Weakest Link Gets Punished

[ Mg+, spank, bond ]


Published: 1-Aug-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Welcome to the very first version of The Weakest Link gets punished. This is where the girl voted as the weakest link gets to be punished live in front of an audience of two hundred guests and the cameras for National Television. Now you may ask yourselves why anyone would want to go through with this painful experience before the cameras, and an audience, that is easy, parents.

Let's go into a little more detail.

The game is played as to the TV program starting off with 9 contestants only this time all the contestants are school girls. The oldest on today's show is 13 years old. More about them in a minute as I will do a personal introduction. They are asked questions for a period of 3 minutes to start with on round one and on each round afterwards then 10 seconds will come off the clock. Now the questions will get harder and are governed to all age groups, so the younger child should still be able to answer the questions as well as the older girls. At the end of the round they have to vote who they feel is the weakest link. This is done by writing a name on a board and then showing it to the audience and cameras. Once the girl with the most nominations gets chosen as the weakest link she will have to find out what her fate will be.

On the stage are 3 big wheels that everyone can see. They are called:

1. How clothed
2. How Many
3. With what implement

On the first the wheel it will be decide how the punishment will be administered to your bottom, the choices that the wheel will decide are:

1. Over Pants
2. On the bare (pants removed)
3. Stripped Naked

You have the3 different situations which is repeated around the wheel many times, with the selections being done by spinning the wheel and finding where the pointer lands. The problem is that there are twice as many On the Bare and Stripped Naked as there are over pants, as the views want to see bare bottom punishments. On the second wheel it was marked with numbers, this being the number of strokes that the girl will receive. Now to make it more interesting, the numbers starts at 20 and go up to 100 in 2's On the third wheel it is divided into 18 segments. Although there are only 6 implements used they are repeated around the board to make it more of a challenge for them. The implements are as follows:

1. Hand
2. Slipper
3. Ruler
4. Paddle
5. Tawse
6. Cane

Each girl has to spin each wheel in turn and take the appropriate punishment. There is no choice, as failure to comply means the punishment will be doubled and they will be forced to undergo the punishment. We have attendants on the stage to make sure that they go ahead with it.

Also on the stage is a bench in the form of a set of stocks. They consisted of a hinged bar with padded holes for neck and wrists. This was about two feet off the ground and angled downwards, two foot behind that was a padded bar about three feet off the ground, this was to keep the feet of the floor. There was a large belt running along the padded bar which will go over the girl to strap her into position, and on the corners of each leg was a set of straps for securing the ankles in place. The leg straps were adjustable sideways to allow for full leg spreading giving the highest humiliation. The bench was positioned so that when a girl is secure her bottom and all she has to offer is on show to the audience and the cameras.

Opposite the bench was a padded chair with no arms, the idea is that if you get a hand spanking then you will have to go over the knee of the punisher. If you start moving to much then there are some restraints to hold your arms and legs into position to take your punishment.

Stood in the middle of the stage is the question master and it is his job to ask the questions to the 9 girls in turn and to deliver the punishment. Around the edge and on a platform so all can see are the nine contestants, with a podium in front of them so they can write down the name of the weakest link.

So back to the original question, which is why would any parent want there daughter to be brought onto National Television, with the possibility of being stripped and publicly punished in front of millions of viewers and a live audience. It is quite simple, the parents of the winner of the weakest link gets punished will receive £50,000. There will be a possibility for the child to increase the £50.000 to 1 Million Pounds. That will be explained once we have a winner. It is a money thing and people are greedy. They see a chance of getting some easy money and they have not got to do anything for it. It is the possibility that they might win along with the fact that most of the time the girl will need to be punished for past mister meaners, just adds to the event. Parents at the beginning can if they wish ask for their behavior to be included in the punishment. An example would be if they have been sassy to their parents and then the parents wants them to be told about it during their punishment, then it is a service the show will deliver. Having set the scene lets get ready to meet the question master and the girls.

In walks an average height man of 5' 8" wearing a striped suit with a blue shirt and tie. He is clean shaven and immaculately presented. He stands in the centre of the semi circle of the girl's podiums. The girls then start to filter in and take up their position facing Stan. All of the girls wear the same school girl uniform, this to make it fair for all. The uniform consists of the following starting at the top:

1. White Blouse
2. Navy Blue Skirt
3. White Knickers (optional but a penalty if not plain white)
4. White Ankle Socks
5. Flat Black school Shoes

"Good evening and welcome to the first show of The Weakest Link gets Punished. My name is Stan Woodman and I am your host and the punisher for this evenings live show". One of the perks of the job he thinks to himself."

"Let us meet the contestants for tonight's show and we will start off on my left." He looks to the first girl and explains what he wants to know "I need to know your name, age who last punished you, what with, how were you clothed and for how many or long, we also need to know the location of punishment and your position.

