Published: 30-Jul-2012
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Well here we are into the next day, and Shaunie has at last got up. She only did this because I sent Jane into tell her that she had to get up. Who knows how long she would have stayed in bed. Not my scene staying in bed all day especially when one is on holiday. Still Shaunie is not much of a good riser at the best of times and nearly always late for school or having the odd day off due to her laziness. Shaunie was wondering around the villa carefully from last night's severe hiding, in her pyjama set. If you looked hard you could see the outline of where I had used the belt on her, some bruises could be seen but not to bad in the morning light. I would have a look before the day really begins. I have not got a lot planned today so she can recover steadily.
"Good morning Shaunie, how are we feeling this morning?" I asked mainly out of curiosity, it's not like I didn't know she is going to have a sore bum.
"Sore, but not as bad as I thought it would be, I struggled to go to sleep due to the pain, but I did get a nice warm feeling though" came back her reply. "Have you said anything to Jane or Jenny about what happened?"
"No it is nothing to do with them, just between us two" I said in a whisper as my two came back into the living area. These two were also in there pyjamas also.
"Well let's make a start on breakfast, we will have a drink to start with and then get dressed and go to Sizzlers for an all you can eat buffet. I want to go to the shops today and with any luck play a game of crazy golf" I was telling the kids.
"Whilst I am making the drinks why don't you go and get dressed, but before you go Shaunie I want to see you in my room" with that there was a sad look in her eyes.
We went into the room and I again locked the door, this was mainly so that I was not interrupted by the other two.
"Am I in trouble again?" Shaunie asked with sad voice and a tear in her eye
"No not at the moment but that will depend on how you behave throughout the day starting right now" was the reply "I need to see your bottom to see what damage if any has been done from last nights spanking, so I would like you to lower your pyjama bottoms and pants please"
"NO" was the reply "you can't make me do it, I have done nothing wrong" tears started to fall down her angelic face. "This is your one and only warning for the day, you will do it. They are coming down. I need to see the damage" I paused and gave her a look that said do it or else.
"From now on anything you do wrong will be marked against you and will be dealt with tonight" I informed Shaunie "your pyjama bottoms are coming down one of two ways as I need to look at your bottom, either you lower them yourself or I will do it myself with another spanking. It's up to you"
Shaunie turned around so her back was facing me and slowly lowered her pyjama shorts followed by her white pants to her knees, then placing her hands over her vaginal area to hide it from my gaze. She has a short memory I thought, last night I actually penetrated it whilst she was on my lap taking her vaginity.
"Bend forward please" I asked and she bent over to about forty five degrees. I lifted her pyjama top so I could get a good look at her bottom. "Spread your legs slightly so you don't fall over" this was of cause an excuse unbeknown to her to get a good look at her pussy. From where I was I got a view and a half and a good look at her now non virgin hole. Still nothing was mentioned about that.
There was about a dozen or so bruises, blue/black in colour, from where I had hit her in the same place one or two times with the belt, other than that I had done a good job to keep the marks to a minimum. They would fad in time I thought. It still looked a little red from last night. I placed my hand on her bottom; Shaunie squirmed away at the feel of the hand so I quickly placed my left hand on her pyjama top and screwed it into my fist so she couldn't move away. I proceeded to rub my hand over her soft skin of her bottom giving me a lovely feel of the texture. The feeling was wonderful and so smooth, that of an innocent petite twelve year old girl. I ran my hand gently all over her bum and up and down the crack that separates the cheeks, so daring to push my finger on down to her slit. Here I was wanting to go further, as my penis started to go rock hard, boy was I getting turned on. The trouble was, now was not the time or the place, so I suppose it is time for a cold shower. I was pretty sure that I would get a another chance at Shaunie before the holiday was over. Who knows it could even be tonight as she has had her last warning today, I cannot see her being good all day long. Time will tell.
I heard Shaunie's breathing starting to quicken along with her squirming around trying to dodge my hand but unable to. I was loosing my self when there was knock at the door.
Bang Bang "dad is Shaunie in there with you" Jane asked
"Yes, she has a sore area and I was just checking it for her. She will be out in a moment" I give her bottom a last feel and I asked if it hurt or stung to which she replied not that bad.
Giving her a hard smack on her bare bottom I told her to get up and pull her clothes back. It was time for her to go and get ready to go out.
"Before you go, I thought I should warn you that any wrong doings including sulks and moodiness today and you will be back here tonight for a repeat of last night do you understand?" I got a nod and a tear in her eyes from the smack I had given her.
"I will take the nod as a yes." You see when she hand wrote that note last night neither she nor I realised that I would use it against her so that I could punish her all holiday if I choose. We will see.
Shaunie went off into the bedroom.
