted but downright idiotic to pursue. It would be bound to end in tears.

Yes, I should have left it there. But I didn't.

"You'll have to let me know how you get on," I told her. At the keyboard, I added to her messenger contact list an email account that I use to register in sites that I suspect will result in lots of subsequent spam. Innocuous, amongst the list of schoolmates. My old brain was still racing in 'devious' mode when I took my leave.

"Oh, I jut wondered... no, you wouldn't dare be that naughty."

Of course she was interested. "What?"

"It would have to be an even bigger secret. And definitely not to tell Sarah and the others. They would be jealous and all want one and then it would be bound to get out. Hmm. No, probably best not to, it's too risky."

And now hooked. "What? Oh go on, please!"

"It is just that I have something in my amazing shed, that I bet you would love."

"What?" she whined, half-enjoying the tease. I tapped the side of my nose.

"If you can find a way to sneak round for an hour without 'them' knowing, send me an offline message and then I might, just might, let you have it."

"Nooo, what is it? Pleeeeeeease!"

I scurried through the front door, by now desperate to leave in case the next time it was not a false alarm and Mum and Dad had tired of the new conservatory and returned home.

"Haha. You'll find out, if you come round."


The light burned late that night in my shed/workshop/refuge. But I was pleased with the results of my labours, cobbled together from various collections of 'might come in handy one day' junk.

That said, again I was prepared for disappointment, sure that once she had time to consider it properly, she would decide not to have any more contact with the pervy old man from the house behind. And the sensible side of my brain concurred. Yet when my messenger popped up about 4 the next afternoon, the by now familiar yearning in my groin signalled 'game on'.

"What did you tell them?" I asked, swinging the door open before she had time to ring the bell.

She held up a school book. "Said I needed to lend this to Rebecca, because she had left hers at school."

We were co-conspirators again. I squatted, so as not to tower over her, and winked.

"Brilliant. You are just so totally bad, you scare me!" And we giggled together.

I looked her up and down. She was still in uniform, and as a trainee Dirty Old Man, I was already drooling, though thankfully mentally rather than in actuality. Grey pleated skirt under an open-collared white blouse, white knee socks. Proper schoolgirl fantasy fare!

"So - did you play ball at school?"

Hayley's smooth brow creased. I pointed at her skirt. "The ball - did you try it out?"

She bit her lower lip and looked coy.

"Well?" I grinned, enjoying letting her tease me a little. Though the anticipation got the better of me. "I think you've got it there now, haven't you?"

She blushed so cutely that I couldn't stop myself. I grabbed the hem of her skirt and yanked it up to her waist, simultaneously thrusting my other hand between her legs.

"I'm going to check!" I chuckled, somewhat unnecessarily as my fingers were already flattened over the gusset of her warm pants, softly seeking the telltale shape beneath.

"Oh my God! Don't you dare..." she squealed, though the tone was playful rather than horrified, and my hand was allowed to find the answer to my question before she pulled herself away.

We were both beaming with joy at our own naughtiness. I led her through to the back room that I use as my living room. Now that I live alone in the house, the lounge seems too big and empty. And a bedroom might be too intimidating. Over my shoulder, I was asking, "So - did it feel good? Did you do sit on the back seat of the bus?"

Over a glass of squash, I prompted her to tell me. She was perched on the tatty old couch and again I had seated myself on the floor at her feet. I found myself gazing up at her adoringly, like a ruddy puppy. Absurd. I was besotted with a little girl over forty years my junior! Hayley was enjoying herself, and I enthused and encouraged - her rascally partner-in-crime, who listened attentively and made her laugh. Both she and Sarah had sneaked off to the girls' toilets to put their balls in before last period and everyone had wondered why they kept giggling all the time. But nobody else had any idea! And it was quite nice sitting on the bus but Year 7 had already baggsied the back seat, so she had not been able to see if it was true about the engine.

I loved watching her perfect lips and teeth when she talked. They seemed too big for her mouth. I had a vision of my cock in there. Her jaw stretched and eager young tongue busily licking me. But not today. One step at a time.