The lights in the room dime and a single light shining on the first girl.

"Hello my name is Hannah I'm 12 years old and I have been punished, it was with mum's hand for 2 minutes on my pants with me over her knee in the kitchen for arguing and picking on my sister and that was 2 weeks ago" Hannah was a petite looking thing with a lovely smile and of average build for her age. She had small breasts that were poking through into her blouse. She has dark brown shoulder length hair.

"Thank You Hannah"

The Light moved over to the next girl.

"My name is Megan, I'm 10 years old and I have also been punished, it was my diving teacher, spring boards we are talking about. He gave me 9 swats of the paddle over my swimming costume again over his knee at the pool side. That was failing to do dives and arguing with the fellow divers. That was around a month ago" Megan was a small girl that had yet to start developing in any form. She had long brown hair that is platted into two pony tails running down her back.

"Thank you Megan"

"My name is Jade, I'm 11 years old, and I was last punished by my teacher for not completing my homework on time and failing to return notes from school. I received 3 minutes of spanks from her wooden ruler with half of the punishment over my school pants with the remaining with my pants lowered to my knees. She made me bend over her school desk and grab the far edge for the punishment. It was done after all the school had left for the day and I was made to stay behind. Mine took place 9 days ago" she said with a slight tear in her eyes. Jade was starting to blossom with her breasts visible through her blouse. She has mousey blonde hair down to the centre of her hack that was tied back in a single pony tail. Jade had blue eyes with an average size mouth that always had a slight down wards slant.

"Thank you Jade"

"My Name is Rosie, I'm 13 years old, and I have never been punished on my bottom. My mum has threatened many a time, but never done it. This is why I think I am here. The best is that I have been grounded for a week at a time. Rosie was a very pretty girl, well into puberty with a cute look about her that would say butter will not melt in her mouth. She has long tan coloured hair that she keeps loose. Her smile was always wide showing of a lovely set of white teeth. She had beautiful brown take me to bed eyes.

"Thank you Rosie"

My Name is Jay Dene and I am 11 years old. I was last punished by my neighbours dad for being disobedient, sulking and generally being moody. I ended up with a 5 minute spanking on my bare bottom after he removed my pants. I was over his knee and he spanked me in his lounge. That was 3 days ago" Jay Dene is an average looking girl that looks like she could get into a lot of trouble. She has one of those faces that is constantly looking sad. Her hair is mousey in colour which is straight and comes just down to her armpit, which is held back by a white Alice band. You can just make out her breasts starting to push into her blouse.

"Thank you Jay Dene"

We are now over half way as the girls introduce themselves. You see time is not important as we are running a 2 hour show and it is good to find out about past punishments as it gives the audience something to go on.

"My name is Amy D and I am 13 years old and I was last punished by my dad, for swearing and bullying. I got 24 strokes with his belt after he made me strip, and he positioned me over the end of an arm chair in the lounge. This happened 2 months ago". Amy D has a face to die for, she looks so pretty, she has a great smile and has to wear braces, her braces make her look so adorable. She looks like a sweet little innocent schoolgirl. She had well started her puberty. She has shoulder length brown hair with brown eyes to match.

"Thank you Amy D"

My name is Millie and I am 8 years old and I was last punished by the babysitter for swearing and being mischievous. I got six strokes of the Tawse over my knickers and he made me bend over and grab my ankles to take it. This was done in the dining room and it happened 6 weeks ago." Millie is a cheeky looking 8 yr old with a large smile and a big wide mouth that is open to the imagination. Due to her age she has yet to develop in any way and she is of average height. Millie has blue eyes with shoulder length brown hair to the top of her shoulders.

"Thank You Millie"

"My Name is Portia and I am also 8 years old and I was last punished by my dad and I got it as I kept suggesting I had a spanking like my friend here. (She points to Millie) I ended up with 12 smacks of the wooden spoon on my bare bottom after he removed my pants completely. Dad then took me into the garden and put me on all fours and punished me in the garden with a spanking for all to see and hear." Portia like her friend has not started to develop yet. She has blue eyes with just of the shoulder length blonde hair.

"Thank you Portia"

We are now down to the last one before the game begins.

"My name is Yasmin and I am 10 years old. I was last punished by my mum for constantly answering her back. I got 12 strokes of the riding crop having been stripped naked by my mum for the punishment. As I was sassy, I was tied to the bed to receive the punishment in mum's room. This happened two months ago" Yasmin is a tall girl for her age averaging about 4 inches over her friends the same age; she has also started to develop with little breasts starting to push out. She has dark brown hair that reaches down to the centre of her back. She has grey eyes.

"Thank you Yasmin"

So with everyone introduced Stan started to remind the girls of the rules.

"The object is to get as many of the questions right as possible, and at the end of each round you will have to decide who you think is the weakest link. The goal is to be the winner." He started "the weakest links will be brought to the wheels of punishment to decide what your fete will be."

