My Daughter's Addicted to Cum, Part 2B

[ pedo ]

Published: 8-May-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

AUTHORS NOTE: This episode should have been the second in the series.

Ten-year-old Laura skipped all the way from the bus in the outer parking lot to the rear entrance of the Bay Area Mall, a three-level monster of all shopping experiences. She was skipping because she felt so satisfied. Her plan was to find men at the mall who she could seduce somehow into giving her their cream. Instead she got a tremendous load from the bus driver "Tom", plus several nice orgasms to boot. She needed to put on fresh panties, because she gave Mr. Tom the blue ones.

While shopping in Macy's she wandered into the girls department for the panties, and maybe a new outfit if she earned some money today. It wouldn't hurt to look at a few things in preparation. While holding up a very short satin skirt she liked, she felt a hand squeeze her butt, and heard a man say, "That would look terrific on your pretty little body Karen!"

Laura didn't need to turn around because she new whoever it was, they had what she wanted. She quickly understood there was something kinky about him using the name "Karen", so she improvised.

"I'm not so sure daddy? Why don't we go in the changing room and you can help me decide?" Then Laura just headed for the nearest one. The man followed her like a puppy dog. He carefully looked around before coming inside, closing and locking the door.

The man looked to be in his forties, sort of good looking in a rugged sort of way, and wearing a tennis outfit. He had a nice tan and the thick thighs she liked. She wasn't sure what to do next, but it wouldn't have mattered if she did. The man took care of it. He didn't say a word, he just unbuttoned and dropped his tennis shorts, revealing a pretty six-inch hard penis. She liked it right away. What is it she wondered about men at the Mall not wearing underwear though? Perverts! She loved that in a man.

When his shorts hit the floor and he stepped out of them he moved forward, pushed her down in the changing chair and put his hands on the sides of her head. After rubbing his cock around on her face a while, he move the head to her lips and nudged it into her warm wet mouth. She liked the way he just took charge. That's when Laura reached under with her left hand and started lightly rubbing around his asshole, while cupping his balls with the right. The man made some noise at last, moaning and grunting.

After several plunges down her throat, the man started calling her "Karen", and then referenced her as his daughter. He would say things like, "Karen honey? I know you are only six, but daddy has to do this because he loves you so much! I'm going to put my cock inside you bottom sweetie. It may burn a little at first, but I'm hoping you will learn to love it?" Then he pulled out of her mouth, turned Laura around on her knees with her head in the chair, got down on the floor and started spitting and licking her little pucker. Laura was excited by what was coming?

"Oh yes daddy! Thank you daddy for making sex with me? Now I know how much you love me. It's okay to put your cock in my bottom. I will love it daddy, I promise!" And then she felt him slide into her. He went all the way in until his balls slapped against her pussy in one long slow thrust. It felt wonderful and she told him so. The reaction was immediate. He started pumping in earnest then.

"Karen honey your butt is so wonderful inside. I'm fucking you baby! I'm loving you with my hard cock Karen honey! You know daddy loves you now!" He said while picking up the pace and starting to pound her pretty good.

The man didn't last too long before Laura felt his hot cream squirting in her rectum. Several nice long squirts too! The guy collapsed on her when she felt the last little push. He just rested on her and started tweaking her now hard nipples.

"Fuck that was good little girl. Thank you so much! I've been dreaming about doing that with my daughter for so long. It's just the two of us, and I'm so horny for her it hurts! This felt almost like doing it. I am just afraid to do anything unless I'm sure she wouldn't freak out about it? She's all I have?"

When the guy's dick plopped out of Laura's butthole, she turned and sat down in the chair and asked him to turn around and bend over. He didn't argue because he knew what she had in mind and couldn't believe it? Who was this little girl anyway? Suddenly he really didn't give a shit anymore when Laura's tongue started to work on his wrinkly hole. Life couldn't be more perfect they both might have been thinking at that moment. It sure sounded that way!

Laura had more in mind as she reached under and started playing with his package. After about ten minutes of washing his behind, she turned him around and swallowed him up. Laura certainly knew how to give a memorable blowjob, and this time was no exception. She got a terrific load for her efforts. She was thinking as his cream was filling her little belly, how wonderful it felt to have a stiff, but soft-skinned cock down her throat. She would never tire of it!

When the sex was over, she actually tried on the short skirt and liked it.

"Buy me this and some panties, then take me to lunch. I think I might have an idea how you can break the ice with Karen? I can help with that if you want?" He did.

"My names Eric by the way?" He said as they were walking to Chili's holding hands. Would it be all right if I knew your name and age dear?"

"I'm Brittney, and I'll be eight on my next birthday (she lied). It was her daddy's idea not to use her real name, and he also told her that the men she was looking for would like her better if she were younger. Her dad would know!

