Published: 12-May-2013
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I travel a lot up and down the coast. Not for the scenery, but for the public bathrooms. I know if I hang out long enough around them, I will get the chance to see one of my favorite things, and to show my favorite thing, my thing!
Yes. That's right? I'm a child lover. My favorite child is a boy under the age of say ten or more. When I see a kid I like go into the men's room, I follow right in with him. And then...why don't I just tell you about my adventures yesterday at Hermosa Beach in Southern California to explain.
I found a good parking spot for my motorhome just up from the public restrooms and waited. I fondled my eight-inch cock while watching all the little people go by with their friends and parents. I wanted it to be fat when I exposed myself when the time came. That time came after only an hour.
I recognized the little boy from when he passed by with an older boy and girl, and hoped upon hope he would need to pee at some time. Sure enough, there he was heading for the men's room. I was wearing my loose fitting brief style swimsuit with the panty cut out as I jumped to the ground and headed in after him. There were four urinals, and he was at the farthest one from the door, starting to get his weenie out. I stepped up right next to him and pulled my suit to one side exposing my entire package to him.
He just stared at it for a minute, then looked up to me with a surprised look on his face and quickly turned away. When he finally got his little weenie out, he sort of turned his back to me like kids do to have privacy. That's when I spoke.
"I let you see mine, won't you let me see yours?" I said starting to stroke mine.
"Mine is really tiny sir. You wouldn't like it. Yours is so...big!" The boy said in a quiet voice.
"It so happens I like little ones young man. Please let me see it? I'll let you watch mine grow bigger if you do?"
The kid turned just in time to see the swelling start. His eyes got real big and he just stood there fixated on it. At the same time, he didn't even notice that he had turned enough for me to see his cute little prize.
"Wow mister! What's making it grow like that?" He said still holding on to his, but not yet peeing.
"It's getting big right now because you are looking at it. And because I'm playing with it. Yours will too, watch?" And I reached down and started fondling his little dick. He started to pull away, but then stopped and let me play with it. I knew he was feeling how good it was because he started to grow too!
"You know how good that feels with me holding yours. Mine would feel good like that if you held mine. Please?" I asked.
"His little hand found its way to just below my mushroom. It didn't fit all the way around, but it was enough for my full size to spring up. As I fondled him, he tried to mimic what I was doing, and man was it special. Usually the kids run out calling for mommy or daddy. This little guy was having a good time!
"I'm Don, and I'm 35. What's your name and how old are you?" I asked as we fondled.
"I'm Timmy, and I'll be six next week. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." He said weakly.
"Well Timmy. It's good that we know each others names and ages, so we aren't strangers now are we?" I said squeezing his little peter.
"Yeah. I guess you're right. How did you get such a big weenie?" He asked.
"Before I tell you the secret, you have to tell me who that was you came to the beach with?" I wouldn't mind fuck her either. She couldn't have been more than sixteen, and very hot in her tiny little bathing suit. A lot older than my favorite, but she would still be a good fuck I thought?
"That's my older sister. She's thirteen, and that's her boyfriend that came with us. He's like twenty-two. All they want to do is kiss and stuff, and he told me to get lost until the sun starts going down."
"Do you like movies Timmy? I've got a bunch of them in my motorhome just up in the parking lot. You are welcome to come up and watch some with me if you like? Then I could tell you how you can have a big weenie too if you want me too? It's really not hard." This is about as far as I've ever gotten with a kid. I've yet to get one to take me up on the offer, but there's always a first. To sweeten the deal, I said, "I've got chocolate ice-cream too!"
"I would really like that mister Don! But first I have to pee really bad."
"Can I watch Timmy? I like watching little boys pee. Then you can watch me too if you want to. If somebody comes in, pretend like we don't know each other though okay? I'm not supposed to be showing you my weenie, not that it's bad, it's just that some people are stupid!" He agreed, and then let me watch him piss a pretty good stream for a little guy. When he was through shaking it out, I let him watch me blast a hard piss against the urinal, which lasted twice as long as his. "Wow" was all he said in wonder.
I instructed him how to find my blue motorhome, and asked him to wait a few minutes before coming up. Then I went up top and waited, hoping he wouldn't chicken out. He didn't, as I saw him climb up to where I was parked and walk up the door. One final check around to make sure nobody saw him and then I opened the door. When he got inside, I told him a policeman had just come by and asked me to move the motorhome. I didn't want to scare him, but I also didn't want people looking in as they walked by on the way to the beach. I drove a little farther down where there were cliffs and no access to the beach. We would be all alone until sundown if I had my way, and I planned too!
"Come on back to the bedroom where I have my TV Timmy. Would you like a coke with your ice cream? I asked.
"Yeah! That's sounds great Mister Bob. You are really being nice to me. I like you Mister Bob, a whole lot!"
"I slipped a little COCKtail into his drink. Something I invented and have never had the opportunity to use. I know I'm a Pedophile, but only in theory. This will be my first opportunity to actually be a practicing one. I had some powder already mixed up that I put in his coke. It was a combination of Viagra, which should make him feel sexier and certainly hard, and some Ruffie, which is the so-called date-rape drug, that should make him forget anything we do. And I wanted to "DO" things with him for sure!
