Published: 3-Nov-2012
Word Count:
I figured I would tell the story of my first encounter with the cutest little nymphet of eleven years of age. If you like this story let me know and I will tell of the other times with her. Also, the situations described were more of an actual healthy thing and I do not condone child abuse or taking advantage of a situation or a position of power. These situations were unique. They were not forced
Her name is Skylar. I still talk to her today actually, but that's getting ahead of myself. The year was 2009, a year before I met my fiancée. I had just graduated high school. In my senior year, I had lost a lot of weight. I had been overweight almost my whole life, and I lost almost 100 pounds in less than a year. I had very low self-esteem still. I would later find out that girls found me quite attractive but at the time I was still in the mindset, thinking no one wanted me and I didn't deserve a good girl or a pretty one (Now I have both in one, lol). But, my friend was at the local boys and girls club. He was 17 and I was almost 18. We lived in a small town; so it was pretty normal for older kids to still go there. His little brother went there, and my grandma worked there; so we had reasons why we would be there.
Enter Skylar, stage left. My friend and I were in the back at a ping pong table, just sort of hanging out. I noticed people entering, so I look to the front and became mesmerized by this redheaded princess that came through the door. I had never been attracted to a girl so young. (I would later find out she was eleven years old). I was staring in awe at this slight pale beauty. My heart rate had doubled and so had my body temperature. Even my friend had to like snap me out of it, because I had just completely stopped what I was saying mid-sentence. This little girl had thrown a wrench into the gears of my brain. He asked me what was up and I couldn't even answer. So many thoughts were happening all at once. I was so confused. I was more attracted to this cute little pixie, than I had ever been to any girl ever up until that point. I sat there staring at her. She was so small and perfect. She was just less than five feet tall (under 152cm for non-Americans). She didn't even come up to my shoulder. I am 6"1' (about 186cm), so I was tall, but she was so slim and short . I wanted to wrap my arms around her and absorb her into me. She was very much still a little girl, but there was something about her that I felt a very mature and intense connection with. She felt it too, and was very shy at first. I was still toiling over my newfound shame of being sexually attracted to this young girl who is essentially still a child. I was trying to decide if I was a horrible person, or what the hell was even happening with me. This cute little cupcake had on a green zip-up hoody which accented her milky-white skin and rusty red hair perfectly. My Skylar was quite the little vixen. I had never seen a natural redhead who was as beautiful as her. Hardly any freckles on her.
The green hoody was zipped halfway up her nearly flat chest. She had a small amount of contour, but hardly more than a boy. She wouldn't really start developing a whole lot until later that year. She had on a pair of skinny jeans that showed off her cute little budding hips. Such a fresh plump little bottom tucked snugly into these tight little pants. They were so small, but they fit her slender legs and budding curves perfectly. To finish off her outfit, she had on a pair of converse all stars. Apparently she already knew my friend because she went right up to him and gave him a big hug. As I watched her, I was so enthralled by her. She was such an alluring little goddess and I couldn't keep my eyes or my mind off her. She was shy at first with me for a while, especially that day when we met, but she eventually warmed up to me. Ours was a different kind of relationship. She could sense my feelings for her, and had feelings of her own for me. After we got to know each other a little, she had started spending more and more time with me. It soon became the highlight of my day; having her leap into my arms to greet me. She took every opportunity she got, to touch me, talk to me, or be close to me. A few times, she had felt how fast my heartbeat was when she touched me and I could see she knew. But I have already put you through enough of the BS stuff so I will get right to the stuff you came for (no pun intended).
It was a few weeks after we met, and it was a Friday afternoon. Skylar came bounding through the door once more and skipped her way straight over to me with excitement. She tossed her bag and flung herself into my arms. This had become a normal thing, so no one paid any notice. Also, in small towns everyone knows everyone. She was pretty much always with an arm's reach when we were together, and usually part of her was touching me. To this day, I can't understand why no one suspected anything. She was always with me. She would always be nuzzling against me or sitting on my lap. I really liked it, which I was still sort of mad at myself for. If we were standing, she was always by my side. Sometimes she would randomly touch me, which I had gotten used to. Or she did this one thing, where she would wrap an arm around mine, lean into me and nuzzle her head into my bicep. Sometimes I would even put an arm around her, or return the affection in some way. We both knew we liked each other, but we were walking on dangerous ground. Even so, physical touch and general companionship had become common between us.
But, that Friday when she had flung herself at me, the way she jumped and the way I had to catch her, had caused my hand to end up between her legs. Not my fault, honest. She was wearing a pair of maroon corduroys with her green hoody and a hello kitty shirt. I almost dropped her, so I had basically grabbed for anything I could get because I didn't want her to fall. So I sort of caught her in the position you may carry a two-year old. She was positioned over my right hip and her legs were wrapped around me as far as they could, and her arms were locked over my shoulders. When I caught her, my right hand had become tucked beneath her tight little ass, cupping that sweet soft paradise between her legs from underneath. I had caught her one handed. She was probably around sixty pounds (27kg). She was so light that it wasn't a challenge. There was a lot going on that day, so no one noticed us for the few seconds (that felt like a blissful eternity) where we stayed in that position gazing at each other. With her light grey eyes looking into mine, a coy smile began to form. I began to feel my body temperature rise. I feel her body start to warm up too. It may have been me, but she seemed a little flushed. My heart rate quickened and I began to get hard. She noticed both. She laid her head on my shoulder and I felt her warm lips on my neck. I knew she felt my thunderous heartbeat. She felt me beginning to press through my pants against the inside of her thigh, which was clamped around me. She looks down with a puzzled face for a second, then looks back at me and grins. I could feel myself blushing.
