My Daughter's Addicted to Cum, Part 3

[ pedo ]

Published: 10-May-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

On the bus ride home from the Bay Area Mall, Laura was reliving her day's experiences of sucking cocks and getting fucked in the ass. She was thrilled to get over $300 even though she didn't do it for the money. Laura was so absorbed she hadn't noticed she was being watched. Looking up she saw a beautiful young woman sitting on the opposite bench seat looking at her crotch while rubbing her own. That's when Laura remembered she didn't have panties on and her legs were open. With her extremely short skirt, she was indeed flashing a different kind of smile at the lady, who licked her lips and winked at her.

Laura didn't know what to do? She never thought about sex with another girl before? It wasn't that she thought it was bad, it just never occurred to her? She sent a beaming electric-green-eyed smile back at her, just as the bus arrived at her stop. The lady got off just behind her.

"I see we must be neighbors?" The pretty lady said to her. "I'm sorry I was staring at you sweetie, but you are just so incredibly beautiful I couldn't help myself. I also noticed we have something in common? We both like not wearing panties at the mall! My names Heather by the way," she said.

"Hi Heather!" Laura softly replied. She was still a bit flustered and unsure what to do or say. "I'm Laura. I gave my panties to a man at the movies." She regretted saying that the minute it came out of her mouth! She felt so stupid!

"Wow! I'd like to hear more about that? Any chance I can fix you supper? I just live around the corner. It would be my pleasure honey?" The lady reached down and held Laura's hand when she said that. "Please say yes? That is if you're parents don't need you home now?"

"I uh... don't have to be home at all if I don't want to. Thank you Heather. I would like to come home with you?" There was something very exciting about holding hands with Heather. She felt a familiar tingling in her groin.

When they got to the house and went inside, Heather suggested it might be nice to relax in the hot tub. Laura had never been in one before and told her so, but that she also didn't have a bathing suit. "Since it's just us girls Laura, how about we just go natural?" Laura quietly, and excitedly agreed.

Heather explained that she always took a shower before going in because it was recommended by the manufacturer (big lie). So when Heather started stripping down, so did Laura. Laura wanted a body like Heathers the more she looked at it. They both devoured each other as they stripped.

"Honey I need to tell you something?" Heather said after they got in the tub. "I'm a Lesbian. Do you know what that is sweetie?" Laura said she didn't.

"That means I prefer to have sex with women instead of men. Or little girls in your case? I just love your body Laura, and I would love to show you how good sex can be between girls. There! I said it! If you want to jump out and run home I will understand. But I'm really hoping you will stay?"

"I need to tell you something Heather. I've been having sex with men all day because I love the cream they produce. I've been drinking it since I was a baby. I didn't even know girls had sex together, but I would like to know what it's like if you still want to show me?"

Heather moved over close to Laura to where their bodies were touching, and then she leaned down and started kissing her on the mouth. They didn't break until they started breathing hard. Heather was working on Laura's pussy the whole time with her fingers.

"Oh Laura! You are a fantastic kisser! You must have learned that from the men you've had sex with. By the way, thank you for telling me about that? It makes me really hot for you baby."

"You are so beautiful Heather. I love being here with you. You make me feel so warm and special? Will you teach me how to please you? I want that very much!" Laura wasn't kidding. This new experience was something so different than the sex with men that she wanted to experience everything right now!

They dried off and Heather led Laura into her bedroom. Once there, she picked Laura up and laid her on the bed with her legs dangling over the edge. She dropped a pillow on the floor, got down on her knees, lifted Laura's legs up and over her shoulders, and stated making love to her tiny cunt. Laura was practically screaming Heather's name when the first of several powerful orgasms hit her. God Laura couldn't believe it was possible to feel the way she did? Holy shit she thought? I'm going to want a lot of this kind of sex!

When Heather finally came up for air, she just praised Laura for tasting so great, and what a joy it was to feel her young body next to hers. While they were laying on the bed together resting, Laura asked if she could return the favor? Heather was so happy at that suggestion. She pulled her legs up on the bed and then opened them as wide as possible.

"Dinner is served sweetheart?" she said. And Laura buried her face in Heathers shaved pussy. She just tried to do everything Heather had done. She must have been doing something right because of all the grunting and moaning. "Boy I wish you didn't have to go home?" Heather said while they were resting.

"All I have to do is call my dad. He's a Pedo himself, and understands sex between adults and kids. He knows that I might not make it home every night. I don't want to leave you either Heather. I love what we've been doing, and I want to do it lot's more if you do?" It was settled then. The two rubbed, and sucked, and made love all night long. They couldn't get enough of each other! Laura was able to explain to Heather the next morning about the need for cream though, and Heather understood. She even walked Laura to the bus stop, like she was her mom or something. Laura ate it up!

Laura wore the same outfit to the Mall. With the money she had, buying a complete new outfit was going to be top priority. Mister Tom was the bus driver. She knew his cock very well. The Mall being the end of the line, after everyone got off except Laura, Tom parked the bus in the back parking lot away from any other cars. Laura was already on her knees in the back with her naked butt in the air. She loved Tom's six-inch cock in her butt. He was so gentle when fucking her. After a good fifteen minutes of him pushing his entire length into her, he pulled out and stuck it in her mouth when she turned around. Three strokes down her throat and she got her first creaming of the day! Not the last of course, she was sure of that!

