In The Beginning, Part 1

[ pedo ]

Published: 8-Dec-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I remember where it all started. I remember the day, and even the hour it all began. The "it" I'm referring to is the hour I first became attracted to a preteen girl. It wasn't my fault I tell you. How could it be my fault if she made the first move? Oh, she didn't pass me on the street and ask me to jump her bones. That, I would like to believe would have been easier to turn down....I think?

I was living with my parents at age forty-one, after being kicked out of MY house, by my own wife a hundred years ago! I mean, I catch her having an affair with a friend of mine, and I'm the one who has to find a place to live. Me bitter? You damned right I'm bitter! But that's not what this tale is about. What this IS about is my slide into the depths of depravity. I'm not really proud that I'm a Pedophile today, but I HAVE accepted it as fact, and moved on. Get on with the story Eric. These poor people want to hear the sexy stuff. Okay. Here goes.

The only benefit of living with my parents was home cooking. I gained a little weight because of that kudo. Fortunately I only needed a few weeks to get up and running on my own. The biggest negative during that time was a complete lack of privacy. That wasn't a huge problem during the week, but come the weekend, and I had to escape. I had a favorite motel adjacent to a shopping center that I would flee to. This was long before the Internet and computers in every home. The biggest attraction at that time was in-room movies of the triple X variety. That was a really big deal in the day.

In the shopping center itself was a three-movie cinema. I have always loved going to the movies, and this is where it all went bad, or good depending on who is asking? The movie I went to see on the particular day in question was Alfred Hitchcock's "Psyco". It was a matinee, and there was a pretty long line for tickets.

Are you ready for this? While standing in line, I felt a tug on my arm, and when I turned to see why, I was looking down into the face of the cutest little girl maybe ten-years-old.

"Hello young lady. What can I do for you?" I asked.

"Would you pretend I'm with you so I can see this movie? Because of the rating, they won't let me in unless I'm with an adult."

To be honest, I was sort of torn between doing what was right, and just saying okay. The kid had these amazing green eyes, set in that beautiful face that was pleading with me to say I would help her. The little devil on my right shoulder kicked the shit out of the angel on my left that day.

"Okay sweetheart, but you have to pretend that I'm your daddy and sit with me, deal?" It was a deal.

All went well even though I half expected some relative of mine to show up and asked who the little girl was? That didn't happen thankfully, so after buying some popcorn and drinks, I convinced the girl that I would be more comfortable if we went up to the cry room where we wouldn't be seen by someone SHE knew. The theater provided a few seats for just that purpose, mom with a crying baby. As it turned out, we were alone which made it easier for me to relax.

I swear to you, I didn't even pay much attention to the way the kid was dressed. Well? Maybe subconsciously I did, but I do remember now. She had on very tight fitting yellow corduroy shorts, with what was called an Angel top, which was a sleeveless affair leaving the midriff bare. I had dated women who wore them, and one nice feature was easy access to the good stuff!

About the time we ran out of popcorn, the movie was getting to the scary parts. The armrest separating us was the type you could put up for couples who would prefer to make it more of a loveseat. Little Sarah could tell by the music that murder and mayhem was about to start up, so she leaned in and ask if she could raise the arm and sit close during the scary parts. Of course I said yes. Why wouldn't I?

It was a fairly warm day outside. I say this, to explain that I was wearing shorts as well, and when Sarah moved next to me, I felt her bare leg on my bare leg. I don't think she even noticed, but I did! I'm not even sure why I didn't move my leg, but in retrospect, I'm not at all sorry. I just remember liking the feel of our legs touching. I didn't see any harm either. This is where I started fibbing to myself.

Okay. It's at this first scary scene that things started heating up, literally. When Vivian Leigh was stabbed in the shower scene, Sarah let out a screech, and buried her head in my lap with both hands holding my bare leg. I put my arm around her for comfort, and found I was holding flesh near her bellybutton. Still okay here. Harmless and a natural response to scary times. Had I seen into the future, I would have realized that the scariest times were yet to come.