She had her arms locked around the back of my neck. She removed her right hand, leaving her left hand around the back of my shoulder. She puts her right hand on my chest and makes one soft downward stroke to my lower sternum. She looks at me and licks her lips once.
"Umm, thanks for not dropping me. That was close", she said.
"Uh... ya, no problem. I didn't want you to get hurt", was all I could manage to say as I snapped out of our trance and let her down. After a moment, she completely brushes it off and hugs me like usual. Except this time she was purposely pressing up tight against my boner and began slowly brush her hip against it in a circular motion. I think she just wanted to feel it out of curiosity, but man it felt so good.
I looked down, and she was pressed up against me as close as possible, looking directly up at me. She had to, because she was pressing up against me so close that she had to look up so she didn't dig her chin into my chest. My little babydoll could just barely get her arms around me. I noticed her soft pink lips. They were so small, but looked so enticing. She licked her top lip, then began sucking on her bottom lip. The more time I spent with her, the more I became okay with that part of me that so badly wanted her. She began to sway her hips back and forth a few times, rubbing herself against my titanium erection, which was so hard at this point; I'm surprised it didn't tear through my pants. I let a single groan escape as she used her body to massage me through my jeans.
"Hey, um ... I heard there is an basement here", she said.
"Ya, it's just through that door; but there's not much down there", I responded. My heart pounding so hard that there was no doubt whatsoever that she could feel it.
"Hmm, I've never seen it. Can you should show it to me?" she asked. I began to make excuses, but she said "PLEASE?" and hugged me tighter, snuggling herself into my chest. That did it for me. I was so turned on by this sexy little fox; that I didn't care WHAT happened anymore. All I knew is I wanted to fuck her. I would not take it by force. I am not like that at all, but I wanted so badly to fuck her. I wanted to start fucking her and never stop until we died. I wanted every inch of her pubescent body and every ounce of her love. I wanted to explore that tiny frame and feel the bliss beneath those clothes, and I wanted to please her so much that she couldn't even think a tangible thought. But honestly, as glorious as it was in my head, It was my first actually my sexual experience ever I was almost 18 and still a virgin. But we go down there, and there is a bunch of random stuff. Pretty clean though.
We went over to the cheerleading mats and sat down. There was a window at the end, so there was light in there. As we sat there, she asked to see my hand and I obliged. She drew a little heart with a smiley face in it. I smiled and said thanks. Still holding my hand, she leaned into me. In response I put my arm around her. She had to feel how sweaty my palms were. I think she was waiting for me to make a move but I was so petrified that I couldn't do a whole lot of anything. She must have got tired of waiting. She spoke after what seemed like an eternity of silence.
"...Do you like girls?" she asked. Sort of a stupid question, but I guess she couldn't think of a better way to break the silence.
"Uh, ya... of course I do", I said.
"Are you going out with a girl?" she asked.
"No..." I responded. She rubbed my hand and put her palm flat against mine. Her fingers ended at my first knuckle.
"Why not?" she asked.
"Uhh... I don't know" I said. "I guess, all the girls I have liked were either taken or don't like me back like that" I said.
"Oh..... but you HAVE dated a girl before, right?" she inquired.
"Ya, I have before. But not currently", I said. She nodded, understanding.
She was quiet for a little, probably waiting for me to make the move again. Looking back, I shake my head. I was so completely petrified of the situation I was in, and this eleven year old girl who was smaller than me and younger than me; had more balls than I did. She sighs.
"Have you ever....BEEN with a girl before?" she asked. She turned to me, and her cloudy grey eyes seemed to sparkle from the soft glow coming in the small window. I was scared to answer that question. She was squeezing my hand, which I'm not sure if she was aware of.
"Umm... I...... uh, no. I haven't", was all I could manage. "...Why, have you ever... ?" I asked. I don't know why I asked an eleven year old that, but I did.
"No I haven't. I have heard people talk about it though", she said. "Why haven't you ever....." she trailed off, not fully comfortable enough with the rest of the sentence to finish it. "Do you just not want to?"
"No, that's not it at all. I just... I don't know. I guess I want the person to be special. I want it to mean something, I guess", I said. Which was, and still is the truth.
"Oh....." she trailed off again. "Do you think I am special?" she asked.
"Of course you are", I said. "That's why I like you so much". I finished. She straightened up and smiled, glowing with excitement, so happy for my approval. She turns her head to me and gives me a big hug, and stays there for a second, resting her chin on my chest.
"Am I REALLY special?" she asked. "Like... THAT kind of special?" she finished. I struggled for words.
"You are very special. You are one of the most special girls I know", I said as I started to rub her back.