"Thanks again Mr. Tom, I love you! Don't ever stop making that delicious cream? She said as she skipped away heading for the main entrance in front.

Eric Hammond was sitting in his car slowly caressing his fat nine-inch circumcised cock, and watching the girls that went in and out of the Mall entrance. This was the only sex he ever got that he didn't pay for. Some days he was able to flash his cock at some unsuspecting kid, and then peel out of the lot before the kid could run for help. Today he spotted a real piece of gorgeous meat. She couldn't be more than nine or ten he guessed? She was dressed like a little hooker, which was surprising. He planned to treat her like a whore if he could get her to come to his car window?

"He little girl? Yeah, you! Come here, I have something you might want to see?" He said pulling his pants all the way down so she could see the complete package before running away.

Laura had a feeling what the "something" he wanted her to see was? She decided to play stupid with him. She walked over to his driver side window and said, "What do you have that you want me to see mister? I'm just at the Mall all by myself and kind of bored, so what you got?"

"Stand on your tip toes and lean in close so you can see real good." She did as he suggested. At the same moment his giant cock came into view, she felt his hand under her skirt cupping her buns. "Wow mister! What is it? Is it real? Can I touch it? Thanks for lifting me up by my butt so I can see it better? Can I get in the car so I can see it close up?" She doubted a kid could be that stupid, but she could tell he was eating it up. Now she wanted to eat that big dick up!

"Sure kid, hop in. I'm just going to pull the car around back so nobody will see us. You're really not supposed to see this because you are so young, but I'm betting you are special and should be treated that way, and I right?"

"Thank you mister! Does that mean you are going to let me play with it? I would really like that. I guess you have your pants down so I can see it good. That's really nice of you. My names Brittany, and I'm going to be seven next month. My mom said I could come to the Mall and stay all day if I wanted. I can't believe my luck running into such a nice man already."

Eric Hammond had to fight real hard to keep from shooting his cum all over the steering wheel. This was just too easy, and yet perfect at the same time. She's so fucking stupid and gullible, there's no telling what he might convince her to do? He was certainly going to try a lot with her.

After parking as far away from any cars as possible, he raised his right leg up on the bench seat so she could see better, and to touch his knee to her bare leg. He could see her panty because her skirt was so short. It was blue cotton!

"Why not lay down across my leg and put your face real close to it? You can see it better that way."

Laura had to work at being stupid, because she was really extremely smart for a ten-year-old. But she was having fun with this asshole! She leaned her face to almost touching and watched it twitch every time she breathed on it. She didn't think a lot of it would fit in her mouth, but she was almost drooling with anticipation of trying?

"It's so pretty mister. I've never seen one before? Can I touch it?"

"Sure you can little cunt. But you may want to feel these too?" He said and pointed to his enormous balls. They really were huge! So Laura reached out with her right hand and gently cupped his balls. Then with the left she wrapped her fingers around his cock. They actually couldn't make it completely around his pole! What a beautiful hunk of meat for a fat guy she thought?

"Move the skin up and down with your hand while you lean down and lick my balls. If you do that good, I will let you have some of my cream." He said getting her started with the jacking. Damn those little hands feel so good he thought! And she is so stupid she's doing anything I ask? Fuck me!

Laura opened her mouth wide enough to fit just one of his balls inside, and then started flicking it with her tongue while jacking him off.

"Isshh thhish ookkahy mishster? She said with a mouth full of his nut sack. Taking his left ball out of her mouth, she said, "I want to do it right so I can have some of the cream you are talking about? You will give me some won't you?"

Eric was living a most amazing fantasy. One he would remember the rest of his life. He truly believed something like this could never happen again, so he was determined to make the most of it. He couldn't resist pushing his middle finger down inside her panties and working it in her little asshole. Then he started talking pretty loud. It was a good thing the windows were up.

"Oh you fucking little cunt! Keep jacking my cock with your six-year-old hand and sucking on my balls with that cunt-mouth of yours. FUCK!!"

"Put your mouth on my cock Laura. I'm going to squirt some magic cream in your mouth. You don't want to lose any of it because it has the power to make your titties grow faster and bigger. Quick now cunt! PUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH ON MY COCK NOW! He said in a loud and desperate voice.

Laura managed to get her lips wrapped around the head of his cock as hot jizz started squirting in her mouth. Before her mouth filled up to where she couldn't hold any more, she pushed down taking in about five really fat inches. It was enough to get it into her throat so the cum would go straight to her stomach. He shot so much in her. She was amazed at how much there was? Apparently the size of a guys balls has something to do with the amount of cream she thought? If given a choice, big balls are best she would remember?

"Thank you mister for showing me that, and for giving me so much cream? It was delicious. I'm going to see if I can find some more cream inside? Bye!" And Laura jumped out of the car and headed into the mall. She needed to buy some clothes. Maybe she could find a man to help her with that? Eric Hammond had a Jack-Off memory to last a lifetime.


Next episode: Laura gets her cherry popped.

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