Published: 12-May-2013
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I always wait for Tommy to finish the yard work in front of my house and move to the backyard to visit with him. I don't want prying eyes to see the lust on my face when I look at him. It's another hot Saturday in Sacramento, and I'm so glad because the eleven-year-old once again is in those sexy cutoff jeans and tank top. The shorts expose about as much of his beautifully formed legs as is possible and I fantasize about licking them and finding out what's at the top of them. The rest of his body matches perfectly. I love the way his nipples poke through the soft fabric of his top when he's sweating. He's so pretty to look at.
Tommy would be considered really cute, rather than handsome by most people. I think he's gorgeous! His Long blonde shoulder length sort of wavy hair frame a delicate face containing the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. They penetrate the soul, and I get lost in them every time we speak. His pouty lips are an attraction in itself. It's doubtful they've been used much, and that's the exciting part for me. I want so much to love on this boy, but that's just a recent fantasy I jack too.
A month ago I wouldn't have looked twice at Tommy, or any other cute boy for that matter. I thought I was in a happy heterosexual relationship with my wife until I caught her getting fucked in the ass by the pool boy. A kid not much older than Tommy I might add. I threatened to turn her in to the police along with the movie of them I took with my cell phone if she didn't clear out and stay out! I din't know if I still watched for the fucking, or for seeing a boys hard cock for the first time? I needed to find out?
Out of curiosity one night while rubbing my dick and watching some porn on my computer, I started looking for sex with kids and was surprised to find a great deal of illegal stuff out there. I was curious what the little women saw in that kid, although the one she was with had a nice tool, bigger than mine even. I joined one of the many sites offering an abundance of movies and pictures. My cock certainly felt like I had made a good move. Damn, I've never cum so much watching little girls and boys getting molested big time. That's when I started noticing Tommy on Saturdays. I haven't even thought about women since.
I had become somewhat of a voyeur around Tommy. I bought a couple of speedo swimsuits that displayed my package pretty well. Since I have a pool, it wasn't unreasonable for me to be wearing one around the house. I've caught Tommy looking a few times in a reflection off the bay window. He doesn't know I saw him. I want him to look, but I didn't think it was sexual in any way for him? Just a natural curiosity I decided.
"Tommy!" I shouted over the lawn mower. "Come on inside and have some nice cold lemonade." I said. What I really wanted was to see that body of his up close and personal again. I held the sliding door open just enough to where he had to brush against me to get through. His arm bumped my crotch and I almost wet myself.
"Thank you Mr. White. It is kinda hot out there. Is it okay to sit on the couch sir?"
"You can sit anywhere you want sweetheart (on my face perhaps?). I got a little rush just standing over him as he sat down. My speedo bulge looming near his face. He couldn't help but look at it, and then me. "If you don't have to get home anytime soon, why not wait until later to finish? I was just about to watch a movie, you could sit and watch with me (and fondle my cock) if you like?"
"My mom doesn't get home from her cocktail waitress job until after midnight, so I don't have to leave anytime soon. She always has plenty of TV dinners in the freezer for my supper. I would like to stay Mr. White sir. You are so nice."
"That's great Tommy. Why don't we order up a pizza and make a night of it then. I don't have much else to do since my wife left. In fact it's kind of lonely, most of the so-called 'friends' were hers. I would like the company. I especially like your company Tommy. I really like talking with you sweetheart." I wished I could pull back that last line. It was a slip of the tongue calling him that. "I'm sorry for calling you sweetheart Tommy. I shouldn't treat you like a child."
"That's okay Mr. White. It sounds nice the way you say it. It makes me feel like you really like me or something. The pizza sounds great sir. I would really like spending the evening with you. I get bored too with nobody to talk to. I'm sorry you don't have any friends. I know what THAT's like. I don't have any either." He said looking at the carpet.
"Why don't you have any friends Tommy? As sexy looking as you are, I can't believe the girls don't like you?"