"You're special to me too", she said. "You're the nicest, coolest boy I've ever met", she finished. She put a hand on my thigh and began to stroke my leg. I didn't really know how to take the compliment, nor how to respond. I was amused that she called me a boy though, as I am seven years older than her.
"Thanks", I said. "You're the cutest, sweetest girl I've met" I finished. She giggled, so happy to have my approval. My adorable little angel was so bubbly and cute. A few silent seconds passed. She sat up and looked up at me. She began to fiddle with the string on my hoody.
"Do you want to.......try it?" she asked. " with me?"
I was so scared. Looking for any excuse; fighting so hard to say no, but nothing comes to mind. All I could to was nod. She takes my hand again, hers is sweaty and clammy. I can tell she is nervous and excited just like me. With my right hand in her left, she arched her back to straighten up, and leaned in to kiss me. At first I sort of avoided her, but she was nuzzling her head into my neck. It was then that I gave in. I faced her and began to kiss her. The first contact with the moist oasis of her mouth was so heavenly. We started pretty tame. Both of us were inexperienced. After a minute we developed a rhythm. I began to plunge my tongue deeper into her mouth. She picked up quickly and began to do the same. She tasted so sweet. I think she drank something sweet just prior, and I could taste it on her tongue.
I moved to the side to face her better. I put my arm on her back between her shoulders. I put the other one against her belly which is so tight and flat. I slowly ran my hand up her near-flat chest, and felt the tightness of her nubile body. She was so slender I could feel the contour of all her muscles. I helped her out of her hoody. She gets up and stands in front of me, facing me. From my position, I was about eye level with her shoulder. I put a hand around her back again and pulled her toward me a little. I ran a hand up her back and ran it through her copper hair as we continue to exchange saliva. I pulled away and watched her squirming around with her eyes closed as I ran my hands through her hair and over her stomach and chest. When I pulled her in, my knee was between her legs, and she was now grinding on it, and I was about ready to explode then and there. I leaned forward, lifted her shirt slightly, and kissed her belly button. I put my hands on her little ass cheeks and lightly squeezed. She softly moaned as I massaged that little ass, and made small kisses that lead up from her belly button to her chest, up her neck, and to her lips again.
Using me for support, she takes her shoes off. I lightly stroked her all over as she did. I pulled her in again and started kissing her belly button again. I backed away for a second and she unbuttoned her pants and left the rest to me. I slowly unzipped them and she helps me pull them down, to reveal a tiny pair of cute purple and yellow panties with hearts and flowers on them. There was already a small wet spot. Once again I gripped her perfect supple little ass cheeks and pressed her into me. I took a huge sniff as I pressed my lips against her slit through her panties. She drew in a sharp breath, and moaned as she clawed the back of my head. She was now just wearing the panties and a spaghetti strap tank that she wore underneath her shirt. Her chest was almost completely flat, but she was smart enough to have a little padding so her nipples didn't poke through.
I stood up and pulled her in for a hug. She stood on my toes so she could better reach my head. She was still short, but shorter now that her shoes were off. Standing on my toes she got on her tip toes and stretched up as far as she could. She had one hand was over my shoulder behind my neck, and another on my chest. As we explore each others' mouths, she slowly slides her hand down until it's at my belt line. Bringing her other arm down with it, she hooked both hands on my pants. She broke away from my lips. She looked down and back up at me. I was clearly visible through my pants, and she was pressed up against me, so she could feel it anyway. "Can I see it?, she asks.
At the time I was only about 5 and a half inches (about 13cm). I wasn't very big. I have grown since, so it's bigger now. But, I was about to protest; then a thought came into my head. 'She has never had sex. She has no idea how big or small a penis should be'. For some reason that came through and gave me the courage I needed. I nodded and she leaned back as she unbuttoned my pants and unzipped them. As soon as it was free of my jeans, My rock-hard cock made a tent of my boxers. Her eyes grew wide with excitement and curiosity. She slightly opened her mouth and drew in a breath. I saw she was breathing quite heavy as she pulled my boxers down. When they were down far enough, my erect unit sprang up to meet her. She jumped a little and let a small gasp escape. She looked at it with wonder.
"Can I touch it?", she asked. I nodded.
She knelt down by the cheerleading mats we were on, and inspected it. She touched it and it jumped. She quickly pulled her hand away. I told her it was okay and brushed her cheek, and she got back to it.
"I thought boys were supposed to have hair down here", she said.
"Everyone does, boys and girls", I said between breaths. "I just shave mine" I said. She giggled.
"You'll understand soon", I said. She nodded, smiling. She gripped the base of my shaft.
"I can feel it moving." She said with amazement. "It's like...thumping", she said.
"It is my heartbeat, sweetie. That is how it stays up like that", I said.
She nodded, understanding.
"......What are we supposed to do?" she asked. "......Am I supposed to put it in my mouth?" she asked; her tiny hand still squeezing the base.
"You can", I said. "But first you can take those panties off, and I will tell you what we do", I said. I was now only wearing a T-shirt. I took off my shoes and socks.