While they were eating, Laura told him her idea. He liked it and wanted to try it that very day. It's a wonder they actually finished their lunch with all that was going on under the table. Laura had the new panties, but opted not to wear them because she didn't want to get them wet. And she had his zipper open before they got water and menus. She gave him a nice hand job until cream time, and then ducked down for her appetizer. Eric didn't take his hand away from under her dress the whole time they were there, bringing Laura much pleasure. She had an orgasm while ordering their food, which was very difficult to mask. The waitress asked her twice if she was all right?

After lunch Laura called her dad to explain why she wouldn't be home, that she was going to help a six-year-old girl how to suck and fuck her daddy. Then they climbed into his Lincoln Town Car and left the Mall. It was time for Eric to pick up Karen from Day Care. Fifteen minutes later they arrived. When she saw Eric bringing the little girl out to the car she understood how daddy could get so hot for her. She was gorgeous! She was wearing a little Blue Bird outfit, which is what you do before you are old enough to join the Girl Scouts.

"Hi". Laura said. "You must be Karen? You are even prettier than your daddy said. I'm Laura. I'm your daddy's temporary girlfriend. I'm so glad to meet you!!"

"You're my daddy's girlfriend? But you're almost the same age as me?"

"I know it seems funny for your daddy to be my boyfriend, but like I said, it's only temporary. You see, your daddy wants to be YOUR boyfriend, but he didn't know if you would want a boyfriend as old as he is, so he's practicing with me. I've been doing things with your daddy that makes him happy. Aren't you daddy? Oh, and is it all right if I call him daddy while we are practicing? It's just temporary like I said. Just doing things that make him happy?"

"I ...I guess so?" The little girl said quietly. "If its only temporary."

"That's great honey!" Eric said to the girl after giving her a peck on the cheek. Laura has done so many things that make me happy? I've never been so happy. Then he leaned across Karen and gave Laura a long sloppy lots-on-tongue kiss and said, "I can't wait to fuck you later sweetheart. Fucking you makes me so happy! I just love your kisses too!" The two were really playing the happy card.

"I've never been so happy as when you suck my cock too!"

Laura returned the comment by saying, "Oh daddy I just love it when my panties are off and you kiss me down there. You make it so special, and I know it makes you happy! You have a magic tongue daddy!"

That was about all Karen could take. She didn't understand some of what was said, but she did really feel left out. Of course that was the plan.

"What about me daddy?" Karen said. "I can take MY panties off so you can kiss ME down there if you want? I can be your girlfriend too! Do you really want to be my boyfriend daddy? I know you've been sad since mommy died. Can I make you happy? I would really like to be your girlfriend daddy? I want to make you happy too! Eric looked over at Laura with a big shit-eating grin on his face and winked.

Of course when they got home, it was important to demonstrate to Karen what making daddy happy was all about. The first thing they did was all take a shower together. Karen watched as Laura soaped her daddy all over, spending a lot of time on his cock and balls. Karen was shocked when Laura went down on her daddy. Eric narrated everything, telling Karen what was going to happen and then made a lot of noise when it did happen.

"Laura is swallowing daddy's cream sauce now honey. It makes daddy very, very happy when she does that! Then after drying off, Eric went down on Laura, and THAT was noisy too! And the little one was told how happy it made him to do that also.

After dinner, Karen finally asked her daddy the question. "Daddy? Can I be your girlfriend and make you happy? I can do those things that Laura does? Can I please?" She begged.

"Well sweetheart. It's very important that you like the taste of daddy's cream. So maybe we should start with that, otherwise it just won't work?" Boy that was really a lousy way to say it, or a great way to say it? The kid had no chance then!

Eric sat her on the edge of the bed, while he stood naked in front of her. He instructed her on how to hold just the mushroom in her mouth until she tastes his cream for the first time. Eric had her hold his balls while he jacked off close to her face. God he was getting so hot with what they were doing! It didn't take long for him to instruct her to open her mouth.

"Try not to let any get out of your mouth darling, and swallow all of it." Eric encouraged.

She actually did pretty well. She lost a lot initially just from the surprise, but caught on and swallowed the rest without difficulty. When Eric pulled out, she started crying about her daddy not wanting her for a girlfriend because she didn't swallow it all! It took a while, but Eric finally convinced her that she did great for the first time. Now if she passed the bottom test, he told her, he would be very happy to be her new boyfriend, and they could say goodbye to Laura. An hour later he was fucking his daughters little butthole like it was the last chance he would ever get. She didn't dare cry that time. She wanted so bad to make her daddy happy. God he made a lot of noise that first time!

In the morning, before Karen woke up, Eric gave Laura a good fucking until it was time for the cream, then pulled out and drove his cock down her throat mashing his pubic hair into her lips! What a final blast that was. It was the perfect thank you gift for what she did for Eric. He made out with her on the sofa for a long time, and then he ate her cunt to three powerful climaxes.

Later, when Eric dropped her off back at the Mall, they agreed that he should focus on Karen and not see her any more. Laura wasn't worried. Soon the Mall would be filled with possibilities. Plus the bus hadn't arrived yet!


Next episode: Laura Takes in a Movie

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Great story! Loved how Laura helped Eric convince (blackmail) Karen into becoming his girlfriend.

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