When Shaunie came back she was wearing a sleeveless pink top that started at the top of her beginning budding breasts. She also had a short white flowing pleated skirt that fell to just above her knees. As she moved it flowed around riding up to the point of just below her knicker line. Her legs were bare and her feet were in a pair of sandals. It is only a matter of time before I get to see the colour of her knickers. As she sat down the skirt rode up, unnoticed by her and you could see that her knickers were white with multi coloured small dotes over them, pink, black and purple. As she moves it revealed that they were bikini style knickers. That was it I was as hard a rock again. Lucky for me it didn't show.
Having given the girls there drink we proceeded to get breakfast, I drove to Sizzlers for about twenty minutes and was I ready for food. I paid and we sat, eating all we could for just under $4.00, as you can imagine that went down fairly well however there was a sulk from Shaunie as she didn't like the food, winging and wanting to know when we were going to McDonalds. Still even after last night she has not learnt her lesson. I can definitely see another session tonight, especially if this keeps up. Only about twelve hours to go of her moaning or complaining about one thing or another. During breakfast Shaunie wouldn't sit still, I suppose it is not that surprising if you had a semi sore bottom, but during all her fidgeting around she knocked her glass of coke all over the table. Normally I would not mind but I had warned her to sit still.
"Sorry" she said constantly looking at me to see what the reaction is going to be.
"You will be" was the reply "just go and get some napkins to clean it up" off she went to get some help and when the waiter came I also ordered another drink. I may have wanted another excuse to bend her over and see exactly what she is wearing but I'm not heartless. She is after all in my care for the duration of the holiday.
Off we went belly's full and down to do some shopping at the Premier outlet stores and other shopping areas. I was after some special things as well but had to be careful how and when I purchased them, mainly because I did not want Shaunie to see them. I like sudden surprises.
I did acquire what I was after without the girls knowing, I just explained that I needed to go to a shop and let them wonder around a few other shops on there own. I had radio contact with them so any problems and I could be contacted. I purchased a length of soft nylon rope, I did debate buying a cane or crop but I was ninety nine percent certain that there was some thin garden canes in the garage. Wouldn't it be a bitch if I got back to the villa just to find out that I was mistaken? Sod it I bought a riding crop and in another store a pair of hand cuffs as I was in for some fun tonight all at Shaunie's expense.
All goods are well hidden in the car, I made contact with the girls just to be told that whilst I was not around Shaunie had been horrible to Jenny again, and not letting her look at things she wanted to.
"Don't worry I will deal with it tonight again" I explained to the kids.
We went back in and I let Jenny look at what she wanted to. Spent a bit of money on all three of them, well I could not leave Shaunie out, it's just not done. Not by my standard anyway.
We went off to play crazy golf after a light lunch. It started well but as Shaunie started to lose she changed. The moodiness started, sulking and at one point whacked the ball so hard that we lost it. Having bought a new one we continued playing and at that point I think she realised that she had well over stepped the mark.
"I will be dealing with this tonight" I informed her, to which she started crying "and if I was you, unless you want me to give you a good spanking in front of everyone here on the golf course I suggest you buck up your ideas and stop your crying". I whispered into her ear.
The rest of the day went without too many incidents although the attitude didn't really change a great deal but I just accumulated it for her. I thought about how it was going to go tonight but I thought that it will sort it self out.
We got back to the villa around nine thirty and they asked if they should get ready for bed, I told my two to, but Shaunie to stay as she was (Well she looked hot and I wanted to bend her over and flip her skirt up over her back). This did not go down well as she stared to cry saying that she had been better today.
"It's not up for discussion at the moment" I informed her as I made a drink for all of us.
I made her sit on the sofa whilst I was in the open plan kitchen beavering away. The girls came back and unbeknown to them I had slipped three sleeping tablets into each of both Jane's and Jenny's cup of hot chocolate. Well I did not want disturbing tonight and thought that they might here her screaming.
The girls started to get really sleepy as the drug started to take effect, Shaunie wanted them to stay up but it wasn't working. And soon the girls were virtually asleep; I carried them to the bedroom and put them to bed saying good night and closed the door.
I walked back into the lounge area of the villa and Shaunie was sitting on the sofa watching a bit of telly.
I went to the jeep and brought my bag of goods into the bed room unseen by Shaunie, and rearranged the room. Firstly I moved a low unit into the centre of the bedroom making sure that it was a good height not only to bend her over but I needed her head to be at about my waist high. Yep it was. Cutting the rope into four good lengths and feeling it. It was soft which meant that it would not do too much damage to her wrists as she struggles.
I also set up the video camera again keeping it hidden from her view. I mean if you looked around hard then you would see it, but not know it was on as I hid the light.
I went back into the living room area and produced a piece of paper and pen.
"You will write the following and failure to do so will just result in me punishing you more severely and then getting you to write want I want you too afterwards. So the choice is going to be yours".
Tears welled up in her eyes, realising what was about to happen, why did he have to get me to write another note, what will he make me say this time?
"I don't get any option do I?" she stated
Taking the pen she looked at me as to what to write.
