Sophie Cunningham, Part 2

[ Mg, spank, oral ]


Published: 31-Jul-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

It has been 2 months since I last received a letter from Sophie's school, and I had dealt with her, she had had a sound spanking followed by a caning. She promised that she would be good and I would get no more letters but like all things it didn't last. Here I was this morning, minding my own business when the postman dropped me an unexpected letter. Straight away I new what it was, as it had the name of Sophie Cunningham on the envelope followed by the school name.

I opened it and found that Sophie had been skipping lessons. This had resulted in her having an hour's detention today. Well unbeknown to her it was going to be longer to be a longer detention than she realised because I think that it is time I caught back up with her. So she has fallen back into her old ways since the last meeting we had had together. She needed to be taught another lesson.

Knowing that she was now coming out of school an hour later than normal I waited for her in a secluded area. I got out my white van again, the one I put false plates on and waited for her. She was on her own, looking solemn with her head down. She was wearing her white school blouse, black school skirt, white ankle socks and black shoes.

As Sophie approached the van I moved round so she could see me. She looked at me with surprise and fear. It all came flooding back to her brain, the pain and the horrible taste in her mouth having made her do that disgusting thing. She new what was about to happen. She had been busted.

"Sophie Cunningham, you had better get yourself in the van" I told her.

Shaking her head she started to move in the opposite direction, but it was no good as I was on her in a flash, placed a knife into her side, so she new I meant what I was saying. Reluctantly she moved with me towards the van. Once there I brought her hands forward and I placed a set of handcuffs on her wrists to stop her struggling to much.

"You scream or try anything and you will be in much worse trouble" I warned.

Slowly she made her way to the back of the van and as I opened the door she climbed in. Sophie started having a good look around to see if there was anyone out there to be able to help. I had planned it well, as I had picked a quite spot away form where the school, knowing that there wouldn't be anybody around. With her in the back I fastened her securely, tying her feet as I did not want her trying to escape whilst the van was moving.

Tears were falling down her face as reality was dawning on her. She new what to expect from my last session. This time, she feared that the punishment was going to be worse. I had warned her and she failed, Sophie still remembering the taste after I had cum in her mouth. This was a surprise to her at the time. Totally unexpected, but this time she is going to be ready for it, not the salty taste but the shooting into her throat, causing her to chock. Having said this, it was 2 months since her last visit. Sophie tried to struggle out of her restraints as it all came back. She did not want a repeat.

Again after driving around for about half an hour in circles mainly, I ended up down my dirt track to wards my house. As I approached I clicked a button and the garage doors opened automatically. I drove in and then shut them behind us. It was time to take Sophie to my favourite room. The punishment room I had so carefully designed for future occasions like this. Having got out of the van I opened the side door and started to undo the straps holding her in place. I decided that today I was going to still keep the handcuffs on.

"Come on Sophie, you are back in this house again" I informed her.

I took her left arm and guided her back into the punishment room. As we entered she started to shake. As if she new what was coming. There sat in the centre of the room was the punishment bench that only two months ago she was bent over and secured for a severe hiding. It also still had the straps in place with the cane and other implements hung on the wall. To the side was a chair, to her memory this was new and she wondered why it was here.

"Do you remember me and your last visit?" I asked.

With her head lowered she came out with a quite "yes."

"Well you obviously learnt a lot didn't you?" I asked in a sarcastic way as I showed her the letter I had received.

"You have had a detention today haven't you?" looking into her eyes I asked the question.

"Yes, but I have paid for my missed lesson with the detention" she blurted out.

"Well you go on believing that, because I am going to install some more discipline into you for being missing lessons. Your parents don't know about this latest incident do they?" I asked.

"No and please don't tell them."

"Don't worry I won't. Your little secret is safe with me, after all you will have received your punishment for being deceitful" I continued "You are still using my address, which is not a problem as I will cover for you but you will accept the consequences."

"Thank you, but please don't hit me to hard" it was as if she had worked out that a hiding from me would be much better than her parents finding out.

