Dream Come True

[ Mg(10), nc, rape ]

by Lowlife


Published: 29-Mar-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Less than a minute was all it took for two lives to alter course so dramatically.

There was no premeditation, no rational explanation, even. Fate brought them together for just a few moments and then it simply happened. For machine tool salesman Mikkel Lundsgaard, it came as much of a surprise as it did to ten-year-old Hanne, though he at least was able came to terms with it. As soon as he had sampled the benefits.

The little girl had come dashing out of the service area cafe and skidded around the corner to the coach park and would probably have run straight into him, had he not deftly swivelled his hips aside. Mikkel turned to see what was up with her, and he heard her cry out as she juddered to a halt. Her hands rose to her clutch her head and she squealed another long, exasperated 'Noooooooooooooooooo!'. She looked around wildly, dashed up and down the kerb where the coaches were parked but that just made her even more frantic. She stopped, he saw her ghostly white face twisted in panic, and hurried over to her.

Before he could even ask, she blurted out, "They've gone without me! I had to go back because I'd left my book in there."

Her huge pale blue eyes flashed with welling-up tears. Mikkel's brain performed a million calculations, most of which were deeply subconscious, for he had no recollection why he chose to take the pink duffel bag from her hand and grasp her shoulders and hustle her off to his car, which was where he always left it, in the shade of a lime tree in his 'personal' little gap between the buses and lorries, where it was always quiet to catch up on his paperwork or snooze before the next appointment.

All he said was, "Quick then, so we can catch them up."

And the distraught young girl simply let him usher her into the back of his shiny Opel estate.

For a second, she thought it was a bit odd that he was getting in the back beside her but then his hands were holding her arms so tight that it hurt and suddenly it went dark and her face was being pushed into the fabric of the seat and she felt crushed, for Mikkel was kneeling on her legs and she felt her hands being gripped behind her back and she couldn't yell out because her mouth was pressed into the furry velour. The man was way too strong. She felt her wrists being pulled together by something very tight and then the same was happening to her ankles and no amount of wriggling and grunting could stop it.

Hanne squealed but in pain rather then protest, as the hair on the top of her head was pulled hard, lifting her face from the seat, but his big fingers were stuffing a cloth up into her mouth and when she jammed her teeth tight shut to prevent it, he tugged her hair again and when she tried to spit it out he tugged it even more and that really hurt and so she kept still and she felt his fingers finish pushing and then it went all dark when he wrapped some itchy cloth all round her face, over her mouth and eyes.

When he pushed her off the seat and she slithered down into the tight gap of the footwell, she heard him growl, "Stay there and keep quiet. Don't you dare move a muscle."

And she was too shocked, and far too scared, to do anything else.


Mikkel was barely aware of the traffic around him. He kept to the nearside lane, maintaining a steady 100 until his hands stopped shaking on the wheel and his chest was only heaving a little and the drumming of his pulse in his ears had subsided. He blinked several times. Then stole a glance back between the seats.

At the motionless body of a little girl.

Oh fuck!

He looked back again, but the light green dress was still there, as were the small arms and hands tied behind her back with a luggage bungee.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

He eased off the gas and indicated to take the next exit. Only the roads were familiar to him - everything else around him seemed very distant and abstract, and Mikkel's mind was so foggy. There were answers, it was as if he could see them as tiny pinpoints of light, but they were too far away. The car swung off the road and on to a short track into the edge of the pine forest. He half recognised the tables of the deserted picnic area. Another favourite snoozing place.

Rubbing his eyes and face and mouth as he killed the engine, he willed himself to wake up. Enough was enough. He often dreamed about little girls - a lot of blokes probably did, but this dream had gone too far and it was time to end it.

Mikkel felt sick. He wasn't waking up like he should be.

Not daring to look around, he angled the rearview mirror down.

The green dress, the slightly tanned skin of a small girl's arms.

Oh fuck.

And once he had climbed into the back, it was worse. He could see all of her, jammed on her back on the floor between the front and back seats, not moving, her head cocooned in his scarf with just strands of wavy brown hair escaping above and below. He had to curl his feet up on to the seat because her legs filled the well. Nice legs, slim and smooth and blushed with the tan of early summer. Short white ankle socks and buckled sandals. Knees slightly apart, bearing the tiny scrapes and bruises of an active young girl. Thin summer dress, which had ridden up her thighs. And when he lifted the hem, pink and white flowery panties.

Mikkel's guts churned and he broke into an involuntary sweat.

