
[ Mf, Mdom ]

by Lowlife

Published: 4-Aug-2012

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Six more months until I can get back to civilisation.

"To my own place.

"To being able to walk out of my door and within five minutes be able to have a great suckling pig or bacalao or just some decent tap beer.

"And God willing, I'll never have to sweat my rocks off in some damned rain forest ever again.

"Electricity. Available twenty-four/seven. That's what I miss most. It's fucking irony - here I am surveying a hydro-electric project and yet I'm lucky if I can go more then six hours without the local supply giving out. Then the lousy generator is as temperamental as my ex at the wrong time of the month.

"My own stupid fault I know - I only took this goddamned job to get away from her!

"Mind you, there is one overwhelming compensation. Well, two if you count the money.

"No, what I mean is this. Girl! Come over here and say hello to our visitor.

"Cute eh?

"Haha your face is a picture! I could tell you didn't really believe me when I was telling you about her on Messenger but now you can see for yourself. Real enough ain't she? Even better - have a feel!

"Girl - go stand in front of the nice man from Head Office - he wants to check you're real!

"Help yourself - she'll just stand there while you touch her up. See the bow at the top of her dress? Point to it and she'll undo it. That's it. There! I like her naked anyway. I usually only let her wear it when I'm not around in any case.

"Great little body ain't she? Fifty-nine inches of hot little chick! Not as dark as most of 'em either. At least a quarter European I would say.

"And guess what she cost me? No go on - see if you can.

"Nope. Ninety. US dollars. Bargain eh?

"Her folks were asking two hundred but because she can't talk, they were happy enough getting ninety. That's still more than her father would make in a year. Didn't even have to haggle much. Thing is she's seen as damaged goods - no way will a local guy want to marry her if she can't speak, and because they'd have trouble finding her a husband with money, they were downright desperate to offload her on me.

"Yeah, she's had a basic schooling so she understands me pretty well but the most you get out of her are a few grunts and squeaks. A bit sad really; she is pretty cute in her own way.

"How old?

"Well, they said 14 but I reckon you can lop at least a couple years off that. Hard to tell with these girls though. Could be anywhere between 8 and 18 probably. Don't get hairy till they're older. She ain't had a period so I'd guess younger.

"Funniest thing was I was just looking for some old hag to come do the cooking and cleaning but I guess I don't talk the right dialect so they must've thought I was after a girl or something. All of a sudden I get these three skinny li'l half-castes being paraded before me and the locals squabbling over who was going sell which of 'em to me!! Tell ya, I took one look and couldn't believe what I was seeing. So that's how I come to have my cute little fucktoy here!

"Yeah I know. Ha!

"Her cooking ain't great but she will wash and clean 'til she drops. So she's pretty useful as well as being, er, obliging.

"Oh yeah - have a good feel.

"How about that then eh? Little pussy's like soft butter ain't it? She wet yet? Horny little fuck starts creaming up real quick now she knows what she got to do!

"You like the bell on her titty? Did that last week. Man, that was awesome!

"I'll show you later but I got this big heavy old chair out back and so I tied her in it. You could see she knew I was up to something -thought she were gonna piss herself. Anyways, I was taking it real slow, smiling and winking and stroking her little head. No needs to hurry anything out here. Slowly winding rope round her ankles and arms and then a goodly few coils over her shoulders to stop her squirming.

"Sat and watched her and had a beer, trying to look fucking cool! Whilst she got real nervous, like. She was sweating hard, them great big old eyes of hers looking at me and praying I weren't going to do nothing real bad.

"So then I let her see me getting it ready.

"Teasing the little fucker. Gettng her worked up even more.

"Thought I was going to shoot my load in my shorts - when I took the fuckers off and almost poked out her eye with my bell end, I was so goddamned hard!!

"She's used to getting a beating but this time was very different for her. Could see her starting to shake when I got out the needle and stuck it in the flame right in front of her.

"How often do I cane her, you mean?

"Every morning and every night since she got here, either the cane or a little leather flogger I picked up on the market. That's just to remind her who's in charge. Not hard but I make a bit of a ritual. They seem to respond to that round here.

"Plus it's a fuck of a turn on! Not just for me neither. She might be a kid but she fucks like a rabbit! I reckon she's beginning to get off when I do it because she knows when she gets the stick or the whip, pretty soon after she's gonna get a length of cock as well!

