Summer of '62

[ pedo ]

Published: 13-Dec-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I had to pee really bad as I raced down the hallway after class. I whipped around the corner and dashed into the bathroom. Something was wrong as I stood there doing the pee dance. There weren't any urinals? That's when I realized I was in the girl's bathroom! The boy's is at the end of the adjacent hallway. Shit! I was desperate to piss, so I went into a stall, ripped open my fly and let go.

It was glorious relief at last! As I was zipping up, I heard girl's voices just outside the bathroom door. Fuck! What to do? There was no way I could ever live this down as a 13-year-old freshman in high school. I closed the stall door and sat on the toilet seat with my feet up so they couldn't see under the door that a boy had invaded their space.

I could hear only two voices burst through the door chattering about some hot guy. What an education I got that day. I never thought of girls using the same dirty words us guys used frequently. One girl said, "It was fucking classic Mary. Fucking Johnny was up in front of the whole fucking class, reading 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', when it happened! No shit Mary! He got a fucking boner just reading it! He turned beat red and had to leave the room."

"Could you tell how big it was? You could really see the outline of his cock? I've always wondered if he had a big one? I have a date with him Saturday, and I'm hoping he will let me see it. Shit Nancy, tell me everything."

The voices faded as they went out the door. I needed to get out of there before others came in, but I took the time to read some of the shit written on the walls in the stall. The same shit the guys have written on our walls. You know? "If you would like your twat sucked, call so and so", and "Cute girl looking for cute girl to love". There were also really bad drawings of sucking pussy.

I really dodged a bullet when I left the bathroom because nobody saw me. I didn't know shit about sex and stuff. I'm 28 now and for the life of me I still don't know how birds and bees fornicate? But I DO know how to fuck, thanks to Mrs. Hanson.

Mrs. Hanson was the mother of my best friend Brian. I think I spent more time at his house than my own. I enjoyed being at Brian's house because of all the stuff he had. His mom had gotten a lot of money when her husband got killed in Korea. So they were sort of rich. At least a hell of a lot richer than my folks.

I thought it a good idea to write down some of the important memories from my childhood, and none was more important than February 14th, 1962. That's the day I lost my cherry, which was by far the best Valentine's Day of my life at the time. It's amazing how much can be learned in an afternoon. The complete education regarding one subject in just a few hours for example. The subject in this case was sex.

It was a three-day weekend because of a couple of president's birthdays. They were dead, and we got the day off because of it. I wished more would die, and then we would get more days off. That's how silly I was back then. Anyway, as was my custom on Saturdays, I went over to Brian's house to hang out. I usually just knocked and walked in, which I did. I went straight into Brian's room to roust him out, only he wasn't there? I looked everywhere and that's when I saw Mrs. Hanson through the sliding glass door out in the back yard.

She was doing some gardening and did she look hot! She was wearing tight fitting shorts and a tube top. I hadn't really noticed how nice of a body she had. She was on her knees pulling weeds, and I started getting a hard on when she bent down exposing the top part of her tits. I had never seen a naked woman before. Brian had a Playboy magazine, but the fucker wouldn't let me borrow it!

"Hi Mrs. Hanson! Is Brian around somewhere? I said after sliding the door open.

"Hello Jerry. You look nice in those corduroy shorts and tank top."

After saying that, she just kept looking at me. If she were a teen, I would have thought she was checking me out? She sort of paused when looking at my shorts. That made my dick twitch a little.

"Brian's not here honey. He went to the Boy Scout camp for the weekend, and won't be home until Monday night. I just finished up here, and I really need a cold drink. Come on inside and I'll fix us up with some iced tea."

"Okay. That's really nice of you Mrs. Hanson. I am kinda hot."

"You certainly are Jerry. You're going to drive all the little girls crazy today wearing those tight shorts you sexy boy."

She said that as she squeezed by me at the door. Her hand brushed my still hardening peter and it jumped this time. I'm pretty sure it was an accident, but a really nice one anyway.

She made us the tea, and we took them down to the den where it was more comfortable.

