Published: 30-Jul-2012
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He was just one of my fifth grade students, but he was also gorgeous. The perfect face, hair, and body for a child. Everything was perfect about him, except his attitude. He seemed to be under the impression that he ran the class instead of me. That mentality had persevered throughout the school year so far, but it was one that was going to change before long.
One Friday morning during class, he was being particularly disruptive during class and I had had enough. The problem was that in our state, it had become illegal this year to administer corporal punishment. It was something I was going to miss, but Robert was not.
"Robert Dickens!" I shouted at him over his conversation with one of his many friends.
"What?" he answered back, almost as if he were bored. It struck a wrong cord with me.
I walked down the aisle of desks to his and yanked him out the chair faster than he believed possible. I led him to the front of the class and had him face his fellow students. He seemed amused at the proceedings.
"This, young ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when no one has had the insight to give this young man any discipline. He seems to think that the world revolves around him. He is about to find out just how wrong he is in thinking that."
"You can't do anything to me, Mister," he said to my face.
The class gasped a collective breath, waiting to see how I would handle this latest challenge to my authority. I smiled at Robert and turned to a boy in the first row.
"Derrick, please go and close the door and pull the shade down over the window of it," I said calmly to the youngster. He obeyed immediately.
Robert just stood there, defiantly looking up at me. I waited till the door was closed and I went to the desk drawer. I pulled out a roll of duct tape and pulled off a strip about a foot long. He turned at the sound of it and made a move towards the door. I was quicker.
I grabbed him by his wrist and brought him to the floor. My knee went into the small of his back as he struggled to get back up. Another piece of tape was torn off and covered his mouth as he was about to scream at his predicament. He reached up to uncover it, but I pulled his hands together above his head on the floor and wrapped them together with the initial piece of tape.
Thankfully, my desk wasn't cluttered with papers as I picked him up by the tied wrists and pulled him back to its side. His body bent at the waist and hit the side of the wood as I pulled him over it. I held his hands down on the desk and pulled off more tape from the roll at the same time. It wasn't pretty, but I just needed more tape to do what I needed. I wrapped more tape around his bound wrists and pulled the tape across the width of the desk to the far side of it. There, I wrapped a few laps around the desk's legs. I returned to Robert's side of the desk. He was struggling to climb up on the top of the desk. I pulled him back down.
I pulled off more tape and wrapped a piece around each of his ankles. They were tied to the legs of the desk under him. I smiled at his obvious embarrassment at being prostrate before his classmates, but I was just getting started.
The next phase was to get young Robert ready for his punishment. With an audible gasp from the students in their seats, I reached under my young man and undid his jeans. I hooked my thumbs on the outside of them and his underpants and within two seconds, the whole class got to see his shining buttocks.
Robert was screaming into the tape-gag at the utter humiliation of it all. With a pat on his extended rump, I turned my attentions briefly to the class of stunned children.
"Young ladies and gentlemen, I will now try and change Mr. Dickens's demeanor with a behavior modification device," I announced to the rest of the class.
I retrieved a paddle from the closet and returned to stand beside him, facing the other children. The shock had worn off the others and they were now keen to see him get his comeuppance. The paddle was one of those long, thinner ones with holes cut out to allow wind to go through it. I lined the paddle up to his exposed derriere and pulled it back. With a great "whoosh", I brought it back down to "SMACK" his bottom.
Robert bellowed into the gag as I was lifting it off for another one.
SMACK!!! Another round of screams from the ten-year-old.
SMACK!!! Robert's ass was now considerably reddened, and I was just getting warmed up. I decided to get the next ones in quick, consecutive order.
SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK!!! The room was filled with the clear sound.
I was a little concerned that other teachers or staff might hear what was going on, but if they ever checked, they wouldn't probably do anything. All of them had their fill of this particular student's attitude this year.
Robert screamed the whole way through the four hits. His feet squirmed and he tried to move out of the way a few times, but was unsuccessful, of course. I had tied him way too well.
I let him get over those before proceeding to the eighth strike. The whole class was on the edge of their seats. Not a one of them had stirred. Robert, meanwhile, was in agony over his predicament. I took aim for the next one, and let it fly with a good deal of strength behind it. It let him know that it wasn't over with quite yet. He screamed afresh into the gag.
The next one was milder, as I was getting set up for the finale. I reached back for the tenth and final hit, and lowered my shoulder into the swing. All of my adult muscles were put into the swing as it connected with his very red ass. His whole frame seemed to feel that last hit as the sound filled the entire room.
He screamed like he never had before, and I let him continue for several minutes to get it out of his system. I wasn't through with him just yet, though. One more final piece of this was to be added. I went to my locker again and as I replaced the paddle, I pulled out a device I knew he was not going to like. I went to the front of my desk with it to show the class.
"Does anyone know what this is?" I asked them. No one raised a hand. I would have been surprised if anyone did. "This is a butt plug. This one is made of solid glass. It is inserted into a person's butt hole."
I walked over to Robert as he was still bent over the desk. He had heard my words as much as the rest of the class and he knew what he was about to get. He tried like hell to squirm loose of the tape, but he was wasting his energy.
I got to his side that faced the blackboard so that the whole class could see this. I looked up and saw some of them stretching to look over the desk at the proceedings. Then I had an inspiration.
"All of you may come up and witness what is about to happen to your classmate," I said.
