The Night Nurse

[ pedo ]

Published: 16-Jun-2013

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Wake up sleepyhead. It's time for Karen to check your heart rate again. I'm sorry I have to wake you up so often, but it's important honey. Besides, I think maybe you are starting to like me checking on you. You know how Karen knows that? Because of the way your penis keeps jumping when I touch you, that's how. Now don't forget what you promised. There are lots of ways to check your blood pressure and pulse rate and we have to keep this one a secret or Karen gets in trouble, and you don't want that for me do you Jerry? I'll take it by that little boner of yours that you agree with me."

Karen loved her job as head nurse of the children's ward at the rural hospital. She couldn't explain it even to herself why the young boys especially excited her. At fifty-eight, her sex life was well behind her, but for some reason in the last few weeks it was like she was reborn or something. Every time there was a young boy admitted to her floor, she would get such a warm feeling between her legs and start fantasizing about having sex with them. How sick was that she wondered? In all her years she had never come close to even thinking such evil thoughts. Now, she thought less and less about them being evil. She could only wonder what it would be like to have some kind of sex with a youngster.

Jerry had been admitted just after she came on duty for some testing that was set up for the morning. The doctor had put on his chart that he had a possible duodenal ulcer. What a dreamboat the little nine-year-old was! She had to control her shaking when after his mom left for the night, it was her job to get him into his hospital gown and settled in bed for the night. He had the creamiest skin, it was like velvet to the touch, and she touched him a lot taking his pants, shirt and shoes off.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm afraid this gown doesn't cover very much of your beautiful body, but it's designed so that we can check on you from time to time without a lot of fuss in undressing."

"Climb up on the bed and lay down on your stomach so I can rub some cream on your body Jerry. We don't want you to get bed sores now do we?" God his body was perfect! What a glorious bubble butt was staring up at her. She was quivering with excitement at the thought of her hands on him.

"If you don't mind, I'm not going to put the cream on until later?" She had said, and instead used baby powder to give him a light massage. "I hope this doesn't embarrass you Jerry, but it's important that Karen does this procedure. If you would rather, I can have a man do this for you instead? No? Okay then. Just tell me when you don't want me to rub you anymore? I know it's something very new for you."

Karen was on her break when she started the 'massage' treatment, and she had an hour before having to go back to her station. Jerry's bottom was just too delicious for her to stop rubbing it. She didn't think he noticed when she would bend down and kiss it from time to time. Putting her lips on his naked thighs was something that really got her juices flowing. It had been some time since that had happened for her. She was going to be very forward and brave this night she decided, even if it meant her job. If she was going down, she was going down in flames. That's how wet and hot she felt.

"Okay Jerry. Time to turn over dear. Let me help you off with the gown so I can get to all the places I need to. My honey. Your little penis is standing up so straight and tall. I will need to measure that for your chart. Just a moment sweetie." And Karen got the tape measure from a side drawer and started measuring his little dick. "I'm sorry Jerry. I'm not doing a very good job am I honey. I can't seem to get an accurate reading on your size. Figuring out how big around it is, is the the hardest part." She told him as she fondled and played with it.

"I need to measure how far from the base of your penis it is to the bottom of your testicles. I'm going to need to stimulate your penis so it will be the biggest when I measure the length of it, so it's necessary that I massage your testicles dear. You are enjoying making Karen blush aren't you Jerry? You rascal you. You better not tell anyone how hard it was for me to get these measurements or I could lose my job. You won't tell will you? Thanks. It looks like you are an inch and three-quarters around, and four and one-quarter inch long when it's hard like it is now. I will measure again when it's soft too of course."

"I need to ask Jerry. Do you masturbate honey? Do you know what I mean by that? Do you do this?" Karen asked and started rubbing his little peter up and down. Her answer came right away! A nice little glob of cum landed on her cheek. She was so happy her face was down close when that happened. She scooped it off and ate it quickly while his eyes were still closed. "Well Jerry, I guess that answers my question. You've been a naughty little boy at night under the covers haven't you? Not to worry little one. Karen won't be telling your mother about that. It's going to be our secret."

"Jerry, you don't even have to ask my permission for your hand to be where it is now either. I like the way you were feeling by bottom while I was masturbating you. I won't tell about that either. It looks like Karen has to keep a lot of secrets about you Jerry, and I don't mind, I really don't! So how about this? If I'm going to keep all this to myself, can you keep some of Karen's secrets too?"

With that, Karen bent over the bed and engulfed Jerry's little penis and testicles into her mouth and just savored the taste and feel of a nine-year-olds privates. When she started moving up and down on him, he started making too much noise and she had to quiet him down. He deposited another nice little glob of cum on her tongue in a very short time!

"That was delicious Jerry! Did you like the way Karen did that for you honey? Now you have a secret of mine, I love little boys and their bodies. I really love your body Jerry. I'm coming back after midnight when it's really quiet and wake you up so we can do this again if you like? Would you like that Jerry? I thought so." Karen said, and then gave him a very sweet lingering kiss on his lips. He had a confused look on his face when her tongue darted in and out. She couldn't help herself; she had to cup his amazing buns while kissing him.

"So Jerry. Turn over and get up on you hands and knees and stick your bottom up in the air. Karen is going to make you very happy you did."

With nobody left on her floor, she had as much time as she wanted to molest the boy. She even thought he was worried enough about his mom finding out he masturbated that what she was doing would not be reported either. She had never before done what she was about to do, but the urge just came over her and she had to try it. Karen pushed her face into the boys gorgeous butt crack and using her tongue proceeded to wash and suck on his little butthole while fondling his balls and cock. He soiled the sheets within minutes. After the initial poopy taste, she really got into making love to that hole. He was so very tasty!

Karen noticed on Jerry's chart that he would be held over for two days of testing, and she planned to introduce him to her wet vagina that second night. He might not like doing that for her, but he was very nervous about what she might tell his mom, and sure enough, didn't say a word about what she had done with him. She loved her job as a night nurse, and she was tickled that her body was awakening all over again. She thought it was over for her at fifty-eight, but now she realized it could be just beginning!

That night Jerry was surprised when he woke up and nurse Karen was naked and sitting on top of him straddling him with her legs. He couldn't take his eyes off of her tits! He had never even seen his mom's tits; at least he didn't remember them? He thought he had been bottle fed, so this was a new experience. When Karen pulled his little boner into her vaginal hole and started bouncing up and down, Jerry squirted within minutes. Karen just left his penis inside while she fed him her breasts, and sure enough, he got hard again very soon. She fucked him for a long time after that. She hadn't had a dick inside her for over twenty years and it was wonderful... For both of them!

Jerry kept bugging his mom to have him tested again, but it never happened. He wouldn't have those kinds of wonderful feelings again until one summer night when he stayed over at his neighbor Mr. White's house. That's a whole other story. That was the last sexual experience with a dick for Karen, but oh my, the memories that flooded her mind when causing sticky fingers.

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Fuck,i,m gonna be coming for a month after reading this little tail.Sweet.


Wish I had a nurse like that when I was in hospital as a young boi! More please!


Niiiicccceeee!!! I would like to hear more about Nurse Karen's adventures.

Marvelous! You wrote that as if you had been there. Thanks for this story!

Tom Obrian

Excellent story, had me all sexcited.


That didn't happen to me when I was in hospital as a little lad ! Wish it had.Shame Karen doesn't get any more cock,but I am sure Jerry will feel the cock of mr White in his young arse,and you will tell us about it.Why not let his mum take the nurses place ?


Soo lovely story!!


Oh my, a wonderful story...and me, 59y.o. and no sex for quite a while also... Thank you

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