Published: 29-May-2013
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Mr. White was a pretty cool guy as far as old people go. I say old; I guess he was like forty or something and he lived down the block when I was growing up? He had a kid in college, so he couldn't have been too much older we figured. He had a lot of gray hair, but he was still athletic looking. He was always wearing white tennis shorts that showed off his muscular tanned legs.
He never hassled us for playing football in the street in front of his house, so he was okay with us. We used to cut through his back yard on our way to and from school, and he was always there to say something nice to us when we did. My buddy and I were both eleven the first time he offered us a cigarette. We used to tease him because he was always smoking when we came through.
"Hey Mr. White? When you going to give us one huh?" He would just smile and say. "Some day boys, some day."
Then one day, out of the blue, he offered us one! "You boys don't get me in no trouble now?" he said. "I started younger than you, so I suppose I understand," he said. We choked and gagged on that first one, but he kept offering one every day and we finally got to where we liked them. Then he started buying packs for us. We had to do odd jobs around his place for them, but packs of cigarettes only cost a couple of dollars back then. He was always swatting us on the ass when we bent over for anything. After a while, it got to be more of a feel than a swat. I kinda liked the way he did it, like we were good friends.
Once when it was just me pulling some weeds in his garden, he came out and offered me some tea. I was wearing my bikini bathing suit and no shirt because it was so hot. I was bending over and didn't really see him...okay, I did see him and I was showing off because I knew he liked my butt. He walked right up to me and put his hand on my butt cheeks.
"You sure have a pretty butt Jerry. I wish you would let me take some pictures of it sometime." He was rubbing and squeezing it as he said that. Here's some cold tea in the meantime. Oh, and thanks for the feel." He said and went back inside. He was always doing things like that. Like I said, he liked my butt, and I liked the way he touched me. I sure didn't want anyone to know about that though? I mean its not like I was gay or anything! I still liked girls, a lot!
Then one day on our way home from school, Richard and I saw him working in the yard, and he asked us if we had ever seen a dirty movie. He said he had just brought one home from a trip to Tijuana, Mexico. Richard and I couldn't believe our good luck. A dirty movie, wow! We had never even seen a dirty magazine, much less a movie with sex in it? He told us to fix it with our parents to spend the night at his place and we would watch it together. We knew our parents wouldn't let us stay at his house since they really didn't know him, so we lied and said we were spending the night at each others house. We had done that many times so we could stay out all night and screw around.
At the last minute, Richard said he had to go out of town with his folks. When I told Mr. White, he said that it was okay if it was just me, and that maybe we could have more fun without him. We ate some hot dogs and potato chips, and he let me have a beer. Boy was that ever a big deal, and it really made me woozy. He told me to take everything off but my underwear for the movie, that he promised I would like it better that way. I didn't think anything of it, since that's what I was going to sleep in anyway.
When I joined him in the den, he wasn't wearing underwear at all. He just had a jock strap on. It barely covered his dick and balls, and exposed his whole butt. I found myself staring at his body. He really was in good shape I thought. He had a big shiny butt that stuck out some. It was pretty I thought. He said he wore one all the time because it was more comfortable than underwear. He said he thought he might have an old one that belonged to his boy if I wanted to try it for myself. I said sure, why not?
He came out of the bedroom with one, and helped me try it on because I had never worn one before. When I dropped my underwear, he couldn't resist commenting. "There's that pretty butt. Now with this jock strap I get to look at it all the time!" And then he had me raise my leg and he slipped it on, then the other leg. He really took time pulling it up my legs. I liked the feel of his hands on me. I had never had anyone touch me penis and balls before, but Mr. White said it was important that it be adjusted right, and he took a while making sure.
It was kind of embarrassing when my dick started getting hard. Mr. White said I had a very pretty cock to go with my beautiful butt. I felt sort of special.
