Florida Trouble, Part 3

[ Mg, spank, bd, oral ]


Published: 30-Jul-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Shaunie's View

Hi my name is Shaunie and I am a good friend of Jane's I am twelve years old and so is she. I am on holiday with Jane and her dad (John) and Jane's other sister Jenny. Now Jenny is only seven and I find her an easy target to pick on and tell what to do. Most of the time I am having good fun on holiday, but every now and then I have to test the water. Push the limits. Yesterday I just did that, and to my surprise I was put over John's knee for a sound spanking. I know he used his hand on me, he even took down my pants and done it on the bare. Not only that but he used a wooden kitchen spatula on it as well. Now that really did sting and hurt. I was bawling like a baby kicking away trying to get off his lap. I must have shown him all I had. No one had seen me naked before this and I was draped over his lap secure by his arms showing what I had but what do you expect. It hurt. Someone I hardly knows decides that they are going to take your pants down and hit you.

There was this thing poking me in my tummy but I was at first not sure what it was but then I realised. It was his thingy, I wanted off, so I tried to move away from it but that just made things worse. I was rubbing it more and more and it seemed to get bigger. He put his hand under me and I thought he was going to touch me in my sacred place. No he reached under me and moved a little and before I new what was happening he had his thing out, it was there pressing into my belly. He started to move around and then I felt wetness on my belly. Not good. Had he peed himself all over me? No he had not, it was his goo, or cum as my friend Kelly had told me. He moved around and I felt him tugging at something to the side and I was soon to find out what it was.

I heard a whoosh and suddenly there was an almighty pain in my bottom, he had only gone and taken his belt to me. The bastard I thought. He kept them coming down, believe me when I say I was crying, tears flowing but wouldn't you cry to? And then I felt it, his thing or as my friend calls it his penis moved between my legs and rubbing my slit. 27 more hits of his belt came down, I know I counted them. These though were even harder so as one might expect I was screaming my head off. He was not happy with that the dirty man placed my pants in my mouth to keep me quite. Down the belt came again. It hurt like there was no tomorrow, oh how I wished I had never come on this stupid holiday. His penis was rubbing against me so much that I was starting to like the feeling. That is wrong he should not take advantage of me like that.

But he did. I was squirming to get away but he held me tight. Then I felt it, he moved the tip of his penis to the enterance of my vagina, feeling what he was trying to do, I tried to move and make a protest for him to stop but it was no good as nothing came out through the pants. He brought the belt down on my naked bottom, the hardest yet causing me to move and as I did he pushed alowing his penis to enter me. I tried to get it out but it was to no avail. The more I moved the further in it went. It hurt, so big in such a small girl. I was sore, felt invaded and thought that I was going to burst. He stopped, I think he hit my vaginity. That will stop him I thought. Then there was a crack of the belt. It landed on my thighs, oh it hurt, I moved again this time he pushed and I not only had to contend with the pain on my thighs but I know had a burning sensation between my legs as I felt my only piece of protection give way. He hit me again the sod, and then he was in me completely. He continued to whack me with the belt all the time moving back and forth. I felt it a sudden swelling of his penis in my vagina followed by a forsed wetness like I have never felt before.

He has cum in me. Squirting his horrible stuff.

I didn't feel him pull out, all I remember is that it went soft after he finished squirting, he remove the pants from my mouth. I was in to much shock to notice what was happening.

John told me to stand up and as I did I felt a wetness trickle down my leg, he was leaking out of me. Tears flowing down my face from not only having the worst sore bottom ever but the fact he put his thing in me. He started to talk to me.

"Are you going to behave yourself tomorrow now?" he asked.

Through a tearstained face I said "yes" followed by "I am really sorry for what I have done and promise to be good for the rest of the week"

"Well I feel you should go to bed now as, we have a full day tomorrow". He stated as he went over to unlock the bedroom door. "Go steady and don't wake them up or I will repeat the episode tomorrow do you understand?" John told me as I went into the bedroom.

I gave a node and for some strange reason I went over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, with a hug. "You know I may not be able to be quite as I am so sore" I said still crying.

"Well you know what will happen if you aren't so it is up to you" with that he saw me tucked upto into bed and left to go back to his room. I layed on my stomach to get to sleep.If only I had said no and gone home.

Well here we are a new day and I was crying for most of the night. My bottom is still sore today but not that bad.

Jane has come in to wake me and asked how I was feeling. I said ok. And that was it really. I got up and went into the lounge, still in my short pyjama set. I wondered around as I found sitting down still sore.

"Good morning Shaunie, how are we feeling this morning?" John asked me.

"Sore, but not as bad as I thought it would be, I struggled to go to sleep due to the pain, but I did get a nice warm feeling though" I reply. "Have you said anything to Jane or Jenny about what happened?"

"No! it is nothing to do with them, just between us two" he said in a whisper so his children could not here. I noticed that I was not the only one in there pyjama's as Jane and Jenny were as well.

"Well let's make a start on breakfast, we will have a drink to start with and then get dressed and go to Sizzlers for an all you can eat buffet. I want to go to the shops today and with any luck play a game of crazy golf" John was telling us.

