Jilly's Problem, Part 3

[ g(6-13), b(5-16), mast, bond, exh, voy, mild humil, pedo, humor, doctor ]


Published: 21-Dec-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The Clinic

The next day at noon, Jilly arrived at the clinic with her parents, with two large suitcases in tow. The clinic was next door to the evaluation office where they had gone the day before, in a separate building with big hallways and glass walls, like a hospital or a school. They entered the lobby and put the suitcases on a cart. One of the staff was giving them and another family a tour of the place, but Jilly got distracted and was left behind. As she came around a corner, she almost ran into a young boy, just a bit younger than Jilly, wearing a white hospital gown with a print of blue ducks on it.

"Hi, I'm Jonny!" he announced. He was jumping up and down, and Jilly wasn't sure if he had any pants on under his gown.

"Hi," she said politely, "my name is Jilly, nice to meet you." She put out her hand to shake his, but he ignored it.

Instead, he said to her, "Know what I can do? Watch this!" Then he pulled up his gown to the bottom edge of his ribs. Sure enough, he was wearing white underpants, but not for long. He yanked them down to his knees and started strumming his privates. Within a few seconds, his little white pecker was standing at attention, and Jilly could see the pink, round head sneaking out of its foreskin, with its little bag of birds' eggs hanging below. Jilly had heard that boys had a dicky and two dingleberries, but she had never had the chance to see them before, so she just cocked her head sideways and stared for a few seconds. Jilly thought it was funny looking to have all your parts hanging out like that, and was glad she wasn't a boy.

But Jonny sure liked to play with it. Jilly couldn't figure out which he liked more, playing with it, or showing it to her. He thrust his hips forward, and first strummed his cock and balls up and down with his whole hand, then grasped his foreskin with a finger and thumb and slid the little skin sock up and down over the shaft and head. The little two-inch nub of skin bobbed stubbornly upward, regardless of what he did to it. He really seemed to know what he was doing, Jilly thought. But then they heard footsteps and adult conversation in the distance, so with a big, surprised gasp, Jonny grabbed the waistband of his pants and yanked them back up again, and pulled down his gown.

"Oh, there you are," Jilly's Mom said as she came around the corner. The lady in the nurse uniform said it was time for lunch, which the parents could stay for, so they all walked down to the cafeteria.

In the lunchroom, there were several other kids who were staying at the clinic. Most of them were in clothes, but apparently Jonny hadn't changed out of his hospital gown since he got up in the morning. Mealtimes would be the only time she would be likely to see the older ones. There was Aaron, he was a handsome blonde teen with a few pimples, at age 16. Lilyanna was a friendly 13 year old, a bit plump but with a certain cuteness despite her average looks. There were a couple of other kids in the 11 to 13 range, all "big kids" to her. Frankie was an overweight 8 year old who was rather shy. Jonny, who was NOT shy and who Jilly had already met, was 5.

It turned out that she, Frankie, and Jonny would be in one activity group, since they were of approximately similar age. The program consisted of a lot of sports and outdoor games that would keep the kids occupied, and for the most part, they did. The kids all met after a few hours of running, hiking, and playing catch. After dinner the whole group would take a long, leisurely stroll on the grounds, along the edge of the wood, and by 8 o'clock Jonny and Jilly were exhausted, and they went to bed without complaint.

Early the next morning, they awoke for breakfast and more exercise. There was some variety, but the days were planned out similarly. Some kind of physical activity in the morning, and periodically throughout the day; a quiet but active (and supervised) pastime, such as painting or drawing. They had clay one day, but Jonny kept making penises with his, so they took it away, and everyone giggled a lot about it.

Jilly was too busy doing activities to think about being homesick, and she was having fun with her new friends. Even the big kids, Aaron and Lily, were nice to her when they talked at mealtimes. Jilly felt like Aaron looked at her a lot, and she didn't know why. He seemed to like looking at her bottom whenever she was walking the other way. Her big sister Michelle said boys like to do that sometimes.

One day, when Jilly was supposed to be doing some "free activity time" like reading or drawing in the common room, the aide took the opportunity to leave the room and take a break to call his girlfriend. He told them to be good, and assumed they would stay where they belonged, or it was their problem. The other kids wandered off in ones and twos while Jilly and Jonny sat and colored, until Jilly had to use the bathroom to pee. She saw Lilyanna in the hallway.

"Hey," Jilly asked her, "where did everyone go?"

"We went downstairs, come on and join us, we are having a party."

"Ok, let me go pee first." Lily stood outside the door while Jilly tinkled and wiped carefully, then they tiptoed to the stairway and went down. They were walking down a dimly lighted hallway, when they saw Aaron in a storage room to the side. There were some boxes to sit on, and it was fairly clean.

"Hi," the teen boy said, smiling stupidly at Jilly. Jilly smiled, then offered him her hand, and curtsied. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off Jilly, and for a minute, couldn't think of anything intelligent to say either. Lily could see what was happening -- the boy was in love with little girls.

