
[ bg, 1st, pett, reluc ]

by Lost


Published: 30-May-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The end of day bell rang, and I left the classroom, completely unaffected by what I learned today. It came to no surprise for me; the grown-ups liked to overdramatize a lot. You get into a scuffle, and they treat bruises and scratches like amputations.

I followed the normal path home, which was only half a mile walk total, going from across the street from my school and through the apartment complex's side gate to the other end, where I live on the first floor. By the time I got to the crosswalk, the guard was already leaving with the group of kids. As I waited for his inevitable return, this girl approached me from the side.

"Hey, Sarah," I said, turning to her. She, like me, was in the fifth grade. We didn't share a class together; our relationship was formed out of the blue from the routine trek home, since a lot of students lived in the apartment complex just across the street. How it began I can't really remember, but we developed a camraderie that you could loosely call a friendship; most of our contact with each other was right here, so make of that what you will.

"So how was your sex-ed class?" I asked her. "Did it traumatize you?"

"Nope, it was completely boring and stupid!" she replied. "Just mainly talked about our stuff down there. How about yours?"

"They didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know. It's more like they just helped put the pieces together, but they used very simple terms, like 'you put your thing in a girl's thing and stuff comes out.'" I paused for a moment. "Actually, that's the best way to describe it, is that line right there extended over the whole hour."

I was curious about what her class entailed. I knew for a fact that the sex-ed classes for boys and girls were separate, so we likely were taught very different things. I wouldn't say this around a grown-up, or anyone, really, but I had an itching curiosity about girls and all their stuff down there. I remember years ago seeing another girl's stuff and how she was completely blank down there except for this sort of cut where the skin folded on itself. But I didn't get to see a lot more than that.

The crossguard escorted us across the street, where we let ourselves in through the side gate. We continued walking together, since she lived in the apartment right next to mine, where our rooms shared a wall.

Actually, I was very interested in girls, and lately, that interest has been growing stronger. The other boys were still on about cooties or whatever, and wouldn't even get near a girl. I didn't act the same way, and as a result, they made fun of me. A lot.

I looked over at Sarah, whose attention was focused ahead. I don't know if grown-ups would consider her cute or adorable or attractive; at least I did. She had brown hair cut in a short bob, and she wore glasses. Today she was wearing a brown and red dress with white stockings - those are very long socks that go up to their thighs. She didn't have braces like some of the other kids had, which was nice. I didn't either, but I imagined them to be very uncomfortable.

We arrived at our apartments; the end of our seeing each other for today. I fished around in my backpack for my house keys. We were both latchkey kids. That's apparently what it's called. It's what kids are called when they let themselves into their homes because their parents are otherwise not there.

"Hey, would you like to come inside?" Sarah asked behind me. I turned around.


"My mom and dad won't be home for a few hours. It gets kind of lonely; you... don't have homework, do you?"

"Yeah, but it's basic math stuff. I'm good at math," I replied. Sarah unlocked and opened her front door.

"Come on inside," she said, nodding inward. I shrugged to myself. Sure, why not? I stepped across the threshold and kicked off my shoes. She followed my lead. Of course, it wasn't until Sarah closed the door that I remembered one of my great anxieties.

I wasn't good with strangers of any kind. It's been a thing that I've always had an anxiety for, and that also included going into other peoples' homes. As much as Sarah and I liked to chat in our short walk home after school, I didn't know that much about her or her family, and the strange house rules they might have. It should be alright, though. She lives across from me; nothing bad should happen, and if it did, my mom would easily find out.

Sarah led me to her room. It was not as pink as I imagined it would be. Her bed was up against the window, which had a clear view out to the street, and they had a kind of disgusting floral print on them. At least I found them disgusting; I didn't like elaborate prints on anything. Her room was very clean and straight, as to be expected; girls were usually much cleaner than boys.

"So uhh.... what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't know. What do you like to do?" she asked, sitting on her bed.

"Play video games, watch Spongebob? But I don't think you'd be really interested in either of those?" she shook her head.

"Actually, would you like to see my stuff?"

"Your... your stuff?" I repeated. I felt a rush of heat to my face, around my cheeks and nose.

"Yeah, my stuff here," she patted between her legs. The heat in my face intensified. "I'd... also like to see yours."

That made me feel even more anxious. The only people to see me naked were my parents, and that wasn't for many years, not since I learned how to bathe myself.

Sarah didn't wait for me to answer. She pulled off her stockings down to her feet and kicked them off, exposing her creamy legs. My eyes were locked on her, despite my embarrassment, and I couldn't look away. She noticed this, and she smiled. She lifted her skirt up, revealing the pink pair of panties she was wearing. They were completely featureless. Aside from the seams along the edges, there were no other details or redundant seams on them like on my "tighty whities" grown-ups like to call them. There was no bulge, either, but that's because I knew there was nothing there.