Much the same as the headmistress of a Jutland small town Folkeskole, on a coach heading north twenty clicks away, when she completed her third desperate headcount and again reached the same dreadful conclusion that one of the 4th Year pupils on the history field trip was missing.


In a dream, you did what you wanted. You fantasised. You imagined and you got off on it. You didn't have to bother with details. Didn't have to get on the Blackberry and cancel the last appointment of the day. Or inch the car right up the driveway so that you could carry a small bundle indoors without the nosy old bag over the road twitching her net curtains.

But this was no dream? Mikkel's senses had finally begun to drift back.

You dreamed in traffic jams or late at night after an hour's tossing off with the internet, because that was the only thrill you got these days.

Dreams didn't involve sneaking home in the afternoon with a little girl tied up in the back of your car.

No. This was no dream.

Mikkel wished so much it were. He had lost his wife, his family, and all he had left after the divorce was his poxy job and just enough cash to rent this poky little house. And a bit of dreaming helped ease the pain.

He didn't need the reality. Well, not like this. What the fuck had he done?

In dreams, there were no consequences.


Christ, she was so light! Tiny in his arms. Trembling.

He pulled the curtains closed and lit the bedside lamps. Her body snapped taut at his touch, but he was gentling her on to her side so that he could loosen the bungee which was digging into her wrists. He remembered the roll of new washing line under the sink, where it had been lurking for over a year, taunting him to get off his arse and put it up, but there seemed little point as there was hardly a machine-load of washing to do even once a week. With the kitchen scissors, he hacked off some short lengths and used them to rig up a better method of restraint, with each of her hands tied to a rail in the headboard.

She wriggled a lot and made stifled noises but with a handkerchief jammed in her mouth beneath the scarf, there was not much volume.

They didn't need to speak in your dreams. They kept silent as you enjoyed them. Maybe made cute 'uh-uh' sounds when you got going and girly moans when you brought them off. But they never spoke. Best that way.

But she was real, wasn't she? Because she was still there, on the bed, when he came back from the kitchen. Making a pathetic attempt to pull her arms away when he tied the cord. Flat on her back with her head covered and her shoes sunk into the roll of the duvet at the foot of the bed. Shoes in bed? That was wrong. Mikkel unbuckled each one and dropped it on the floor. That was better. Better still if he took the duffel bag drawstring from round her ankles so that he could peel away her little socks too. The bag would still be in the back of the car, he suddenly remembered. It could wait. His head was beginning to ache.

Cute little feet. Chubby toes.

And now nothing to prevent her legs from being eased apart slowly either, so that his fingertips could examine the little rough patches where she had scraped her knees and experience the warmth of her inner thighs, up and up, taking the dress with them. No speaking, but did those muffled sounds she was making mean she liked his touch? His dream girls always did. Mikkel bent her knees and folded her legs apart, down on to the sheet and now he had full sight of the tiny white briefs with the pink flowers and when he smoothed the thin cotton, it formed a small valley between her lips and the noises from the scarf became more frequent.

Cute, sexy toes but Mikkel liked camel-toes even more.

On the web, he liked to check them out. Six to sixteen, though the younger ones were better. By the time they became teenagers, girls were much more aware of what looked sexy, but a little girl, younger than that, pictured with her knickers tight against her pussy, or her swimming costume wet and stretched, now that could be special. Young girls, they did not really understand how fabulous that could look. But you and the photographer did though, and they got them to pose and show off and then you thought about fucking them and that was extra fun because the really small girls had no idea of the effect that their camel-toe had!

Did this girl know? The young ones who looked all innocent, they were best.

Mikkel needed to see her face. To see how she reacted when he played with her camel-toe.

In dreams, their clothes just melted away when you wanted. You didn't have to break your fucking fingernail trying to undo a damned knot in a scarf.

"Keep very, very still," he warned her, "I don't want to cut your head off."

Hanne felt the cool, hard metal against her head and tried desperately to stop shaking. She held her breath, petrified as the horrid cloth thing round her head tugged and pulled and heard the crunch of cutting right next to her ear.

"I'm taking this off, but I don't want to hear a peep out of you, OK?"

The man sounded very grumpy. She wanted to nod, so that he would know she would do what he said, but she was afraid to move when he was still doing cutting with the thing round her head.

