Published: 31-Jul-2012
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My name is Sophie Cunningham and I am a quite little eleven year old girl. I know I am quite as many people tell me. I have an older sister Helena who is thirteen and seems to get everything. In spit I have decided to rebel a little only it has just got out of hand. Mum has found out and spoke to dad. I have now been threatened by my parents that I must do well in school. You see I was warned that any notes or detention then I will not be allowed on holiday with my friend and her family. We are going to a private island for two weeks and it is going to be so cool.
The trouble lately is that I have been slacking the past month and I have been getting board in some of the lessons. One in particular happens to be ballet. God the teacher is so boring; making us do all of those stupid things against the wall and in front of the mirror as well. My mum put me in for it and I just hate it. So to try and get out of the lesson I keep forgetting to bring some of my kit. Last week I forgot my leotard and managed to get out of the lesson. I was warned though that if I forgot it again I would be made to do the lesson in just my knickers. How embarrassing I was also threatened with a note going home to my parents so after a while I went to the head office and forged a note from dad to say that we have moved. That took care of the note being sent home, well I looked on a map and picked an address close to the school but not near where I actually live. So far so good.
So this is where I am today. The bell has just gone and I am on my way out of the school gates, in my school uniform. White blouse with a short black flared skirt, white ankle socks to match my skimpy white bikini pants and black patient shoes. I make a slow walk home, well my mum won't be home for a few hours and mess around watching telly.
I was walking down the street minding my own business when I here my name shouted. I stopped, froze. Oh my god what had I done, who was it? Then I saw him anaverage build of a man with a stern look on his face, hanging out of a van. Who the hell he was I had no idea.
"Get yourself over here Now" He bellowed at me. In complete shock I moved towards the van, knowing it was wrong but I was unable to go anywhere else. As I made my way towards him to find out more like what did he want, he leaned out and grabbed me. With a short tug I was in the van and before I had time to scream he had shut the side door and held a big knife to my throat.
"One word young lady and I will slit your throat" He warned. "You are in so much trouble it's not true."
What had I done? Was all I could think, who was he? Whilst I was thinking this he grabbed my hands and secured them behind my back. I started to cry and as he tied my feet together the tears were really falling. Then he stuffed something hard in my mouth, it was like a hard ball, and it was secured at the back of my head. I could not scream out load if I wanted to.
"I know who you are and what you have been up to" He started "and that is why you are here."
I tried to respond but all that would come past this gag thing was whimpers.
What had I done was all I could think of along with what was going to happen to me. Here I was in the back of a van being thrown around as we drove along a set of roads. It seemed ages in the back of this bumpy van when we cam to a stop. I heard a noise and then we drove forward again, only this time it had gone dark. We must have gone into a garage or something. He got out of the van and seemed to be gone ages. Then he came back, I heard the van door open and saw some light. He untied my feet and beckoned for me to follow, which I did, well what choice did I have?
He guided me into a room and I clapped eyes on this bench in the middle of the room. As I looked there seemed to be what looked like canes etc on the wall. Oh my god what is he going to do to me I thought. I started to back away but before I could make a run for it he had locked the door with what seemed to be an electronic lock.
"Well, well, what have you been up to?" he asked "Getting letters sent to a different address so your parents don't find out about your school behaviour. Not good" He continued oh no, I sent them to his address and he knows every thing, I had been rumbled and know I was his prisoner with that horrible looking bench in the middle of the room.
"I am going to release the ball gag out of your mouth, but don't worry, scream all you want but no one will here you" He told me.
He took the strap of the back and pulled the ball from out of my mouth. At last I could breathe again properly. With that I took a gulp of air and then shouted.
"Let me go you bastard."
"My my aren't we a feisty one" He looked at me with piercing eyes "let me tell you something Sophie, I will let you go when I have finished with you" He started "it will be today but when will be up to you."
So what has he planned for me? I am going home sometime today I thought. Still trying to get the upper hand on him I started yelling at him.
"You can't do this to me it's is kidnap" was all I could come out with and then I thought "you will be in so much trouble when I get out of here."
"I don't think so" he smirking at me and looking started to me up and down. "I am not in as much trouble as you are at the moment."
He paused as he continue to eye me up, dirty old man.
"I think it is time I told you what is going to happen. You have been naughty at school, forgetting parts to your ballet uniform, having complaints about you sent to the wrong address" He started. "Generally slacking at school, oh yes I have all the letters don't worry" "I have done my research on you young lady and found out quite a bit about you".
