Is This Feeling Wrong?

[ inc, pedo, play ]


Published: 23-Aug-2012

Word Count: 3345

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Everything is strictly fiction

I had just turned 20. I am celebrating my birthday by visiting some family in El Salvador. My moms side, my dads side, everyone. I go with a friend of the family. Hes a proffesional trucker. We haul a car and a motorcycle. Road trip through every country on our way to El Salvador.

My father had a wife and son before he got with my mom. He left El Salvador when my half-brother was only 3. He was now 34. We arrive to El Salvador in 2 weeks from Los Angeles. We had a lot of paperwork to process because of the three auto-mobiles. I arrive at my half-brothers address. Well, it was more like directions because there were no official roads where he and his family lived. He was ok with my father, if it was me he left, I would probably hate him. My Brother had a wife and three daughters. Their ages were 9, 6, and 2. I was welcome into their house. Chickens everywhere, nwighbor kids running around, and a few teenage girls who seemed attracted to me immediately. I already liked it here.

"Girls! Come meet your uncle!" shouted my step-sister-in-law as she carried her 2 year old girl. "Come here. I want you to meet your uncle. He's your dads brother".

Two girls are all happy to meet me and give me a hug. They were beautiful little girls. The 9 year old one had bangs to the side, a pony tail, smooth caramel skin and such an innocent smile. The 6 year old one had lighter features and seemed like an outgoing little troublemaker. I did not know at the moment, but I was going to really like it here.

I accomodate myself, get to know everyone, and really feel right at home. Because the way of life is really different down in El Salvador, hard discipline to kids is still ok. The ways are very traditional. Women cook and clean, Men work and protect. My sister-in-law (I call him brother now) was always telling the girls what to do, but she would yell at the 9 year old one more then the other one. I did not like seeing that, but what could I say?

"Go get the tortillas already! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" yelled my sister in law to my 9 year old niece Kari. But my niece was used to it. She did not get sad, or mad, she just went and got the tortillas. I was mad inside, i wanted to go off on this lady screaming at such a sweet kid. But I held my tounge. I observed how patient and still happy my niece was. She would call me "Tio" which means uncle in spanish. She quickly became my favorite niece, even though I was very fond of all my nieces. She would always ask me a million questions, but she would never get in my nerves like any other kid who would ask 20 questions. I would make up fairy tales for her, show her how to draw, and shared my snacks with her. I already knew I had so much love for this girl.

I did not notice how much her and I hung out, it never seemed wrong to me, but her parents, my bro and his wife started getting her away from me by giving her extra chores and commands. Poor girl. All she wanted to do was spend some time with her uncle and friend, me. As I layed there in bed, all I could think about was my niece, her smile, her sillyness, herself. I started to feel really strong for her, and how unfairly they treated her, I could not even really hang out with her anymore. I was sad.

A few days later, my brother and the wife had to go pick up some package and left the neighbor girls incharge of my nieces. Why not me, right? Deep inside, I think I know why. Lame. Well, the teen girls were very attractive, but when we got to talking, they were so vein and nasty about their friends, I lost interest then and there. All I could think about was my niece and having some time with her again. The teenage girl noticed I stopped listening and said, "You're not even that cute anyway," and left to her house which was a few 50 feet away. It did not matter to me at all. I walk to the front where my niece, Karina was.

"Ey!" I say. She seemed a little different, not as happy as before. I wondered why?

I look into her eyes. All i see is sadness. The light I once saw in her was very dim. All I could ask myself was "How can I make her smile?"

I then told her "Hey, when you're done washing those beans, want to color and draw with me?"

"Si Tio!!" With a big smile on her again. I felt great. I went to the room to get out a few things to color with.

I hear behind me "Tio?..." I turn around and stand up. My niece karina comes up to me, looks me in the eye, and gives me the warmest hug I ever felt. I hold her gently, her arms around my stomach, my arms around her head in a sweet embrace. We hold eachother for about 7 seconds and I kiss her head. She looks up and kisses me on my lips. I felt scared because i thought, what if someone walks by and sees? So I hesitated and kissed her softly but quickly. I felt a surge of blood go into my penis. Was this wrong? I wanted to kiss her and hold her more. I wanted to make love to her. I resisted making any moves. We then drew and colored. All I could do was think about this precious beautiful girl and how much I loved her.

The next day I woke up to find a chicken on my bed. It layed an egg. As I was still opening my eyes, I see karinas shadow come up to me. She rubs my head and kisses my forehead in such a loving way. I know she sneaked out from her parents room, I could tell from her tipy-toes. I woke up so good that day.

The following day, my brother and the wife had to go out again. I did not hear where to so I did not know how much time i could have with my Karina. This time, the older neighbor lady was incharge of my nieces, you can't depend on lousy teenage girls. She did not come over though, so I thought I can be more myself with Karina. Today, it's just her and me at home. I though "Today is perfect!" As usual, they had her washing the dishes. but she finished early and had time to play. "Tio!!"