Hayley was desperate to find out what I had for her, from my 'amazing shed'.

I pretended to have forgotten all about it but I too was somewhat keen for her to have her present and soon relented and went to the bureau to fetch it. I hoped it would serve its purpose. The guts came from my late wife's electric toothbrush, but hollowing out, carving and shaping the new 'business end' from a redundant rubber doorstop - that had been a challenge. I fitted a small rheostat from an old hi-fi to allow the speed to be set at a more sensible speed.

"There you are," I said, handing her the slightly careworn plush penguin. Thirty years ago, my daughter had loved that one. She had taken most of her things from the attic when she emigrated, but Paddy Penguin had somehow jumped ship.

Being a polite little girl, Hayley smiled her thanks, declaring it cute and giving it a hug, but her eyes betrayed her disappointment. Had she sneaked over her just for some boring cuddly toy? What was naughty about an old stuffed penguin? I watched, and added casually, "Turn him over - there's a zip."

She did so, realising that Paddy had his own secret.

Hayley's face lit up. "Oh, my, God!" she exclaimed, open-mouthed and holding the home-made vibrator before her. The maroon doorstop I had fashioned into a small penis, two centimetres at its thickest and about twelve in length. "That's wicked!"

I thought so too.

"See at the other end, push that button in."

"Ahhhh!" she cried, laughing when she dropped the buzzing dildo in her lap. "Oh God, its all jiggly!"

I moved quickly, slithering up on to the couch beside her and taking it in my hand.

"The little silver knob makes it go faster or slower. Let me show you how it works."

Though apprehensive, she let me ease her against the carefully-place pile of cushions and lift her feet up. My heart was in my mouth whilst she obediently pulled the skirt to her waist. She watched, fascinated, as I crouched down and aimed the tip of the device at her knickers.

"No need for a bus or a washing machine with this," I chuckled, gingerly lowering the tip, precisely against the tiny lump in the front of her briefs.

Hayley shrieked excitedly, as if I had tickled her. She repeated 'Oh My God' and 'Brilliant' half a dozen times and I refined the technique, transmitting the vibrations in short bursts against the ball as she squirmed and chuckled.

She wasn't expecting me to stop and get up. Her jaw dropped in disappointment.

"OK, that's it. I'll put it away now. You're probably much too young for any more of that."

She stared back, mortified.

"Oh," I said, "Were you enjoying it then?"

Judging from her frustrated expression and the deepening colour across her lovely face, she had certainly begun to like what the buzzy little contraption was doing, but she still put on a childish sulky face and called me a 'Meanie' just in case I didn't get the picture. I sat down beside her.

"Remember you told me about that girl in Year 7 on the bus, the one who said she had an 'orgasm'?"

Hayley was frowning hard at the vibrator, now switched off and firmly clutched in my hand. She glared at me and nodded, "Uh-huh."

"Do you know what she meant?"

That fazed her. "Sort of," she finally admitted. I suppose I had expected her not to admit her ignorance. I would have been much more surprised if she had been able to give me a dictionary definition. As it was, this was still a continuing revelation, for a century ago when I was her age, I was much more interested in bikes and air rifles than what grown-ups did in bed and I didn't even hear the word 'orgasm' until I was well into my teens.

I settled next to her against the cushions. A little more intimate, I thought. Softly, softly, don't be patronising and keep her keen!

"Have you had an orgasm yet? You know, when the butterflies in your tummy jump so much you think you are in Heaven?"

Her expression softened. I wasn't like a teacher, highlighting her ignorance, but I didn't expect a reply.

"You'll know when you have one - it feels like nothing you've ever felt before. All through you, the most wonderful feelings and you want it to go on for ever."

Hayley's eyes were wide and round as she tried to imagine.

"When you are being naughty and touching yourself in your bed, you know how you get those lovely tingly feelings?"

Those eyes twinkled. Quietly: "Yes."

