I Have a Pussy, Part 3

[ pedo ]


Published: 23-May-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I left the motel and stopped just inside the entrance of the Mall, and was studying the big map there looking for the location of The Gap, when a sort of chubby looking middle-aged man came up beside me.

"Hey beautiful! What are you looking for, maybe I can help?" He asked.

I decided to put off the swimming idea and make another perverts day. "I'm looking at where the Cineplex is located. I'm also looking for someone to take me to the movies. Are you that man?" I beamed up at him.

"Aren't your parents here sweetie? Can't they take you?"

"I'm here alone until the Mall closes. I want to see the new Star Trek movie but its rated "R" and they won't let me in without a nice man on my arm?" I said and pulled his hand into my nipples.

"Well... uh... I could uh... Sure! I can take you". He stuttered. After all, I'm the boss and if I don't want to go back to work, I don't have to. I would enjoy going to the movies with you, my treat." And he took my hand and we headed to the third floor Cineplex. After buying popcorn and soda's we went in to an almost empty theater because it was midweek I supposed. I suggested the balcony knowing we would be virtually alone up there. He didn't argue.

When we sat down, he folded up the armrest making it more like a loveseat, and we sat very close to each other. I kicked things off by pretending an accident with the popcorn. Some landed in his lap, and I was quick to start brushing his crotch. I just kept wiping where I knew it would do the most good, even after there wasn't any left, apologizing all the time. He certainly didn't try to stop me. He actually spread his legs giving me more access and let me keep rubbing. I was having fun. "I hope I didn't ruin your pants mister?" I said rubbing on top of something big and hard.

When the theater turned dark and the previews started, I put my feet up on the back of the seat in front of me exposing all of the leg I could. I even spread my legs a bit. I could swear I heard him mutter, "Oh shit". I watched the previews and I'm sure he wouldn't have been able to tell me anything about them. He was watching my legs open and close. I dropped my purse on purpose, and he was quick to offer to get it. Bending down under my legs gave him an unobstructed view of my crotch. He pretended to have trouble locating it while he practically put his face against my wet panties!

The movie started before he finally gave in to his desires and leaning in to me and placing his hand on my thigh said, "I'm really glad you invited me honey. I don't even know your name or how old you are? He didn't offer his name.

I acted like I didn't notice the hand, and said, "My names Brenda sir. Thank you for helping me out. I owe you big time! Maybe I can do something for you sometime?" With that I squeezed his leg and left MY hand on HIS leg. His hand slipped down about an inch, so I widened my legs just a little bit more. "Do you think my skirt is too short sir? My teacher at school thinks it shows too much of my legs. He seems obsessed about it and is always looking at either the skirt or my legs, I'm not sure which? What do you think?"

"I think it's perfect honey. And I also think you're legs are beautiful!" He said giving them a good feel. I bet if you let him feel your legs like I am he might change his mind and like you better."

I guess he thought it was too dark to see, and too noisy from the movie for me to notice, but I distinctly heard a zipper going down. Something happened in the movie that was a little scary, and I jumped some, sending his hand down, pushing my skirt up to my panties. I could hear a soft moan for sure that time!

When he moved his hand up onto the front of my panties, I leaned up to whisper in his ear, thus pushing his hand down between my legs, "I'm only eight-years-old mister. I'm not old enough for what you are doing." And then I squeezed his hand with my thighs. "I feel funny down there sir? I don't think you should be touching me like that?" When I said that, I clutched his hand with my legs and turned toward him trapping his hand in place and not letting go. "But it feels so nice! If I let you keep doing that, do you promise not to tell anyone I let you touch me there?"

He picked up my hand off of his leg and placed it on his hard fleshy cock. It was a really big one! "I won't tell what you're doing, if you won't tell what I'm doing little one. Just enjoy it Brenda. Let's just make each other feel good. There's no harm in that." He said, and put his hand down inside my panty and started fingering my hole. He began jacking my hand on the biggest cock so far in this whole weird experiment. I had no idea the length of it? It was just huge, and fat too!

"You said you wanted to do something for me little girl? Put your mouth on it. Just put that top part that looks like a mushroom in your mouth. Something is going to happen really special, and I'm going to let you have it. Hurry! Before it's too late!"

So I got up in the seat on all fours, spreading my legs to let the pervert get to all my parts, and leaned over taking as much of his cock as possible. That's when he stuck some fingers in my cunt. I did the appropriate moan. It took a bit to pop the head in, and maybe three inches of that big fucker when all of a sudden my throat got blasted with the most powerful shot of cum in my short experience! I had to use two hands to cup his enormous balls. It's a good thing we were alone up there for all the noise he made. I stayed with it in my mouth as it softened because he was still working my cunt to a glorious climax! He then handed me $100, got up and left the theater. Why are men in such a hurry all the time? Because we are assholes, that's why.

I left the theater and headed to The Gap where I found a very small bikini. I went back to the motel and put it on, grabbed a towel and headed down to the pool area. There wasn't anyone swimming, but there was a guy reading the paper at one of the tables. He looked really handsome in a Harrison Ford kind of way. He was all hairy and muscled. I loved his thick thighs and bulging speedo. I wiggled my ass passed him on the way to the sauna. There wasn't anyone in there, which was perfect, because I was expecting someone.