"you were warned last time when you left what would happen if I got another letter and it is because of this I must continue your punishment."

Whilst I was saying this I had moved and locked the door to stop her from running. Not that she had anywhere to run.

"How long has it been since I saw you last? 2 months" I asked.

"Something like that" was the answer she gave.

"Well young Sophie, how old are you now?" I asked as last time she said she was just short of her birthday.

"I'm now 12 so you can't punish me. I'm too old."

"You carry on believing that, and your bottom will find out differently. You new what would happen if I had to see you again, so let me tell you! You are not too old and believe me; I am going to give you a sound spanking followed by a dose of the cane. Depending on how you take your punishment will depend on whether you feel the riding crop or not. There is no where to go until it is over. DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR" I shouted at her.


"Have you been with a boy since are last visit Sophie?"

She shakes her head, which I took to mean no.

She started to cry, looking at me with pleading eyes, hoping that I would change my mind. That was not going to happen. I wanted to hear her cry and scream as the cane hit her bottom. She had been naughty and again tried to deceit her parents. At first it might have been a good idea until she met me, but after the last time I thought she would have changed the address. This is unless she thought it was better to be punished by me than her parents finding out. I wonder what they would do? Knowing what I would do why keep my address on her school register. I don't mind, Sophie knows the consequences of doing badly at school and using my address to direct her mail and if that is what she wants who am I to disagree.

"We are going to start your punishment, and you can do it in one of two ways. The easy way: which is do as I say or the hard way: where I will force you to do what I want and your punishment will be a lot worse. The choice is yours."

"I will do what you want. Please don't hurt me too hard" knowing that from the last time I was true to my word.

Still staring at the punishment desk, I moved to the chair and as I did I beckoned for her move towards me. Standing to my side, I decided it was time to explain what she had done.

"Sophie, I have brought you her to teach you a lesson. Last time when you left I told you what would happen if I brought you here again. You missed a whole lesson. This I find unacceptable in your education" I started on "as a result you must feel some pain in your bottom to teach you a lesson". "I feel this is much to serious to go unpunished."

During my talk to her, she had her head low and tears formed in her eyes. She was moving from foot to foot as I continued to talk to her.

"I don't mind the fact that you use my address for your school letters but you must also accept the consequences for your parents not knowing"

I sat down on the chair and beckoned for Sophie to go to my right side, as she did I grab her right arm and pulled her forward, this caused her to bend over my lap.

Sophie felt tears beginning to form. I reached out and gently pulled her over my lap. Sophie's anxiety heightened, remembering the last time she was in this position. The memory of the pain came flooding back.

I held her in place with my legs and my left arm wrapped around her waist. Her hands still handcuffed were trapped under her body and across my lap. I reached down and taking the hem of her skirt I pulled it up. All the way up her back to her reveal a pair of snug fitting white pants.

She lay there feeling the cold air on her bare legs and up to her bottom, she realised this was the last chance she had to try and get out of the forth coming punishment.

I started to explain why she was getting spanked. The main reason was because she had missed a lesson in school. I know I was repeating myself to her but she needed to know that I did not approve of her missing valuable school time.

"Oh, please, please," Sophie started to plead, "please don't spank me! I'm too old! I'll never do anything like this again, I promise, just please don't spank me!"

I rubbed my hand over her panty clad bottom, feeling the soft material, knowing that any second I would be raising my hand bringing it down over her pants any second. The feeling I got was one of soft smooth adorable sensation. It felt wonderful to the touch which started to have a reaction to my male side.

" No no no no...please.........pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease...." She was panicking and pleading. And this is before I had even given one smack.

I raise my hand and brought it down with some force across both of her bum cheeks.


"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" escaped from her mouth.

SMACK SMACK two followed in quick succession.

"aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAaa" came another surprised response from Sophie.

I started to set my self into a rhythm.