"You looked really disappointed that Brian was gone. I wonder why he didn't tell you his plans? You probably don't want to spend the day with an old lady like me, but I don't have any plans for the day. Would you like to hang out here? We could watch some movies. I have HBO and some others. It's too hot to be outside."

I really had a boner now and it was threatening to rip my shorts. That didn't escape Mrs. Hanson's notice either. "That would be cool Mrs. Hanson. You aren't an old lady either. I think you are a fox, but don't tell Brian I said that or he will kick my ass!"

"Oh really? A fox huh? I don't know what that means, but I like the sound of it? In other words you like my body? Is that right Jerry?"

"Aw jeeze Mrs. Hanson. I'm sorry. I guess I shouldn't have said that. It's just that you are really nice to me, and I don't know? You ARE really pretty and stuff...and...well..uh...all over Mrs. Hanson". I said looking at her legs and shorts and tits, and then turning purple because I couldn't hide the growing bulge in my shorts.

"I like the way you look at me Jerry. Sort of a hungry look. I've noticed something growing in your shorts too! Do you think I'm sexy?"

"...Uh...I'm sorry about what's happening. I can't seem to stop it. I started growing when I first saw you in the garden. I know it's wrong Mrs. Hanson. I should leave. I'm so sorry. I'll leave now."

"Please don't leave because of that. It's not wrong for you to get bigger down there when you see something that excites you. I'm really lucky that a beautiful man like you would find an older woman sexy even. You ARE a very handsome man you know? Do you know what a sexual fantasy is Jerry?"

"Yeah, I guess so?"

"If you promise never to tell anyone, especially Brian, I will tell you one of mine, okay?"

My dick really hurt now. This was a conversation I would never have thought possible? Here I was all alone with Mrs. Hanson, and she wanted to tell me about a sexual fantasy of hers. Shit! Wow! Fuck! "I won't say anything. Like I said, he would kick the shit out of me if he knew I was just having tea with you. No way will I say anything."

"You know my husband died, and I really miss him. I miss him in lots of ways, but one thing that's really missing is having sex with him. Lately I've been fantasizing about having sex with another man, any man. Since you've been coming over, I've been thinking a lot about having sex with you. I find you so sexy, and I just love seeing your body when you are swimming in our pool. Does that freak you out?"

"Me? You think about sex with me? But I'm just a kid. This is kinda embarrassing, but I don't know anything about sex. Jeeze Mrs. Hanson I'm thirteen. You really think about sex with a kid like me, who doesn't even know anything about sex?"

"Actually Jerry, I think part of it is just that. There's something really exciting about you not knowing anything. That's been part of my fantasy, being able to teach you about sex. Would you like that honey? Would you like me to show you how to make love"?

Before I could answer (I don't think I could actually) she came over to the couch where I was sitting and sat down next to me. I mean really really next to me, where our legs were touching. I was still speechless, but I knew I was running a fever of some kind. I was starting to sweat all over. This is not happening I thought. That was when she put her hand on my cock.

"You have such a big cock Jerry. I can feel that it's bigger than my husbands was. Bigger than any that I've ever felt before. Would you show me how you kiss a girl sweetheart?"

And then she put her hands on both sides of my face and pulled me to her. When my lips touched hers, I thought I would faint. Jeeze, her mouth felt so soft. She held us that way for the longest time, and truthfully, I didn't really want that feeling to ever stop.

"Jerry. You think I'm sexy, and I think you are sexy. There's no reason why we can't be sexy together. We just have to be very secretive about it. You might get suspended or something, but because you are a minor, I would go to jail. I can feel your hard cock honey. I believe you are going to cum soon. Will you let me swallow your cum sweetheart? Can I put it in my mouth Jerry? Let me suck you first, and then I will teach you how you can fuck me, okay?"

Oh fuck! This is really happening. A beautiful woman wants to have sex with me. She is right about one thing. I'm gonna blow real soon! "I would really like that Mrs. Hanson. You make me feel so good. I can't believe you want me."

With that, she unsnapped my shorts, pulled down the zipper, and slid my shorts down my legs and over my tennis shoes. Then she did the same with my underwear. The next thing I knew she was on her knees between my legs, and sliding my dick down her throat. Oh fuck that was the best feeling I have ever had in my life! I started squirting my cum down her throat, and somehow she got more by her sucking action. When all my cream was gone, she just kept my dick in her throat sucking as it went limp.