I am well and truly busted. If he tells my parents I am dead, no holiday, grounded for ever. But he can't do anything; he can't touch me I am only a child. My only hope would be to run but the door is locked. What has he in mind, I wondered as I looked around the room at the bench. It looked from where I was that it had straps on it. I hope he doesn't think he is going to secure me to that. NO WAY. Whilst I was letting my mind work overtime he started his speech again.
"Let me tell you what is going to happen before you are let go, do you see that bench in the middle of the room?" he asked. I gave a tearful nod as I realised that what I was just thinking about could be coming true. "In a moment you are going to be secured over it and then I am going to punish you for all the wrong things you have done. When it is over I will set you free"
thinking on my feet I came back with the only answer I could "You can't do this to me, you have no right to touch me" I started crying all the more, what did he mean punish me? "I am going to tell my parents about this."
"Good because by the time they get home they will read a letter telling them what you have done and the fact that I have punished you" I was informed even my parents will know so, oh no no holiday.
He continued with the speech "there is nothing they can do, as by the time the note is read most of your punishment will be over" what punishment? Most of it will be over< what is he planning? He still has not told me what he is going to do. i hope he doesn't think he is going to touch me with those canes. "Oh and if they look for you, which I have strongly advised they don't, as I gave them a time I would get you back, it will do them no good as they don't know where you are."
So my parents have no idea where I am and I am at the hands of this mad man who recons he will punish me. I was very worried and frightened. I have never had physical punishment before on grounding's so I hope this will be the same. Some how I feel it won't be.
"You are going to do as I ask; failing will just get you into more trouble. Do I make my self clear?" I was asked
I just nodded as I was to shaken to say or do anything else.
"Just confirm to me how old you are" He asked.
"I'm eleven, twelve next month."
"Just give me a yes or no answer only at the moment" He stated.
"Have you had your first period yet?"
Do you shave any part of your body yet?"
"Have you ever seen a man nude?"
"Do you know what an erection is?"
"No." (Well I had an idea, my friend told me about some uncle she had seen)
"Have you ever played with any part of your body or let anyone touch you?"
"No." (I had touched myself quite a few times but I was letting him know)
"Have you ever been spanked or punished by any one?" I asked.
"No" (my parents don't believe in it, but I don't like the sound of his questioning)
"Well then Sophie Cunningham, let me tell you that I am going to spank you very hard on the bare bottom for your behavior, then you will find out what the cane feels like, once I've got you to take all your clothes off" He stared at me.
I started to cry openly at the thought of what he had just said, spank me and I will get to know what a cane feels like. He wants me to take of my clothes, don't think so, dirty old sod.
"Oh No...Please Nooooooo..." this was all I could muster.
"You can stop that, as it will do you no good, only make matters worse. I am going to release your hands and if you try to make for an exit your punishment will be doubled. Do you understand."
I gave a tearful "Yes".
At last my hands were now released, I could move them again. I noticed that he had moved to the side of the bench. He meant what he said, well I just won't let him.
"Bend over this desk girl!"
I reluctantly moved towards the desk.
"You're not really going to s-spank me are you?" I asked in a sad voice.
"Most certainly Sophie!" He replied. "You have been a very naughty little girl and you deserve nothing less for what you have done"
"Pull up your skirt and bend over!"
"OH...OH PLEASE... NO... I've been good...really I have...PLEASE Nooooooo..." I was now pleading there was no way I wanted to show him my knickers. Let alone bend over so he can whack me.
I was getting a stern look from him and a telling sign, so reluctantly I grab the hem of my skirt and slowly lift it as I bend forward. I give him a superb view of my tight white knickers as they stretch over the swelling globes of my little bottom. "You will grab the far side of the bench and you will hold on, every time you let go I will add another five smacks to your punishment do you understand?"
"Yes" came the tearful reply ""PLEASE...please don't spank me..." I was pleading for all it was worth.
I reached forward and grabbed hold of the other side to the bench. It was warm on my legs as they touched the side. My bottom was now sticking out and stretched my knickers. He position myself behind me once I had sorted myself out and then he reached up underneath my bunched up skirt and onto my cotton pants. I gasped as I felt both of his hands slide to my knickers and begin to feel my bottom.