"OwwOwwww " she wails as my hand descended on her bottom. She was wriggling her bottom from side to side to try and get away from my hand. But it was not going to happen. Her wriggling was starting to have an even bigger affect on me. Well what do you expect, a pretty looking 12year old draped over your lap with her pants on display moving around on your penis.

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK She cried and kicked her legs the best she could with them trapped under mine. The spanking just kept on. I had just started to warm up..

I in creased the force behind the smacks to start to make sure that she felt them.


"Ooooohhh.... ...aaaaaahhhhhh.... no, please... stop" she paused between cries "I can't take anymore, it hurts too much."

Looking at her bottom I could tell why she wanted me to stop as it was turning a lovely shade of red, yes it was changing colour nicely, with a very warm feeling raising from her.


"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, it hurts soooo much."


"Ahhhhhh...ohhhhhhhhh, my bum............Jesus...ahhhhhhh." Sophie screamed "please nooo more."

It was time to go to the next level. I released Sophie and pushed her to her feet. Her skirt fell back down; with her hands still cuffed I reached behind her and undid the button to the top of her skirt. I grabbed the zip and slowly and deliberately pulled it down. Sophie new what was happening and once the zip was down I let go and this allowed her skirt to fall to the ground. Here she was stool with hands secured in front of her, skirt around her ankles in a pair of fresh white bikini pants. As she stood there I could see the outline of her pussy. I thought well it is about time I have a look at you so I reach out and grab the waist band of Sophie's pants and slowly started to yank them down.

"Pleeeaaassse doon't, not on the baaarrrreeee" she cried as she felt her last bit of protection gradually getting lowered. The air whipped around her private region as I continued to lower her pants to her knees leaving her standing their bare from the waist down. Sophie tries to cover between her legs, but found it hard with her hands secured together. I get a good look at her still bald virginal slit. Tears are streaming down her face from the embarrassment of standing there almost naked in front of me knowing I was looking at her privates, as well as having had a spanking.

Sophie is bent back over my lap before she had time to realize what was happening and again I held her in position.


The spanks started to rain down on Sophie's bare bottom first one cheek then the other. My hand stings her tender bottom, this is so much worse without her protection.


Sophie is trying to kick her legs frantically as her bottom is heating up and getting really sore. Her skirt and pants have worked their way down her legs and are now bunched around her ankles.

"OH GOD..OH PLEASE STOP...IT HURTS..." tears falling from her eyes as she still tries to shift from my lap. "I can't take any more."

I answered her with yet more smacks.


She cried and kicked her legs but the spanking just kept coming.


The skirt and pants went flying off her feet as her kicking becomes more intense, and her wriggling from side to side was getting worse on my lap. This was not good as the natural effect it is having on me. I was going rock hard and I started to prod into her belly. She could feel the protrusion into her and tried to move away from it, but it did not work. Her wriggling around just made me harder.


"AAAHAAAH!! oh, not so hard. .Pleeeaseee" Sophie begged.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as Sophie cried like a little girl. She was bawling like a little baby.

I felt that it was time to stop the spanking; I let her up off my lap and pushed her away. I stood up and guided Sophie towards the punishment bench. As she approached the side of it, I bent down and secured her ankles to the legs of the bench. The way that I had designed the bench legs it meant that her ankles were spread wide apart. I stood up and pushed her forward and she had no choice but to bend over. I grabbed the handcuffs and pulled her arms from under her and over the other end of the bench. I then secured her in place. She had been here before and had an idea what was coming.

Here we have a virgin, 12 year old girl bent over a bench with her legs stretched apart. On full view to me was her sweet bald vagina that in a while's time was going to feel my cock in it. It was about time she was penetrated. This is going to be a punishment that she will never forget. I could also see the extent of the sound spanking she had just received. I reached out and touched her bottom and I could feel the heat from it. I had done a good job with the spanking, as I looked also it plain the she had turned a lovely deep crimson colour.

I went to the wall and grabbed the cane making sure Sophie could see what I was doing. This caused her to try her hardest to get out of the restraints and start screaming. I was having none of it.

