Helping The Scouts, Part 1

[ pedo ]

Published: 12-Jun-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Karen loved the feel of her silk robe on bare skin. The day was beginning to feel like another hot one, but it was still cool enough with the slight breeze in her face as she lounged on her balcony. It felt really sexy wearing the short robe that just barely covered her bald plaything. Having quick access to her climaxer was not only important, but also erotic in a way. For instance, looking down she had the view she was looking for and the one that decided this was the condo she wanted. Her balcony overlooked the park playground. She had squeezed out so many hard secretions between her legs just watching the little fuck toys swinging and hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Both the boys and the girls made her leak juice, it didn't matter which. She thought sex with either one would be pretty awesome, but knew that would never be!

Karen had no trouble filling that hole in her crotch with a nice fat cock. In fact the UPS man makes regular deliveries with a very nice package. But that's not what really floats her boat. From the time she first joined one of the Child Porn websites, she knew those kids were always going to be first choice. She hadn't figured out yet how to actually put her fantasies in play, but maybe someday. Until then, she would continue to masturbate on the balcony.

At the moment, she was waving to one of her favorites with one hand and fondling her button with the other. The little girl was maybe seven or eight, and the typical blonde, blue-eyed, Shirley Temple type. Very pretty with what was shaping up to be the perfect little body. She liked the little one's plump round butt cheeks. Oh what she wouldn't give to hold them and squeeze them with her tongue buried deep in the little preschoolers crack. Karen was very close now. How perfect this climax would be if it happened when the little girl was looking right at her? "Oooohhh! It feels so nice baby. Keep looking up here sweetie, Karen loves you. Mmmmmhhh! I'm so close honey," Karen directed these words to the kid, but so softly only the wind could hear.

Just on the verge of an enormous release, the doorbell rang! Who could that be ruining this moment for me she thought? It was the wrong day for Bruce the UPS guy? Shit! She reluctantly pulled her hand out of her crotch, and licking her fingers, went downstairs to answer the door.

When she pulled open the door, she was greeted by the sight of a little girl who made the one on the Monkey Bars look like a boy! She was delicious looking! Beautiful Auburn hair the tumbled down to her waist, bright golden brown eyes that seemed to be lit from within. Pouty lips and a few freckles on the cheeks. She was wearing a Girl Scout uniform and holding a clipboard.

It had never happened before, so Karen was not prepared for it. While the little angel was saying something about cookies, Karen lost hers! She couldn't speak as the vibration in her crotch continued to quiver her climax, and leaking juice down the inside of her leg. As if in a trance, she absent-mindedly reached down and scooped the runoff onto her fingers and then put them in her mouth. When the feeling began to lesson to a tingle, Karen finally was able to focus on the little girls face instead of her creamy legs. The girl was looking up expecting something? An answer to a question she didn't hear most likely.

"Hello sweetheart. Would you mind coming inside? It's so nice and cool in here, and the heat is starting to pour in. I want you to start all over again, because I was thinking of something else and didn't get everything you said. How about a nice cold glass of lemonade?" Karen almost panted saying that.

"My names Brenda, and I'm selling Girl Scout cookies. If I sell the most, I can go on a trip to Six Flags this summer. I've never done this before, so I guess I'm not very good at it. Thank you for inviting me in, it's really getting hot out there. Lemonade sounds really good, thank you! That sure is a pretty robe you're wearing. I like that it's so short. It makes your legs look prettier if that's okay to say miss? I wish this stupid uniform was shorter. My mom was going to shorten it, but she's sick again today. This is my first day selling, and so far nobody wants any cookies."

Thanks to you, I just had some very nice cookies little one, Karen thought. "I'm sorry to hear about your mom being sick honey. What's wrong with her?"

"Oh she's kind of sick all the time because she drinks all day in between the visits from her boyfriends."

"Your mom has more than one boyfriend?" Karen asked handing Brenda her drink, and suddenly very interested in what the little girl had to say.

"It's different every day miss. Sometimes there's four or five that take naps with her throughout the day. That's why I stay away. Some of them like to... ...touch me and stuff. Mom just tells me to let them," The little girl said blushing.

"Do the boyfriends undress in front of you Brenda? Do they make you do anything? It's okay. You can tell me. I won't say anything to anyone I promise! It sounds like you don't like doing those things with them?"

