Published: 9-Jun-2013
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I have a thing for cocks, all kinds, shapes, and sizes. What I like the most about cocks is the delicious hot salty cream that gushes out the little split in the head when the man is making a lot of noise because of what I'm doing. I always like to start with the guy's balls. If I use my mouth and tongue properly, those big guys work very hard making lots of the cream. Being an amazing cocksucker is not something learned overnight. No. It takes years of practice. Just learning the technique of swallowing a big dick is a project in itself. I'm proud to say that I've had as much as eleven inches completely buried in my throat and licking the accompanying nuts. Yes. I'm an expert cocksucker. I've been swallowing cock since I was ten.
I started to write this journal entry in order to explain why I am the way I am today, and I got ahead of myself. I need to go back to the very beginning where I saw another cock besides the one dangling in between my legs. I was ten-years-old at the time, and sex with a man was not something that I ever even imagined would or could happen. I had been pretending and fantasizing some things about Dixie Haggaman in my English lit. class for sure. Dixie had tits. For a fourth-grader to have tits was a big deal then. There were a few other hotties besides Dixie too.
I used to get a charge sticking my hard dick through the blinds as some of the girls walked by on their way to the little store up the street from where I lived. They would giggle to each other, so I knew they saw it. That was the extent of my sex life at age ten. Other than Parry Dershied of course. Parry and I hung out a lot, ditched school together a lot. We were like peas in a pod.
One day while skipping that days classes, we walked down the railroad tracks to a trestle bridge that crossed a river near where we lived. We were just hanging out on the bridge, and I went to investigate something, I don't remember what? All I do remember is coming back around a pylon, and there was Parry sitting against a cement block with his dick in his hand pumping it up and down. For some reason I just stood there watching for a bit thinking my dick was bigger than his dick, and I felt superior.
"What are you doing?" I said coming up on him.
"I'm jacking off", he said. As if that explained everything.
"What do you mean? I don't understand? Why are you playing with your dick?" I asked.
Well, that was the day I learned about masturbation. Parry told me to sit down and pull out my dick and he would show me. I sat next to him, undid my pants and brought it out. The first thing Parry said was how much bigger my dick was than his. Then Parry reached over and wrapped his hand around it and began stroking it like I had seen him do to his.
There was a double bit of pleasure that first time. Not only was the jacking super pleasure, but also it was erotic watching my friend handle my dick. I instinctively reached over and started playing with his, and stroking it like he was doing for me. Parry said I let out a big "OH FUCK!!" when the climax came. There wasn't any cum yet because it was my first time. Parry just leaned back and closed his eyes as I kept working on his dick. He told me I was doing it good and not to stop.
When his climax came, he shot cum all over my hand. He told me he had been eating it because he heard that it would make his dick bigger, and that I should try it. So I did! It was salty and good tasting I thought. I licked it off of my hand and then asked him if I could lick the rest off of his dick. He said it was okay, so I did. I was so excited at what we were doing. I really liked Parry, and it made me happy to do something that made him feel so good.
Parry told me if we waited a while, he could do it again, and that I should put my mouth on his dick when he told me to because it comes out hot and I might like it better that way. He said he really liked the feel of my mouth licking his cum off, and wanted to know how it felt to be inside my mouth. I wondered too? I made him promise I could put mine in his mouth too. He agreed.
About an hour later, we were sitting in one of those big drainage pipes that was going to be put in the ground at some point and Parry thought it had been enough time to do it again. We both just took our shorts and underwear off and used them to sit on. Then we started playing with each other. I asked Parry to lick mine like I did his, and he leaned down and took a couple of licks and then surprised me by putting the mushroom head in his mouth.
When I told him how great that felt, he asked me to do the same for him. My memory doesn't help me at times, and trying to think of how big Parry was just won't come to my mind, but all I know is after taking the head in my mouth, I wanted more of it. I just swallowed it. Boy did Parry make some noise. He was so excited by what I was doing, I just kept it all the way in. His natural instinct was to start a pumping motion. Five minutes later I was drinking his hot cream. It was really an amazing thing I was doing. Amazing and really good!
I remember trying to get more out of his dick than was there. I kept his limp prick in my mouth for a while and he didn't complain. Parry said it was by far the greatest feeling he had ever experienced. He wanted me to know what it felt like and bent down putting my dick in his mouth. He couldn't get it all the way in, but he started bobbing up and down on it. He knew that would feel the best for me because that's what he did when he was in my mouth with his pumping action. It didn't take very long for me to have my second climax. I was really frustrated that nothing was coming out. Parry said it took about a week of jacking a few times every day before his cream started coming out.
My friendship with Parry moved to another level from that day forward. We pleasured each other as often as possible. Lot's of sleepovers dick sucking. We both agreed that squirting the cream in each other's mouths felt the best. Parry was right about the cream. I was jacking myself at least three times a day, plus the times when I was inside Parry's mouth. I'm actually producing more cream than Parry is now, but he's very happy about that because he believes all that cream will help make his dick bigger, and his balls make more cream.