"How about Star Wars Timmy. Is that okay to start with you?" I asked.
"That's really great Mister Bob. Uh...Mister Bob? ...Uh, were you still going know? Were you going to...tell me how I could... You know? Have a big weenie like yours?" He said blushing beet red. My mom's always teases me about having a little weenie when she puts it in her mouth every night at bedtime. I want a big weenie too Mister Bob."
"What's your last name Timmy?" I said with new interest. It might be to my benefit to have something over mom?
"My names is Simmons, and so is my moms. I don't have a daddy. We live at 402 Tanbark Street in in Costa Mesa. My mom made me memorize that in case I got lost." He said while finishing off his coke. It shouldn't take to long for the drug to kick in. And thanks kid for the information.
I put on Star Wars and sat next to him on the sofa. When the movie started, I placed my hand on his crotch and he didn't complain. In fact, he put his hand on my crotch. "I have an idea Timmy. We liked touching our weenies so much in the bathroom, why don't we take off out bathing suits and we can do it some more while we watch the movie?" He didn't take his eyes off the screen as he slid his trunks off and onto the floor. I took off mine and when I grabbed his little pecker, he grabbed mine. What a fine beginning to Star Wars I thought?
In about ten minutes, his eyes got that glassy look like he was intoxicated or something, so I figured he was under the influence. I leaned over and exchanged the DVD for the one I downloaded from my child porn site. When the first scene came up with a man getting sucked off by a little boy about Timmy's age, he just stared at it. Because his little dick got hard, I knew he was really lost.
"Timmy?" I said. "I want you to suck my cock like that little boy is doing for that man. Do it now, put your mouth on my cock." And I put my hand behind his little head and pushed him down to it.
When Timmy's sweet little lips opened up and I forced the mushroom into his mouth I thought I was going to die it felt so good. "Keep sucking me little boy, and try to swallow all of it. Good boys who want big cocks need to swallow big weenies." I said. He then went down more and started choking and gagging. I let him up a bit, and then forced his head back down. After a few of these, he got better at it until I was able to get almost all of it down his throat which surprised me, eight inches! Then I just started fucking his face. I was glad I had remembered to set up the video camera so I would have a permanent memory of this wonderful day.
Little Timmy coughed and gagged some more when an enormous blast of cum shot down into his throat and into his tummy. I couldn't help myself and just forced his head down until I shot my last. He gasped for over a minute when I finally let him up.
"That's a really good boy Timmy. You are going to have such a big weenie if you keep swallowing like that?" I said. Of course it was my hope he wouldn't remember this, but maybe after a conversation with his mom, he would get to do this without a drug?
Because I had taken a Viagra, and didn't really need one, my cock rebounded fairly soon and it was time for my next fantasy to begin. I picked him up and carried him over to the bed. After propping his little behind up with a pillow, I started pushing a little KY up his tiny butthole. Then smearing some on my cock I stood behind him and started sliding it up and down his tiny crack. I had to work a while just to get the head to finally pop inside to the sound of a little grunt. God that felt so wonderful, I just stood there for a long moment saving the feel.
After a few minutes and making sure the camera had a good view, I started to slowly slide farther inside, about an inch at a time before pausing. I have a big cock so I didn't expect to go all the way in, and sure enough after about six inches I hit bottom. I don't think Timmy liked it as much as I did because of the screaming. That just made me harder for some reason. Since he was making so much noise, I didn't see any reason not to just start fucking him. And so I did. Because of the other climax, I was able to last much longer, which made me happy. I must have fucked him for at least fifteen, twenty minutes before filling his little ass with my cream. Fuck that was the best ever!
When I pulled my cock out of his little butthole, I stuck it in his mouth and made him suck it clean while he was still crying. That gave me another idea since he was so compliant. I turned around and asked him, no demanded him to lick my butt clean too. He must have been really stoned because it never occurred to him not to do as ordered. I crawled up on the bed with my ass sticking up and my head buried in a pillow as he got up behind me still crying, and started to work. That is the most amazing feeling ever! A little five-year-old licking and sucking your asshole!! Wow! I wouldn't let him stop for almost an hour it was so great! By the time I told him he could stop, he had quit crying.
There was one final act I made the little guy perform. I had him take my cock back into his mouth and told him to drink it all. Then I started pissing. Slow at first to make sure he knew and understood. When he started swallowing, I started letting go. Pissing down a kindergartners throat is pretty damned great!
I noticed he had a little stiffy, so I sucked on it for a while. Nothing really happened with him. I guess he was too young for an orgasm. It was nice having his little penis in my mouth though. I fucked him at both ends again before the drugs could wear off, and then dropped him off where we started and told him to go find his sister. As the boy wandered off, I was already making plans to fuck him again. Maybe with his mom licking my ass while I did? Or better yet, his mom AND sister helping out? I had a phone call to make about that?
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