"My mom said if I told anyone she would get in a lot of trouble. You have to keep your promise not to tell. She said I could be a big help because we need the money to pay the bills. Some of the boyfriends like to...put their...their weenies in my mouth. They have me play with it and that sack underneath with the marbles until they squirt some hot salty stuff in my mouth. Most of the time they want to watch me swallow it. It's not so bad, unless they get mean. Some do. It makes me tingle in between my legs when the stuff comes out. I don't mind if it helps mom out?"

Karen was really getting moist now! She was already formulating ways to take advantage of this new information. Just knowing the little one is used to sex is pretty awesome! This was going to be a great day indeed if she played this right!

"Thank you for trusting me Brenda. I'm Karen by the way, and you can call me Miss Karen because I'm an adult. I want to be your new friend. How about you stay the rest of the day with my air conditioning and me. I will buy ALL your cookies, plus I'm pretty good at sewing things, I can shorten your skirt too. What do you say? Can we be pals?" Karen said leaking a little below her shaved mound just anticipating what could happen between the child and her?

"Really? You mean it? Wow! ALL of my cookies? I'm sure to win now! Oh thank you Miss Karen! That would be wonderful! Yes! I would like to be your friend. I don't have any friends because we just moved here a month ago. Should I take my uniform off now? You are so nice! I can't believe how lucky I am to meet you! You're not disappointed with me know? Letting those men do stuff with me? I'm really not a bad girl?"

"Brenda, I think its wonderful that you want to help your mom with the bills. I guess you swallow a lot of that cream every day huh? Do the men ever want to put their weenies in your bottom honey?"

"Yes, almost always, but mom said I didn't have to let them. This one guy pulled down my panties and started licking my behind, which felt really great. But then he tried to push his weenie in there and I wouldn't let him. He was really mad and never came back. Mom said it was okay, but that I really should try it sometime because some girls like that sort of thing. Seems weird to me."

"Here, Let me help you with that," Karen said starting to unbutton her little skirt. "Why not take everything off but your panties. I'm thinking your hemline should be about here to show off those very pretty legs," Karen said placing her finger an inch below her little smile, and then resting her hand on Brenda's thigh. "What do you think Brenda? Am I touching the right place?"

"That's perfect where your hand is. You really think I have pretty legs Miss Karen? I hope to have legs like yours some day. You are so beautiful. I want my skirt to be like your robe. Just barely covering my panties," The little girl said looking at the spot where Karen's legs disappeared into the fabric.

"You may not want it to be too much like mine, because I'm not wearing any panties," Karen said pulling open her robe and showing the little girl her nakedness. Did that ever feel tingly hot down there to do that! Brenda just stared at Karen's bald pussy for the longest time. Of course Karen didn't move to cover up either because of the look on this little wet dreams face.

"How come you don't have any hair down there Miss Karen? My mom has lots of hair down there. I can't wait until I have some hair on my...on me," Brenda said bowing her head a little.

I like to feel smooth down there, so I shave it every day. That way it's easier to play with it and get the really fantastic good feeling. You should be happy not to have hair down there. That way it's easier for you too to get the really fantastic good feeling. You DO rub yourself under the covers every night don't you?" Karen was fishing now. This day was turning in her favor. Fantasy, here I come she thought.

"I don't know what you mean? What fantastic good feeling?" Brenda asked.

"You know when your mom's boyfriends are squirting that stuff in your mouth, how they act? They are getting that fantastic good feeling. Girls can get it too," Karen sat down on the couch next to Brenda. She left her robe open and pressed her leg against Brenda's. She then placed her hand on Brenda's thigh and said, "I can show you if you would like? I can make you so happy you won't believe it I promise. You will want me to give you that fantastic good feeling all the time! How old are you anyway my sweet little angel?"

"I'm going to be nine this summer. I still can't believe how lucky I am! You are being so nice to me. I would like to stay here all day with you Miss Karen. You can show me all about the fantastic good feeling. If it's anything like what the men do when they squirt in my mouth it must be fantastic. Sometimes they get really loud when it happens. They say lots of nasty words too. Your 'pussy', that's what the men call mine, looks pretty Miss Karen. It looks a lot like mine only bigger. I wish I had breasts like yours. I don't have anything but little puffy nubs."

Don't worry about getting the breasts. I'm going to help with that too. They just need to be sucked on, and of course you will need the cream. But I'm sure you will be really happy about the results Brenda. You do what I tell you and big breasts are easy to get," Karen lied. She was already picturing little Brenda's mouth on her cunt. "Let's get those panties off sweetheart?" Karen said getting down on the floor and rolling off her princess panty. Karen then got up in between Brenda's silken legs, pressing her breasts against Brenda's and started pressing her mouth against the sweetest little mouth ever! Of course her hands went underneath the girl to squeeze her bubble butt. Oh my!!

