Published: 12-May-2013
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Laura had another idea how to seduce a man at the movies. Outside the movies to be more specific! Once again, she waited on the bench across from the ticket booth for someone she thought might be able to work her idea on. She didn't have to wait long as a man approached her.
"Hello pretty one! You look sort of sad sitting here all by yourself. Anything I can help you with?" The handsome man wearing a tennis outfit said to her.
"I'm not really sad sir, just disappointed. My mom told me to stay in the Mall all day until seven tonight because she has to work at the hospital. I've already spent all my money watching a movie, and now I don't know what to do?" Laura saw that the man's interest was her bare legs just below her hem. She knew from experience what that meant?
"I'm sorry to hear that young lady. I have sort of the same problem except for the money. I've got lots of that! I'm pretty bored myself. I was just going to my motel room next door and watch a movie. I would invite you, but it has a lot of sex scenes I think, and you probably wouldn't want to see that?"
"I don't know why adults don't want kids like me to see sex stuff. How else are we ever going to learn?" Laura said flashing those bright green eyes at him. He was very handsome she thought, and he had thick thighs, her favorite.
"Oh I would be happy to invite you to watch with me, but I can't take the chance you would tell someone about it. I would get in real trouble if you did?" He said continuing to undress her with his eyes.
If she was a normal ten-year-old, she would be getting creeped out about now, but Laura was excited instead. "You mean it? You would let me watch a naughty movie with you? I would never tell, I promise! My mom would kill me if she ever found out. Can I please?" Throwing her arms around him. Of course with her being so small, that put her face right in his crotch, and she could feel him growing there. But she wanted to fuck with him now that he was hooked.
"I still have the money problem though. I better stay here and look for empty bottles and cans in the trash. Sorry though. I really wanted to see that."
I can fix that too little one! I told you I have lots of money. Here's twenty dollars. Is that enough? I'll give you more just for keeping me company. What do you say sweetheart?"
"Really! Twenty whole dollars! I can't believe it? I'm rich!" She said smiling.
The plan worked like a charm. She would be sucking down some new cream in no time. She knew about the motel next door. They had X-Rated movies in the rooms if you paid for them. Laura was pretty sure that's what he had in mind? She really liked the direct approach by some men, and this guy knew what he wanted for sure.
The man said he had to make a quick phone call, and then he held her hand as they walked across the parking lot on the way to the motel.
"I'm Wayne by the way. What's yours besides 'sexy'?" He said.
"I'm Brittany, and I will be eight next month (she lied)." Men liked little girls better if they were younger she found.
As they got closer to the motel, he told her how to get to his room using the back stairs, explaining that he wasn't allowed to bring minors inside the room.
"Last chance to chicken out?" He said, knowing she wouldn't. He then told her to wait five minutes and then come to the room. He emphasized that she should make sure no one see her come into the room.
His door was ajar when she got to number 211. She went in and he was waiting for her. He had on nothing but a short robe by then. "Come on in honey. Laura could see he had his computer hooked up to the TV, and on the screen was a man with three little girls. One girl was lying on her back on a bed getting the mans cock stuffed down her throat, while his face was buried in her little crotch. The two other girls much younger than Laura were busy licking his asshole and balls.
"Just look how nasty those little girls are Laura? I'm hoping you will be that nasty with me. I wanted to stick my cock in your sweet little mouth when I first saw you! Listen? I've found that I enjoy watching these types of movies naked. Since you wanted to see a naughty movie, I thought I would just BE naughty for you?" And then to Laura's surprise, he stepped up real close in front of her, and opened his robe poked her in the face with a very pretty five-inch fat cock.
The man reached down, lifted her up and tossed her on the bed. Then he crawled up on top of her and started rubbing his meat on her face. "Mister? I don't think you're supposed to be doing this. I think I should go now?" Laura was actually excited by what he was doing. She would be getting some cream real soon she figured? Suddenly he started pinching her nipples really hard! It hurt like hell!
"Shut the fuck up and open your mouth cunt, or I'll really hurt you!" And he flashed a knife in front of her face. Laura was scared now. She realized she shouldn't have left the relative safety of the Mall.