Almost instinctively she turned around, and slowly lowered the panties, and displayed herself to me as she pulled them slowly down her perfect little ass. Her pubescent body was so slim and tight. Such a gorgeous little beauty, she was. So fresh and small. There wasn't a spare pound on this skinny little girl. Her heavenly tight butt cheeks were right in front of my face. As she bent over to take her panties completely off, I leaned forward and began rubbing my face up and down the sweet oasis between her legs. It was bliss. She smelled so divine. I wanted to bottle that smell, spin it into silk, and sleep in it every night. She started making sharp inhale moans.
"I feel all warm down there" she said between breaths. "It's like there is something hot in my stomach and it is kind of itchy a little bit. Like it tingles" she said. I didn't know a thing about that, so I didn't have anything for her. So I just said;
"mhmm. You taste so good", as I began to tongue her crotch pretty much everywhere.
"Really?" she asked. "Like what?"
"I don't know", I said. "But you taste so good". She turned around and I saw the tiniest, tightest, most pristine hairless pussy I had ever seen. There was no labial slack whatsoever. Her lips were a perfect pink little vertical line, so tight that it looked like it was drawn on with lipstick. It was literally just a slit between her legs. Her lips had puffed out from her arousal, and she was already wet. I could see a little moisture glistening near her entrance. I touched it with my hand for the first time and it was heavenly. She closed her eyes and moaned softly. She was soft and warm, her moisture softening my touch. I then began to rub her up and down and she had instantly had weak knees as she fell into me, clutching my shoulder for support. I sucked one of my fingers to taste her. Her juice tasted so sweet, just like her mouth. She took my hand and put my middle finger in her mouth so she could taste it herself.
"Mmm", she said "Wow, it's so sweet. That's so weird!" she said, now more comfortable with this whole thing.
"I told you" I said.
"Mhmm, I want to taste YOU now", she said, and like a picture of perfection; she got down on her knees, with only her the bottoms of her toes and her knees touching the mat. She grasped my throbbing cock once more and gave it a squeeze. I lurched forward as my muscles tightened. She retracted, thinking she hurt me.
"Sorry!", she said instantly, before I could say anything.
"It's okay. That's what happens when someone makes someone else feel really good", I said as I stroked the side of her head, lovingly. At that, she straightened up and smiled. I felt like I should warn her now of what to expect. I was so close to cumming and I didn't want her to be startled it.
"Wait", I said. Like a good little girl she gave me her full attention, looking up at me and awaiting my next command. "When a girl makes a guy feel really good, he will squirt white stuff out of there" I said. Still looking up at me, she nodded in understanding.
"Ya, I have heard people talk about it; but we are supposed to learn about this stuff later this year", she said. I looked down at this beautiful little bronze-haired child sitting on her knees looking up at me; and smiled.
"It seems we get to start you a little early", I said and followed it with a small laugh. I would later go on to explain sex to her in detail, but now wasn't the time for that. She smiled and giggled, her fingers still around my shaft. She stood up and sat on my knee like I was santa, and put an arm around me. I admired her naturally hairless body.
"I'm happy that you are here with me", she said as she took my hand and held it. "I always feel good when you're around. You always make me feel happy and safe", she finished.
"I'm happy you are here too" I said. "Ever since we met, I thought you were beautiful and amazing" I finished, stroking her hair and cheek. She smiled again giggled. I looked into her granite-colored eyes and went back to the semen conversation.
"But the white stuff, it's not just watery stuff. Well sometimes it is, but it's sort of thicker and kind of gooey", I said and she nodded again bringing her attention back to my aching cock. She got back down on her knee and began to stroke it up and down slowly. She first touched the tip to the outside of her lips. The second her lips touched me, I groaned loudly. Next, she opened her cute mouth the smallest bit, and touched it to her tongue for just a moment before she put the head into her mouth. She didn't know what to do, so she just sort of left her head in the same spot. She was flicking her tongue around, exploring the shape and feel of me in her mouth, which drove me insane. A carnal part of me wanted to grab her hair and start fucking her throat so hard that she would start crying and pass out. But I ignored that avaricious urge. She started to slow down, eventually coming to a stop; not really knowing how to continue. Not wanting her to feel bad, I tried to direct her in the right direction. She was only eleven after all. She shouldn't really know yet, anyway. She was about to.
"It feels really good when you move your head forward and backward and suck it like a Popsicle", I said in between groans. With my head still in her mouth she nods again, and begins to move back and forth about two inches. I was already so close to cumming, so I slowed her down with my hand.
"I'm going to put my hand on your head and help you. I won't hurt you, so don't be afraid okay?", I said and she nodded and said "Mhmm" with my cock still halfway submerged past her tiny mouth. That alone almost made me explode. She was giving me a little bit of teeth, but it was actually sort of nice. She wasn't biting me or pinching me, it was like a soft scratch. She looked so cute as her cheeks puffed up when she took me in. She had her lips closed as tight as they could, around my shaft. It looked cute and felt amazing. I put a hand on the back of her head with my thumb hooked around her rusty colored ponytail and pressed her head further down my shaft. At first she instinctually resisted, but she relaxed.