"You know," Lilyanna started out, "we could do anything we want to in here." To further make her point, she gently closed the door and locked it with the inside latch. Lilyanna went on with her plan. "We could have a circle jerk in here, just like the hippies!" She unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans just to show she had the guts to do it.

"Okay, sure!" announced Aaron, who immediately pulled down his pants, grasped his hard cock, and started jacking off. Lil also pulled down her pants, and started rubbing her clit with her middle finger.

Jilly giggled, but was hesitant to do it. "Come on, please Jilly," Aaron begged her, "do it with us! It will be really fun!" Jilly mumbled something like "oh well" and pulled down her panties as well, and started diddling her clit like Lil was doing.

It was something Jilly did a lot, just not in front of other people. Or rather, she did it in front of other people, but not usually on purpose.

They heard a noise and a voice, and all three quickly tried to yank their pants up again, with mixed results. Then they heard "it's just us" and Lil recognized the voice as one of the other girls. She unlocked the door and let them all in, 11 year old Kelly, 12 year old Julie, 8 year old Frankie, and little Jonny, then locked it again. "We are having a circle jerk," she said, going back to her public masturbation and feeling quite liberated by it. The others joined the circle, and with giggles and shrugs, pulled down their pants as well.

Aaron was really getting off on this, especially watching Jilly. The little girl had a mini orgasm, panting very quickly for a few seconds while her little thighs quivered. "Oh wow, that is so hot, Jilly!" He started stroking much faster. "Oh please, rub my balls, can you do that for me? I love it when my little sister does that, I miss her so much!" Jilly reached out her little hand, and just that second or two of contact from the first grader's warm palm was all it took. His balls tightened up, and streams of jism shot two feet from the boy's cock to land with a splat on the cold floor. Frankie moved aside with a "Whoah!" and everyone giggled. Lil smiled, and was still doing herself slowly as she watched the others.

No one expected the clicking of the key in the lock, or the snap of the door mechanism, as Cliff, the head orderly, barged into the room holding his keyring. The seven children looked up at him, all with their pants still around their knees, after the fashion of the popular cliche. They were busted. Cliff may have even seen Jilly touching Aaron's privates, which could be a serious sexual offense.

He didn't even mention that. They were simply told to get their pants pulled up, and were escorted to the "detention room," basically an ordinary classroom on the first floor. Each was given a hospital armchair to sit in, and their wrists were restrained with cloth straps so they could not move or use their hands. For the rest of the day they were told they had to sit there and do nothing but watch nature shows on TV. For the first hour Cliff kept a close eye on them, but became bored and left, returning periodically to check on them every twenty minutes or so.

During one of these away times, some of the kids said how much they regretted that they couldn't finish getting off. Except for Aaron, and Jilly sort of, they hadn't gotten the chance to cum, and some of these kids were used to masturbating three or four times a day. The older kids were talking about ways they might be able to get their hands free, Jonny was complaining about being thirsty, and Frankie was wanting to go home and was about to cry, when little Jilly piped up with a solution to the big kids' problem that got everyone's attention.

"You can have an o-gasm by squeezing your legs together. My sister Michelle read it in Cosmo." Suddenly she sounded like a sixteen year old in a six year old's body.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at her. Lil smiled. "Oh really?" the older girl asked, "Tell us more!"

"You just squeeze your legs together like this," she said, as she unabashedly and exaggeratedly demonstrated for everyone. Her baby-fat thighs pulsed as the powerful muscles within them hugged and caressed the little hairless mound inside her panties, clenching and releasing in a rhythm so clearly sexual it seemed unusual in such a young child. She even made a little fucking motion with her hips as she did it.

Lilyanna, Kelly and Julie immediately tried it too. "Hey wow," they chimed in, "this feels good!" The boys tried it as well. Aaron said "Hey, that's nice, but I don't think I can cum this way." Even so, he kept on doing it, and he found that crossing his legs, like some of the girls were doing, did a better job of squeezing his cock and balls.

Kelly was the first to come, as everyone watched. She was a quiet one, but there was no mistaking her sudden twitching and shortness of breath. Julie had a little one, gasping and shivering for a few delicious seconds, and she figured that was good enough.

But not the others. Lil and Jilly were racing to the finish, with Aaron and Jonny not far behind, and Jonny almost bouncing out of his seat and moving like he was riding a bucking bronco. Lil was the next to come, suddenly holding her thighs tight and quivering, then spasming as her ass humped the chair. Jilly and Jonny were matching each other's rhythm, when Jilly suddenly went faster and faster, then spread her legs wide, bent forward and mashed her pussy into the seat of the chair as she rode it even harder, pouncing on her tiny clitoris with the weight of her entire body until she collapsed with a gasp and a little whimper, laying her head against one arm and falling slowly to sleep. Aaron, at long last, managed to orgasm in his pants upon seeing his little sweetheart's throes of pleasure, wriggling and panting as he looked down at the growing wet spot on the front of his jeans. He knew it would be messy, but he really didn't care.

"Aw, that was great!" he said simply, and he seemed to speak for everyone. Even Jonny, who didn't actually cum, had a good time joining in the fun.

