Published: 1-Aug-2012
Word Count:
Hi. My name is Sabrina. I'm 10 years old and I have a secret boyfriend named Tom. He's 18, and we've been together for three years, and I love him tons and I really love what he does to me. I wanna tell you about how it all started.
I was 7 years old when it all began. I was in my bedroom, laying on my bed, reading a book. I had gotten ready for bed, so I was wearing the my favorite sleep shirt, which was really just a long t-shirt that my mommy had bought me. It had the word "Princess" printed on it with a picture of a tiara over it. Mommy always said I was her princess. She also told me I was pretty and would have lots of boyfriends when I got older. I had long wavy blonde hair that mommy had cut at so it was between my shoulders and baby blue eyes that everyone loved, including Tom, who was 15 and my babysitter at the time.
There was a knock on my door and it slowly opened, and I saw Tom standing there in the doorway. He was really cute. He had short black hair, and he was shorter than most guys his age and was thin. I really liked him. Anyway, he smiled as he asked, "Can I come in, baby doll?" He always called me that, and I liked it.
I smiled and said, "Uh huh." and he stepped into my room and came over to the my bed, sitting next to me. He seemed a bit nervous and I didn't know why. He also didn't say anything, so I closed my book and sat up as I asked, "What's up, chicken butt?" We always joked around like that.
He smiled and said, "Sabrina, you know I love you, right?"
"Of course." I said. "I love you, too, Tommy...I mean, Tom. Sorry." I looked down at the bed. He hated when I called him Tommy. He lifted my chin and smiled and said, "It's okay, baby doll. You trust me, right?"
"Uh huh. I totally trust you." I said. I was beginning to wonder what was going on but, before I could say anything, he leaned in and kissed my soft lips. When he pulled away, he saw the shocked look on my face, and I saw his eyes get sad.
"I...I'm sorry, baby doll. I shouldn't have done that." he said quickly.
"It's okay, Tom." I told him, smiling brightly, my baby blue eyes sparkling at him. He smiled as I said, " can do it again, if you wanna." I had liked the kiss, but was embarassed to admit it for some reason. He kissed me again, though. This time, after his lips pressed to mine, I felt my lips being pushed apart by something, quickly realizing it was his tongue. I had heard some of the older kids talking about kissing like this in school. What did they call it? Oh, yeah! French kissing! Without even thinking about it, I put my tongue into his mouth and moved it around like he was doing, and I felt his hand on my cheek. After he broke the kiss, I blushed and sweetly asked, "How come you wanted to do that?"
He caressed my cheek in his hand and said, "Because, sweetie, I love you, and I want you to be my girlfriend."
I was surprised. "Really? You want me to be your girlfriend?" He was always talking to the older girls and I knew he could have any of them as is girlfriend. But, he was choosing me? I felt my cheeks turn red.
"Yes, but we have to keep it a secret. You're mommy would get made at me and send me away." He said, frowning.
"Why?" I asked, frowning myself. "Are we being bad?"
"No, baby doll, we're not being bad." He assured me. "It's just, your mommy wouldn't understand how much we love each other. She thinks you're too young to love a boy."
"Oh, okay." I said. "I won't tell." I paused a moment, then realized I had no idea how to be a girlfriend, so I asked, "Um, how do I be a girlfriend?"
He smiled a bit wider now as he said, "Well, it's easy. First, I touch you under your clothes, then you touch me under mine. Then, if you wanna be a special girlfriend, you let me put my thing inside you, between your legs."
"Really?" I asked, shocked and a bit eager to find out what that meant. "You have to touch me...under my clothes?"
"Only if you want me to, baby doll." He said sweetly.
I did want him to. I was curious about what he was gonna do, so I said, "Okay. You can touch me." I pulled my sleep shirt over my head, taking it off and tossing it to the floor, then pulled my legs out from under me and slid my panties off. Tom's eyes went wide when he saw my now naked body, and I thought something was wrong, so I asked, "What's the matter? Is something wrong?"