"Ahhhh" was all I could muster as I felt his hands running over my protective covering.
"Very nice. Very nice indeed" he grunted as he gave my bottom a few squeezes and then he moved one of his hands to my front to feel my panty covered young vagina "And what have we here, young lady?"
I was terrified but I had no choice but to stay bent over, sobbing whilst he played under my school skirt. He was feeling all over my bottom with one of his hands and the other was tickling lewdly between my now trembling thighs, touching my most inner parts. This continued for a little while when he moved his hands to the waist band of my knickers and started very slowly pulling them down.
"Please, please don't pull them down. It'll hurt over them!" I pleaded, realizing what he was about to do. Instinctively and desperately I reached back to put my hands over my bottom, to cover it and protect it. I also tried to prevent him from pulling them down.
"Noooooo," she whined. "Not on the bare pleaseeeeee."
"I suggest you move your hands before it becomes a lot worse, if you keep them there for a count of three then I will cut the clothes from you" I was really fearful now, they were coming down whether I wanted them to or not. "One" knowing he meant what he said and wanting my knickers cut I moved my hands back to the far side of the bench. He continued to slowly peal them down exposing my small bottom. They only went down to my knees, why I do not know. There was a long pause and I started to wriggle in anticipation to what was about to happen. I had never been punished before on my bottom so I had know idea what to expect. The only thing I knew was that it hurt, this is because Beth gets spanked from her parents. I just don't know how much it will hurt.
I found out as I felt the first smack land on my bare bottom.
Nooooo...Pleeeeaase..." I wailed as his hand came crashing down across my young bottom "OWWWWWWWWW...OWWWWWWWWW....." SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
He brought his hand down for16 smacks in quick succession, causing me to squirm around. The pain was nothing like I had ever experienced before. It felt as though my bottom was on fire. I continued squirming and started yelling as a punished 11yr old would.
"Aaaaah! AaahwwwwOww! AAAoo Oooww Oww! EEeeowwweeeaah!" was all that came from my mouth as I squirmed. Due to the pain I had no choice but let go to protect my bottom.
"What did I tell you Sophie? That is another 5 smacks as a minimum for moving your hands" he informed me "NOW place them back before it gets worse"
Slowly and reluctantly I moved my hands from my very sore bottom to grab hold of the other end of the bench.
He continued with the barrage of smacks on my poor unprepared bottom
"OWWWWWW...OWEEEEEEEEE...YOWWWWW" I was crying, the pain just hurt so much.
I started screaming and wriggling like there was no more tomorrow trying to get away from the fiery pain, tears were flowing freely down my cheeks., but I didn't care. My bottom was on fire.
"AAAAAWWWwwwwww!! Huh-AAAAAWWWWWWWWwww!! Uh-OOOOOWWWWwwwwwwwwwhhh!! Uh-Owww UhOwwww UhOwwww UhOwwww UhOwwww!" I was going for, I just wanted it to stop.
"Oh please, please, stop!" I started to plead. "Please stop, It hurts so muchhhhh!!"
The smacks were coming down harder still to me and I had no choice but to let go and then I stood up.
"No more, I've had enough and you can't do this to me" I said through my sobs.
"Get yourself back over the bench NOW" He bellowed at me, to which I grabbed the far side of the bench in surprise to his raised voice.
"Oh, Ow, Owww!" I shouted. "OWWW! OH, PLEASE, ouch! STOP! ouchh! DON'T ..owww... I'm ...ow ..sorry .... oh,
"Oooooh, please I beg you ....SMACK! ...aaaaah, no,...SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! ....oooooh, boohoohoo! I'll be good, I'll never do it ...SMACK! again...aaaaah ...SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
He stopped the spanking. Was it over or was it just another of his breaks? I was about to find out. He put his hand on my bottom and started running it over my bottom, I could feel the heat through his hand and it was so sore. I had learnt my lesson.
"Ok Sophie stand up" slowly I stood up.
"I don't feel you are anyway near learning a lesson yet, so I want you to remove all your clothes" He told me.
Not happy with the order I looked around the room as if for a way to escape, but nothing was doing. All I could do was just try and plead.
"I...I couldn't. Please not that...I could never...never...not in front.. Of you."
"You will remove them now."
"Please don't make me do that. Please no" I cried "Please...I...I don't want to..."
"You will do as you are told. Humiliation is part of the punishment. Now hurry up and obey!" He said in reply.