"They used to but something happened last summer that caused everyone to look at me different. It's nothing. I shouldn't even have said that much. Sorry."
"Please don't do that sweetie." I said kowing he liked me calling him in a personable way. "I want to be your friend, and friends tell each other their problems. Please tell me?"
"Really? You want to be my friend? Thank you Mr. White sir. I want to be your friend too! Well. It all started with my mom. She was disappointed that I was a boy and not a girl, so every Sunday she dresses me in really short sexy skirts complete with knee-high socks and patent leather shoes, to go shopping with her. She even does some makeup, and fixes my hair into pigtails. One day a kid from school recognized me and told everyone that I was a girly-boy and gay. I don't even know what it means to be gay sir?"
I moved closer to Tommy on the couch to where our bare legs were touching, and then I put my arm around him, which started my cock to grow some.
"It doesn't matter what the other kids say about you sweetheart?" I said with my face very close to his. So close I wanted to kiss him, but knew better. "All that matters is what you think about yourself. Do you like dressing up like that?"
"You will probably think I'm distorted somehow, but when mom goes to work at three, I like to stay dressed that way the rest of the day until I go to bed. I really like the satin panties she has me wear. I like the way they feel on my...on me. I sleep in them most nights. I even go for walks in the park because I like the way boys that don't know me look at me. Does that mean I'm gay sir?"
"Let me ask you this Tommy. How do you feel when adults (men) see you?" I put my hand on his thigh causing more growth. What an awesome feeling that was. His flesh felt so great.
"You are so easy to talk to Mr. White. I feel like I can tell you anything. That's why I'm going to tell you about the man I met in the park last week. But you can't tell my mom, she doesn't know. I liked the way he looked at me, like he wanted to be my friend or something. So I said hello to him and we just started talking. He told me how pretty he thought I was, and that he always wanted a little girl like me. He seemed really nice, so when he invited me in to his motorhome for lunch, I said yes."
"While we were sitting around his breakfast nook eating, he put his hand on my leg, like you're doing now, only he moved it up to know? ...My penis. He of course was surprised that I was a boy, but he just kept feeling me there and telling me how sexy it was that I was dressed like a little girl. I didn't know what to do, but I wasn't scared either. It felt good what he was doing."
With my hand so close to Tommy's his prize I wanted to do the same thing. "So, what happened honey?" I said. I really couldn't wait to hear more!
"He told me he liked the way I felt, and then he kissed me Mr. White? I mean a real long kiss, not like a kiss good night or something. I never kissed anyone like that before. I got hard down there Mr. White. I really enjoyed kissing him sir. How weird is that?"
"I think you would have gotten hard down there if it was a women son. I don't know if liking him feeling your cock makes you gay though. It's okay if I call it that isn't it? Your cock?"
"It's okay. That's what everybody at school calls them. It's written on the bathroom walls, so that must be a name for them. I call it that."
"So go on with the story. What happened next?"
"While we were kissing, I heard his zipper go down, so I knew he was going to take his... ...his cock out. I confess I was really curious, you know, about what it might look like? I've never seen a grown mans before. I hope this is okay to say sir, but I've seen the bulge in your bathing suit every week and wondered about it. You know? What it would look like not all scrunched up and all?"
"Finish the story, and then we can talk about us. I think we have some things in common?" I was getting so hot with this story. Wishing I was the guy!
"Well, that's it really. I never got to see it because his wife came in the door just then and he zipped up in a hurry. She got all up in his face for being in there with a little girl alone, and asked me to leave."
"So you've been looking at my bulge have you? Well, I've been looking at your pretty legs the same way." I slid my hand up his thigh close to his lump, which looked to be growing too. He actually spread his legs slightly, which I took as a sign of something. I was so freaking afraid of how a child molester is treated these days, I just couldn't do what I wanted to do!