His eyes went back to normal and he said, "Not at all, Sabrina. It's just...your body is so beautiful." I blushed again. Then, he took his first finger of each hand and began sliding the tip of the fingers around my little pink nipples. After a minute, he leaned in and started sucking on one, soon going over to the other one. I really liked it. It made my cunny, that's what daddy used to call the place between my legs before he left us two years ago, all tingly. It kinda tickled a little, too, and I giggled a little bit as I felt his lips on my tiny chest. I hadn't even realized that I was breathing kinda heavy.
He kept doing that, sucking on my little nipples, as he touched his hand to my belly, just about my cunny. I didn't even realize that I had opened my small legs until I felt his hand slide between them. Feeling his hand touching my bare skin down there sent tingles through my body and made my cunny feel like it was getting wet, kinda like I was peeing a really little bit. I said, "Uhn! Uhn! Uhn!" over and over as I felt one of his fingers slide between my puffy lips and start rubbing up and down my slit. It felt so good, and I felt my cunny getting wetter and my body started shaking.
Just then, as if he sensed it, Tom asked, "Are you okay, baby doll?"
All I could manage to say was, "Uh huh!", my breathing heavier than before and my body trembling with this good feeling that I never had before. Tom kept on sliding his finger up and down my slit and sucking my little pink nipples, sometimes licking around them and making them poke up a little bit. My cunny felt like it was on fire, and I began grunting louder and said, "Oh, Tommy! That...I like that! Don't stop!"
Then, I realized I was laying down on my bed and he was hovering over me. I felt so safe when he was around, and I loved what he was doing to me, but it was nothing compared to what he did next. He kissed the middle of my chest, then slowly kissed down to my belly, stopping just above my cunny. Then, he looked up at me and said, "Open your legs wide for me, baby doll. You'll love this."
I did it right away, wanting to know what he was gonna do to me, and he lowered his head between my legs. I cried, "Oh!" in surprise as I felt his lips kissing mine, between my legs. It sent a hot flash through my entire body, and my cunny got wetter as I felt his tongue slide between the lips and he started licking up and down my slit. I could feel his tongue slide across my cunny hole, feeling it sometimes spread it and peek inside, and I hadn't even realized I was moaning, just like I'd heard women do on TV, in those shows that my mom watches at night. I always wondered why they were doing that, now I knew.
"Oh! Ooh, Tommy! I...uhn!...I love you, Tommy! Lick my...ooh! cunny!" I purred. Neither of us realized that I had called him Tommy again, or maybe he just didn't care, and I lifted my head up and looked down to see his hand moving underneath him. I didn't feel it on me, so I wondered what he was doing. Before I could ask, though, my body began trembling and something seemed to leak out of my cunny. I got scared and asked, "T...Tommy, what is that? What's wrong?" I was panicking a little, but he smiled at me and I knew right away that everything was fine.
"It's okay, baby doll." He assured me. "You just had an orgasm. It's a good thing. Didn't it feel good?"
I was already missing the feeling of him between my legs as I said, "Uh huh! Really good! Don't stop! Keep licking me! Please?" Seconds later, I felt his tongue sliding up and down between my lips again. My body tingled every time I felt his tongue slide across my hole, and I was lost again in the feelings I was having. It took me a few minutes to realize he had gone back to doing whatever he was doing, and it made me curious, so I asked.
He said, "I'm playing with my thing."
"Really?" I asked, my eyes wide with curiosity. "Can I see?"
"If you want." He said slowly, adding, "But, that means I have to stop."
I didn't want him to, but I wanted to see what he was doing, so I said, "K. I wanna see your thing."
He stopped and knelt on the bed next to my legs, his thing in his hand, and began sliding his hand up and down it. I stared at it, amazed. I had never seen a real boy's thing before. I had seen one in one of my mommy's magazines before, but never for real. Tom's was smaller than the man in the magazine, but he was younger, too, so I figured his would get that big when he got older. It still looked pretty big to me right then, though. After a moment, I softly asked, "Can...can I try?"