"It is about time we go to the next level of your punishment, that was a warm up and I feel you need to be taught a further lesson for missing school" I started.

"I'm so sorry, please don't cane me, I have just had my punishment from you" she pleaded but it had fallen on death ears as I wanted to cane the girl for missing her lessons.

"So you feel you have had enough punishment then do you Sophie? Well let me show you my answer" to informed the bound girl

THWACK I brought the cane down across both of her bum cheeks.

"OWAAAAAAAAH" she screamed as the cane made contact on with her bottom. You could tell that it hurt. I left a lovely raised strip across both of her cheeks. It was as if someone had set fire to her.

Swisssssshhhh the cane whistle through the air for a second time and landed with a loud crack as it made another mark on her already sore red bottom.

"YYYYEEEEEEEE AAAAAHHHOOO OOWWWWWWW" another scream left her mouth.

"Perhaps this will teach you not to miss lessons."

"I'm sorry I won't miss any more, please stop."

Crrraaaaaccccckkkkkkkk another one descended.

"AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE! OW! OOOH! NO More Please" she was crying her eyes out as the cane hit her bottom for the third time, the pain was just unbearable but she was not in a position to do anything about other than scream.

THWACK I brought the cane down across her upper thighs, she tried to kick and squirm away but the restraints just held her in place.

"Owieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! " came another scream as tears were flooding from her eyes. Her bottom was so sore and raised with welts from her caning. She new it was not over and more was on her way.

"I'm s-sorrrryyyyyyyy, Pleaseeee no moreee, stings...oh please I'll be good honest" she was pleading.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH OWWW!" she screamed " I beg you! not SO HARD, please please! OOOOOOHH!! "She pleaded.

I thought it was time to go to town and answer her plea; so I brought six down in quick succession to her sweet little ass.


"Wahhhhhhhhhhhh, owieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, ahhhhhhhhhhh, oh it huuurts! PLEASE! PPLEEEASE! The pain! It's unbearable, I'll do anything but NO MORE of the cane" she was balling like a little baby.

One more to come down before I change tactics.

WHHAAACK! This was the hardest yet and left a lovely deep red welt across her already welted bottom.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH" came yet another ear piecing scream "It hurts so badly" she continued to cry "Ohhhhhhhh... oooohhhh.. ahhhhhhhhhhhh."

For the time being I had decided that she had had enough of her punishment. It was time to move onto other things. Staying behind her so she could not see me I took off my trouser bottoms and pants allowing my cock to spring free. This allowed my full erection to point outwards. I took hold of it in my right hand and moved to the front of Sophie. Looking up through her tear stained eyes she could see what I was about to do. She closed her eyes, hoping I would go away, trying to block me out but that was not going to happen. I moved even closer so I was now only about an inch or so away from her mouth. She got a smell of my meat. She could feel the heat as I went in for the kill. Sophie closed her eyes tightly shut as she felt the engorged head of my manhood pressing against her tiny lips. She didn't want that thing in her mouth again. She remembered last time.

"Now open your mouth" I told her as tears streamed down her face.

Sophie did as she was told and laid there with her mouth open waiting for what she now knew to be the inevitable. I enjoyed the warm breath that she blew across tip of my cock but then I slowly moved forward and she felt the head of my cock start to slip inside her warm moist mouth.

She cried and tried to pull away, but I placed a hand on her head to hold her still.

Slowly my thick shaft penetrated her young lips, this for the second time in 2 months. Her mouth started aching as it was being stretched as wide as it could go, the swollen head of my cock started pressing hard towards her throat. She closed her mouth and started to suck, remembering from last time. As she continued I started to leak precum inside her, which Sophie had no choice but to swallow. The liquid tasted slightly bitter and salty but was not as bad as she had remembered.

