Published: 16-Jan-2012
Word Count:
Henry watched the houses go by while listening to his mother scold him. She had gotten a call yesterday after school from Mr. Bell, Henrys 3rd grade teacher. Until then she had been under the impression thaat Henry was doing make up work every day after school for the last four days. The truth was, Henry had been avoiding that classroom even during the schoolday. Henry was so scared of Mr. Bell because Monday after school his teacher had done some very confusing things to Henry.
Henry couldnt figure out why he didnt want to tell anyone about what Mr. Bell had done. He felt so embarassed and disgusting even though he hadnt wanted it. Mr. Bell had made him feel like a gross person.
But now his mother had agreed to take him to Mr. Bells house for the whole Saturday and he had a feeling the same things were going to happen. It had taken about a day for the pain of the first time to go away and now he would have to go through it all over again. "I just dont understand why youve been lying to me Henry," his mom scolded. "Do you really want to stay back next year? Because if you dont start taking your education seriously thats whats gonna happen."
"I dont want to take his class anymore, Mom. I dont like him."
"Youre so dramatic," his Mom snapped. "You dont like him because he pushes you. Im sorry sweetheart but Im not sending you to a different school just because you dont like your teacher. Hes such a nice man and he clearly cares about your education." Both of them were completely silent the rest of the way to the house, but Henrys restlessness was growing. He recalled the pain and the discomfort and wanted to cry. His mom seemed to think it was because he was whining about having to school on a Saturday.
Mr. Bells house looked very ordinary. It was small and white with few windows. Henry had difficulty swallowing when his mom opened his door and told him to get out. He stared at his feet for a few seconds before they finally moved. All the way to the door he felt like the world was in slow motion. He watched his mother knock with dread in his stomach. The door opened and Mr. Bell stood there smiling. He was dressed very much the way he always dressed at school: simple buttoned shirt, black pants. He smiled first at Henry and then at his mother. Henry peeked past him into a nice looking living room and saw a coffee table with a few papers spread neatly. The feeling in his gut lessened a little. Was it possible theyd be doing actual schoolwork?
Henrys mom and Mr. Bell were talking but he hardly heard anything they say. He couldnt take his eyes off Mr. Bells face. He was searching for somethin" anything to tell him what would happen today,but the teacher looked so natural and normal that Henry felt confused.
"All right Henry, Ive got to get off to work. Ill pick you up around 9 or so," Henrys mom said.
As his mother bent down to give him a hu" he wrapped his arms around her and didnt want to let go. But much too soon, she let go and went back to the car. Once shed driven away, Henry became painfully aware of Mr. Bell looking down at him.
"Why dont you come in Henry," he said. He put a hand on Henrys shoulder and steered him into the house.
No sooner had the door closed than Mr. Bell bent down and smiled at Henry. He put one hand on the back of Henrys head and pulled him forward into a kiss. "I understand why you didnt come all week," he said. "Too much risk of being caught at the school. We dont have to worry about that here."
"Please dont do that stuff again," Henry begged.
"We can do a lot more here. We have all day."
With Henry protesting all the way, Mr. Bell dragged the boy up the stairs into a bedroom. The bed was very large and there were two dressers in the room. But what was really out of place was the ropes tied to the bedposts.
After shutting the door Mr. Bell began to pull off Henrys clothing. Henrys cried out fearfully as the man threw him onto the bed Before he could attempt to get away Mr. Bell climbed on top of him and tied both his wrists tightly to the ropes on the headboard. Mr. Bell leaned down and started to kiss Henrys neck and rub his chest. Through his teacher pants, Henrys could feel the hardness of the dick that had abused him days before.
Mr. Bell started to take off his shirt and then his pants and underwear. He threw them onto the floor. Henrys heart thudded as he recognized the big hard veiny dick.
Mr. Bell climbed up and squatted down to Henrys face so that his ass was an inch away. "Lick my ass you little whore, before I beat yours."