"Wow! Uh... I can't hardly breathe... why did... I mean... why did you kiss me Miss Karen? I've never kissed like that before? Do you really like me that much? I'm glad if you do, because I like you that much! I really liked the kiss Miss Karen. Can we do it again?"

"Of course we can kiss like that again. You are my lover Brenda. I love you, and now I'm making love to you because I love you. Now it's time for that fantastic feeling good that I promised you," And with that, Karen started working her way down towards the prize. Stopping at the little girls puffs with the pea sized nipples to lick and suck equally for some time. They were so tasty and caused such a reaction in the child. Brenda gasped when Karen began softly biting them with little nibbles. Brenda's nipples were rock hard!

Brenda was breathing really hard now, so Karen went for the score. She slid down her little tummy and started making out with Brenda's other lips. Karen took her little mound completely into her mouth. Flicking her tongue in and out of that sweet smile, tasting her delicious juices that were beginning to seep. The tastiest tongue fuck Karen could ever remember. This was a whole new level of erotic sex. Karen was somewhat surprised when she sunk her hard tongue in as far as possible, and felt no resistance. This little girl did not have her maidenhood in tact. A definite question for later.

Karen easily brought young Brenda to her very first orgasm, and it was a wonder. Brenda's whole body was shaking like she had a very high fever. The little second-grader was squirming about, bucking and shoving her crotch into Karen's mouth. "Uunnhhh!! Ooohhh! Oh Miss Karen! Whhaattss happenniinnnng!!! Don't stop! Please don't stooooopppp!!! Uunnnnhh!!! This went on for a about a minute, which is a long time for an orgasm. And then it was finally over and little Brenda just lay there breathing hard and looking up at Karen. Wanting the little one to experience the delicious flavors of her own pussy, Karen leaned down and began the make out session again. Giving the tiny mouth her best tonguing and a taste of her own juices.

"What happened to me Miss Karen? That was... that was the best feeling ever! You were right? I want to do that again. Can you do that again for me Miss Karen? Please?" Brenda begged.

Knowing how easy it would be with someone experiencing his or her first time with this kind of pleasure, Karen knew it wouldn't be hard to cause another one. Ten minutes later little Brenda was squeezing Karen's head in a vice as her body shuddered for the second time with Karen's mouth firmly planted in the little girls cunny. The girls were both in heaven.

"Okay darling. Now you have to return the favor. I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that. I would really like it if you wanted to do that for me sweetheart?"

"I want to Miss Karen, I really do. I've never done anything like that before, so I hope I do it good for you? I love you so much, I would do anything for you!" Brenda said with enthusiasm. Then she tried to repeat what Karen had done for her. Of course she had more to work with in the breast area, so that took a while much to the delight of the adult in the room. Nothing could describe the pure pleasure of a little eight-year-olds mouth sucking and licking the delicate parts between her legs though. Absolutely nothing!

Later while they were lounging naked on the bed, totally spent from another round of pleasure, Brenda cuddled up and laid her head on Karen's breasts and said, "Can I spend the night with you Miss Karen. By now my mom's passed out and won't even know I'm not there. It's like that a lot. That's when the men usually hurt me the most. They don't ask my permission for anything once mom is asleep; they just do what they want with me. Please let me stay here?" Brenda begged.

There was no need for the begging. Karen had already decided that was going to happen, and a lot more! She just couldn't let Brenda spend another day under the circumstances her mother made her endure. Karen was bound and determined to fix it.

"Brenda honey? When did one of the men stick his weenie in your pussy?" Karen asked.

"How did you...? I never...? I didn't want to tell mom because the man gave me a lot of money, twenty-five whole dollars. It really hurt though. He was a big black man and his weenie was huge. Once he shoved it in me, it really hurt Miss Karen. I thought he would split me open he was so big! He must have done something to me because I had a lot of blood on my legs when he was through. And he wasn't very nice either. He just kept shoving it in really hard and slapping me and calling me nasty names. When he stopped grunting and pulled out, he told me not to tell my mom or he would hurt me real bad. He came back three days in a row. The last time was about a week ago and he brought a friend who hurt me too. I don't want to see him again.

"I'm sorry he did that to you honey. You won't ever have to see him again, I promise. Do you know what being a virgin is sweetie? A virgin is a girl who has never had a weenie in them. That black man made it so you aren't a virgin anymore. I don't know how important that is to you, but there is some good news about that if you are interested in hearing it?"