As you may remember, that scene lasted for some time. Sarah was in no hurry to leave the safety of my body, and that's when it happened. With her face in my crotch, and her hands on my legs near my balls, I didn't have a chance. Sarah was too busy being afraid to notice that my cock was growing and thumping her on the mouth. Seriously, her mouth was positioned right on top of my package! I didn't want to say anything that would embarrass her (right), so I just waited for her to notice and move away.

I think it was out of curiosity that instead of moving away, she brought a hand up and squeezed my hardening dick, and only then did she push up (still holding my business) and ask what that was? "That's what boys have that make us different from girls", I said. I still can't believe what I did next. I put my hand in her crotch and said, "and this is what you have that I don't have". She jumped up and ran out of the cry room.

I should have gotten the hell out of there before she could tell an usher about the creep that touch her in the no fly zone! Instead, I just rearranged by goodies, and decided I really hadn't done anything too wrong, and it was her word against mine. I decided after a time that since the cops hadn't burst through the door and wrestled me to the ground, that the kid had gone home.

She hadn't gone home though. Ten minutes later she came back in and sat next to me again. After a minute or two, she put her hand on my bare leg close to the danger zone, leaned up and kissed me on the cheek. "What was that for? I asked.

"I'm sorry I ran out like that. I bet you were thinking you had done something bad to me and I was going to tell on you. I was just really embarrassed is all? I'm just so stupid! I don't know anything about stuff like that. I'm really sorry for being stupid! I'm such a loser!"

I was still trying to be a good guy honest? It's just that she still had her hand on my bare leg, and it felt so hot. My cock was up for more too! All seven inches to be exact. I knew I was fucked right then. My brain had travelled down to below my waist. I couldn't stop myself. I put my hand on HER bare leg real close to her little camel toe I hadn't noticed before.

"Just because you don't know a lot about sex does not make you stupid. In fact, it makes you really special I think?"

"You really think so? It seems like all my friends know all about sex, and I must have been sick the day they taught that in school. Thanks for being so nice about what happened. I was just so surprised know? I still don't understand what that was? I don't suppose YOU could tell me could you? Please? I don't want to be the only girl in my class that doesn't have a clue

I could hear myself talking, but I swear I didn't know in advance what was being said? "I would be happy to teach you everything you want to know, but not here. The movie is almost over, so let's get out of here ahead of the crowd. I'm still kind of nervous about being seen with you because it would be hard to explain.

She agreed, and we left the theater. I told her that I had a room at the motel where we could have privacy. I don't have a clue why she trusted me so well. She had told her mom that she was going to see the Walt Disney double feature, and then going to a sleepover with her best friend Nancy. She really was planning to do all that. Only Nancy and her got into a fight and she hung up on her. The god's were certainly setting me up, but I didn't much care. My cock was getting harder with every step toward the room. I held her hand like I imagined a real father would do walking her across the parking lot.

I don't think Sarah realized that as far as I was concerned, she could be mine all night if I wanted? We got to the room, and I offered her a coke from the little refrigerator. She didn't see me pour a little whiskey in the glass before pouring the coke.

"This taste kinda funny. What's in it dad?"

"It's something knew I guess? I thought it was different tasting too! You don't have to drink it if you don't want. It's all I have though. And you don't have to keep calling me dad now that we are alone."

"I sorta liked calling you dad. My real dad died in Vietnam. I won't though if you don't like me to. The drink is okay. It's strange tasting, but I think I like it. So you can start teaching me now can't you? I want to know everything. Don't leave anything out."

I was amazed that her speech was already slurring a little. I forget, she is a little girl. She told me she was ten by the way. I thought she looked younger, but it really didn't matter anyway. I was falling for her in a way I couldn't understand. I guess it was the way she called me dad, or daddy. It felt really good, and kind of erotic in a way.

"Actually, I like you calling me daddy. I don't have any children, so if we are pretending, let's just keep doing it, okay?" She agreed. I fixed her another special coke and we sat together on the bed.

"I'm kind of embarrassed about talking to such a young person about sex, so I was wondering if it would be all right with you if we watched a show about sex. They have a special channel that shows really naughty stories, but it might be easier for you to see sex, and then you can just ask me questions if you don't understand something?"