Softly, I continued, "It is like that, but the tingles just get better and better until you close your eyes and all you can feel are beautiful tingles and then your whole body is one great big massive tingle that makes you want to laugh and sing and go 'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'."

She was grinning back at me.

"Would you like to try that?"

Her big front teeth pressed into her lower lip. She nodded once.

"It might be better to wait until you are Year 7, like that girl. Might be a bit too soon to try. Are you really sure?"

The fantastic eyes narrowed slightly at my supposed reluctance. Silly man - of course she was old enough! She accepted my challenge. "Oh yes. Please."

I might be new to this grooming mullarkey, but I was doing OK for a beginner, wasn't I?

"Brilliant," I breathed. "Don't worry if you are nervous. That's natural. But if you think it's becoming a bit too grown-up for you, we'll just stop, OK?"

She hid her annoyance quite well. Another nod.

And now I was in charge, for she was determined not to be a baby and chicken out.

"First, you need to make yourself nice and sexy so we need to take off your clothes," I grinned with another of my saucy winks. "I'll stop if you are too scared to do that, though?"

Without waiting for her response, my fingers immediately attacked the buttons of her school blouse and she was, I think, both surprised and desperately forcing herself to be brave; she leaned forward to allow me to slide it down her arms. Yum. Sweet little bra. Whilst she was bent, I unclipped it at the back and lifted her plaits individually from her bony shoulders, to allow the narrow straps to slip down. Time for a reassuring smile, as I tossed it on to the floor.

"You are beautiful," I murmured in completely genuine appreciation. Though almost flat, her sweet little breasts had just enough form to excite. As yet much too small to pass the fabled 'pencil test', they were nonetheless a true delight to touch, to cradle in my palm, and the tips were at the first stage of puberty when the aureoles are on the verge of filling out, and just begin to stand proud. She looked down in wonder, watching my fingers play with them, roaming over her chest, cupping her and stroking the growing stiffness in the tiny nipples.

Almost a whisper, I asked, "Does that feel good? We can stop if you want."

Her expression was a joy. She shook her head and the excitement was plain to see. "It's all right."

I kept eye contact with her, moving down to her shoes and easing them away and peeling her long socks slowly from her wonderful skinny calves, stroking the warm smoothness of her skin slowly and deliberately, beginning with her feet and venturing ever-upwards, around her knees, and over the lower part of her thighs.

Her lips were slightly apart and her breathing deep and steady. She watched everything I did with an expression of innocent delight, that was making me melt inside too!

"Turn over," I instructed, guiding her so that she knelt on all fours. My hand slid up under her skirt, and momentarily teased between her legs. I lowered the zip and unclipped the waistband, letting the weight of the pleats take it down around her knees.

True to say that undressing this little girl was one of the greatest thrills I had ever experienced. I almost had to force myself to remember to breathe. Carefully, I lifted her shoulders so that she knelt upright in front of me, her slim back only inches away. My arms crossed over her chest and I bought her against my body, her head nestling my shoulder. My hands glided over her little breasts and across her hard stomach and my fingers trailed lightly over her crotch. I so much wanted to spin her round and kiss her but I was terrified of spooking her. Today was for Hayley, to help her discover more about her body. If the gods smiled, perhaps I too might enjoy it more selfishly, but that was in the future. I had plenty more to do today.

"I'm glad we didn't wait 'til you were year 7," I whispered into her ear. "You're the sexiest Year 6 ever!"

I can't express how incredible it feels, clasping the hot, tiny tits of a ten-year-old girl in your palms as she giggles against you.

My fingers slithered down, beneath the elastic of her panties. I eased them down a fraction.

"Want me to stop?"

A shake of the head and I slid them all the way down to her knees.

"Lie back down against the cushions and show me what naughty Mister Finger does when you are tucked up in bed," I chuckled.

Hayley quickly obeyed, propping herself up, with her knees raised and her hand slipping between her legs. I pulled her knickers from her feet and they joined the rest of her uniform on the floor. Needless to say, my heart was now firmly in my mouth!