"Whilst I am making the drinks why don't you go and get dressed" he directed it to us "but before you go Shaunie I want to see you in my room"

Oh dear what had I done wrong? I now had a sad look to me, wondering why he wanted to see me.

John followed me into the room and then locked the door, now I was really scared. Is he going to rape me again? Or smack me? I was unsure as to why he wanted me in here in private. So I thought I would ask

"Am I in trouble again?"

"No not at the moment but that will depend on how you behave throughout the day starting right now" was the reply "I need to see your bottom, to see what damage if any has been done from last nights spanking, so I would like you to lower your pyjama bottoms and pants please" he finished off saying.

I was amazed he had the cheek to suggest such a thing, so naturally I replied.

"NO" I paused "you can't make me do it, I have done nothing wrong" tears started to fall down my face.

"This is your one and only warning for the day, you will do it. THEY are coming down, as I need to see the damage" was his reply followed by.

"From now on anything you do wrong will be marked against you and will be dealt with tonight" I was informed "your pyjama bottoms are coming down one of two ways as I need to look at your bottom, either you lower them yourself or I will do it myself with another spanking. It's up to you"

not much choice have I me of him, oh how he would love to feel me again, but it's not going to happen. I turned my back to him and gradually pulled my shorts followed by my pants down to my knees. I immediately placed my hands over my vagina to keep his gaze away.

He asked me to bend over to which I did to about forty five degrees, I then felt his hands on my pyjama top where he lifted it clear of my bottom.

He asked me to spread my legs, he said it was to keep my balance but I know he just wanted to look at my vagina. Pervert. He placed his hand on my bottom which made me squirm. I tried to move away from his touch but he caught hold of my pyjama top and held it tight. I am not going anywhere. It was a combination of his touch with the pain still in my bottom that was causing me to squirm. He started to move his hand around my bottom, feeling all over it, he has a gentle touch, and the more he moved his hand the more I started to get feelings between my legs. This is wrong I thought, but he just kept it up causing the feelings to just get better.. Round and round he went and then he started to run his middle finger up and down the crack that separates the two cheeks. He pushed his finger almost all the way to my vagina but kept falling short. I was getting turned on so much my breathing quickened. Why am I getting these feelings? After all I am only just 12.

I do not know if I was saved or just going to be disappointed for the day but there was a knock at the door and Jane was wondering where I was. John explained that he needed to check my sore area. More like to perv at my girl hood. With that thought I received a hard smack to my bottom, this caused me to cry. Anyway after pulling my clothes up, John had a word with me. "Before you go, I thought I should warn you that any wrong doings including sulks and moodiness today and you will be back here tonight for a repeat of last night do you understand?"

I nodded, boy would I have to watch myself. Looks like he is getting turned on smacking me. I don't want to be punished anymore than I want his horrible member in me. I was though wet again down below.

I went off into the bedroom to get changed. This was done carefully as I had a sore bottom. I did not want anything to tight so I wore a sleeveless pink top, no straps just hung mid chest and down. I also had a short white flowing pleated skirt that fell to just above knees, this was so it was not tight around my bottom as shorts or jeans would have been. Underneath I wore a pair of bikini white knickers with three coloured dots on them. Pink, black, and purple. I could see John looking at me, so as I was still a bit turned on I thought I would be daring. I gave him a show of my knickers as I sat down. You should see the smile I just put on his face.

We went off for breakfast and ended up a place called Sizzlers, I didn't like the food, I prefer McDonalds and let John know I was unhappy. Not much reaction so in a bid to get up and away from having to sit on my bottom I knocked my coke over. Bad move, a full glass has just gone everywhere.

"Sorry" I said constantly looking at John to see what the reaction is going to be.

"You will be" was the reply "just go and get some napkins to clean it up" off I went to get some help and when the waiter came John ordered me another drink.

Off we went belly sort of full after I had picked at my food. Shopping time. We went to a place called Premier Outlet. John made his excuse and said he wanted to go and get some things and we were to stay together as a group. We had to do what everyone wanted. I was a quite mean to Jenny, well who at twelve wants to spend all there shopping time looking at Bratz things. Not me. So I kept moving off, naturally Jenny followed and she kept asking, but I would not listen and told her to stop her winging. She just had to follow us.

John came back and was talking to his children, let me guess they were telling him about me not letting Jenny go to look at Bratz stuff. She is the one that needs a hiding, always winging. They had said something as John took Jenny back into the shop to look at things she wanted to.

We left the area had lunch which was ok but still not up to my favourite food standards and went off to play crazy golf. Stupid game. I hate loosing and I was doing ok until I found a hard couple of courses, I started sulking, and that was not a good idea. It didn't help me play any better but o thought I might get some attention. I did but not the sort I was after. The final straw came for John when I got the ball wedged on a difficult course. I was unable to move the ball along very far as every time I hit it, it would end up back where it began. That was it I had had enough and I took a swipe at the ball sending it out of the playing area, nearly hitting someone on another course and it went in the water. Only had to be the deepest part as well. John by now was not very happy, I could tell. He got me another ball and I continued to play.