"Oh my God, Skye that feels so good. I'm about to cum", I said. And contrary to what I thought she would do, she gave me a devious look and enthusiastically increased her speed and even started taking me deeper into her throat. I felt the muscles tighten, as she started sucking hard on my head and started making a "mmmmmmmmmmmmmm" sound, as she rapidly stroked my saliva covered shaft. That was the last straw. I leaned back and groaned. I grunted as I exploded the biggest load I had ever had at that point. Again, I thought she would cough and spit it out, but she began sucking harder; milking me for every last drop. I didn't notice that I had grabbed onto her fox-colored ponytail and was holding her there. There was so much cum that it started coming out of the corners of her mouth and running down her chin, dripping onto her chest. Her mouth was smaller than a normal woman's so the load probably took up more space. I see her evaluating it as she holds it in her mouth and inspects the taste. Her mouth is so full that she can't really make words, but I could tell what she was saying.
"It's good" she said "Salty". "You want some?" she asked. At first I was grossed out by the prospect, but I had never tried it, so I figured what the hell. I pulled her toward me and locked lips with her as she transferred some of my seed into my mouth. It was pretty bland, diluted, and maybe even sweetened by her saliva. Our lips broke away for a moment.
I held her chin and tilted her head back. As If she anticipated what I was doing, she opened her mouth and looked me in the eyes as I poured the cum from my mouth back into hers. Most of it went it her mouth, but some of it spilled over. I was not exact, but she had quickly moved to catch as much of it as possible. Such an enthusiastic little girl my sweet Skylar was! With her mouth still full, she said;
"What do I do with it?" she asked pointing to her mouth "Do I swallow it?"
I nodded, pulled her toward me, and sat her down on my knee. She put her arm around my shoulder and I watched as my seed plunged down her throat into her stomach.
"Mmmm", she said "Will I squirt stuff like that?" she asked. I had masturbated before obviously and seen plenty of porn so I knew that at least.
"Some girls do, but every girl is different. Even among the ones that do, some squirt a lot and some just have a little bit". She nodded as I told her.
"So, do different guys squirt different amounts of cum?" she asked as I noticed the moisture between her legs soaking through my jeans.
"Ya, I guess" I responded.
"I want to cum" she said, sounding determined. "I want to see if I squirt stuff. What do I do?" she asked. I give her a huge grin, excited at the thought that I finally get to REALLY explore her tiny body.
"Just lay down here", I said as I patted the mats next to me. I easily picked her up and placed her gently onto the mat. I love how small she was. I balled up my hoody, and put it under her head. Leaning over her, I stopped for a second and looked down at her. My little princess looked so cute lying there on her back. She started blushing when she saw me admire her. She looked into my eyes and giggled, chewing on the knuckle of her index finger. I leaned down and kissed her. She actually took her hand to the back of my head. She was really enjoying this! We broke for a brief second and I looked into her stormy irises. A few silent seconds pass as we look at each other.
"I love you" she said. I was sort of thrown off by it, but I can't say I didn't like her back.
"I love you too", I responded as she lit up with joy. She began giggling again. I kissed her once again, and she was still glowing with the happiness of receiving my affection. "You're so cute" I said. I continued kissing her. Her tongue was becoming braver each time it met mine. It seemed to become hungrier for more. I moved my hand from behind her shoulder, to her chest right below her collarbone. I letting my fingertips slide along her perfect little body, I slid my hand down her near-flat chest. Her nipples seemed to sense my hand was near. They each stood up and hardened before my eyes, trying to catch my hand's attention as it made its descent. I broke off from her perfect moist lips, and noticed how flushed she was. Her blood was pumping fast from her arousal, just like me. As I moved further down her perfectly flat, taut skin of her stomach; I felt the heat radiating from her lower abdomen. She started breathing deeper as I got further down. I stopped just above her clit, which was now poking out a little. She let out her breath all at once, sounding like she had been holding it for a little while.
"You ARE really warm down here", I said like a total idiot. She was still breathing heavy.
"I know", she said, sounding breathless. "Just keep going", she gasped. "Please, Just keep doing that". I happily obliged. I lowered my hand and grazed her clit as I took my middle finger and ran it along her slick opening. She sucked in a sudden ragged breath as I made contact with her bulging clitoris. My precious little peach was so close to cumming, and I had barely done anything. She was squirming as I slowly massaged her moisture into her lips and the perfectly hairless surrounding area. The more I smeared it on her, the stronger the scent became. I moved my face close and inhaled the musky-sweet aroma. As I ran the tip of my tongue up her taut, labial lips, I started to probe her tight hole with my tongue. I felt how puffed out her clitoris was, just begging for attention. She began to shudder and claw at the air and began to make a soft high pitched moan. I eventually slowed down, so I could observe her and admire her beauty. She looked so cute, squeezing her eyes shut and biting her bottom lip, so close to climax. I start going so slow that I almost come to a stop. She releases a huge sigh followed by loud shallow breaths.
"Please...... come on..... ju...just...keep going, That...that feels so good!", she said. I lowered my head and sped back up and that was it.