"Please stop! That hurts! I'll do what you want? Please stop!" She kept begging. All she got in return was several powerful slaps across her face!
"Open your mouth bitch! He said. And when she did, he stuffed it with his cock and started fucking her throat real hard. That hurt too! He pounded for the longest time, still pinching her nipples relentlessly. Finally blasting a big load of cum, he collapsed almost smothering her. He made no attempt to get off or pull his cock out of her mouth. Soon there was something else hot pouring into her stomach. Laura couldn't wait for it to be over.
Just then two men came into the room. Apparently Wayne had left the door unlocked or they had another key. One was real fat, and the other sort of skinny. They looked like two guys named Laurel and Hardy she saw in an old black and white movie. The skinny one spoke first.
"Well Wayne, what do we have here? So this is the little bitch you said would be a great fuck you phoned us about huh? You sure she's a virgin huh? Get the fuck dressed and out of here for a couple of hours, and we'll forget about you losing the fucking briefcase. But if you ever do that again, you will need to find a job that doesn't require arms!
While the skinny one was saying that, the fat guy was already taking his clothes off. Laura could barely see his dick he was so fat. She was really scared now, wondering what these guys would do to her. Lardo practically broke the bed when he got on, then crawled up putting her head between his legs. Just like Wayne had done, he started pinching her nipples. They were so sore by then she started crying it hurt so bad!
"Please stop," she cried. "Please stop it hurts!"
The fat man's cock was starting to show. He had what looked to be a pretty big one; it was just hidden in all his fat. He got up on all fours and shoved it down her throat in one thrust. Three strokes later he left it buried deep in her throat and started shooting cum and grunting. When the last of his cum was delivered, Laura heard him say just before she passed out.
"Can I leave it in her boss? Please let me fuck her to death! I want to feel her quiver and shake on my cock boss. Can I please?"
Laura passing out was a blessing. She didn't have to watch and feel what these two did to her. The skinny guy had set up a video camera and filmed everything. He then had the fat man hold up her legs so he could line up his dry cock on her crack, and then he just plunged into her with a nine-inch fat sword all the way to his nuts. Just like that, Laura was no longer a virgin. She was also split open some because her little vagina was never intended for something that big, or at least not that violent.
They did lots of disgusting things with her limp body; the final act was way over the top though. They pissed all over her while she lay bleeding on the bed. Every inch of her little body was fouled. Then they got dressed and left, knowing Wayne would add the DVD to the collection they were selling.
Thirty minutes later, Wayne came in the room drunk on beer. When he saw what they had done, he pissed on her too, and then passed out on the other bed.
Laura woke up a short time later in more pain than she could ever remember having! She was still tied down, but after some work managed to loosen one hand, and the rest followed. She went into the bathroom to try and quietly wash off the pee smells. She almost stepped on the mousetrap in the corner by the shower, stifling a scream. This place was a dump she thought. That's when she noticed the briefcase behind the shower curtain. She opened it up and was surprised to see it half filled with money, and half with DVD's. They were all marked with a felt pen with names like, "boy three gang banged", and "Three under five service man". That last one was what was playing when she came into the room so long ago she figured.
Laura decided she better get out of there while she could, so she quickly dressed, put the money in a pillowcase, and left the briefcase on the bed with the movies displayed. There were some nice Polaroid's of Wayne abusing several little ones too, including her. Laurel and Hardy's were there also. Just before going out the door, she looked at Wayne lying on his stomach. She could see his limp cock between his legs, and she had an idea. Going back in the bathroom, she got the mousetrap and placed it between his legs, gently lifting his cock and laying it on the business end of the trap.
Laura then took the cartridge out of the camera so she could see what they did to her later, along with any Polaroid's with her in them, and slammed the door going outside. She couldn't help but smile at the screaming coming from the room! Laura went to the payphone outside the entrance to the mall and dialed 911. When the operator asked what the emergency was, Laura whispered, "I've been kidnapped and raped. I'm only seven and really scared. His two friends are gone, and he's asleep right now, so I'm going to try and sneak out. Please hurry and help me? This is the Starlight motel, room 211." Then she hung up.