Mikkel used a tissue to clean up her face, once she had stopped gasping and coughing. She must have cried quite a lot, for the scarf was damp where it had been over her face. Pretty eyes, the pupils big and dark against the speckly light blue. A bit puffy? Certainly pink around the rims, but that must have been all that crying. She will be all right soon. Yes, nice wide eyes, watching him nervously. She isn't a slag, this one. Sweet and young and innocent, like the girls he preferred to fantasise about. He sat up and kept looking into her eyes as his hand landed gently on her thigh and his forefinger drifted up, to mould the crotch of her pants softly against the shape of her body once more. She gasped, squeezing her eyelids together.

That means she likes it, doesn't it? Going all wobbly with me touching her there. Like all the girls in his dreams, they always did when he touched them.

They liked being undressed, to be felt up and explored.

"What's your name?" he asked, quietly, moving his finger aside. Her panties weren't too tight. He could slip his finger easily under the hem of the leg-hole and feel beneath. Hot, smooth skin. Steamy hot inside her knickers.

"Hanne," she replied, her voice little more than a dry, high-pitched croak. "Please let me go, I..."

"Nah!" barked Mikkel quickly, holding his finger to his lip. Girls didn't speak - didn't she know that?

He smelt her on his finger. A little spicy? Or was it bittersweet? He liked that. In dreams, you never got to find out how sexy they smelt. Funny, that.

Hanne. He liked that name. He liked her. She seemed so much smaller than when he imagined other girls. Very short and very thin - her hip bones stuck out above the waistband of her panties. He liked the way her bottom lip quivered all the time. That made her seem very real. You didn't tend to notice that with girls in dreams - the details - you were much more interested in playing with their bodies. Touching and feeling and stroking. Did Hanne have lovely little tits? Mikkel couldn't tell, through the dress. And he couldn't just imagine it away.

His smile was plain scary. Creepy. He had a huge pair of scissors. She strained her neck to look down her body, to see what he was doing. No! If he cut her dress, she wouldn't have anything to wear!

It was much easier this way. Otherwise he would have had to untie her hands and undo buttons and all that business. These scissors are bloody good, once you got through the seams. All the way from the bottom to the top. Keep still, little Hanne, while I snip through the shoulders. Don't want to cut that lovely curly hair!

Mikkel laid the scissors on the sheet, beside her. He pulled the two halves of her dress away from her body, leaving the remains beneath her for now. He was amazed how skinny she was - he could see all her ribs and her little stomach seemed almost to cave in beneath her ribs when she snivelled. Sweet. She was ticklish, frowning and jiggling when he ran his fingers over her tummy and along her sides.

He shook his head.

As he had discovered whilst he sliced her dress open, she was wearing one of those really pointless little bras that young girls seemed to insist on. Like the daft bikini tops on the internet, little more than a couple of tiny triangles of cloth and a bit of string. And for what? Not as if there was any meat to fill them out? Just to make them feel grown-up, wasn't it? He ran his hands over the loose white cotton and smiled mischievously. 'I'll make you feel grown-up soon, Hanne,' he thought. 'We'll be doing very grown-up things, won't we?'

Hanne was chewing her lip. She did that when she was scared. Like when there was thunder and lightning and it kept her awake at night.

The man had put his hand under her bra and was touching her chest. It was nasty. She knew he would not stop there. But why her? She was only ten. Not like she had proper woman's boobies. All the time, she kept reminding herself what else he might do, no matter how much she tried not to think it. Sex her up. Even though she was only ten. It made her shiver.

Ah, you naughty girl, Hanne. Like me fiddling with your nipples do you? Little tremor of excitement gave you away, you bad, bad girl! So maybe you'll like them being licked.

Beautiful. Colour of walnut and about the size of a Krone. Yes, a 1 Krone, not as big as a 5. But those cheeky little nips wouldn't fit through the hole in the centre of a 1 Krone coin, that's for sure.

He had snipped through the straps and lifted the front of the silly bra from her chest. She had the very slightest of tan lines, though the paler skin was larger in area than the pair of shallow ovals of spongy flesh that represented her breasts. Even with his hands pressed lightly over them, it was difficult to distinguish tit from the rest of her. That amused him. He settled down on the empty side of the bed, propping his head in his hand and gazing closely at her chest, toying with her nipples in turn, teasing the squidgy pale brown discs and trying to coax them to shrivel or swell and cajole the firm nubs atop them to fill out and give his finger something to flick and squeeze and pull gently. When it seemed that his fingers could induce no further reaction, he leaned over and continued with his tongue, circling and teasing and every now and then, pursing his lips to suck his saliva from them, or blow a stream of cool breath over the delicious wet little tips.