"Oh, OHHHH!" she wailed. I looked up and she was silent, but her face looked like she was still screaming. I feel her abdomen and thighs spasm and shudder. She clawed at the back of my head. I could feel her muscles contract as she clamped her thighs around my head. She began to flail and let out another loud wail as I feel a warm release of liquid on my tongue. She began heaving loudly as the fluid leaked out of her opening and into my mouth. She would jump and squirm whenever I began lapping it up. She had squirted a decent amount. Nothing like you see in the pornos with the girls that look like a fire hose, but a nice little shower. Probably enough to fill a NyQuil cap most of the way. She remained there, coming down from her first orgasm. Sweat had beaded up on her forehead, and she was laying there with her eyes closed and her hands above her head. The skin surrounding her vagina was flushed. I kissed her lips one last time, and she jumped; still sensitive from her orgasm.
"That was...amazing", she said. I nodded; her fluid still in my mouth. I point to my mouth, and like the good little girl she is; she opens hers. Not wanting to give her all of it, I lean down and let about half of it drip into her mouth. She looks around quizzically as she inspects the flavor. She swallows, and opens to show me just like girls in porn. I smiled at her and she giggled and wiped her mouth. She opened her mouth back up and sticks her tongue out. About a foot above her head, I let the rest drip onto her. A lot of it went on her face, but a good amount made it into her mouth. I bent down the rest of the way and lick her cum off her face. She had wrapped her legs around me as much as they could be. She was so tiny, that she had some difficulty even touching her toes together with her legs around me in the position we were in. I slid a hand underneath her shoulder and lifted her off the mat. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulls herself up for a kiss. After a minute, she pulls away and looks at me with those icy irises of hers. I slid my hand under her tiny bottom and lifted her off the mat and lay her across my lap. I supported her head and torso and cradled her in my arms. Brush her bronze bangs to the size, and brush her cheek with the back of my hand. She brings her hand up to her face, and slides it into mine; interlocking her fingers with mine.
"I love you", she says again, and follows it with a shy smile. Once again I return the salutation. For all I knew I did love this child. I wasn't certain about anything anymore. The whole thing felt like a dream. From when we met, all the way up until then, and all the weeks in between.
"I love you too, hun", I said and kissed her forehead.
"There is one more thing we can do that will feel really good for both of us".
"Okay" she said and nuzzled into my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her. Her tiny frame was so snug and cozy against mine. As I stroked her pumpkin-colored hair, I began to slowly rock her from side to side and started to tell her what to expect.
"What we are about to do feels REALLY good" I said. "But for girls it will hurt a tiny bit for just a second; then it feels really good". I just wanted to warn her so she didn't panic.
"mhmm", she said. She was giving me her full attention, but I could tell she was so relaxed in my arms. She leaned her head back to look at me, and once again I got lost in her shiny-grey eyes. "I know because it has happened before. That's okay though. I like being with you", she said.
"Wait, it's happened before?" I asked, confused. "When? How?"
"When I was little, I tried to look..... up there" she said. "I couldn't see too far in, so I stuck the end of a hairbrush in to find out what it was like up there". She paused, remembering the event. "I hit something, and I didn't understand how there was like...a wall there. So I backed it up and pushed it through and it hurt. It pinched like pulling a scab when the skin is still alive, but a little worse. It made me bleed a little bit, and I got scared and ran to my mom". I nodded, and brushed a few strands of her bangs out of her face. "is that.......okay?" she asked. "I haven't done that since then I swear. It hurt, so I was afraid to go near it for a long time" she said. I laughed a little. My little princess was so eager to please me.
"Ya, that's fine. That means it won't hurt this time. It only happens once, then it never happens again", I said.
"Really?" she asked "That's good.....right? It's not, isn't it? I'm sorry" she said and looked away from me. Her jaw started to quiver, and I saw the glint of tears forming in her eye.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's completely okay", I told her, and she looked back at me, looking hopeful. "I was actually afraid of having to do that to you, so I'm glad it is passed already". She smiled as wiped the tears from her eyes. I stroked the side of her head, running my knuckles over her carrot-colored hair. "I don't want to hurt you. I'm glad I don't have to now", I said softly; trying to lift her spirits a little. She nuzzled into me again.
"You're amazing", she said. I still sort of had lower self-esteem so I didn't take compliments very well. I laughed awkwardly.
"You're the amazing one, Pumpkin-head", I responded and playfully pushed her head to the side a little. She smiled and hugged me again, nuzzling her head into the crook of my shoulder. We stayed like that for a minute.
"You know.... If you had to do that... you know, make me bleed like that... that would be okay. I know you wouldn't hurt me", she said. I nodded and laid her back down and propped her head up on my hoody again. As if she knew again, what I was going to do, she opened her legs and presented her sweet pink paradise to me, already moistening again and puffed out in anticipation. I had pretty much stayed hard this whole time. I softened up a little while we were talking but I sprang back up when it was time for business again.
"The great thing is, I don't have to", I said as I rested the bottom of my shaft on top her lips. She bent her head back and groaned when I made contact. I slowly started moving my hips back and forth, and let the length of my shaft slide up and down her slick opening. Every time I got to the end of a thrust, I felt her swollen clitoris tickle the tip of my head. She could have gotten me to cum just like that. Her breath began to deepen.
"I'm going to put it in now, okay?" I said. I don't really know why. Probably would kill the mood with a regular girl, but I guess I have always been a respectful person and I wasn't about to just do it without her permission.