I stood still, to shocked to move. Did he really mean it?
Yep he did as he grabbed hold of either side to my skirt and gave it a tug down. It came with ease causing me a surprise,.
"NOW remove the rest before I put a cane across your legs" He said. Oh no I had forgotten that he said I was to have the cane. I couldn't take that on top of my sore bottom. With me thinking about what it would be like I wasn't removing my clothes quick enough for him. Well I wasn't removing my clothes at all.
He had raised the cane and brought it down across the back of both of my legs, "Owwwwwwwiieeeeee!" I screeched as though I had been stung with a thousand bees.
I slowly started to remove my clothes, I had had a taste of what was to come and I didn't want it. No more than I wanted to remove my clothes in front of him. I started first with the unbuttoning of my blouse to reveal a white vest. No bra as I had not yet started to develop. I Looked at him to see if he was going to change his mind but he wasn't, so I slipped the blouse off of my shoulders, not sure where to put it, I placed it on the side.
As I did this I had turned away from him but quick enough he got me to turn around and face him. He had a good look at me, looking me up and down. I was self conscious as I had not yet started to grow any hair down there yet. Reaching down I took off my pants that was still around my knees. I then got hold of my vest and pulled it up over my head. Being totally exposed to his stare I immediately placed my hands across my chest and privates.
"Move your arms to the side now unless you want some more of the cane."
I slowly moved them to my side. He pointed to my socks and shoes and finally I bent down to remove them, knowing that I was opening myself up to his look. All he did was look at my exposed private area. I tried to remove them as quick as I could to try and stop him looking at me. Once gone I stood up really quick.
He led me to the bench and beckoned for me to lay back over it. As I bent over he caught hold of my right wrist and pulled it forward, and he secured it to the bottom of the leg of the bench. That is what the straps were for. ME. He did the same with my other arm. I was now secure by my arms bent over and fully exposed to him. I started to struggle and get free but there no way I could pull away.
I started throwing my head from side to side in an attempt to get free but it was not going to happen. Reaching down he grabbed one of my legs and secured it to a leg of the bench. Well with three limbs secure what else could I do but give in and finally I was totally secure, arms and legs with my body on full view, for him to see. All I could do was wait for what was about to happen.
"Time for the second part of your punishment young Lady" I told her "you are going to feel the sting of the cane and then you are going to see a naked man for your first time"
He went and made a point of getting the cane and showing it to me as he walked back to the side of the bench.
'Prepare yourself Sophie' He spoke firmly, as he raised the cane above his head.
THWACK, he brought the cane down hard across my bottom
"Argggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" never had I ever felt anything like this before. The pain was unbelievable. All I could do was try to plead.
"I promise I'll never be naughty again."
Swwwissshhhhhhhhhhhhh. Craaaaaaaaaccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk down came the third stroke; three hot marks were across my bottom. I was un bearable as I tried to get away from the sting by pulling on the restraints. It was no good, I was at his mercy.
"Arrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. oooOOOOOOOHHH."
'Aaaarrrrhhhh....aaarrrhhh..rrrhhhh. I screamed. My body writhing in agony as a new wave of pain coursed though me.
"Aaaahhhh...NOOOO...aaaahhhh... please... don't... aaaaaahhhh... stop.. please" I cried. 'Pleeeeease.... more..I... can't' I sobbed and pleaded as my body started to shack.
"Okaaaaaaaaaaaay, I'm sorrrrrry, I'm sorrrrrrrrry, Pleeesssseee! Stoppppppppp, it hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttssssssss!"
"Oh god I want my daddy oh please please!" crying deeply with tears flowing down my cheeks.
I continued to pull against my restraints but I was unable to pull free.
"Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Screaming my head off at the severe pain I just tugged and tugged at the restraints.
Aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!". I howled "Pp..ppleeaasee..NNooomore."
But he never spoke, only to bring the cane down again. I couldn't stand any more but there was nothing I could do.
Ssswwwiiissshhh....thwack! The hardest one yet. It seemed to bedelivered with the full force of his arm.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I screamed, as loud as I could, I was screaming continuously and crying without a break.
No mercy was being given, I had to be punished according to him.
"OWWWWOOOOWWWWOOOOOHpleasenomore !!!! ooooohhh
"Crrraaaaaccccckkkkkkkk !"