"Sure, baby doll. I'd like that." he said, then walked on his knees closer to me as I sat up. Slowly, I lifted my hand up to his thing and grabbed it. My little hand didn't even go around half of it, so I put my other hand on it, then started sliding my hands back and forth. I saw his eyes close and he started making noises like I had done, and I wondered if licking it would feel as good for him as him licking me felt to me. I decided to find out, so I stuck my tongue out and quickly licked the end a few times. He seemed to like this, so I pointed it up and started licking up and down underneath it.
Tom said, "Oooh, that feels so good, baby doll. Lick my balls for me." I didn't know what he meant, so I looked up at him and, after a moment, he opened his eyes and looked down at me. Seeing the puzzled look in my face, he smiled and said, "The little sack between my legs, baby doll." I knew what he meant now, so I held his thing pointed up more and lowered my head underneath him, turning it a bit, and licked my tongue along the hairy skin. I didn't really like it, but Tom seemed to love it.
After a moment, I stopped and said, "Um, can I stop doing that? I don't really like it."
He smiled and said, "That's okay, baby doll. You don't have to do that. Would you do something else for me, though?" I nodded, happy to do whatever he wanted me to, and he said, "Would you put my thing in your mouth?"
I stared up at him with my innocent baby blue eyes and didn't say anything for a minute, then I remembered how good it had felt when he put his tongue into my cunny hole, so I decided to try it, figuring it would make him feel good like it made me feel. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and put his thing inside as much as I could. I was tiny, though, so I could only get about three inches or so inside my mouth, but Tom didn't seem to mind. I kept it in my mouth and slid my tongue around, licking the top of it as he moaned softly.
After a moment, he tapped me gently on the top of my head, which made me look up at him, and then he said, "Move your lips, Sabrina. Try to slide them up and down for me." I tried it, sliding my stretched lips up to the bottom of the mushroom at the front and down a few inches, repeating this, and he moaned louder. Apparently, I was doing good, but I loved it so much, I didn't wanna stop to ask. I figured if I was doing it wrong, he'd tell me, so I kept sliding my lips up and down his thing, giving him what he would later explain was a blowjob. I felt his body shiver a few times, then he tapped me on the top of the head lightly again and I stopped sliding my lips, keeping his thing in my mouth, and looked up.
"Sabrina, baby doll, in a few minutes, warm liquid is gonna spill outta my thing. I want you to try to swallow it for me. Can you do that?" he said, smiling sweetly. I didn't wanna stop, so I just nodded yes, then slid my lips up and down again. He took one of my small hands and put it to his sa...his balls, and made me squeeze them a few times before letting my hand go. I knew he liked it, and I didn't mind, so I kept squeezing and playing with them. They felt funny in my hand, but I concentrated on sliding my lips up and down, wanting to taste the warm liquid he told me about. I didn't have to wait long. Moments later, it began shooting out of the end of his thing. I felt a some of hit the roof of my mouth, then it started leaking out slower, and I kept the tip in my mouth and started swallowing. It tasted good, so I started sucking on the end like a straw, wanting all of it. I felt some come out of the corner of my mouth and start sliding down my chin, but I didn't stop until I had all of the warm stuff in my stomach.
I took my lips off his thing and he looked down at me and laughed a little as he said, "You missed some, baby doll." I looked down and, remembering that I felt some leak out, I stuck my tongue out and licked my chin, getting it and drawing it into my mouth. He gave me a satisfied smile as he said, "You like that stuff, huh, baby doll? It's called cum."
I thought for a moment, then said, "Yeah. I like cum." then smiled as I said, "It's tastes weird, but I like it. What else can we do?"
He told me that he needed a bit of a break before we could do anything else, then asked if I was hungry. I was, so we decided to go to the kitchen and get some food. I won't bore you with all the details, cuz I know you really don't wanna know, but we ate and then returned to my room. On the way there, he told me to wait a second outside my mommy's door, then he went inside and I could hear him going into her dresser, but I didn't ask what he was looking for when he came back out. I just wanted to get back into my room with my secret boyfriend. According to my clock, we were in the kitchen for almost a half hour, and I was eager to do more girlfriend things.