She was definitely liking it: he could tell by the way she was breathing. Sort of irregular, trembly. Girls in his dreams, they got turned on slowly because they were only young and not used to it. Do you know what that feeling is Hanne, eh? Inside you? Your tummy getting excited, is it? The innocent ones didn't realise they were getting horny, but their bodies always gave them away. In his dreams.

They were like videos, playing in his head. You could fast forward a bit if you wanted to cum right away. Or even pause.

See? Like that. Dead still, dead quiet. His fingertips pressed down over her breast. That's her heart going b-boom, b-boom. My God, this one's gorgeous.

Mikkel's lips liked her warmth and her taste. And the smooth firmness of her tummy. He climbed over to kneel on the bed between her legs so that he could kiss her lower. So tiny, he had to bend right over her.

He was being completely disgusting! How could he do that? Licking her knickers, yuk! Right where she did her wee!

The end of his tongue could feel the heat in her crack, coming up through her pants. He pressed his nose against the damp fabric and breathed in.

Hanne's face was flushed. Her mouth felt dry and horrible after having the cloth in it and she was so hot. The darkened room wasn't particularly hot. She knew it was her fear that was making her get sweaty and light-headed. And now that the man was taking off his shirt, she was even more afraid.

It felt so good, getting out of his work clothes. He looked down as he shoved his y-fronts down his legs, more than satisfied at the power of his full-blown erection. This was a very good one! Mikkel climbed back on to the bed, to his station between the little girl's spread legs. His fingers reached for the elastic around her waist and slowly pulled.

'Oh my God! Why did I do that?' she asked herself. That was, like, helping him! She was so scared that she had acted instinctively, by arching her back. Again! Like getting in his car. He could say she kept helping her now! But it had fazed her when she had glimpsed his thing, looking like a stubby brown stick poking out from all that hair. It was all red at the end, all huge, and if he was going to try to put that in...? Hanne turned her head to the side and hated herself for being so dumb getting in a stranger's car and ending up in some dirty old man's bed and surely about to be sexed up by him.

Well, well. That was nice of you, lifting your sweet bum so that I could get your pants off. Wasn't expecting that!

Mikkel grinned. 'I think you want me to fuck you right now, don't you, Hanne?' he thought. 'My naughty dream girls always do - get desperate for me to ram it in their tiny pussies. But I like to make them wait. Then they really appreciate it.'

Not long now, Hanne, don't worry. Just have to get you properly ready.

The girl's briefs were rolled down around the tops of her thighs, enough to get his first look at her fabulous baby cunt. Every bit as good as a fantasy girl - nice soft, juicy, peachy, little girl fanny, no hint of ugly hair, no flappy wrinkly bits like his bitch of a wife had. Pure, with that cute bit sticking out of her crack over her clit that was just crying out to be nibbled. Oh yes. Just look at that tight little oval slit down towards her bum, waiting to be pulled open. No need to be shy, Hanne! He paused, to ease her soft labia wider and check out the small dark opening beneath. Mmmm. Just the thinnest of tiny inner lips inside, flanking that naughty pink hole. Mikkel's tongue became wet with saliva. He hoped she would be that tight all the way inside!

He reached beneath her and lifted her buttocks, shuffling his knees under her backside so as to raise her lower body from the mattress. So light, like a doll. Her legs lifted and came together and he was able to drag those pesky panties right off, before taking hold of her calves and resting them against his collar bones. Oh that looked so good, seeing his fat cock so close to her pussy. Soon.

Soon, my darling little Hanne.

Mikkel shuffled and leaned his upper body forward, clasping the tops of the small girl's thighs with his palms, sliding the backs of her legs up against him, either side of his head, until her feet were pointed at the ceiling and he could nuzzle his mouth directly over her crotch. He pressed his tongue flat over her pubis and worked it into her crack, savouring the musky warmth and coating the insides of her labia with his drool. He strained his fingers further around the tops of her legs, scrabbling until they reached her cunt, pressing and pulling firmly on either side of her groin, to open her wider so that he could see exactly where to lick. Snack time. His fantasy girls usually giggled when he did this, but Hanne was stiff as a board, breathing through her nose, trying to press her face into the pillow so as not to acknowledge what the disgusting man was doing.

Inwardly, he chuckled. You tease, Hanne. Playing hard to get as well eh? Not long now, darling, just get you nice and wet and then I'll show you what little girls really need.