"I want you to write the following" so Shaunie looked ready to take down my word
"I Shaunie hereby ask John to give me a sound punishment using whatever he sees fit. This will include the use of his hand and a riding crop. I also want to be tied down so I don't move around or try to stand up"
I paused to allow it to sink in. Now she was crying freely as she read what had just been put down and realised what was going to happen to her.
"I want John to do a good job of my punishment as I have been really naughty today and it is the only way to learn a lesson" "John may do what ever he wants to me as it will be well deserved signed Shaunie on this day Wednesday the 19th October 2005" reluctantly the note was written and signed.
All signed I took the piece of paper from her and beckoned for her to follow me into the bedroom.
As she entered she gasped at seeing the table in the middle of the room, realising that what she had just written was about to come true. I quickly moved behind her and shut the bedroom door and give the key a turn followed by removing it, well I did not want her to try to escape tonight. I had a lot planed.
So standing before me was Shaunie, a twelve year old girl with hair half way down her back in a high pony tail. She was still in her short white skirt and pink top, the only difference to earlier is that she has got rid of the sandals. Looking at her she had an angelic face that was pretty with a small mouth that had pouting lips (something that I was about to change) red faced and sad with puffy eyes I was about to tell her the problems of today.
"Shaunie I thought that after last night you would have improved, however you seem to be worse" staring her in the face as I spoke and before I gave her time to reply I continued " you have let yourself down yet again. You have sulked, moody, was horrible again to Jenny whilst I was away, lost it at golf having a paddy and losing a ball, just generally been bratty again" "what have you to say to that?"
"I'm sorrrry" Tears started to flow and this is before a single smack has been give.
"I wasn't that bad, I am really sorrrry and please don't hit me to hard" she paused "Is there another way instead of a spanking?"
"NO! You will be bent over the table in a minute, for the punishment you deserve after I have given you a fully over the knee spanking"
"No please no, not that. I tried to be good honestly" was her reply
"Well if that is good I would hate to see what you are like if you are bad. I want you to bend forward over my knee and place your hands forward."
Slowly and reluctantly she moved forward and bent herself over my knee pushing her hands forward as I had asked. This makes her bottom the perfect level for my hand.
I had to shift slightly so that my penis was not poking in her tummy.
With her bent over me, I took the bottom of her skirt and slowly started lifting up.
"Noooooooo please not that." Shaunie cried as I lifted the skirt up and over her pants, to her back.
Yes I was right they are bikini style, small, and a snug fit. They were white with multi coloured small dotes over them of pink, black and purple.
I looked at her small little dainty bottom, her slim firm young legs that were long and very well toned. I reached out and placed my hand on her bottom, oh it felt so good. I slowly and deliberately ran my hand over her knickers, and up and down her legs. Boy did it feel good.
I thought that it was time to start the punishment before I shot my load in my pants.
"Well Shaunie here we go, this is going to take about an hour, or two for the whole punishment and will be split into various parts. It will hurt a lot. If you start crying to soon then this punishment will just get harder to give you something to REALLY cry about".
I then raised my hand and brought it down gentle at first on her panty covered bottom.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Came five hard hand spanks to each of Shaunie's cheeks. She was holding back the tears as she moved her bottom in an attempt to try to get away from my smacking hand.
"I told you to behave today and I also told you what would happen if you didn't."
"Owwwwwwwwwww, I'm sorrrrrrrrrrrry"
"Owww, John, No, pleeease, I'm sorrry, pleeease? I'll be goodddddddd!!!" Shaunie cried
"This SMACK is SMACK just SMACK the SMACK beginning SMACK of SMACK your SMACK punishment SMACK tonight, SMACK do SMACK you SMACK understand SMACK the last one came down really hard.
"Owwwww, owwwwieeee, yessss!" Shaunie cried.
My hand was making her bottom turn a lovely shade of pink. She was beginning to kick her legs and clench her cheeks between spanks, trying to avoid my hand.
"I'm sorry, Owwwwwwwwwww! I won't do it again. I promise!" she cried "please stop"
SMACK! SMACK! "I'll stop SMACK! SMACK! When I think SMACK! SMACK! You've learned your lesson SMACK! SMACK! And that is not SMACK! SMACK! Going SMACK! SMACK! To be SMACK! SMACK! For awhile. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
I had to hold her tight, as she was really wriggling and kicking her feet. I thought that at one point she would come off my lap.
Shaunie started crying, wriggling and trying to move away from my smacks. I pulled her closer and held her tighter. There was no way she was coming off my lap. Not yet anyway.
I paused to have a look at Shaunie's bottom to see that it was going red. I feel a couple of smacks on her thighs would get her really squirming around. I rearranged my penis through my clothes as I new this was going to hurt her, well up and till now they have not been really hard. Hard enough to hurt and make her move and know she had been spanked but much worse was still to come. So now with more force I brought my hand down on those lovely cheeks.
By now she was crying relatively hard and I stopped the spanking. Here we after 127 smacks on her pants and a few on her thighs I thought it was time to go to level two.
Shaunie I want you to stand up, and face me. To which she did slowly, and reluctantly, she was wondering if it was over? But she didn't think so. Only wished.