The little vixen seemed excited that she would get to see a dirty movie, which should have worried me. Instead, my cock started twitching again. I closed the drapes, turned out the lights and flipped on the porn station. When I climbed back on the bed, I scooted in to where, just like at the movie, our legs were touching. I surprised her a little by taking her hand and placing it on top of my cock. She didn't say anything about that, or take her hand away. She just looked straight ahead without making eye contact. "I like your hand there honey. It feels really nice."

"I like it too daddy. If you want to put your know?"

I was shocked, truly I was! It may have been the coke? I just couldn't believe what was happening even. Before that moment, I was looking to get drunk watching porn and jacking my essence into a hand towel. Now I was on a bed with a fourth grade little girl, with her hand on my swelling cock, and mine on her little pussy, watching porn on TV. At that point I guess it was official. I was a Pedophile!

It didn't take long for the characters in the movie to get naked and start fucking. It was a movie I had seen in Hollywood called "Deep Throat". The girl was Linda Lovelace, and the guy was John Holmes. The reason for the title of the movie was Linda's ability to swallow John's twelve-inch cock. That happened in the first ten minutes. No suspense there. I glanced at Sarah, and her eyes were about as open as possible. She was transfixed at what she was seeing.

"That guys thingy is what I feel in your pants huh daddy?"

I wanted to do nasty things to her right then! Geeze! "That guys 'thingy' as you call it, is called a cock. That's my cock you are squeezing and it feels so good I could kiss you! In fact, I think I will. So I leaned over and pressed my lips to her tender lips and held the kiss for a pretty long time. It had the desired effect. Her eyes closed, and the tiniest groans could be heard.

"Wow! That was so amazing daddy! It was wonderful. Can we do it again? I would like to do it again if it's okay with you?"

I paused the movie with Johns cock firmly planted in Linda's throat, and put my arm around Sarah and started her training. She caught on pretty fast. We stopped only so I could explain about French kissing. She never took her hand off of my pecker either! I could tell the alcohol was really working then. I was molesting her pussy real serious now. With the other hand I slid up from her bellybutton to the sweetest feeling breasts ever! I don't know why some guys get turned on by big hooters. I think what's inside beginner bras is far more exciting. I guess those guys have the right to be wrong.

She was really moaning now. When we finally broke from the kiss, I just moved my mouth down south and worked her hard little eraser-sized nips around with my tongue. That was the best thing I had ever had in my mouth. They were perfect! I had never even looked at a young girls breast before, but now I don't miss the chance to ogle.

When I felt Sarah's legs start squeezing my hand, I used my free hand to unsnap her shorts, and pull down the zipper. Just the sound of it made her make encouraging sounds.

"Are you a virgin Sarah?"

"I don't know?"

"Has anyone put their cock in here"? I said sliding my hand inside of her panty and rubbing her little bald twat.

"No. But you can if you want. I want you to Erick. Would you please?"

Of course I came to my senses and said absolutely not! Just kidding.

I started kissing her again while working her shorts off. Once they were safely on the floor, I moved from her breasts down her tummy while pulling her panties down her slender little legs to join her shorts. I had to remove Sarah's hand from my dick long enough to get my own shorts out of the way. I wasn't wearing underwear because I love the feel off corduroy on my cock.

There was a goodly amount of precum on my mushroom and on Sarah's hand. "Most girls really like doing what the girl in the movie was doing by putting a mans cock in their mouth. What's on your hand is called cum. Lick it off and see if you like it?"

She put her hand close to her lips, and then paused. This was an important moment for me. I so wanted her to love the taste, not just like it or worse. I had been building up to this the moment I saw what movie we were going to watch. I wanted inside Sarah's mouth so bad! I wasn't sure about taking her virginity, but I did want her to suck me off! That would be so sweet I imagined.

She took the lick, and just sat there for the longest time. It seemed like a long time anyway. It was probably only a minute. Then she bent down and licked some more right off of my cock. Oh the feel of a little girls tongue on my raging hard on was so powerful!