I laid down on my back on the bed and he laid on his side next to me, smiling and just looking at me for a moment. I thought I had some food on my face or something, so I asked, "What? Do I have something on me?"
He smiled and said, "Just a beautiful face, baby doll." I blushed, and he leaned in and kissed my lips, pushing his tongue into my mouth again, and I did the same. I really liked when he kissed me like that. After the kiss, we laid there for a moment, then I remembered what he had said earlier, so I asked, "Are you gonna put your thing in my cunny, now?"
He smiled and said, "Well, sweetie, I'm gonna put it in your cunny, but I kinda wanna put it in your butt, first."
"In my butt?" I asked in disbelief. "Is it gonna fit in there?"
"It'll be okay, sweetie." He said as he grabbed something off my nightstand. "That's what this is for. It'll make your butt and my thing slippery so it goes in easier." He held a small bottle that had the letters K-Y on it. He musta gotten that outta my mom's dresser. "Here, baby doll. I'll show you. Lay on your side and face the other way for me."
I trusted him completely, so I rolled onto my side so he was laying behind me. I heard the bottle open, then heard a squirting noise as he made some come out. A moment later, I felt his finger, which was all slippery and had to have been coated in the stuff, sliding around the outside of my butt hole. Then, he kissed my neck, which felt really nice, and I felt his finger poke into me. It didn't hurt, but it was a bit uncomfortable and, as if he knew how I felt, he didn't move it, leaving just the tip of his finger inside my butt. After a moment, he asked, "Can I put more in, baby doll. It's okay if it hurts. Just let me know."
I looked back at him over my shoulder and smiled as I said, "K." I felt his finger slip up my butt and, before I knew it, I felt his other fingers touching me. His finger was all the way up me! It felt weird. I'd never had anything in my butt before, but I started to like it.
"Are you okay, Sabrina?" he asked sweetly. "If so, I'm gonna start moving it around a bit."
My cunny was tingling as I felt his finger moving around inside my butt. I felt it sliding in and out, my tiny hole stretched a little around his long finger, as he slid his arm under me and held me around my waist. I felt so safe in his arms and I was started to really like his finger in my butt. Before I knew it, it was sliding it easier and quicker and I was purring like a little kitten. I felt Tom's finger at the top of my cunny, rubbing my little button, as he slid his finger in and out of my butt faster and deeper, moving his finger around in circles inside me. Before I knew it, I was almost screaming, "Oh! Oh, Tommy! Uhn! I...oh!...I like your...ah!...your finger in...uhn!...inside m...ah! butt! Uhn! Uhn! Oh, uhn!"
"Are you ready to try my thing inside you?" He asked.
I was so caught in the feelings and wondering it his thing would feel as good as his finger did in there that I just blurted out, "Yes. Put it in me! Put it deep in my butt!" He got up and knelt on the bed, then pulled me up so I was kneeling on the bed. My head was resting on my pillow, and he took my shoulders and pulled my body up as he said, "Put your hands on the bed, baby doll. It might hurt a little at first, but it'll feel better that way."
I trusted him, so I put my hands on the bed to hold myself up, my long blonde hair flowing down the right side of my face, as I heard the squirting noise again. I felt him put more of the stuff in my butt, his finger pushing around just inside me, and I knew he was putting some on his thing, like he did with his finger. Then, I felt the end of his thing push against my tiny hole. It hurt a little, and I cried out, "Oh!" as I felt the end pop into my butt. I felt my little hole stretching a bit as his thing pushed inside, and it hurt a little. I looked back at him and he must have seen the tear falling from my eye, cuz he stopped with his thing halfway in me and asked, "Are you okay, baby doll? Do you want me to stop?"
" hurts a little." I said, trying not to cry. "Are you sure it won't hurt long?"
"I promise, Sabrina." He said. His voice assured me, but it helped when he said, "We can stop at any time, right now even, if you want me to."