"I will be dealing with this tonight" He informed me, to which I started crying "and if I was you, unless you want me to give you a good spanking in front of everyone here on the golf course I suggest you buck up your ideas and stop your crying". He whispered into my ear.

Not much fun playing when you are pretty sure that when you go back to the villa your bottom is going to be made sore again. I was alittle bit bratty for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I worked on the thought that I had done it anyway, so what difference would it make.

I was soon to find out as we arrived back at the villa. The surprise came when he told Jane and Jenny to get ready for bed and told me to stay on the sofa. Trying my luck for one last time I started to cry.

"John it is so not fare, I have been better today honest" "it's not all me"

With that there was a response "It's not up for discussion at the moment" and he continued to make our bed time drinks. I put the telly on. Watching some American show.

Down they went nice and tasty and after a while I noticed that Jane and Jenny were starting to fall asleep. Not good. I kept talking to them but it was not working. Soon they were asleep on the sofa. John picked them up one at a time and carried them into their bedrooms. This left me with John. Knowing that if I pretended to fall asleep, then he would just wake me to give me my hiding. Let's get it over and done with.

I noticed that John had left the room towards the garage and then as I was so into the telly I did not pay much attention until I heard furniture moving. Or was it on telly? Oh well back to what I was watching. I looked up to see John standing next to me, he handed me a piece of pare and a pen.

"You will write the following and failure to do so will just result in your punishment being more severe and then I will get you to write want I want after your punishment. So the choice is going to be yours". Tears started to well up in my eyes, realising what was about to happen, why did he have to get me to write another note, what will he make me say this time?

"I don't get any option do I?" I asked

"No" this was all he said.

"I want you to write the following" when he thought I was ready he started.

"I Shaunie hereby ask John to give me a sound punishment using whatever he sees fit. This will include the use of his hand and a riding crop. I also want to be tied down so I don't move around or try to stand up"

He paused and it started to sink in what I have just written. I was now crying I don't want the riding crop, where would I get it? Would he actually hit me with it? How much would it hurt? And what does he mean tie me down. I don't want to be tied down at all. He made me continue. "I want John to do a good job of my punishment as I have been really naughty today and it is the only way to learn a lesson" pause "John may do what ever he wants to me as it will be well deserved signed Shaunie on this day Wednesday the 19th October 2005" I did not want to write that note, but I new that if I didn't then the time and punishment would be worse. Reluctantly the note was signed.

All signed he took the piece of paper from me and beckoned for me to follow me into the bedroom.

As I entered the room I was surprised to see that the table had been put into the middle of the room. I bet he wants me to bend over that I thought. Well we will see.

"Shaunie I thought that after last night you would have improved, however you seem to be worse" he stared into my face as he spoke and before he gave me time to reply he continued to lecture me " you have let yourself down yet again. You have sulked, been moody, was horrible again to Jenny whilst I was away, lost it at golf having a paddy and losing a ball, just generally been bratty again" "what have you to say to that?"

"I'm sorrrry" Tears started to flow. I was truly sorry now and looking at the table I thought that I would be fairly soon.

"I wasn't that bad, I am really sorrrry and please don't hit me to hard" I paused "Is there another way instead of a spanking?"

"NO! You will be bent over the table in a minute, for the punishment you deserve after I have given you a fully over the knee spanking"

"No please no, not that. I tried to be good honestly" I replied

"Well if that is good I would hate to see what you are like if you are bad. I want you to bend forward over my knee and place your hands forward."

Slowly and reluctantly I moved forward and bent herself over his knee pushing and I pushed my hands forward as he had asked. This makes my bottom the perfect level for his hand.

He shifted slightly so that his penis was not poking in my tummy. I new what it was today. He is getting off on hitting me. With me bent over, he took the bottom of my skirt and slowly started lifting up.

"Nooooooo please not that." I cried as he lifted my skirt up and over my pants, and up my back. He tucked the skirt into the waist band of the skirt. Oh dear that wont fall back now to give a little protection. I was embarrassed, he could now see my pants, and with that he placed his hand on them. It made me jump a little as I thought he was about to hit me but no. he was feeling my bottom, round and round he went with his hand. Even though any moment his hand is going to come crashing down it did start to feel good. He moved his hand to my thighs, now which did send goose bumps up and down my spine. He moved his hand slowly up and down my thighs getting closer to vagina. His hand did not go between my legs but it came close. I was starting to like what he was doing. Well I am her to be punished but I am after all a healthy normal 12 year old girl. I do have feelings and obviously if touched right I am turned on. I was in my own little world when he brought me back to reality.

"Well Shaunie here we go, this is going to take about an hour, or two for the whole punishment and will be split into various parts. It will hurt a lot. If you start crying to soon then this punishment will just get harder to give you something to REALLY cry about".

Great here he is about to smack my bottom and I am not supposed to cry or scream. I felt his hand lift of my bottom and it came down, not to hard but I felt it and I feel this will change.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Ouch that hurts, down came five hard hand spanks to each of my cheeks. I was holding back the tears as I moved around in an attempt to try to get away from his smacking hand, but he had held me well.

He continued


"I told you to behave today and I also told you what would happen if you didn't."

"Owwwwwwwwwww, I'm sorrrrrrrrrrrry" was all I could muster through the pain and the start of the tears.