"I never knew what that meant, being a virgin and all. What's the good news about not being one anymore?" Little Brenda wondered out loud.

It means you can get that wonderful feeling when a man sticks his weenie inside you. Of course not one as big as the black man's, at least not until you grow up some more. It can really be wonderful if it's from someone who does it nice. Trust me, you will like it if you give it a try. Do you trust me Brenda honey? Do you trust Miss Karen enough to try it?" Karen asked with an idea in mind.

"It's funny, but I was thinking while the black man's friend who wasn't as big was doing it, that if he was nicer about it, that it might feel really good. In fact it did feel pretty good a little, until he was mean of course. I didn't like getting slapped around so much. They spanked me too. Mom never ever spanked me, but these men seemed to really enjoy doing it. Sure Miss Karen, if you say so I will try it. My pussy stopped hurting after a couple of days. What you did was wonderful. I loved what you did. I love you!"

"And Karen loves you to death little one, that's why I want you to experience all the wonderful things that good loving sex can do. My neighbor, Mr. Henry Thomas, is a really nice older retired grandpa type man. I've seen him on his balcony watching the kids when he didn't know I was looking. I recognized the look he has when he's watching them. I see it all the time in the mirror. I'm pretty sure his fantasy is to make love with a child, just like mine was. Would you let him put his weenie in you if he did it with love? Would you do that for me sweetie? I really like Mr. Thomas. He helped me move in. I let him put his weenie in me for helping, and he was very gently about it. I liked it a lot!"

"Really? You let him put his weenie in you Miss Karen? Then I will too!" Brenda said she would do it for her, so Karen gave some suggestions on how it should be done. First of all, Karen altered the skirt of Brenda's Scout uniform so that a lot of creamy leg was the first thing a person's eyes would be drawn to. So it was mid morning the next day when Karen peeked out her balcony door, and saw that Mr. Thomas was watching the kids and feeling his dick at the same time. It was time, so she sent Brenda on her way.

Brenda pushed the doorbell at Mr. Thomas house and waited. When he opened the door, Brenda could see he was wearing very short shorts, and there was an outline of his still hard weenie.

"Hello sir. I was selling Girl Scout cookies but I'm sold out. I was wondering if I could come in for a cold drink? It's really getting hot out here. Karen next door told me yesterday what a nice man you were. You sure have nice legs sir. You must work out a lot!" Karen told her to say something like that.

"Well sure honey! Come on in out of the heat. Speaking of nice legs, yours are really perfect!" He said undressing her with his eyes. God she was total eye candy he thought. Happy fucking birthday to me, and it's not even my birthday he thought! She intentionally brushed his bump as she walked by him into the room. Then she just collapsed onto his sofa with a bounce the lifted her skirt enough to display her panty. Mr. Thomas just stared at her crotch and wet his lips. She was displaying a perfect little wet camel toe.

Brenda liked the way he looked at her. Well, not her so much, but her legs and pussy. "Do you know anything about leg cramps mister? I've been walking around the neighborhood so much my legs are cramping up. Someone told me that the pain can be worked out by rubbing and squeezing them. Do you know how to do that sir?" She said slightly parting her legs. "I'm sorry. I didn't even introduce myself before asking you to do something for me. I'm being really rude. My name is Brenda, and I'm eight-years-old. What's your name sir?" She asked licking her lips and looking at his crotch. Something else Karen suggested.

"My names Henry Thomas Brenda. I'm not a professional by any means, but I think I know how to rub the soreness out of a muscle. I was just rubbing one of my muscles when you rang the doorbell," He said tongue in cheek. "Let me get some lotion and I'll be right back with your drink too. Is iced tea okay?"

"I like iced tea sir. I'm sure I will enjoy anything you give me Mr. Thomas sir," She said looking at his crotch. She was pretty sure there was some movement there. Sir? Can I feel your legs before you go? You have such pretty muscles. I've never felt a man's leg muscles before? Can I please?" Karen said still eyeing his growing bulge. Henry just about creamed his shorts with that request from a little person he was totally in lust for. He stepped up close to her and she placed her hands on his left thigh and squeezed.

"Oh Mr. Thomas sir! Your muscle is so big!" She said with her face real close to Henry's cock. "Maybe later you would like me to rub your legs? I would like that!" She said moving her hands up as far as the hem of his shorts, and barely touching his throbbing dick.

"This couch is pretty low and my back isn't what it used to be, would you mind if you laid down on my bed? It's higher up and easier for me to do what I want to do with you," The now randy old pervert said with a gleam in his eye. Oh what I want to do with you little one he thought.