Hearing him say that, I knew it would be okay, so I said, "'s okay. You can do it." I felt him push his thing into my butt a little slower than before, and soon he had it all the way up my butt. He left it there for a few minutes and I realized I was started to get used to it. My hole had stretched to let it in and that had hurt but, now that it was in, it started to feel better. I hadn't even noticed that my body had tensed up, but I let myself relax as it started to feel good. Tom musta noticed, cuz he started pulling his thing out and pushing it back in, slowly at first. I moaned, "Uhn! Oh, ow! Uh!", sometimes feeling a little bit of pain, but it was starting to feel really good, and I felt my cunny getting warm and wet again.
Then, he surprised me when he slid his thing outward and quickly pushed it deep inside my butt. I threw my head back and screamed, "OW!", but he didn't seem to care. He just kept doing that, sliding his thing out and roughly pushing it back in, even through I cried out and asked him to stop. I could hear him moaning and I knew my tight butt was gripping his thing tightly, and assumed he was lost in the feelings he was having, as I had been earlier.
After a few minutes, it didn't matter anymore. All pain I had felt had faded, and I began moaning, "Oh! Uhn, yes! Do it, Tommy! Do it like that!", actually wanting him to be rough when he pushed it back inside me, surprising myself that I said that. He seemed to hear that, though, cuz he started putting in my butt harder and faster. I felt his thing push to the limit inside my butt and his hand reached under me and he started rubbing my cunny again, which was already really wet. As he did that, I felt his other hand rubbing and squeezing my little nipples, and it felt really good. My head was swimming with all these sensations together, and I'd never felt anything like this before. After just a few minutes, I screamed, "Oh! Oh, Tommy! I...I'm having a...a thing...a...uhn!...a orguh!...orga...uh!...orgasm! Uhn, Tommy, do it harder!"
At this point, he began pumping his hips into and out of my butt, and I felt his skin slapping against mine as the tip of his finger poked into my soaked cunny. My body was tense and shaking, and my cunny was leaking orgasm stuff all over his hand, and I loved it! Then, Tom began to moan, "Oh, yeah, baby doll! I'm gonna cum in your sweet little ass!" I didn't know what he meant, but I didn't care right then cuz I had started having another orgasm. A moment later, his thing stayed deep inside my butt and I felt warm liquid spill out into my butt and I realized what cum was. It was the stuff that shoots out of a boy's thing. The salty tasting stuff I had swallowed earlier.
I felt his thing jump a few more times inside my butt as more...cum...spilled out, then he slowly slid it out of me. I collapsed onto the bed and rolled myself over onto my back, which took some effort, and I had a big smile on my face. Tom was so nice to me. He asked me, "Are you okay, baby doll? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
He had hurt me when he started pushing it faster, but I ended up liking that, and I didn't want to make him feel bad for doing it like that, so I smiled and said, "Uh uh! It was great!", seeing him smile at me. He told me that he needed to get cleaned up, and I still had some of the stuff her used to make it go in easier on my butt, so I went with him and we cleaned ourselves up. Then, I told him I was hungry again, so he went to get something to eat. I still won't bore you with the details. We ate, then went back to my bedroom and laid next to each other on the bed. I found myself wanting to have his thing inside my cunny, but he was really quiet and seemed to be tired, so I didn't say anything. I thought he might not wanna do it.
We laid there for awhile and I hadn't even realized it, but I had put my hand on his thing and was sliding it up and down. My hand still didn't go all the way around, but I felt it growing in my hand, and I got excited. Tom looked over at me and smiled as he asked, "Whatcha doing, baby doll?"
My cheeks turned red a bit as I said, ", I dunno."
He smiled and looked into my eyes as he said, "You know. Come on, Sabrina. You can tell me. You're my girlfriend, remember? That means you can tell my anything."
I could tell that he meant that, and I really really wanted it, so I said, "I, um, well, I was hoping, uh, that you' know." He looked at me like he didn't know, or maybe he just wanted me to say it. I don't know, but I wanted to try it bad enough that I just said it, blurting it out quickly and putting the whole thing in one word. "Iwantyourthinginmycunny!"
He still smiled at me as he said, "A bit slower, sweetie. I didn't understand you."
I took a moment to get the courage, then softly said, "I want cunny."