Parry and I discovered something one night when we were having a sleepover. We slept in the same bed and of course we fondled each other a lot, even cuddled. We never thought of ourselves as fairies. We just knew what felt good. Anyway, I got up to pee that night, and when I came back my pillow had fallen on the floor. I picked it up and crawled back in bed and went to sleep.
Sometime in the early morning I woke up to the best feeling ever. Parry was sucking on my dick and I was looking directly at his. I had gotten in the bed wrong. Parry's dick was throbbing right in front of me, so I put my hands on his butt and pulled his dick into my mouth, swallowing it whole. We had both learned to massage our balls to increase the pleasure. So without realizing it, we had discovered the sixty-nine position. That became our favorite sleeping position of course.
I didn't know it at the time, but I found myself really looking forward to time with Parry. I was so hooked on having his cock inside me. His cream was so delicious. It just wasn't enough because it was all I could think about until the next time we were together.
Parry and I would sometimes hitchhike to the beach about ten miles away. Our parents never knew this of course. On one really hot day I wanted to get in the ocean really bad so I called Parry. He couldn't go because he was grounded for something, I can't remember what? So I decided to go anyway. With nothing but my tight fitting bathing suit and a tank top, I set out.
I didn't think anyone was ever going to stop until finally, after about an hour, this big truck pulled over and the guy waved me up. I could barely reach the cab door it was so high up. When I finally got up and opened the door, a nice looking man asked me where I was going. I told him the beach, and he said he was going that far himself. He had a lot of stuff on the seat, so he told me to sit over by him so I did. I never thought about the gearshift until we started up. He had to shift like a million times just to get across an intersection.
Because of where I was sitting, every time he brought the gearshift down, it went between my legs. I would instinctively spread my legs some pushing my left one against his bare leg. I finally just kept my legs spread knowing he was going to need to shift there. It was sort of erotic in a way. Being in such close contact with a stranger. When he put his hand on my knee and told me how healthy I looked and what a great tan I had, I wasn't worried, I was excited!
Whenever he wasn't shifting, his hand went back to my leg. Each time he came back to the leg, his hand was a little farther up. When he put his hand high up on my thigh almost touching the lump in my suit, I began to realize he wanted something more than conversation. When he finally put his hand on my dick, he said, "You ever fuck anyone with this little beauty Jerry?" And then he gave it a squeeze.
"No sir." I said. "I uh...don't think? really shouldn't...what are you?..."
"Relax Jerry. This feels good doesn't it? You have a nice big cock there Jerry. You should be fucking somebody with it. What is it, four inches? Maybe more? You're getting hard Jerry. You must like me feeling you this way. Why don't we just feel each other? There's no harm in just feeling good Jerry." He said while reaching inside my suit and wrapping his fingers around my swelling dick. Just reach over and unbutton the top of my shorts and pull the zipper down. I'm not wearing underwear. I think you will like feeling my cock."
I had never thought about what an adult dick would be like to play with? But now this man want's me to play with his, and I want to. I don't know why, but I just want to hold it, and maybe even put it in my mouth. I did what he said, and when the zipper went down, his big cock sprang out. I couldn't believe how big it was. He said it was nine inches long, and I believed him. I surprised myself by raising up off the seat enough to pull my bathing suit all the way down. The guy really liked that and started fondling my balls too.
"You have a nice little package there Jerry. Thanks for making it more accessible. I've got to pull into that truck stop up ahead for some diesel. It won't take too long." He said still massaging my dick. It felt fantastic, and I was pretty excited that he wanted to fondle me. I was a little bit scared too!
He pulled into the truck stop and parked in the back. That's when he reached back and pulled the curtain revealing a little apartment. Well, a bed at least and enough room to change clothes and things. He told me to climb back there and get comfortable. When I turned and raised my leg over the seat back, he "helped" by placing his hand in my crotch and fingered my butthole. That was really weird I thought. Why did he play with my butthole? It felt good though.
When he followed me into the back, he took all his clothes off and then took my tank top off too. His dick was sticking up high, it was huge! He liked waving it in my face. He asked me to lick it, and I didn't hesitate. That was something I was familiar with doing. He kept giving instructions to me. Like; "lick under my balls first; put your fingers in my bottom and rub my asshole lightly; put the head in your mouth". Stuff like that. He kept calling me his little bitch. I sort of liked that title. So I told him. "I like being your little bitch mister. I really like your dick. Can I have your cream? Are you going to shoot it in my throat?"
I can look back at all the cocks I've sucked over the years, and I can trace my knowledge of just how to swallow the big ones to this trucker. He taught me so much. He told me he wanted to feel my dick in his 'pussy' as he called it. When he first asked me to get his 'pussy' wet with my tongue, I wasn't too sure I wanted to do that. The guy was being so nice and gentle with me I didn't want to disappoint him, so I started licking. It was a little gross at first, but once I got him all cleaned up back there, I really started to like doing it.