She started making those lovely soft grunting noises when his tongue pushed hard into her pussy. He liked Hanne - she was fun. Girls in his fantasies sometimes sounded a bit precocious, as if they were properly getting off on it, but she was being all innocent and shy and, what else? Nervous? Mmm, that was nice. Showed she wasn't all tarty and knowing. She was a proper little girl, not sure what to expect but innocently loving it anyway. Just like young girls should.

And she was great down there, warm and so glossy and smooth and moist and musky. A little girl on heat! He curled his tongue to make it rigid and forced it into her. She squeaked and bucked against him and he clawed at her flesh, holding her tight to his face, stretched open to offer herself to him as she was duty bound to do. As a fantasy girl about to give up her cherry to him.

Hanne knew there was absolutely nothing she could do, but that did not make it any easier.

The cord bit into her wrists but her arms were held tight and he was much bigger than her and held her so strongly that it was impossible to wriggle away from him. It was so disgusting, him doing that with his mouth between her legs. Hanne wondered about screaming. Would that stop him doing it? Her eyes were streaming with tears again and she blinked angrily and saw the vicious scissors across the mattress and that made her scared even more. Her body went limp. She could not stop him, could she? And she just hoped it would be over quickly.


Oh Hanne.

Trying to tell me you're all ready? Nice and floppy and ready for my cock?

I think so too. Don't think I can wait much longer in any case. My latest dream girl has waited long enough for what she deserves.

Mikkel lowered her body to the mattress and sat up, wiping his chin on the back of his forearm. So beautiful, wide open and begging for it aren't you?

He reached across the bed for the spare pillow, lifting her middle so that he could stuff it beneath and bend her across it. He wanted to make sure he could get right in there. Nice and deep.

They deserved a really good fuck, from a proper grown-up, for their first time.

As he knelt before her, his knees nudged her thighs apart.

Gentling back his foreskin, he stroked the tip of his cock up and down her slippery crack. More spit. His swollen bell-end glistened. Mikkel took his time. Just a little, then out. Then a little bit more. He enjoyed teasing his dream girls. Make their hearts pound as they yielded and their little girl bodies stretched and tore and took their first man. Sometimes they stared back at him, lips apart in excited incredulity. Others froze then melted in amazed ecstasy.

Shit. She wasn't playing his game.


She had her face twisted right around into the pillow, eyes screwed shut.

"Hanne! Open your eyes. Look at me. Now!!"

She reacted instantly, snapping her head up at the very moment he lunged forward. Her open mouth froze as the dreadful sensation flashed through her. She had a vague expectation of what it would be like, with the man putting that big thing in there, but it was not a bit like that. It was as if she were being squeezed like a tube of toothpaste and her whole tummy was going to swell up and explode. The first sharp pain became a fiery ache right through her legs and belly. The man was smiling at her. He was old and had big bags under his eyes. And those horrible, evil eyes bored right into her as well.

For a second, the dreadful feeling seemed to stop then he grinned and pushed himself against her and she could not stop herself as a new spasm gripped her insides. She yelped and it was if he was enjoying hearing her cry out, for he kept doing more pushes over and over, each one making her tummy shoot pain up to her head and every time she whimpered some more.

His nasty eyes, they seemed to be sparkling. Very nasty man. Hanne sucked in her breath. More twinges as he made his thing slide out. She daren't even try to look down there. Her skin felt damp. Oh God. Was that it? Was that sexing me up?


But Mikkel was merely making himself more comfortable. He inched closer to her and aimed his tip into the wonderful wetness. Oh yes, all sorts of wet there now. Where the young girl was waiting for him. This time he continued to probe her, bit by bit, patiently and methodically, until at last he could tense his back and grip her tiny waist and push with all his might until there was not a millimetre that had not been forced into that delicious tight young cunt.

It seemed to crush the breath right out of her tiny body.

That's better, Hanne. Puffing and panting and moaning like all my other girls. Love it don't you? They all do.

But my turn now. I want to fill your sweet little cunt.

There was no need to do anything to keep her legs open. She was inert, and when he bent her legs and moved her feet so that she was arranged for riding, she sighed pitifully and stayed where he wanted her. This time it was just the classic position. Missionary. Hanne was a good dream girl: she could come back in other dreams to be taught other ways and learn lots of new things!

Mikkel's balls were fit to burst and needed relief.

Good girl. Keep looking at me. I want to watch your face.

