The Exquisite Tease of Little Daisy Bell, Part 2

[ g, slow, lolita, exhib ]

Published: 16-May-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Daisy Bell stood in the doorway of Twenty-Two Madison Avenue and tilted her head up to the adult standing in front of her.

"It is not too revealing, mom. Serious."

Her mother stood, arms crossed, throwing down a disapproving look.

"I thought you said it fit, Daisy. You said it fit. I'm not letting you out in that."

" does fit. It just looks small! And besides, look..."

Daisy turned and poked her bottom out, lifting the thin material and revealing a pair of black shorts.

" one's going to see anything anyway."

She flicked the fabric back down with finality and turned back to her mother.

"Well...I still think it's too small." But her disapproving look had softened. Daisy knew her modest mother would be soothed by her display. "But I guess with the shorts, you're fine. Go on then, missy. But next time I'm approving of your choices."

Daisy smiled, stood on her tiptoes and kissed her mother's chin.

"Thanks mom, I'll be home around dark, kay?"

Daisy adjusted her little white purse and sprinted off into the yard. As she rounded the tall pines separating her yard from her neighbors, she heard her mother say something unintelligible. She would have gone back, normally, to ask what was said, but today was too important. She'd gotten away with it, and wanted to keep it that way.

After she'd gotten a few feet past the pines, she broke into a sprint and turned into a small gap between two houses a couple yards down. Panting softly, with a smile, she glanced around. An old fence was to her left, swimming with climbing vines. To her right, the entrance to the yard and the street beyond. The shade felt cool on her body.

Her heart beat rapidly, her breath quickened. She felt a tinge, a tingle, that originated in her navel and spread up to her puffy nipples and sent a curious, warm shock to her hairless mound below. Presently, she stood observing the sensations, not moving, not touching, just feeling. She'd never felt these new sensations before. It felt like...Excitement. Yes, that was part of it, but not all. There was something else, something raw, dangerous and what she was sure adults would disapprove of. Something...naughty, sexual. She said the words out loud, whispering them past her soft lips, "Sexual, naughty"...and the tingles increased.

Her mound was hot, hotter than she'd felt it before, burning into the crotch of her black shorts and making the crack of her bottom underneath it curiously moist. Her nipples, incredibly puffy this year, and pinker than she'd ever noticed before, tingled with a pulsation of prickling, tickling heat.

She let the feelings linger for a few moments more, then began to act on her plan. She smiled and teased herself, reaching down to the hem of her dress and pulling it up, slightly, then dropping it down. She giggled, reached underneath the dress and slid down the black shorts that had proved her salvation from the home. She slid them down past her knees, and as she leaned over to pull them off her leg, her bare eight year old plump bottom pressed against the cool brick wall behind her. She gasped softly at the sudden coolness on her bare, hot skin. She lingered for a short moment, absorbing the sensation. The cold, lifeless, hard brick against her naked flesh felt foreign, felt wrong in so many right ways. It solidified her naughty girl moment - she was OUTSIDE and her bare ass was against someone's brick wall. They were probably on the other side of that wall, on a couch, watching some boring show, not knowing her eight year old child ass was...she felt the sensation prickle again in her mound and she buckled at the knees a bit.

"Wow", she gasped. "Calm down, little girl."

She laughed to herself and took deep breaths. She took the black shorts, balled them up and shoved them deep into her little white purse.

She pulled her bare bottom off the wall and smoothed her dress over it. She straightened up, flicked her silvery blonde hair out of her heart shaped face, hugged the purse between her underarm, and set out into the sunlight.

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Hello friend, great story got me horny since I read it and look forward to the continuation, Thank you great.

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