"I'll look after this, you might need it in class tomorrow!" I held up the mouse ball, which had dropped on the couch. That made us laugh.

Her technique was tentative, and seemed to be limited to holding her hand stationery on her stomach, with her stubby middle finger crooked below, where it simply stroked rapidly under the hood over her little clit. Though this obviously worked for her: within a minute, she had forgotten any initial reticence at masturbating with me watching, rocking gently from side to side as the pleasant sensations outweighed everything else. I sprawled beside her, my hands lightly exploring her body, and every now and then, I softly eased her knees apart, after she squeezed her thighs together, taking the opportunity to stroke the hot, soft skin between her legs and make her crotch visible again.

This was a near-spiritual experience. Her little body was mine to enjoy. Light strokes, gentle, encouraging and unthreatening. The room was silent apart from her quick breathing. To share such intimacy with sweet little Hayley was utterly wonderful and I was transfixed.

It seemed so cruel to disturb such innocent pleasure, but I had my own agenda!

"That feels so nice, doesn't it?" I asked her softly.

A quick little-girl grunt, the finger too busy to be interrupted. "Uh-huh."

I held up the vibrator. "Ready to make it even better?"

She flinched when I touched her between her labia. The first time that I had placed a finger directly there. I was shaking.

"It's all right, I won't do anything bad. You know that, don't you?"

Maybe not this time, or the next, but if you let me play in future, I can't guarantee not to!

But her finger had stopped moving and she nervously curled forward, to check what I was doing, almost as if she had read my mind. Her vulva was hot and so soft and tiny. But it would need some lubrication. If I got away with a little touching today, then I hoped that next time, my tongue could assist in that department. For now, the ancient bottle of Astroglide I was relieved to have found in the medicine cabinet this morning - that should suffice. As my wife's condition had become worse towards the end, she had needed it, and it had been a tad uncomfortable finding it in the bathroom this morning, given how I was intending to use it. But needs must. After all, I had a naked ten-year-old lying next to me, whose innocent little pussy urgently needed educating and sometimes you just have to make sacrifices don't you?

Hayley wriggled, but I smoothed a large drop into her crack and began myself to massage her clit. At last. She held her breath but exhaled luxuriantly when the familiar sensations took over. I teased, stroked in different ways, over and around that miniscule spot, now slick with lube. I paused, pressing firmly, watching her face twitch with each reaction.

"Feels a bit different when I do this, doesn't it? Is it nice?"

Her head relaxed against the cushion.

"Yesss," she hissed. Her body was tense. We exchanged smiles.

"It's good when you are all slippery there, too," I continued. "Oh wow, that feels so lovely. You are fantastic, Hayley."

She almost purred at my praise. If my conscience felt any guilt at exploiting this sweet young girl, then my cock most certainly did not. I too was not far from climax! The lubricant did its job, warmly coating all her tiny folds and bumps and my finger eagerly explored and rubbed her thoroughly and I had to concentrate hard not to let it dip into her glossy little vagina, for fear of pushing my luck too far. Damn - this was fantastic, but the need for self-control was driving me to distraction.

She had settled back contentedly, her hips occasionally writhing up and down as the glow between her legs spread through her.

"Your turn again. Keep diddling like you were before."

I reluctantly had to return to the role of co-pilot. She cocked her head at the sound of the vibrator. Even at the lowest speed, it was loud in the heavy, expectant silence of my cosy room.

"I'll try just a little, to see how it how it goes," I reassured her.


The effect was immediate. I had lubed the end of the small rubber cock and began by passing it softly over the insides of her outer labia. Her finger was flicking hard again and she was doing that cute bottom-lip chewing thing that drove me potty with its cuteness!

Hayley's eyes closed. Her body was still tense and she was breathing rapidly through her nose. Some strands of hair had broken loose from her tight parting and clung to the moisture breaking out at the hairline.

"I can't believe how sexy you are," I cooed, willing her on. "Let it happen. Make those tingles get stronger and stronger."