Brenda was only a second-grader, but she wasn't stupid. She really liked the double meanings he kept using. Brenda was pretty sure he wanted to fuck her. A word Karen suggested she use, including "cock" instead of weenie. "Do you mind if I take off my uniform before you use the lotion. I don't want any to get on it or I will have to pay for dry cleaning, and I don't have any money."

"That's a good idea Brenda. Let's get your shoes and socks off too. I give a pretty good massage if you want to take your blouse off too," He suggested hoping she said 'yes'. My god she had a perfect little body. He now knew he was going to fuck her. He wasn't sure how to start, but it was going to happen!

"I've never had a massage Mr. Thomas. It's not like it would be a nasty thing, since I don't really have any titties. If I had bigger titties it would probably be wrong to let you see them. But my little puffs hardly qualify as titties don't you think sir?" She said playfully touching them.

Henry took a chance and leaned down close to her chest and said, "I think your breasts are amazing Brenda. They are perfect as far as I'm concerned," And then he kissed each one. Brenda giggled.

"You're silly Mr. Thomas. But I'm glad you like them, and that felt good when you kissed them. You can do that any time you want it felt so good.

Henry took that as an encouragement to do more, so he did. He started kissing them again, only this time rolling his tongue around the nipples making them very hard. While leaning forward with her sitting on the edge of the bed, he placed his hand high up on her thigh. God she felt good. Her flesh was so silky soft. He wished his mouth was where his hand was.

"Do you like my strawberry panties Mr. Thomas? They are my favorite. I think its funny how there is this one big strawberry right in the middle on top of... On top of my... You know? My private place. I like your shorts Mr. Thomas. I already told you what nice legs you have. Can I feel you muscle again sir while you are kissing my titties?" She asked, once again letting him conjure up a double meaning, causing a little jump.

Mr. Thomas spread some lotion on her left leg, and started rubbing and feeling his way up past her knee and into her inner thigh, brushing slightly against her pussy.

"Oh I'm sorry little Brenda honey! I got a little lotion on the big strawberry you were talking about. Let me clean it off before it soaks in. We don't want to ruin your favorite pair of panties now do we?" With that he pulled out a handkerchief from his back pocket and began wiping her little camel toe.

"Oh wow Mr. Thomas! That feels... I mean maybe you shouldn't... Oh Mr. Thomas sir! I think you got it all off sir?" She said. "If you promise not to tell anyone I let you see me naked, maybe we should just take them off so an accident won't happen again? Do you promise Mr. Thomas sir?"

"I promise honey. You have to make the same promise. If anyone found out I was touching your naked body they might arrest me, and we wouldn't want that now would we?" He said taking forever to remove her strawberry panties. Panties that he was pretty sure she would never get back!

He spent a lot of time there lifting her leg up and pulling it into him. When he repeated the procedure on the other leg, she was laying there with her legs spread wide like she was inviting him to do something. He noticed that she was getting wet down there, which told him she was excited. He was excited beyond belief! His cock could now be classified as raging! He came very close to just whipping out his hard dick and fucking her right then. He had never before in his life felt so much lust for one thing. This thing. This beautiful little fuck toy who didn't seem to care that an old man was feeling up her naked body.

"Sweetheart, do you mind if I take my shorts off? You are so pretty naked, it's making something get really hard and it's so crampy it hurts. Would that bother you if you saw me naked too honey?"

"Gee Mr. Thomas, sure if it's hurting you. As much as I'm curious what you look like naked, I better turn over and not look. It would be really naughty of me to look sir," Brenda said and turned over flashing that beautiful bubble butt at Henry. When he dropped his shorts, his cock jumped up and pointed directly at the target he so badly wanted to invade. It was not his intent to fuck a little Kindergarten girl when he awoke this morning. He was going to be satisfied just jacking off and watching them as always. But now? How could he not?

Mr. Thomas didn't start at her feet. He didn't start at her shoulders. He squirted lotion on her butt and went to work kneading the flesh, and squeezing her buns. He told her to rise up, and when she did, he lifted and spread her legs apart exposing a most wondrous sight. There before him was the prettiest and smallest little pussy he had ever seen. On top of that beautiful thing was the cutest little rosebud that he desired to lick and suck.

Henry started working on her inner thighs and was continually bumping into her pussy. Of course leaning in to get to her sweet cheeks, he was dragging his hard cock across her fleshy legs and thighs. When he moved up to rub on her shoulders of course his cock was then rubbing against her bottom.