"Okay" she says while she lets out a heavy sigh, making her sound breathless. I was already just resting on top of her lips. I could feel the warmth of her arousal, and I could see a little flush in her. Her milky-white skin, almost flawless. Unlike many redheads, my little princess of pleasure had hardly any. Probably less than me, and I barely have any. I had my left hand over her right shoulder. I put my right palm on the flat perfection of her stomach. I traced the rim of her belly button with my index finger. She giggled and smiled at me, clearly a little ticklish in the stomach. I rested my palm on her belly putting almost no pressure down on her. I tried to get it in with no hands at first, but she was seriously so tight that I actually had difficulty getting inside her. The combination of her wetness, and her tightness; made it difficult for me to enter her with no hands. So, I pretended like I was leaning in to kiss her. She put her left hand around the wrist of my hand that was resting on her stomach. As I broke away, she started gently stroking my hand and forearm.
I removed my hand from her stomach to help guide myself into her. First I stuck a finger in. I didn't really know what I was doing, but I thought it would be better if it was wet so I sucked on my finger, making sure my nail wasn't too long. They never really are. I'm sort of a clean freak so they're always clipped. I rubbed her lips with my index finger a few times, and then I stopped in the middle. Slowly, I began to submerge my finger into her warm sanctuary. It generally felt like I thought it would. Just a soft, warm, moist hole. That's really it. The skin surrounding her lips was all so soft, like an earlobe. I could feel her hips obviously, but right near her sweet slit was all soft skin. I had fun for a minute just massaging it around, and kneading it. I then removed my finger and sucked on it. Once again, she tasted as sweet as she looked. I used my hand to guide my head to her eleven year old pussy. Perfectly pink and plumped up. I put the tip in, and it was out of this world. I had never felt anything so amazing. I look down and slowly push it in to the end of the head. My sweet little Skylar moaned as she felt it. She had her arm wrapped around my left arm which I was using to prop myself up. She had her arm around it, and she was nuzzling her face into it. I proceeded to inch my way in slowly, trying to be wary not to hurt her or startle her. Every time I stopped she looked down at me as if to say "Why are you stopping?". I would smile at her and continue forward, and she would bury her face in my arm again. It didn't take too long, because like I said; I was not at a very impressive size then, but it was perfect for her. I wasn't TOO worried, because I didn't kid myself into thinking I was bigger than I was, but I was wary that I didn't want to stretch her or cause her any pain or discomfort. What I wanted most was to make her feel as good as I possibly could. Happy that she was happy, her pleasure was cheering me on. I have always been a giver. A valuable thing, in a world full of takers.
I get it in as far as I could, and my bronze-haired beauty let out a sigh of gratification. Even with my unimpressive size, she was really tight. An excellent first sexual experience for both of us I think. I slowly began to pull out until I got to the bottom of my head, then I pushed forward again. I did this, slowly picking up speed until I developed a slow steady rhythm. As I pick up speed a little more, her pussy starts making slurping and sucking sounds. Her walls were clinging to my cock as I lovingly went in and out of her at a comfortable pace for both of us. She was helping the thrusts by using her legs to pull me into her. I took that as a hint that it was okay to speed up some more. She grabbed my wrist that I was using to support myself, and squeezed it harder as she got closer to climax. As soon as I felt her shudder, I grabbed picked her up by her armpits, and sat her up straight. She put her arms around my shoulders. I put my arms under her thighs and squeezed her tight little cock-filled bottom as I lifted her up and down. Her orgasm intensified with the sudden change in position. Luckily there had been a lot of noise downstairs this whole time, because she started to wail loudly. Her voice was shaky because she was bouncing up and down.
"Ah ah ah Ahh-hh-ahhhh-hhh ah--!". I got worried that we might be heard, so I quickly locked lips with her to contain the sound. She seemed to like that, because she let go of my shoulders and put them on the sides of my head as we passionately devoured each-other. She was reaching the height of her climax, and so was I. She pulls her mouth away and starts to howl.
"Skye, you have to be quiet", I said. Fearful that we would be discovered if she was too loud. She buries her face into where my neck meets my shoulder to muffle her cries. "Oh man. Skye, sweetie; I'm going to cum. Baby, you feel so amazing. She had been biting and kissing my neck. She pulls away.
"Come on. Cum in me", she said. "I want it. Fill me with it". I happily obliged and grunted as I started to cum. At that time she shoved her face back into my shoulder and we both let out cries of ecstasy. She started to quake with some pretty intense spasms, which was the last bit of stimulus that set me off. I sent jet after jet of warm cum straight up into her cervix. I could feel the space inside her tighten as she started to be filled by my hot seed. She let out several heaving breaths which became sighs when she came down from her climax. We stayed there for a minute, just recollecting ourselves. She had rested her head on my shoulder and I had been stroking her hair as we let our hearts recover. We were still sitting there. I was softening up but I was still inside her. When I get almost completely soft, she sits up and my head pops out; and out comes a waterfall of our cum cocktail. About half of it spills onto my cock, starting to make it hard again. She cupped her hand to catch the rest. The scent of it was so strong. Both of us were mixed in there. Sweat, saliva, cum, and just about everything. She has a small pool of it in her palm. She goes to pour it into her mouth.