Not that she needed my coaching. Her eyelids flickered open and she tried to smile but I was letting the vibrator roam more freely, glancing over the entrance of her vagina and pushing against her tight inner membranes and dancing close by her frantic finger. Her mouth opened wider, forming an 'O' and she stared right into me, sharing her astonished delight at how much pleasure her body was giving her.

"That's so good. Nearly there," I whispered.

As her whole body became rigid, her back arching and the trembling now actually visible, her ribs rose and fell quickly, and sharp breaths caught in her throat, like the sound of tiny bellows. Hayley's tongue flitted across her lips. And her beautiful blue-green eyes were heavy and narrowed, sparkling with amazed delight. I stroked her inner thighs with my spare hand, high and only just short of her anus, and kept the vibrator stationed between her labia, directly above her tight young hole, trying to transmit its power into that as-yet forbidden place.

She gasped. Her finger froze. I let the tip of the vibrator nuzzle close and deep, as if to let her body know that it knew where it wanted to burrow inside.

Hayley's face was red, her forehead glistening. Her lips formed a quivering grin and she trembled and stuttered a nasal squeal that faltered and rose and fell each time a wave of ecstasy welled up and took hold of her little body. Four, five times, she shivered and moaned, her eyes shining with disbelieving happiness, before she slumped and her chest heaved as she dared to breathe again.

I lay the vibrator aside, switched off now that it had done its job. Placing my arm across her, I hugged and she beamed at me and I placed a tender kiss between her eyebrows, on her hot, sweaty brow.

"Bet Sarah's never done that!" I joked and she giggled breathlessly. Rascally wink time again - "Our latest secret."

My new-found grooming skills exploited her euphoria. I cradled Hayley in my arm, toying with her nipples as she recovered.

"Paddy Penguin should be able to hide behind all the other toys on your bed, without Mum noticing, shouldn't he? But keep it zipped up inside him until there's nobody else in the house - it is dead noisy isn't it?"

Her body chuckled against me. Thank God, not against my rock-hard cock, though.

I went on, "But I reckon we still have to try a couple of other naughty things before he goes home with you. You'll enjoy those just as much, I promise. Today was only a quick test to see if you liked it. You'll need to sneak back here a few more times just to make properly sure, won't you? What do you think?"

I gave her a squeeze and she grinned. "Mmm, yes please."

Seemed to have got her hooked, I think? I am her Best Friend Forever, apparently.


In the hallway, I held her shoulders for a moment and looked her over. Her face had lost its flush and her uniform was all fastened up and straight. She had even let me clean her up between her legs with a warm flannel. The more she became used to sharing her smooth young body with me, the better. One step at a time, I reminded myself. Apart from her infectious grin and the satisfied little twinkle in her eye, she was now back to being just the cute little girl from the house behind mine.

"Hold out your hand," I instructed her.

I dropped the mouse ball in her palm and curled her fingers over it.

"Message me as soon you can come round to play again, and I'll make sure the batteries are fully charged!"

Her gorgeous big teeth flashed mischievously back in my direction as she trotted quickly out of my driveway.

And I returned to my back room, to switch off all the cameras and recorders.

I find so much useful stuff in my shed.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


You said in that story that you had to remind yourself to breath at one stage....well, I think I just read that story without taking a single breath, it was simply breath-taking. I could feel the reality in the way you told the story. I'm now going to read it again, this time in bed where I can relax and....????


PS....please please please write a sequel to this, I don't know if I've mentioned it, but that story was breathtaking


Wow, what a great concept. (the mouseball) I was waiting in anticipation for her to cum. Very sexy!


Nice :)


Fantastik and well written story! Original and believable at the same time. I would love to see part two.


LL, lovely tale, got any more for posting, if so get with it.


Wow..... so perverted!! Just love it. Can't wait for the next bit


*claps* Its just so naughty the whole way thru. Make sequel or i get the nipple clamps -snap snap-

The reviewing period for this story has ended.