I held Sophie's head as I pushed my cock deeper into her mouth until I felt the back of her mouth against my cock. Holding my cock there, I could feel her mouth trying to make an effort to expel it. She didn't want that horrible fluid it there again. But all I did was slightly move back so I would not cause her to gag. I then started to fuck her mouth. Gently at first and then with more force as I thrust back and forth fucking that tiny mouth, I was stretching her lips to their limit, her mouth felt full and so warm, that from the sensation I was getting I could tell this wouldn't take long and she was going to get yet another mouth full. Instinctively Sophie's tongue licked my shaft as she sucked me like a lollypop just like the last time, she was here. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer as I felt my cum begin its journey from my balls to wards Sophie's mouth.

My cock twitched and an enormous load of hot,slimy sperm started to fill her young mouth. As she felt the warm and salty semen begin to fill her mouth, she started to cough. Instinctively she started to try and swallow as she knew more was on its way. A second and third jet hit her palate before she had time to swallow much. Sperm dribbled out from the corners of her mouth and slid down her chin as yet another spurt filled her already full mouth. As her mouth filled she found breathing became harder and harder, she continues to swallow until her stomach felt sick, and her throat was coated with salty cum. She swallows it all and I pull back, so that the tip is just out of her mouth and a final jet squirts onto the lips of her mouth, to go with the already dribbled cum that had leaked out. I then shove my cock back into her mouth and order her to suck me clean. Reluctantly she obeys.

After what seem like an eternity I decided that I need to finish of her punishment. She had taken it so well and done a great job on my cock, but I felt I need to try out my new riding crop on her bottom. I went to the side of the room and retrieved the crop from where I had hidden it. Didn't want to frighten her at the beginning. I like surprises. Still out of sight I moved back to the side of her and raised the riding crop up high.

WHOOSH. It came down with some force and enveloped the softness of her bottom beautifully.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH... GODDAMNTIT... AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH..... OOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW" she was screaming, having just cum in her mouth I had descended with an unexpected stroke of the riding crop. She thought that the pain was over but never imagined anything as bad as this. The ridding crop was certainly going to hurt more than anything she had experienced. She was going to get some pain, not just where she thought it was going to be on her backside.

SWHOOSH a second landed across both buttocks. She yelled in pain "AAAHHHH... NOOOO... AAAAHHHH... PLEASE... DON'T... AAAAAAHHHH... STOP PLEASE" she cried again and again I was not listening as she had a few more to come.

THWACCKK I brought down a really hard stroke. This had caused a well raised welt on her bottom.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH" she was crying loudly again and this time inconsolable. When was it going to end she wondered as the pain was unbearable.

Swish! WHACK

OWWWWWWWEEEEEEEE! As a fourth landed.

"Two more to go and that will be enough for now with your punishment" I told her.


"Waaaaaa! Owwwwww!" she shrilled.

Swish! WHACK this was the last one I had given her and had to be one of the hardest yet.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuch! Owwwwwwww! Aiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!" she screamed as she moved her bottom from side to side.

I stood back and looked at the work I had done to Sophie; her bottom ablaze with heat and 18 well raised welts, some red, some starting to turn a deep purple.It was also a deep crimson. I stood back to get a good view of her bottom and to take it all in. I could see all she had to offer. With the position that she was in and with the way I had designed for her legs to be spread, I had a wonderful view of her bald pussy lips. This time I thought to my self, I was going in.

I moved away to gather myself and to have a drink, this I felt would give her time for her bottom to ease.

I came back after about 20 minutes with her still sniffling from her sound hiding I had given her. I was time to taste the honey pot.

I placed a hand on her bottom and the heat was incredible, I moved it around in small circle at first and then getting bigger. I occasionally ran my finger along the bum crack and then down her legs. Sophie was starting to respond, as I brought my hand back up her legs and along slit up to her bottom. I started to work my fingers up and along her bum cheeks searching for the little honey pot I was after. I continued to slide my fingers down letting them continue their search; I felt the tips of my fingers move over the soft puffy flesh of Sophie's cunt lips.