"Wait", I said. I took her wrist and poured it into my own mouth. She sat back on my lap, met her lips with mine and sucked out about half of it. We both swallow and continue to kiss. She slid off my lap and onto the mat. Sitting with her feet underneath her, she backed up, and bent down to clean my cock off. She had her perfect little ass in the air. She picks up speed, and I was still sensitive so I came pretty fast. I sent a small watery squirt into her mouth. She tilts her head back and smiles at me, as much as she can with a cock in her mouth. She brings her lips to the head, sucks out the last drop, then pulls it out with a *pop*. She smiles up at me and giggles. Holding my cock in her hand, she kisses the head one last time and sits back up.
"We should get cleaned up", I said. She didn't say anything, she just looked at me with her hands on my shoulders. Luckily there was a bin of towels up there. "Come on, Pumpkin" I said and gave her a light spank. I lifted her up and carried her small, naked body over to the towel bin. On the way she kisses my neck and the side of my face. She laid her soft hand on my other cheek and kissed my cheek and mouth. I sat her on a file cabinet and grabbed a few towels. I took one and wipe my face off. I went over to her and started wiping her off. Starting with her feet, which were dangling off the cabinet; I worked my way up her legs to her thighs. I slid a hand between her legs, cupped her little ass, lifed her off the cabinet, and put a towel down. I continued to wipe off hips and between her legs. I lifted her up and wiped her cute little bottom. I worked my way up her chest and ticlked her nipples with the towel for a second. She giggled, and shoved a towel in my face. I finished and wiped off her back. I got a fresh towel and wiped her face down. I wiped her, and in between I said "You. Are. Beau-Ti-Ful", and kissed her time. Her hair was still a little sweaty, so I put the towel around her shoulders and laid her hair on it. She leaned forward and hugged me. Her mouth was right near my ear.
"I love you", she says softly. One more time, as if I didn't get it by now. "You are the most amazing guy ever. I want to be with you forever". I was happy to make her first sexual experience a fulfilling one, and I really am a commitment person, but she didn't know what she was saying. But, I didn't want to ruin things.
"I love you too, my ginger princess", I said and kissed one of her knees. She took my hand and held it. I let her hang onto it, because she wanted to; but it was making wiping myself down a little difficult so I kissed the back of her hand, and placed it on her lap so I could have two free hands to wipe myself off.
When I was as clean as I would get, I picked Skylar up again, and carried her over to the mats where we were. I first wiped down the mats, then I put towels down. I put on my boxers and shirt. Then I helped her back into her clothes. She raised her arms and I put her spaghetti strap top on over her head. Her hair had mostly dried up so she put it in a ponytail, while she waited for me to dress her. Piece by piece I clothed her again. I took her little panties and put them up to my face and gave them a huge smell before helping her step into them, and pulling them up her short, slender legs. I sit her down on the mats and put her socks on, as if she was Cinderella and I was putting on her glass slipper. I took her corduroys and stood her up. She used my shoulder as support as I helped her step into them. We got her shirt, shoes, and hoody back on.
Then she helped me with my pants. I had put my own socks so they were all that was left besides shoes. I stepped into them myself, then she pulled them up pushed my boxers down from bunching up, giving my cock one last squeeze in the process. She gives it a rub through my boxers, then buttons them and zips them up. She held my hoody up as I slid my arms through. She knelt in front of me intied my shoes and placed them in front of me. She sat on her knees with her hands on her thighs as I stepped into them and tied them.
"Come here", I said. Eager to please me, she scrambles up onto the mat next to me. I put an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder as she laid her head on mine. "You ready to go back up?" I asked. She nodded and put her arms around my shoulders as I picked her up and carried her up the stairs. I put he down before we got to the door. Luckily it was around a corner that isn't visible unless you were right in front of the door. It was in a short hallway and it faced the opposite direction from the rest of the room, so no one saw us emerge from the basement. Taking her hand In mine, I opened the door and stepped through. We spent the rest of the afternoon snuggling, watching TV on the couch.
Philip Spencer
There are some things I dislike. I have not seen many authors who can speak directly to the reader (Joseph Conrad in 'Lord Jim' comes to mind); you don't pull it off well.
Second, be careful with verb tenses. You switch back and forth from past tenses (narrative tenses) and present tenses. At best, it's distracting.
Third, check out the facts about human anatomy before you write. An 18 year old male is near his sexual peak, and it would be very unusual for a man's penis to get any larger than it was at 18. The other thing is that few women 'squirt' as you describe; it is virtually unheard of unless the woman's G spot is physically stimulated. That doesn't happen in the story, and your protagonist is too inexperienced to pull it off.
Your protagonist is a virgin, yet somehow he knows all about sex. The girl is eleven yet knows next to nothing--using the excuse that she hasn't had sex ed yet. Most schools begin sex ed by third grade, not sixth.
One thing I like is that your protagonist hasn't screwed 100 or so times already. Few readers on this site will admit it, but most pedophiles are actually quite shy around women, which is why they are so interested in young girls. Your stance on this is honest and refreshing.
Past and present tense mixed up, some grammatical/spelling issues yet the flow and atmosphere make it quite easy to follow. Consider the assistance of an editor to make future editions tidier. Don't lose that talent of yours.
Romantic tales like this are my favourites
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