So the neighbor lady is in her own house, two youngest nieces are away, brother and the wife are gone for the day, it's just me and Karina, my 9 year old niece. I didn't want to rush anything so I watched TV while Karina finished doing a few things. She was now putting clothes away from drying. She was walking by me, back and forth. She was so beautiful. Her young body was devoloping fast for her age. She was pretty tall for a 9 year old girl, her little butt was already sticking out with an arch, her little breasts already showing to having a nice shape to them. I was really attracted to her. I would tease her everytime she would walk by. A poke, a false "trip-your-walk", little games. She would play along and giggle.

I then took it up a notch. I pretended I was a gorilla and made a huge arm swipe as she walked, grabbed her around her little waist, pull her to me, and pretend to bite and eat her neck with kisses and 'nom-noms'. She especially liked the gorilla game, because she kept trying again and again when I released her.

"Let's play hide and seek Tio!" she suggested.

I said "Ok. Go hide in the room." She ran and hid. "3...2...1... Here I come!!" I took the gorilla approach, sniffing and crouching like a gorilla, searching for the scent. I look under the bed, there she is, but I didn't just say "There you are!"

I sniffed and grunted my way to her. She was perfectly still, with a smile and closed eyes.

"Sniff-sniff-sniff..." I went up to her little face, down to her neck, up, then down to her shirt. I slowed down on my sniffing, now gnawing and nibbling any part of her my lips came in contact. I pulled her out from under the bed slowly, still gorilla-like, and she layed on the bed. I got on top of her, like a dominant creature, as she submitted herself to me. I then turned my nibbling and sniffing into kisses and nibbling. I kissed her softly now, with a full erection going. I kissed and nibbled her neck, her ears, her cheeks, her chin, her chest, and went down to her stomach.

My hands were on the bed holding me up, still on my knuckles because of the gorilla character. She was breathing heavily and steady, knowing full well what was going on. Did she feel what I felt? As i kissed her stomach and chest through her shirt, no bra yet on her, just a thin cotton shirt, I asked myself "Shoul I do it?" I got her shirt with my teeth and slowly worked it upwards to expose her little body.

She worked with me and arched her back to lift the shirt. My chin carressing her perfect little stomach and chest. Her shirt was now all the way up, and her little breasts and perfect little belly button seemed so good, I just wanted to eat her up. I kissed upward on her, kissing and sucking her swollen little nipples. Her hands on my head, her bangs covering one eye as she looked at me with ecstacy. Her breathing continued to get heavier.

"Tio....... *sighh.... unhhh...." I was overwhelmed with love. I kissed her entire exposed section of her body. Her little fingers curled as her arms lay over her head. I kissed her arms, fingers, worked back to her neck and chin, looked her in her eyes, she looked right back, i looked at her lips, open, trembling in joy and good feeling. I kissed her lips, she kissed right back.

This was probably her first kiss, but she had the idea of being gentle and loving already. As I sucked her lips, and used my tounge lovingly, she started experimenting with her smooth tounge as well. I did a circle around her tounge, and she did it right back. She was a natural. If I could, I would do this forever.

As we kissed, I came back to reality, and remembered you could get in trouble for kissing young girls. I opened my ears for any sign of people coming. Either the dirt ground, neighbor lady hollering a name or beads on the entrance would give someone away. I had a huge erection, that was begining to hurt 'cus of my pants.

I was assuming Karina has never seen a penis so up close, so I wispered "Have you ever seen one of have you ever seen one of these?" as I pointed into my crotch. I did not want to use any words for it to her.

"Nuh-uh," she nodded side to side.

"You want to see mine?"

"Uh-huh," she nodded up and down. I did not know how she was going to react. I unzipped, unbuckled, and worked my penis in a circle so I can take it out. It felt extra big for some reason. She looked at it with a quite surprise on her face.

She said "Why is it hard? I hear the boys at school saying stuff like that."

"Because you make me feel good. This means I want to touch you with it, because it feels good. Has anyone made you feel good like me?"

"No. Never." She then asks "Do you like me Tio?"

"Yes Karina. I like you alot. I love you."

"I love you too," I then kiss her little mouth gently again. I guide her hand to grab and carress my penis. She holds onto it and touches it all over. I have so much precum coming out at this point.

"Is this pee?"

"No, its so it gets slippery."

She keeps stroking me as I suck on her neck and lips.

"Are we gonna have sex?"

"Only if you want to try. Do you want to?"

She looks at me with the sweetest look, pauses... and says "Si".

I kiss down to her breasts, down her side, her bellybutton, and slowly put my fingers under the elastic of her shorts and underwear. I slowly work it off by going from front to back. Her smooth skin only getting smoother as I groove her out of those blue/turquoise shorts she had on.

I leave her shorts around her ankles, and I told her, "If you hear someone coming, get dressed quickly and pretend you were coloring, Ok?"

"Ok Tio."

I layed her deeper onto the bed, now her shorts hanging off one ankle. Now I saw her panties were pink, classic girl color. She loved touching my hard penis.

"Will it hurt?"

"Only for a little bit. I will be gentle. Tell me if it hurts too much."

"Ok, I will."

I have never been this close to such a little vagina. It looked so beautiful and delicate. I started by kissing her legs. I could feel her shaking in pleasure kissed and inched my way closer to her juicy center. I never experienced someting so beautiful as this before. So pure, so real, so passionate. I then started kissing on her little vagina lips, like if they were her mouth lips.