When she pulled her mouth off of my prick, even that felt special. It was like she had just swallowed her favorite thing. And I told her so!

"Mrs. Hanson, that was the best ever! I loved it so much! Mrs. Hanson, I think I'm kinda falling in love with you!"

"I'm so glad you liked it sweetheart. I really thought it was special too! I hope you will let me do that many more times my little lover. If you think that was good, I've got a bigger surprise for you. Any chance you can stay over tonight. Would you like me to call your mom and ask? I really want time to show you what love is."

She called mom and asked her if I could go with her and Brian up to their cabin in the redwoods. This was perfect. I was in heaven. We kissed a lot more after she made the call. Then she suggested we go for a swim. She stood up, dropped her shorts, and top. She wasn't wearing any panties. I had never seen a naked woman as I said, so this was amazing. She didn't have hair down there, but I could tell it was shaved. But her tits! Wow! That was a most amazing sight! They looked bigger than when she had her top on. I couldn't stop staring. That's when she asked me.

"So you like my tits huh? They are all yours whenever you want them dear. Honey, I want you to taste something, and then I want an honest answer. Just like I love the taste of cum, most men like the taste of a woman's cum. Here, I want you to taste this?

Then she swiped a finger across the juice dribbling out of her pussy, and held it up to my mouth. If you would have told me that I would be actually putting something like that in my mouth, I would have called you a liar. But I did taste it, and it wasn't gross like I thought it would be. In fact, it really did taste kinda good! So I told her so. Then she really surprised me by putting her hands on her pussy lips, parting them, and then asking me to lick her there! So I put my face up close, and started licking like it was a lollipop or something.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!! Oh yes Jerry! Oh lick my cunt baby! Yes! Just like that...oh don't stop baby...please don't stop!"

The more I licked the more she would encourage me to keep it up. Pretty soon my face was buried in between her thighs and she was squeezing me. Real hard too! My whole face was pushing on her pussy now. She had her hands on my head and pulled me in so tight it was hard to breathe. And then she exploded. Jeeze, I never thought a woman could get off like that? She practically screamed my name as she smashed my face against her wetness and begged me to keep licking her. Finally after what seemed like forever, she released me and surprised me by leaning down and kissing me on the mouth again.

"Jerry my love. That was soooo good! No man has ever done that better. I hope you liked doing that, because I would do anything for you just so you would lick me there. Oh baby that was so special!"

I admit that it felt really nice for her to say those things. I really was in love with her. And I really did enjoy making her feel so good. And her juice was actually pretty tasty. "Let's go swimming!" She said. Because of the high fence around her property, she said we could swim nude, so we did. It felt kind of weird at first, but after a while we did a lot of grab ass, and that was very much worth the experience. Plus I got to play with her tits some more. I love sucking tit. I know it's a new experience, but I can't get enough of them!

"Jerry, I have a confession to make. I'm having sex with another kid. I thought you ought to know since you said you loved me. I hope you aren't put off by that?"

"Really? Who is it? Is he my age? An older kid?" I admit that I was a little jealous hearing that.

"Well first of all, it's a girl not a boy, and she is nine. Now you know that your Mrs. Hanson is a pervert. Let's go inside, I want to show you something."

After we dried off, we went into her den downstairs and she turned all the lights off but one little lamp, then brought out a projector and a small screen. We sat naked together while she turned it on, and the next thing I know the screen lights up with a naked Mrs. Hanson and a very cute little blonde girl on a huge waterbed.

"The little girl is Karen, and she is one of my neighbors kids who I babysit for some times. We've been having sex together since she was six. Remember what you did for me licking? That's what girls do for each other in sex. I'm some kind of sicko huh Jerry?"

"I don't think you are a sicko. She sure is cute."

Just then on the screen, a guy comes into the room. The little girl is on all fours with her head buried in between Mrs. Hanson's legs, who is lying on her back. The man has a boner and comes up behind the little girl and starts rubbing it around on her butt.