"There, now I'm in my underwear. You should do the same. That's what a gentleman should do," she said, pulling the dress up over her head and tossing it to the side. I felt like a giant spotlight was shining on me for all the world to see, but I knew there was no one else here but us. With considerable apprehension, I took a deep breath and I unzipped my pants, letting them fall to my feet, where I stepped out of them. I removed my socks, and then took my shirt off. It was very embarrassing, standing here in a stranger's house, in nothing but my underwear. Sarah didn't seem to have the same qualms about it, though. She was smiling at me, which was a very adorable smile.

Her chest was as flat as mine. Most girls were, and some had slight mounds. Yeah I noticed that. It was difficult not to. My mom had very large breasts. I wondered why that was the case, and why girls didn't have any when they were young.

"Time for the underwear to come off," she said, standing up and approaching me. "Are you ready? We'll do it together." She gripped a hand on her underwear, and the other on mine. I nodded, and did the same.

"One... two... three!" we tugged our underwear down, letting them drop to our feet. Suddenly there we were, completely naked, and Sarah was like a whole different person. I allowed my eyes to explore her body, which was softer than mine, with more curves around her hips and waist. They curved more than mine did, and something about it made me feel more... I think the proper term is interested. Whatever it was, I wanted to keep looking at her.

What really drew my attention, though, was her stuff. I sort of envied her. My stuff just dangled there between my legs, and it was very uncomfortable sometimes. For her, there was nothing there save for that little slit where the skin folded on itself. It looked like it could take my thing. Curiosity gripped at me. What was inside the slit? How far did it go in? They didn't mention this in the sex-ed class. All they said was that I stick my thing in it and... something... comes out.

The whole time, Sarah was sizing up my stuff. I occasionally glanced at her and watched her expressions change around. At first she was in awe, then switched to fear, shock, and suddenly, she was happy.

"It's... very strange," she commented.

"I could say the same about yours," I replied. "Uhhh... do you mind if I can take a closer look at it?"

"I was going to ask the same thing. Come on, let's lie down on my bed. That way, we can get a better view of each others' stuff at the same time," I followed her to her bed, where she laid down on her side facing the doorway. I laid down in the opposite direction so I got a direct view at her lap. She had no qualms about taking a firm grip of my stuff and moving it around, probably examining it from every angle like it was some kind of strange bug. It felt a little good. I wriggled my hips around as a good shock went up my back. I reached up and dipped a finger into her slit. I could immediately feel as I moved my hand there a wave of moist heat radiating from it. It was very strange; my stuff didn't do that.

The instant my finger went inside, I heard Sarah take a sharp breath, and something inside her slit closed tightly around my finger. Instinctively, I drew it out, but when I saw there was no reason to be cautious, I dipped my finger in her again. Sarah's breathing became louder, and the slit tightened around my finger again. Why did it do that?

I could feel my stuff getting long and stiff again, as I knew it to do many times. She tugged at the loose skin on it.

"Yours is different from my older brother's," she said.

"How is it different?" I asked.

"He doesn't have this extra stuff right here," she tugged again at the extra skin around the end. "It stops right here," she tapped on the part of my stuff just below the strange bulb at the end.

"I see. I wonder why that is?" I wondered out loud. Turning my attention back to her stuff, I put my index finger from my other hand into her slit and gently and slowly pulled them apart, opening the slit even wider. Sarah gasped and breathed heavily, but it didn't sound like she was in pain. Her insides were like the inside of my mouth. It was very pink and many folds of flesh folded on themselves and tensed up, preventing me from seeing further into her. It was a very strange thing, but it was also very mesmerizing.

As I examined inside her slit with awe, I noticed that in the front, where her slit began, there was a strange fold of skin that came down from the outer folds in this sort of V shape. where it ended, I saw a tiny pink... thing. I don't know how to describe it. It was about the size of my pinky.

"What is this?" I asked, prodding it with a finger. Sarah whimpered loudly and trembled in response. I quickly pulled my finger away. "I'm sorry, Sarah! Did that hurt?"

"No... no, that felt... really good," she panted, pulling closer to me. "Do it again!"

"Uhh, okay..," I prodded the nub again, this time a little harder, and she gasped again. I continued my treatment, and that made her legs tremble with delight.

"Uhhh! Yeah!" she moaned. "Now rub it! That'll feel really good!" I complied, and ran my index finger up and down against the nob. She trembled even more violently, but she continued to urge me on. Something about this made me feel very hot and bothered, and my stuff started throbbing and burning with a unique desire unlike any I felt before.