"Ohhhhhhhh..." A slight groan came from Sophie which confirmed I had hit the honey pot. As I pressed down and felt my probing finger bury itself in the welcoming dewy moistness of Sophie's virgin slit. On my return I had brought with me a tube of K-Y jelly which I put a large dollop on my fingers. I continued to rub up and down her cunt lips. With a well lubricated slit and finger I started to work my way for gold. I gently insert the tip of my finger in the mouth of her vagina. Her pussy is tight as I slowly insert my finger deeper. It went in easy as it was well lubed, not just from the K-Y but also her own juices were working over time. I push gently and withdraw. Push and withdraw in a little rhythm. Her body reacts to the pleasurable intrusion. Sophie's sex was stimulated whether she wanted my fingers there or not. I was arousing her and so I pressed a finger deeper into her wet, tight hole and started to vigorously finger fuck her tight little pussy, making sure not to break through her hymen. That was for the pleasure of my cock.

"Aaaaahhhhhh, What's Happeninggggg? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm," she moaned as she arched her back and pressed her little pussy willingly up against my intruding finger. She had had a first proper orgasm.

The orgasm ripped through her young body like an earthquake. She was thrashing about wildly against her restraints, moaning and grunting. Her hips pumped frantically up and down against my finger as her cum juices began flowing from her tiny hairless slit.

After several minutes of her orgasm Sophie collapsed. She was completely exhausted and laid their lewdly with her legs trying to catch her breath. She had never had a feeling like this before in her entire life. It was wonderful.

I gave her a few minutes to recover before I moved behind her, grabbing my cock. I had become rock hard again and placed a very large glob of K-Y on the end and I coated it so It wouyld not hurt me to much as I entered her. It was time to remove her sacred prize position, I wanted her virginity this time, and I was just going to take it.

Holding the base of my cock with one hand, I placed the head of my cock against her slit. I rubbed the head up and down Sophie's gorgeous, never before fucked pussy. I kept rubbing it back and forth and then I began to apply pressure inwards as I rubbed. Sophie started to respond again to the sensation she was having in her vagina. As I pushed slowly, the skin around her little hole began to part. I loved the view I was getting of Sophie's cunt as my hard dick forced the lips apart and stretched her virgin tissues.

I looked down to see my dick penetrating the virgin pussy and then I caught a glimpse of the pain on her face. Sophie gasped as she felt the intrusion as I started to stretch her apart. Being a virgin she is incredibly tight. I knew she was small and I knew it was going to hurt when I pushed, even though I had used some k-y jelly to help lubricate her.

'No! Please, please, please, don't" Sophie screamed as I started to drive forwards pushing my cock towards her immature virginity. The was nothing she could do, and certainly couldn't get away from me. I got the head of my cock just inside her, where I pulled out and re launched back in. I watched with intense, erotic pleasure, as the head of my cock began to disappear inside her body.

"Take it out. Ooooh hurts...please take it out." Sophie cried out as she realized what I had done.

I continued to push my cock in a little bit at a time until I was only about one and half inches in. I had hit her maiden head. I pulled back slightly and with a fresh thrust the head of my cock suddenly popped through the tight ring of the Sophie's hymen. It had only taken one vigorous movement and I had deflowers her. Sophie was sobbing hysterically now as she felt that she was being torn apart, along with a burning sensation from the tearing. A man was inside her body. A man was fucking her, sliding his cock in and out of her. It was all over, she was no longer a virgin. I pulled back slightly and lunged again and this time she screamed when I managed to impales her with more of my adult cock. I continued to push deeper into Sophie's hot pussy. The feeling I got was like it was caught in a tight vice but I pushed until I was fully embedded in her. The burning sensation Sophie had felt gave way to a feeling of being stuffed and she held her breath, wondering what was to come.

I was aroused with this new sensation I was having of little girl pussy, wrapped so tightly around my hard cock. I began to move myself in and out, with my shaft swelling even more as my excitement built with the massaging of her tight passageway.