"I have to tell you something Tommy. I have almost the same problem you do. I don't know if I'm gay either? Since my wife left, I've been looking at porn on the Internet, and well...lately I've been looking at men having sex with other men, and even boys your age and younger. I hope you don't freak out on me when I tell you that I enjoy looking at your body and think about you when I'm rubbing myself after you leave. Like right now I'm getting hard just sitting close and touching you. Does that make me gay? I don't know? What makes you hard sweetheart?"
"Wow! Really? I make you that thinking of me? I have noticed you looking at my body, and it makes me feel tingly down there. I like it. I've been playing with myself at night under the covers. Usually I think about you Mr. White. You have such an amazing body with all those muscles. I hope I look like you when I get bigger. I don't feel like such a weirdo now that I know you like me the way I am." As Tommy said that, his little hand touched down on my thigh, burning a hole in my leg and causing a quiet groan.
"Actually Tommy, I think you are beautiful, and I would be lying if I didn't tell you I would like to see you as a sexy little girl."
"That's easy Mr. White. Just come by tomorrow after three and pick me up. Mom will be gone by then, and I will be "Brenda", that's what she calls me as a girl. I think I would like that Mr. White sir. Will you come? Promise?" He asked as he involuntarily squeezed my leg. Fuck! What's happening I thought?
When the pizza came, I made some popcorn to go with it, and then asked Tommy if he wanted to see a movie I downloaded from the Internet showing men and boys and how they cared for each other. Tommy said yes.
Of course I had seen it many times, but Tommy was shocked at what was happening on the screen. A boy younger than he was putting the man's dick in his mouth and swallowing a lot of his cream. But when Tommy saw the man put it in the boys butt, he didn't understand and I had to stop the movie.
"Is that what being gay means Mr. White? Is that making love?"
"I don't know for sure sweetheart, but I have noticed that the boys seem to be okay with what's happening, in fact enjoying it even. So are the men honey. I guess that's at least part of it." There wasn't much time left before his mom would be home so we would have to continue this tomorrow. Shit!
"That's enough for now. I'll try to get some more answers for tomorrow when you are over. It's getting pretty late, I better get you home before your mom. By the way, maybe we ought to keep what we've talked about a secret. I think I would get in serious trouble for sure my dear special friend." The boy just smiled up at me with those electric blue beamers.
It was agreed, and I took my lawn boy home, then came right back and finished the movie jacking all the way. I was very excited by what Tommy had told me, and now I was thinking maybe we could have some pleasure together after all. I sure liked the contact however limited it was. I could only wonder what might have happened if that guys wife hadn't come in?
Sunday at 3pm on the dot, I pulled into Tommy's driveway. Instantly the prettiest little girl I've ever seen came out the front door and climbed into my car. He was so hot looking, I got an instant erection. True to his word, the boy was wearing a bright yellow sundress flashing a lot of creamy leg with white knee-high socks and black patent leather shoes. Absolute eye candy at it's best. Knowing there was a dick under the dress made it even sexier!
"My god I can't believe how pretty and sexy you look Tommy? Or should I call you Brenda? Since we discussed it yesterday, you should know I'm getting hard looking at you. I can't stop thinking about the story you told me. What do you think might have happened if the man's wife hadn't come home?" I said as we pulled out of the driveway and headed to the house.
"I'm glad you like what you see Mr. White. Wait 'til you see the panties I'm wearing? They're.... oh shit! I'm uh... I shouldn't have... Never mind. Tommy said with a beet red face.
"You are so cute Tommy. Of course I would like to see your panties. After our conversation last night, I think it's only right that I get to see what that man saw? I'm your special friend aren't I?" I said placing my hand on his leg.
So the kid just pulled up his skirt and showed them to me. I almost hit a telephone pole! They were a light blue satiny material that was a little sheer. I could see the shape of his little cock perfectly, and even some flesh coloring. I had to do it. I reached over and put my hand in his crotch and squeezed. "They're beautiful honey. I love the strawberries."