"Oh!" he said, laughing a little. "You want me to have sex with you, is that it?" I gave him a puzzled look and he said, "Sex is when a guy puts his thing into a girl's cunny."
I smiled and said, "Yeah. I want that. I wanna do sex! You said you'd put it in there, but you didn't yet."
"That's right." He said, sounding like he just realized it. "I haven't done that, yet. Well, why don't you open your legs for me and put your arms over your head." I did what he said right away, opening my legs as far as I could, as he knelt between them. I watched him open the bottle again and squirt some of the stuff onto my cunny, then rub it around a bit before putting some on his hand and rubbing it into his thing. My cunny was tingling with ant...antica...excitement, and I almost giggled as he laid on top of me, putting his hands on my wrists and holding them gently. I tried to move my arms, but couldn't, and the feeling made my cunny tingle more. I kinda liked that I couldn't move. I got a bit worried, though, when Tom said, "Now, baby doll, this is gonna hurt at first. There's something inside your cunny that I have to break to have sex with you. I'll try to be gentle, and it won't hurt for long. I promise."
I was worried, but I loved him and I trusted him and he promised, and he had been nice to me and tried not to hurt me and had been so honest with me, that I said, "K. Put it in me. Deep, like in my butt." He put my wrists together and held them with one hand, then I felt his thing slide between my puffy lips and up and down my slit. My body was shaking with excitement and he leaned down and kissed my lips softly, then asked, "Are you ready, baby doll?"
All I could manage was a soft, "Uh huh.", then I felt his thing push against my cunny hole and the stuff he put on me made it all slippery, so the end quickly popped into me. He slide a bit more into my body and I felt my cunny stretching around his thing. It hurt a bit, although not as much as my butt, so I tried not to let Tom know that it hurt, cuz I didn't want him to stop. I knew the hurting part was coming soon, and I didn't want him to know that it hurt already. So, I stayed quiet, my face showing my pain, but his cheek was against mine, so he couldn't see me. His body was pressing down on me, but it wasn't too bad. He pushed more of his thing into me until I felt it hit something inside my cunny, and I knew that was the something that he said he had to break and would it was what was gonna hurt.
I braced myself, my body tensing without me even knowing it. Tom musta felt that my body tensed up, cuz he slid his thing out of me a little, then lifted his head up to look into my eyes and asked, "Are you sure you're ready, baby doll?" I just nodded yes, my eyes shut tightly. I was afraid of how much it was gonna hurt, but I remembered what my mommy said about getting shots. She said just close your eyes tight and, before you know it, the painful part's over. I hoped that would work here but, when I felt his thing slide forward and break the thing stopping it from going deep in me, I couldn't help but cry out, "OW! Ooh, ouch! Owhoo!" He didn't stop, though, now that he had his thing deep inside my cunny, and I panicked a little cuz I felt that it had started bleeding. He just said, "Sh. It's okay, baby doll. That's normal. Just try to relax. It'll get better soon. I promise."
In my heart, I trusted him, but my mind was screaming, and so was I. Having my cunny stretched around his thing and having it bleeding made me freak out, and I couldn't help screaming, "Stop! Ow! Please, Tommy, stop! It...uh! hurts! Take it out! Ouch! Take it out!", but he continued to tell me it would get better soon. I had started struggling and felt his hand grip my tiny wrists tighter, not enough to hurt me, but enough to stop me from moving my arms. I didn't like that feeling anymore and I started screaming and crying, begging him to stop.
Then, it didn't seem to hurt as much. I was only screaming because that was what my head was saying to do. I tried to stop myself and I did it. I was so proud of myself. I felt his thing sliding into and out of my cunny, which I couldn't tell if it was bleeding anymore, and he pushed himself up by his hand, pushing my wrists against the bed, and he said, "Are you okay, now, baby doll?" I sniffed, but couldn't answer. The words just wouldn't come out, so he leaned down and kissed my lips softly, easing his tongue into my mouth. I put my tongue into his and kissed him back, as I started feeling better. As he kissed me, he started rubbing my little nipples, moving his fingers in circles around then and sliding his fingers over them, and I felt them kinda stick out a little.