Her forehead creased as once more he took her belly and it felt so strange and dirty, having something being poked in and out there. In her body but not actually part of her body. And not just going in and staying there. His thing was going right in then coming nearly all out and then he kept doing it like that. It was making her so sore when it did it, pulling at her hole and giving her a big ache right in her tummy.

Only this time, it was nasty in another different way. Yeeeeww, no way! He was lying right over on top of her this time and she was all squashed up between his arms and then he was bending down and trying to kiss her. On her face. Noooo! But what could she do? He put his lips on her mouth and when she twitched away, the sharp bristles on his chin scratched her cheek. His skin was oily and smelt bad.


Oh God, he sounds really angry. She took a deep breath and looked up and he put his nasty smelly mouth over hers and she had to make her lips go soft so that his tongue could go in and it was horrible, swishing around her teeth and sort of touching up her own tongue.

When Mikkel grunted, it took her by surprise. Now he had lifted his head so she could breathe better but his hips were pushing hard down on her and he was making his thing go in and out dead fast. So fast that it wasn't just a twinge when it tugged and chafed the entrance to her poor vagina hole but a massive, screwed-up ache everywhere inside, that just went on and on. Now even her thighs were hurting from being forced open all the time.

Oh look at you, my sweet little Hanne. All red in the face. You can't believe how good it feels, can you? You had no idea how wonderful it feels when a man makes love to you.

He had been pounding her so hard that her little body was being pushed back toward the bed-head. Mikkel edged close again, leaning right over and laying his forearms each side so that they touched her ears. He laced his fingers together over the top of her head. Now she would be going nowhere. The kid's hair was warm and soft and fine. Almost felt real. Mikkel was determined to come as deep inside her as he could, like in the best of his other fantasies. He could picture the base of his cock rasping at the top of her vagina and crushing against her baby clit and he was inspired. It felt so good.

In fact, he couldn't recall the last time he seemed so hard. He pushed and willed himself to swell even more and the tip of his knob felt as if it were grating against something very tight, high inside the young girl's belly. It seemed to please her when he did it, for she was shaking her head from side to side and making the most delicious girly moans.

There, there, Hanne. Just enjoy it. Next time perhaps we'll see if you can cum as well.

No need to thrust any more now. He recognised that wonderful aching, right through his scrotum, an instant before the rush. You lucky, lucky girl.

Hanne froze. She did not know what was happening.

The massive cramp in her tummy made her want to bring her knees up and fold double, but that was impossible. She was completely trapped beneath the man, even her head. She screwed up her face and groaned but suddenly he had stopped grinding on her and she looked up. Was it hurting him as well? His face had gone all floppy and he was gritting his teeth!

So when Mikkel let out a roar, she was doubly terrified. Was it her fault? If he was angry, would he do even worse things?

She whispered, "Oh please no."


Talk about a thick head!

Fuck me, that must have been some wanking session - his cock felt as if it had been through a blender! Mikkel shifted so that the weight of his stomach was not directed so uncomfortably through it.

Wow. That was the best dream, ever. Years of practice but to judge by the lingering throbbing in his balls, it had done the trick better than most. He stretched full length and the luxury of being half-asleep and very satisfied washed over him and he grunted with pleasure.

He opened one eye, reluctant to leave that warm, cosy place.

Though it was now dark outside, the bedside lamps were lit and he was staring at a human arm!

Fucking Hell!

Mikkel leapt up, taking it all in, as his brain fired up and acknowledged reality. Gaps filled. Questions flashed by and some found an answer. It was early evening, he was naked on his own bed and...!

Dreams stop when you wake up. Even daydreams - the girls vanish when the lights turn green and some pikspiller is peeping his horn at you.

But she was still there, looking up at him with those big, round, sad eyes.

Still there, for fuck's sake! Not vanished like some cartoon thought cloud over his head, which popped as soon as he opened his eyes. Look! There - on his very own fucking bed!

On her back: so small, wonderfully naked, and very young.

Mikkel's lip quivered into a smile. Now it was crystal clear.

His hand moved to his crotch. Things were already stirring.

And with her cute little legs parted and her gorgeous bald little pussy all open and sticky and gloopy and begging for it, she was ready for him. Again.

And again and again and again.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Superb story and writing. The abduction theme is one I have used before and I love your attention to detail and placement of limbs and senses.

Old Kent pervert

Brilliantly written tale. Perfect pace and wonderful detail, shifting to give the girl's perspective adds to the horror and realism as does the 'dream girl' theme. Please write more.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.