Henry was disgusted but fear of a brutal spanking made him stick his tongue out and run it over his teachers asshole. It tasted terrible as he gagged knowing the taste was crap. "Keep goin" stupid," Mr. Bell snapped.
For minutes Henry licked his teachers hole feelling like he was on the virge of throwing up but he knew that at least this way he was avoiding pain.
But then Mr. Bell got off the bed and walked to the end. He snatched one of Henrys legs and tied it tightly to the bed.
He did the same to the other ankle. Now Henrys legs were stratched apart leaving his dick in plain sight.
Mr. Bell grinned and ran his finger through Henrys crack. He gripped the skin between the boys asshole and balls. Then to Henrys surprise his teacher began to fondle his balls. He then raised a hand and brought it down on them. Henry howled. He had been kicked in the nuts before but never so forcefully as this hand. His teacher struck him again and again. Henrys head spun and he bawled his eyes out. When Mr. Bell finally stopped Henry was so lightheaded with the pain that his eyes were only half open.
He heard his teacher moan and felt something warm spray onto his privates. "I cant believe how much you loved that." he said. "God you are one kinky little fucker."
The man rubbed the liquid all over Henrys sore balls and even more on his asshole. Then Mr. Bell left him there.
Henry sobbed. His chest spasmed and his balls throbbed painfully. He hoped it would be very long before Mr. Bell came back but it was long at all. When he came back he had a bottle of beer in his hand and was drinking it enthusiastically. "I need to get hard again." Henry didnt understand what he meant. Then he looked down and noticed that strangely Mr. Bells normally straight big dick was smaller and down like Henrys was.
Without warning Mr. Bell finished the beer and brought his lips to Henrys. He forced the boys mouth open with his tongue and moved it around inside it. Henry tasted the beer and hated it. He tried to move his head away but Mr. Bell gripped it between two strong hands. As Mr. Bell sat on Henrys stomach he felt pressure and also the dick starting to get a little harder. Mr. Bell remained with his tongue swiveling in Henrys mouth but adjusted his body so that their dicks were touching. His teacher rubbed their dicks together slowly and breathed deeply into Henrys mouth. Soon the dick was rock hard and very big.
Then Mr. Bell got up and to Henrys dismay his teacher slid underneath him facing upward. He rubbed his hard dick inside Henrys crack and laughed quietly. "I sure hope your ass has tightened up again since we last fucked."
"Please!" Henry begged. "Please Ill do anything!"
Mr. Bell laughed. "Okay if you insist."
Henry yelled in dismay as Mr. Bell used his hand to position his dick and then began to push into Henrys ass. He felt the familiar pain of being stretched out by the massive dick as it moved inside forcefully. Mr. Bell groaned as he pushed in. "God youre still so fuckin tight. It feels so good!" Henry panted and whined. His entire body shook. Mr. Bell seemed to notice as he lay their with his dick resting in the little boys ass. "Yeah you like that, baby? Like my big cock in you? You are such a little fag." With that he began to thrust his hips. The pain and movement caused Henry to bounce up and down as much as the ropes would allow. Mr. Bell moaned heavily and rubbed his hands on his students chest.
"You make me so horny Henry! You grip my cock so well! I cant believe I ended up with such a little whore in my class. You like fucking your teacher? Huh? You want it faster?" Henry was in so much pain he couldnt answer so Mr. Bell went harder, faster, deeper than before, his dick ripping into the boys little hole. Mr. Bell kept talking to him, telling him what a whore he was and what a faggot he was.
Soon he felt Mr. Bell tense. His moans got louder. And the Henry felt the hot liquid squirt into his insides. He could almost feel how it trickled toward his opening but was blocked by his teachers softening dick. Mr. Bell panted and lay there underneath the boy. Henry whined an squirmed, wanting it out of him. But his teacher chuckled and wrapped his armss over the boys chest. "Dont worry, cocksucker, were not finished yet. I just need a short rest and then we can take a shower. Right now Id say youre at a D . Weve got to work on boosting that grade."
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