"Owwww!! Noooo... no no ouch ouch! Noo-oowwwww! Pleasssssse!" I was crying like crazy and couldn't stop as it hurt so much. "I'm s-s-soorrrryyyyyy," I whined then gulped. "Pleaseeee noooo m-moreeeee."
I gave a high-pitched scream "Eeeeww! EEEEEEEWWWW! EEEEUUWWW!" over and over again. The effect of the last stroke was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I tossed my head and continued screaming. Argggghhhh .. arrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... arrrggggggggggggggghhhhh. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I still tried to escape the bindings. My whole body was shaking in agony Arrrggggghhhhhh. Arrggggggghhhhhh ..ooooohhhhhhhh. Please .. n'nnoo more. "Pleeeeeeese. Pleeeaaase, no more."
My screaming started to stop, and when it simmered down I noticed he placed a hand on my bottom. He was not smacking it or bringing that horrible came down on it. This was a soft loving touch. He started to move it round over my caned bottom. His hand started in small circles and gradually got bigger and bigger, until I felt him at the crack between my two cheeks. He started to slide his hand up and down the crack ever so slowly at first. I had had enough of this; he should not be touching me like that. Although it felt nice it was still wrong. I started to squirm at the touch of his hand. The sad thing is that I was not in a position to do anything thing about what he was doing. His hand started to move further up and down.. I could feel him was pressing all the time he was moving his hand. I new it was only a matter of time before he found my secret place and as he continued to rub up and down he found it.The beginning of my vagina. He started to move a finger up and down my virgin slit, I could feel my lips starting to part and this encouraged him to keep rubbing until he found my secret hole. I was moving my hips from side to side to try and prevent his invading finger, it was so wrong as no one had ever touched me there. As his invading finger continued to probe he started to push into my hole. It was so wrong and hurt a little he had to stop.
"Oh no, please, no don't do that. Please, please."
He ignored me and continued to push his finger in, deeper and deeper. I stretching as his finger went deeper and deeper into me. The pain was as bad as in my bottom from the caning. I was screaming due to the pain along with what he was doing. He pulled most of his finger out and I continued to scream for him to stop.
"Oh, God No! Please!! Please!!! Don't do this to me." "It hurts so much"
He continued to run his finger in and out of me, increasing the tempo as my breathing against my better judgment started to get quicker. In and out went his finger rubbing my spot. I was having bad thoughts about how much he was making me feel so good." My breathing was getting more shallow and rapid. He continued to finger me as I began to moisten in my crotch. I suddenly felt a warm rush overwhelm my young body, my little body spasmed, my legs trembling, as I orgasmed, something I had never felt before.
He slowly moved around to the front of me. I looked up and for the first time I sore a man naked. Suddenly fear filled me as I did not know what was about to happen and why he was naked in front of me.
"You haven't got your clothes on" I said staring at the thing sticking straight out in front of him. "I told you that after your caning you will see a naked man"
He started to walk towards my face with that thing and I turn my head away, I then shook my head.
"I-I-I c-can't do th-that." I said worriedly as I thought he was going to try and put that spear like tool in my mouth. It was where he was aiming it.
"You will look at me and if you turn your head again I will give you another twelve stokes of the cane is that clear?" he replied. All I could do was nod. "You will also do everything that I ask" again another node came form me as I was frightened. I started to cry. I didn't want any more strokes of the cane as my bottom was still on fire.
He moved right up to where his thing was now only inches away from my mouth. The smell from his thing was not pleasant, but I dared not to turn away for fear of having another caning. Although he was so close with his thing I was still not a hundred percent sure about what was to happen, the only thing I could think of is that he wanted to put it in my mouth. My friends at school had talked about it. It sounded disgusting. But with it just away from my lips it seems that that is what is going to happen.
He told me to open my mouth and put out my tongue. Now I new what was going to happen
"I can't put that in my mouth!" I gasped, the thought and the smell yuk
Without warning he leaned forward and put the end of this thing on my tongue. He also told me to tilt my head back slightly. I pulled away as it tasted awful.
"Open your mouth!" he demanded but I just kept my mouth shut.
WHACK! WHACK! He brought the cane down hard twice across my already sore bottom.