You had SMACK! SMACK! Better be, SMACK! SMACK! Young lady. SMACK! SMACK! I had better SMACK! SMACK! Not SMACK! SMACK! Have to speak SMACK! SMACK! To you about your attitude." SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!


"Owww, John, No, pleeease, I'm sorrry, pleeease? I'll be goodddddddd!!!" I was crying

"This SMACK is SMACK just SMACK the SMACK beginning SMACK of SMACK your SMACK punishment SMACK tonight, SMACK do SMACK you SMACK understand SMACK the last one came down really hard.

"Owwwww, owwwwieeee, yessss!" I cried. What did he mean just the beginning. I can't take much more of this I thought. My bottom was feeling hot already. I was beginning to kick my legs and clench my bum cheeks between spanks, in an attempt to try and avoid his hand.

"I'm sorry, Owwwwwwwwwww! I won't do it again. I promise!" I continued crying "please stop"

SMACK! SMACK! "I'll stop SMACK! SMACK! When I think SMACK! SMACK! You've learned your lesson SMACK! SMACK! And that is not SMACK! SMACK! Going SMACK! SMACK! To be SMACK! SMACK! For awhile. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

After the last rain of spanks I was kicking and shifting so much I nearly came of his lap but that wasn't going to happen.


I started crying loadly, wriggling and trying to move away from his smacks. I was pulled closer and held tighter. There was no way I was coming off John's lap. Not yet anyway.

He paused to what I think was to have a look at my bottom; at least it gave it a breather. I am unsure as to how much more I can take He rearranged his penis so now with more force he brought his hand down on my bottom. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

By now I was crying relatively hard and John had stopped the spanking. Was it all over? I do hope so. I can't take any more.

Shaunie I want you to stand up, and face me. I did slowly, and reluctantly, still wondering if it was over. But I didn't think so. Only wished.

"Take off your clothes and come and stand by the table please" He asked My jaw just dropped. Did he say what I thought he said. "Clothes off? Strip? I... oooh, I don't think so."

"I will give you to the count of four and then if you don't start then I will do it for you?"

I paused as I took in what he was talking about. You want me naked so you can spank me more. Still hesitating I had to ask

"Have I got to?"


Well I got my answer

I didn't move, John moved slightly but I didn't take in what he was doing.


Still nothing, I was frozen, to shocked to move. I just could not believe what he hanted me to do. Strip in front of a strange man. NO was my answer


I didn't think he would go through with it when he realizes that I am standing my ground.

"FOUR" and with that he grabbed me and forced me forwards over the table. This had taken me completely by surprise and I was not quick enough to react. With what seemed to a 12year old lightening speed John had got himself into a position and placed a set of handcuffs over my wrists.

"HAY! What you doing?" I asked in amazement.

Suddenly the chain on the handcuffs was yanked hard and pulled them forward, he started tying a length of rope around the chain and securing it to one of the table legs. Blow I was now fairly secure, no where to run, Unable to move my hands, this is not good. He can now do anything he likes and I can't move my hands to stop him. Well at least I still have my legs to hurt him with, if he tries anything on.

He grasp the waist band of my white dress. Slowly and deliberately he pull it down and off my legs. He was tormenting me. This left me in just pants and top. Not waiting any longer he proceeded to pull my pants down, slowly. As I could feel the cold air hitting my burning bottom I started kicking to try and get him to stop. But my attempts were feeble, no good at all.

I pleaded "Nooo... pleeease... no d...don't." I was crying "what are you doing, aahhhh, nooo, pp. ppleassse John...NO...NOOO DON'T, not my pants".

Kicking, struggling, and pleading I tried to avoid the inevitable, but not well enough. My hands were tied and all I could do was kick.


Four very hard smacks landed across my now bare bottom. "You will allow me to continue until you are striped and I will finish you punishment."

"Please...john! No! Owww! Aahhhh! Pleeease...not on the bare"

"I'll be good" was all I could muster

"I know you will" with a few more smacks for good measure


"AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE! OW! OOOH! NO! Please, no more John! No more!


John then managed to take my pants of over my feet, this left me bare bottom and my legs free to kick.

He pulled on the bottom of my top and pulled it up my back. Right up to my shoulders. He struggled in the position I was in but he managed to pull the top over and off my head. He pulled it down both of my arms until it reached the handcuffs.

During this I was wriggling around, but he caught hold of one of my legs and secured that to a leg of the table. Finally he managed to do the other leg despite all my kicking about. What had I done? Here I am spread eagled over a table with hands and legs secure. He can do anything he now wants. Is he going to hit me anymore? What about the mention of the riding crop I wrote about.

He left the room and went into the bathroom, when he returned he was in his pyjamas,

"Let me go. You can't do this to me" I started wailing and pleading with tears flowing down my dainty cheeks.

"Well it is like this, you gave me permission to do what I want, and now I am going to do just that" he continued "Anymore of your complaints and I will have to us a gag in your mouth".

He moved behind me, was to give me another spanking? Is he after S.E.X? oh I hope not. I am a minor, however if it takes the burning sensation and the pain away I wil do just about anything. Time will tell, I thought to myself.