I don't think I've ever seen the class move so fast. All of them wanted a front row seat to this event. They made a semi-circle around the desk and the two of us. When I was satisfied that all of them could see, I continued.
With my forefinger and thumb of my left hand, I opened his butt crack to show the classroom his anal flower. One girl cried, "Ew" when that happened, but everyone else remained silent. I lined the plug up to his sphincter and pushed hard.
I'm sure Robert thought the world was about to end as the plug tore into his anus. The screaming coming from him didn't die down for quite some time. By that time, I had all the students return to their seats and we resumed class as if nothing had happened.
Over the next half hour or so that remained in our class period, Robert would make a sound or two; a grunt, groan, moan, whimper, etc. Finally, when there was about five minutes to go in the period, I had the class work on their homework and I turned my attentions back to Robert. I released both ankles from the legs of the desk and I cut the tape away from his wrists. Robert didn't move from the table. He had been facing the blackboard for the whole time he had been taped to the desk, ashamed of what happened.
"Get up, Robert," I told him. He didn't move. "Fine, I'll get the paddle again." He stood up. "Now, pull up your pants, go get your books and come back up here."
"Wha... what about...this...thing," he said, pointing to his butt plug.
"Keep that where it is," I told him. He looked at me as if I had slapped him. I looked back at him with a look that told him to do as I told him. He did as he was told, not wanting a repeat performance.
He was walking back up to me as the bell rang for the end of class.
"Everyone read the next chapter in your text for Monday, please," I told them, and groans chorused around the room. Robert was making his way to the door. I called him to me.
After telling the last student to close the door on his way out, I had Robert sit in a desk at the front of the class as I addressed him.
"Now, the plug will remain where it is all day, Robert," I began, but stopped when he had another shocked look on his face. "It will stay there, Robert, no two ways around it." I repeated to him before going on. "After your last class, you will come back here for me to remove it from your rectum. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir," he mumbled.
Yes sir, huh? Well, things were improving already.
I dismissed him with a final warning not to disobey me about the plug. He nodded and left the room.
The rest of the day passed uneventfully, but I found my thoughts wandering back to Robert, and his uncomfortable state, occasionally. Finally, the last class dismissed and Robert walked in looking very uncomfortable. Of course, it could be his reddened ass that could've been doing it also.
"Ready to get that thing out of you?" I asked him. He nodded, but I saw a trace of the old Robert in his face. I motioned for him to lean over and put his hands on the desk. He did as he was told. I lowered his pants and underpants down to his ankles. I got a really good view of his red asscheeks.
They were starting to turn a little bluish after the abuse they took this morning, but he would live. I reached up and grasped the butt plug with my right hand. With my left hand, I held him steady as I began to pull it out. He grimaced and cried as I barely began to pull on it. Ignoring his cries, I pulled as hard as I could to get it out of him. It came loose with an audible, "THWOCK!" that filled the silence of the room. He gave a sigh of relief as it cleared his sphincter muscle.
"Better?" I asked the obvious question.
He nodded.
"Good. Now, pull up your pants and take this to the bathroom and clean it off thoroughly. I don't want to see a sign of anything on it when you bring it back to me. Don't take forever about it, either."
It took him a total of about ten minutes for him to clean it off. I got the feeling that he had to use the toilet as well. When he walked back into my classroom, he had the same look of defiance on his face that I was used to.
"Problem, Robert?" I asked him as he handed me the plug.
"I'm telling my father about this, Mr. Jefferson," he announced to me.
I smiled at his naïveté.
"Go ahead and tell him, Robert, but also hand him this at the same time," I said and handed him a manila envelope that was on my desk.
"What's this?"
"Just a little insurance, Robert," I said with a confident smile.
He made to open it, and then stopped to look at me.
"Oh, feel free to open it, if you like," I said.
He almost tore it open to get to its contents. His face blanched white when he saw what was there.
Last summer when I knew which child I was getting, I did a little research. Robert's father was a local minister for a Pentecostal church. The pictures were of him and an eight year old female parishioner. The first one was of him fucking her up the ass with her arms tied behind her back in his office. The second picture showed him with his cock buried half way down her throat as she was tied up to the front of the pulpit. In the third picture, she was tied spread-eagled on the altar and he was laying into her small pussy with his cock. The final picture had him doing her in his own bed. She was suspended above the bed and tied to the framework of the canopy.
His father was the big one behind the movement to get corporal punishment out of the schools. Not only would this ruin his career and send him to prison for the rest of his days, but also let the gas out of that CP movement.
"If you tell him what happened in class, then you'd better give him those pictures, also. Because if you only tell him that I paddled you, I will give copies of those pictures to the news people as well as the police. Your father would go to prison, and you would probably end up in a foster home since you have no other relatives. Do we understand each other?"
"What if I don't tell him about the...paddling and... the other thing?" The boy just couldn't say, "Butt plug".
"Then, nothing, Robert," I told him. "We would go on as normal, but you can expect the same treatment if you ever act up in class again. And that goes for any class; not just mine. Understand?"
He nodded, but the defiant look was gone again.
I never had another problem from the boy. In fact, he became an even better student in class as he paid more attention to the lessons. Four months later, the news of his father's constant rape of the young girl got out and he was sent to prison for thirty years. He was killed two years later.
I applied to be the guardian of young Robert Dickens and by that summer, he was my ward. He grew up under my tutelage and grew up right. I had to administer corporal punishment to him from time to time, but that's a story for another day.
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