"AAAAAAAGGGHHH, please no I'll do it"
Slowly and surely I opened my mouth, as I did he forced himself inside me. Wider and wider my lips stretched as his thing invaded my mouth. I felt that my mouth would split from the pressure as he forced it open with the head of his thing. I moved his thing across my tongue, and then held it there for a while. It was hot with a rubbery texture.I screwed up my eyes at the thought of what he made me do. The taste was so horrible and nasty. He grabbed the back of my head to prevent me from pulling away; he started to push his hips forward forcing the thing to go further into my mouth. I started to struggle as it went deeper into my mouth. He pulled back and then forced it in again this time hitting the back of my throat. I thought I was going to choke as he hit the back of my throat, I started to struggle harder but he held me on the end of his thing. Having gagged with the thing hurting my mouth he pulled back so just the head is in my mouth.
"Take it as far into your mouth as you can and I won't force you to gag" he tells me, very slowly I move my head forward taking his thing further into my mouth.
"Swirl your tongue around the head" he started commanding. I do as I am told with tears streaming down my face. I didn't want to do this, all I wanted was to go home to my parents.
He put both of his hands on my head, which seemed to hold it still. He starts moving his thing and it slides in and out of my mouth between my lips. All of a sudden he started to move a little quicker.
"I'm going to cum, Sophie. Just keep doing what you're doing and when you feel me cum don't try and spit it out do you understand?" he told me. What did he mean going to cum? I had no idea what he was on about. I just agreed with him so he didn't hit me.
He pushed forward just a little making sure I had all the head fully in my mouth and he suddenly stopped pumping. He then told me to suck and to move my tongue more. As I did within a few moments his thing seemed to go rigid and swell even more in my little mouth. I felt movement in his thing burst up the shaft and spurt with force into my mouth. This was powerful hitting the roof of my mouth and then it started to slide down to my throat throat. The taste was so awful, never have I tasted anything so repulsive in my life. All I wanted to do was spit it out and vomit, but with the thing filling my mouth there was nothing I could as it became extra full with his repulsive fluid. I had no choice but to swallow. As I started to swallow another spurt of his thick gluey slime discharged into me, coating more of my throat. This one made me gag. As I swallowed the slime seemed to run down my throat slowly and towards my stomach. Unlike most fluid this was taking it's time giving me time to savior the horrible nasty salty flavor. How could he do this to me, all I wanted was it out of my mouth as soon as possible.
He seemed to spurt some more in never ending streams into my mouth, spurt after spurt of his hot sticky fluid shot into my little mouth. I could not swallow fast enough and so it stayed in my mouth giving the horrible taste. His fluid was so overwhelming that it made me feel nauseous. The taste was just so vile. After what seemed like an eternity and gallons to me, he stopped spurting and as the last drops was finally leaking out her made sure that I kept sucking the end of his thing. He held it in my mouth long after it finished filling my mouth; I think this was so I didn't spit any out. Suddenly he pulled it out, it seemed smaller now and limp but it was still only an inch or so from my mouth. I quickly closed my mouth just in case he wanted to put it back in. I needed a drink or a bowl but I could not make up my mind which.
Having got it out I started to choke on the last few bits that was slowly slipping down my throat. As it did I started coughing and continued to start crying at what has just taken place. I had just sucked a man's privates and it had squirted something into my mouth. I still had that disgusting taste in my mouth. Looks like it is finally over as he started to undo the straps that was holding me in place. As he released my hands I brought them up to my mouth to try and wipe the horrible taste away.
I brought a hand to my bottom to feel the damage that had been done, it was hot and full of ridges to my touch. I was still had a lot of pain and was crying a little, this was not just from the sore bottom but also from what he made me do afterwards.
Unbeknown to me he had finished releasing me, and then when I didn't move he started.
"Unless you want more I suggest you get your self dressed young lady."
Slowly and carefully I put my clothes back on, being careful not brush the material to hard against my sore areas. Luckily I wore a skirt so only my pants were rubbing.
He placed me back into the van and took me to a safe place to drop me off, close to where he told my parents he leave me. He parked up but before he would let me out he had a quick word.
"If I find I get any more letters or I am told of you misbehaving again you will have a repeat of today's lesson. Do you understand?" I nodded "I will be watching you and waiting for the next time."
He opened the side door and let me out. "Goodbye" He shouted after me. Hoping this would be the last time I ever saw him again. I had a feeling though that it wouldn't be.
With that thought I ran off crying my eyes out, whilst rubbing my bottom through my skirt.
I looked round to see he closed the door and drove off.
Ace McCloud
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