The answer is here.


"Waaaaaa! Owwwwww!" I shrilled. "Owwww! Not so har....Ouuuuuch! Nooooooo!" He rained his hand down, as I was squirming around in my bonds, I think I was showing him all my secrets, but I didn't care. His hand hurt and stung a lot


"Owwwwww! That stiiiiiings!" I yelped, as he brought his hand down extra hard


"Please, John, no more....I'm sorryyyyyyy! Stop! Please! Ohhhhhhh, it stings so baaaaaaaad! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuch! Owwwwwwww! Aiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!"

John walked to the front of the table so I could see him, and I watched as he picked up the riding crop that had been placed out of site. He showed it to me, Whoosh it went through the air as he tested it. Close to my head. This is going to hurt I thought. a lot worse than his hand. Tears flowing down my cheeks as I realised that it was about to come in contact with my bottom. Oh how much it is going sting.

"John! Please, I made a mistake. I'm so sorry... I know better, really I do... please. Don't hit me with that."

"You have been a naughty girl, disobedient and disruptive to the holiday despite warnings and a previous punishment. You will now receive eighteen strokes of the crop." He paused "Shaunie do you understand?"

I muttered a pitiful 'yes John' through my crying and tears. I heard John move to the side. It was starting...

He lifted the crop and down it came, landing the first stroke to my backside of an already sore girl.


"Owwwww." I cried out in pain, it was like a thousand bees stinging all at the same time.

WHACK, the second one landed in the same spot as the first, and I howled in pain. "owww hoow owww nooooooo".

I wanted so desperately to jump up and run but I knew that I just couldn't as I was tied down.

WHACK WHACK.... John brought two down in quick succession across the lower part of my bottom.

I'm sorrrryyyyyyy Owwww hoooooo Owwwwwww". I cried out. And that only the fourth stroke, only fourteen to go.


"YEEEEOWWWWL!" I screeched, "Owl, Owl, Owl" I yelped, kicking the best I could and twisting in fiery distress, wiggling my ass furiously, to try and shake off the sting.


I screamed out as the crop connected again with my already sore bottom

"Owieeeeeeeeeeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeeeeee, it burns! Wahhhhhhhhhh!"

THWACK this one landed just below my bottom cheeks.

"AAaaiiieeeEeeeiiiiieee!!" I screamed. The swinging crop stung worse than I had ever imagined a spanking could feel like.

WHACK down it came hard on my left buttock

"YYYAAAaHHHWWWWWW!!" I bawled, "AAAWwwwwww! Awwwwhhh! Awwhhh! Ahhw!"

"It's burning... Please Stop" Tears were flowing like a river down my face.

I was bawling my eyes out. Screaming as the crop made contact with my skin.

"I'll do anything, stop the pain please" more tears. I am now pleading. At this moment in time I would do anything just to stop the pain.

John stopped. Is it over? He listened to me was all I could think of. There was a long pause with no speak, not from me anyway as I am to upset to say anything.


He brought the crop down really hard this time my body jerked it was also done in surprise.

"OOOOOOOW! OOOOOOOH!" I was really bawling "no more please" I was screaming my head off.


"Owieeeeeeeeeeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeeeeee I just can't stand it! Please! NO MORE! PLEASE!" I yelled "I will DO anything" crying well. My bottom felt ablaze and it was really sore. I really had learned my lesson this time.

It looked as though the punishment was over as John made his way up to my head. I was still strapped down unable to move far, apart from side to side and up and down. Keeping my eyes shut because of the tears I really didn't here what John was up to. I did though think it was time to open my eyes. Slowly I opened them through the tears and I was surprised to see John stood before me, naked from the waist down. There sticking straight out towards my face was his penis. I am no good at sizes but it was big, about 7 inches long and maybe a few inches wide. Looking at where it was I thought for a horrible moment that he wants me to put it in my mouth.

Yuk, how disgusting. And as I was thinking that he pushed forward until he was only about 6 inches away. I looked at it; well having never seen one before and it was close, it had a purple bell type thing on the end with a little hole in it. He does want to put it in my mouth.

OH so gross and I'm sure it wont fit, I thought. If it did it would really stretch my mouth.

He gripped his penis with one hand and with the other hand, he it put on the back of my head.

"Move your head closer, Shaunie." He said as I felt the pressure on the back of my head. His hand started to push my head towards his penis.

"What are you doing!" I asked

"I want you to take my penis in your sweet little mouth Shaunie" he answered.

I shock my head and with the thought of taking this penis in my mouth made me gag.

Knowing I was going to resistance he reached over and grabbed the crop to help. He raised it high in the air and he brought it down across my naked behind.


"Ahhhh" I opened my mouth to let out a scream as he suddenly whacked the crop down across my bottom, and as he did, before I had time to do too much screaming he started to stuff his penis into my wide open virgin hole. Suddenly, I felt it; it was rubbery, warm with a bitter salty taste. It was also soft to touch. His cock head slid between my preteen quivering lips and it jerked as it touched my mouth.

Realizing what was happening, I suddenly started shaking my head to try and remove the invading member but to no avail. He caught hold of my hair to prevent him from coming out of her mouth.