"Take off your clothes and come and stand by the table please" I asked Shaunie With her jaw dropping at my request and thinking about it she replied "Clothes off? Strip? I... oooh, I don't think so."
"I will give you to the count of four and then if you don't start then I will do it for you?"
There was a pause as she took in what I was talking about. You want me naked so you can spank me more she was thinking.
"Have I got to?" was all she could asked
Not a movement, I was moving though, gradually sorting things out, out of Shaunie's sight ready for what was coming next.
Still nothing, I was not sure if she was testing me or thought that there was not a lot I could do. Oh how wrong can a silly little girl be?
Not a movement from Shaunie. She was about to find out just what was about to happen.
"FOUR" and with that I grabbed her and forced her forward over the table. This had taken her by surprise and she was not quick enough to react. I however on the other hand was and with her bent over the table, still fully clothed, and before Shaunie realised what was happening I placed the set of handcuffs over her wrists.
"HAY! What you doing?" Shaunie asked in amazement.
I yanked hard on the chain on the handcuffs and pulled them forward, tying a length of rope around the chain and securing it to one of the table legs. She was now fairly secure, no where to run. Unable to move her hands, this would just be good.
I procedure to grasp the waist band of her white dress. Slowly and deliberately I pull it down and off her legs. This left her in just pants and top. Not waiting any more I proceeded to pull her pants down, slowly. Shaunie started kicking her legs to try and stop me. But her attempts were feeble.
She pleaded "Nooo... pleeease... no d...don't." Shaunie was crying "what are you doing, aahhhh, nooo, pp. ppleassse John...NO...NOOO DON'T, not my pants".
Kicking, struggling, and pleading she tried to avoid the inevitable, but not well enough. Her hands were tied and all she could do was kick. As I lowered the pants her pert small bottom, bright red from my spanking came into view.
Four very hard smacks landed across her now bare bottom. "You will allow me to continue until you are striped and I will finish you punishment."
"Please...john! No! Owww! Aahhhh! Pleeease...not on the bare"
"I'll be good" was all she could muster
"I know you will" with a few more smacks for good measure
"AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE! OW! OOOH! NO! Please, no more John! No more!
To that I pulled on the bottom of her top and pulled it up her back. Right up to her shoulders. It was a struggle in the position she was in but I managed to pull the top over and off her head. I kept pulling it down down both of her arms until I reached the handcuffs.
She was wriggling around, I caught hold of one of her legs and secured that to a leg of the table. Finally I had done the other leg, so here we are with Shaunie spread eagled over a table with hands and legs secure.
I went to the bathroom not only to use the facilities but I also changed in to my pyjamas, well it left me to roam free and would give me quick, quite access to the young girl. As I came out she turned her head to see what I had done. "Let me go. You can't do this to me" she was wailing and pleading with tears flowing down her dainty cheeks.
"Well it is like this, you gave me permission to do what I want, and now I am going to do just that"
"Anymore of your complaints and I will have to us a gag in your mouth". I stated
I moved behind her to give her another spanking on her now bare bottom, this is before I show her the riding crop and let her feel it. I wanted to feel those lovely bare cheeks on my descending hand.
"Waaaaaa! Owwwwww!" she shrilled. "Owwww! Not so har....Ouuuuuch! Nooooooo!"
I rained my hand down, this was good and Shaunie was squirming around in her bonds, showing me all her secrets. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK
"Owwwwww! That stiiiiiings!" she yelped, as I brought my hand down extra hard
"Please, John, no more....I'm sorryyyyyyy! Stop! Please! Ohhhhhhh, it stings so baaaaaaaad! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuch! Owwwwwwww! Aiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!"
I walked to the front of the table so Shaunie could see me, and picked up the riding crop that I had placed out of site. This I showed it to her, Whoosh it went through the air as I tested it. Close to her head. Tears flowing down her cheeks as Shaunie realised that this was about to come in contact with her bottom. Oh how much she thought it would sting.
"John! Please, I made a mistake. I'm so sorry... I know better, really I do... please. Don't hit me with that."
"You have been a naughty girl, disobedient and disruptive to the holiday despite warnings and a previous punishment. You will now receive eighteen strokes of the crop." I paused "Shaunie do you understand?"
She muttered a pitiful 'yes John' through her cries and tears and then Shaunie heard me move to her side. It was starting... I lifted the crop and down it came, landing the first stroke to her backside of an already sore girl. WHACK.
"Owwwww." Shaunie cried out in pain, it was like a thousand bees stinging all at the same time.
A lovely red line formed across both cheeks.
WHACK, the second one landed in the same spot as the first, and Shaunie howled in pain. "owww hoow owww nooooooo".
Shaunie wanted so desperately to jump up and run but she knew that she couldn't as she was tied down.
WHACK WHACK.... I brought two down in quick succession across the lower part of her bottom.
I'm sorrrryyyyyyy Owwww hoooooo Owwwwwww". Shaunie cried out. And that was after the fourth stroke, only fourteen to go.