I enjoyed every lick, every twitch, every taste of this little girl. My tounge tasting every inch of her little flower, getting wet already at 9 years old. Her little toes curling, her just laying back enjoying my mouth eating her sweet nectar. I then started pushing my tounge into her tight little hole. She was moaning, trying to stay quite, knowing full well we could get in trouble, especially me. It only tasted sweeter inside her, as my tounge pushed deeper and deeper into her pussy.

"Unff... Ughh!" she panted quitely. She was so tight, even for my tounge. I was trying to stretch her enough to get my tip of the penis in.

I knew I could hurt her if I tried to stick it in all the way. I told her "I'm going to stick my finger in ok?"

"Ssss... ok..."

I started with my pinky.

"How's this?" I worrked her tight little hole gently.

"Sssss... its nice."

Next my pointer.


"Ooh... slower Tio."

I spit on her pussy for lube.


"Uh-huh... ssss..."

Middle finger.


"Spit again.... unff!..."

Next finger, thumb "This?"

"Starting to feel good."

I worked my thumb in circles for a bit, stretching her out slowly, surprised no one has interrupted so far. I feel her insides. So smooth and youthful.

"Keep doing that Tio... unghh... unfff... ughh... it feels so good."

I keep the rhythim, as I push deeper and circles are getting wider. I use index and middle finger now.

"Spit again," she requests. She was learning quickly. I spit, and stick in my fingers.. She was slowly stretching out just right. "Ohhh!...Ssst... oh it's so nice Tio!"

"Shhh.... someone might hear you. Haha."

"Sorry." She was really wet now, and it wasn't the spit.

I tell her "I think you're ready now. Now we can have sex. You want to?"

"Yeah," as she layed there, looking so appetizing.

I then removed my shirt and pulled my cut-pants down to my ankles. Her shorts had fallen off long time ago. She looked so perfect, her legs spread, her juicy pussy, her semi-rapid breathing, her sexy little lips revealing a peak of her big teeth. She was ready. I climbed the bed, kneed my way up to her little bodie's embrace, put her legs around my stomach, and directed my hard fully-erect penis to meet her little flower. I teased her pussy with my dick, up and down between her lips, into the little stretched out hole, so warm, wet and perfect.

"Unff... heehee...That tickles" she said smiling. "It feels so nice Tio"

I spit on my hand and rubbed it on my cock.

"Okay... get ready..." I pushed in the tip of my penis into her still tight little hole.


My tip was inside of her. I had officially taken her virginity at this point.

"Oww... Tio... it hurts."

"I know. Shhh.... You'll feel it better in a bit. I'll be slow, ok?"

"Ssssszz... Ok."

"I love you Karina."

"I love you Tio."

I worked my hips slowly, and she felt everything. Her eyes closed, her heavy breathing, a tear coming out. It was beautiful. I closed in and kissed her mouth, she held me close and tight, as she breathed into my ear, I heard every little sound she made. My penis was already an inch past the tip inside of her. I could pull it out and back in a little more every time. Her hold on me tighter every time. Now I was half-way in. 3 inches inside her. It felt so good having her this close to me, chest to chest, stomach to stomach, lips to lips, my penis inside her.

She smelled so good, I was intoxicated, body and mind. She started getting into it now. She started working her little pussy, squeezing my cock with a firm hug, making me feel like I was going to explode soon.

I said to her, "You really like this, huh?"

"Si... I never... unff... unghh!" 5 inches in now, in, out, in, out, in little circles.

I then told her "Ok. I feel like I'm about to finish. You know what happens, right?"


"I shoot out sticky white stuff from my weenie."

"Oh yeah... mmmmm... where?"

"You want to see?"

"Ok... ummmff."

I keep making sweet love to her, now her arms around my head. She's so wet right now, I didn't need to spit anymore. Her pussy quaking in great pleasure, now me feeling the limit of her little vagina. I push a few more times, and feel it cumming.

I pull out and tell her "Grab it and go like this" as I showed her how to stroke with the air. She did it, her little hands not even able to reach all the way around my penis. I feel it. "KWAA!!" I shoot out all over her face and body, some got in her eye and mouth. I didn't think it was gonna go far at all, it has never gone that far before.

She just said "Wow! That's what happens? It tasted sweet...Wow... my eye." She still had my dick in her hand, and she began licking whatever cum she found. Off her hand, from her nose, her stomach, my cock, anything. I was so releived, I felt so good, seeing this little girl enjoy me like that, I never felt like this from any woman, never.

She then said to me "I'm gonna shower so no one knows. Is that ok Tio?"

"Of course Karina... Of course my little love."

"I love you Tio."

"I love you so much Karina."

She kissed me, hugged me, got dressed and ran off to shower. I love that little girl. This was 4 years ago. If I see her now, she will be 13. I hope she never forgot me either...

The End

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Seems so vivid, it put me in the story. its nice because its not sick, just a little missunderstood... nice one


lordwar78...very nicely written. Slow and then building up. Beautiful 9 year olds!

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