"Now close your lips around my penis or you will get another good whack, do you understand?"

I was unable to really answer as I closed my lips, my mouth was now full. Never before had I even in her wildest dreams imagined I would be doing this disgusting thing. Here I am on holiday, meant to be having fun where actually I have a man who is meant to be looking after me, has forced himself into my mouth. He moved his hands from my hair and placed them on either side of my head, and then he gently pulled my head further onto his prick. He then started to slowly pump, knowing that he could not go to deep or I will chock.

The mushroom-shaped head moved back and forth in my small mouth and I could feel the invading member bulging out of my cheek. All I wanted to do was to get that nasty salty tasting thing out of my mouth, but I was unable to. The only good thing is that whilst I have his penis in my mouth, my bottom for the time being was no longer getting whacked.

"Now I want you to start sucking it young lady like a lollypop, and if you do a good job then I will go easier on you when I've finished" he said "and make sure you don't use your teeth, if I feel them, then your bottom will feel the stinging of the crop for the next hour"

I had never done this before and pretended that I had a lolly in my mouth, the only difference was the taste and size. I started to suck. Not hard, but gently, softly using my lips and cheeks to suck the head of his penis, I started to move my tongue around mainly to get away from the intrusion. All it did was just make him feel good. I was pleading with my eyes to try and get him to stop me from being forced to do the horrible deed. I sucked on his penis hoping to get it over with quickly although not to sure what was going to happen. When would it stop? I was about to find out.

"Yes, Shaunie, that feels so good. Now you are about to receive my present to you, keep sucking and make sure that swallow it!"

Swallow? Swallow what? There is no way I can take his penis down my throat.

He pumped his penis into my mouth, looking into my innocent, unexpecting eyes as my lips stretched tightly around his shaft, my tongue moving all over as he grabbed hold of my head at the sides making sure I couldn't move.

I felt his penis slightly swell more in my mouth and with a spasm; my mouth was filled with a powerful spurt. This was a surprise! My mouth was almost filled with the powerful spurt and I choked, gulped and spluttered with my eyes going wide in surprise as I looked up at him, unsure as to what had happened or what it was.

I wondered what to do with this foul tasting fluid that was thick and salty in my mouth. I tried to spit it out, but I was unable to as John was still holding my head on his penis. And my lips were so tight around his shaft, that I had no choice but to swallow. As I started to swallow; I was fighting back the urge to vomit and choke as the horrible foul tasting thick fluid slowly ran down my gullet.

Oh no more, he shot again with his second spurt filling my mouth again; it was now full to the point of past overflowing. I froze as my mouth was so full with slimy fluid. It felt like gallons, and it even made my cheeks puffing out as they too quickly filled up. John still held me on his penis, as his sperm managed to escape and run down my lips from out the corners of my tightly stretched mouth. I gagged and choked. Only this time I swallowed reflexively, as quickly as I could whilst trying to gasp for breath. A large amount had gone into my belly making me feel sick.

Just when you think that it is over another great gush of sperm squirted into my mouth and throat. Again I gagged and choked as my throat filled for the third time and I swallowed and swallowed as the squirts started to became little more than a trickle. Finally there seemed to be no more and I was able to breath again properly. Breath as well as one can do with a mouthful of penis. He made me suck the last bits out, and clean his penis using my tongue. I thought that I was going to throw up. He pulled out with a wet plop and stepped back. There was a tear in my eyes at having to do such a horrible task. I suppose I did say I would do anything for the pain to stop. I never imagined he would make me do that. My chin felt wet and I new what it was, globs of cum and I could feel a thick string of goo still hanging on my left lip as it had escaped from my mouth.

Time to recover a little, as John left the room for a few minutes. I thought about what had happened; he had just CUM in my mouth. All I Wanted to do was to get that horrible taste out of mouth, but I was notable to, it tasted like sea water. Gross. I finished reaching because of the taste when John re entered the room. I turned my head to look at him through teary eyes. I had a very sore bottom as well as a salty tasting mouth.

"Well young lady that was a good job you did there and for that although we have to finish your punishment I will go easier on you." He showed me what he had left the room for. He had got a cane. "This might look bad but it will be better than the crop" He tried to tell me.

"Please nooo! I've had enough punishment! And you made me do that horrible thing" I started to cry and plead "No - no -please don't, my mouth taste awful" he is just so cruel.

"I am going to give you eight with the cane, and any protests will earn you two extra strokes per complaint" he also added "Do you understand?"

I gave a slow nod. He moved to my side and brought the cane up high.

CRACK! The cane lashed down on my helpless backside.

"YEOWWWWWWWWWWW" I'm yelling at the sudden burning sensation. This is meant to be lighter than the crop, no way. It hurt like hell. Stung like nothing I had ever encountered before.

SWISH---SPLAT the cane traveled through the air and landed well across both cheeks.

"AAAWW WOOOOHOOO EEEE Johnnn Noooooo" I screamed as the pain started to really hurt bringing back the full pain of her earlier punishment.

CRACK number three has landed

"Ohhhhh no no nooooo no please," I cried as the cane kissed my naked bottom

WHACK! He brought the cane down the hardest yet, this really did hurt.

"Owwwwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" said I, sobbing. My little body was shaking as I cried. Never had I felt so much pain. "Owwwwwwwwwwww, John, I'm sorrrrrrrrrrryyyyy, it hurrrrrrrrrrts so much! Please stop"

He gave me his answer.

SWISCHH down it came again

"oohw, ooowww, please please, OOOHHHWWW, no more NOOO OOOHHHWWW!" I was crying uncontrollably, pulling on the handcuffs even though they were hurting my wrists as I tried to protect the pain in my bottom. It was no good, I was going nowhere. I was now wriggling like a snake trying to get away. "I really do promise to be good" was all I could muster between cries and tears.

"I know you will now, but you have three to go, plus two extra for all the protesting you have done about the end of the punishment. This brings the total to now five". And before I had time to answer


"Yeeeeooooccchhh!!" I screamed in a long wail, as he brought the cane down just below my bottom right on my thighs, tears shed down my face

"John, I'm so sorry. Please no more... please! I can't take it... I learned... I swear..."

swish - CRACK!!

The cane bit angrily again into my already tortured flesh, leaving another stripe of pain, I was howling and wailing amongst the cries from the thrashing I was getting.

"Three to go if you stay good" I was informed.


Down it came this on my left thigh.

"Ohhh nooo please!" I begged as this one landed. "OOOOOOOWWWWWWIIIEEEE!" I squealed in pain, arching my back and trying to kick my legs in desperation to get away from the sting. I was bawling like there was no tomorrow. Tears flowing freely down my face, resting on my lips as I licked them away I got the taste the dried cum as well.

John for some reason stopped, has he lost count or had a change of heart. But he did stay to my side. He placed a hand on my left cheek and started to feel it, boy was it hot. I could feel the raised welts under his hand as he ever so gently and slowly moved his fingers.. As he was moving his hand he went down to my thighs, down to the knees and very slowly back up. I squirmed at his touch, he continued moving slowly from side to side. Placing his hand on the inside of my thigh he started to move up, gently rubbing in time with my movement. Yes I was getting excited at his touch and his softness. I gave a low pitched moan as he came within two inches of my crutch. He was still going higher over the soft piece of flesh. I was enjoying it so much, and then he did it. He moves his hand underneath and onto my belly and gradually brings it back to the top of my vagina. I know he can feel my nakedness, yet to start maturing. What is he now going to do I wondered.

He moves his hand back to my bottom and starts sliding round in circles over the very hot flesh. I wriggle my bottom to his hand, I know I shouldn't but I feel ever so turned on.

The hand moves to the crack in my bum and he starts too slid up and down gradually getting further down towards my vagina. Finally his hand is on my secret place, the top of my slit. He slowly moves his middle finger down, (which is actually up towards my belly button as I am still bent forward), between the folds back and forth gradually getting deeper. I let out a moan, this time louder, with my breathing getting quicker. As he pressed during the many strokes I felt that he had found my hole. I wriggled as I did not want him to press any further. Yes I was getting turned on but that did not give him the right to invade me. Cautiously he started sliding in between my little hairless lips, gently at first and as I moved in time to what he was doing, although I didn't want him to go inside me. Just rub on the outside would be great. He started to press into my hole, easily as I had become wet with all Johns rubbing. His finger nail is in as I start to stretch to accommodate the invading finger. I let out a long steady moan. This is it, I feel, not able to do anything about what is happening he presses further in, it slides easily up to his knuckle and then all of a sudden he presses just a little bit further until all of his finger is in me. My breathing in quicker as he pulls back his hand so that he has left just his nail in place, he pushes forward again and this time a long moan is escapes my mouth. I think I am actually enjoying this, being penetrated by John's finger. As I was being finger fucked I had an orgasm. I only ever got those in the privacy of my bedroom.

"Oh yes" I moaned in a low sexy voice.

Feeling these new feeling, from John I wanted him to stop as it was wrong, but I did enjoy the feelings that I was receiving. He continued what he was doing, and so gave me a second orgasm. I felt drained. Unknowing to me, John slowly moved behind me. He let me get used to the feeling of him between my legs whilst he was still finger fucking me. I felt him withdraw his finger completely and thought that he was putting it back in, I then felt it at the entrance to my vagina but it felt different. Was he using another digit I wondered? He began slowly rubbing back and forth across my hairless slippery slit, and then he started to increase the pressure against my small hole. He continued to push harder and harder moving ever so slightly back and forth looking for the place of least resistance. Slowly but surely my pussy began to give way, onto his digit. The entrance expanded ever so slightly as it began its journey inside. He gently shoved and at that moment I realized that he was trying to push his penis into my tight hole.

"Eeeeeeeeee... No... No...Don't...Please Don't...Eeeeeeeee...it's wrong" I screamed as I realized that he had swapped a finger for his penis.