When we got back to my house, little Brenda, as his mother would call him, was surprised to see that the dining room table was set with fine china and fancy glass wear. "I thought since I was going to have a date with a beautiful girl, a fancy dinner was in order." I said. "I hope you like spaghetti because it's all I know how to make?" I said with a chuckle.
Tommy seemed so excited. I guess it was because he really did have a friend now. Someone who liked him being pretty too! I could feel he was getting hard down there when I put my hand on him in the car. I'm got to be braver I thought.
Following dinner, I put on some romantic music and asked him to dance. "I don't know how to dance Mr. White." He said.
"Then I will have to teach you sweetheart. And since you are now my date, please call me Bruce. Now come close and stand on my feet and put your left arm around my waist." When the boy did, I took his right hand and started slow dancing. Being that close pushed my crotch against his chest.
"Mr. Smi... Bruce. I think you are getting hard. I can feel you on my chest. Is that really because of me?" He asked looking up at me with those bright blue beautiful eyes!
I stopped dancing, bent down and placed my lips against those pouty lips I had been lusting after. We stayed that way for a while as I kissed him like I would any girl on their first date. His mouth was so wet and warm, and very responsive! I reached down with both hands and grabbed the cheeks of his bubble butt and pulled him closer. That's when I started using my tongue. Tommy picked up on it right away. The day couldn't have started any better!
When I finally broke the kiss, I kept his face real close to mine and said, "If doing what we are doing is 'gay', then I guess I am because I love you Tommy!" I said. "How about you honey? How do you feel?"
"Me too Bruce. I mean me too I must be gay too? I think I've been in love with you for a long time, I just can't believe you love me too?" He said pushing his face into my chest and giving me the greatest hug ever!
I reached down and placing my hand on his precious bottom, scooped him up and carried him into the bedroom where I carefully laid him on his back. Sitting at his side, I started kissing the boy again, only this time more than his lips.
"Honey, I want to show you something I found out about loving a boy like you. Just relax and trust me, I think you are going to enjoy this." Then I put my hands on the hem of his little skirt and pulled it up over his chest. I just sat there for a moment admiring his blue satin panties with strawberries on it, and the the little weenie that was poking to get out! "Your right sweetie. I love your panties. I'm going to take them off now, and you might not get them back!
Then, taking it very slow I began sliding the satin fabric down Tommy's soft creamy legs, and slipped them off his feet. I started with some toe sucking that caused a soft moaning on Tommy's part. Me too of course. God he was delicious! I began to work my way back up that magnificent flesh, making sure to share the pleasure of licking and sucking on both legs. A very pretty four-inch- or so boner greeted me when I started sniffing around Tommy's little nut sack.
When my tongue touched on Tommy's little testicles, the boy made some noise. "BRUCE! OH BRUCE! AAAAAAHHHH! UUNNHHH!!! Oh Mr. Smith sir, oh that feels so good! Thank you, thank you, please don't stop Mr. Smith, please don't!" Tommy begged.
It got even louder when his entire package was taken into my mouth and my tongue started working on the underside of that delicious member. It took only a couple of minutes for the climax to come. It surprised me how much cum he produced. He must have been jacking for quite some time now I thought. I was lost in lust at this point. In my wildest dreams did I ever imagine this time would come? My fucking dreamy lawn boy was actually in my arms and mouth, and the taste was better than good! The fact that Tommy enjoyed it so much it told me there would be more times like that.
I pleasured the boy two more times after my mouth found it's way to all parts of his luscious body. I enjoyed great fulfillment lightly chewing on those plump round buns. I didn't want to scare him by loving on his little brown pucker just yet though. Maybe next time for sure! I came close enough to cause a loader moan though, so that was encouraging. I made out with him for a while longer before taking him home from that first of many future dates I hoped.
I hired someone else to take care of the property, so Tommy could spend all his time inside, for the same money of course. He still had to show his mom he was at work on Saturdays. On our next Sunday together, I plan to teach pretty young Brenda how he/she can bring me even more pleasure.
I don't suppose you would be interested in that story though?
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