"I thought that was your hand at first Mr. Thomas, but both your hands are on my shoulders. What's that rubbing on my bottom?" Brenda of course knew exactly what that something was, and was trying to get him to just fuck her.

"That's what boys have that girls don't. You have stuff that we don't. You can look if you want?" Henry said wanting her to see how hard he was for her.

"Wow Mr. Henry sir! That sure is pretty. Is it always that big and sticking out like that? What is in that sack underneath? Thanks for letting me see this!"

That's my cock honey, and no, it's not always big and sticking out. It got this way because of you. When I see a beautiful girl, this happens. I would like to show you what its for if you will let me? Are you a virgin dear?"

"My mom said I wasn't a virgin anymore because I put her rubber thing she has on a vibrator up inside me. It really hurt, and there was some blood. Why do you want to know about that?"

Because I want to put my cock inside of you. It only hurts the first time you put something in there, and you've already done that. If you will let me, I would like to show you how good it will feel. What do you say Brenda? Do you want to feel really good inside there?" This was it. If she said no, he would have no choice but to quit. He wasn't about to rape the little girl.

"Okay Mr. Thomas. As long as it won't hurt like the last time, sure. I'm only eight-years-old though. If I let you do stuff to me, you have to promise never to tell anyone because I could get into a lot of trouble," Finally she thought. Boy it sure was different with him than those men at her mom's house. Karen was right about him. He is a nice man.

Henry wanted to get it in her soon before he spurted out all over the bed. Her little pussy was so wet, he didn't have any trouble at all slipping the head of his cock inside her tightness. God that felt wonderful. She seemed to grip him with her butt muscles like she had done this before he thought. He wanted to be deep inside when he came, so he just pushed forward until he hit bottom. Then he began a fuck that was one he had dreamed of most of his life. He was so happy he had taken the Viagra because after only a few strokes, his cream just poured into the little girl. Though he was emptied, his cock stayed rock hard and he began fucking her with earnest.

"Oh Mr. Thomas that feels so wonderful. Thank you sir. Don't stop ever Mr. Thomas sir. You feel so good. I love what you're doing to me," Brenda was being truthful; she thought he felt amazing inside her. Not at all like those men at home. Henry really did like her, and wanted to please her. Because of that, she wanted to please him too. He had already filled her with some hot cream, and that was very special. She didn't last long either because of such a long build up; her climax was equal to the ones with Karen. Amazing!!

When she felt his tongue on her little round button hidden in her butt crack, she knew where he planned to fuck her next. She decided to take her mothers advice, and let him just so she would know whether or not it was something she would like, or learn to like.

"I'm going to fuck you in your other little hole little girl. I promise to be gentle for sure. I put some of the lotion on my cock so it would slide into your bottom better. Just relax your muscles and act like you're pooping and it will not burn I promise," With that, he slipped the head inside her butthole, and then just started moving forward slowly. Brenda liked the feel of his cock inside her butt. She liked the size, it seemed to be a tight fit, but not too big as to hurt. Mr. Thomas started slow and then built up to a fucking motion. He later told Brenda that he had popped a couple of Viagra so he could last for a while. It worked so well to both their satisfaction!

He hadn't made more than ten strokes into her butt when the second flood came. Even he was surprised at the orgasm. That was the most cum he had squirted in recent memory. The tightness of her butt muscles, combined with just the thought of where his cock was carried him over the top. He just lay on top of her with his cock still buried inside her rectum. He was still hard, and wasn't going to let this opportunity go by. He raised her up, turned her over, and plunged his six inches into her tiny cunt one more time. Brenda made all kinds of noise, and it was all good noise! She climaxed a couple of times and realized how right Karen was about fucking. This was terrific! And Mr. Thomas was very gentle with her. She spent the night with him and he fucked her two more times during the night.

Mr. Thomas asked her to put on her uniform in the morning and then get on her knees and suck him off while he took pictures. He wanted a memory of this wonderful girl who fulfilled a lifelong fantasy. She promised him that she would come by often to see him if he didn't mind. Of course Mr. Thomas came to his senses and told her it was really wrong and no way could he do those things again? He didn't say any of that! Just kidding!


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Hopefully in future parts Karen finds a way to fulfill her desires with one of even younger playground cuties too. One suggestion how it could happen: one of their mothers notices Karen's interest in her child and confronts Karen about it. Karen of course blushes fiercely and tries to explain herself but instead of getting in trouble she gets an invitation to meet the object of her affection in a safe environment.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.