It actually felt sort of free wearing it. Kind of sexy too. Mr. White put his hand on my bare bottom and told me how perfect it looked on me. He is such a nice man. And he really seems to like me. He's my best friend.
The movie was an old black and white film. Mr. White turned on the projector and suddenly there were ladies on the screen dancing in nothing but their underwear. We started hooting and hollering right away. There wasn't much of a story, but eventually the scene shifted to a back room where a guy with a big dick was putting it inside one of the women. I was shocked when I looked over at Mr. White to tell him it was a good movie, because he had pulled his jock strap to one side and was playing with his dick.
"What are you doing Mr. White? Why are you playing with yourself?" I asked.
"I'm masturbating Jerry. That's what makes watching one of these better. Don't tell me you've never masturbated before?" He said still stroking his dick and looking right at me.
"No sir! Why do you do that anyway?" I asked starting to blush a little.
I was really curious about what Mr. White was doing, and told him so. He motioned me over and when I was about to sit down, he told me to wait. "You have to be naked for me to show you how this works. I'm serious, you are going to thank me." Then he reached out and pulled my jockstrap down and had me step out of it. I felt really strange being nude with him being nude too, but I sat down next to him on the couch. He had me sit close to where our legs were actually touching. For some reason that excited me, I don't know why? My dick started swelling again, and I was super embarrassed!
He put his hand on my thigh when he started to explain masturbation to me. And I liked the feeling it gave me. Mr. White was being so nice to me!
"When you get married and want to have babies, you are going to put your hard dick in your wife's pussy. A pussy is what you call that hole in between a girls legs. You put your dick in there to make the baby, like that man in the movie was doing. In order for it to work, you will push your dick in and out until cream comes up from your balls through your dick and into the girl's hole. That cream will mix with the girl's cream or eggs and that's when a baby is made. The really neat part about that is how it feels. It's the best feeling ever when you are putting it in and out of her."
"Now masturbation is what I was doing that simulates fucking a girl. Using my hand I move the skin up and down and it fools your dick into thinking you are fucking a girl. Fucking is the word for it. When your dick gets to feeling really super, the cream squirts out of your dick and it's the most wonderful feeling ever! Sit back and close your eyes honey, I'm going to demonstrate for you how it works." That's when he slid his hand up under my balls.
Mr. White lifted my leg up and over the top of his leg and against his hard dick. I hadn't really noticed how big it was until then. It seemed to be hot too! I sure hoped to have one that big some day. I liked feeling it with my leg too. Anyway, he put his hand on my prick and started moving the skin up and down like he was talking about. Man it felt good! While he was doing that, he was rubbing his dick on my leg for some reason, I didn't know why but I really liked the way it felt? He told me to just start thinking about a girl that I wanted to undress or something and he would do the rest. I was happy to let him! At one point he took my hand and placed it on his dick and asked me to practice masturbating on him.
All of a sudden it was like the Fourth of July or something! The most wonderful feeling ever! When I finally stopped shaking, Mr. White removed his hand. He shocked the hell out of me by leaning over and kissing me on the mouth. Not just for a second, but for about a minute. His hands were all over me. Especially on his favorite thing, my butt.
He told me that if I rubbed myself like he did a couple of times a day, it wouldn't be long until I squirted the cream he was talking about? Then he had me keep masturbating him to demonstrate. He asked me to sit closer for a better look when it happened, which I did. For some reason, he put his arm around me and placed his hand on my butt cheeks. I had decided a long time ago that he could touch me there anytime and it was okay. I liked it even!
When he started rubbing my crack with a finger I buried my head in his chest hair it felt so strange! I was surprised by that, but it did feel pretty good. Mr. White was treating me so nice! He was my best friend.
