Published: 1-May-2013
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My son's a Pedophile. I know because it's entirely my fault. I trained him in the art because I'm very well versed. I blame it on my ex wife though. Not that I'm sorry mind you, I'm not! I love my life and I'm very proud of my son's life too. I should mention I'm 57, and my son is 35. Would you like to hear how this all came to be? Of course you would!
Twas the night before Christmas, and ... No. Really? It actually was the night before Christmas! I was out in the garage putting together my nine-year-old son Tommy's bicycle that was a much bigger project than I really wanted! My wife was keeping Tommy from knowing what I was doing by soaking in the hot tub with him. Needing a break from the Chinese instructions, I grabbed a beer and headed towards the Sun porch to take a little break. Maybe even climb in with them?
Before I opened the door leading to that room, I could see through the little window in the door that I probably wasn't welcome. Tommy was sitting on my wife's shoulders ...backwards! Kelly was sucking him big time with his little weenie in her mouth and one hand holding his nuggets while the other molested his little butthole! A total shocker! I whipped out my cell phone and recorded the action. Low quality for sure, but for what I decided to use it for it didn't matter. Before leaving the window show, I jacked myself a good one!
Kelly and I hadn't been getting on to well, and there hadn't been any sex for some time, so it was time to make a change, and this was the perfect opportunity. I didn't let them know that I saw them, and just waited until later when we put Tommy down for the night. Then over a Brandy, I had a talk with the little lady. I sat with her on the sofa and played back the recording. Her response was quite literate, "oh fuck!" Is all she said.
"Here's what you're going to do bitch?" I told her. "Tomorrow night after Christmas is over and Tommy goes to bed, you are going to pack up your personal belongings only and get into your VW Beetle and get the hell out of our lives, never to be seen again. You will leave a note for Tommy telling him you fell in love with another man, and you won't be back. There will be no divorce and therefore, no settlement because I don't ever intend to marry again, and you won't either. You will do all that or I will show this little art film to the police, and consider this, there is no statute of limitations for child molesters. Now without a word asshole, get on your fucking knees and suck my cock until I shoot cum down you're your throat. After that I'm going to fill your fucking stomach with some used beer. I advise you to put some KY in your ass when you go to bed. I feel like I could fuck that particular hole a lot tonight?" I couldn't resist having her lick my asshole for a good half an hour before she left the next night. I had the video cam hidden and recorded that scene too.
Kelly was scared shitless, and did everything I told her to do. I haven't seen her to this day and could care less where she is? Of course Tommy couldn't understand why mommy just left him, and it sort of pissed him off, which I has happy about. About a week went by, and we were in the hot tub actually having a little fun splashing around. Tommy seemed pretty adjusted to our new lifestyle. That's my first memory of looking at his little body in a different way? That also was my first hard-on looking at his little body that way? It was like electricity running through my body every time Tommy rubbed up against me, bumping into my hard cock with his little bubble butt. He didn't notice.
The next night I suggested that since we were both men and there were no women around, we could do the hot tub naked. He just said "neeto daddy" and striped down. Truth is I hadn't seen Tommy naked since he was about three because Kelly always bathed him. Sure enough, seeing his naked little butt, and maybe four-inch penis made my own expand to its full seven inches.
"Daddy?" he asked. "Why is your thing so big all of a sudden?" That question started a whole chain of events that changed our lives forever!
"Come here son. We need to have a conversation about that. My thing as you call it, is big because of something that happened in this very hot tub on Christmas Eve, and I was thinking about it. I think you know what I'm talking about don't you?" Tommy had a miserable look on his face when I said that.
"Your mom forgot her diary, and I found it under the mattress while changing the sheets. She said that she had sex with you that night. Now I want you to know that I'm not mad at you for doing that. I'm glad actually? She was very detailed in what you did, but I want you to tell me about it. Tell me everything and don't leave out any details because I will know if you do? Hold Daddy's big hard thing while you tell me all about it."
"Gee daddy!" He said wrapping tiny hands around my meat. "This is hard, but soft too? Uh ...well liked me to fu... uh ...she taught me to say nasty words daddy. Do you want me to use them?"
"Yes I do son. Just like you would with her. And keep doing what you're doing, that feels nice."
"Mom liked me to uh ... 'fuck' her ...that's one of the words. She liked my penis ...oh 'cock' in that hole in-between her legs she called her 'cunt'. She taught me how to push it in and out until she started having something she called a 'climax'. She made lots of noises when that happened! After I did that she liked to use her mouth on my ...uh 'cock'. Sex with mommy was really good daddy. Is it okay to say that? I really miss sex with mommy. I'm sorry if that makes you sad daddy?"