"Then most nights I have an extra little play. You know - tie her up and get her yelling a bit, playing with her cunt or nips or whatever. Use some toys; that sort of thing. She might not talk but she can sure enough scream the place down if I let her!

"Her ass, backs of her legs... but when we're playing I like to vary it.

"Yep that's right - that' there will be the sore patch from last night. I let her off this morning.

"Well yeah, her ass is always gonna have a few marks and bruises, I guess, but now I'm a bit of an expert and I can judge it just right so it makes it hurt when she tries sitting on it but I don't break the skin.

"Don't want to wreck that great little body now do I?

"Shit yeah! Her nipples are something else ain't they, even without the bell on! I got so much time on my hands I just freak around trying out new ways 'til I find something that works - that turns me on and has her dancing around a bit. Old spoke from a bike is what I use now on her nips. Get her to push her little titties out then I just flick it from the side, seeing how close I can get. She soon enough lets me know if I do. Drives the cunt wild when I get 'em right on the very end!

"Anyways I was saying about the bell.

"Y'know she creeps around this place so goddamned silent, I was getting spooked out: turning around and she's there, on her knees, mouth open ready for my cock. Just like I taught her to do, for sure, but fuck, I don't want to keep tripping over her! So I got to thinking I would quite like to know she's there. That chain across her ankles don't make much of noise on the wooden floors inside. Then I saw this bell in the market and thought yep - that'll do the trick.

"I had to use a couple ice cubes to get her nipple standing out enough. She's puffy but they don't get proper long and hard yet. So then I pulled it long with my pincers and stuck the needle right through. Easy.

"She did piss herself then!!

"Yeah, did bleed a bit and it was fuck fiddly getting the ring in then. She was thrashing about and my hands were shaking but we got there in the end. Neat job once she was cleaned up and it healed a bit. Half of her tit was all bruised black and blue for days! But you see it's on a little screw clip so as it comes off easy enough if I want.

"Not bad for a first go at piercing eh?

"Don't know what I'll hang from the other one!

"A what? A bottle opener? Haha - fucking priceless!! Yeah maybe I will. Make her even more useful to have around "Give it a ring. See - she likes it, don't you, princess? And hey presto! Now I always know where she is from the little tinkling sound.

"Oh your beer's finished.

"Girl! Two more beers. Quick!

"Yeah she's better now than she was when I first put the chain on, Stupid little fuck kept forgetting about it and then was always tripping over it or her own feet. Took her a week to get used to it.

"No. She learns quick most the time.

"Oh yeah - can't do enough for me. She probably would do whatever I wanted even without the beating and stuff but where's the fun in that, eh? No I think she's happy enough in her own little way.

Has to be better than living in some stinking one room shack with the rest of your family and the animals, don't it?

"When I'm out working you mean? There's a void under the floor of this place and I put her in that. Lock her chain just in case. She doesn't seem to mind - it's cool in there and she's got food and water and whatever. Sleeps and listens to the radio I think.

"No, don't get many callers at all. Fact I can hardly think of anyone ever stopped by unannounced.

"Dunno. It's a man's world round here so nobody would give a shit anyway, if they heard a girl screaming. Reckon they probably all beat their wives for something to do!

"This place is so fucking remote I'm not much bothered. We play at night mostly. All the locals have gone back down the valley by then so I could just let her yell but a lot of the time I stick a silk scarf round her mouth to keep the noise down.


"No, she don't sleep in my bed. It's too freaking hot for a start, but these people got some weird notions about respect and she has to know that coming in my bed is a special treat. She's my fucktoy not my wife.

"Oh, in her cage.

"Her cage? OK it's not a proper cage - more like a sorta wicker box. At the end of my bed. You'll see when you get the grand tour. Yeah she curls up there so if I want her she can leap up and do her stuff. She only wears a collar and leash at night and I even make her tie it on the bedpost herself. Real cute, that.

"Yeah - it's all about symbolism, haha! Reinforces the master/slave relationship! Man, you can be such a fucking hippy!! Here she is now - just drink your beer.

"Good girl.

"Look at that great big smile, eh? She loves it when she gets a pat on the head for being a good girl.

"It's a shame you can only stay the one night - so good having some company from home. The local crew are OK but the social life here is pretty non-existent.

"Yeah - true enough - she helps me while away the long, hot nights all right!