He was ignoring me as he new there was nothing I could do to stop him, he had a few inches inside, and paused to let my vagina stretch around my invading member. He slowly started to pump in and out, letting me get used to the feeling and gradually more and more of his penis entered me. It hurt; I was now in pain and wanted him out, although on the other hand I did like the feeling. I new I was tight, hot and slippery and then my body reacted and I could feel my muscles clamp around his shaft as he slowly pumped away. His thrusts were getting faster and faster as I felt a climax approaching. I tensed whilst gripping his penis as my body started to shake and go into spasm, as this was happening John pushed hard a few more times and with a last thrust I could feel a load, force itself into my waiting vagina. I could feel a warm liquid being sprayed deep inside and it started to fill my tight hole. I could feel that there was spay after spray being emptied into me. I took had my third orgasm at the same time. Finally exhausted, I just lay there as John started to move back and his penis slipped from my wet cum filled pussy.

Whilst I was catching my breath John stepped back to the side and broke the moment with his comments.

"Okay Shaunie," He said, "I will begin the last strokes of the cane as final punishment for the way you have behaved today, it will soon be all over".

"Nooo!" I cried, "nooo, I'll be good I promise, I've had my punishment!" "No, don't, please," I started begging "I'll behave, I promise I've been good" How can you go from sheer ecstasy to suddenly be told you have two more stroke s of the cane?

"For that you have just earned another two, anymore complaints so I can add to the total?"

SWISH...THWACK! The impact caused a fleshy ripple of pain as the cane landed hard on my rear.

"Owww....ooo....ahhhh, no, stop....I'm sorry, I'm sorryy....owww", I howled as the cane came down for the first of four strokes.

WHACK! CRACK! Landing right on the tops of my thighs. That was the worst yet.

"Yeoww!....ow....ow!" Scream after scream left my lips as number two came down, half way there of the final strokes. I was crying now, unable to stop.

"Owwwww hooooo." I howled in agony "Owwwww hoooo owwwww hooo wooo"

SwishTHWACK John brought it down the hardest yet, landing across both of my cheeks.

"YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHOOOOOWWWWWWW !!!!!!" I continued to screamed at the unbelievable agony of the cane's severe force across my buttocks. "OWWWWOOOOWWWWOOOOOHPLEASENOMORE" I was now pleading with John. Screaming at the top of my lungs, he proceeded to bring his hand down on my backside. I thought it was over, I had had my four but John obviously thought other wise.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Stop your screaming or I will find you some more" He told me as he brought his hand down some more. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

I was still bawling like a baby. Oh how much my bottom hurt.

"You will wake the girls, and then your punishment will not only start again but I will do it in front of my children" He informed

I was squirming around and trying to get away from his hand. Howling really loudly wishing that not only had I stayed at home but the fire in my bottom would soon stop.

"You have one left, it will be the worst you have ever had but then it will all be over" "AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE! OW! OOOH" was the only answer I gave. I had miss counted and going to pay the price.


"AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee!" I screeched as the cane sent searing pain across my upturned bottom. "Ohhhh. OOOOOOO. YEOWWWWWWWWWWW

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed and screamed and screamed. In fact I was screaming for a good ten minutes after John had finished. That was it, all finished. I have just had the hiding of my life. The last stroke was the hardest ever. I was balling my eyes out like a little three year old.

I was not ever going forget tonight or the holiday. I had been caned. Whipped and spanked. As well as John having sex with me against my will and making me take that horrible thing in my mouth. Oh the taste of his cum was gross. I can still taste it now.

John applied some cold cream whilst I was still laid across the table. Gently rubbing back and forth, round and round he forced the cream into my welted bottom.

After about fifteen minutes, of me having by bottom soothed and he started feeling me up again I was released from the restraints. I placed both of my hands straight to my bottom. I could feel welts and heat, I did try to rub the pain away but that was not going to happen. My tears had now stopped. Slowly and carefully I started to stand up, forgetting the fact that I was nude. As I stood up I could feel a warm wetness leak from my vagina and run down my leg. It was gross. I started to turned round and I gave him a full glimpse of all I had to offer. There it all was on full view, my bald vagina, and the place where about thirty minutes ago he was pumping away at, and filling me with his seed.

Knowing he was looking but not caring I walked over and placed my arms around his neck and gave him kiss on his lips, this had taken him by surprise. The kiss was long and drawn out, using my tongue to explore his mouth, as Kelly had told me. I slowly pulled his lips of mine and apologized for being so naughty. Telling him that it will not happen again. He asked how my bottom felt, what a stupid question. I said that it felt like a thousand bees had stung all at once, as I spoke I still had some tears in my eyes.

"I think it is time for you to go to bed now young lady" John said as he looked me in the eyes. I told him that my bottom was so sore and that I would have to sleep on my front, I asked out of cheek if I could sleep in his bed with him. Well he did have a large king size bed. Of course you can, he replied, knowing that he might not be able to keep his hands to myself. But I new that as well.

John went to cheek on his children and then returned and climbed into bed with me. We were still naked. If you would like me to continue the story of Shaunie then please let me know.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


This could have been a good story if you had a grasp of the English language! The spelling was atrocious, the grammar inconsistant and the switch between tenses unforgiving. Sad, you need to proof read your work before publishing and use a spell checker........ and what part three was supposed to achieve beats me....


Oh yes, please continue. Also let Shaunie tell John what Jenny really did. John could introduce the daughters to the Plan.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.