"That's my husband before he went off to war. That's how I met Karen. Her mom had some kind of emergency, and needed to drop Karen off. I came home from shopping and Frank had his six-inch cock in her mouth. He was really afraid of how I would react, but I told him it turned me on. He had convinced her if she would swallow his cum that she would get bigger titties. She's not really to bright!"

By this time in the movie, her husband was fucking the little girl from behind. Mrs. Hanson started playing with my dick, so I put one hand in between her legs, and the other on a tit. We didn't say anything for the rest of the movie. She started jacking me off, so I started rubbing her pussy. She instructed me how to do it the best way. This was so fucking hot! We watched as they did so many different things. This really was the best way for my sexual education.

"Karen really misses my husband too. I bet she would really like your big ass pecker honey? She hasn't been fucked since he left for Korea. Would you like to meet her?"

"You mean it? Fuck yeah! I'm sorry. That was crude. Yes. I would like that. You wouldn't be jealous of her would you? I mean if maybe she liked me and stuff?"

"Let me explain something to you. You should know by this movie that I like kinky sex. The mere fact that I'm having sex with you is something society thinks is wrong. So if Karen wants to feel that magnificent cock of yours inside her, I would have an orgasm just watching it happen! Also, why don't you call me Cindy? Mrs. Hanson is too formal for my new boyfriend. And I LIKE crude language motherfucker! Hey! I just realized. You really ARE a mother-fucker, or will be soon."

Wow, this day was getting better and better. Cindy made a call and asked if Karen could come with her on a trip over the weekend. She told her Karen's mom that she didn't want to be alone for three days, and had promised Karen she would take her on a trip sometime.

"Karen will be here in about a half hour, so lets get dressed because she is going with us up to the cabin for the weekend. You can help me pack. I will buy you some new clothes on the way up.

The next thing I knew little Karen was being introduced to me. Man she was pretty! It was sorta funny seeing her with a dress on. She was wearing a white blouse, a blue and white-checkered miniskirt; white knee high socks, and black and white shoes. I mean for about an hour, I watched her naked doing all kinds of sex on the screen. And now I was looking at a wet dream. Jeeze! I was really confused about what was going to happen, or wanted to happen?

I know I'm going to remember what her husband tricked Karen with. That whole thing about cum making titties grow is bullshit, but all that matters is she believed it? I will try that on other girls, I just knew I would! I didn't realize at the time, but just thinking about that meant my sexual tastes were changing by the hour, and it was my first day having sex!

Little Karen was really bashful, and didn't say much more than "hi". She was doing a lot of whispering with Cindy though. I followed Cindy into the bedroom and asked her what they were talking about?

"She thinks you are super cute and hopes you will have sex with her. I told you, she hasn't done that since my husband went off to war."

I sure as hell knew what I wanted to do then. I went back into the kitchen where Karen sat eating a cookie. "Karen, lets do down to the basement, I want to show you something." As soon as we got almost to the bottom of the stairs, I turned while she was still two steps from the bottom making us eye level. I placed my hands on either side of her thighs and while looking her in the eyes, slid them up to where I was holding her bare bottom! Jeeze, don't girls wear undies any more? Then I kissed her on the mouth, and stuck my tongue in like Mrs. Hanson taught me.

When I pulled back and looked at her I could tell she liked what I did. She had this dreamy look like she had just met a rock star or something. "Karen? Will you be my girlfriend this weekend?"

She started crying! What the fuck? "What's wrong Karen? Why are you crying? Is it because I touched your bottom?"

"No. It's are so handsome and...I feel...I liked you touching me...I can't believe you...can I really be your girlfriend?"

I gave her another kiss and while I was at it, put my hand up her skirt and felt her hairless little cunt. She moaned, telling me that was okay. We kissed for the longest time.

"You kids shake a leg. You can fuck when we get to the cabin." Cindy hollered down to us.

We looked at each other with serious expressions, and then broke into laughter. I really liked this little girl. I liked the fact that she was still a little girl even though she had been doing some very adult things. Cindy said we were headed up to Lake Arrowhead, so she waited until we were fifty miles from our little town to stop at Wal Mart to get some clothes for me. She didn't want anyone we knew to see us.

