Chris is Back!

[ fm, rom ]

Published: 1-Jul-2012

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chris is back!

His mother got off rehab for her drug problem. I'm sorry, I made it sound like she was a drug dealer or something. She got addicted to prescription pain killers. Now she's back home.

So Chris is back home, too. It didn't take me long to visit, once I heard.

Chris's mom didn't mind if I see Chris. That's nice.

We went, holding hands, to our favorite pizza place and had a medium anchovy pizza. Just like old times. He told me about being in the orphanage and foster care. He made some friends, especially since he is so good at computers. But he was missing me, and missing his mom. No one was mean to him, but he said that was almost worse.

I told him I wrote a story and let him read it. He was quiet for awhile. Finally he said, "Do you want to know what I think is going on in the story?" I said yes.

This is what he told me.

John was a kid player. He did the whole nose thing to get me to take a bath with him, so he could brag about it to his friends. A few months later he denied it happened when he went to pee because he went into puberty. Boys when they enter puberty many times become really shy about their bodies, because their dick and balls start growing, and they start growing hair around them, and they are embarrassed about it. Of course he remembered bathing with me, but he didn't want to admit it because then you might want to see him naked again.

Of course Josh saw you in the shower naked. And that is why he showed you him naked. Sort of paying you back.

He said David was the interesting one. He must have heard from John about him bathing with you. So he wanted to, to. He got naked to take a shower, but you didn't. To him, the showering was the thing, not you naked. He must have been pretty young.

Then Chris paused again.

You were right about me. I do want to do more than just bathe together. I thought a lot about kissing you, about hugging you, even about feeling your beautiful breasts. But I so enjoyed the bathing together, me sitting on your lap together, just enjoying being together and seeing you, and especially your hand on my butt, that I didn't want to make you mad. I was afraid if I went to far, you'd get mad at me, and it would end.

I stared at him, then I quick kissed him on the forehead. His face was at first shocked, then pleased with a small smile. Chris has a nice smile. We were through with our pizza, so I thought we'd better leave.

Hand in hand, our favorite way of walking, we went to the nearby park where we found a bench a little out of the way of everyone, and sat together. Well, the kiss must have been on Chris's mind, because he then kissed me on the forehead, then the eyes (I had to close my eyes), the top of the head, the cheeks, the neck. I finally grabbed his head and held him there, and kissed him on the lips. He definitely kissed back.

After a while of kissing like this and figuring out how to breathe (hint: through the nose), we both slowly opened out mouths and hesitantly tried our tongues. He tasted of anchovies, and I guess I did, too. Chris has nice teeth, and they felt nice with my tongue, too. We stopped after awhile.

Chris said to me that he had changed a bit down there, too. He entered puberty since the last we bathed together, but he was not shy or embarrassed to show me. If we could only find a bath tub. He eagle eyed mother and my eagle eyed mother were bath tub guards. While they did not mind our being together, it seems, I would bet that they did not want us to resume our bathing together.

We went (hand in hand, of course) to my house. I told my mom that Chris's mom is out of rehab. I bet she could have figured that out, already, me holding Chris's hand and everything. She tried to ask Chris some questions about him in foster care, but it was awkward and after awhile she stopped.

Think. How to get mom out of the house.

Chris squeezed my hand as a sort of a signal.

"Mrs.. ______ (no, I'm not going to give any identifying information), I have to go home now. I know my mom would like to see you. Would you like to come with me?" Chris said.

"Well, just for awhile," my mom answered. So they left.

I could see through his little plan. I was surprised my mom couldn't. Once those two started talking, they could go on for hours. And especially since she just got back from rehab, it should be quite a while.

About 20 minutes later Chris came back. But I was already in the tub with the very hot water around me.

He came up and came in my always unlocked bathroom door, undressed, and got in the tub with me. He was right. He had changed. His stuff was larger, and he had a small fringe of hair around the top of his penis. His butt was still just as cute. But, to be fair, I had changed a bit over that time, too, my breasts changing from small bumps to slight mounds. He was also a bit taller. Things have changed over the two months he was gone..

After soaking in the very nice and very hot water for awhile, we got out. I sat in my usual place (on top of the toilet seat with the lid down) and he sat in his usual place (on top of my lap slid as close to my body as he could get). My hands went to their usual place, on his butt. But their were a few differences.

First, it wasn't cute little balls on my belly, but larger balls on my body. Still cute, though. And his little soldier was no longer as little, and standing at attention. And for the next difference, he started hugging and kissing me.

We had a bit of a repeat of the park, only with no clothes. Then he cupped my breasts, and it felt wonderful. I felt warm (not just from the bath) and felt a bit of pressure between my legs. Which reminded me of something.

"Chris, kissing is great, feeling my breasts is great, but let's leave the below-the-waist stuff for another time. Of course, I still get your butt."

He said fine, and I relaxed into his very nice feeling my breasts and very nice kissing. I kissed him back and felt his butt like crazy. He even squeezed my butt a bit.

Even though we were avoiding certain places, I still felt a warmth and pressure build. We were both out of breath for awhile, and then we became aware of the time.

Chris and I got dressed quickly. Good, no one home yet. Chris said goodbye, saying something about going home and acting like he was there all the time.

We were not caught. My mom took at least another hour to come home.

Well, we've already had out second outing, but that's another story.

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This story had a real warm feeling to it. Ummm. I love stories that I can relate to your feelings with none of this sur-real junk. Thank you Lonely Girl seems you found a lonely boy which can relate to... true.

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