"YEEEEOWWWWL!" Shaunie screeched, "Owl, Owl, Owl" she yelped, kicking the best she could and twisting in fiery distress, wiggling her ass furiously, as though to shake off the sting. That was all it took to make me now rock hard with my penis poking forward in my pajamas shorts. Never have I felt so big and turned on. It will need some attention very soon I thought and I have the perfect candidate to do just that. I watched another dark pink imprint of the crop slowly began to form across those quivering rear cheeks.
Shaunie screamed out as the crop connected again with her already sore bottom
"Owieeeeeeeeeeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeeeeee, it burns! Wahhhhhhhhhh!"
THWACK this one landed just below her bottom cheeks.
"AAaaiiieeeEeeeiiiiieee!!" she screamed. The swinging crop stung worse than she ever imagined a spanking could feel.
WHACK down it came hard on her left buttock
"YYYAAAaHHHWWWWWW!!" shaunie bawled, "AAAWwwwwww! Awwwwhhh! Awwhhh! Ahhw!"
"It's burning... Please Stop" Tears were flowing like a river down her face.
Shaunie was bawling her eyes out. Screaming as the crop made contact with her skin.
"I'll do anything, stop the pain please" more tears. She is now pleading, and saying she will do anything. Well she is going to do anything and just does not know yet.
I stopped for a few minutes taking in the beautiful sight of Shaunie's well striped bottom, eight vivid weal's spaced about across her small bare wriggling bottom. This also gave the pain time to sink in, so that the next would be worse. I thought that I would give her two more before proceeding to use her, unbeknown to her though.
WHACK I brought the crop down really hard this time Shaunie's body jerked.
"OOOOOOOW! OOOOOOOH!" Shaunie's was really bawling "no more please"
One more I thought and that will bring it to ten for the time being, then we will see if she will do anything. With all of this screaming, was I glad I gave my two some sleeping tables. I would hate for them to have been woken and tried to come in on hearing all the crying and noise.
"Owieeeeeeeeeeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeeeeee I just can't stand it! Please! NO MORE! PLEASE!" she yelled "I will do anything" crying well. Her bottom was ablaze with red welts, boy did it look sore. She was really learning her lesson this time.
The trouble is, is that I was now so hard I needed reliving, I needed to do some thing about it. Slowly and deliberately I removed my pajama shorts pulling them over my rock hard penis. Off they came with it sticking out at ninety degrees to my body. Seven inches in length and two inches wide, this was going to really stretch that tiny mouth of hers. I made my way to Shaunie's head, where she was still strapped down unable to move far, apart from side to side and up and down. I positioned my penis towards her face. I was only six inches away when she realized what was happening, but not to sure as she was innocent, and until last night a virgin.
I gripped my penis with one hand and with my other hand, I it put on the back of her head.
"Move your head closer, Shaunie." As she felt the pressure on the back of her head, my hand started to push her head towards my weapon.
"What are you doing!" she asked
"I want you to take my penis in your sweet little mouth" she shock her head and with the thought of taking my penis in her mouth made her gag.
Knowing I was going to get a lot of resistance I reached over and grabbed the crop to help. I raised it high in the air and as I brought it down across her naked behind.
WHACK "Ahhhh"
Shaunie opened her mouth to let out a scream as I suddenly whacked the crop down on her bottom, and as she did, before she had time to do to much screaming I started to stuff my penis into her wide open virgin hole. Suddenly, she felt my rubbery cock head slid between her preteen quivering lips and it jerked as I touched her moistened mouth.
Realizing what was happening, she suddenly started shaking her head to try and remove the invading member but to no avail. I caught hold of her hair to prevent me from coming out of her mouth.
"Now close your lips around my penis or you will get another good whack, do you understand?"
She was unable to really answer me as she closed her lips, her mouth was now full. Never before had she even in her wildest dreams imagined she would be doing this disgusting thing. Here she was on holiday, meant to be having fun where actually she has a man who had forced himself in her mouth. I moved my hands from her hair and I placed them on either side of her head, then gently pulled her head towards me, further onto my prick. I then started to slowly pump knowing that it was not going to be long before I erupted in her mouth.
My mushroom-shaped head moved back and forth in Shaunie's small mouth and the outline of my ridge could be seen bulging out of her cheek.
All Shaunie wanted to do was to get the nasty salty tasting thing out of her mouth, but was unable to. The only good thing is that her bottom for the time being was no longer getting whacked.
"Now I want you to start sucking it young lady like a lollypop, and if you do a good job then I will go easier on you when I've finished" I said "and make sure you don't use your teeth, if I feel them then your bottom will feel the stinging of the crop for the next hour"
I started to feel her suck. Not hard, but gently, softly using her lips and her cheeks to suck the head of my penis, she started to move her tongue around mainly to get away from the intrusion. All it did was just make me feel good. Shaunie was pleading, using her eyes to do this, to stop me from forcing her to do the horrible deed. She sucked on my penis hoping to get it over with quickly although not to sure what was going to happen. I new! She was going to get a mouthful of my cum, and there was just nothing she could do about it. I was not even sure if she new what cum was and defiantly didn't know what it tasted like.. But she will soon find out.