During the ride, Karen was seated in the middle of Cindy's Ford F-100 truck. There was a whole lot of fondling going on. By the time we got up the mountain and entered the cabin all three of us needed a release.

We all agreed that underwear would be the common dress during our stay. Just the bottoms and no tops. It didn't make a lot of difference to Karen and myself. My nipples were just as big as Karen's were. I couldn't get enough of Cindy's tits though. They were my new favorite things to play with, and even little Karen liked them. There were many times during those three days that Cindy hosted Karen and myself, one on each titty sucking our way to sleep.

We all went into the big master bedroom, and there I saw a familiar King sized waterbed. It was the bed from the movie of Mr. Hanson molesting little Karen. I keep referring to Karen as "little" because that's just what she was. Barely four foot seven, with a slight but tidy frame. Her sexiest feature was her perfect bubble butt.

Cindy orchestrated our first sexual threesome. We all stripped down and got up on the bed. When I dropped my underwear, Karen was right beside me eyes glued to my crotch. Cindy told me she was really curious about my dick and how big it was etc.

"Wow Mrs. Hanson! He's so big! I don't think...will he fit in my...I... ...uh...I'm not sure...?

Karen couldn't take her eyes off of it. She had the most worried look on her face. "Honey. I promise not to do anything while we are here that you don't want to do. You are in charge little one, I promise!"

"Karen. I didn't tell you this before, but Jerry has never had sex before, so actually you have more experience than he does. I think you will be surprised at how much your body will make room for Jerry's size. And trust me, you will love it I promise."

I started to say something, then caught myself before blurting out that I still haven't fucked anyone! The only experience I've had is a fantastic blowjob. Although I can't imagine fucking could be any better than the job Cindy did on my cock?

Cindy and Karen assumed the sixty-nine position without a lot of fuss. They obviously had been doing that for a long time. It just seemed like the most natural thing for them to do. Cindy on the bottom with her pussy facing toward the end of the bed, with Karen on top. Cindy wanted me to put my dick in her asshole. That sounded really strange to me. I had seen Mr. Hanson do that to Karen, but I never thought about that being something Cindy would like? The girls didn't waste any time getting down to some serious lovemaking. I had been hard the minute Karen was out of her shorts. I was just eager to fuck. Who knows? Maybe I will like being inside Cindy's butt?

Just for kicks, I asked Cindy to let me into her mouth to get it wet. No hesitation there, she stopped licking and opened her mouth. No hesitation on my part either, as I pressed the head of my cock in between tiny lips. That was not her first rodeo either. She did some things with her tongue that almost made me cum, so I pulled out. I had already had a blowjob, now I wanted to fuck.

Now that my dick was wet, I placed it at the door of Cindy's butthole and pushed. She somehow was able to make the opening bigger for me, so I pushed on in. There was a little resistance, and then it just popped inside. From there it was an easy slide to the bottom of her well so to speak.

"That's it Jerry, give me all of it. Just keep pushing in and out. Oh you feel so fucking good! I love that bigger fucker inside me. Fuck me baby, fuck me hard!!"

I admit it was wonderful. My first fuck was really special. Her asshole felt every bit as good as her throat had felt that morning. Pumping my cock in and out right under the nose of Karen sucking Cindy's cunt was really erotic. I don't think any of my friends would believe me even if I tried to talk about this experience. I filled her butt with a really good load. Cum that had been building all day.

Cindy said she wanted a bath, so she got up a left the bed. Karen got up too. I just assumed she went with Karen.

A few minutes later Karen came back and wanted to know if I would play the projector of her and Mr. Hanson. What a day!!


R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Your continuous use of the word 'Jeez' makes you sound like a kid telling the story, not an adult recounting his youth. Also, before you make up a story you should do a little research to make it believable. Where in America is it 'too hot to be outside' in February, and, HBO wasn't started until 1972. Too many little things throw the story off.


Hi, sidenote, thank you for this. On Feb 14th 1962, I think you weren't able to watch HBO since it was launched in 1972, Nov 8th precisely ;-) Details my friend, little details lol.

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