Sarah's whole body suddenly tensed up next to me, and I could see the muscles around her slit contract multiple times. It was about half a minute before it finally stopped, and her body relaxed.

"What was that all about?" I asked, sitting up to face her. My stuff was still sticking straight up like a flag pole.

"That... I think that was my orgasm," she panted.

"Orgasm? What is that?"

"It's that thing that happens when you feel really good during sex," she answered.

"Oooohhh right, that's what it's called?"

Sarah nodded her head. "Yup, and you were the one to give me my first one."

"How do you know what it's called, anyways?"

"I snuck a few peeks at my older brother's porn collection," She drew away from me and plopped her butt down on the head of the bed so she was resting on the small stack of pillows. She spread her legs apart and opened her arms.

"I'm ready to take you into me. Are you ready to be my first?" she asked. Her slit, I noticed, was very moist. Her face also bore a heavy blush, it was as red as a tomato. I nodded my head and crawled up to her, guiding my stuff to that little slit between her legs. I got the tip in, and I immediately felt the muscles tighten around me, making me wince and tremble. It wasn't painful. In fact, it was the most wonderful thing I ever felt. Slowly, I pushed the rest of the length in until our laps touched, then I rested my body on top of hers. She shivered with delight and smiled at me, then wrapped her legs around my back and pulled me in closer. Our stomachs pressed together and our faces were only inches away from each other. It was at that moment that I saw her in a completely different light. She was no longer just a friend, but something much more.

All the things that I found attractive about her seemed to be more defined than ever. The way she stared into my eyes with this funny look, the feeling of her skin against mine, her hands running across my back. It all added up to this wonderful experience unlike anything he ever felt before.

"So what now?" I asked. "You know more about this than I do, apparently."

"Now, move your hips back and forth," she said. "And don't stop, whatever you do," She grabbed me by the back of the head and pulled me in for a very grown-up kiss. I never had a grown-up kiss before, and in the movies it always looked a little gross. And messy. Turns out that's only what it looks like from the outside. If you're one of the participants, it is an incredible, very affectionte feeling. I never felt this connection with another person aside from my mom, and I never got to do this sort of thing with her.

I started moving my hips back and forth into her, pulling out until my stuff was almost all the way out of her slit, and then pushing back in so our stomachs slapped together. This wonderful feeling immediately surged through my lap. Sarah's muscles gripped me tightly like a fist and refused to let go. It made thrusting into her and pulling back out a lot harder.

I sat up off of her and braced my hands on either side of her and pounded my hips into hers with incredible force and vigor. My stuff felt like it was burning down to the very core. The pleasure was almost unbearable, but my body seemed to have a mind of its own. The room was filled with our gasps and moans. Sweat covered our bodies, and Sarah's glasses were askew.

"I feel... so good!" I moaned loudly.

"Mmnn me too! Let's go together!" she cried out. Seconds later, an unbelievable sensation washed over me like a tidal wave and my stuff pulsed like a heart against the tight muscles inside Sarah's slit. It forced a loud feral moan out of my throat. I arched my back and threw my full weight into her.

Sarah whimpered and cried out in bliss in a way that sounded like she was in pain. Her muscles contracted around my stuff with incredible intensity, pulsing many times that I was too exhausted to count. Her legs tightened around my waist and her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me down on top of her, where she smothered me with kisses.

We came down from our incredible high. I was still inside her, my stuff still at attention. I preferred it there. After experiencing her hot insides, I didn't want to leave. Sarah took off her glasses and, twisting her arm back, placed them on the nightstand next to her bed.

"So that was very fun and exciting," I said. "How was it for you?"

"Incredible! I really enjoyed it," She pulled me in for another kiss. It was very slow and tender, and I could feel a unique sense of affection coming from her, a type that even my mom didn't give me.

"You were my first..," she whispered, tracing a finger across my chest.

"Yeah, I was. What does this mean for us?" I asked.

"I dunno. I think it means we're boyfriend and girlfriend now. Do you like me?"

I blushed heavily. I never really thought about her as a girlfriend before. Yeah, she was a friend, and a girl, and I was her first, and she was mine. I also thought she was very attractive and cute, especially now that we had sex. I would definately like to do this again. The answer was obvious.

"Yeah, I like you. I really like you," I said. Apparently that's the answer she was hoping for, for she smiled widely and threw her arms around my neck and pulled me into a tight bear hug.

"Oh thank you!" she exclaimed, and kissed me again. I returned the favor. I hugged her and kissed back as she pulled the bedsheets over us. From the outside, it looked very innocent and cute, but underneath we were in a very grown-up position.

"It'll be another couple of hours before my parents get home," Sarah said. "I want to go again as much as we can before they do."

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Oh God!be

Please please please write more like this! Steaming hot innocent beauty!


Soo lovely!!

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