"Yes, Shaunie, that feels so good. Now you are about to receive my present to you, keep sucking and make sure that swallow it!"
I pumped my penis into her mouth, looking into her innocent, unexpecting eyes as her lips stretched tightly around my shaft, her tongue moving all over as I grabbed hold of her head at the sides making sure she couldn't move. I didn't want her spitting out either my penis or the cum I was about to give her. She felt my cock swell more in her mouth and with a spasm I shot my first load deep within her. This was to her surprise, her mouth was almost filled with my first, powerful spurt and she choked, gulped and spluttered with her eyes going wide in surprise as she looked up at me, unsure as to what had happened or what it was. Wondering what to do with this foul tasting fluid that was thick and salty in her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but she was unable to as I was still holding her head on my penis.
Shaunie has just got her first taste of hot male sperm and the best of it all, is that it came from me. She stared to swallow; fighting back the urge to vomit and choke as the horrible foul tasting thick fluid slowly ran down her gullet.
I shot again with my second spurt filling her mouth; it was now full to the point of past overflowing. Shaunie froze as her mouth was so full with my slimy fluid. To her it felt like gallons, her cheeks puffing out as they quickly filled up. I held Shaunie on my penis as sperm ran down her lips from out the corners of her tightly stretched mouth. She gagged and choked. This time she swallowed reflexively, as quickly as she could as she tried to gasp for breath. A large amount had gone into her belly making her feel sick Another great gush of sperm squirted into her mouth and throat. Again she gagged and choked as her throat filled for the third time and she swallowed and swallowed as the squirts started to became little more than a trickle. Finally there seemed to be no more and Shaunie was able to breath again properly. Breath as well as one can do with a mouthful of penis. I made her suck the last bits out, and clean my penis using her tongue.
I pulled it out with a wet plop and stepped back to look at the young girl. There she was tears in her eyes along with globs of my cum on her chin even a thick string of goo still hung on her left lip as it had escaped from her mouth. Did she look a picture.
Giving time for Shaunie to recover a little I left the room and went in to the garden, naked I know, but it was all fenced in so no one could see. I could see what I was after, a garden cane. I pulled it out of the ground and gave it a swipe through the air. Yes nice and thin and flexible too.
Whooooooosh it went, as I tried to pretend I was hitting Shaunie. That will do just fine. I went back inside, quickly checking on my two girls to make sure they were ok. Yep, just asleep and breathing well. Good I will go back to the bedroom for some more fun. On the way I went via the kitchen to clean the cane, well you don't want mud on it or in the villa.
I made myself a drink and drunk it so that I could give Shaunie time to recover from not only the thrashing but the fact I had just cum in her mouth. After a while I entered the bedroom and Shaunie turned her head, very upset about what I had made her do. Wanting to get that horrible taste out of her mouth, but not able to.
"Well young lady that was a good job you did there and for that although we have to finish your punishment I will go easier on you." I showed her the cane I got out of the garden. "This might look bad but it will be better than the crop" I told her. "Please nooo! I've had enough punishment! And you made me do that horrible thing" she started to cry "No - no -please don't, my mouth taste awful"
"I am going to give you eight with the cane, and any protests will earn you two extra strokes per complaint" then looking into her eyes I added "Do you understand?"
A slow nod came from her head. I moved to her side and brought the cane up high.
CRACK! The cane lashed down on the helpless girl's backside. An angry line traced across her behind adding to the already welted bottom from the severe cropping I had given her.
"YEOWWWWWWWWWWW" she yells at the sudden burning sensation. This is meant to be lighter than the crop, no way. It hurt like hell. Stung like nothing she had ever encountered before.
SWISH---SPLAT the cane traveled through the air and landed well across both cheeks.
"AAAWW WOOOOHOOO EEEE Johnnn Noooooo" she screamed as the pain started to really hurt bringing back the full pain of her earlier punishment.
CRACK number three has landed.
"Ohhhhh no no nooooo no please," she cried as the cane kissed her naked bottom. The site of her nakedness, with time to recover and the sexual act of actually caning her I started to go hard again.
My penis was bulging again sticking out, wow, this surprised me as the last time I got hard and ready for it so quick was in my mid twenties. I can see a nice opening that is going to be filled as soon as the caning is over, this will finalize her punishment.
WHACK! I brought the cane down the hardest yet, this will really hurt I thought
"Owwwwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" said Shaunie, sobbing. Her little body was shaking as she cried never had she felt so much pain. "Owwwwwwwwwwww, John, I'm sorrrrrrrrrrryyyyy, it hurrrrrrrrrrts so much! Please stop"
I gave her my answer by finding another stroke for her
SWISCHH down it came again
"oohw, ooowww, please please, OOOHHHWWW, no more NOOO OOOHHHWWW" she was crying uncontrollably and pulling on her handcuffs to try to protect the pain in her bottom. It was no good, she was going nowhere. She was now wriggling like a snake trying to get away. "I really do promise to be good" was all she could muster between cries and tears.