Mr. White asked me to hold his big balls while I masturbated him, and when I did, all of a sudden the cream he was talking about started coming out the end of his dick. The first spurt hit me on my lips, so I backed away. Instinctively I licked it off, and Mr. White was right, it tasted really good. Hot and salty, but good! Then lots more squirts came out, and Mr. White was moaning and telling me not to stop. I don't know why he did it, but he stuck one of his fingers up inside my butthole. It felt sort of funny, but I figured he had a good reason for it. There was cream all over my leg and lots landed on my prick and balls.
When he finally stopped squirting, he apologized for getting it on me and offered to clean it up. I thought he would get a washrag or something, but instead he got down on his hands and knees and just started licking it off of me. He spent so much time on my dick and balls, I got hard again. That's when he put my dick in his mouth. Wow! Did that ever feel nice! I thought it felt pretty good when he was licking me, but sucking was a whole other thing! He sucked on it for the longest time. He liked feeling my butt a lot too. He said I had a really nice dick to suck, and that four inches would soon be a lot more!
When I asked him why he licked up the cream, he told me that swallowing a man's cream would make his dick grow bigger, and that's why he had a big one. He said he never misses a chance to do that. The other reason he said is because it's delicious! I thought about that for a while, and then finally asked him if I could have some of his cream? He said sure, and that it was best if I took it right from his dick while it was still hot. It worked better that way he said. He told me the best way to encourage his balls to make more cream was to lick and suck on them. I really trusted Mr. White. He was so honest about things. And he sure was teaching me a lot about sex.
He said it had nothing to do with the cream, but if I also licked and sucked on his butthole, he would give me ten dollars. To demonstrate why he wanted me to do that, he got down and started licking my butthole. Man that was amazing. Who would have ever thought a mouth or tongue on that poopy place would ever feel so good? So after a bit, he lay back on the end of the coach with his feet up under his butt and his legs spread wide and I earned ten bucks. I had to do it for over half an hour, but I earned the money!
After I got done with licking his butthole and balls, he said his dick was ready, and boy was it! He had me lay upside down on the couch with my feet up on the back and with my head hanging a little over the seat, and then he taught me how to swallow his big dick without gagging. He said that it worked the best if he was able to squirt it directly into my stomach, but that he would save a little for me to taste since it was so delicious, and it really was!
I stopped walking to and from school with Richard after that, so I could visit with Mr. White in his bedroom. He gave me his cream in my stomach on the way to school, and on the way home! When I told him I was a little disappointed that my dick didn't seem to be getting any bigger, he just said I was one of the kind that needed it the other way sometimes. When I asked him what was the other way, he just said I wouldn't like it at first, and that's why he didn't mention it. I finally convinced him to tell me. It sounded kind of scary, but I was determined to have me a big dick, so I set it up to spend Friday night at Richards (not really).
Mr. White was so gentle with me. I was really starting to love him for that. That Friday night we took a fun bath together. We laughed and played with each other, and he sucked my dick for a long time. I was starting to shoot some cream by this time, and he said it was very tasty. He had me suck on his dick until it got really big. Then he used some jell to lube up my bottom, before putting some on his big dick, and had me get on the bed on all fours near the edge. He stepped up behind me and gently rubbed and pushed until I felt his dick pop inside me. It felt so huge! When he started moving farther inside me it felt like the biggest turd ever was going the wrong way. He just kept going until I could feel his balls against my bottom. He praised me because I was such a big man that I could take all of his dick inside me. He just left it there for a time, and then started pushing it in and out.
Only when he started going in and out faster did it start burning. It really hurt until Mr. White told me to relax my butt muscles, then it was better. When he squirted the cream, I could feel it way up inside. There was a lot too. Far more than when I was sucking it out of him. I guess it was about a week before it started to feel good and not burn anymore. I was creaming myself a lot by then, and Mr. White asked me to pump it into his bottom too. He said that would feel like fucking a girl. If that's true, then I'm going to be fucking a lot of girls as soon as I can. Until then, I like Mr. White's pussy. That's what he calls both our bottoms, pussies. I can't get enough of Mr. White's pussy.
End of chapter 1
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