"Oh Sarah. Your mouth felt so good on my cock. If you think the taste was okay, then please put your mouth on me again?"

"I like the taste daddy. Can you make some more?"

"Yes sweetheart. I've been making more all day, starting when we first sat down in the theater and our bare legs touched. Put your other hand under my cock. Yes. There! Those are my balls, and they make the cum. Cum is what makes babies. But if you swallow cum, it has the power to make your breasts grow faster and bigger (big lie, but I'm desperate)."

Without another word, her little ten-year-old mouth engulfed the head of my cock. Fuck! The pleasure was incredible! "That's my girl. Use your tongue sweetie, and move it around my cock while you do this; I wrapped my hand around her little hand on my cock and started moving it up and down until I felt she could solo. "That's perfect honey, now try to take as much in your mouth as possible. If you can keep from gagging, you will be able to put it all the way down your throat. If you can do that, then I promise to give you a lot of cum."

I don't know if she was a natural or not? I don't have anything to compare with. This is all so new. I never dreamed I would be molesting a child in this way. What I DID know was how perfect the sex was. Far better than anything I had ever experienced. I knew the minute her lips touch my cock that sex with children would be the only way for me from that day forward. I was in love with her to boot!

"That's it darling! Oh, just like that. Yes! Oh yes!! You are sucking my cock so good sweetheart. Yeeeesssss! Here it cumssss, aaahh! Don't it is....oooooohhhhhh!! Aaaaahhhh! I'm squirting my cum down your throat....aahhhh, feel it squirting...oh my, it's the best ever!! Mmmmmmhhhh. Thank you, thank you Sarah darling! You did that so well. I love you Sarah. I love you with all my heart. Keep my cock in your mouth while it softens. That was the best ever honey. Did you like doing it sweetie?"

I couldn't imagine a first time being that good! I've had some pretty good blowjobs in my time. What Sarah just did came from somewhere inside her. The way she was moaning while sucking was proof that she was enjoying it. Finally my limp dick popped out of her mouth and she actually smacked her lips some while swallowing the last vestiges of my seed.

"Daddy? Did I do it right daddy? I loved the taste of that stuff daddy. How long before you can make some more? Did you mean it when you said you loved me? That makes me feel so happy inside. I love you daddy. Thank you for teaching me about stuff like this. If you really did like the way I did that, I want to do it lots of times with you."

I knew what to do next. I think she really would be satisfied to just please me, but I needed to show her that sexual pleasure is a team effort. I slid down her body and started French kissing her other lips. Her little pussy was so tender and sweet tasting. Something very erotic about a bald little girl cunt. She had been worked up more than I thought because all of a sudden she clamped her thighs around my head and squeezed out a climax that was more powerful than any she had ever experienced. She told me that later.

We were both spent, and after a few tender kisses, and "I love you's", we cuddled and slept for a while. I confess that I was a bit in the dark as to when a young girl could get pregnant, so I decided that would happen another day when I was better prepared. We woke up every few hours and took up the lessons once more. I introduced her to sixty-nine, and that turned out to be her favorite position.

So surely you can see that what I've become is not my fault...right?

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Love the story - very sweet but very erotic. Would love to see it continue :)


is there gonna be a part 2 for this


Hot as hell..made me cum fantastic. Hope to see some more from you.


It was JANET Leigh who starred in Psycho. But, other than that (and the misspelling of Psycho, I loved your story. Hoping for more.


Holt shit was that a beauty.More please.And i don,t think any body cares about your spelling.


little did i know while growing up that someday i would hate what i've become[a pedophile]and there have been opportunities throughout the years though i've learned to control myself.denying or giving into my sexual impulse's with young girls who were curious and willing.i turn my sexual fantasie's to websites like these to relieve the urge's withen me.i'm grateful to have an outlet where i can go and leave our children alone thanks to websites like these and youtube where there are tons of image's of little girls dancing,playing and somewhat exposing themselves to tease the male viewers...thanks for the story.


Great story more plz.


Your stories are great, congratulations, you're my hero.

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