I took my suit off and climbed up to the second level and stretched out on my towel, face down. Two minutes later mister speedo came in. "I hope you don't mind if I join you young lady. I also hope you don't mind me taking my suit off. I see you are obeying the rule about the sauna. I put the closed sign up because I could get in trouble being in here naked with you. Do you mind?"

He said this while removing his suit and laying down on his back just below me.

I said it was okay because we were supposed to be naked in the sauna. And then I just stared at his cock. It looked like a normal sized one for a change. I wanted to get fucked in the ass real bad. He saw me looking at it.

"Have you ever seen a naked man before sweetheart?" He asked.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to stare. It's just... well I... it's so pretty. Are all men pretty like that? Because my daddies looked just like yours. He used to put it in my bottom a lot. That was before he died in the war. I miss him in my bottom. Why is yours growing sir? It's getting bigger! Why?" I really poured it on.

"You liked it when your daddy put his in your bottom honey?" He said in disbelief!

"Yes. I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but I guess it's okay now that he's dead. You won't tell anyone will you?" I said admiring his full erection.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise. Say? Would you like me to put mine in your bottom? Sort of like in memory of your dad? I will if you want me to?"

"Really? You would do that for me? Wow! That would be amazing sir. Yes, I would like that very much. Can we do it in your room? Someone might see us here. I don't want anyone to know how nice you are being to me. Can it just be our secret sir?" The fucker must feel like he won the lottery or something?

When we got to his room, I expanded on the lie. "Do you have some of that slippery stuff to make your weenie slide in me better? My daddy always let me put it all over his weenie for him. He always put his weenie in my mouth first so it would grow first. Can I do that for you too sir?"

He went into the bathroom and came out with some KY and tossed it to me. I was sitting naked on the edge of the bed when he dropped his speedo, and offered his cock to my mouth. I sucked and slurped it really hard, then slavered the KY on it and started lightly rubbing it all over. He made some noise.

"Here sir." Handing him the gel. "Put some in my bottom please. I can't wait for you to fuck me. I hope it's okay to say that naughty word? My daddy let me."

"I'm going to use it a lot myself dear. Turn around and get on your hands and knees for me." When I did, I felt his fingers apply the goo, and then he lined up and drove it all the way home. Oh boy did that feel nice! He got lost in the moment and started fucking me like a two-dollar whore! It was a nice long fuck too. Maybe fifteen or twenty minutes. Following the fuck, we cuddled for a while, and then he fucked me again, only longer the second time. He told me he had to leave early in the morning, so I asked if I couldn't come by for another fuck before he had to go. It was all set. What a nice fucker he was.

I decided I needed a nap and went to the other room that I had a key for and laid down. Three hours later I woke up! Shit. I didn't have much time before little Brenda had to make contact with her parents. I wanted one more butt fuck so I went trolling through the Mall again. I didn't find any targets after a walk through, so I bought another ticket to the movies. I didn't have enough time to drag things out, so in spite of dad's advice, I took a chance.

Back inside the Panda movie again, I saw a dad sitting on the aisle toward the back looking like he was about to fall asleep. "Excuse me sir?" I said as I straddled his left leg and then sat down on it facing him and scrunching in. "You look really bored." I leaned in close feeling for and finding his cock, at the same time pulling his hand up my skirt on to my pussy. "Wouldn't you rather fuck me in the ass in the toilet than sit out here? Oh yeah. This feels like it was made to fuck a little eight-year-old like me! Come on, please?" I begged.

After the momentary shock wore off, his fingers started to fiddle with me. "Follow me little girl." With that, he picked me off of his knee, and started for the lobby. I followed him into the men's room where he led me into the farthest stall. I bent over the toilet, flipped up my skirt and pulled down my panties. I heard his zipper go down, and in seconds felt his dry hard cock slip into my now wet pussy. That was okay. I wanted it in my butt, but this will do I thought. He fucked me hard. I'm sure it was a fucking wet dream that would be with him the rest of his life. One that nobody would believe for sure. Five minutes later he shot hot cum up inside me, grunting all the way.

He zipped up and left in a hurry. I cleaned up with toilet paper and started for the door. Just then, an older man came into the restroom. When he saw me, he said, "Aren't you in the wrong bathroom honey?"

"No sir. I wanted to see what a man's Willy looked like and was hoping someone would show me theirs." I said looking directly at his crotch.

"Well. Come on over to the urinal and you can watch me pee if you like?" And then he unzipped and stepped up to the first one.

"Wow mister. That's a pretty one. Can I hold it?"

"Sure little miss. Just be careful where you aim it, I have to pee really bad." He said taking my hand and placing it on his short fat cock. He peed forever! When it finally stopped, he asked me to shake it for him and I did. Then I put it in my mouth and gave him a standing blowjob, sucking out a nice amount of cum in the process. When there wasn't anything left for me, I just walked out and left him standing there holding it!

I had so much fun with this experiment. I'm going to try it again next week.

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That's it, I'm moving to America, if that's what 8yr olds get up to.


I love it! specialy the ending got me very turned on hope to see more


What is with little Brenda, when she will awake and will have her well used body back? She may suffer, and just that is why she may conclude there must be something what is a fair reward to the pain in her crotch. And I bet, she cannot resist trying to discover what it is!


Love it! I would be such a slut if I was a girl too.


Oh yessssss nice story I was masturbating all time


Loved this one as well. Good storytelling. I like that she was pretending to be innocent -- and I really enjoyed the dialog.

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