"I know you will now but you have three to go, plus two extra for all the protesting you have done about the end of the punishment. This brings the total to now five". And before she had time to answer I brought the cane down just below her bottom on her thighs.
"Yeeeeooooccchhh!!" She screamed in a long wail, as tears shed down her face.
"John, I'm so sorry. Please no more... please! I can't take it... I learned... I swear..."
swish - CRACK!!
The cane bit angrily again into Shaunie's already tortured flesh, leaving another stripe of pain, this time on her right thigh, and soliciting more cries, howls and wails from the sobbing girl.
"Three to go if you stay good" I informed the wailing girl.
CRACK down it came this time I aimed it on her left thigh, well it had to be even.
"Ohhh nooo please!" she begged as the last one landed. "OOOOOOOWWWWWWIIIEEEE!" Shaunie squealed in pain, arching her back and trying to kick her legs. Bawling like there was no tomorrow. Tears flowing freely down her face, down to the dried cum on it as well.
I paused, this was to allow time for the pain to sink in before I gave the last two strokes. Staying to the side of Shaunie I placed my hand on her left cheek and started to feel it, boy was it hot. Feeling the raised welts with my hand, as my fingers slowly moved ever so gently over. How her skin was soft. My loin was stirring so much pointing straight out, looking for more action. As I was moving my hand I went down to her thighs, down to the knees and very slowly back up. She squirmed, moving slowly to my touch from side to side. Placing the hand on the inside of her thigh I started to move up, gently rubbing in time with Shaunie's movement. There was a low pitched moan from her as I came within two inches of her crutch. I was still going higher over the soft piece of flesh. I wanted her so bad now, but I was going slowly. Who knows perhaps she is enjoying it as much as me. As I get bold I move my hand underneath onto her belly and gradually bring it back to the top of her vagina. Boy it feels as though there is no hair on her. Oh yes a nice tight bald cunt to fuck from the rear.
I move my hand back to her bottom and start sliding round in circles over the very hot flesh. Looking at it, it was deep red with fourteen raised welts, some had bruised where I had hit the same spot a few times. There were four welts also on the top of her thighs. Those hurt. Still she needed punishing and has a few more to come after I have fucked her.
My hand moved to the crack in the bum cheeks and I start too slid up and down gradually getting further down towards the amber nectar. Finally my hand was on her pride and joy, the top of her slit; I slowly moved my middle finger down, (which is actually up towards her belly button as she is still bent forward), between the folds back and forth gradually getting deeper. She moaned again this time loader, with her breathing getting quicker. There it was as I pressed during the many strokes I felt the hole. Cautiously I started sliding in between her little hairless lips, gently at first not wanting to penetrate her just yet, she moved in time to what I was going. It was as though she was in another world. Could it be because I was no longer hitting her? Had I touched on a nerve with my caressing hand? Was she getting turned on? Well time is going to tell I start to press into her hole. She has become wet with my rubbing. The finger nail is in as she starts to stretch and a long steady moan comes from her mouth. This is it as I press further in, it slides easily up to my knuckle and I push just a little bit further until I run out of length. The breathing in quicker as I pull my hand back so that I have left just my nail in place, I push forward again and this time a long moan is escapes her mouth. I had hit jack pot, she it actually enjoying this, penetrating her with my penis is going to be easy as she is so turned on. As I was finger fucking her I noticed that she started to have an orgasm.
"Oh yes" she said in a low sexy voice.
Feeling these new feeling, she wanted me to stop as she new it was wrong, but she did enjoy the feelings that she was receiving. I continued what I was doing. After her second orgasm I slowly moved behind her, pointing straight out towards the love nest. Letting her get used to the feeling of me between her legs, so it did not come as to much of a shock, five minutes later of finger fucking her I withdrew the middle finger completely. Taking hold of my penis in my left hand I moved forward, positioning my hard on to the entrance of her wet vagina. I began slowly rubbing my erect penis back and forth across her hairless slippery slit; I started to increase the pressure against her small hole. I continued to push harder and harder moving the head ever so slightly back and forth looking for the place of least resistance. Slowly but surely Shaunie's pussy began to give way. The entrance expanded ever so slightly as my cock began its journey inside. I gently shoved my purple head into her tight hole and slowly I pushed more of my penis into her.
"Eeeeeeeeee... No... No...Don't...Please Don''s wrong" Shaunie screamed as she realized I had swapped a finger for my penis.
Ignoring her, I had a few inches inside, I paused to let her vagina stretch around my invading member. I slowly started to pump in and out, letting her get used to the feeling and gradually more and more of my penis entered her. She was so tight, hot and slippery that I could feel her muscles clamp around my shaft as I slowly pumped away, my thrusts were getting faster and faster as I felt a climax approaching. Shaunie seemed to tense whilst gripping my penis as her body started to shake and go into spasm, as this was happening I could feel the build up of a great cum.