In about five minutes four police cars, red lights and sirens blazing, zoomed into the Starlight parking lot. Men with guns drawn knocked the door down to room 211. A few minutes later she saw Wayne being led out handcuffed with nothing but his robe on. The cops were pretty rough on him.
Laura fished out a hundred-dollar-bill from the pillowcase and walked gingerly over to the taxicab stand for a ride home. She was happy the assholes would be getting into trouble, but still leaking some tears. She cried all the way.
She didn't want to face her daddy yet, so she had the taxi take her to her lesbian friend Heather's house. The Taxi driver was leering at her the whole way. She leaned forward and said, "My name is Brittney, and I'm seven. If you would like me to suck your cock mister, find a quiet place to park. You have to promise to be nice to me though, promise?" She still had needs even if she was still a little nervous about sucking a stranger off.
The Taxi man drove into a stand of trees at the edge of a park. It was very dark by then, and there wouldn't be anyone around to see them. He got out of the taxi, opened her door and told her to lie on her back with her head facing him. He dropped his pants and slid his hard seven-inch cock down her throat. Because he wanted it to last, he fucked her slowly, which is what Laura really needed anyway. In no time Laura could feel the familiar swelling just before the cream started pulsing down into her tummy.
Laura wrapped a hand around his dick and slowly pulled it out, but held on to it. "Thank you for being so gentle. You can wash it down if you want to Mister." She said sincerely, and with the hint of a smile.
The Taxi man was wishing he had drunk more beer, but he didn't hesitate to stick it right back into her waiting mouth. When the piss started, he thought that maybe this was the greatest thing that ever happened to him! She even sucked on it a while after he finished, getting every drop!
Laura was surprised that it was as enjoyable as it was. She thought because of what happened to her, pleasure might not ever happen again. When the taxi man slowly pulled is softened cock out of her throat, he bent down and gave her a very sweet kiss on the mouth. Then he said; "I will take you anywhere, anytime for free little girl, if I can have this kind of pleasure again. Here's my card." God he hoped she would use that number some other time? He wondered if she fucked as well as she sucked? Wow!
Laura told Heather all of what happened except what happened when she was passed out. She gave Heather the film she took from the video camera, and they hooked up Heather's camera to the TV and watched it. They both cried the entire hour until it was finished. It was very satisfying seeing on the news that a major child snuff ring had been captured. The bad news was fourteen missing little boys and girls would never be seen again according the three men in custody. Laura was a very lucky girl!
For almost a week, Heather cared for Laura, nursing her back to health, and giving her little pussy tender loving care. They still had the problem of Laura needing cum, so Heather contacted a man named Thomas, who she met on a website who liked to fuck little girls. She explained the problem and asked if he could come by every day, and possibly find some other men to help out. She was amazed at the response.
Thomas was at the door within the hour. Following the instructions Heather gave him, he went into the bedroom where Laura was laying naked under the covers. Laura watched as the man walked over to the bed, undid his zipper and pulled out a nice eight-inch cock. He started jacking right away, holding it close to her mouth.
It only took a few strokes for the man to feel cum rising from his balls. "I'm going to cum now little girl." The man said, and Laura opened her mouth.
Thomas was instructed that he was to only put his mushroom into her mouth while ejaculating, and not to push it down her throat. When he announced it was time, she swallowed every drop of his cream. Thomas then left the room and told Heather some friends of his would be in touch. Sure enough, there were more condidates than necessary, and Laura was able to get the cream she needed three or four times a day.
Laura called the number the Taxi man gave her, and invited him over. His name was George, and he was the only one Laura let fuck her throat. She trusted him because he was so gentle with her. Heather liked him too, and always cleaned his butthole and balls while he was bent over Laura. He asked Heather if he could fuck her sometime, but she said no, she didn't like cocks. She did tell him he could suck her cunt if he wanted. He wanted, and did!
Laura decided getting room service was pretty cool, and a lot safer. Heather helped her set up appointments with George the taxi guy, Roy the bus driver, plus a couple of others that had been "helping" during her recovery. Of course her daddy got to see her whenever he wanted. She was a very happy little girl after that, with all the cream she wanted, and some fucking from Roy, George, and her daddy. She had two outlets for them to plug into for that now, and she loved them both.
THE END's the best part!
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