He paused as the game was about to begin.

"Lets play the weakest link gets punished."

Music starts around the studio.

"We will start with Amy D as she is first alphabetically."

Stan starts to ask the questions, 3 minutes on the clock and the object is simply not to be the weakest link at any point in the game. With £50,000 at stake the girls were doing there best to get as many questions right as possible.

As the first round was coming near an end the girls were getting anxious. One of them is going to be the first to ever be the weakest link and get punished before an audience and a few million television viewers. Of cause the parents did not mind as there was the chance of winning the big prize.

The music started to speed up as the end got even closer and then it stopped. The round was over.

"Well it is time for you to vote on who you think in the weakest link" Stan told the girls. They were frantically writing down a name on their boards as the computer actually told the TV viewers who was the real weakest link. That was Portia who got three of her questions wrong with Rosie being the winner.

"Ok who do you think is the weakest link, show your boards" and with that they all started to reveal one at a time.

Hannah voted and they all followed suit, it was Portia who got the most votes by getting five, tears started to form in her eyes as she realized what was about to happen.

"So tell me Yasmin, why did you vote for Portia?" Stan asked.

"She got 3 questions wrong and was the weakest link, I thought" she was sounding a little worried as not sure what was about to happen.

"Tell me Yasmin, tell me about your punishment you received."

"I have a habit of answering back and mum warned me, but I did not listen. So my mum grabbed me by the hand and led me into her room. I was then stripped and pushed over the bed where mum tied me to stop me from moving. I had a few pillows under my privates which lifted my bottom higher for her. She then started to bring the riding crop down across my naked bottom, after the second stroke I was crying and yelling but mum just gave me the full 12 she promised. I could not sit down for 3 days as it hurt so much. The marks lasted 2 weeks. But I have calmed down a bit know."

The audience were all cheering at the thought of Yasmin being whipped and there imaginations doing overtime.

"So then why are you on this show?" Stan asked.

"My mum wants the money and has put me here to try and win it."

"And if you don't?"

"Then I think that another spanking will be in order when I get home" she said.

"Portia you asked your dad for a spanking so you could be like your friend, well you are here and Portia I have to tell you that YOU are the weakest link and you will be punished."

She started to cry.

"Make your way to the centre of the stage please where we will decide what is going to happen to you."

Slowly Portia made her way to Stan in the stage and he guided her to the first wheel.

"Right then Portia I want you to give the first wheel a nice big spin and this well tell us how you are going to be clothed."

With that Portia reached up and took hold of the wheel and brought her arms down to give it an almighty pull, it clicked as it spun and slowly started to come to a stop, the audience started to cheer as it went down bare, naked, bare, naked, pants, bare, naked, bare, pants and stopped. There was a groan from the audience as they wanted to see the first girl get naked. But it was not to be.

"Well you were luck this time, lets go to the second wheel and await your fate, how many are you going to get Portia?"

The wheel started coming to a stop and it landed on the 100. Top of the shop, you could not get anymore than that. The audience then went wild.

By now Portia was crying knowing that she was going to get the maximum number of hits. All she could do was pray that the implement would be a hand, at least which would be better than a cane.

They moved there way to the final wheel and it was spun, the audience and the fellow girls all looking on, knowing that it will be them soon.

It seemed to take forever to stop and it did. It landed on the word Hand.

"Well Portia, it looks as though you are going to get a you are going to have a sound hand spanking over my knee for a hundred swats. It will be done on your pants as well.

Stan took Portia's hand and made his way to the seat, he sat down and lifted her skirt up, to reveal a pair of crisp clean white knickers, and they seamed to hug her bottom and woman hood very well. You could see how the material worked its way into her little girl cleft. Stan then reached behind her and unzipped the skirt and lowered it to the floor, allowing Portia to step out of it. Grabbing her left hand he pulled her towards him and she was forced to go over his lap.

"Is it going to really hurt, a lot, Stan?" she whined, feeling totally exposed, with her pants on show for the world to see. The camera had already zoomed in to get a reaction to he bottom, along with a camera panned on her face.

"Yes, I promised you a sound spanking, and a sound spanking you shall get," he replied "Do you even know what a good, sound spanking feels like?"

"No, I guess not," whimpered Portia.

Just for a second Stan rubbed the white material of her pants before he lifted his right hand and brought it down across her bottom.


The first spanks fell and Stan could see that the spanks were starting to sting Portia. She started to wriggle from side to side to try to avoid his hand.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW" Tears began streaming down Portia's cheeks as the spanks stung her bottom.


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An interesting idea using 'The Weakest Link' format. It is very erotic to read about the little girls having their bottoms spanked in front of the audience - the humiliation adding to the discomfort. Very nice. I would like to read more, perhaps having their white cotton knickers pulled down and then spanked in positions that allow the audience to be able to see their bums turning pink.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.