I pushed hard a few more times and with a last thrust I could feel a load, force itself into her waiting vagina. My penis throbbed as cum rushed to fill Shaunie's tight hole, Shaunie could feel the warm liquid being sprayed deep inside her. Suddenly I was there, spay after spray until I was all emptied out. Finally exhausted, I started to move back and my penis slipped from her wet cum filled pussy.
Catching my breath I stepped back to the side as I still had two strokes of the cane to give her. They were going to hurt. The last ones had to as I might never get another chance to punish that gorgeous small round bottom again. I stand to the side, reaching for the cane, placing it in my right hand I look to the exhausted girl with an already sore swollen red bottom.
"Okay Shaunie," I said, "I will begin the last strokes of the cane as final punishment for the way you have behaved today, it will soon be all over".
"Nooo!" she cried, "nooo, I'll be good I promise, I've had my punishment!" "No, don't, please," Shaunie started begging "I'll behave, I promise I've been good"
"For that you have just earned another two, anymore complaints so I can add to the total?"
SWISH...THWACK! The impact caused a fleshy ripple of the cheeks of Shaunie's rear.
", no, stop....I'm sorry, I'm sorryy....owww", Shaunie howled as the cane came down for the first of four strokes.. WHACK! CRACK! landing right on the tops of her thighs.
"Yeoww!....ow....ow!" Screamed Shaunie as number two came down, half way there of the final strokes. She was crying now, unable to stop.
"Owwwww hooooo." Shaunie howled in agony "Owwwww hoooo owwwww hooo wooo"
SwishTHWACK I brought it down the hardest yet, a large deep welt appeared across her bottom.
"YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHOOOOOWWWWWWW !!!!!!" Shaunie screamed at the unbelievable agony of the cane's severe force across her buttocks. "OWWWWOOOOWWWWOOOOOHPLEASENOMORE" she was now pleading with me. Screaming at the top of her lungs, worried that she would wake the house up I put the cane on the edge of the bed and proceeded to bring my hand down on her backside.
"You will wake the girls, and then your punishment will not only start again but I will do it in front of my children" I informed her.
Squirming around now trying to get away from my hand. Howling really loudly wishing that not only had she stayed at home but the fire in her bottom would soon stop.
I bent down and picked up the cane for the final stroke.
"You have one left, it will be the worst you have ever had but then it will all be over"
"AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE! OW! OOOH" was the only answer I got.
"AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee!" Shaunie screeched as the cane sent searing pain across her upturned bottom. "Ohhhh. OOOOOOO. YEOWWWWWWWWWWW
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Shaunie screamed and screamed and screamed. She was screaming for a good ten minutes after I had finished.That was it, all finished. I gave it all I could, and this young girl has just had the hiding of her life. The last stroke was the hardest ever. Shaunie was balling her eyes out like a little three year old.
Shaunie had paid dearly for the way she behaved, not only had I given her a spanking, cropping and a caning but I had had sex with her and made her take my penis in her mouth. She was not going to ever forget tonight. There is the other bit as well; I had captured it all on video.
Knowing that her bottom was going to be really sore, I applied some cold cream whilst she was still laid across the table. Gently rubbing back and forth, round and round I forced the cream into her welted bottom.
After about fifteen minutes, of me having soothed her and feeling her up again I released Shaunie from the restraints. She was pleased that her hands and legs were now able to move around. She placed her hands straight to her bottom where she felt for herself the welts and heat from her bottom. She did try to rub the pain away but that was not going to happen. Her tears had now stopped. Slowly and carefully Shaunie started to stand up, forgetting the fact that she was nude. As she turned round I got a full glimpse of all she had to offer. There it all was on full view, her bald vagina, the place where about thirty minutes ago I was pumping away at, and filling with my seed.
Knowing I was looking but not caring Shaunie walked over to me and she placed her arms around my neck and gave me kiss on my lips, this had taken me by surprise. The kiss was long and drawn out, using her tongue to explore my mouth. For a girl that I thought was pure and innocent this was great. Slowly she pulled her lips of mine and apologized for being so naughty. Telling me that it will not happen again. I asked how her bottom felt and I was told that it felt like a thousand bees had stung all at once, she still had tears in her eyes, but I would if I to had had the thrashing Shaunie had received. Looking over to the clock I noticed that it was past one in the morning, this had taken three hours. Boy did time fly. Well it always does when you have fun.
"I think it is time for you to go to bed now young lady" I said as I looked her in the eyes. Telling me that her bottom was so sore and that she would have to sleep on her front, she asked if she could sleep in my bed with me as I had a large king size one. I said of course you can, knowing that I might not be able to keep my hands to myself.This I thought was now going to be a good holiday. I checked an the girls to find them still fast asleep breathing well so I went back to my room and climbed into bed with Shaunie. I was still naked and so was she.
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