I had totally forgotten that he was holding me down, forgotten about the pain of having what that was break inside me, forgotten the panic I felt a few minutes ago, and gave in to the pleasure I was feeling. I even moaned, "Oh, Tommy! I'm...uhn!...I'm okay! I'm really okay! I...ooh!...I love you, Tommy! Uhh! Do it! Do sex in m, cunny! Do it in me, uhn, harder, Tommy!"
He did, pushing his hips into me harder, as he bent and twisted himself so that he could lick my pink nipples. I didn't even feel the stuff he put on my cunny anymore, as it had gotten wet from him having sex with me, and I was really loving it. My body was tingling and I felt all warm and I knew what was happening, so I screamed, "I...I'm orgasming again! Oh, Tommy! It feels so good!" I felt his thing hit the end of my cunny and then slide back, then hit the end again. Tom did this over and over again, and I moaned over and over again. I pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his butt, following his movements with my legs, as his hips pounded into my little body. I tried kissing him, but he was holding himself up by his hand on my wrists, which I had started to like again, so I ended up just kissing air. Tom musta seen this, cuz he lowered his face to mine and we French kissed more, and I did it as long as I could, then broke the kiss and he lifted himself up again and reac hed down to my cunny. He started rubbing my little button thing again as he slid his thing into and out of my tiny body, and I started screaming, "Oh! Oh, yeah! Oh, Tommy! Do it! Do it hard!", as I had another orgasm. Before today, I didn't even know what an orgasm was. Now, I had had so many that I had lost count.
Tom looked at my face and said, "I'm gonna cum, baby doll. I'm gonna cum deep inside you. Do you want that?" as he pounded into me. I wanted that so much, so I said so. "Yes! Yes, uhn, I do! I want it...ooh! me! I wanna...ah!...have your...uhn, cum! my cunny! Do it! OH! Cum in my cunny!" Hearing this, Tom seemed to start pushing deeper into me, and I felt a momentary bit of pain as his thing seemed to push past the end of my cunny and into my belly. Then, I felt my belly fill with his warm, liquid cum. It was amazing. I loved it! I loved Tom!
After a few minutes, he slowly pulled his thing out of my cunny, then collapsed next to me on the bed. I could barely move, a big smile on my face and my eyes wide open with amazement, and he turned to me and again asked, "Are you okay, baby doll? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"Uh huh." was all I could manage at the moment. Then, I realized he had asked me two questions, and didn't want him to think I was saying that to him hurting me, so I said, "I'm okay. It didn't hurt much. Except that one part."
He smiled a bit and said, "Sorry about that, Sabrina, but I had to do it."
"I know." I said. "It's okay. I'm not mad at you." He leaned over and kissed my mouth then, but I didn't have the strength to kiss him the way he kissed me. I couldn't even move my tongue to put it in his mouth, but I think he understood. We laid there together and he put his arm around me and pulled me close. I rested my head on his chest and smiled. I was smiling so much, I probably smiled in my sleep.
The next morning, I woke up first. I was intent to just lay there, but then I glanced over at my clock and realized that mommy would be home in less than a half hour. I frantically woke Tom up and told him, and we scrambled to get dressed and clean up. My sheets had some blood on them, so we quickly changed them and he put the old ones in his duffel bag so my mommy wouldn't see them.
She got home right on time, and I was already sitting on the couch watching my cartoons and Tom was making breakfast. Mommy walked into the kitchen and I heard her say, "Thanks again, Tom. I hope she didn't give you too much trouble."
I giggled as I heard Tom say, "Nah. She was an absolute baby doll."
Ever since that day, I get really happy when mommy has to go away, because then my secret boyfriend gets to come over and pretend to be my babysitter, and he can put his thing inside me all over. It wasn't long before we didn't even need the stuff anymore, as his thing just slipped into my cunny and my butt.
I haven't told anyone, cuz I don't want him to go away. I like when he touches me and puts his thing in me. I'll never tell anyone. Ever. Well, except you, but you don't know us, so it's okay. Well, I gotta go now, cuz he's here and mommy just left. Bye bye.
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