After about thirty minutes of my licking and sucking his butthole, he told me to stick my dick in there. He was on his hands and knees with his nice big butt sticking up. I got up behind him on my knees and pushed my dick inside. There was no resistance, and I went all the way slapping my balls against his balls. After only a few minutes I blasted a pretty good amount of cream into him. "Thank you sir. That was so good! I really loved doing that sir!" I said.
"You said you have never been fucked before. I know my cock is really big and maybe even scary looking to you, but there are some things we can do to get it inside your butt without hurting you a lot. Will you let me try?" He said almost pleading. I told him I would try whatever he tells me to do. But if it hurts too much he promised to pull out. "Thank you Jerry. I promise to try very hard to love you more than fuck you. I want you to want it again, so I will try to please."
He slavered a lot of slippery stuff up inside my butthole using two or three fingers. That really felt strange, but it didn't hurt so far. After putting some of the gell on his hard cock, he placed it at the entrance of my hole. I could feel the mushroom as he gently pushed it against me. He told me to relax my butt muscles and to sort of push like I was trying to poop. When I did that, his dick popped inside. It felt so big in there! I couldn't believe he got that much inside me. I tried to remember what the biggest log I ever dropped was? I suddenly realized that he wasn't as big as one of my logs, so I relaxed even more.
When I started pushing back some, he slid forward until I felt his nuts hit mine. Nine inches of cock was now up inside my butt. Wow! He kept checking to see if I was all right. I told him that so far it felt pretty good. Huge, but good. Then he started pulling out, and then back in. He started fucking me very slow at first and I was practically screaming for him to give it to me. Oh fuck was that a new sensation! I knew that moment that sex with men could be just as good as with a girl. Of course I had yet to fuck a girl, but that's beside the point.
Max, that was his name, fucked me for about ten minutes before I felt wonderful warmth deep inside my rectum. He kept telling me how he was pumping cum into my pussy. I didn't know I had a pussy until that day. I was so full at that moment. It was truly an amazing adventure. When he pulled out, he asked me to clean him up, and that was not a problem. I really liked the feel of his limp cock down my throat. Even though he wasn't hard, he was still big. I fell in love with that feeling. I knew then I was a cocksucking little bitch.
"Jerry you were wonderful. You were able to take all of my cock at both ends sweetheart. You are a natural. You are so pretty. I want to kiss you now if that's all right?" And then he leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I felt pretty strange right then. This must be what the queer's do I thought. The more he kissed me though, the more I liked it. He taught me how to be a great kisser that day, in addition to cock sucking and butt fucking.
"Jerry? I wonder if you would do me a favor?" He asked after a long kiss and hug. "Would you let some friends of mine have a taste of your beautiful body honey? Would you do that for me? I so much love what we've done; I want my friends to share in this wonderful feeling. Would you do that huh?"
That's when I confessed to him that I liked it so much I wanted more. I was excited by the idea of having sex with strange men. It caused me to get hard.
"I trust you Max. I would like to see your friends. Just as long as they don't hurt me Max. You have to promise they won't hurt me." He did.
Max got on the CB and started talking to a few people. He told them they needed to see his new seat covers. That seemed to be the magic phrase, because there came a knock on the door ten minutes later. Max told me to put my clothes back on and let the person take them off himself. There was a big black man who climbed into the cab first. Max told him that my pussy was off limits to cock, but not anything else. I had heard about black men being really huge, but when this man unzipped his pants and pulled it out, he was nowhere near as big as Max. I sucked every drop of cream his balls could make. Max took pictures of course.
When the guy left, Max told him my pussy would be available in about a week. I was grateful for that. My bottom certainly needed a break. The next guy, a Mexican, asked me if I liked waterworks. I told him I didn't know what that was? He told me he would show me, and then he stuck his six-inch fat cock in my mouth and started pissing. I was so surprised that anyone did that sort of thing. My natural instinct was to just swallow and try to keep up. When he was finally finished, he gave me a mouthful of tongue and said it was my turn.
I guess you have to experience some things to be an accurate judge. The guy laid down on his back, and I slid my soft dick over his wet lips and into his waiting mouth. I hesitated for only a moment and then just let it go. When I pee, I really pee. This was not the guys first time I could tell. It felt like because my dick was so far down his throat that it was just going directly into his stomach. It was a joyous thing indeed. I wondered if Parry would do something like this? The guy kissed me and thanked me then left.
There were a couple of men who came by just to look at me. Max said they were interested in my pussy. He wanted to know if I would like to come back the following week when he was back this way. By way of answering, I took a nine-inch creaming down my throat. You should have heard him moan!
That's how I got my start. I'm a regular every Saturday at the Pacific Coast Truck stop. With a weeks rest, and smaller cocks, my pussy stretched just fine for those who wanted in that door. It was an education for me too. As I said before. I just love cocks and what they can give me. Hot salty juice! It's kind of weird on the pissing thing. I drink a lot, and then Max gets it second hand. He's the last fuck of the day always, and I'm growing to like it more and more. He is so gently with that big dick. I love it shoved up inside me!
I lost interest in Parry's little weenie...
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