"Oh thanks for the tequila by the way - I hope you'll help me share it after we've eaten?

"Of course - plenty of fruit out here. Just a bit short on pizza deliveries and drive-ins! Ain't got no salt though.

"No I'm not kidding - I ran out so this is what I do. Girl - get over here. No need for salt with her here - just take a long lick between those hot, sweaty little titties - mmmmm!!

"See - she loves it!

"This is freaking her out ain't it? See the way she keeps shooting you little sideways looks? I told her you were coming of course and that you were very important and she would have to look after you specially well. So when she shows you upstairs in a while, don't be surprised when she joins you in the shower and... well: takes care of you.

"Yeah. She's pretty good at it as well. Gets plenty of practice.

"She'll give you a mean full body massage after. Tell ya, it's great after a hard day, having that cute little body rubbing all over you. Oh yeah - here - catch!! You'll need the key to take her ankle chain off.

"She don't need a lot of talking to - she'll understand it most the time if you speak slow and point or snap your fingers.

"But just to keep her on her toes, you better take something to encourage her.

"Girl! Get the toys!

"Just love to see her scurrying off like that, jingling away happily!

"How's ya beer?

"That was quick - here she comes. Just watch this.

"I make her look after the toy cupboard herself! Some times I get her to polish the straps and soak the flogger. Really freaks her out. What she's bringing now is the usual stuff - she'll lay it out and when I choose, she'll put on the cuffs herself and go over there, waiting for me to hook 'em up.

"Here we are!

"That's it, darlin' - cane time. Ain't she just so cute? See the way she does that little sorta curtsey thing when she hands it to me?

"You got to admit I got her well-trained eh?

"There - see? She thinks I want to use it now! What I'd usually do if I was going to is put the rings on the cuffs over them little hooks up there and leave her hung up and spread like that while she waits. It's best out here when we get a storm so she gets soaked first. Sweat and rain. Seeing the lightning glinting on her wet skin as she twists and thrashes around. Fucking awesome!

"I know - still can't believe it. Ninety frigging dollars! Best bargain I ever got.

Who needs satellite TV and iPods when you got live entertainment like this?!

"Y'know Sundays I sometimes just hang her up there for an hour or two and every now and then I'll stick a clip or peg or something like that on her tender little bits. Haul her up on her tippy-toes and blindfold her so she don't know what's coming next. Just enough to get her moaning then when it's getting numb I go stick on another clip some place else. Or I pour some wax on her. I got one of them bead things goes up her ass too. Then I lick that sweet little cunt and get her horny and guess what? Yep, another clip or summat. Teasing her real good. The sweat just pours off of her! When we finally get round to fucking it's something else, I can tell you.

"Man, I get horny just looking at her. She's so damn small but trust me, she can take it all.

"Poor kid must be wondering what the fuck's going on: she knows we're planning something don't she?

"Hey! Girl! Get your ass back over here. Don't you fret, you'll get something later. Now get them cuffs off and put the rest of this stuff back.

"I just thought - maybe when we're eating, I'll get her to put on her traditional stuff - feathers and all that shit - and she can do us a bit of a cabaret?

"No, she'll love it!

"Here you are - one cane. Well used. Don't be shy about using it if you want. Just hold it up and she'll bend over and give you a free shot at her cute little ass!

"You won't need it I think - she knows what she gotta do. I think you'll be pleased. But never mind, you'll get the chance to do it like I promised ya. Maybe you can give her her wake-up whipping in the morning? Great way to start the day!!

"Actually, I think she'll get more than enough fun tonight - eh?

"You still up for that, by the way?

"What we were discussing on Messenger.

"Yeah, that.

"Little girl sandwich!! I like it!

"She's going to be proper sore inside and out, haha!!

"How's the beer?

"Oh right. Jeez! Didn't hardly touch the sides did it? Either you got a thirst or you just wanna get upstairs with the girl already!! OK, my friend. Go freshen up and have some fun. Try not to tire her out too much else she'll not be able to do supper after!

"I'll see you back down here when you're ready. We can go over the project plan in a couple minutes then we can get down the serious stuff.

"What serious stuff? C'mon, you know what I mean - what we're going to do with her tonight - what else?!!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


delicious. every man needs one of these. I love what he does with her nipples. He needs to get a much younger girl too. or a boy.

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