A while later, Cliff wandered back into the room. He was about to walk out again, but then sniffed the air. "Has one of you been masturbating?" He walked around the room and sniffed near each girl and boy. "Hey, somebody had an accident I see," he said, pointing at Aaron's crotch, causing him to turn beet red with a naughty smirk on his face. He suspected a couple of the girls, but wasn't sure which ones. He didn't have any clue that Jilly, one of the very youngest, was the ringleader. The kids were sent to their rooms to clean up and change clothes, then they had dinner and an evening activity, carefully supervised, and an early bedtime, also quite carefully supervised.

The next morning the "sinful seven" as Lil had taken to calling them were gathered again in the detention room. Each boy and girl was stripped of their pants and underpants, in front of the whole group and a squad of orderlies. The girls received special undergarments, with foil electrodes that rested against their labia. Boys received something similar, with a larger area of foil in front to detect wetness, and a velcro band that was strapped around the penis to measure whether it was erect. Aaron and Jonny got erections just from the attention involved in stripping and fitting with scientific measuring devices, so their alarms kept going off and would not stop. The kids were told to put on their regular pants over the "safety undergarments" as they were called, and had to wear them for the whole day.

Jilly found that the alarm went off whenever she tried to do her hands-off stimulation trick, so they kept coming into the room and spoiling her fun. There was an alarm rigged to the waistband also, and pressure sensors front and back, so she couldn't finger her coochie or her butthole either inside or outside her pants.

Each of the wrongdoers had to have special, private sessions with Dr. Thomas. He was not punitive, but he explained that self-stimulation had to be kept within private and socially acceptable boundaries. For this purpose, he assigned each of them to a short "private detention" each day in a special room that was very comfortable, with mattresses and cushions all over the place. During this time, they were asked to masturbate as long as they liked, but to finish and dress before leaving the room.

As part of the therapy sessions, he asked detailed questions about their sexual behavior, both with others and alone. A couple of the girls felt too shy to discuss this, and said the doctor kind of creeped them out. But Jilly loved to talk on and on about the things she liked to do, and Dr. Thomas had to ask her a couple of times to leave her clothing on and not to actually demonstrate her masturbatory techniques for him here. At first, he suspected that she was having sex with an adult, as obsessed with sex as she seemed to be. But after just a bit of questioning, he realized that her knowledge came from a bit of talk with her big sister, a very small amount of disinformation from her parents, and a lot, and I mean a LOT, of personal experimentation and experience. The kid was a dynamo of playful, exploratory sexuality, and practically all of it came from her.

Jilly noticed that he fidgeted a lot, and kept rearranging his pants. She wondered if his dicky was excited like Aaron's was, but then she thought, no, doctors don't get excited about this stuff, because they are all scientific, or something like that. But Jilly did happen to have more and longer private counseling sessions than the other kids, and the doctor did seem very interested in hearing what she did with her coochie.

He also asked her questions about if a boy or a man ever put his fingers or his dicky in her coochie, her mouth or her butt. (But not ears or nose.) She wondered why people did things like that...did it feel good? This gave Jilly some new ideas to try someday.

Jilly figured that the doctor finally changed his mind, having decided that playing with yourself is a good thing after all, and she was quite proud, happy and self-assured about this. Her private times often lasted half an hour and sometimes well over an hour, as she stripped naked and examined herself in every possible way. Her poses during these sessions comprised a veritable kama sutra for one.

The clinicians who observed films of these sessions initially wondered if the treatment might be backfiring in Jilly's case, but Dr. Thomas cautioned them to be patient. Her "problem behaviors" during private detention were not decreasing, but increasing, in frequency, duration, variety and intensity; however, outside the detention room they had all but ceased. The staff took extensive notes on their observations of her behavior, some of which had never been recorded in a child of this age. They noted that Jillian's sexual development and expression rivaled even that of the average adult, not only because of the sheer number, length and intensity of her orgasms, but also due to all of her various penetrations, vocalizations, and of course the tasting and smelling of her own digits after fingering various orifices. She displayed a remarkable interest and talent in sexual matters, which was at once both like a toddler and an adult. They all agreed that the data they collected could prove interesting and useful to others in the field, and should be published as a detailed case study in a noted child sexuality journal.

The other girls only spent any appreciable time in private detention the first day or two, but they soon bored of the routine and stopped doing it. Jonny got lonely in the room, so he only stayed about 5 or 10 minutes then left, without doing much playing with his penis. Aaron always wanted to jack off, but he always stroked a few times then came quickly, so he never needed more than 5 or 10 minutes either. Lilyanna said she thought Dr. Thomas was probably a pervert and was recording videos of all of them jacking and jilling off, but she didn't care, and did it anyway, at least for the first couple of days. She thought it was pretty hot that someone wanted to watch her cum, and would like to make sex videos someday.

When the three week period was over, the kids were pronounced "cured" or greatly improved, and sent home again. Aaron and Lilyanna collected everyone's names, email addresses and cell or text numbers so they could keep in touch. Aaron said he would love to be Jilly's babysitter someday, and Jilly thought she might like that as well.

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