The whole time my son was telling me that story he was rubbing my cock against his bare leg making it jump. He didn't seem to notice, but I sure as hell did! Man I was hot for him then! I will forever want little kids hands holding my erection. I couldn't help what was happening or what I was thinking, but I could do something about it!
"Son. I can help you with that." I said, and picked him up setting him backwards on MY shoulders like I had seen Kelly do. Tommy looked very surprised when I took his cock and balls into my mouth and started pleasuring him! What surprised me was that he had a climax, complete with a little cum?
I carried Tommy into the bedroom after we dried off, and began his education. My version that is, complete with necessary lies to get what I wanted of course. "Son. You saw and felt how big my hard cock was? Would you like your cock to be big and hard like mine some day?" The poor kid could only have one answer to that one!"
"Yours is huge compared to mine daddy." He said. "Yeah, sure I would? Mommy said she liked big cocks when we looked at them on the computer together. Why did it get so big anyway daddy? Mine gets big thinking about sex with mommy. She used to put it in her mouth every night at bedtime. I miss that? I miss the way she kissed me too?" He said.
"Mine got big thinking about you fucking mom, and wishing it was me you were fucking." Seeing a confused look on Tommy's face, I went on. "Let me explain. You know the cream that comes out of your cock? It has almost magical properties. My cock is big today because I love that cream and swallowed it every chance I got when I was your age. My daddy used to let me have his every night (the lies I have to tell?). It works even better if I get it up my butt. So I was getting hard just imagining what it would feel like to have your cock in my butt. If you liked the way I sucked you, you would REALLY like fucking me, I promise. Want to try it?"
Tommy definitely wanted to try it, so I got him wet and hard with my mouth, then got on all fours and told him to just do what he usually did with mommy. The next thing I knew his little stiffly was pushing its way into my ass to where I could feel his stomach against my cheeks. It felt wonderful, especially when I squeezed it with my butt muscles. The kid didn't last very long. He even gave off a few soft grunts while he squirted, and finished by saying real loud, "OH DADDY!! I couldn't really feel the cum, but I knew he was shooting some. He told me it was much better than with his mom because her hole was so big, and my hole was tighter. He fucked me two more times that night.
After that first night, I sucked him off a couple of times a day, and at least let him fuck me once, and sometimes more! He was a little stud! I also taught him to hold my cock and balls while he pumped me too! I had forgotten how many times a boy could cum at that age! I had to wait until it registered with him about how he could have a cock like mine. Finally one night he wanted to try tasting it.
"Son I want you to try something first. If you will do what I say, I can squirt my cream directly into your stomach without you even having to taste it. Then when I think you are ready, I will leave some on your tongue for a taste test. I know I love the taste, and I hope you do too. Let's do it my way this first time. The real trick with this is to resist gagging when my cock starts sliding down your throat. If you want it out, just pat me on the butt.
It took a few tries, but then it happened. I was all the way down to my bush and just held it there for about thirty seconds before pulling out. God it must have felt enormous in his little throat! I praised him, and then just started fucking my sweet little ten-year-olds mouth. Of course I had the video cam recording as much of what we were doing as I could. My son was becoming somewhat of a star on the Internet! I don't know why, but the thought of guys sitting at their computers jacking off watching my little boy really is a turn on!
It didn't take me very long to blast a load into his belly that first time. The feeling of my dick sliding over his tongue and down to the bottom was so fucking great! He said he liked the taste when I gave him a sample. That's when he wanted to suck me all the time! I was so lost in lust for him by then. The only thing left was whether or not he would let me into that sexy butt or not? Once again, I had to wait for him to ask.
Only a few days of sucking me off, and he asked the question I had been hoping he would ask. "Daddy? Could I try it in my butt sometime? You said it worked better that way didn't you?"
Using a good amount of KY-Jell on both his hole and my cock. I rubbed my hard dick on his crack for a while. Meanwhile I fondled his package to help with his pleasure, and that's when I heard his little moans. It took some wiggling to get the head to pop inside his rectum, with a little grunt on his part. From there I knew it would go down easier. I went slow that first time and only slid about three inches in and out in a fucking motion until I was about to climax. And then I would pull out and cum all over his cock and balls. Showing him that I liked it, I would then lick him clean before sucking him off.
He complained some about the size of it, but nothing about it burning which surprised me. By the end of the week I was plunging all seven inches to where my nuts banged on his nuts. The absolute best fucking of my life! I knew then I could never go back to women. We spent most of our days fucking and sucking and even more fucking after that!
Like I said at the beginning. My son's a Pedo. The only difference is he likes to 'play' with little girls. He brought the cutest little eight-year-old over a little while ago. She's been licking my balls as I've been writing this, while my son has been filling her little butt with cream. I gotta go; it's my turn now.
THE END ...I suppose?
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