I started fucking the tight little pussy in earnest as I continued to rock back and forth. I knew I could last a little while as I had not long ago cum in her mouth. This was going to be time for her to start enjoying it as well. From behind the helpless bound girl, I continued to pound my cock in her body with all the weight and fury of my much larger adult body. At first all she was doing was crying, but that suddenly changed as Sophie began to moan and gasp. "Oh God," she panted.

Sophie looked so small under me as she started responding to me. She started pumping her hips back and forth in time to my rhythm. She didn't like herself for having this feeling but her little body naturally responded to the pleasure her cunt was getting. I was pumping her for quite a while and Sophie responded well. It was getting time and Sophie knew I was about to cum as she felt my penis starting to swell inside her. This she remembered from just before I had cum in her mouth. Somehow this had her excited, even though she did not want me to cum in her she was caught up in her own pleasure.

Sophie began to shudder and shake as a second orgasm swept through her body. The walls of her tight pussy contracted violently as I pushed my cock deep back into her as a gush of semen shot up the length of my cock and flooded the walls of the young Sophie's tender womb. A powerful second jerked as my penis gave it another spurt into this virginal womb. She felt a flush of heat as my seed burst into her. Sophie's pussy gripped my cock even tighter as her orgasm continued to rip through her body this then made me shot another load inside her. I started roaring from pleasure with every spasm as I felt my sperm filling her insides. I could feel the pressure in her pussy build until finally the tight suction seal that held my cock in place gave way and a large glob of goo trickled out and dripped down onto her thighs. She felt it too, although she wasn't quite sure what it was. She could only think that it was something bad, as she wondered if I had just weed in her. She just sobbed quietly, as she laid there completely exhausted from having cum twice in a short time.

As reality started to sink in, she felt stupid for thinking I had peed in her when she realized it was my cum. This frightened her as she started to imagine I had got her pregnant. It would take a matter of time for her know I had not pregnant as she had not yet had a period. To make sure I had already purchased a morning after pill and when I give her a drink I will mix it in there so she won't be having my baby yet. I thought that it was about time that I released her.

Having untied the ankle straps, I released the handcuffs. She stood up and looked at me, not worrying anymore about her modesty as she came into my arms, and wrapped hers around my neck. I bent down and kissed her on her lips which she responded to with great enthusiasm. She pressed her little mouth against my lips, and being bald I started to probe with my tongue. She parted her lips and I pushed my tongue deep into her mouth. I found her little tongue and we explored each others mouth for about five minutes. I could taste what appeared to be residue of my cum in her mouth but that did not worry me as I was involved in a loving kiss. This was a surprise to me as not long ago I had given her a hiding of her life and then taken her virginity.

The kiss lasted about five minutes as she was getting new feelings and didn't want to break away. I did as her punishment was over.

"Look, if you want to continue to use this address for your bad school letters, then that is fine. You must know what the consequences will be. Any more and I will do the same is that understood?"

She nodded

"As far as I am concerned, it is the end of the matter and your parents will never know" I told her.

She had a glint in her eyes as if she was about to start crying again. But didn't.

"Thank you for keeping it to yourself, I will try to be good but I just can't help myself sometimes and I feel I will be seeing you again" Sophie started to speak "I don't like the canings but it did give me a funny feeling today"

I wasn't surprised as she had been fingered and had a cock stuffed in her with her having 2 orgasms. A totally new experience for her.

"It is getting late and I think it is about time you got yourself dressed" I suggested. And she very slowly pulled her pants up over her very sore bottom. Followed by putting her skirt back on.

"I'm glad I don't have school for a week or everyone will see my bottom"

I led her to the Van and suggested that she got in, but instead she moved round to me and gave me a hug. As we hugged she planted a loving kiss on my lips.

"That is for you to savior until next time" she informed me.

This told me that she wanted some more, more of what I had to wait and see.

I took her a place she wanted and let her out of the van, carefully she walked down the street and I left her cringing with each step. I went back to my house to look at the video I had made of Sophie's last visit. If only she knew.

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Looking forward to Part 3.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.